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With this tool we give new, direct proofs of the fundamental properties ofk-triangulations, as well as some new results


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Received: 5 September 2007 / Revised: 3 March 2008 / Accepted: 5 April 2008 / Published online: 22 August 2008

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2008

Abstract Maximal(k+1)-crossing-free graphs on a planar point set in convex po- sition, that is,k-triangulations, have received attention in recent literature, motivated by several interpretations of them.

We introduce a new way of looking atk-triangulations, namely as complexes of star polygons. With this tool we give new, direct proofs of the fundamental properties ofk-triangulations, as well as some new results. This interpretation also opens up new avenues of research that we briefly explore in the last section.

Keywords Generalized triangulation·Crossing-free graph·Star polygons·Flips· Associahedron

1 Introduction

A multitriangulation of orderk, ork-triangulation, of a convexn-gon is a maximal set of edges such that nok+1 of them mutually cross.

Example 1.1 Fork=1 these are simply triangulations. Forn≤2k+1, the complete graphKnonnvertices does not containk+1 mutually intersecting edges, and thus it

This paper was written while the first author was visiting the second one via an internship agreement between the École Normale Supérieure and the University of Cantabria. Research of both authors was also funded by grant MTM2005-08618-C02-02 of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science.

A short version of this paper was presented at the FPSAC 08 conference.

V. Pilaud (


Département d’Informatique, École Normale Supérieure, 45 rue d’Ulm, 75005 Paris, France e-mail:vincent.pilaud@ens.fr

F. Santos

Departamento de Matemáticas, Estadística y Computación, Universidad de Cantabria, 39005 Santander, Spain



Fig. 1 The three 2-triangulations of the hexagon

Fig. 2 A 2-triangulation of the octagon

is the uniquek-triangulation of then-gon. So, the first nontrivial case isn=2k+2. It is easy to check that there arek+1k-triangulations of the(2k+2)-gon, each of them obtained from the complete graphK2k+2by deleting one of the diagonals[i, i+k] (see Fig.1). See Lemma8.8for a discussion of the next case,n=2k+3.

Figure2shows another example; a 2-triangulation of an octagon.

As far as we know, multitriangulations first appear in the work of Capoyleas and Pach [5], who proved that a k-triangulation of the n-gon cannot have more than k(2n−2k−1)edges. Nakamigawa [28], and independently Dress, Koolen and Moul- ton [10] then proved that allktriangulations actually have that number of edges (for n≥2k+1). Both proofs use the concept of flip betweenk-triangulations. As the name suggests, a flip creates onek-triangulation from another one, removing and in- serting a single edge. In fact, Nakamigawa [28] showed that essentially every edge of ak-triangulation can be flipped (our Corollary5.4).

The following list summarizes these and other nice properties ofk-triangulations that have been proved in the literature.

Theorem 1.2 ([5,10,13,21,28])

(a) Allk-triangulations of a convexn-gon have the same number of edges, equal to k(2n−2k−1)[5,10,28].

(b) Any edge of length at leastk+1 can be flipped and the graph of flips is regular and connected [10,28].

(c) The set ofk-triangulations of then-gon is enumerated by the same Catalan de- terminant counting families ofkmutually noncrossing Dyck paths [21,22].


in convex position and labeled cyclically is defined as min{|ji|,|ij|}modn.

Only edges of length greater thankare relevant, since the rest cannot be part of a (k+1)-crossing (hence they show up in allk-triangulations).

It is interesting thatk-triangulations admit several different interpretations: as par- ticular cyclic split systems [9,11]; as line arrangements in the hyperbolic plane [10];

and as certain fillings of triangular polyominoes [22] (see also [24,34]). Another very close subject is the study of topologicalk-quasi-planar graphs [1]. That is, graphs withoutk+1 mutually intersecting edges, but where the edges are not forced to be straight line segments.

In this paper we introduce a new way of looking atk-triangulations. Namely, as complexes of star polygons of type{2kk+1}. Ifpandqare two coprime integers, a star polygon of type{p/q}is a polygon formed by connecting a setV = {sj|j∈Zp}of ppoints of the unit circle with the setE= {[sj, sj+q] |j∈Zp}of edges of length q (see [6, pp. 36–38], [7, pp. 93–95] and Fig.3). The natural generalization of the triangle that is relevant fork-triangulations is:

Definition 1.3 Ak-star is a star polygon of type{2kk+1}.

Our main new result is:

Theorem 1.4 LetT be ak-triangulation of then-gon (withn≥2k+1). Then:

(1) T contains exactlyn−2k k-stars (Corollary4.4).

(2) Each edge ofT belongs to zero, one or two k-stars, depending on whether its length is smaller, equal or greater thank(Corollary4.2).

