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Critical points of the Trudinger–Moser trace functional with high energy levels


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Ann. I. H. Poincaré – AN 32 (2015) 59–95


Critical points of the Trudinger–Moser trace functional with high energy levels

Shengbing Deng


, Monica Musso


aDepartamento de Ingeniería Matemática and CMM, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 170 Correo 3, Santiago, Chile bDepartamento de Matemática, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Avda. Vicuña Mackenna 4860, Macul, Chile

Received 19 March 2013; received in revised form 19 September 2013; accepted 7 October 2013 Available online 18 October 2013


LetΩbe a bounded domain inR2with smooth boundary. In this paper we are concerned with the existence of critical points for the supercritical Trudinger–Moser trace functional


ekπ(1+μ)u2 (0.1)

in the set{uH1(Ω):

Ω(|∇u|2+u2) dx=1}, wherek1 is an integer andμ >0 is a small parameter. For any integerk1 and for anyμ >0 sufficiently small, we prove the existence of a pair ofk-peaks constrained critical points of the above problem.

©2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Keywords:Trudinger–Moser trace functional; Reduction methods

1. Introduction

LetΩbe a bounded domain inR2with smooth boundary, and letH1(Ω)be the Sobolev space, equipped with the norm

u =


|∇u|2+u2 dx




Letαbe a positive number, the Trudinger–Moser trace inequality states that Cα(Ω)= sup




C <+∞, ifαπ,

= +∞, ifα > π (1.1)

The research of the second author has been partly supported by Fondecyt Grant 1120151 and CAPDE-Anillo ACT-125, Chile.

* Corresponding author.

E-mail addresses:shbdeng65@gmail.com(S.-B. Deng),mmusso@mat.puc.cl(M. Musso).

0294-1449/$ – see front matter ©2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.



[1,2,6,7,18,22,23]. Let us mention that the early works[6,7]do not include the case when the constant in(1.1)is exactlyπ. For(1.1)there is a loss of compactness at the limiting exponentα=π. Despite of that, it has been proven in[28]that the supremumCπ(Ω)is attained by a functionuH1(Ω)with

Ω[|∇u|2+u2] =1, for any bounded domainΩ inR2, with smooth boundary. Also, for anyα(0, π ), the supremumCα(Ω)is finite and it is attained.

But the exponentα=πis critical in the sense that for anyα > π,Cα(Ω)= ∞. See also[8,16,17]for generalizations.

The aim of this paper is to study the existence of critical points of the Trudinger–Moser trace functional Eα(u)=


eαu2, (1.2)

constrained to functions

uM= uH1(Ω): u2=1

(1.3) in the supercritical regime

α > π.

In view of the results described above, we will be interested in critical points other than global supremum. As far as we know, no results are known in the literature concerning existence of critical points for the Trudinger–Moser trace constrained problem in thesupercritical regime. Nevertheless, much more is known for the corresponding Trudinger–

Moser functional.

Let us recall that the Trudinger–Moser inequality in dimension 2 states that sup




C <+∞, ifμ4π,

= +∞, ifμ >4π. (1.4)

Here againΩ is a bounded domain ofR2, with smooth boundary. We refer the reader to[25,23,27,29]for the first works on problem(1.4), and to[3,4]for some more recent contributions. For problem(1.4)there is a loss of compact- ness at the limiting exponentμ=4π[21]. Despite of this loss of compactness, the supremum





is attained for any bounded domainΩ⊂R2. This was proven first in the seminal work[5]for the ballΩ=B1(0) (see also an alternative proof in[10]). In[26]the result was proven for domainsΩwhich are small perturbation of the ball. The general result in dimension 2 was proven by Flucher in[14], and Lin[20]extended it for the corresponding Trudinger–Moser inequality for general domain ofRN, withN >2.

Concerning the supercritical regime for the Trudinger–Moser functional, namely Iμ(u)=


eμ|u|2dx, uH01(Ω),u22=1, withμ >4π, (1.5) some results are known. In the works[26]and[15]it has been proven that a local maxima and saddle point solutions in the supercritical regimeμ(4π, μ0)for the functional(1.5)do exist, for someμ0>4π.

