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2 Definition of the analytic continuation


Academic year: 2022

Partager "2 Definition of the analytic continuation"


Texte intégral


Nicole Berline and Michèle Vergne

Abstract. We define a set theoretic “analytic continuation” of a polytope defined by inequalities. For the regular values of the parameter, our construction coincides with the parallel transport of polytopes in a mirage introduced by Varchenko. We determine the set-theoretic variation when crossing a wall in the parameter space, and we relate this variation to Paradan’s wall-crossing formulas for integrals and discrete sums. As another application, we refine the theorem of Brion on gener- ating functions of polytopes and their cones at vertices. We describe the relation of this work with the equivariant index of a line bundle over a toric variety and Morelli constructible support function.

Contents 111

1 Introduction . . . 112

2 Definition of the analytic continuation . . . 126

2.1 Some cones related to a partition polytope . . . . 126

2.2 Vertices and faces of a partition polytope . . . . 127

2.3 The Brianchon-Gram function . . . 129

3 Signed sums of quadrants . . . 131

3.1 Continuity properties of the Brianchon-Gram function . . . 131

3.2 Polarized sums . . . 135

4 Wall-crossing . . . 139

4.1 Combinatorial wall-crossing . . . 139

4.2 Semi-closed partition polytopes . . . 143

4.3 Decomposition in quadrants . . . 146

4.4 Geometric wall-crossing . . . 147

4.5 An example . . . 147

5 Integrals and discrete sums over a partition polytope . . . 150

5.1 Generating functions of polyhedra and Brion’s theorem . . . 150


5.2 Polynomiality and wall-crossing for integrals and sums . . . 152 5.3 Paradan’s convolution wall-crossing formulas . . 157 6 A refinement of Brion’s theorem . . . 159

6.1 Brianchon-Gram continuation of a face of a par- tition polytope . . . 162 7 Cohomology of line bundles over a toric variety . . . 167 References . . . 171

1 Introduction

Consider a polytopeq(b)inRd defined by a system ofN linear inequal- ities:

q(b):= {y ∈Rd;"µi,y# ≤bi, 1≤iN.} (1.1) In this article, we study the variation of the polytopeq(b)when the pa- rameter b = (bi) varies inRN, but the linear forms µi are fixed (the parametric arrangement of hyperplanes"µi,y#=biso obtained is called a mirage in [20]).

Our main construction is the following. Starting with a parameter b0 which is regular (this is defined below), we construct a function X(x1,x2, . . . ,xN) on RN which is a linear combination of characteris- tic functions of various semi-open coordinate quadrants inRN. Define

A(b)(y)=X(b1− "µ1,y#, . . . ,bN − "µN,y#).

The crucial feature of the functionX is that, forbnearb0,A(b)(y)is the characteristic function of the polytopeq(b), but A(b)enjoys analyticity properties with respect to the parameterbwhenbmoves inRN, that we will explain below. So we say that A(b)is the “analytical continuation

”of the polytopeq(b)(with initial valueb0).

Before stating these properties, let us give two examples. We denote by pi the characteristic function of the closed coordinate half-space, pi = [xi ≥ 0], and we setqi = 1 − pi = [xi < 0]. First, let q be the d- dimensional simplex defined by thed+1 inequalitiesyi≥0,!d


In this case we have, (see Example 3.1),

X(x)= p1· · ·pd+1+(−1)dq1· · ·qd+1.

ThusX(x)is the sum of the [characteristic function of the] closed pos- itive coordinate quadrant in Rd+1and of(−1)d times the open negative one. Letb = (b1, . . . ,bd+1). Ifb1+ · · · +bd+1 ≥ 0, then A(b)(y) =


X(b1+y1,· · · ,bd+yd,bd+1(y1+· · ·+yd))is the characteristic func- tion of the simplex{yi ≥ −bi,!d

i=1yibd+1}, while ifb1+· · ·+bd+1<

0, then A(b)(y)is equal to(−1)d times the characteristic function of the symmetric open simplex {yi <bi,!d

i=1yi > bd+1}. In particular, in dimension d = 1, starting with the closed interval [0,1], the ana- lytic continuation A(b) is the closed interval {−b1yb2} when b1+b2≥0, whileA(b)is(−1)times the open interval{b2<y <b1} whenb1+b2<0 (Figure 1.1)



Figure 1.1. In blue for b = (0,2), q(b) = [0,2] , in red forb = (0,−2), A(b)=(−1)times]−2,0[.

For the second example, we start with the tetragon illustrated in Fig- ure 1.2 defined by the 4 inequalitiesy2+2≥0, y1+1≥0,y1+y2≤0, y1y2≥0. In this case we have (see Example 4.2 and Subsection 4.5)

X(x)= p1p2p3p4p1q2q3p4q1p2p3q4+q1q2q3q4, a signed sum of characteristic functions of 4 semi-open quadrants.