(3) Any common edgef of twok-starsR and SofT can be “flipped” to another edgeeso thatT{e, f}is ak-triangulation. Moreover, the edgeseandf depend only onRS, not the rest ofT (Lemma5.1and Corollary5.4).

Fig. 3 Star polygons of type{5/2},{8/3}and{11/5}. The first is a 2-star and the last is a 5-star


Butk-stars ink-triangulations are not only interesting per se. Rather, we think they are the right way of looking atk-triangulations, in much the same way as triangles, instead of edges, are the right way of looking at triangulations. As evidence for this, in this paper we give new proofs of the basic properties ofk-triangulations (parts (a), (b), (d) and (e) of Theorem1.2). Our proofs are direct and based on simple combinatorial properties of the mutual disposition ofk-stars in a(k+1)-crossing-free graph (see Sect.3). In contrast, the way these basic results are proved in [10,21,22,28] is more indirect:

(1) First, a “deletion” operation that relates k-triangulations of the n-gon and the (n+1)-gon is introduced. (We introduce this operation in Sect.7.)

(2) Second, this operation is used to prove thatk-triangulations admit flips (either in full generality or only for particular cases, as in [10]).

(3) Finally, flips are used to show that everyk-triangulation has the same number of edges as certain special ones constructed explicitly, namelyk(2n−2k−1).

The structure of this paper is as follows: After introducing some notation in Sect.2 we discuss basic properties ofk-stars in Sect.3. Section4 proves parts (1) and (2) of Theorem 1.4, as well as part (a) of Theorem1.2. Section 5 finishes the study of fundamental properties ofk-triangulations, by introducing the graph of flips. We have to mention that another advantage ofk-stars is that they allow for a much more explicit (and algorithmically better) way of understanding flips.

In Sect.6 we look at a particularly nice and simple family of k-triangulations.

They are the analogue of “triangulations with only two ears” and admit several dif- ferent characterizations. To emphasize that none of our proofs so far make use of the recursive operation relatingk-stars of then-gon and the(n+1)-gon we only in- troduce this operation in Sect.7. The operation is almost literally the same one as in previous papers, but again it is more natural to look at it as the “flattening” (and, conversely, “inflation”) of a singlek-star.

Finally, in Sect.8, we discuss further properties and questions aboutk-triangula- tions that may be easier to analyze usingk-stars and which could be developed further in future papers. Among them:

• Dyck multipaths: as mentioned in Theorem1.2,k-triangulations of then-gon are counted by the same determinant of Catalan numbers that counts certain families of noncrossing Dyck paths [21,22] (see also [24,34]). An explicit bijection between these two combinatorial sets has only been found fork=2 [14].

• Multiassociahedron: we also said that the simplicial complexn,k whose facets are k-triangulations of the n-gon is a combinatorial sphere [21]. It is natural to think that this sphere is polytopal, as happens fork=1 where it is the polar of the associahedron [25].

• Rigidity: the number of edges of ak-triangulation of then-gon is exactly that of a generically minimally rigid graph in dimension 2k. We conjecture that allk- triangulations are minimally rigid in dimension 2kand prove it fork=2.

• Surfaces: regarding ak-triangulationT as a complex of star polygons naturally defines a polygonal complex associated to it. This complex is an orientable surface with boundary. It seems interesting to study the action of flips on this surface. In particular, we can think of the fundamental group of the graph of flips as acting on the mapping class group of the surface.


Letkandnbe two integers such thatk≥1 andn≥2k+1.

LetVn be the set of vertices of a convexn-gon, i.e. any set of points on the unit circle, labeled counterclockwise by the cyclic setZn. All throughout the paper, we will refer to the points inVn by their labels to simplify notation. Foru, v, wVn, we will writeuvw meaning thatu, v and w are in counterclockwise order on the circle. For anyu, vVn, letJu, vKdenote the cyclic interval{wVn|u wv}. The intervalsKu, vJ,Ju, vJandKu, vKare defined similarly. Let|uv| = min(|Ju, vJ|,|Jv, uJ|)be the cyclic distance betweenuandv.

Foru=vVn, let[u, v]denote the straight edge connecting the verticesuandv.

We say that[u, v]is of length|uv|. LetEn=Vn


be the set of edges of the com- plete graph onVn. Two edges[u, v]and[u, v]are said to cross whenuandvlie one in each of the open cyclic intervalsKu, vJandKv, uJ. Observe that this definition is symmetric in the two edges involved and that it corresponds to an intersection of the straight open segments(u, v)and(u, v).

For∈N, an-crossing is a set ofmutually intersecting edges.

Definition 2.1 Ak-triangulation of the n-gon is a maximal(k+1)-crossing-free subset ofEn.