Our first result is an extension of the existence of a local maxima for the Trudinger–Moser trace functional in the supercritical regime α(π, α0). Namely, a local maximizer for problem(1.2)–(1.3)exists when the value of αis slightly to the right ofπ.

Theorem 1.1.LetΩbe a bounded domain inR2. Then there existsα0> π, such that for anyα(0, α0), there exists a functionuαMwhich locally maximizes ofEαonM.

This result is proved in Section2.

Much more is known for problem(1.5)andμ >4π. Recently in[12](see also[11]), the authors obtained several results concerning critical points for problem(1.5)also in averysupercritical regime. They found general conditions on the domainΩ under which there is a critical point forIμ(u)with

Ω|∇u|2dx=1 whenμ(4π k, μk), for any


integerk1 and for someμkslightly bigger than 4π k. In particular, for any bounded domainΩ, they found a critical point forIμ(u)with

Ω|∇u|2dx=1 whenμ(4π, μ1), for someμ1>4π. TheL-norm of this solution converges to∞asμ→4πand its mass is concentrated, in some proper sense, asμ→4π, around a point in the interior ofΩ. On the other hand, ifΩ has a hole, namely it is not simply connected, they proved the existence of a critical point forIμ(u)with

Ω|∇u|2dx=1 also in the supercritical rangeμ(8π, μ2), for someμ2>8π. Again in this case, theL-norm of these solutions converges to∞asμ→8π, but now its mass concentrates, asμ→8π, around two distinct points insideΩ. Furthermore, ifΩ is an annulus, taking advantage of the symmetry, a critical point forIμ(u) with

Ω|∇u|2dx=1 andμ(4π k, μk)does exist. In this latter case, theL-norm of the solution converges to∞ asμ→4π kand its mass concentrates, asμ→4π k, aroundkpoints distributed along the vertices of a proper regular polygon withksides lying insideΩ.

The second result of this paper establishes the counterpart of the above situation for the Trudinger–Moser trace functional in the supercritical regime: we will show the existence of critical points for Eα constrained to M, for α(kπ, αk), for anyk1 integer and for someαk slightly to the right of. We next describe our result.

LetG(x, y)be the Green’s function of the problem


xG(x, y)+G(x, y)=0, xΩ;

∂G(x, y)

∂νx =2π δy(x), x∂Ω, (1.6)

andHits regular part defined as H (x, y)=G(x, y)−2 log 1

|xy|. (1.7)

Our second result reads as follows.

Theorem 1.2.LetΩ be any bounded domain inR2with smooth boundary. Fix a positive integerk1. Then there existsαk > kπ such that forα(kπ, αk), the functionalEα(u)restricted toM has at least two critical pointsu1α andu2α. Furthermore, for anyi=1,2there exist numbersmij,α>0and pointsξj,αi∂Ω, forj=1, . . . , ksuch that

αlimmij,α=mij(0,), (1.8)

ξj,αiξji∂Ω, withξji =ξli forj =l,asα (1.9)



α α

k j=1

mij,αG x, ξj,αi


, i=1,2, (1.10)

where o(1)→0 uniformly on compact sets of Ω¯ \ {ξ1i, . . . , ξki}, as αkπ. In particular,(ξi, mi)=1i, . . . , ξki, mi1, . . . , mik)in(∂Ω)k×(0,)k, fori=1,2, are two distinct critical points for the function

fk(ξ, m)=2 k

2 k j=1

m2jlog 2m2j

k j=1

m2jH (ξj, ξj)

i =j

mimjG(ξi, ξj)


Moreover, for anyi=1,2, for anyδ >0small, for anyj=1, . . . , k, sup


uiα(x)→ +∞ asαkπ. (1.11)

There are two important differences between the result stated inTheorem 1.2and the corresponding result obtained in[12]for the Trudinger–Moser functional(1.5). A first difference is that for problem(1.2)–(1.3)existence of critical points in the rangeα(kπ, αk)is guaranteed inanybounded domainΩwith smooth boundary, at any integer levelk.