Some values of the analytic continuationA(b)are illustrated in Figures 1.2 and 1.3. For each value ofb, it is a signed sum of semi-open polygons.

Components with a +sign are colored in blue, components with a−1 sign are colored in red. Semi-openness is indicated by dotted lines.


Figure 1.2.Analytic continuation of a tetragon.


Figure 1.3.More analytic continuation of a tetragon.

Let us describe now some of the properties of A(b).

A pointb=(bi)∈RN is called regular (with respect to the sequence of linear formsµi) if a subset ofk equations among the equations{µi = bi}do not have a common solution ifk > d. We define a tope τ to be a connected component of the open set of regular pointsbinRN. Topes are separated by hyperplanes which we call walls.

Letb0 ∈RN be regular. Recall that we assume thatq(b0)is compact.

In this case, each vertex of the polytopeq(b0)belongs to exactlydfacets, in other words the polytopeq(b0)is simple. Loosely speaking, the shape of the polytope q(b)does not change whenbremains close tob0. The facets ofq(b)remain parallel to those ofq(b0), while its vertices depend linearly onb. Whenbcrosses a wall, the shape ofq(b)changes.

Leth(y)be a polynomial function onRd. The integral




and the discrete sum #



are classical topics. In particular, if h is the constant function 1, these quantities are respectively the volume of the polytopeq(b)and the num- ber of integral points in the polytopeq(b). It is well-known that the func- tion b → $

q(b)h(y)dy is given on each tope by a polynomial function ofb. Moreover, if we assume that the linear formsµi are rational, the discrete sum b → !

yq(b)Zdh(y) is given on each tope by a quasi- polynomial function ofb. These results follow for instance from Brion’s theorem of decomposing a polytope as a sum of its tangent cones at ver- tices, [6, 9]. When the parameter b crosses a wall of the tope τ, the integralb→$

q(b)h(y)dyis given by a different polynomial, the discrete sum by a different quasi-polynomial. Their wall-crossing variations have


been computed by Paradan, in a more general context of Hamiltonian geometry, using transversally elliptic operators, [18].

The functionX which we construct in this article depends on the tope τ which contains the starting value b0, and we will study its depen- dence with respect toτ. Therefore, we writeX(τ)(x)and A(τ,b)(y) = X(τ)(b1−"µ1,y#, . . . ,bN−"µN,y#)instead ofX(x)andA(b)(y)from now on. The function y)→ A(τ,b)(y)enjoys the following properties.

• Whenb is in the closureτ of the topeτ, A(τ,b)coincides with the characteristic function[q(b)]ofq(b).

• The function A(τ,b)(y) is a linear combination with integral coeffi- cients of characteristic functions of bounded faces of various dimen- sions of the arrangement of hyperplanes"µi,y#=bi, 1≤iN.

• The integral "

Rd A(τ,b)(y)e"ξ,y#dy

is an analytic function of (ξ,b)(Rd) ×RN. For bτ, it co- incides with $

q(b)e"ξ,y#dy. If h(y) is a polynomial function, then b)→$

Rd A(τ,b)(y)h(y)dyis a polynomial function ofb∈RNwhich coincides with$

q(b)h(y)dywhenbτ .

• Moreover, if we assume that theµi are rational, the discrete sum




is a quasi-polynomial function ofb, (see Definition 5.1 of quasi-poly- nomial functions). It coincides with!

yq(b)Zdh(y)forbin the ini- tial tope and even in a neighborhood of its closure (see the precise statement in Corollary 3.1 ).

For instance, let us look again at the closed interval[0,b]. Forb∈N, the number of integral points in [0,b] is given by the polynomial function b+1. For a negative integerb < 0, the valueb+1 is indeed equal to (−1)times the number of integral points in the open intervalb<y <0 . The key idea is to defineA(τ,b)as a signed sum of closed affine cones, shifted whenbvaries, so that their vertices depend linearly on the param- eterb. We use decompositions of a polytopepas a signed sum of cones, such as the Brianchon-Gram decomposition, (see for instance [8]).

Theorem 1.1 (Brianchon-Gram decomposition). Letp⊂Rdbe a poly- tope. For each facefofp, lettaff(p,f)⊆Rdbe the affine tangent cone to pat the facef. Then

[p] = #


(−1)dimf[taff(p,f)], (1.2)


whereF(p)is the set of faces ofp.

Here, for a setE ⊂Rd, we denote by[E]the function onRdwhich is the characteristic function of the setE.

For regular values ofb, our construction of A(τ,b)coincides with the parallel transport of Varchenko [20], the idea of which is quite simple.

For instance, write the Brianchon-Gram formula for the closed interval 0≤ yb,

[0≤ yb] = [yb] + [y≥0]−[R].

If the vertexbmoves to the left, crosses the origin and becomes negative, the right hand side of the Brianchon-Gram formula becomes first, for b = 0, the characteristic function of the point 0, then forb < 0, the characteristic function of the open intervalb<y <0 with a minus sign.