Obviously, an edge[u, v]ofEncan appear in a(k+1)-crossing only if|uv|> k.

We say that such an edge isk-relevant. We say that an edge[u, v]is ak-boundary if|uv| =k and that it isk-irrelevant if|uv|< k. Everyk-triangulation of the n-gon consists of all thekn k-irrelevant plusk-boundary edges and somek-relevant edges.

An angle(u, v, w)of a subsetEofEn is a pair{[u, v],[v, w]}of edges ofE such thatuvwand for allt∈Kw, uJ, the edge[v, t]is not inE. We callv the vertex of the angle(u, v, w). Ift∈Kw, uJ, we say thattis contained in(u, v, w), and that the edge[v, t]is a bisector of(u, v, w). An angle is said to bek-relevant if both its edges are eitherk-relevant ork-boundary edges.

As said in the introduction, ak-star is a set of edges of the form{[sj, sj+k] |j∈ Z2k+1}, wheres0s1≺ · · · ≺s2ks0are cyclically ordered. Observe that there are two natural cyclic orders on the vertices of ak-starS: the circle order, defined as the cyclic order around the circle, and the star order, defined as the cyclic order tracing the edges ofS. More precisely, ifs0, . . . , s2k are the vertices ofScyclically ordered around the circle, we rename the verticesri=sik to obtain the star orderr0, . . . , r2k.


3 Mutual Positions ofk-Stars

In this section, letR andS denote twok-stars of a (k+1)-crossing-free subsetE ofEn. We study their mutual position.

Lemma 3.1 (1) Any angle ofS(orR) is also an angle ofEand isk-relevant.

(2) For any vertextnot inS, there is a unique angle(u, v, w)inSthat is bisected by[v, t].

Proof LetV = {sj|j∈Z2k+1}denote the vertices ofSin star order. Suppose thatE contains an edge[sj, t]wherej∈Z2k+1andt∈Ksj+1, sj1J. Then the set of edges

[sj+1, sj+2],[sj+3, sj+4], . . . ,[sj2, sj1],[sj, t] forms a(k+1)-crossing. Thus∠(sj1, sj, sj+1)is an angle ofE.

Since any edge ofSseparates the other vertices ofSinto two parts of sizek−1 andk, it is at least a k-boundary. Consequently, the angle(sj1, sj, sj+1)is k- relevant. This finishes the proof of part (1). Part (2) is obvious from the definition of


Corollary 3.2 RandScannot share any angle.

Proof By the first point of the previous lemma, the knowledge of one angle

(sj1, sj, sj+1) of S permits the recovery of all thek-starS: the vertex sj+2 is the unique vertex such that∠(sj, sj+1, sj+2)is an angle ofE(i.e. the first neighbor ofsj+1aftersj when moving clockwise), and so on.

Since the number of edges of ak-star is 2k+1, this corollary implies thatRand S cannot share more than k edges. Note that, for example, the twok-stars of any k-triangulation of a(2k+2)-gon share exactlykedges (see Fig.1).

Corollary 3.3 For any edge[u, v]ofE, the number of vertices ofSbetweenuand vand the number of vertices ofSbetweenvanduare different.

Proof Suppose that S has the same number of vertices on both sides of an edge f = [u, v]. Since the number of vertices ofS is 2k+1, one of the two vertices of f is a vertex ofS, sayu. Thenv is contained in the angle ofSof vertexu, which

implies thatf is not inE.

LetV be the set of vertices of thek-starS. If|Ju, vK∩V|<|Jv, uK∩V|, then we say thatSlies on the positive side of the oriented edge fromutov(otherwise we say thatSlies on the negative side of the oriented edge fromutov). Thek-starSis said to be contained in an angle∠(u, v, w)ofEif it lies on the positive side of both the edges[u, v]and[v, w]oriented fromutovand fromvtow, respectively.

Lemma 3.4 Let(u, v, w)be an angle ofEcontaining thek-starS. Then


thek+1 vertices ofSbetweenyandz, which is not possible (becauseSlies on the positive side of the edge[u, v], oriented fromutov). For the same reason,y∈Kv, wJ.

Ify=uory=w, then[u, v]or[v, w]is a bisector of∠(x, y, z), which contradicts Lemma3.1. Consequently,∠(u, v, w)containsy, so that[v, y]is a common bisector

of∠(u, v, w)and∠(x, y, z).

In the following statement and the rest of the paper, a bisector ofSis a bisector of an angle ofS.

Theorem 3.5 Every pair of k-stars whose union is (k+1)-crossing-free have a unique common bisector.

