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Recurrent Neural Networks


Academic year: 2022

Partager "Recurrent Neural Networks"


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Recurrent Neural Networks


14 f ´evrier 2018



1 Introduction

2 Recurrent neural networks : principles Classical RNN’s

Training Recurrent Neural nets

3 RNN with internal memory LSTM


4 Attention based RNN

5 RNN Applications Gradient Recall Legos

6 RNN with external memory Introduction



Neural Networks are cool :

State of the art performance in almost every pattern recognition/computer vision/IA tasks

Efficient training algorithms (Backprop), Modular architectures




But DNN & CNN are static architectures

Estimation of a functionf :x →y, where :

xT = [x1,x2, . . . ,xE]∈RE yT = [y1,y2, . . . ,yS]∈RS Able to process multidimensional signals by flatteningx, but requirefixed-sizeEandS


Unfortunately, most of real-world signals are dynamics

Text, speech, DNA sequence,handwriting, Stock exchange, etc.

CHAPTER I. Down the Rabbit-Hole

Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of ...



Dynamic Machine learning Problems

Many machine learning problems involve dynamic input and/or output signals.

Static input: Feature set, images with fixed, defined size, etc.

Static output: Mono/multidimensional classification problems, Mono/multidimensional regression problems

Dynamic input: sequence of feature sets, variable size signals Dynamic output: sequence of labels/values, mono or



Static input / Static output problems

MNIST : 784 input (282), 10 output classes

imageNet : 2562input pixels, 5247 output classes



Dynamic input / Static output problems

sentiment classification : Positive or Negative ?

"This is by far the worst hotel experience i’ve ever had.

the owner overbooked while i was staying there (even though i booked the room two months in advance) and made me move to another room, but that room wasnt even a hotel room!"

"We enjoyed our stay very much."

Variable-size image classification

→”chocolate” →”strawberry”

And also : sentence classification, etc.


Static input / Dynamic output problems

Caption generation

Object detection (VOC Challenge)



Dynamic Input / Dynamic Output problems

Handwriting/Speech recognition

→ ”Herr B ¨urgermaister Hans”



Need for dynamic models to process dynamic signals

Able to handle input/output variable-size signals

Able to model the dependencies between variables = the knowledge

"j ’ ai malencontrousement march´esur le chion de ma vosrre . cele - ci , tenant brauemryp `a son chien , a ´ele

parthali´erement afest´ee par l ’ acaident et me demande un d´edammagement de taille"

Two kind of models :

Graphical models: Dependencies areexplicitelymodeled.

Recurrent Neural networks: Dependencies areimplicitelymodeled



Non-neural sequence models : Graphical models

Hidden Markov Models

I State-of-the-art for sequence modeling 80’s and 90’s (still widely used)

I Generative model NN/HMM hybrid models

Conditional Random Fields (CRF)

I Discriminative model [Lafferty 2001]

I RequireE=S

I Suit labeling task

Hidden-CRF, Latent-Dynamic CRF

I Difficult to train

I Do not scale very well




1 Introduction

2 Recurrent neural networks : principles Classical RNN’s

Training Recurrent Neural nets

3 RNN with internal memory LSTM


4 Attention based RNN

5 RNN Applications Gradient Recall Legos

6 RNN with external memory Introduction


Recurrent neural networks : principles Classical RNN’s

Recurrence principle (1)

Handle dynamic signals

Signals are processed using a sliding window

Windows (AKA frames) are of fixed size→fit static NN architectures


Recurrence principle (2)

Signal dependencies = memory from previous time steps

How to model memory in the NN ?

Recurrent connexions y(t)is processed using :

I x(t)the current input

I y(t−1)the output at previous time step

Recurrent NN6=feedforward

Recurrence is generally a hidden-to-hidden link


Recurrent neural networks : principles Classical RNN’s

Recurrence principle (3)

Recurrent neural networks may : Output a value at each time step

⇒sequence labeling

Output a unique value after having read an entire sequence

⇒sequence classification

Output a sequence whose sizeSis different from input sizeE

⇒sequence 2 sequence applications


Unfolded network (1)

Recurrence ↔ unfolded network

Signal from the recurrence = neuron output at the previous time step Recurrence can be modeled by a duplication of the network fed with data att−1, which itself require a duplication att−2, etc.


Recurrent neural networks : principles Classical RNN’s

Unfolded network (2)

Non-recurrent modelization of recurrent networks

A recurrent networkRis approximated by adeepernon-recurrent networkR

Recurrence is limited :

Processing a sequence of sizeT requiresT duplications of the network Limited memory⇒T is limited to a certain value

Parameter sharing :

Network’s parameters are the same over time steps Can be viewed as a form of regularization (as CNN)


Unfolded network (3)

Temporal structure→spatial structure

Credit figure :http://www.deeplearningbook.org.

