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Electron impact ionization cross sections of phosphorus and arsenic molecules


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1984

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Electron impact ionization cross sections of phosphorus and arsenic molecules

G. Monnom, Ph. Gaucherel, C. Paparoditis

To cite this version:

G. Monnom, Ph. Gaucherel, C. Paparoditis. Electron impact ionization cross sec- tions of phosphorus and arsenic molecules. Journal de Physique, 1984, 45 (1), pp.77-84.

�10.1051/jphys:0198400450107700�. �jpa-00209742�


Electron impact ionization cross sections of phosphorus

and arsenic molecules

G. Monnom, Ph. Gaucherel and C. Paparoditis

Laboratoire de Physique de la Matière Condensée (*), Université de Nice, Parc Valrose, 06034 Nice Cedex, France

(Reçu le ler juin 1983, accepté le 8 septembre 1983)



Cet article présente des résultats de mesures des sections efficaces totales d’ionisation et d’ionisation dissociative obtenues par bombardement électronique des molécules d’arsenic As4 et As2 et de phosphore P4 et P2.

Les espèces moléculaires sont obtenues par effusion thermique. Les différents ions résultant du bombardement

électronique sont analysés par spectrométrie de masse. Le domaine d’énergie des électrons est : 0-200 eV. Pour

chaque réaction d’ionisation, la valeur du seuil, le comportement de la section efficace au voisinage du seuil

ainsi que l’allure générale de celle-ci sont présentés. Les valeurs maximales des sections efficaces d’ionisation directe pour P4, As4, P2 et As2 sont respectivement 17, 23,4, 7,8 et 11,4 03C0a20. De même, les sections efficaces d’ioni- sation dissociative menant aux ions X+n (avec X = P et As et n = 1, 2 et 3), ont des valeurs maximales comprises

entre 1,4 et 3,8 03C0a20. Les erreurs sont estimées à 16 % sur les valeurs des sections efficaces à leur maximum et à 0,5 eV

sur l’énergie. L’ensemble des résultats est discuté en fonction de l’énergie des électrons et des processus de formation.



This paper reports on measurements of electron impact direct ionization and dissociative ionization total cross sections of arsenic As4 and As2 molecules and phosphorus P4 and P2 molecules. Molecular species are produced by thermal effusion. The various ions resulting from electron impact are analysed by mass spectrometry.

The electron energy range is 0-200 eV. For each ionization reaction, the threshold value, the behaviour in the vicinity of the threshold, as well as the main features of the curve are given. At the maximum in the ionization

efficiency curve, the values of the direct ionization cross sections for P4, As4, P2 and As2 are respectively 17, 23.4,

7.8 and 11.4 03C0a20. In the same way, for dissociative ionization towards X+n where X = P and As and n = 1, 2 and 3,

these values are in the range 1.4-3.8 03C0a20 with an accuracy of about 16 % on the values of cross sections and of 0.5 eV on those of the energy. Results are discussed against electron energy and against formation processes.


Physics Abstracts

34.80G - 35.20G - 35.20V

1. Introduction.

Experimental determination of absolute electron

impact direct ionization as well as of absolute disso- ciative ionization cross sections of arsenic molecules

(As4 and As2) and of phosphorus molecules (P4 and P2 ) is important in the field of physico-chemistry.

Knowledge of these values is a fundamental step in ion-molecule reactions in the chemical reactors [1, 2].

In addition, it allows the calibration of various

diagnosis methods, particulary in mass spectrometry.

Also in the field of solid state physics, there is a need

for doping semiconductors (gallium or indium arse- nide, gallium or indium phosphide) by ion implan-

tation. A detailed knowledge of ion production rate

as well as the search of best conditions to obtain different species, amply justify this study. Almost no

data are available today in the literature for these cross

sections. The only existing data are the various

ionization potentials determined by photoelectron

spectroscopy [3-6]. In the case of the As4 tetramer,

studies on electron capture reactions have allowed

knowledge of dissociation energy of arsenic [7]. The

dissociation energies and the different ionization

potentials are also known for P4 and P2 [5, 8, 9].

In 1956, J. S. Kane et al. [10] have already carried

out an experiment similar to ours in order to deter-

mine with accuracy the ratio of different species in the

sublimation of red phosphorus and y arsenic. The

fragmentation and ionization processes in P4 have

been discussed by J. D. Carette and L. Kerwin [11]

in their mass-spectrometric studies of P4 phosphorus.