Proof Let{rj|j ∈Z2k+1}denote the vertices ofR in star order. Note that for any j∈Z2k+1, ifSlies on the negative side of the edge[rj1, rj]oriented fromrj1to rj, then it lies on the positive side of the edge[rj, rj+1]oriented fromrj torj+1. Since 2k+1 is odd, this implies that there existsj ∈Z2k+1such thatS lies on the positive side of both the edges[rj1, rj]and[rj, rj+1]oriented fromrj1torj and fromrj torj+1, respectively. That is, in the angle∠(rj1, rj, rj+1). The previous lemma thus ensures the existence of a common bisector.

Suppose now that we have two different common bisectorseandf ofR andS, and let{rj |j∈Z2k+1}and{sj |j ∈Z2k+1}denote the vertices ofR andS in star order labeled so thate= [r0, s0]. Leta, b∈Z2k+1such thatf = [ra, sb]. Note that certainly, a=0, b=0, anda andb have the same parity. By symmetry, we can assume thata=2α,b=2β with 1≤βαk. But then the set

[r2i, r2i+1] |0≤iα−1

[s2j, s2j+1] |βjk

forms a(k+1+αβ)-crossing, andk+1+αβk+1. This proves unique-


In the following lemmas,{rj|j∈Z2k+1}and{sj|j∈Z2k+1}denote the vertices ofRandS, in star order, and withe= [r0, s0]being the common bisector ofRandS.

Lemma 3.6 For every 1ik,r2i1∈Kr0, s2iKands2i1∈Ks0, r2iK. In particular, for everyi∈Z2k+1the edges[ri, ri+1]and[si, si+1]do not cross.

Proof Suppose that there exists 1ik such that r2i1∈Ks2i, s0J or s2i1∈ Kr2i, r0J. Letγ be the highest such integer, and assume for example that r1


Fig. 4 The common bisector of two 2-stars (left) and a 2-crossing that crosses it (right)

Ks, s0J. Then the definition ofγ ensures thats0s+1r+2r2so that the set

[r2i, r2i+1] |0≤iγ−1

[s2j, s2j+1] |γjk

forms a(k+1)-crossing.

The previous lemma can be read as saying that corresponding edges ofR andS are parallel. It is easy to see thatkof these 2k+1 pairs of parallel edges, the ones of the form([r2i1, r2i],[s2i1, s2i]), with 1ik, separateR fromS, meaning thatR andSlie on opposite sides of both. The next lemma says that anyk-crossing that, in turn, crosses the common bisectore= [r0, s0]has one edge parallel to and between each such pair (see Fig.4).

Lemma 3.7 LetF be ak-crossing ofE such that all its edges crosse= [r0, s0].

Letf1= [x1, y1], . . . , fk= [xk, yk]denote the edges ofF, withr0x1≺ · · · ≺xks0y1≺ · · · ≺ykr0. Then for any 1ik, we havexi∈Jr2k2i+1, s2k2i+2K andyi ∈Js2k2i+1, r2k2i+2K.

Proof Suppose that there exists 1iksuch thatr0xir2k2i+1and let =max{1≤ik|r0xir2k−2i+1}.

If=k, then the set{e1, . . . , ek,[r0, r1]}is a(k+1)-crossing ofE, thus we assume that < k. In order for

{e1, . . . , e} ∪

[r0, r1], . . . ,[r2k−2, r2k−2+1]

not to be a(k+1)-crossing, we haver2k2yr0, so thatr2k2y+1r0. But the definition ofimplies thatr2k2+1r2k21x+1s0, so that the set

[r2k2, r2k2+1], . . . ,[r2k2, r2k1],[r2k, r0]

∪ {e+1, . . . , ek} is a(k+1)-crossing ofE.

By symmetry, the lemma is proved.


Fig. 5 The flip of an edge

The following lemma is at the heart of the concept of flips, that will be studied further in Sect.5. As usual, we use the symbolfor the symmetric difference.

Lemma 3.8 Letf be a common edge of R and S. Let {rj |j ∈Z2k+1}and {sj | j∈Z2k+1}be the vertices ofR andS, in star order, and withe= [r0, s0]being the common bisector ofRandS. Then

(i) there exists 1iksuch thatf= [r2i1, r2i] = [s2i, s2i1];

(ii) E{e, f}is a(k+1)-crossing-free subset ofEn; (iii) the vertices

s0, . . . , s2i2, s2i1=r2i, r2i+1, . . . , r2k, r0

(resp.r0, . . . , r2i2, r2i1=s2i, s2i+1, . . . , s2k, s0) are the vertices of ak-starX (resp.Y) ofE{e, f}, in star order;

(iv) XandY share the edgeeand their common bisector isf.