Left : recurrence hidden to hidden ; Right : recurrence output to hidden.

Lis the Loss that compares the net output with the label for each time step.


Recurrent neural networks : principles Training Recurrent Neural nets

Training recurrent neural networks

Backpropagation Through Time (BPTT)

One unfolded,Ris a classical neural networks without recurrence Then Classical Backprop can be carried out

But the network can be quite deep, depending onT ...

... and the vanishing gradient issues may (re)appear

For these reasons, RNN’s have been used with smallT for a long time, with limited success.

Let us consider these gradient problems [Pascanu2015] :

I Exploding Gradient

I Vanishing Gradient


Exploding Gradients

Exploding gradient : Large increase in the gradient norm due to long term components

The solution(s)

Old solutions :L1andL2regularization

Echo State Networks [Lukosevicius2009] : recurrent weights are not learned but sampled from handcrafted distributions

Recent solution for exploding gradient : cap the gradient error

[Pascanu2015] inspired by [Mikolov2011phd]


Recurrent neural networks : principles Training Recurrent Neural nets

Vanishing Gradients

Vanishing gradient : long term error tends exponentially fast to norm 0

→temporal correlation impossible to learn

The solution(s)

LSTM [Hochreiter97] : special memory cell (see next section) Echo State Networks [Lukosevicius2009] : recurrent weights are not learned but sampled from handcrafted distributions

Recent solution :”regularization that promotes parameter values such that back-propagated gradients neither increase or decrease too much in magnitude.” [Pascanu 2015]

⇒Using these tricks, recurrent architectures are now trained with success on many applications, withT >100.


Alternative to BPTT : RTRL

Real Time Recurrent Learning (RTRL) [Williams 1989]

Neuronj takes as input :

All the outputsx(t)from previous layer weighted bywje All the outputsy(t−1)from its own layer weighted bywjj0

then :

yj(t) =ϕ




wjexe(t) +





Training by RTRL :

CriterionJ = (yjd−yj)2 Computing ∂w∂J







jj0 for computing ”classical” gradient Second order available



RNN with internal memory LSTM


1 Introduction

2 Recurrent neural networks : principles Classical RNN’s

Training Recurrent Neural nets

3 RNN with internal memory LSTM


4 Attention based RNN

5 RNN Applications Gradient Recall Legos

6 RNN with external memory Introduction


LSTM Cells (1)

Long Short Term Memory Cells [Hochreiter & Schmidhuber 1997]

Idea :Explicitelymodel the memory of previous observations.

Each neuron has :

A memory cell that contain a real value

3 gates controlling the memory cell : input, output and forget gates The gates prevent the network to suffer from gradient problems


RNN with internal memory LSTM

LSTM Cells (2)

Input gate : atι=












wst−1c btι=f(atι)

Forget gate : atφ=








wbt−1h +




wsct−1 btφ=f(atφ)

Cell : atc=








whcbt−1h stc=bφtst−1c +btιg(atc)

Output gate atω=

PI i=1

wxit+ PH h=1

wbt−1h + PC c=1

wstc btω=f(atω)andbct =bωth(stc)


LSTM Cells (3)

Long Short Term Memory properties

Gates are sigmoid→differentiable.

Trained with gradient in a BPTT fashion

Most of time : few LSTM layers followed by a dense layer for classification

More parameters than for a classical RNN ... but allowsT >1000 !


RNN with internal memory LSTM

Generative LSTMs

LSTM (RNN) can also be used in a generative way !

Standard LSTM architecture, where the net simply learns a mapping function from the current sequence to the next item.

For example :{’g’, ’o’, ’o’} →’d’.

In decision, the net is initialized with a seed = the past Example from ”Alice in Wonderland” (seed inblue) :

But no mistake about it: it was neither more nor less than a pig, and she felt that it would be quit e aelin that she was a little want oe toiet ano a grtpersent to the tas a little war th tee the tase oa teettee the had been tinhgtt a little toiee at the cadl in a long tuiee aedun thet sheer was a little tare gereen to be a gentle of the tabdit ...

More difficult problem : Handwriting generation demo


Bidirectional-LSTM (BLSTM)

A novel connectionist system for unconstrained handwriting recognition A Graves, M Liwicki, S Fern´andez, R Bertolami, H Bunke, J Schmidhuber IEEE PAMI 31 (5), 855-868, 2009

Bidirectionnal Long Short Term Memory

Sequences are processed from left to right, and from right to left Results are combined to take a local decision given the whole sequence

Training using Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC)+ BPTT CTC : does not require frame-labeled sequences


RNN with internal memory MDLSTM


A. Graves and J. Schmidhuber. Offline handwriting recognition with multidimensional recurrent neural networks. NIPS, 2009

Multi Dimensionnal Long Short Term Memory

2D version of the BLSTM, suits Images Images are processed in 4 directions Can be generalized to more than 2D



J.Chung, C.Gulcehre, K.Cho, Y.Bengio "Empirical Evaluation of Gated Recurrent Neural Networks on Sequence Modeling". arXiv:1412.3555, 2014

LSTM have too many parameters !