No further hypothesis onΩis needed, unlike the Trudinger–Moser case(1.5). The second difference is that, we do find twofamilies of critical points for problem(1.2)–(1.3)whenα(kπ, αk), and not only one as in the Trudinger–Moser case(1.5).


In recent years a very successful method has been developed for studying elliptic equations in critical or supercrit- ical regimes. The main idea is to try to guess the form of the solution (using the shape of the “standard bubble”), then linearize the equation at this approximate solution and use a Lyapunov–Schmidt reduction to arrive at a reduced finite dimensional variational problem, whose critical points yield actual solutions of the equation. In this paper we use this method to study problem(1.2)–(1.3)in the supercritical regime. We explain this in Section3, where we also provide the proof ofTheorem 1.2. Some technical results are postponed to Section4and Section5.

Let us just mention that through out the paper,C will always denote an arbitrary positive constant, independent ofλ, whose value changes from line to line.

2. The local maximizer: proof ofTheorem 1.1 We set



eu2, (2.1)


Mα= uH1(Ω): u2=α

. (2.2)

We note that by the obvious scaling property, finding critical points ofEα onM (see(1.2)and(1.3)) is equivalent to finding critical points of E onMα (see (2.1)and(2.2)). In this section, we study the local maximizer for the functionalEconstrained on the setMαwithαin the right neighborhood ofπ.

We start with the following Lion’s type lemma. The proof is quite standard, but we reproduce it here for complete- ness.

Lemma 2.1.Letumbe a sequence of functions inH1(Ω)withum =1. Suppose thatum u0weakly inH1(Ω).

Then either (i) u0=0, or

(ii) there existsα > πsuch that the familyeu2mis uniformly bounded inLα(∂Ω).

In particular, in case(ii), we have that


eπ u2m


eπ u20 asm→ ∞.

Proof. Sinceum =1 andum u0weakly inH1(Ω), we have





asm→ ∞. Thus we find that

mlim→∞umu02= lim




= lim




(umu0+umu0)+ u02

=1− u02. Assume u0 =0. Takep(1,11

u02), and chooseq1andq2such that 1< pq1< 1

umu02 and q1

1 +q12 =1. By Hölder inequality we have

















eπpq1(umu0)2 1



e2πpq2umu0 1



We now recall that π=sup

θ: sup



eθ u2dσ <

, (2.3)

see for instance[2,6,7,18]. Hence, given the choice ofp andq1, we get that there exists a constantC, independent ofm, such that


eπpq1(umu0)2< C.

On the other hand, Young’s inequality implies that 2|umu0|ε2u2m+ε12u20, withε >0 small. Then from(2.3), we have


e2πpq2umu0 <



1 ε2u20]=



1 ε2u20

< C

by choosing ε so that pq2ε2<1. Here againC is a constant, independent ofm. Thus, we have that there exists α=pπ > πsuch that the familyeu2mis uniformly bounded inLα(∂Ω).

We shall now show that


eπ u2m


eπ u20 asm→ ∞. (2.4)

Indeed, letlbe a positive number andp >1. We have


eπ u2m


eπ u2m =


eπ u2m 1


2(p1) p


eπ u2mu

2(p1) p





p ∂Ω

eπpu2m 1



u2m p1

p C


2(p1) p


From the above relation, we conclude that


eπ u2m|∂Ω|eπ l2+ C l

2(p1) p


Hence dominated convergence theorem implies(2.4).

Suppose now thateu2mis not bounded inLα(∂Ω)for anyα > π. Using Stokes theorem, forα > π we have




div eαu2m






|∇um|2dx 1



|um|qdx 1



eβu2mdx α


whereq >1 satisfies12+1q+βα =1 withβ >2π. Then we get that

Ωeβu2mdxis unbounded for allβ >2π.


Observe now that we can assume that

Ωumdx=0, since otherwise we setu¯m=um|Ω1|

Ωumdx and obtain

Ωumdx=0. We can also assume that

Ω|∇um|2=1. Furthermore, by Poincaré inequality, (um)is bounded in H1(Ω), and also(|um|)is bounded inH1(Ω). Hence there existsuH1(Ω)such that|um| u0weakly inH1(Ω).

