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Equivalence of the perturbative and Bethe-Ansatz solution of the symmetric Anderson Hamiltonian


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1985

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Equivalence of the perturbative and Bethe-Ansatz solution of the symmetric Anderson Hamiltonian

B. Horvatié, V. Zlatié

To cite this version:

B. Horvatié, V. Zlatié. Equivalence of the perturbative and Bethe-Ansatz solution of the symmetric Anderson Hamiltonian. Journal de Physique, 1985, 46 (9), pp.1459-1467.

�10.1051/jphys:019850046090145900�. �jpa-00210091�


Equivalence of the perturbative and Bethe-Ansatz solution of the symmetric Anderson Hamiltonian

B. Horvatié and V. Zlatié

Institute of Physics of the University of Zagreb, P.O. Box 304,41 001 Zagreb, Yugoslavia

(Reçu le 12 février 1985, accepté le 23 avril 1985)



Nous démontrons que les résultats exacts obtenus par l’ansatz de Bethe pour les susceptibilités de spin

et de charge ainsi que pour la chaleur spécifique dans le modèle d’Anderson symétrique peuvent être développés

dans des séries de Taylor qui convergent absolument pour toute valeur finie du paramètre de développement U/03C00394

et coincident avec les développements perturbatifs de Yosida et Yamada pour ces mêmes quantités. Nous trouvons

que les coefficients de ces développements satisfont la simple relation de récurrence Cn = (2 n 2014 1 ) Cn-1 - (03C0/2)2 Cn-2 et qu’ils décroissent rapidement en fonction de l’ordre. Par conséquent, un petit nombre de termes

suffit pour donner une description précise du système, même dans le régime de corrélations fortes (U/03C00394 ~ 2).

Enfin, nous discutons une tentative de construire une solution perturbative de l’état fondamental de l’Hamiltonien d’Anderson non symétrique.



We show that the exact Bethe-Ansatz results for the spin and charge susceptibilities and the specific

heat for the symmetric Anderson model can be expanded in power series which converge absolutely for any finite value of the expansion parameter U/03C00394 and which coincide with Yosida and Yamada’s perturbative expansions

for the same quantities. The coefficients of these expansions are found to satisfy the simple recursion relation



(2 n 2014 1) Cn-1 - (03C0/2)2 Cn-2 and to decrease rapidly with increasing order. Hence a small number of terms proves sufficient for an accurate description of the system even in the strong correlation regime (U/03C00394 ~ 2).

Finally, we discuss an attempt to construct a perturbative solution for the ground state of the asymmetric Anderson



Physics Abstracts


1. Introduction.

Ever since Anderson proposed his model and Hamil- tonian for the description of magnetic impurities in

metals [1], it has been the subject of numerous theore-

tical investigations using diverse approaches and

methods. It has been only recently, however, that the application of the Bethe-Ansatz (BA) method has finally led to the exact diagonalization of the Anderson Hamiltonian [2-7]. The ground-state properties of the

model have been examined in detail and the equili-

brium thermodynamic equations have been obtained

for finite Coulomb repulsion U and under the condi- tion of linear dispersion of the conduction-electron spectrum and infinite conduction-electron bandwidth.

In particular, for the non-degenerate Anderson model with electron-hole symmetry, 8d = - U/2, the BA expressions for various ground-state properties like

X., Xc and y were obtained in the closed form.

At first sight the BA results seemed to invalidate the earlier attempts [8-11] to solve the Anderson Hamil- tonian by perturbation theory. They created the

impression that «the ground state of the impurity is essentially non-perturbative » [7] and, moreover, that

« the perturbation expansion by U can be considered to be an asymptotic one and not to be a correct approach to the solution of this Hamiltonian » [6].