These authors only give the relative ratios of the different ions, and the data relative to the ionization

potentials and to the dissociation energies are some-

what different from the expected values, especially

those of Carette. These results inform us only on the general behaviour of the curves.

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:0198400450107700



The gaseous species which were studied have been

obtained by means of a classical Knudsen effusion cell.

Vapour pressure and phase equilibria in the Ga + P system [12] and in the Ga + As system [13, 14]

allowed us to determine the nature and the production

rate of the species. The crucible is loaded with y arsenic

or red phosphorus for a tetramer vapour and gallium

arsenide or gallium phosphide for dimer vapour


2. Apparatus and method.

Figure 1 a shows the schematic diagram of the appa- ratus. The vacuum system has a pumping speed of

15001. s -1. The vacuum limit is 10-6 torr. This pressure rises to 1 or 2 x 10- 5 torr during evaporation.

Special care is taken in the control of partial pressures of residual vapours : these are maintained at levels two orders of magnitude lower than the lowest partial

pressure of the examined elements. The evaporation

source is of a Knudsen type. The graphite crucible (diameter = 10 mm, height = 20 mm) containing

the load is placed in an oven heated by Joule effect.

The crucible is mounted with a chimney made in the

same material, with a great ratio length (15 mm) :

diameter (1.5 mm), in order to get a well collimated

molecular beam. The working temperatures regulated

to 1°C, are those at which the pressure over the solid in the crucible is about 10-1 torr. Typically, in the

case of y arsenic and red phosphorus, the source is

heated at about 300 °C in order to obtain the tetramer molecular species (see § 3.1 and § 3. 2). On the other

hand, to get the dimer species, from gallium phosphide

and gallium arsenide, higher temperature must be used, typically 950°C [12, 13]. At these elevated temperatures and in order to protect the whole

apparatus, the evapouration source is surrounded by

a water cooled jacket. The evapourated species then

enters into the ion source through an aperture 4 mm in diameter, situated 5 mm above the top of the chimney. This source, of an electron impact type, without magnetic field, is 40 x 40 x 45 mm in dimen-

sions. The energy of the electrons emitted by the tungsten filament varies from 0 to 200 eV.

Various ionization and dissociative ionization pro-

cesses can then take place :

where ð-E is the threshold energy at room temperature (parent and products being in the fundamental state).

X = P or As , i = 2 and 4 , j integer from 0 to i -1.


allows the measurements of the branching ratios of

different reactions.

Knowing that the phosphorus and arsenic mole- cules have a very low condensation coefficient, they

are bound to bounce around in the ionization source

whose walls have a temperature distribution between 100 °C and 300 °C. This is why in order to get a maximum target density and therefore a maximum ionic current, the extraction aperture (3 mm in dia- meter) is displaced sideways from the incoming beam

axis. After their extraction by a voltage of 210 V, the various ions are focalized and analysed by means

of a quadrupole filter (Balzers QMS 311, mass range

1-300) whose analysis axis is brought to 200 V. The

ionic current Iij is then collected on a Faraday cylinder.

Two different ways of measurements are used : one

Fig. 1.


Experimental set-up. a) Branching ratio measurements ; b) Absolute values determination ; c) Scaling factor

determination, 1. Oven heated by Joule effect, 2. Evaporation cell, 3. Chimney, 4. Ion source, 5. Tungstdn wire, 6. Qua-

drupole analyser, 7. Detector.


with a constant sensitivity and a minimal resolving

power of the quadrupole, the other with a constant

resolving power (with AM - 1 for M = 300). In

the latter case, and for each mass, the sensitivity is

corrected by means of a calibration curve (sensitivity

vs. resolving power). The same results are obtained

with these two methods, the difference in mass of dissociated species (31 amu for phosphorus, 75 amu

for arsenic) being far greater than the spectrometer resolution. The branching ratios for the different reactions are then obtained :

A second series of experiments is carried out in order to obtain the absolute value of cross sections. In this case, the ion source is modified (Fig. lb) : the upper wall is removed and the total collected ionic current

Ii(E) is measured. Verification is made that electrons emitted by the filament do not influence the measu- rement when the potential drop between the source

and the detector is 210 V. In our case, a direct measu- rement of the target pressure (phosphorus or arsenic)

is impossible. Nevertheless, the absolute values of the

cross sections are determined by systematic

measurements of the mass flow bmi (g. s-1) in each experiment. The experimental set-up employed during

this second series of experiments (Fig. lb) allows us to

break free from possible bounces of molecules on the walls of the ion source and from their thermalisation to wall temperature (which is not measurable with

accuracy). The mean speed of the molecules in the ion

source is then the same as at the chimney exit.

