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On the experimental determination of growth and damping rates for combustion instabilities


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To link to this article : DOI:10.1016/j.combustflame.2016.05.004



To cite this version : Mejia, Daniel and Miguel-Brebion, Maxence

and Selle, Laurent On the experimental determination of growth and

damping rates for combustion instabilities. (2016) Combustion and

Flame, vol. 169. pp. 287-296. ISSN 0010-2180

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Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse (IMFT) - Université de Toulouse, CNRS-INPT-UPS, Toulouse, France


Combustion instabilities Flame Transfer Function Growth rate

Damping rate









Thispaperpresentsfourexperimentalmethodsfortheevaluationofgrowthratesofcombustion insta-bilities.Asystematicinvestigationisconductedonalaminarslotburnerwithfiveoperatingpoints(two stableandthreeunstable).Theaccuracyofthemethodsisassessedbycrosscomparisonandtheuseof threedifferentflowvariablesas input:velocity,pressureand heatreleaseratefluctuations. Finally,the experimentaldeterminationsofthegrowthratesarecomparedtothepredictionofalow-orderacoustic modelfedwithaFlameTransferFunction.

1. Introduction

Combustion instabilities (CI)are a major problem for the de-sign andoperation ofpower-generation systems such as gas tur-bines, aeronautical engines androcket engines [1]. The construc-tive coupling betweenacoustic waves and unsteady heat release rateconstitutive of CI,is responsible forloss ofperformance, re-striction under operating conditions and sometimes catastrophic failures.Thechallenge forunderstandingandpredicting CIliesin the multiplicity of physical phenomena involved in the unstable loop[2]:acoustics,vortexdynamics,mixing,turbulence,chemistry, two-phase flows, etc. One ofthe canonical configurations forthe studyofCIisthelaminarpremixedflame,whichhasbeen exten-sivelyscrutinized [3–6].Despiteits apparentsimplicity,thisflame containsoneofthemainphysicalmechanismsdrivingCI:the dy-namicinteractionbetweenacoustics,vorticalstructuresintheflow fieldandtheflamefront.Comparativestudiesofconical,V-shaped and triangular flames gives insight into the mechanisms driving theoverallresponseoftheflametoacousticperturbations[7].The crux of the matter for the prediction of CI is to model this re-sponse,whichisoftenachievedthroughaso-calledFlameTransfer Function(FTF),relatingtheunsteadyheatreleaserateoftheflame,


q, to the incident acoustic velocity perturbation, v. In many of

theabovementionedconfigurations,reasonablyaccurateanalytical models forthe FTFcan be derived [6,8]. Forrealistic combustion devices,theFTFmustbemeasuredexperimentally[9–11]or

com-∗ Corresponding author.

E-mail address: dmejia@imft.fr , danielmejia83@gmail.com (D. Mejia).

puted with high-fidelity unsteady 3D numerical simulations [12– 14].

For the design of stable combustion devices,a trial-and-error experimental approach is very costly so that alternatives using numerical simulation are sought. The first option, whichmay be calledabrute-forceapproachistosolvethereactingNavier–Stokes equationsoverthewholeconfiguration.Large-EddySimulation,for example,hasshownitspotentialforthistask[15,16].The compu-tational cost of a singlesimulation is howeverso large that the exploration of thewhole rangeof operatingconditions ordesign variations isimpractical.Analternativeistosolveonly for acous-tic perturbations and model the flamevia the FTF: theresulting tool maybe calleda thermoacousticcode.Whethertheequations be Linearized Euler or Helmholtz, in complex 3D geometries or 1D network models, the methodology is usually computationally leanandhasshownitsabilitytopredictstabilitymaps[10,17–20]. The typicaloutputofathermoacousticsolveristhreefold:(1)the frequency ofthe instability,(2)the shapeof theassociated pres-sureandvelocityfieldsand(3)thelineargrowthrateofindividual eigenmodes.

Becausetheimpactoftheflameasanactiveacousticsourceis usually small,thepredictionofeigenfrequenciesandmodeshapes is not a difficult task. The determination of the growth rates is more subtle as it requires a precise evaluation of the flame re-sponse(withaFTFforexample),thefluxesthroughtheboundaries (byspecifyingtheimpedances)andthesourcesofinternal dissipa-tion (through friction atthe wallsandtransfer fromacoustics to vorticity). And yet, a precise determination of the linear growth rateis crucialforthedesign andsafeoperationofan engine. In-deed, even if a given operating point is observed as stable, it is


Nomenclature Greeksymbols


Natural dampingofthesystemundernon-reacting









Coefficientthataccountsforthenon-linearityofthe flameresponse






0 Response/resonanceangularfrequency[Rad/s]


0,nr Response angular frequency under non-reacting









Time delay between the velocity and heat release







A Amplitudeofthelimitcycle

a Acceleration[G]

A0 Amplitudeofthelimitcyclewithoutstochastic


AIR Amplitude of the impulse signal in the IR test


C Combustionnoisefactor[-]

c0 Normalizedstochasticforcinglevel[-]

E Freshtoburnt-gasesdensityratio[-]

F FlameTransferFunction[-]

f Frequency[Hz]

f0 Responsefrequency[Hz]

f0,nr Responsefrequencyunderno-reactingconfiguration


G GainoftheFTF[-]

h Effectiveslotheight[m]

hs Slotheight[mm]

I IntensityofCH∗radical[Volts]

ls Slotlength[mm]

N Combustioninteractionindex[-]

p Acousticpressure[Pa]

˙q Heatreleaserate[∝Js−1]

r Pinchingdistance[m]

S Powerspectraldensity

Ss Slotcrosssection[m2]

t Time[s]

Tg Freshgasestemperature[°C]

Ts Slottemperature[°C]

v velocity[m/s]

vb Bulkvelocity[ms−1]

ws Slotwidth[mm]

useful toknowhow farfromstability it isso that smallchanges (manufacturing variations,aging throughmechanicalandthermal stress,variationsinfuelproperties,etc.)donottriggeraCI.