Specifically, Wiegmann and Tsvelick [2] and Kawa-

kami and Okiji [3-5] have found that in the case of electron-hole symmetry and for U > 0 the zero-

temperature static spin susceptibility of the non- degenerate Anderson impurity can be written as a sum

of two terms,

The exponential term

which is dominant for me 1, has an essential singu- larity at u = 0 and obviously can not be expanded

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:019850046090145900



into a power series of u. The second term, I. ,(u), domi-

nates the spin susceptibility for u 1 and decreases

rapidly with the increase of u. For small u they manag- ed to expand Is into a power series of u [3], neglecting

some exponentially small (for u 1) corrections :

The coefficients Cn were obtained in a form which is inconvenient for the investigation of the convergence of the series. One was thus tempted to conclude that the power series in (2) represents the asymptotic expansion of the spin susceptibility for u - 0 and that consequently it could never describe the Kondo behaviour (1) for u > 1.

We have shown [12], however, that the neglected exponential corrections in (2) (which are not small

unless u 1) sum up exactly to - X’Kondo, so that

and therefore

We proved that this power series converges absolutely

for any I u I oo and, since Is(u) decreases rapidly

to zero with increasing u,

for u > 2. Moreover, since the convergence of the series happens to be very quick, even the first few terms are found to give a surprisingly good approxima-

tion of xs not only in the weak-correlation region (u 1) but in the strong-correlation region (u > 1)

as well.

In this paper we present a more detailed derivation of the results outlined in [12], this time for both u > 0 and u 0. We compare several finite-order approxi-

mations of the series expansions for various ground-

state quantities with the exact BA results to demons- trate the quick convergence of these expansions. We

also give a brief account of an attempt to construct a

perturbative solution for the ground state of the asymmetric (gd 0 - U/2) Anderson Hamiltonian.

2. Calculations.

2.1 BETHE-ANSATZ RESULTS. - We start with the BA results [2-6] for the zero-temperature spin and charge susceptibilities, Xr and Xr , and the linear coefficient y of the low-temperature specific heat C, = yT + é>(T3) of the non-degenerate Anderson impurity with electron-hole symmetry :


and xgondo(u) is given by (1). Strictly speaking, the integrals Ig(u) and Ic(u) are not defined for u = 0, but since they both have the same limiting value of 1

as u - 0 +, we will dispense with treating the u = 0

case separately.

We mention in passing that the BA result for

X’(u > 0) can be transformed to assume the form

(see Appendix)

which makes it 6bvious that X’(u) assumes very quickly

its universal form X’Kondo(u) as u increases above - 1.

Indeed, evaluating the integral in (8), which is equal to

we find this relative difference diminishing from 7.21 % for u = 1 to 0.8 % for u = 2 and only 0.13 % for u = 3.

(See also the inset of Fig. 3 in Sect. 3.) This is not

surprising since for u > 1 X’ Kondo increases exponen-


tially, while I. decreases as

r , , ,

For the integral Ic we obtain the analogous asymptotic expansion

(which, however, does not imply that Ic(u) = Is( - u)).

Thus, while for u > 1 the spin susceptibility increases exponentially according to the scaling law (1), the charge susceptibility decreases as (2/nU)2, which is

not recognizable as anything universal.



In order to expand the

BA expression (3) for xs into a power series of u, we

first rewrite the integral Is in the form

where z’ = - 1 + ixu/2, and integrate along the

closed contour in the complex plane shown in figure 1.

Since the contribution of vertical segments of the

contour vanish as Re z I --* oo, we obtain


The term - xgondo originates from half the residue at the pole in z = z’ and represents the exact sum of the « exponential corrections » which come out if one

tries to expand the integral I. in its original form (6).

This term obviously cancels the « anomalous » term

I in X’s(u >, 0). Expression (7) for I,, can also

XKondo in Xs(u > 0)’ Expression (7) for Ic(u) can also

be transformed into a more convenient form

by simply shifting the variable of integration by xu/2.


where the second factor proves to be an analytic

function for I u I oo, as shown below.

In order to evaluate the integrals (13) and (15), we

Fig. 1.