Proof Letuandvdenote the vertices off. Lemma3.6ensures that{r0, s0}∩{u, v} =

∅so that we can assumer0us0vr0. Consequently, there exists 1≤i, jk such thatu=r2i1=s2jandv=r2i=s2j1. Suppose thati > j. Then according to Lemma3.6, we haver0r2i1s2is2j =r2i1which is impossible. We obtain thati=j andf= [r2i1, r2i] = [s2i, s2i1].

Lemma3.7then proves that anyk-crossing ofT that preventebeing inT contains f, so thatT{e, f}is(k+1)-crossing-free.

LetLbe the list of vertices(s0, . . . , s2i2, r2i, . . . , r2k, r0). Between two consec- utive elements ofLlie exactlyk−1 others points ofL(for the circle order). This implies thatLis in star order. The point (iii) thus follows from the fact that any edge connecting two consecutive points ofLis inE{e, f}.

The edgeeis clearly common toXandY. The edgef is a bisector of both angles

(r2i2, r2i1, s2i+1)and∠(s2i2, s2i1, r2i+1), so that it is the common bisector of



Fig. 6 [a, b]isv-farther than [c, d](left) and{[ai, bi]}is v-farther than{[ci, di]}(right)

4 k-Triangulations as Complexes ofk-Stars

In this section,T is ak-triangulation of then-gon, i.e. a maximal(k+1)-crossing- free subset ofEn.

Theorem 4.1 Anyk-relevant angle ofT belongs to a uniquek-star contained inT. Proof In this proof, we need the following definition (see Fig. 6): let ∠(u, v, w) be a k-relevant angle of T and let e and f be two edges of T that intersect

(u, v, w)(i.e. that intersect both [u, v] and[v, w]). If a, b, c and d denote their vertices such thatuavbw and ucvdw, then we say that e= [a, b] is v-farther than f = [c, d] if ua cvd bw. Let E and F be two (k−1)-crossings that intersect ∠(u, v, w). Let their edges be la- beled e1= [a1, b1], e2= [a2, b2], . . . , ek1= [ak1, bk1] and f1= [c1, d1], f2= [c2, d2], . . . , fk−1= [ck−1, dk−1] such that ua1a2≺ · · · ≺ak−1vb1b2≺ · · · ≺bk1wanduc1c2≺ · · · ≺ck1vd1d2≺ · · · ≺dk1w.

Then we say thatE isv-farther thanF ifei isv-farther thanfi for every 1≤ik−1. We say thatEisv-maximal if it does not exist any(k−1)-crossing intersecting

(u, v, w)andv-farther thanE.

Let∠(u, v, w)be ak-relevant angle ofT. If the edge[u, v+1]is inT, then the angle∠(v+1, u, v)is ak-relevant angle ofT and, if it is contained in ak-starSof T, then so is∠(u, v, w). Moreover, ifn >2k+1 (n=2k+1 is a trivial case),T cannot contain all the edges{[u+i, v+i] |i=0. . . n−1}and{[u+i, v+i+1] | i=0. . . n−1}. Consequently, we can assume that[u, v+1]is not inT.

Thus we have ak-crossingE of the form e1= [a1, b1], . . . , ek = [ak, bk]with ua1≺ · · · ≺akv+1 andv+1≺b1≺ · · · ≺bku. Since[u, v] ∈T,ak=v and since∠(u, v, w)is an angle,v+1≺bkw. Consequently,{e1, . . . , ek1}forms a(k−1)-crossing intersecting∠(u, v, w)and we can assume that it isv-maximal (see Fig.7(a)). We will prove that the edges[u, b1],[a1, b2], . . . ,[ak2, bk1],[ak1, w] are inT such that the pointsu,a1, . . . , ak1,v,b1, . . . , bk1,w are the vertices of ak-star ofT containing the angle∠(u, v, w). To get this result, we use two steps:

first we prove that∠(a1, b1, u)is an angle ofT, and then we prove that the edges e2, . . . , ek1,[v, w]form a(k−1)-crossing intersecting∠(a1, b1, u)andb1-maximal (so that we can reiterate the argument).


Fig. 7 (a) Thek-crossingE; (b) First step: [u, b1] ∈T; (c) Second step: {e2, . . . , ek−1,[v, w]} is b1-maximal

First step (see Fig.7(b))

Suppose that[u, b1]is not inT. Thus we have ak-crossingF that prevents the edge[u, b1]. Letf1= [c1, d1], . . . , fk= [ck, dk]denote its edges withuc1≺ · · · ≺ ckb1andb1d1≺ · · · ≺dku.