Actually, instead of the Brianchon-Gram decomposition, Varchenko uses the polarized decomposition into semi-closed cones at vertices which he obtains in [20]. However, we go beyond [20] in several ways.

First, as we already mentioned, we introduce (and compute) the “pre- cursor” function X(τ), a sum of characteristic functions of semi-open quadrants, which gives rise to A(τ,b)for allb. Moreover, we compute explicitly the wall-crossing variation


when b belongs to a tope adjacent to the starting tope τ. Actually, we compute the wall crossing variation at the level of the “precursor” func- tionX(τ)itself.

Finally, we show that “analytic continuation” of the faces of the poly- topeq(b0)occurs naturally, when one wants to compute!

yq(b0)Zde"ξ,y# for a degenerate value ofξ.

Let us now summarize the results of this article. We need some nota- tions. It is more convenient to work in the framework of partition poly- topes. So, let us first recall how one goes from the framework of linear inequalities"µi,y# ≤bi to that of partition polytopes. A partition poly- topep(#,λ)is determined by a sequence#=j)1jN of elements of a vector space F(of dimensionr) and an elementλF, as follows:

Definition 1.1.



x ∈RN;

#N j=1

xjφj =λ, xj ≥0.



We assume that the conec(#)generated by theφj’s, is salient and that

#generates F. Thus the setp(#,λ)is compact wheneverλ∈ c(#)(if λ is not in c(#), then p(#,λ) is empty.) The polytope p(#,λ) is, by definition, the intersection of the affine subspace



x ∈RN;

#N j=1

xjφj =λ


with the standard quadrant Q :='

x ∈RN;xj ≥0( .

A wall in F is a hyperplane generated by r − 1 linearly independent elements of#. An elementλFis called#-regular, ifλdoes not lie on any wall. Ifλ∈c(#)is regular, the polytopep(#,λ)is a simple polytope of dimensiond = Nr contained in the affine spaceV(#,λ).

Consider the map M : RNF given by M(x) = !

ixiφi. Let V ⊂RNbe the kernel of M.

V =


x ∈RN;

#N j=1

xjφj =0


. SoV has dimensiond =Nr.

If E is a subset of RN, we denote now by [E] the function on RN which is the characteristic function ofE. Thus, for any subsetE ofRN, [EV] = [E][V].


ibiφi, the map

xx+b (1.3)

is an isomorphism betweenV and the affine spaceV(#,λ).

Letµi be the linear form −xi restricted to V. The bijection VV(#,λ)maps the polytopeq(b)= {yV; "µi,y# ≤bi}ontop(#,λ).

Indeed, the point (y1 +b1, . . . ,yN +bN) is in p(#,λ) if and only if


Moreover,bis regular with respect to the sequence of linear formsµi

onV if and only ifλ= M(b)is#-regular inF. A connected component of the set of #-regular elements of F will be called a#-tope. Thus a subsetτF is a#-tope if and only if M1(τ) ⊂ RN is a connected component of the set of regular parameters, i.e. a tope with respect to i).

It is clearly equivalent to study the variation of the polytopeq(b)when bvaries, or the variation of the partition polytopep(#,λ), whenλvaries.


In this framework, the inequations xj ≥ 0 are fixed, while the affine spaceV(#,λ)varies. For example, Figure 1.4 shows the interval[0,b], in blue, now realized as {x1 ≥ 0,x2 ≥ 0,x1+x2 = b}. The analytic continuation A(τ,b)forb < 0 is colored in red on this figure, where a minus sign is assigned to red.

−b b

4 2 2 4 4




4 Figure 1.4. F =R,#=(1,1).

We fix a #-tope τF, and considerλτ. Recall the combinato- rial description of the faces of the partition polytopep(#,λ). We denote by G(#,τ)(respectively B(#,τ)) the set of I ⊆ {1, . . . ,N}such that {φi,iI}generates F (respectively is a basis of F) and such that τ is contained in the cone generated by{φi,iI}. The set of faces (respec- tively vertices) ofp(#,λ)is in one-to-one correspondence withG(#,τ) (respectivelyB(#,τ)). The face which corresponds to I is



x ∈RN0,

#N j=1

xjφj =λ, xj =0 for jIc


. (1.4)

The affine tangent cone top(#,λ)at the facefI(#,λ)is tI(#,λ)=


x ∈RN,

#N j=1

xjφj =λ,xj ≥0 for jIc


. (1.5) Ifλis inc(#), but is not in the topeτ, then the partition polytopep(#,λ) is not empty, but its faces are no longer in one-to-one correspondence with G(#,τ), (see Figure 1.2). Nevertheless, the cone in (1.5) makes sensefor everyλF: it remains “the same cone”{xV;xj ≥0, jIc}up to a shift, under the mapV(#,λ)V (see Formula (2.2)).