The objectiveofthepresentworkistopresent various experi-mentaltechniquesthatcanbeusedtomeasurethegrowthrateof stableor unstablemodeswiththeintent toserve asavalidation forthermoacousticsolvers.Themanuscriptisorganizedasfollows: First,inSection2ageneralmodelforasecond-orderdynamic sys-tem is presented. This model is the starting point to derive the

particularsolutionstothecorrespondingfourdamping/growthrate identificationmethods.Then,theexperimentalsetupand diagnos-ticsare presentedinSection 3.Theexperimental resultsforeach ofthe fouridentificationmethods isthen discussed inSection 4. Finally,alow-ordermodelisderivedinSection5andcomparedto theresults ofSection 4forthe validationof its abilitytopredict thelineargrowthrateofCIs.

2. Theoreticalmodel

Theobjectiveofthisworkistheevaluationofthegrowthrate for a specific mode andas explained in [19,21], around a given eigenmode of angular frequency ω 0, it is a valid assumption to

considerthatthethermoacousticsystemobeysasecond-order dif-ferentialequationoftheform:



− f














Thisformulationsfollowsthat of[21],where η representsany statevariableandfisanon-linearfunctionof ηanditsfirst deriva-tive


˙,which accountsfor internal dissipation, fluxesof acoustic energyat theboundaries andthe contribution ofunsteady com-bustion,i.e.theflame. ξ,correspondstoaforcing termduetoan externaldevicesuchasaloudspeaker.Inthepresentstudy, ηcan be the acoustic pressure p′ or acoustic velocity v′ at a given lo-cationintheexperimental rig,ortheheatreleaserateintegrated overthe entirecombustion chamber, q˙′.Following[21],the



















where αcorrespondstothecontributionoflinearacoustic absorp-tionin thevolume andfluxesattheboundaries, meaning that it ispositive. βisthelinearcontributionofthefeedbackinducedby theflame.Itis positivewhenthe flamedrivesthe instabilityand negative when unsteadycombustion damps acousticfluctuations. Thecoefficient κ accountsforthenon-linearityofflameresponse toacousticsandcontrolstheamplitudeofthelimitcyclereached whenthesystemislinearlyunstable.Thegrowth/dampingrate, ν, ofthesystemisdefinedas:






. (3)

Withoutcombustion, β=0,then ν=−


/2,sothat thesystemis alwaysstable.Inareactingflow,if β> αthen ν>0,meaningthat thedrivingcontributionoftheflameovercomesthe linear acous-ticlossesandthesystembecomeslinearlyunstable.Ontheother hand,if β < α thesystemislinearlystable.

Eqs.(1)–3providetheproperbackgroundfortheextractionof thedeterministicquantities ω 0and νfromexperimentaldata.Four

identifications methods are now presented: Harmonic Response (HR),ImpulseResponse(IR),ActiveControl(AC)andWhiteNoise (WN).

2.1. Harmonicresponsemethod(HR)

Theharmonicresponsehasbeenextensivelyusedinthestudy of combustion instabilities for non-reacting [22] and reacting

[20,23]flows.However,thistechniqueislimitedtosystems featur-ingnegative growthrates,i.e. ν < 0.Fora linearlystablesystem, thenon-linearpartofEq.(2)canbe neglected aslong as pertur-bations tothe equilibriumstate aresmallso that Eq.(1)reduces to:



− 2


























whereSη (respectivelySξ)isthepowerspectral densityof η



). Eq. (5) indicates that the system has a maximum response at the angular frequency













2 with a

widthatthe halfmaximum of2


. Consequently,the principleof theHR methodistodetermine ω 0 and νby applyinganoptimal

fitofEq.(5)tothepowerspectraldensityofexperimentally mea-suredp′,v′orq˙′.

2.2. Impulseresponsemethod(IR)

Forcombustion application, theimpulse response methodhas been lessused [20,24] thanthe HR method. Moreover, itis only suitableforlinearlystablesystems,i.e.when ν<0.Thesystemis pushedawayfromitssteadystatebyaveryshortperturbationand it subsequently behaves as a damped harmonic oscillator, which obeysthehomogeneousformofEq.(1):



− 2








=0 (6)

Becausenon-lineartermshavebeenneglected,Eq.(6)isonlyvalid forsmallamplitudes.Inthelimitcasewhere(




0)2 <<1,which

hasbeenverifiedforallcasespresentedinthispaper,thesolution ofEq.(6)is:











Thus,theprincipleoftheIRmethodistodetermine ω 0 and ν by


2.3. Activecontrolmethod(AC)


combustion community for a while [25–29] and more recently

[30]. It was first introduced in the 1980s on a Rijke tube [31], demonstrating thatusing avery smallfraction ofthesystem en-ergy, the acoustic pressure amplitudecan be reduced by several ordersofmagnitude.Thetheorybehindactivecontrolof combus-tioninstabilitiesis outofthescopeofthisstudy,herewesimply usethistechniquewiththeintenttomeasuring ω 0and ν.