GRUs are simplified version of LSTM, without forget gate

It has been empirically shown that it provides similar performance to LSTM, with less parameters


Attention based RNN


1 Introduction

2 Recurrent neural networks : principles Classical RNN’s

Training Recurrent Neural nets

3 RNN with internal memory LSTM


4 Attention based RNN

5 RNN Applications Gradient Recall Legos

6 RNN with external memory Introduction


Attention based RNN (1)

Classical RNN applied to signals

Slides 1D signals from left to right Requires annotation at the frame level But the running direction is often not that clear :

Inclined signals Signals to be located Non trivial reading order


Attention based RNN

Attention based RNN (2)

Non trivial running direction

Where to start ? where to stop ? How to slide the signal ?

⇒Let’s learn it ! (generic answer to most of ML problem :) )

The RNN should output at each time step : The desired output : classif. or reg.

(as for a classical RNN) The next position to look at

= theattention mechanism


Attention based RNN (3)

General decision Scheme :

Feature extraction on the whole signal :f Attention mechanismα(i,j),t computes a mask overf

Product off andαfeed a standard RNN

Attention mechanism

Attention-based location : α(i,j),t =g(αt−1,ct−1) Content-based location : α(i,j),t =g(f,ct−1)

both approach are often combined : α(i,j),t =g(f, αt−1,ct−1)

g is generally alearnedlinear layer +ϕ:


Attention based RNN

Attention based RNN (3)



1 Introduction

2 Recurrent neural networks : principles Classical RNN’s

Training Recurrent Neural nets

3 RNN with internal memory LSTM


4 Attention based RNN

5 RNN Applications Gradient Recall Legos

6 RNN with external memory Introduction


RNN Applications Gradient Recall

Gradient descent

Iterative algorithm : Wt=0randomly initialized

Good direction = the one that lower criterionJ Good length (η) = not too small, not too large

Wt+1Wt−η dJ(W) dW


where :

Wparameters ; η : learning rate ; dJdW(W) W


: theGooddirection

1 0 1 2

1 0 1 2


Backprop Generalization (1)

(Y.Lecun, Cf. 12/02/16 coursehttps://www.college-de-france.fr/


Feedforward Network :

Stacking LayersFi that compute outputHi using inputHi−1, and for some layers parametersWi or outputY. Examples :

linear layer :

Hi =Fi(Hi−1,Wi) =WiHi−1

activation layer

(f :tanh, ReLU, Softmax, etc.) : Hi =Fi(Hi−1) =f(Hi−1) Loss layer, for example MSE :

Shallow network (MLP) :


RNN Applications Gradient Recall

Backprop Generalization (2)

Gradients and Backprop

Abstraction of net layers Gradients computing :



= ∂J


× ∂Hi


For layersFi that have parameters : updating parameters


∂Wi = ∂J

∂Hi × ∂Hi


These two equations are recursively applied from output downto input :

I blue term : computed at previous step


Backprop Generalization (3)

Instanciation of classical F



Linear layer :Hi =Fi(Hi−1,Wi) =WiHi−1donc :



=Wi ; ∂Hi

∂Wi =Hi−1

Activation layer :Hi =Fi(Hi−1) =f(Hi−1)

avecf :tanh, sigmoide, ReLU, Softmax, etc. therefore :


∂Hi−1 =f0(Hi−1)

MSE layer :Hi =Fi(Hi−1,Y) =||Hi−1−Y||2donc :





RNN Applications Gradient Recall

Backprop Generalization (4)

Generic backprop for a L layer network :

foreach sample fori =Ldownto 1



i ×∂H∂Hi




i ×∂W∂Hi

i // if necessary endfor

end foreach


Using this framework, modular architectures can be build RNN can be easily combined with dense layers, CNN, etc.

A lot of ”lego” architectures have been proposed



1 Introduction

2 Recurrent neural networks : principles Classical RNN’s

Training Recurrent Neural nets

3 RNN with internal memory LSTM


4 Attention based RNN

5 RNN Applications Gradient Recall Legos

6 RNN with external memory Introduction


RNN Applications Legos


Modular architectures

Combination of :

Dense layers (for decision purpose) Convolutional layers (to handle images) Recurrent layers (to handle time) etc.