We claim that



(umη)+2dx=1, ∀η >0. (2.5)

By contradiction, assume there existsη >0 such that limm→∞

Ω|∇(umη)+|2dx =1. Defineγ=infm

Ω|∇(umη)+|2dx <1 and choose a sufficiently smallε >0 such thatα:=γ+ε >2π. Let us recall that


θ: sup





eθ u2dx <

(2.6) (see[2,6,7,28]). From(2.6), there exists a positive constantCsuch that






(|um|−η)+− 1


Ω (|um|−η)+

γ+ε ]2

dx < C,

where we use the fact that

Ω|∇(umγ+η)ε+|2dx <1.


Ω(|um| −η)+. Choosingε>0 small such thatα˜:=1+αε >2π, and by Young’s inequality, u2m+dm)2+2(η+dm)

|um| −η+



|um| −η+




|um| −η+



+ 1

ε +1

+dm)2. Thus, since theredm=O(1)asm→ ∞,


eαu˜ 2mdx=



α 1+εu2m




Ω(|um|−η)+]2dxC2, for some positive constantsC1andC2. This is a contradiction, thus(2.5)holds.

Setvm=min{|um|, η}, thenvmis bounded inH1(Ω)and, up to subsequence, we have thatvm v. Observe now that|um| =vm+(|um| −η)+, and









|um| −η+2dx.

Therefore(2.5)implies that

Ω|∇vm|2dx→0 asm→ ∞, sovis constant. On the other hand,



|∇vm|2dx= lim




This implies that|{x: |um|η}| →0 asm→ ∞. By Fatou Lemma, {x: u0η}lim inf

m→∞ x: |um|η=0,

then|{x: u0η}| =0 for anyη >0. Hence we getu0=0. 2

We denoteβ:=supuMπE(u)=supuMEπ(u). A direct consequence of the previous lemma is the following Proposition 2.1.Letumbe a bounded sequence inH1(Ω)withum =1. Suppose thatum u0weakly inH1(Ω).

Suppose Eπ(um)β withβ >|∂Ω|. Then there exists α > π such that the familyeu2m is uniformly bounded in Lα(∂Ω). In particularEπ(um)Eπ(u0)andu0 =0.


Proof. Supposeeu2mis unbounded inLα(∂Ω)for allα > π, and assume the supremum ofEπ onMis not attained.

Then byLemma 2.1, we have thatu0=0, which is impossible becauseEπ(um)β >|∂Ω|. 2 LetKπbe the set defined by

Kπ= uM: Eπ(u)=β .

Lemma 2.2.The setKπ is compact.

Proof. Let{um} ⊂Kπbe such thatum u0weakly inH1(Ω), then byProposition 2.1, Eπ(um)Eπ(u0).

Moreover,u0um =1, then Eπ(u0)Eπ






Then we getEπ(u0)=β, andu0 =1, henceumu0strongly inH1(Ω), henceKπ is compact. 2 The property ofKπ of being compact implies that the family of norm-neighborhoods

Nε= uMvKπ: uv< ε constitutes a basic neighborhood forKπ inM.

Lemma 2.3.For sufficiently smallε >0, one has sup


Eπ< β=sup


Eπ. (2.7)

Proof. We argue by contradiction. We suppose that there is a sequenceumN\Nεsuch thatEπ(um)β. Then we haveumH1(Ω)withum2=1. Up to subsequence, we can assume thatum u0weakly inH1(Ω). By the definition ofN, there iszmKπ such thatzmum<2ε. By the compactness ofKπ, we have thatzmz strongly, withzKπ, andzsatisfies

z+z=0 inΩ, ∂z

∂ν= π zez2

∂Ωz2ez2 on∂Ω.

By the maximum principle, we havezL(Ω).

By the lower-semi continuity, we havezu02ε. Then zu0


zu0 +

u0u0 u0

= zu0 +1− u04ε.

Thus uu0

0N, and soEπ(u0)Eπ(uu0

0)β. IfEπ(u0)=β thenu0 =1, andumu0. On the other hand, our assumption implies thatu0/Nε, thusu0does not belong toKπ andu0cannot be relatively maximal. Thus we necessarily getEπ(u0) < β.