The characteristic dimension of the chimney being

1.5 mm and the pressure in it having a maximum

value of 0.1 torr, we assume that the flow is molecular

[15]. This statement is confirmed by the linear variation,

in our temperature range, of the density of the ionic current Ii(E) versus P/ft, within the experimental


Taking as the mean molecular speed vi =

(8 kTinmi)1/2 (cm . s-1 ) and as the equivalent molecu-

lar current Ioi = N.ðmiM (s-’), we obtain the

expression of the particle density effusing from the

crucible :

The mass conservation principle yields :

1 = interaction length (cm)

ni = target density (cm-3 )

so = chimney area (cm2)

si(z) = molecular beam area in the ion source (cm’)

z = beam axis.

Then, the cross section aij(E) is given by the expres-

with r : scaling factor and le : electronic current (mA).

In the single collision conditions (see below), we

have :

We deduce the cross section :

A third series of experiments is made in order to measure the scaling factor r of the whole apparatus.

In this case (Fig. lc), the oven is removed and an

orifice is made in the wall of the crucible through which

a gas can be fed. The above two first series of experi-

ments are then repeated by feeding successively the

ion source with argon and nitrogen. In this case mass

flow measurements are substituted by volumetric

flow measurements. The scaling factor is then deter- mined with the help of the well established data of Ar and N2 ionization cross sections [16-18] :

where fij represents here the branching ratio between

single and double ionization cross sections.

The flow being molecular during our experiments,

the geometric factor so/si(z) is the same in thv second and in the third series of experiments. The results obtained with Ar and N2 give an identical calibration factor rl(so/si(z)),

3. Results and discussion.

The impurity content of all evaporant materials, made by CERAC/PURE, is below 10-4. In every case, an

inspection of the entire mass spectrum justifies our

assertion that the rate of ionized impurity never

exceeds 10-3. The ion source conductances are such

that, during experiments, the pressure in the gas- electron interaction zone does not rise above 10-5 torr;

we are thus confident to be in presence of single

collision conditions. At this pressure and in view of the interaction length in the source, possible ion-molecule reactions are negligible. In the most unfavourable case

of an exothermic reaction (e.g. As) + AS4 ---+As: +As2,

AE = 1.2 eV) that would have a high rate, say

10- 9 cm3 . .s-1, the density of product ions would then be only 0.5 % that of the parent ions.

0.5 V steps are taken in experimental measurements.

The electrons delivered by the tungsten filament are

not monoenergetic. A 3 eV spreading due to the

potential drop between the two ends of the filament



is to be taken into account. In order to perform a

deconvolution procedure on the measurement ionic current, the distribution of the electronic emission is assumed constant all along the filament :

where I(V) is the measured current and I(E) is the

deconvoluted current, 0.5 eV being the step value of

our deconvolution procedure. In this procedure, we

have neglected the energy distribution function of the electrons (e - Avl" - 0.05 where A V is the voltage step and T the filament temperature), because the main

source of error is to omit to take into account the cold ends of the filament.

The uncertainty in the value of the measured thres- hold energy is estimated to be around 0.5 eV, which is the step value of our experimental measurements.

In addition, the error due to the scattering of experi-

mental measurements is about 15 % for points at the

lowest energy ; it then decreases to a nearly constant

value of about 3 % for points at 0.75 (Jrnax and above.

Indeed, data used for the calibration can introduce another systematic error in absolute values of about

10 %. For example, we have chosen a maximum ionization cross section of 4.2 7ra 2 for argon and 3.3 naõ for nitrogen [18], knowing that the uncertainty

in these values is of the order of 10 %. Therefore, we can

estimate our error on the cross sections at about 16 %

for values near the maximum and our accuracy at 0.5 eV on the electron energy.



With red phos- phorus, at 350°C for the crucible temperature, the thermodynamic equilibrium being well described by : P(s) = 1/4 P4(g), only P4 molecules effuse (P4/?2 -

2 x 105, P4/P - 1021 ; [19]).

We have obtained the cross sections which are

represented in figure 2.

Figure 2a gives the variation of the direct ionization

cross section

The threshold of this reaction could be measured as

equal to 9.5 eV. This result is in agreement with pre-

We have given all the possible ways of dissociative ionization together with the threshold of their pro- duction (Table I).

Fig. 2.


Ionization cross sections of the P 4 phosphorus


vious photoelectron spectroscopic measurements [3, 4]

which pointed out a vertical ionization potential of

9.54 eV for P4 molecule to the ion ground state X(2E).

