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Studies on verticillium wilt in Andalucia - Southern Spain Blanco Lopez M.A., Melero Vara J.M., Jimenez-Diaz R.M. in


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Studies on verticillium wilt in Andalucia - Southern Spain

Blanco Lopez M.A., Melero Vara J.M., Jimenez-Diaz R.M.


Braud M. (ed.), Campagne P. (ed.).

Le coton en Méditerranée et au Moyen-Orient Montpellier : CIHEAM

Options Méditerranéennes : Série Etudes; n. 1988-I 1988

pages 225-226

Article available on lin e / Article dispon ible en lign e à l’adresse :

--- http://om.ciheam.org/article.php?ID PD F=CI011902

--- To cite th is article / Pou r citer cet article

--- Blanco Lopez M.A., Melero Vara J.M., Jimenez-D iaz R.M. Stu dies on verticilliu m wilt in An dalu cia - Sou th ern Spain . In : Braud M. (ed.), Campagne P. (ed.). Le coton en Méditerranée et au Moyen- Orient. Montpellier : CIHEAM, 1988. p. 225-226 (Options Méditerranéennes : Série Etudes; n. 1988-I) ---





Atelier : Protection des cultures Studies on verticillium wilt in

Andalucia - Southern Spain

A. ( 1 ) l

and ( 1 )

(7) Cátedra de Patologia Vegetal


Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Agronomos - Universidad de Cordoba

Departamento de Próteccion Vegetal - Dirección General de Investigación Extension Agrarias - Junta de Andalucia - Cordoba

Verticillium wilt of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), induced by

of the and it of

ln Spain, Verticillium wilt was found in some cotton fields to of the

30 no

done on the disease ultil of the cotton is


Verticillum iwilt of cotton in Andalucia, that we 1980.

of t h e p o p u l a t i o n s a n d i n f l u e n c e o f

management on wilt epidemics.

in 85 of Andalucia, 1981

a t t h e time of bol1

on symptoms development made. Samples of of the

Verticillium wilt of cotton.

Verticillium dahliae was consistently isolated plants and a sample of isolates

310" in pathogenicity tests.


3 of

of affected

disease incidence fluctuated 18-1 depending upon

symptomatic plants was about 3.0 within a scale 1- 5 ( 1 = no symptoms, 5 = dead plants), which

to the 2/3 of the plant

some fields had a disease incidence

completely defoliated

of a of V. dahliae isolates

a was

310", and "AcaLa cvs 4-42, SJ- 2, and "SJC-1".

3-4 weeks old plants inoculated by injecting two of inoculum suspension (3 1 O 6 conidiallml) in the hypocotyl

CIHEAM - Options Mediterraneennes



assessed on the 1-5 scale 4 to 5 inoculation.

of V . d a h l i a e


i n vitro of

microsclerotia was studied in 3 week old (WA) at 24 C

Colony a t

20,24 and 27

on inoculated cotton cvs allowed of V . dahliae isolates,

i.e., a) which

; b)

but no to mild isolates ;

cvs to

mild isolates.

microsclerotia on WA and 27 C Lhat a.t 2 4 C .

microsclerotia and a t 24 C than at 27 C.

The influence of o n


conditions. Cotton cvs "Acala SJC-l" and

310" to mild

isolates, b u t

a non-

defoliating isolate a t a depth of 20 cm in the a t each of (334, 468, 581 mm)

applied a t low 10-14


of Verticillium

310" than "Acala SJC-1"

of disease incidence

the epidemic development of V e r t i c i l l i u m w i l t was

influenced by by t h e

upon the cvs used.


of V . dahliae

of them being as those U.S.

isolates found up to now to be confined to a zone to the south of


to of Verticillium

wilt of Andalucia.


by CCA 83059 the Spanish- J o i n t


CIHEAM - Options Mediterraneennes


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