Closed contour in the complex plane used to

evaluate the integral in equation (11). The contribution of the small semi-circle around z’ equals - X’Kondo as its radius goes to zero, while the contributions of vertical segments vanish as Re z --+ oo.

multiply the series expansion


by the series expansion

and recollect the terms of the same order in x to obtain

with the coefficients Pn given by

In the same way one obtains

Noting that Pn happens to be equal to the n-th partial

sum of the McLaurin expansion of cos (xx/2) for x = 1,

one finds

which is just the necessary condition for the conver- gence of the series (19) and (21). Furthermore, writing equation (20) as

and taking into account equation (22), one obtains Pn

in the form




A brief inspection of the numerical series in (24)

shows that

which means that Pn - - an + 1 as n - oo, and con-


Relations (22) and (26) show that the series expansions (19) and (21) converge absolutely for any x I oo,

and can therefore be integrated (and differentiated)

term by term. Inserting these expansions into (13)

and (15), and taking into account that

for u > 0, we find

with the coefficients ’n given by

The properties of Cn’s follow from those of Pn’s via

relation (29). Whiting equation (20) as Pn = Pn-l + an and using equation (29), we find that ’n’s satisfy the

recursion relation

for n > 1, with ’0 = 1. Furthermore, using equa- tion (23) one can write C,, as

and it follows immediately that limo ’n = 0 and

n-+ 00

lim I ’n + 1 I ’n = 0, which makes the power series in


(27) and (28) absolutely convergent for u I oo.

Thus Jg(u > 0) and Jc(u > 0) define the function

which is analytic for any finite value of u, and we can

now write equation (16) as

The convergence of the series (32) is very quick : for

the first few coefficients one has Co = 1, C, = 0.2337, C2 = 0.0599, C3 = 0.0134, and for n >> 1 they diminish

as C’, , I /C" (rc2/8)/(n + 2). While for small n it is convenient to evaluate C,,’s using relations (20) and (29)

or the recursion relation (30), for n Z 10 it is easier to obtain them from equation (31) since it suffices to retain only the first few terms of the series Bn.

Finally, we multiply the series expansion of exp(n2 u/8) and the power series (32) together and

recollect the terms of the same order in u to obtain xs

in the form


By virtue of (4) and (5) we also have


Using the recursion relation (30) for ’n’s and the defining relation (35), it is straightforward to show

that the coefficients Cn satisfy the recursion relation

for n > 2, with Co = C1 = 1. And once one has this

recursion relation for Cn’s, one can dispense with

their connection with C.’s and fl.’s, since equation (38)

alone enables one to generate all the coefficients C,,

up to n = oo by iteration. For the first few of them

we find

Already the coefficients Co - C5 suggest that both

Cn and Cn+ 1 /Cn decrease rather quickly with increasing

n. However, in order to really investigate the con-

vergence of the series (34), (36) and (37), one should

have a general expression for C. of the form analogous

to equation (31) for ’n° It is easy to verify that the



gives Co = C1 = 1 and satisfies the recursion relation

(38) for any n > 2. It can also be written as

where Pn denotes the numerical series

analogous to Bn. A brief analysis of the series in (42)

reveals that Pn+ 1 > Pn for any n > 0 and that

Moreover, P,, --+ 1 rather quickly with increasing n, as shown in figure 2. This means that Cn acquires

rather quickly its large - n form, given by the square bracket in (41), while Cn+ 1/Cn (n/2)’/(2 n + 3). Thus

both Cn and Cn+ l/Cn go to 0 as n - oo and conse- quently the power series (34), (36) and (37) converge

absolutely for any u I oo. That is to say, we have shown that the exact BA expressions for the ground-

state quantities X8, X. and y can be represented by the

power series which converge for any finite value of the

expansion parameter u = UlnA. As a straight con-

sequence of this, X8’ Xc and y prove to be analytic

functions of u four I u I oo.



In the perturbative approach of Yosida and Yamada [8-10] to the sym- metric Anderson model the Hamiltonian is divided into the unperturbed part

equal to the nonmagnetic Hartree-Fock (HF) approxi-

mation to the full Hamiltonian, and the perturbation

Fig. 2.