Once a systemwith a positive growth rate (


> 0), is stabi-lizedby an active control method,it is possibleto stop the con-trolandstudythetemporalevolution ofthesysteminthelinear regime. Although the growthrate ispositive, the assumptions of


The principle of the AC method is then the same as the IR method:recovering ω 0 and ν byfittingEq.(7)tothetimetraces


linearityoftheflameresponsemeaningthatonlysmallamplitudes shouldbeconsidered.

2.4. Whitenoisemethod(WN)

Stochastic whitenoise was used in [21,32] to retrievethe de-terministic parameters of a second-order dynamic system andin

[13]tocalculatethe FTFofaswirl burnerin aLESsimulation.In

[21],theforcingoriginatedfromturbulentfluctuationsorfrom ac-tuators excited by a signal generator. Unlike other methods, WN is adequate for both stableand unstable cases.However, asit is basedontheprocessingofstochasticdata,longtemporalsamples areneededtoobtainaccurateresults.

When thesystemfeaturesa negativegrowthrate(


< 0),the assumptionofSection2.1stillhold.ThedifferencebetweentheHR andWN methods lies inthe natureof theforcing, which is har-monic fortheformerandnon-coherentstochastic whitenoisefor thelatter.Theprocedureforthedeterminationof ω 0and νisthen

thesameasfortheHRmethod:fittingEq.(5)tothepower spec-traldensityofexperimentallymeasuredp,vorq˙′.

Table 1

Summary of the different methods and the configuration to which they apply.

Model equation Configuration

HR S η(ω) = Sξ (ω2 0−ω2)2+4ν2ω2 Stable IR η(t) = η0 e νt/2 cos (ω0 t + φ) Stable AC η(t) = η0 e νt/2 cos (ω0 t + φ) Unstable WN a S η(ω) = (ω2 Sξ 0−ω2)2+4ν2ω2 Stable WN b S A′(ω) = A 2 0 πω2+(2cν0+c0)2 Unstable

The case of a linearly unstable system featuring a positive growth rate (


> 0) is now considered. As lucidly explained in

[21]theamplitude, A,ofthelimit cyclefluctuatesarounda mean value, A¯, because of the stochastic perturbations from


. These fluctuations are denoted A′ andfollow the first-orderdifferential equation:












where c0=




20A20, A0 is the amplitude of the limit cycle

without stochastic forcing1 and ζ is an uncorrelated whitenoise withanintensityrelatedtothatof ξ throughSζ=Sξ/2





SA′= A2 0








+c 0


2 (9) The principleoftheWNmethodforanunstableflameconsistsin fittingEq.(9)toexperimentaldata.Asnotedin[21]thismethodis validonlyifthelimitcycleisweaklyperturbedbyadditive white noise,i.e. ν≫ c0.

The various methods proposed for the determination of

the growth rate of combustion instabilities are summarized in

Table 1. It should be pointedout that the methods described in

Section 2.1and Section 2.4for stablesystems assume that there isnolinearmodalinteraction,i.e.theeigenfrequenciesarenottoo closefromeachother.Otherwise,theresponsesrelatedtotwo ad-jacentmodesmayoverlap.Inthepresentwork,thisisnota prob-lem since theclosest mode isseveralhundred Hertzaway. How-ever,inannularsystemsforexample,themodaldensityisusually quitehigh,questioningtheapplicabilityofthemethods.

3. Experimentalset-up

The experiment is a slot burner [20,33] with a laminar pre-mixedmethane/airflamestabilizedattheburneroutlet(cf.Fig.1).

The four main components are: a mixing chamber, a plenum, a


10 mm andlength ls=100 mm)witha height hs=70 mm.The flowratesofairandmethanearecontrolledandmeasuredvia in-dividualmassflowmeters(BronkhorstF-201AV-AAD-33-V). Reac-tantsareinjectedatthebottomofthemixingchamberina cross-flowconfigurationtomaximizemixing.Thepremixedflowisthen laminarized in the plenum by an array of small glass balls and three honeycomb panels. Finally, it passes through the converg-ing nozzleandtheslot.The levelofpremixingisexcellent asthe flame shape isregular andsteadyin stableoperatingpoints. The temperatureofthe burnerrimis controlledby fourwatercooled cylindrical passages. The water temperature in the upper chan-nels can be set between1 and 99°C, with a mass flow rateup to1kg/min.Inthelowerchannels,wateratambienttemperature flowsat5kg/min.Thepurposeofthisdual-channelcoolingsystem istobeabletocontrolTs,whilemaintainingthelowerpartofthe


1 In the limit of small perturbations, one has ¯A ≈ A 0 .


Fig. 1. Sketch of the burner: transverse cut and experimental diagnostics. M 0 and M 1 are 1/4 ′′ microphones. PM + CH ∗is a photomultiplier equipped with CH ∗ fil- ter. HW corresponds to a hotwire. T s is K-type thermocouple. S 1 and S 2 are two loudspeakers. AC is an accelerometer.