Note first thatvdkw. Indeed, if it is not the case, thendk∈Kw, uJandck=v, because∠(u, v, w)is an angle. Thus eitherck∈Ku, vJand thenF ∪ {[u, v]}forms a(k+1)-crossing, orck∈Kv, b1Jand thenE∪ {[ck, dk]}forms a(k+1)-crossing.

Consequently, we haveb1d1≺ · · · ≺dk1w.

Let=max{1≤jk−1|bidiwfor anyiwith 1≤ij}. Then for any 1≤i, since{e1, . . . , ei} ∪ {fi, . . . , fk}does not form a(k+1)-crossing, we have uciai. Thus for any 1≤i,uciaivbidiw, so thatfi is v-farther thanei. Furthermore, we haveuc1≺ · · · ≺ca+1≺ · · · ≺ak1vd1≺ · · · ≺db+1≺ · · · ≺bk1w. Consequently, we get a(k−1)-crossing {f1, . . . , f, e+1, . . . , ek1}which isv-farther than{e1, . . . , ek1}; this contradicts the definition of{e1, . . . , ek1}. Thus we obtain[u, b1] ∈T.

Suppose now that∠(a1, b1, u)is not an angle ofT. Then there existsa0∈Ku, a1J such that[b1, a0] ∈T. But then the(k−1)-crossing {[a0, b1], e2, . . . , ek1}is v- farther than{e1, . . . , ek1}. This implies that∠(a1, b1, u)is an angle ofT.

Second step (see Fig.7(c))

Let F be a (k−1)-crossing intersecting ∠(a1, b1, u) and b1-farther than the (k−1)-crossing{e2, . . . , ek1,[v, w]}. Let f2= [c2, d2], . . . , fk= [ck, dk] denote its edges, witha1c2≺ · · · ≺ckb1d2≺ · · · ≺dku.

Note first thatbkdkw. Indeed, if it is not the case, thendk∈Kw, uJandck= v, because(u, v, w)is an angle. Thus eitherck∈Ka1, vJand thenF ∪ {[u, v], e1} forms a(k+1)-crossing, orck∈Kv, b1Jand thenE∪ {[ck, dk]} forms a(k+1)- crossing. Consequently, we haveb1d2≺ · · · ≺dk1w.

Furthermore, for any 2≤ik−1,fiis∠(a1, b1, u)-farther thanei, so thata1ciaib1bidiu. In particular,a1ck1ak1vand we getua1c2≺ · · · ≺ck1vb1d2≺ · · · ≺dk1w. Consequently, the(k−1)-crossing {e1, f2, . . . , fk1}isv-farther than{e1, . . . , ek1}, which is a contradiction.

The following easy consequence of Theorem4.1justifies the title of this paper.


Corollary 4.2 Letebe an edge ofT.

(i) Ifeis ak-relevant edge, then it belongs to exactly twok-stars ofT (one on each side).

(ii) If eis a k-boundary edge, then it belongs to exactly one k-star ofT (on its

“inner” side).

(iii) Ifeis ak-irrelevant edge, then it does not belong to anyk-star ofT.

Corollary 4.3 (1) For anyk-star S inT and for any vertex r not in S there is a uniquek-starRinT such thatris a vertex of the common bisector ofRandS.

(2) Anyk-relevant edge which is not inT is the common bisector of a unique pair ofk-stars ofT.

Proof Let(u, s, v)be the unique angle ofSwhich containsr. Let(x, r, y)be the unique angle ofT of vertexrwhich containss. According to Theorem4.1, the angle

(x, r, y)belongs to a uniquek-starR. The common bisector ofRandSis[r, s]and Ris the only suchk-star ofT.

Lete= [r, s]be ak-relevant edge, not inT. Let∠(x, r, y)(resp.∠(u, s, v)) denote the unique angle ofT of vertexr(resp.s) which containss(resp.r). According to Theorem4.1, the angle∠(x, r, y)(resp.∠(u, s, v)) belongs to a uniquek-starR(resp.

S). The common bisector ofR andS is[r, s]and(R, S)is the only such couple of

k-stars ofT.

Observe that parts (1) and (2) of this corollary give bijections between

(1) “vertices not used in thek-starSofT” and “k-stars ofT different fromS”; and (2) “k-relevant edges not used inT” and “pairs ofk-stars ofT”.

From any of these two bijections, and using Corollary4.2for double counting, it is easy to derive the number ofk-stars and ofk-relevant edges inT:

Corollary 4.4 (1) Anyk-triangulation of then-gon contains exactlyn−2k k-stars, k(n−2k−1) k-relevant edges andk(2n−2k−1)edges.

(2) Thek-triangulations are exactly the (k+1)-crossing-free subsets of En of cardinalityk(2n−2k−1).