How to play legos ?

Stacking layers, whatever their nature,

Apply efficient training algorithms (Backprop) on the whole stack

⇒Apply deep networks to almost any kind of signal to tackle every pattern recognition/computer vision/IA tasks.


Handwriting recognition

Credit image : [puigcerver icdar 2017]

CNN/BLSTM/Dense architecture

CNN layer extract features

LSTM layers captures the input dependencies LSTM has a ’blank’ character to deal withS6=E Dense layer classifies


RNN Applications Legos

Image Captioning (1)

Credit image : [XXX]

CNN/LSTM generative architecture

CNN layer extract features (pretrained on imageNet)

LSTM layers generate the output signal (pretrained on a big text corpus)


Image Captioning (2)

Credit image : [deeplearningbook.org]

RNN Model

x is always the same

the RNN ”speaks” until it chooses the word ”stop”


RNN Applications Legos

Image Captioning (3)

results from the Google system


Image Captioning (4)

results from the Microsoft system


RNN Applications Legos

Video Captioning


CNN extracts features

The first LSTM models the input dependencies and output a hidden representation of the video


Automatic translation


RNN Applications Legos

Question answering

Credit image :https://github.com/farizrahman4u/seq2seq Question answering, chatbot


Resume of explicit NN

A good Resume of RNNs applications from [TUM] :

A lot of successful applications (more or less necessary :) )

CageNet based onI. Korshunova et al.: Fast Face-Swap Using Convolutional Neural Networks. ICCV 2017:


RNN with external memory Introduction


1 Introduction

2 Recurrent neural networks : principles Classical RNN’s

Training Recurrent Neural nets

3 RNN with internal memory LSTM


4 Attention based RNN

5 RNN Applications Gradient Recall Legos

6 RNN with external memory Introduction


Implicit vs. Explicit memory

Implicit memory : vanilla RNN

Limited dependencies (vanishing gradient)

Memory implicitely encoded in weights (namely recurrents)

Explicit memory : LSTM, GRU

Able to deal with longer dependencies

Memory implicitely encoded in weightsandexplicitely in hidden states Memory compressed into dense vectors

I Not compartmentalized

I Numerical values

I Still too small ...

⇒Need for an external memory


RNN with external memory Introduction

Memory augmented neural networks

External memory

Persistent : extremely long dependencies ! Much bigger than limited, encoded memory Can store not only numerical values

How to deal with an external memory

What to read/write ? Where to read/write ? When to read/write ?

⇒Let’s learn it !


Turing Machines

A Turing Machine is made of :

An infinite tape divided into cells that contain symbols

A head that can read/write symbols on the tape, and move the tape A state register that stores the state of the Turing machine

A finite instruction table :

I Either erase or write a symbol

I Move the head

I Change the machine state A controller that choose the instruction given the state and the current symbol

credit Image :http://www.



RNN with external memory Neural Turing Machines

Neural Turing Machines (1)

"Neural turing machines" A Graves, G Wayne, I Danihelka arXiv preprint arXiv:1410.5401

A NTM is a

differentiable Turing Machine

Made of 5 modules : The controller

The addressing module The reading module The writing module The memory


Neural Turing Machines (2)

Unfolded NTM fromhttps://medium.com/snips-ai/


Mt: memory at timet rt : read vector


RNN with external memory Neural Turing Machines

Neural Turing Machines (3)

The memory :

Mtis anN×M memory att N: memory size,M: vector size

Every operation is differentiable :

Reading module :ωtis the attention that tells where to look : rt=X



The writing module (=update the memory) : eraseet then addat

I Erase :M˜t(i) =Mt−1(i) [1−ωt(i)et]

I Add :Mt(i) = ˜Mt(i) +ωt(i)at

Addressing module for updatingωt : Attention-based mechanism for


Memory augmented networks : resume

Related/similar works

S. Sukhbaatar et al.: End-To-End Memory Networks.

NIPS 2015: 2440-2448

A.Kumar et al.: Ask Me Anything: Dynamic Memory Networks for NLP. ICML 2016: 1378-1387


Memorization tasks

Question/answering problems

Not perfectly mature, but strong potential for future tasks in AI


RNN with external memory Neural Turing Machines


Some interesting pointers :

”Understanding LSTM Networks”, a very easy-to-understand page about LSTM :http:


Holger schwenk’s talk about automatic translation at the coll `ege de France


Une page de John Platt sur les progr `es en image captioning :https:



RNN part of deeplearningbook :



Practical work :

Sentiment analysis :https://machinelearningmastery.com/


Generating Text :https://machinelearningmastery.com/


Generating Haikus :

https://github.com/aenrichus/haiku_rnn Handwriting Recognition :



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