We introduce now the main character of this story, the function onRN previously denoted byX(τ).


Definition 1.2. The Geometric Brianchon-Gram function is X(#,τ)= #


(−1)|I|−dimF )


[xj ≥0].

Let us compute this function for the case of#=(1,1)inF =R. Then X(#,τ)= [x1≥0] + [x2≥0]−[R2]

is equal to


the characteristic function of the closed positive quadrant minus the char- acteristic function of the open negative quadrant, (Figure 1.5).

b b

−4 −2 2 4 4





Figure 1.5.The functionX(#,τ)for#=(1,1).

Ifλτ, the Brianchon-Gram theorem implies

X(#,τ)[V(#,λ)] = [p(#,λ)], (1.6) the characteristic function of the partition polytope p(#,λ). However, the functionX(#,τ)[V(#,λ)] is defined for anyλF. It is a signed sum of characteristic functions of closed cones intersected with the affine spaceV(#,λ).

For instance, in the case of#=(1,1), taking the product ofX(#,τ) with the characteristic function of the affine linex1+x2=b, we clearly recover the analytic continuation pictured in Figure 1.4.

One of our first results (and our main technical tool) (Theorem 3.3) is the fact that the Brianchon-Gram combinatorial function X(#,τ)(p,q) coincides with the analogous function associated with any Lawrence- Varchenko polarized decomposition of a polytope into semi-closed cones at vertices [15, 20].


From this result, we deduce that the functionX(#,τ)[V(#,λ)]is the signed sum of characteristic functions of semi-open polytopes, in particu- lar the support of this function is bounded for anyλF(Corollary 3.2).

Reverting to the framework of linear inequalities, we define now A(τ,b)to be the inverse image of X(#,τ)under the map vv+b from V toRN. For bτ, A(τ,b)is the characteristic function of the polytope q(b). For any value of b, it follows from the definition that A(τ,b) is the signed sum of the characteristic functions of the tangent cones to the faces of the initial polytopeq(b0), withb0τ, followed“by continuity ”. The above qualitative result implies that A(τ,b)is a signed sum of bounded faces of various dimensions of the mirageµi =bi. It is easy to see thatA(τ,b)enjoys the analyticity properties stated above.

Our main result is a wall crossing formula which we prove in a purely combinatorial context.

As the space RN is the disjoint union of the semi-closed quadrants QnegB := {x = (xi);xi < 0 foriB, xi ≥ 0 foriBc}, we write X(#,τ)in terms of the characteristic functions of these quadrants.

We introduce the following polynomial in the variables pi andqi. Definition 1.3. Letτ be a#-tope. The Combinatorial Brianchon-Gram function associated to the pair(#,τ)is

X(#,τ)(p,q)= #







(pi+qi). (1.7)

We recoverX(#,τ)when we substitutepi = [xi ≥0]andqi = [xi <0] inX(#,τ)(p,q)(so thatpi +qi =1).

For example, when#=(1,1), we have

X(#,τ)= p1(p2+q2)+p2(p1+q1)(p1+q1)(p2+q2)= p1p2q1q2. The polynomial X(#,τ) enjoys remarkable properties. Let us say that the quadrant QnegB is#-bounded, if the intersection of its closure QnegB with V is reduced to 0. Equivalently, the intersection of QnegB with the affine spaceV(#,λ)is bounded for anyλF.

We have










where, for any subset B ⊆ {1, . . . ,N}such thatzB .=0, the associated quadrantQnegB is#-bounded. The coefficientszBare inZand we give an algorithmic formula for them.


As we will observe in the last section, the decomposition in#-bounded quadrants of X(#,τ) is an analogue of the fact that the cohomology spaces of a compact complex manifold are finite dimensional.

Our main result is Theorem 4.1, where we compute the function X(#,τ1)X(#,τ2), when τ1 andτ2 be two adjacent topes (meaning that the intersection of their closures is contained in a wall H and spans this wall).

We will not state the formula for X(#,τ1)X(#,τ2) in this intro- duction, but let us just mention a significant corollary, the wall-crossing formula for the polytope p(#,λ). Let A be the set ofi ∈ {1, . . . ,N} such thatφi belongs to the open side of Hwhich containsτ1(hence−φi belongs to the side ofτ2). Let

pflip(#,A,λ)= {xV(#,λ);xi <0 if iA,xi ≥0 ifi/ A}. Thuspflip(#,A,λ)is a semi-closed bounded polytope inV(#,λ).

Theorem 1.2. Letτ1andτ2be adjacent topes. Ifλτ2, we have X(#,τ1)[V(#,λ)] = [p(#,λ)]−(−1)|A|[pflip(#,A,λ)]. (1.8) This formula is clearly inspired by the results of Paradan [18]. In turn, we show that it implies the convolution formula of Paradan which in- volves the number of lattice points of some lower dimensional polytopes associated to#H.”