However, our result is somewhat different from the values of the adiabatic ionization potentials : 9.2 eV [4] or 9.34 eV [9].

Near this threshold value, the cross section beha- viour shows a smooth curvature, a oc (E - Eth)a.,

with a = 1.5 up to 11.8 eV. The cross section then becomes linear up to 25 eV with a slope = 4.9 x

10-2 eV-1 :

In figure 2b, the dissociative ionization cross sections of the P4 molecule are shown :

For the (2B1) processes, the measured threshold is 18.3 eV. The (2B12) process does not occur at this value;

only the (2B10) process is observed at the threshold


Table I.


Dissociation energies and ionization poten- tials of phosphorus molecules [8, 9].

together with a possible contribution of the (2B11)

process where p+ ion is in the 1 S excited state : AE = 17.93 eV.

For the production of P’ ions, only the (2B20)

reaction occurs at the threshold, but the 13.6 eV observed threshold is situated higher than that of the process :

Besides the single observed vibrational level of the P’

peak corresponding to the Â(2 l’ g+) state, found by

D. K. Bulgin et al. [5] in their photoelectron spectrum, is more important than each of the three vibrational levels corresponding to the R(2ff.) fundamental state

of Pi . Nevertheless the total intensity of the first band

X(2 n u) is greater in photoelectron spectroscopy than the second Â(2Eg+). In our case, in the observed

dissociation, the better agreement between the obser- ved 13.6 ± 0.5 eV and the calculated 13.19 eV suggests that the Â(2 l’ g+) excited state is liable to contribute

in the process.

For the (2B30) reaction, the threshold energy is 12.55 eV with P in the 4S fundamental state. A photoionization

threshold with a very weak intensity has been observed by J. Smets et al. [9] at 12.54 eV for the process :

This intensity does not grow above 13.95 eV, value

at which the (2Du) state of P should have appeared :

As our signal is at 13.2 eV, the process (3B20) must be :

with a greater degree of uncertainty on the threshold value in the present measurements. The strong slope

observed in the linear region of the cross section beginning at 16.0 eV was also obtained by J. S. Kane

et al. [10] and by J. D. Carette et al. [11], near that value.

Our observation is to be compared with the rather

pronounced rise in the P’ intensity at 15.3 eV, follo-

wed by a broad band near 17 eV in the photoelectron spectra observed by J. Smets et al. [9]. This behaviour,

observed by us, comes in support of Smet’s hypothesis

about the part played by the predissociation of the

è2F 2 state of P/ .

Salient features of the cross sections are summarized in table II and the variations near the threshold are

shown in figure 2c.



When the crucible

containing y arsenic is heated at 300 OC, the predo-

minant effusing species is As4, the thermodynamic equilibrium being well described by As(s) = 1/4 As4(g). The concentration of other species is excee- dingly small (As4/As2 - 10’; AS4/As - 1014, [13,19]).

In figure 3a, results for arsenic cross sections are

represented as a function of the electron energy in


From the results shown in figure 3a, we can observe

that the maximum amplitude of the direct ionization

cross section is 1.4 time that of phosphorus.

Contrary to phosphorus, the cross section linearity begins at the threshold (f3 = 2.9 x 10-2 e V-I). The

threshold value (Eth = 9.00 eV) is in agreement with

photoelectron spectroscopic results [6] which give

an ionization potential of 8.92 eV for the As4 molecule

to the ion ground state X(2E). The maximum value of the cross section is (J Max = 23.4 naõ.

In figure 3b, the dissociative ionization cross sections of As4 molecule are presented.

Table II.


Characteristics of the ionization cross sections of the P4 phosphorus molecule.




Fig. 3.


Ionization cross sections of the As, arsenic


Considering the dissociation enthalpies ð.Hf98 of the

As4 molecule [7] and the ionization potentials (I.P.)

of the arsenic molecules As4 and As2 [6, 7] and of the

arsenic atom [20], the following interpretation is presented.

By inspection of the (3Bl) group reaction energies,

the only one that occurs at the threshold is the (3B10)

process. For As’ formation reaction, we will retain

only the (3B20) one. Concerning the (3B30) process, it is possible to estimate the As3 ionization potential

around 7.5 eV, by analogy with phosphorus. This

would give a reaction energy of 11.4 eV, with an As

atom in the 4S ground state. As with P+3 a strong slope

is observed in the linear region, also obtained by

J. S. Kane et al. [10]. Thus, it can reasonably be assumed.

that, above 14.2 eV, when the linearity starts, a pre- dissociated state of As: must exist.