Similarly, we prove the following result:

Corollary 4.5 Let[u, v]be ak-relevant ork-boundary edge ofT. Then the number ofk-stars ofT on the positive side of the oriented edge fromutovequals|Jv, uJ|−k.

Proof If|Jv, uJ| =k, then anyk-star ofT has certainly more vertices inJu, vKthan inJv, uK, so that anyk-star ofT lies on the negative side of[u, v].

Suppose now that|Jv, uJ|> k. LetRbe thek-star ofT containing[u, v]and lying on the positive side of it. According to the bijection (1) given by Corollary4.3, we only have to prove that anyk-starSofT (distinct fromR) lies on the positive side of [u, v]if and only if the vertex ofSof the common bisector ofRandSlies inKv, uJ.

But this is an easy consequence of Lemma3.6.


Fig. 8 The four 2-stars in the 2-triangulation of the octagon of Fig.2

Example 4.6 To illustrate the results of this section, Fig.8 shows the 2-stars con- tained in the 2-triangulationT of the octagon of Fig.2. There are four 2-stars and six 2-relevant edges (Corollary4.4). Every 2-relevant edge is contained in two 2-stars of T (Corollary4.2) and each of the 20 2-relevant angles ofT is contained in exactly one 2-star ofT (Theorem4.1).

5 The Graph of Flips

LetT be ak-triangulation of then-gon, letf be ak-relevant edge ofT, letR and S be the two k-stars ofT containingf (Corollary 4.2), and letebe the common bisector ofR and S. Remember that we proved (Lemma3.8) that T{e, f}is a (k+1)-crossing-free subset of En. Observe moreover that T{e, f} is maximal:

this follows from Corollary4.4, but also from the fact that ifT{e, f}is properly contained in ak-triangulationT, thenT{e, f}is(k+1)-crossing-free and properly containsT.

Thus,T{e, f}is ak-triangulation of then-gon.

Lemma 5.1 T andT{e, f}are the only twok-triangulations of then-gon contain- ingT \ {f}.

Proof Lete be any edge ofEn\T distinct frome. LetR andS be the twok-stars with common bisectore (Corollary4.3(2)). We can assume thatR does not contain f and thenR ∪ {e}is contained inT{e, f}and forms a(k+1)-crossing.

We say that we obtain thek-triangulationT{e, f}from thek-triangulationT by flipping the edgef.

LetGn,k be the graph of flips on the set ofk-triangulations of then-gon, i.e. the graph whose vertices are the k-triangulations of the n-gon and whose edges are the pairs of k-triangulations related by a flip. It follows from Corollary 4.4 and Lemma5.1that Gn,k is regular of degree k(n−2k−1): everyk-relevant edge of T can be flipped, in a unique way. In this section, we prove the connectivity of this graph and bound its diameter.

Note thateandf necessarily cross. In particular, ife= [α, β] andf = [γ , δ], with 0αβn−1 and 0γδn−1, then


Fig. 9 The triangulationT11,3min

• either 0αγβδn1 and the flip is said to be slope-decreasing, or

• 0γαδβn1 and the flip is said to be slope-increasing.

We define a partial order on the set ofk-triangulations of the n-gon as follows: for twok-triangulationsT andT , we sayT < T if and only if there exists a sequence of slope-increasing flips fromT toT . That this is indeed a partial order follows from the fact that each slope increasing flip increases the total slope of ak-triangulation, where the slope of an edge[u, v]is defined asu+v(with the sum taken inN, not in Zn) and the total slope of ak-triangulation is the sum of slopes of its edges.

Let Tn,kmin be the k-triangulation of the n-gon whose set of k-relevant edges is {[i, j] |i∈J0, k−1Kandj ∈Ji+k+1, i−k−1K}(see Fig.9).

Lemma 5.2 For anyk-triangulation of then-gonT =Tn,kmin, there exists ak-relevant edgefT \Tn,kminsuch that the edge added by the flip off is inTn,kmin.

In particular, the k-triangulation Tn,kmin is the unique least element of the set of k-triangulations of then-gon, partially ordered by<.

Proof Since the second point is an immediate corollary of the first one, we only have to prove the first point.

LetT be ak-triangulation of then-gon distinct fromTn,kmin. Let =max


[0, i],[1, i+1], . . . ,[k−1, i+k−1]

T , which exists becauseT =Tn,kmin.

Let 0≤jk−1 such that the edge[j, +j]is not inT. Let{[x1, y1], . . . ,[xk, yk]}

denote ak-crossing that prevent[j, +j]to be inT, with the convention that (i) x1≺ · · · ≺xky1≺ · · · ≺yk;

(ii) ifj >0, thenj∈Kxj, xj+1Jand+j∈Kyj, yj+1J; and (iii) ifj=0, then 0∈Kyk, x1Jand∈Kxk, y1J.