The above formula implies that, after crossing a wall, the analytic con- tinuation of the original polytopep(#,λ)is the signed sum of two poly- topes, among which one, but no more than one, may be empty. As illus- trated in Section 4.5, we see the new polytopepflip(#,A,λ)starting to show his nose whenλcrosses the wall. To be precise, the wall H must separate two chambers, not just two topes, (as explained in Remark 4.2) in order for the new polytopepflip(#,A,λ)to be not empty.

When F is provided with a lattice', and the φi’s are in', the data (#,λ)parameterize a toric variety together with a line bundle. The zono- tope


% N



tiφi;0≤ti ≤1


plays an important role in the “continuity properties” of our formulae in the discrete case, where, for a tope τ, the “neighborhood” ofτ' is the fattened tope −b(#))∩'. Remark indeed that the semi-closed flipped polytopepflip(#,A,λ)of Formula (1.8) may not contain any in- tegral point whenλstays near the wall betweenτ1andτ2.


In Section 5, where we study discrete sums over partition polytopes, we recover the quasi-polynomiality over fattened topes which was pre- viously obtained in [12, 13, 19], as well as wall crossing formulae. Re- markably, the proofs which we give in the present article are based only on the Brianchon-Gram decomposition of a polytope and some set theo- retic computations.

Our original motivation for the present work was to understand Brion’s formula when specialized at a degenerate point. Let p ⊂ V be a full- dimensional polytope in a vector space V equipped with a lattice VZ. Consider the discrete sum

S(p)(ξ)= #



Brion’s theorem expresses the analytic functionS(p)(ξ)as the sum S(p)(ξ) = #


S(s+cs)(ξ). (1.9) Heresruns over the set of vertices ofp, ands+csis the tangent cone atp at the vertexs. Now the functionS(s+cs)(ξ)is a meromorphic function ofξ. Its poles are the pointsξV such thatξ vanishes on some edge generator of the conecs (or equivalently, such thatξ takes the same value at the vertexsand some adjacent vertexs/ofp).

It is well known that ifξ is regular with respect to p, (i.e. "ξ,s# .=

"ξ,s/#for adjacent vertices), Brion’s formula is the combinatorial trans- lation of the localization formula in equivariant cohomology [4], in a case where the fixed points are isolated. The case whereξ is not regular cor- responds to the case where the variety of fixed points has components of positive dimension. We obtain indeed the combinatorial translation of the localization formula in this degenerate case. The vertices must be replaced by the faces on which ξ is constant which are maximal with respect to this property. For such a facef, the tangent cone must be re- placed by the transverse cone topalongf. However, the formula is “nice”

only under some conditions (satisfied for example when the polytopep is simple). The formula involves the “analytic continuation” of the facef obtained by slicing the polytopepby affine subspaces parallel tof, Fig- ure 6.2

Finally, in the last section, we sketch the relation of this work with the cohomology of line bundles over a toric variety. In the case where the φi’s generate a lattice in F, a #-topeτ gives rise to a toric variety Mτ. Then, the value of the function X(#,τ)computed at a pointm


ZN ⊂ RN is the multiplicity of the characterm in the alternate sum of the cohomology groups of the line bundleLλon Mτ which corresponds toλ= !

imiφi. In other words, the functionX(#,τ)induces on each affine spaceV(#,λ)the constructible function associated by Morelli [16]

to the line bundleLλon Mτ.

The continuity result (Corollary 3.1) implies that the functionλ → dimH0(Mτ,λ)is a quasi-polynomial on the fattened tope−b(#))∩'.

We give some examples of computations in the last section.

These results have been presented by the second author M.V. in the Workshop: Arrangements of Hyperplanes held in Pisa in June 2010. M.V.

thanks C. De Concini, H. Schenck and M. Wachs for numerous discus- sions on posets, cohomology of line bundles on toric varieties, during this special period, and thanks the Centro de Giorgi for providing such a stim- ulating atmosphere. The idea of this article arose while both authors were enjoying a Research in Pairs stay at Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach in March/April 2010. The support of MFO is gratefully acknowledged.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. We thank P. Johnson for drawing our atten- tion to Varchenko’s work and to the paper [10] where applications of Varchenko’s work to wall crossing formulae for Hurwicz numbers are obtained.