Setwm=umzm+z, so we havewm u0weakly inH1(Ω). Since eπ|wm|2=eπ|umzm+z|2e|umzm|2e|z|2

=eumzm2(um−zmum−zm )2e|z|2e8π ε2(um−zmum−zm )2e|z|2.

Choosing ε small such that 16ε21, then from (2.3)we have thateπ|wm|2 is uniformly bounded in L2(∂Ω), as m→ ∞. Thus limm→∞Eπ(wm)=Eπ(u0). On the other hand, we have wmum→0 strongly in H1(Ω). By uniform local continuity ofEπ, and compactness ofKπ, we obtain thatEπ(wm)Eπ(um)→0, andEπ(u0)=β. This is a contradiction. 2


Lemma 2.4.There existsα> π,ε >0such that for allα∈ [π, α), then we have

(i) sup




Eα. (2.8)

(ii) βα:=supNεEαis achieved inNε. (iii) Kα= {uNε|Eα(u)=βα}is compact.

Proof. (i) SinceKπ is compact, there is a neighborhoodN ofKπ such that, for anyς >0 there existsδ>0 such that for all|απ|< δthen|Eα(u)Eπ(u)|ς, for alluN. Chooseε >0 such that(2.7)holds andNεN, then(2.8)will be valid for allαin a small neighborhood ofπ.

(ii) For such α, let umNε be a maximizing sequence of Eα, that is,Eα(um)βα and let vmKπ satisfy umvmε. We may assume thatvmvstrongly inH1(Ω)withvL, andumuweakly inH1(Ω). Set wm=umvm+v, as in the proof ofLemma 2.3, we obtain that forε >0 small,αin a neighborhood ofπ we have that

Eα(wm)Eα(u), Eα(um)Eα(wm)→0 asm→ ∞.

ThenEα(u)=βα. Moreover, by the lower-semi continuity, we havevuε. Then vu


vu + uu


= vu +1− u2ε.

We get that uu∈ ¯NandEα(uuα. Furthermore, sinceu1, we can getEα(uu)Eα(u)andu =1. It implies thatuM, that isuNεandβαis attained. Moreover,umustrongly inH1(Ω).

(iii) As in the proof of (ii), ifumKα, we may assume thatum uweakly inH1(Ω), we then getuKα, that isKα is compact. 2

Proof of Theorem 1.1. From(2.3), we have that supMαEis achieved forα < π. Moreover, since supuMπE(u) >

|∂Ω|, fromLemma 2.4we have that forαsufficiently close toπ, thenEhas relative maximizers onMα. 2 3. The proof ofTheorem 1.2

In this section, we consider critical points of functionalE(u)constrained on the setMα (which is equivalent to consider critical points of Eα(u) constrained on the setM withα=kπ(1+μ), whereμ >0 small). We define a critical point ofEα constrained onMto be a solution of the following problem

u+u=0 inΩ;


∂ν =λueu2 on∂Ω, (3.1)


λ= α

∂Ωu2eu2 =kπ(1+μ)

∂Ωu2eu2. (3.2)

In this section we shall prove the existence of solutions to problem(3.1)–(3.2)with the properties described in Theorem 1.2. In fact, we will construct a solution to(3.1)–(3.2)of the form

u=U+φ, (3.3)

whereU is the principal part while φ represents a lower order correction. In what follows we shall first describe explicitly the functionU (x). The definition of this function depends on several parameters: some pointsξ on the boundary ofΩ and some positive numbersm. Next we find the correctionφso thatU+φsolves our problem in a certainprojected sense(seeProposition 3.1). Finally we select proper pointsξ and numbersmin the definition ofU to get an exact solution to problem(3.1)–(3.2).


To define the functionU, first we introduce the following limit problem









w=0 inR2+;


∂ν =ew onR2+;




A family solution to(3.4)is given by

wt,μ(x)=wt,μ(x1, x2)=log 2μ

(x1t )2+(x2+μ)2, (3.5)

wheret∈Randμ >0 are parameters. See[19,24,30]. Set wμ(x):=w0,μ(x)=log 2μ

x12+(x2+μ)2. (3.6)

Letξ1, . . . , ξkbekdistinct points on the boundary andm1, . . . , mkbekpositive numbers. We assume there exists a sufficiently small but fixed numberδ >0 such that

|ξiξj|> δ fori =j, δ < mj<1

δ. (3.7)

For notational convenience through out the paper we will use the notation (ξ, m)=1, . . . , ξk, m1, . . . , mk).

