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Resin composite polishing--filling the gaps


Academic year: 2022

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Resin composite polishing--filling the gaps

KREJCI, Ivo, LUTZ, Felix, BORETTI, Rosemarie


The search for the ideal polishing agent for resin composite materials is still ongoing. A new polishing brush with abrasive bristles for polishing resin-based restorations was tested to determine if it polishes restorations, including those with concave surfaces, macrostructured occlusal surfaces, and textured surfaces, without destroying their delicate texture or microstructure.

KREJCI, Ivo, LUTZ, Felix, BORETTI, Rosemarie. Resin composite polishing--filling the gaps.

Quintessence International , 1999, vol. 30, no. 7, p. 490-5

PMID : 10635262

Available at:


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