3.1. Diagnostics

AK-type thermocoupleisplaced1mm belowtheburner out-let. Itgivesthetemperature, Ts,ofthe materialascloseas

possi-ble to the flame base.A hot-wire probe (Dantec Dynamics, Mini CTA equippedwitha55P16probe), labeledHW inFig.1,isused to measure the unsteady axial velocity v(t), located 55 mm up-streamoftheslotoutlet.Aphotomultiplier(Thorlabs,BialkaliPMT, PMM01), labeled PM in Fig. 1, measures the unsteady intensity,

I(t),ofspontaneousemissionofCH∗radicals.The PMisequipped with a narrow-band filtercentered ona wavelength λ= 430 nm and is placed 400 mm away fromthe flame, alignedwith the z

axis, facing the longitudinal axis of the flame, which is fully in-cluded inits field of view.It has been shownthat forlean pre-mixedflames,I(t)isproportionaltotheheatreleaserate[34].Two microphones,M0 andM1,(B&K1/4” PrepolarizedFree-field

4954-B) are usedtorecord theacoustic pressurefluctuation, p








, respectively. M0 is placed in a waveguide connected to a

pressure plughole inthe middleofthe plenum[35],while M1 is

located 300 mmaway fromthe burner.Twoloudspeakers(Focal, ISN 100),one in the interior,S0 andthe other at theexterior of

the burner,S1,areusedto generateacoustic wavesprescribedby

asignalgenerator(NationalInstruments,PCI-6052E).Moreover,an accelerometer (AllianTech, ultra miniature 3224A3 accelerometer) isplacedonthemembraneoftheloudspeakerS0inorderto


4. Experimentalresults

ThefouridentificationmethodsdescribedinSection2arenow applied totheburner ofFig.1inordertoestimate thefrequency,


0 andgrowth/dampingrate, ν.Thisslotburnerisoperatedclose


tem-Table 2

Summary of the operating points chosen for the evaluation of the characteristic parameters of the system. The identification methods applicable to each operation points are highlighted in grey.

Operating point Name 8[-] T s [ °C] HR IR AC WN

Non Reacting NR 0.00 20 N/A N/A N/A

Reacting Very Stable RVS 0.90 120 N/A N/A N/A

Reacting Stable RS 0.85 120 N/A N/A N/A

Reacting Slightly Unstable RSU 0.80 120 N/A

Reacting Unstable RU 0.80 60 N/A N/A

Reacting Very Unstable RVU 0.80 20 N/A N/A

Fig. 2. Results for the HR method for the three stable operating points, NR (left), RVS (center) and RS (right). The rows correspond to the three different state vari- ables: internal pressure p ′

0 (top row), velocity v ′ (middle row) and heat release rate ˙

q′ (bottom row).

perature,which can be used in a reliable andrepeatable way to adjustthelevelofinstability[20].Changingthecooling-water tem-perature allows to cross the stability limit so that the accuracy of each identification method can be tested. Five different com-binationsofequivalenceratio,







presents the operating conditions: one non reacting and five re-actingcases. Twostable2 andthree unstable conditions are con-sidered. Theunstablepoints havedifferent limit-cycleamplitudes of heat release rate fluctuations, which are 3%, 7% and 12% of the mean,for the Reacting SlightlyUnstable (RSU), Reacting Un-stable(RU) and ReactingVery Unstable (RVU) cases,respectively.

Table2alsoshows, ingrey, whichidentificationmethodis appli-cableforeachoperatingpoint.

4.1. Harmonicresponse

The HR methodcan be applied to the threestable cases: NR, RVS and RS. The external loudspeaker S1 (cf. Fig. 1) delivers an

harmonicexcitation ξ=ℜ






fluc-tuationsof theflow variables,were characterizedforfrequencies, between f=30Hzand80Hz bysteps of


f=0.5Hz.The am-plitudeoftheinputsignaliskeptconstantforallfrequencies.The signalis2slongandtheresult,foreachfrequency,istheaverage of4samples.

Figure2showsthenormalizedpowerspectraldensityof pres-sure(Sp

0),velocity(Sv′)andheatreleaserate(Sq˙′)fluctuationsfor thethreecases.

2 Heat release rate fluctuations are less than 1 % of the mean during stable oper- ation.


Fig. 3. PSD of the velocity signal, S v′ : + RS operating point, fit with Eq. (5) .

Table 3

Results for the HR method applied to the stable cases, NR, RVS and RS.

NR RVS RS f0,nr [Hz] α[s −1 ] f0 [Hz] ν[s −1 ] f0 [Hz] ν[s −1 ] p0 53.50 −23.57 58.87 −10.55 58.52 −7.47 v′ 52.35 −17.86 58.58 −9.06 58.36 −7.09 ˙ q′ – – 58.63 −9.50 58.39 −7.38 Mean 52.99 −20.71 58.69 −9.70 58.43 −7.31 std. 0.8 4.04 0.16 0.77 0.08 0.20

All variablesexhibit a peak inthemagnitudeof theresponse, typical ofa resonance,asexpected fromEq.(5).The presenceof theflamehasathreeconsequences:

1. Thepeakshiftstotherightmeaningthatunsteadycombustion slightlyincreases ω 0.

2. The width ofthe resonance peak decreases withcombustion, indicating that the flame has a destabilizing effect on the system.However, itscontributionisnotsufficienttoovercome linearacousticlossessothattheburnerremainsstable. 3. The absoluteamplitudeof theacoustic signal atthe response

frequencyincreaseswithcombustion,whichconfirmsitem(2). Therms ofpressurefluctuationsfortheNR,RVS andRScases are3.7Pa,9.7Paand12.1Pa,respectively.