For anyj=1, . . . , k, we defineεj to be the positive numbers given by the relation 2λm2j

log 1

ε2j +2 log 2m2j

=1. (3.8)

Since the parametersmj satisfy assumption(3.7), it follows that limλ0εj=0. Define moreoverμjto be the positive constants given by

log(2μj)= −2 log 2m2j

+H (ξj, ξj)+

i =j

mimj1G(ξi, ξj). (3.9)

Using once more assumption(3.7), we get that there exist two positive constantscandC, such thatcμj C, as λ→0.

We define the functionUin(3.3)to be given by U (x)=√

λ k j=1



, (3.10)


uj(x)=log 1

|xξjεjμjν(ξj)|2, (3.11)

ν(ξj)denoting the unit outer normal to∂Ω at the pointξj, and whereHj is a correction term given as the solution

of ⎧

Hj+Hj= −uj inΩ;


∂ν =2εjμjeuj∂uj

∂ν on∂Ω. (3.12)

Arguing as in Lemma 3.1 in[9], one can show that the maximum principle allows a precise asymptotic description of the functionsHj, namely we have that


Hj(x)=H (x, ξj)+O εσj

for 0< σ <1 (3.13)

uniformly inΩ, asλ→0. Recall thatHis the regular part of the Green’s function, as defined in(1.6). Therefore, the functionUcan be described as follows

U (x)=√ λ

k j=1


G(x, ξj)+O εσj

(3.14) uniformly on compact sets ofΩ¯ \ {ξ1, . . . , ξk}, asλ→0. On the other hand, if we consider a region close toξj, for somej fixed, say for|xξj|< δ, with sufficiently small but fixedδ, we can rewrite

U (x)=√ λmj

wj(x)+logεj2+βj+θ (x)

, (3.15)



xξj εj

=log 2μj

|yξjμjν(ξj)|2, y= x εj

, ξj =ξj εj

, (3.16)


βj= −log(2μj)+H (ξj, ξj)+

i =j

mj1miG(ξj, ξi), θ (x)=O

|xξj| +

k j=1

O εαj


Define on the boundary∂Ωthe error of approximation R:=f (U )∂U

∂ν. (3.17)

Here and in what followsf denotes the nonlinearity f (u)˜ =λue˜ u˜2.

The choice we made ofμj in(3.9)and ofεj in(3.8)gives that in the region|xξj|< δ, the error of approximation can be described as follows


λ 1+2λm2j

wj+O(1) eλm2jw2j



εj1ewj, (3.18)

wherewj is defined in(3.16). Indeed, forx∂Ω with|xξj|< δ, we have that λ12f (U )=λ


wj(x)+logεj2+βj+θ (x)



j +βj+θ (x))]2



log 1 ε2j +βj




λm2j(log 1

ε2 j



2λm2j(log 1

ε2 j



2λm2j(log 1

ε2 j

+βj)θ (x)

eλm2j(wj+θ (x))2


log 1 ε2j +βj


log 1

ε2j +βj 1



λm2j(log 1

ε2 j



2λm2j(log 1

ε2 j



2λm2j(log 1

ε2 j

+βj)θ (x)

eλm2j(wj+θ (x))2

= 1 2mj


wj+O(1) e

1 2(log 1

ε2 j


ewjeθ (x)eλm2j(wj+θ (x))2

= 1 2mj




ewjeθ (x)eλm2jw2j

1+O(λ)wj thanks to the definition ofεjin(3.8). On the other hand, in the same region, we have


∂ν =

∂ν mj

wj(x)+logεj2+βj+θ (x)

=mjεj1ewj + k j=1

O εj2



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In this section, as a first step toward the proof of Theorem 3.7, we show how the strategy developed in [6] can be adapted to the present setting in order to prove that the