Pn, the sum of the numerical series (42); it repre- sents the ratio of C. and its large-n form.

where 1/2 represents the HF average of nda. In such

an approach the mean-field part of the problem (HO)

is solved exactly and what remains to be treated

perturbatively is the effect of fluctuations, i.e., the deviations from the HF solution. The macroscopic quantities are then expanded in the power series of u, with the coefficients given in terms of the imaginary-

time integrals of the determinants built from the one-

particle temperature Green functions for the unper- turbed Hamiltonian Ho. Specially, for X’, X’ and y’

at T = 0 one obtains the expansions of the form (34), (36) and (37), with the coefficients given by (n + 2)-

dimensional imaginary-time integrals or, after the Fourier transformation, by (n + I)-dimensional inte- grals over frequencies, with the products of 2(n + 1) unperturbed Green functions as the integrands.

Yamada calculated these coefficients up to the third order analytically and the fourth-order one numeri-

cally [9], while the higher-order ones proved too complicated to be evaluated directly even by numerical


The first five perturbational coefficients for x§, x§

and y’ are found to be identical with the Cn’s obtained by the expansion of BA expressions for the same quantities. Assuming that these quantities have unique series expansions in powers of u, which follows from

their analyticity for u I oo, one has no reason

whatsoever to believe that the higher-order pertur- bational coefficients would start to differ from the

Cn’s. And with this observation we arrive at the main

point of this paper, advertised in the title : the expan- sions (34), (36) and (37) of the BA expressions and the corresponding perturbative series of Yosida and Yamada are one and the same, and anything that has

been said about the former holds for the latter as well.

That is, for the ground-state quantities Xs, Xc’ and y’

at least, the series expansions obtained by the deter-

minantal perturbation theory of Yosida and Yamada

are absolutely convergent for any finite value of the

expansion parameter u and are fully equivalent to

the BA results.

Thus, although it is neither evident nor easy to prove, the (n + I)-dimensional integrals for the per- turbational coefficients must satisfy the recursion relation (38). This means that i) due to the high sym- metry of the integrands, the (n + I)-dimensional integral for C. can be reduced to the linear combi- nation of an n-dimensional and an (n - I)-dimensional integral of the same form, which is a highly unlikely thing to expect a priori, and ii) instead of the tedious calculation of the higher-order perturbational coef- ficients, one can generate them up to the arbitrary

order simply by iteration.

3. Comparison with BA.

In figures 3, 4 and 5 we compare the exact BA results for xg, Rw = /g// and X’ with several finite-order truncations (partial sums) of the perturbation series

for the same quantities. To start with, figure 3 is meant



Fig. 3.


The BA result for X’(u) (full line) and the finite- order approximations (partial sums) of the expansion series,


Y Cn u", for N


1, 2,..., 5 (dashed lines). The inset shows


xs decomposed into xKondo and Is.

to illustrate two points : i) The inset shows that xs

assumes its universal form xKondo very quickly as u

increases above unity, indicating that the strong- correlation (SC) region, where the behaviour of the system is governed by the scaling laws, appears

already for u between 1 and 2, and not for u > 1

(as one would expect from the Schrieffer-Wolf trans-

formation). ii) On the other hand, the convergence of the perturbation expansion for xs is seen to be very quick as well, that is,

for relatively large u with relatively small N. Speci- fically, the third order is quite satisfactory for u 1.5

and the fourth order for u is 2. (E.g. for u = 2 and

N = 4 the relative error is 8.2 %). Put together, this

shows that the low-order perturbative results for

X’s are able to describe correctly the transition from

the weak-correlation (WC) to the SC regime, as well

as to give a rather accurate account of the « lower

edge » of the latter.

The same holds for the specific heat coefficient y’,

which is not shown here separately as it looks very

much like figure 3 for X’. Instead, we present in figure 4

the BA and perturbative results for the Wilson ratio

Rw X’ly’. The transition between its WC value of 1 and SC value of 2 is seen to take place at u N 1

and the SC value is almost fully reached for u N 2.