It should also be pointedout that the PSDof pressure inthe NRcaseismorenoisy.Noexactexplanationforthisisavailableat themoment.However,takingintoaccountthatthesameexcitation amplitudewasusedinnon-reactingandreactingcases,thesignal to noise ratio is lower in theNR casedueto its smallergrowth rate. Nevertheless,thisdoes not elucidate whythe velocity spec-trumislessnoisythanthatofthepressure.

In order to illustrate the post-processing procedure, the PSD of velocity in the RS operating point is presented in Fig. 3, to-gether with the corresponding fit from Eq. (5). For this specific case, f0= ω 0/2


=58.36± 0.016Hzand ν=7.1± 0.14s−1,with


TheresultsfortheHRmethodare summarizedinTable 3and theyquantifythequalitativeobservationsobtainedfromFig.2.The peak in the spectrumof the response isshifted by 10% between non-reactingandreactingcasesanditisalmostequalfortheRVS and RS cases.With the flame, ν increasesbut remains negative. Thesystemisstillstablebutclosertothestabilitylimit.Likewise, |


|islargerfortheRVSthanRScase,whichisconsistentwiththe resultsof[36].

4.2. Impulseresponse

TheIRmethodisnowappliedtotheNR,RVSandRSoperating points. A short impulse, δ, is delivered by the loudspeaker S0 at

Fig. 4. Typical response to an impulse delivered by S 0 for the RVS case. Top: elec- trical impulse, δ, sent to the loud speaker; Middle: velocity signal, v ; Bottom: ac- celerometer signal, a .






=A 1 IR


e−(t/τIR)2 (10)

where AIR=0.94V istheamplitudeoftheelectricsignal sentto

the amplifier and τIR=0.2ms. The time traces recorded forthe


t=0theimpulseisgenerated.Themembraneoftheloudspeaker experiencesastrongaccelerationandreturnstoequilibriuminless than20ms.Theflowvelocityisalsoperturbedbytheimpulseand slowly returns to equilibrium, inabout 400 ms, withoscillations typical ofan under-dampedsystem. Thefactthattheloudspeaker membranereturnstoequilibriumfasterthantheacousticvelocity is a good indication that fluctuationsobserved in the flow vari-ables,correspondtotheresponseoftheburner,ratherthan resid-ual forcing.The accuracyofthismethodislimitedtohighvalues ofsignaltonoiseratio.Significanterrorsoccurwhenthesignalto noiseratiofallsbelow10withrespecttotheinitialamplitude[24]. Inordertoeliminatethehighfrequencynoiseseeninthevelocity signal ofFig.4,theimpulseisrepeated 400timesspacedof10s for each operatingpoint. Finally,the IR isaveraged over the400 samples,increasingthesignaltonoiseratiofrom11to31.

The averaged time traces for p

0, v′ and q˙′ are presented in

Fig.5,forthethreelinearlystablecasesNR,RVSandRS.While ve-locityshowsamonotonousdecay,pressurefluctuationsinitially in-creaseaftertheimpulseforabouttwocycles.Giventheamplitude oftheexcitation,theinitialheatreleaseratefluctuationsarefairly non-linear, whichis tobe expected[22]. Likeforthe HR method (cf.Fig.2), thepressuresignal forthenon-reactingcaseisnot as cleanasfortheotheroperatingconditions.

For the fit to Eq. (7), the experimental data is restricted be-tween 80% and 10% of its peak amplitude. A typical example of thisfitfortheRVScaseispresentedinFig.6.

Table 4 summarizes the results of the IR method, which are consistentwiththeHRresultsofTable3.

4.3. Activecontrol

The AC method can in principle be applied to all unstable operatingconditions.However,becausetheamplitudeofthe fluc-tuationsareverysmallintheRSUcase,theactivecontroldoesnot bring significantreductionforthisregime.It isthereforeonly ap-pliedto theRUandRVUcases.Theactivecontrol techniqueused in this study is a fixed-coefficients closed-loop controller [26].


Fig. 5. Results for the impulse response method for the three stable operating points (NR, RVS and RS) and the three measured variables (pressure p ′0 , velocity

v′ and heat release rate ˙ q′ . All signals are normalized by their maximum value.

Fig. 6. Velocity signal for the IR method: + RVS operating point, fit with

Eq. (7) .

Table 4

Results for the IR tests applied to the stable cases, NR, RVS and RS.