List of notations

A(b),A(τ,b) a function onRd,

the analytic continuation of a polytope

[E] characteristic function

of a setERdorE ⊆RN

F r-dimensional real vector space;λF

# a sequence of N non zero vectorsφi inF

ei canonical basis ofRN

xi coordinates functions onRN

M the mapRNF;M(ei)=φi

V(#),V {x ∈RN;!


xiφi =0}

d Nr;the dimension ofV

V(#,λ) {x ∈RN;!


xiφi =λ} p(#,λ) {x ∈RN;xi ≥0;!


xiφi =λ} Partition polytope a polytopep(#,λ)

' lattice inF;λ'

k(#) the functionλ→cardinalp(#,λ) Partition function the functionk(#)

Q the standard quadrant{x ∈RN;xi ≥0} I,J,K,A,B subsets of{1,2, . . . ,N}

Ic complementary subsets toI in{1,2,...,N}

#I i,iI)

c(#),c(#I) cone generated by#,#I

a(K) the cone inRN defined as {x ∈RN;xj ≥0 for jKc}

a0(K) the coneV ∩a(K)

tK(#,λ) a(K)V(#,λ)

#-basic subset I a subsetI such thatφi,iI, is a basis ofF

#-generating subsetI a subsetI such thatφi,iI, generatesF B(#) the set of#-basic subsets

G(#) the set of#-generating subsets

ρ#,I ρ#,I :RNV(#)with kernel⊕iIRei gIj ρ#,I(ej),jIc

wallH hyperplane inF generated byr −1 vectors in#

regularλ λdoes not belong to any wallH

topeτ τF,a connected component

of the set of regular elements B(#,τ) the set of#-basic subsets I

such thatτ⊂c(#I)


G(#,τ) the set of#-generating subsetsI such thatτ⊂c(#I)

arrangementH(λ) the collection of the hyperplanesxi =0 inV(#,λ)

vertexs of the arrangementH(λ);s belongs to d hyperplanes ofH(λ)

sI(#,λ) the vertex ofH(λ)such thatsj =0 for jIc fI(#,λ),fI the face ofp(#,λ)indexed byI; defined by

p(#,λ)∩{xj =0, jIc}

taff(p,f) tangent affine cone to a polytopepat the facef X(#,τ) !


(−1)|I|−dimF *

jIc[xj ≥0] X(#,τ)(p,q) !


(−1)|I|−dimF *


pj *


(pi +qi)

wB *


pj *



W space of polynomials with basiswB

Geom substituting pi = [xi ≥0],qj = [xj <0]inwB

b(#) the zonotope generated by#; '!N


tiφi;0≤ti ≤1(

QnegB {x =(xi),xi <0 foriB;xi ≥0 foriBc}

#flipB the sequenceiφi,1≤iN), where σi =−1 ifiB;σi =1 ifi/ B +c(#flipB ) ' !


xiφi,xQnegB ( +cZ(#flipB ) ' !


xiφi,xQnegB ∩ZN(

β linear form onRN

Kβc,+ {jKc;"β,gKj #>0} Kβc, {jKc;"β,gKj #<0}

a(K,β) {x ∈RN;xi ≥0 ,iKβc+;xi <0 ,iKβc} a0(K,β) the coneV ∩a(K,β)

Y(#,τ,β) !


(−1)|Kβc| *


pi *


qi *


(pi +qi) p(#,A,λ) {xV(#,λ), xi >0 foriA,xi ≥0 foriAc} pflip(#,A,λ) {xV(#,λ) xi <0 foriA,xi ≥0 foriAc}


2 Definition of the analytic continuation

2.1 Some cones related to a partition polytope

In this article, there will be plenty of cones. A cone will always be an affine polyhedral convex cone. A cone will be called flat if it contains an affine line, otherwise, it will be called salient.

LetF be a real vector space of dimensionr, and let#=1, . . . ,φN) be a sequence ofN non zero elements ofF. We assume that#generates F as a vector space.

The standard basis ofRN is denoted by ei with dual basis the linear forms xi. We denote by M : RNF the surjective map which sends the vectorei to the vectorφi. The kernel ofMis a subspace of dimension d = Nr which will be denoted by V(#) or simply V when # is understood.

V(#):= {x ∈RN;#


xiφi =0}. We denote byQthe standard quadrant

Q:= {x ∈RN;xi ≥0}.

The conec(#)generated by#is the image ofQby M. Assume that the conec(#)is salient. In other words, there exists a linear form aF such that"a,φi#>0 for all 1≤iN. This is also equivalent to the fact thatVQ=0.

IfI is a subset of{1,2, . . . ,N}, we denote by Ic the complementary subset toI in{1,2, . . . ,N}.

Definition 2.1. IfI is a subset of{1,2, . . . ,N}, let a(I)= {x ∈RN;xj ≥0 for jIc} and let

a0(I)=V ∩a(I)= {xV; xj ≥0 for jIc} be the intersection ofV with the conea(I).

Thusa(I)is the product of the positive quadrant in the variables Ic, with a vector space of dimension|I|. The conea(I)is called an angle by Varchenko. It is never salient, except if I = ∅. With this notation, the positive quadrantQisa(∅).

We now analyze the conea0(I)V. A subset I ⊆ {1,2, . . . ,N} such that{φi,iI}is a basis ofF will be called#-basic. We denote by B(#)the set of#-basic subsets. A subset I ⊆ {1,2, . . . ,N}such that {φi,iI}generates Fwill be called#-generating. We denote byG(#) the set of#-generating subsets.