I. "

Fig. 4.


The Wilson ratio Rw


xs/y’. Full line


the BA result; dashed lines


the finite-order approximations, obtained as the ratio of the corresponding finite-order

approximations (partial sums) of X’ and y’.

As for the finite-order approximations, the tendency

of Rw towards saturation is clearly seen even in the

second-order approximation (although the exact satu- ration value remains a guess), while the inclusion of the fourth order enables also a quite reliable estimate

of the saturation value. The sixth-order result is

practically exact for u 2.5, which covers all the values of u that are relevant for the discussion of model


Thus, as far as Xs, y and Rw are concerned, u ~ 2 represents a « practically infinite u » and nothing qualitatively new sets in if u is increased further.

Due to this, as well as to the quick convergence of the

perturbation expansions, the low-order perturbative

results are seen to be able to reach the « lower edge »

of the SC region, where the scaling laws (e.g. Eq. (1))

take over. And once this point has been attained, the scaling laws can be used to extrapolate the results to an arbitrary point in the SC region.

The determinantal perturbation theory has been

used [13-15] to show that the low-temperature beha-

viour of the Anderson model obeys scaling laws in

the SC regime. That is, both the transport and the thermodynamic quantities become universal functions when written in terms of the reduced variables T/0

and PB Hlku 0, where kB 8 = A /ay’ in the symmetric

case. By « universal » we mean that the coefficients of

(T/0)" and (PB HlkB 8)ft in the appropriate low- temperature and/or low-field expressions attain cons-

tant values for u > 2, while the characteristic tem-

perature 0 becomes proportional to 1 /X’Kondo. This

transition to the SC regime is described rather accu- rately by the finite-order perturbation theory. For example, the impurity contribution to the low-tem- perature electrical resistivity is given by

with xp = [1 + 2(Rw - 1)2]/3 in the symmetric case.

The coefficient xo, which equals 1 in the u - oo limit,

attains 95 % of this saturation value at u = 2, while

the finite-order approximations give K(p4) = 0.860,


Fig. 5.


Charge susceptibility X’(u) ; the BA result (full line)

and several finite-order approximations (dashed lines).

Kp(6) = 0.938 and Kp(8) = 0.949 for the same value of u.

The same can be said about the coefficient Ks of the

low-temperature thermoelectric power

S(7) = So[(TIO) - Ks(TIO)3 + ...] .

The BA and perturbative results for the charge susceptibility are shown in figure 5. One can see that X, does not converge so quickly as X,, y and Rw, namely, one needs the 3rd or 4th order to reach u - 1

and the 7th or even 8th order to reach u ~ 2. Also, X’ c does not assume any scaling form for u Z 2;

instead, it attains the asymptotic form (10) only for

u > 1. The « slow » convergence should be ascribed

to the smallness of x§ in the symmetric case. While

the absolute error of the Nth-order approximation of X’ is always less than that of xs, the corresponding

relative error may be large for X’c although it is small for xs. And as regards the scaling, one should remember

that Xc is the measure of localized charge fluctuations,

which for u > 0.7 reach their maximum in the asym- metric case - ed U, while being minimal in the

symmetric case which is discussed here. The scaling

behaviour of Xc can thus be expected to show up in the

asymmetric case, where the dynamics of the system is predominantly determined by localized charge fluctuations.

4. Asymmetric case : sd U/2.

The general Anderson model without the electron- hole symmetry, frequently referred to as the « asym- metric Anderson model », has the impurity energy level Ed different from - U/2. The « asymmetry » is found to be conveniently described by the parameter

q = 1/2 + ed/ U. It is the original Anderson’s para- meter ed/ U shifted by 1/2, which makes ?I = 0 in the

case of electron-hole symmetry. It can also be under- stood as (Ed - edsymm)/U, where edsymm= - U/2. Since

the particle-hole transformation takes the Anderson Hamiltonian to itself with Ed replaced by - (Ed + U),

that is, with q replaced by - n, it is sufficient to discuss the region n > 0.