The characteristic cross sections parameters for these reactions are summarized in table IV.

Table III.


Dissociation energies and ionization poten-

tials of arsenic molecules [7].

Fig. 4.


Ionization cross sections of the P2 phosphorus


Table IV.


Characteristics of the ionization cross sections of the AS4 arsenic molecule.




In order to obtain

a dimer vapour, we have evapourated gallium phos- phide. In this case, with a crucible temperature of

950 OC, P2, P4 and Ga molecules are the effusing species [12, 14]. The reaction GaP(s) = Ga(l) + 1/4 P4(g) is

very weak : P4/P2 = 10-4.

However, in our experiments, this ratio is far more

important (about 10-2), the reason being that there

is an association reaction 2 P2(g) -+ P4(g) which

occurs essentially on the wall of the source [14]. This

reaction is taken into account by the use of the pre-

viously obtained cross sections (§ 3.1).

An additional error in these experiments is intro-

duced in the mass flow measurements, due to the

non-negligible gallium pressure compared to that of P2 : P(Ga)/P(P2) = ’3 % [12].

Only two reactions are possible, ionization (4A) and

dissociative ionization (4B). The results are summa-

rized in table V.

For the (4A) reaction, our threshold value is in good agreement with the expected reaction energy. This is

not the case however with the (4B) reaction where a

0.85 eV discrepancy is observed between expected

and measured threshold, thus suggesting a possible

contribution of the 1 D excited state of the P+ ion

(AE = 16.6 eV).

One can note that P4 ionization cross section (2A)

is 2.13 times that of P2 (4A). This result is in good

agreement, within the experimental errors, with the

atomic cross sections additivity rule in molecules proposed by J. W. Otvos and D. P. Stevenson [21].



When gallium arse-

nide is evapourated, As2 is the main vapour species

in equilibrium with the solid : GaAs(s) = Ga(l) + 1/2 As2(g).

At the crucible temperature of 900 OC, As4, As2 and

Ga gaseous molecules are obtained [13, 14, 22, 23]. As

with phosphorus, a correction in the mass flow must be introduced due to a 3 % contribution from the eva-

pouration of Ga. Results obtained for both reactions

(5A) and (5B) are summarized in figure 5 and table VI.

Here, the agreement between the measured thresholds and the reaction energies is good.

As with phosphorus, the As4 (3A) ionization cross

section is twice that of As2 (5A). In the same way, as with As4 tetramer, the linearity of the As2 direct

ionization cross section starts at the threshold.

Fig. 5.


Ionization cross sections of the As2 arsenic


Table V.


Characteristics of the ionization cross sections of the P2 phosphorus molecule.

Table VI.


Characteristics of the ionization cross sections of the AS2 arsenic molecule.



Completely different results have been given by

different authors [12,13, 22-26] for the vapour pressure above GaAs. Experiments made until 1958 pointed

out a tetramer pressure greater than that of the dimer.

New experiments carried out first by J. R. Arthur [13], using a liquid nitrogen cooled shield surrounding

the ionizer, and then by C. T. Foxon et al. [14, 23], using a flux modulation method with a phase sensitive

detection over a wide frequency range, show a dimer concentration higher than that of the tetramer. These

two methods enabled the distinction between the

signal produced by the direct flux and the background species. It is now well established that the As2 pressure

over GaAs is predominant and that the observed As4

molecules result from the recombination on the walls

of As2(g) followed by spurious reevapouration [14, 27, 28]. Our experimental configuration « a » being basi- cally the same as that of J. Drowart [24], we have used

an evapouration temperature corresponding to a

pressure of a few 10-6 torr in the electron-molecule

interaction zone, so as to reduce as much as possible

the tetramer concentration (proportional to the square of that of the dimer). In spite of this, the reactions like

(3B1) and (3B2) increase the As’ and As+ production

rates. In our case, the currents due to the evapourated As2 are 8.2 times greater than those due to the As4 pro- duced by the association of As2 species on the walls.

Previous results obtained in § 3.2 enable us to correct

for this contribution.

4. Conclusion.

Results on the cross sections of direct and dissociative’

ionizations obtained by electron impact have been reported for phosphorus and arsenic molecules. Such data are very important for the doping of semiconduc- tors. These experiments should also have an impor-

tance within a larger framework, in the determination of the cross sections by electron impact of certain

volatile II, V and VI elements.


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