NR RVS RS f0,nr [Hz] α[s −1 ] f0 [Hz] ν[s −1 ] f0 [Hz] ν[s −1 ] p0 51.60 −15.20 58.67 −11.53 58.34 −6.67 v′ 51.68 −15.61 59.01 −11.50 58.35 −6.64 ˙ q′ – – 58.91 −11.41 58.38 −6.63 Mean 51.64 −15.41 58.90 −11.48 58.44 −6.65 std. 0.08 0.29 0.12 0.06 0.02 0.02

The signal from the plenum microphone, M0 is phase delayed,

amplified andsent to the speakerS0 mounted on the bottom of

the plenum (cf.Fig. 1). The gain and phaselag of thiscontroller areconstantandidenticalfortheRUandRVUcases.

Figure 7showsthe spectraofthe velocityfluctuationsforthe RVU case, with and without active control. When activated, AC reduces the amplitude of the fundamental frequency by almost 50dB.

The procedure for the AC measurements is based on that of

[26] and is as follows: the controller is turned on and the sys-temiskeptstableforafewseconds;thecontrolisthenturnedoff

Fig. 7. PSD of velocity fluctuations: with active control, without active control.

Fig. 8. Internal acoustic pressure, p

0(t) , for a RVU cycle of operation where the active control is switched OFF and ON.

Table 5

Results of the AC method for the RU and RVU operating points.

RU RVU f0 [Hz] ν[s −1 ] f0 [Hz] ν[s −1 ] p′ 0 56.02 1.80 55.00 4.91 v56.01 1.84 54.99 4.93 ˙ q56.01 1.61 55.00 4.38 Mean 56.01 1.75 55.00 4.74 std. 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.31

att=0 andthe instabilitygrows.Atypical time traceofplenum pressurefluctuations, p


Thisprocedureisrepeated40timesandthemeasurementsare phaseaveraged inorderto reducenoise. Figure 9showsthe cor-respondingtracesforRUandRVU,restrictedtotheintervalwhere theamplitudeisbetween20%and60%ofthelimitcycle,whichis considered forpost-processing.It isobviousthat the RVUcaseis themostunstableasittakeslesscyclestoreachtheupperbound. The quantitative results ofthe ACmethod are summarized in

Table 5. The growth rate is larger for the RVU condition, as ex-pectedfromFig.9.Resultsalsoshowverylittledispersion regard-lessofthevariableusedfortheanalysis.


Forthe WN method,the stochastic non-coherentnoise is im-posedbytheplenumloudspeakerS0(seeFig.1).Theamplitudeof


Fig. 9. Averaged time traces of the AC test for RU and RVU conditions for the three flow variables, p ′

0 , v ′ and ˙ q′ .

Fig. 10. Power spectral density obtained with the WN method for the stable oper- ating points, NR, RVS and RS.

theadditive whiteGaussiannoise waschosen sothat,inthecase of a systemwithpositive growth rate, ν is atleast one orderof magnitudelargerthantheamplitudeofthenormalizedstochastic forcing level,c0,asrequiredforthe analysis(cf.Section2.4).This

amplitudewaskeptconstantforallstableandunstablecases.The processedsignalsare100slongandtheacquisitionsarerepeated tentimesforeachoperatingpoint,thisisequivalenttohaving sig-nalscontainingapproximately60,000cyclesforunstablecases.

4.4.1. Negativegrowthrate

Whenthesystemislinearlystable,itispossibletoextractthe dampingratebyfittingthepowerspectraldensityoftheflow vari-ables signals withthe second ordermodel givenin Eq.(5).Each 100slongtraceissplitin20equalpartsforwhichthePSDis cal-culated. The resulting200 PSDs are averaged to lower stochastic noiseandtheresultsofthisprocedureareshowninFig.10forthe threelinearlystablecasesNR,RVSandRS.ThePSDsarevery simi-lartotheresultsoftheHRmethod(cf.Fig.2)exceptthattheyare notassmooth.Inordertoillustratethepostprocessingprocedure,

Fig. 11. PSD of velocity fluctuations with the WN method: + RVS operating point, fit with Eq. (5) .

Table 6

Results of the WN method for the stable operating points: NR, RVS and RS.

NR RVS RS f0,nr [Hz] α[s −1 ] f0 [Hz] ν[s −1 ] f0 [Hz] ν[s −1 ] p0 53.81 −27.12 60.33 −14.81 58.80 −7.91 v51.83 −17.34 59.48 −13.23 58.56 −7.19 ˙ q′ – – 59.50 −13.48 58.53 −6.98 Mean 52.82 −22.23 59.77 −13.84 58.63 −7.63 std. 1.40 6.92 0.49 0.85 0.15 0.49

Fig.11showsthefitwithEq.(5)oftheacousticvelocityspectrum fortheRVScase.

The quantitative resultsofthe WN methodforthecases with negativegrowthratesaresummarizedinTable6.Theseresultsare consistent withthat of theHR methods (cf. Table3):the predic-tionofthefrequencyarewithin 1Hzbutthedampingis system-atically overestimatedby the WN method,especially forthe RVS casewhereitis50%larger.