Let I be #-basic. Then the cardinal of Ic is d = Nr and the restrictions toV of the linear formsxj, with jIc, form a basis ofV. Hencea0(I)is a cone of dimension d in V withd generators, in other words a simplicial cone of full dimension in the vector spaceV. Let us describe the edges of the simplicial conea0(I). We have

RN =V(#)(iIRei),

and we denote byρ#,I the corresponding linear projectionRNV. For jIc, we writeφj =!


Lemma 2.1. LetI be#-basic. For jIc, let gIj =ρ#,I(ej)=ej −#



Then the d vectors gIj are the generators of the edges of the simplicial conea0(I).

Now, let I be a generating subset. Then the restrictions to V of the linear forms xj, jIc, are linearly independent elements of V. The conea0(I)is again the product of a simplicial cone of dimension|Ic|by a vector space of dimension|I|−r More precisely, ifK is any#-basic subset contained inI, the conea0(I)is the product of the cone generated by ρ#,K(ej),jIc, by the vector space generated by ρ#,K(ei) with iI \K.

2.2 Vertices and faces of a partition polytope

Recall that, forλF, we denote byV(#,λ)⊂RNthe affine subspace {x ∈RN;#


xiφi =λ}.

The intersections of the coordinates hyperplanes{xi = 0}withV(#,λ) form an arrangementH(λ)ofNaffine hyperplanes ofV(#,λ).

By definition, a vertex of this arrangement is a pointsV(#,λ)such thats belongs to at leastd independent hyperplanes. The arrangement H(λ)is called regular if no vertex belongs to more thand hyperplanes.

A#-wall H is a hyperplane ofFspanned byr −1 linearly independent elements of#. ThusH(λ)is regular if and only ifλdoes not belong to any#-wall, that is, ifλis regular.

By definition, a face of the arrangement H(λ)is the set of elements xV(#,λ)which satisfy a subset of the set of relations{xi ≥ 0,xj ≤ 0,xk =0}.


Recall that the partition polytope p(#,λ) is the intersection of the affine spaceV(#,λ)with the positive quadrantQ. Thus it is a bounded face of the arrangement of hyperplanesH(λ).

IfI ⊂{1, . . . ,N}is#-basic, thenλhas a unique decompositionλ=


iI xiφi. Ifλis regular,xi .=0 for alli.

Definition 2.2. Let I be a #-basic subset, let λ = !

iIxiφi. Then sI(#,λ)is the vertex of the arrangementH(λ)defined bysI(#,λ)=(si) wheresi =xi ifiI, andsj =0 if jIc.

Observe thatsI(#,λ)depends linearly onλ.

Ifλis regular, the vertices of the arrangementH(λ)are in one to one correspondence I )→ sI(#,λ) with the setB(#)of#-basic subsets of {1, . . . ,N}.

Definition 2.3. ForI a subset of{1,2, . . . ,N}, define tI(#,λ)=a(I)V(#,λ).

IfIis a#-basic subset, then the conetI(#,λ)is the shiftsI(#,λ)+a0(I) of thefixed simplicial conea0(I)by the vertexsI(#,λ)which depends linearly ofλ. We will use the formula

tI(#,λ)=sI(#,λ)+a0(I). (2.1) Similarly, if I is a#-generating subset, choose a#-basic subset K con- tained in I, then the conetI(#,λ)is the shift of thefixed conea0(I)by the vertexsK(#,λ)which depends linearly ofλ.

tI(#,λ)=a(I)V(#,λ)=sK(#,λ)+a0(I). (2.2) So, one can say that the settI(#,λ)varies analytically withλ, whenever I is a generating subset. At least it “keeps the same shape”. This is not the case when I is not generating, for example when I = ∅. Indeed t(#,λ)is the partition polytopep(#,λ), and it certainly does not vary


We now analyze the faces of the partition polytope p(#,λ) and the corresponding tangent cones.

Ifτ is a#-tope, we denote byB(#,τ)B(#)the set of basic subsets I such thatτ is contained in the conec(φI)generated by theφi,iI. In other words, the equationλ =!

iIxiφi can be solved with positivexi. Equivalently, the corresponding vertexsI(#,λ)belongs to the polytope p(#,λ). Thus whenλis regular, there is a one-to-one correspondence be- tween the elementsIB(#,τ)and the vertices of the polytopep(#,λ).


Whenλbelongs to the closure of a topeτ, every vertex ofp(#,λ)is still of the formsI(#,λ)with IB(#,τ), but two#-basic subsets can give rise to the same vertex.

LetIB(#,τ). Assume thatλis regular, so that all coordinatessi of sI(#,λ)withiI are positive. Then it is clear that the tangent cone to p(#,λ)at the vertexsI(#,λ)is the cone determined by the inequations xi ≥ 0 foriIc, while the sign of the coordinatesxi with iI are arbitrary, In other words, it is the simplicial affine conetI(#,λ)

We denote byG(#,τ)G(#) the set of generating subsets I such thatτ is contained in the conec(φI)generated by theφi,iI.