Once one has the exact perturbative solution for 11 = 0, one can attempt an expansion for n # 0

such as the one Yamada [16] did for the special case

n = 1/2 (Ed = 0). Namely, for n # 0 the full Hamil- tonian can be written as H = Ho + H’ + H", where Ho + H’ is the symmetric (n = 0) Hamiltonian, with Ho and H’ given by (43) and (44), and

is the additional « asymmetry term ». The idea of the calculation is then to take Ho as the unperturbed

Hamiltonian and treat H’ + H" as the perturbation, taking into account that it really consists of two terms : the many-body term H’ and the one-body potential

H". As the result of this « double » perturbation expansion one obtains the ground-state quantities

in the form


The coefficients a:,c,e( r) up to the fifth order are

presented in table I as well as in figure 6. For il = 0 they obviously reduce to the symmetric coefficients Cn,

as it should be, since for q = 0 the potential H"

vanishes and the « double » perturbation expansion

reduces to the one outlined in section 2.3.

Aiming at the description of the charge fluctuation

effect, which is believed to be modelled by the Ander-

son Hamiltonian for q = 1/2, Yamada [16] tried to

use the expansions (46) for q = 1/2. However, a brief glance at figure 6, where we plot X. and an as functions of I tj 1, shows that the expansions (46) are « good » only for I nil I, 1, that is, in the symmetric and nearly-symmetric region, where Kondo effect arises for u > 1. For I r around 1/2 or so they reduce to asymptotic expansions for u 1, which renders them

inappropriate for the investigation of the charge

fluctuation effect, known to arise for large u or, at

least, for u > 1. That is why we prefer a different type of perturbation expansion for the asymmetric Ander-

son model, where the nonmagnetic HF approximation

of the full (asymmetric) Hamiltonian is taken as the

unperturbed Hamiltonian and the deviations from



Table I.

Fig. 6.


Coefficients an and a" as functions of the asymme- try parameter tj for n


0, 1,..., 5.

the HF are dealt with as the perturbation [11]. It is a straightforward generalization of the original Yosida

and Yamada’s expansion for the symmetric case [8, 9]

and, in contrast with the above-described q-expansion

it is not an expansion with respect to asymmetry and is not confined to small asymmetries. For the ground-

state quantities it gives the series of the form

where x = x(u, n) is the solution of the HF self-

consistency equation x + u tan-1 x = ir nu [11]. In

the symmetric case x(u, n = 0) = 0 and the coeffi- cients Cn(x) reduce to symmetric Cn’s, Cn(x = 0) = Cn,

which guarantees the quick convergence of the series

(47) in this special case. As the convergence is at least not spoiled, and in most cases even improved with

the increase of asymmetry, such expansions enable

the discussion of the model properties both in the Kondo and charge fluctuation regions [17]. Also,

in its general formulation, this perturbation theory

can be used to calculate the finite-energy properties (density of states) [11, 18], inaccessible to the BA method, as well as the effects of finite magnetic fields [ 15] and temperatures.


We rewrite xs(u > 0), given by equation (16), as


For A = 0 we calculate (A. 2) as

Differentiating Y(A) with respect to A one obtains the differential equation

and solving this equation with the initial condition

(A. 3), one obtains

Inserting (A. 5) into (A .1), one obtains the sought

for form (8) of X’(u > 0).



[1] ANDERSON, P. W., Phys. Rev. 124 (1961) 41.

[2] WIEGMANN, P. B., FILYOV, V. M. and TSVELICK, A. M., Pis’maZh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 35 (1982) 77/JETP

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[7] WIEGMANN, P. B. and TSVELICK, A. M., J. Phys. C 16 (1983) 2281.

[8] YOSIDA, K. and YAMADA, K., Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl.

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[9] YAMADA, K., Prog. Theor. Phys. 53 (1975) 970.

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[13] YAMADA, K., Prog. Theor. Phys. 55 (1976) 1345.

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[15] HORVATI0107, B. and ZLATI0107, V., Phys. Rev. B 30 (1984)


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