4.4.2. Positivegrowthrate

For the linearly unstable conditions (RSU, RU and RVU), the

damping rate of the system is obtained with the WN method

[21] by fitting the PSD of limit-cycle amplitude variations with

Eq.(9).SimilartothelinearlystablecasesanalyzedinSection4.4.1, each 100 s trace is split in 5 equal parts, then the PSD of the magnitudeof theanalytic signal (i.e.theoriginal signal +itimes its Hilberttransform)iscalculatedforeachinterval.Theresulting 50PSDsare averaged,whichreducesthehighfrequencynoiseby 10 dB andare presented inFig. 12 for the forthe three linearly unstable operatingpoints. Qualitatively, Fig. 12 suggests that the cut-off frequencyinthePSDofthelimit-cycleamplitudeincreases from the RSU to the RUand RVUcases. Using Eq.(9), this indi-catesthat thegrowthrateincreases.Thesharppeakaround8Hz inthespectraofheatreleaseratecorrespondstotheflickeringof the flame dueto buoyancy. Thisperturbation is restrictedto the burntgasesandthereforenotmeasuredinthepressureand veloc-itysignals.

ThepostprocessingprocedureisillustratedinFig.13,showing how the experimentalPSDof thevelocity signal forRSU isfitto


Finally, the results of the WN method applied to the linearly unstablecasesaresummarizedinTable7.ComparingwiththeAC method presented in Table 5, thepredictions of ω 0 are virtually

identical.Thegrowthratesdeterminationsaresimilarwithina15% range.


Fig. 12. PSD of the limit-cycle amplitude variations obtained with the WN method for the unstable operating points: RSU, RU and RVU.

Fig. 13. Spectrum of limit-cycle amplitude variations for the velocity: + RVU oper- ating point, fit with Eq. (9).

Table 7

Results of the WN method for the linearly unstable operating points: RSU, RU and RVU. RSU RU RVU f0 [Hz] ν[s −1 ] f0 [Hz] ν[s −1 ] f0 [Hz] ν[s −1 ] p0 56.22 0.50 55.94 1.70 54.97 5.62 v′ 56.22 0.50 55.94 1.63 54.97 5.21 ˙ q′ 56.22 0.55 55.94 1.46 54.97 5.22 Mean 56.22 0.51 55.94 1.60 54.97 5.35 std. 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.23 4.5. Summary

The measurements of f0 and


obtained with the four

tech-niques on the five operating points are summarized in Fig. 14, where each symbol corresponds to the mean value of all three flow variables foreach operatingpoint. Forthe NRcase, because the pressure PSD are noisy,the evaluationwith the HR andWN methods were discarded. All identificationmethods show consis-tent resultsfortheresonancefrequency,withadispersionusually smallerthan1Hz.Thegrowth/dampingratespredictionsarealso surprisinglygathered.Thelargestdispersionbetweenidentification methods isfoundfortheRVS casebutno specificreasonforthis largerscatterisforeseen.

Fig. 14. Summary of all measurements for the determination of the frequency and growth rate of the first eigenmode of the slot burner.

5. Validation

Atthispointitisinterestingtotryandpredictthestabilitymap ofFig.14.Forthispurpose,alow-ordermodelofthepresent slot burnerisnowgiven,basedonpreviousstudies[22,35,37].Because thecombustioninstability isherelockedon theHelmholtzmode ofthe plenum, one can derive an analytical model valid forthis specificmode.Forharmonicvelocityperturbations,





systemobeysasecond-orderequation forthepulsation ω,which maybewrittenintheform[20,36]:







α ω



0,nr=0 (11)

where ω 0,nr isthe resonance frequencyand α the dampingrate

of the system, both under non-reacting conditions. The fact that


0,nrand αcorrespondtonon-reactingconditionsstemsfromthe

derivationofthemodel[35–37].Theinfluenceoftheflameis mod-eled by an interaction index, N, anda time delay, τ, whichare linked to the Flame Transfer Function (FTF). The FTF, F




, isa complex numbermeasuring the response ofthe flame to acous-tics,andisexpressedastheratiooftherelativeheatreleaserate fluctuations,q˙′/q,¯˙ totheincomingvelocityfluctuations,









=q˙ ′/¯˙q




¯ =





eiϕ (12)

whereG isthegainoftheFTFand ϕ itsphase,whichislinkedto thetimedelay, τ,oftheflamethrough ϕ =


.Then,the interac-tionindex,N,isdefinedas:






whereC isafactoraccountingforsoundradiationfromtheflame, depending onthe burner geometryandtheoperating conditions. FollowingtheworkofPriceetal.[34]:

C= 1 4


Ss h E− 1 r (14)

whereSs=10−3 m2 istheslot crosssection,h

=0.106mthe ef-fective height of the slot3 andE is the ratio of the fresh to the burnt-gasesdensity.Echangesbecausetheequivalenceratioisnot thesameforallcases.Itiscomputedbyanequilibriumcalculation withtheCanterasoftware.Thedistancebetweenthenoisesource

3 Two corrections must be applied to h in order to account for the converging section upstream of the slot and the classical end-correction at the exit [36] .


Table 8

Combustion noise parameters for the various operating conditions.

Test E [-] r [mm] C[-] RVS 7.10 24.35 0.19 RS 6.89 26.33 0.17 RUS 6.65 29.04 0.15 RU RVU

Fig. 15. FTF of the five reacting cases of Table 2 . Gain, G (top) and phase ϕ (bot- tom).

andthe burneroutletis denotedrandit isobtainedfromdirect visualizationasthelocationwheretheflamepinches[22].The nu-mericalvaluesofE,randCandarerecalledinTable8.