IfIG(#,τ), the intersection ofp(#,λ)with{xj = 0, jIc}is a facefI(#,λ)of dimension|I|−rof the polytopep(#,λ). The vertices of this face are the pointssK(#,λ)corresponding to all the#-basic subsets K contained in I. The affine tangent conetaff(p(#,λ), fK(#,λ))to the polytopep(#,λ)along the face fK(#,λ)is

taff(p(#,λ), fK(#,λ))=tI(#,λ)=a(I)V(#,λ).

2.3 The Brianchon-Gram function

Summarizing, forλτ, there is a one-to one correspondence between the set of faces of the polytopep(#,λ)and the setG(#,τ). The Brianchon- Gram theorem implies, forλτ,

[p(#,λ)] =

, #


(−1)|I|−dimF[a(I)] -


Whenλvaries, the right hand side is obtained by intersecting a number of fixed cones inRN with the varying affine spaceV(#,λ). It is natural to introduce the function onRN

X(#,τ) = #



= #


(−1)|I|−dimF )


[xj ≥0]. (2.3) that is, the Geometric Brianchon-Gram function which we mentioned in the introduction.

Forλτ, we have

X(#,τ)[V(#,λ)] = [p(#,λ)], (2.4) the characteristic function of the partition polytopep(#,λ)⊂RN.


Let us now consider the functionX(#,τ)[V(#,λ)]for anyλF. By Equations (2.1) and (2.2), we have

X(#,τ)[V(#,λ)] = #



Here, for each IG(#,τ), we chooseKI, a basic subset contained inI.

We thus see that X(#,τ)[V(#,λ)] is constructed as follows. Start from the polytope p(#,λ0)with λ0τ, write the characteristic func- tion ofp(#,λ0)as the alternating sum of its tangent cones at faces, and when moving λ in the whole space F, follow these cones by moving their vertex linearly in function ofλ. As all the setsI entering in the for- mula forX(#,τ)are generating, the individual piecesa(I)V(#,λ)= sK(#,λ)+a0(I)keep the same shape.

It is clear that the support of the functionX(#,τ)[V(#,λ)]is a union of faces of various dimensions of the arrangementH(λ). We will show that it is is a union of bounded faces of this arrangement, for anyλF (Corollary 3.2).

Remark 2.1. Chambers rather than topes are relevant to wall crossing.

However, we preferred to use topes, because topes are naturally related to the whole set of vertices of the arrangement H(λ). A chamber is a connected component of the complement in F of the union of all the conesspanned by(r −1)-elements of#(#). Chambers are bigger than topes, the closure of a chamber is a union of closures of topes. See Figure 2.1. But ifτ1andτ2are contained in the same chamber, we have G(#,τ1)=G(#,τ2), hence X(#,τ1)= X(#,τ2).

tope 1 chamber


tope 2 tope 3


τ1 τ2 τ3

φ2 φ4


Figure 2.1.Left, topes for#=1231+φ2+φ3). Right, chambers.


3 Signed sums of quadrants

3.1 Continuity properties of the Brianchon-Gram function

Recall that we defined in the introduction the following polynomial in the variables pi andqi.

Definition 3.1. Letτ be a#-tope. The Combinatorial Brianchon-Gram function associated to the pair(#,τ)is

X(#,τ)(p,q)= #


(−1)|I|−dimF )





(pi+qi). (3.1) If the tope τ is not contained in c(#), the set G(#,τ) is empty and X(#,τ) =0. Otherwise, ifτ ⊂ c(#), the sum defining X(#,τ)is in- dexed by all the faces of the polytopep(#,λ0)(for any choice ofλ0τ).

We recoverX(#,τ) when we substitute[xi ≥0] for pi and[xi <0] forqi inX(#,τ)(p,q)(so that pi+qi =1).

The Combinatorial Brianchon-Gram function is a particular element of the spaceW below.

Definition 3.2. LetWbe the subspace ofQ[p1, ...,pN,q1, ...,qN]which consists of linear combinations of the monomials

wB = )






where Bruns over the subsets of{1, . . . ,N}. Thus we have



z(#,τ,B)wB, (3.2)

with coefficientsz(#,τ,B)∈Z.

Remark: For the subset B = {1,2, . . . ,N}, the coefficientz(#,τ,B)is (−1)d =(−1)Nr.

Example 3.1 (The standard knapsack). Let F = R, φi = 1 for i = 1, . . . ,N, andτ = R>0. From the usual inclusion-exclusion relations, we get

X(#,τ)= p1· · ·pN(−1)Nq1· · ·qN. (3.3) An element inW gives a function onRN by the following substitution.

Definition 3.3. We denote by Geom the map from W to the space of functions on RN defined by substituting [xi ≥0] for pi and [xj <0] forqj.


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