, of Eq.(11),which can be solved once the valuesof

N, τ, ω 0,nr and α are known. This is the classical paradigm of

stabilitymappredictionwithanacousticsolver:onemustknowa priori theresponseoftheflameandtheacousticdampingrateof thesetup.Therequirementtoknow ω 0,nrisspecifictothepresent

model,whichisvalidfora flamelockedonaHelmholtzmode.A moregeneric methodology, usingforexamplea Helmholtzsolver does notrequiretheapriori knowledgeoftheeigenmodes.Using theresultsofSection4intheNRcase,thevalues f0,nr=52.50Hz

and α=16.94s−1areused.

Finally,theFTFareobtainedbytheclassicalprocedureof send-ing a small amplitude harmonic signal through the speaker S0.

The flamemustbestableinordertomeasuretheFTFandas ex-plained in[36],asimplewaytostabilizethissetup istoincrease the height oftheslot. Thismodification does not alter theflame but shifts down the frequency of the Helmholtz mode. For the measurement ofthe FTFin theRSU,RU andRVUconditions,the height is increasedto150 mm,resulting instablecombustion. It wascheckedforthestableoperatingpointsthattheFTFsmeasured with a 150mm slot and70 mm slotare identical. Onlythe fre-quencyrange[48,62]Hzisneededforthisstudy.Heatreleaserate andvelocityfluctuationsare recordedsimultaneouslybythe pho-tomultiplier andthe hot-wire probe, respectively (cf. Fig. 1). The levelofrmsvelocityfluctuationiskeptconstantat10%ofthebulk velocity(



andthephaseoftheFTFforthefivereactingoperatingpoints,RVS, RS, RSU, RU,RVU. Because inthe range ofinterest both the gain andthe phaseof theFTFvary linearlywith ω,forthenumerical resolutionofEq.(11),theywereinterpolatedwithlinearfunctions. It should be pointedout that, for all operatingpoints, the phase oftheFTFisbetween[





Fig. 16. Validation of Eq. (11) for the prediction of the frequency, f 0 and growth rate, νof the eigenmode of the slot burner.

i.e. [57,59]Hz. Thus, the necessarycondition foran instability to develop,resultingfromtheRayleighcriterionisfulfilled[22]. Nev-ertheless, only RSU RU RVS are unstable. The reason isthat this condition isnecessarybutnosufficient:inordertotriggeran in-stabilitythegainoftheFTFmustbelargeenoughtoovercomethe various acousticlosses, which is not the casefor the RVS an RS conditions.

ThesolutionsofEq.(11)arepresentedinFig.16.Itisclearthat thepredictionsofEq.(11)closelyfollowtheexperimentaldataand always recover the proper stability of the eigenmode. While the frequencies typically matchbylessthan 5%,the growthratesare systematicallyoverestimatedbyafewHzforthereactingcases.

6. Conclusion

Four methods werepresented forthe experimental evaluation ofthegrowth(ordamping)rateassociatedwithanacoustic eigen-mode. The objectiveis thedetailed analysisofcombustion insta-bilities, either for the mitigation of unstable modes, or the as-sessment ofthe distanceto the stability limit fora stablemode. These methodswere testedon fiveoperating points ofa laminar slot burner: two stableandthree unstable.The evaluationofthe frequencyandgrowthratewereconsistent betweenthemethods, givingconfidencefortheirapplication.

Then a low-order model of the slot burner was derived for

the predictionofits stability.Themodelwasfed byFlame Trans-ferFunctionsobtainedexperimentallyanditssolutionswere com-paredtothe experiment.Boththefrequencyandthegrowthrate of the eigenmode were predicted with good accuracy for stable and unstable operating conditions.These results give a clear in-dicationthattheoverallmethodologyoffeedinglow-ordermodels oracousticsolversbyFTFissoundandaccurate,evenclosetothe stabilitylimit.

Itissuggestedthatthesemethodsbeusedmoresystematically onlaboratoryandindustrialburnersbecausetheyprovidethe dis-tancetothestabilitylimit,whichisveryusefulfortheassessment oftherobustness ofagivendesign.Nevertheless,notallmethods are suitable forall systemsandsome practical limitationsshould be discussed.Forexample,installing actuatorssuchas loudspeak-ersinside combustionchambersisnotalways possible,especially on industrialburnerswithcompactgeometries. Insuch situation, iftheflowisturbulent,theWNmethodpresentedinSection2.4is a goodoption.Also,theHR andWNamethodsassume thatthere


to be sufficientlyfarfromeach other.Thismaylimit theiruse in systemswherethemodaldensityishigh.InthesecasestheIR,AC orWNbmethodsmaybetried.


Theresearchleadingtotheseresultshasreceivedfundingfrom the European Research Council under the European Union’s Sev-enth Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013) / ERC Grant Agree-mentERC-AdG319067-INTECOCIS.


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Fig. 1. Sketch of the burner: transverse cut and experimental diagnostics. M  0  and  M  1  are 1/4 ′′  microphones
Fig. 3. PSD of the velocity signal, S  v ′  : + RS operating point, fit with Eq. (5)
Fig. 10. Power spectral density obtained with the WN method for the stable oper-  ating points, NR, RVS and RS
Fig. 13. Spectrum of limit-cycle amplitude variations for the velocity: + RVU oper-  ating point,  fit with  Eq


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