With this convention, we are sure thatxk∈Jk, −1K andyk∈J+k, n−1K. If yk∈K+k, n−1K, then the set

[0, +1], . . . ,[k−1, +k],[xk, yk]


Fig. 10 A path of slope-decreasing flips from the 2-triangulation of Fig.2toT8,2. In each image, the new edge is in bold and the dashed edge will be flipped

is a(k+1)-crossing ofT. Thusyk=+k, and there exists an edge[xk, +k]with xk∈Jk, −1K.

Now letm=min{ki−1| [i, +k] ∈T}. Letf be the edge[m, +k], letS be thek-star containing the angle(m, +k, k−1)and letR be the other k-star containing f. Let s0, . . . , sk2, sk1=k−1, sk =m, sk+1, . . . , s2k1, s2k= +kdenote the vertices of thek-starSin circle order. Thens0∈J+k+1,0K, and the only way not to get a(k+1)-crossing is to haves0=0. This implies thatsj=j for all 0≤jk−1.

Lete be the common bisector of R andS ands denote its vertex in S. Since f = [m, +k] = [sk, s2k] is a common edge of R and S, it is obvious that s /∈ {sk, s2k}. Moreover, since for any 0≤jk−2 the interval Ksj, sj+1J is empty, s /∈ {sk+1, sk+2, . . . , s2k1}. Consequently, s∈ {s0, . . . , sk1} =J0, k−1K ande


Obviously, we get symmetric results with thek-triangulationTn,kmaxwhose set of k-relevant edges is{[i, j] |i∈Jnk, n−1Kandj∈Ji+k+1, i−k−1K}.

Example 5.3 Figure10shows a path of slope-decreasing flips from the 2-triangulation of Fig.2toT8,2min.

Corollary 5.4 The graphGn,kis connected, regular of degreek(n−2k−1), and its diameter is at most 2k(n−2k−1).

Proof LetT be ak-triangulation of then-gon. The regularity follows from the fact that any of thek(n−2k−1) k-relevant edges ofT can be flipped. Moreover, the previous lemma ensures that there exists a sequence of at mostk(n−2k−1)slope- decreasing flips fromT toTn,kmin. Thus any pair ofk-triangulations is linked by a path of length at most 2k(n−2k−1)passing throughTn,kmin. Obviously we would obtain the same result with any rotation of the labeling ofVn. In particular, for any pair{T , T }ofk-triangulations, we can choose the intermediate k-triangulationT for our path among any rotation ofTn,kmin. Consequently, there ex- ists a path linkingT andT of length smaller than the average of|TT | + |T T | (forT among the rotations ofTn,kmin). As proved in [28], this argument improves the upper bound for the diameter to be 2k(n−4k−1)whenn >8k3+4k2.


Fig. 11 Examples ofk-zigzags ofEnfor(n, k)=(10,2)and (21,3)

Note that even if the improvement is asymptotically not relevant, for the casek= 1, the improved bound of 2n−10 is actually the exact diameter of the associahedron for large values ofn[38]. Fork >1, we only have the following lower bound:

Lemma 5.5 Ifn≥4k, then the diameter ofGn,kis at leastk(n−2k−1).

Proof We only have to find two k-triangulations of the n-gon with no k-relevant edges in common. LetZbe the following subset ofk-relevant edges ofEn:


[q−1,−qk] |1≤qn/2k

[q,qk] |1≤q(n−1)/2−k .

We say thatZis ak-zigzag ofEn(see Fig.11). Letρbe the rotationtt+1. Ob- serve that sincen≥4k, the 2k k-zigzagsZ, ρ(Z), . . . , ρ2k1(Z)are disjoint. More- over,

(i) there is no 2-crossing in ak-zigzag, so that there is no(k+1)-crossing in the union ofkof them;

(ii) ak-zigzag containsn−2k−1k-relevant edges, so that the union ofkdisjoint k-zigzags containsk(n−2k−1) k-relevant edges.

According to Corollary4.4, this proves that the union ofkdisjointk-zigzags is the set ofk-relevant edges of ak-triangulation. Thus, we obtain the twok-triangulations we were looking for with the sets ofk-relevant edgesk1


i=k ρi(Z).

We want to observe that Lemma5.2is the way how [28] and [10] prove that the number of edges in allk-triangulations of then-gon is the same. Compare it to our direct proof in Corollary4.4.

6 k-Ears andk-Colorablek-Triangulations

Let us assume thatn≥2k+3. We call a k-ear any edge of length k+1 in ak- triangulation. We say that ak-star is external if it contains at least onek-boundary edge (and internal otherwise). It is well known and easy to prove that the number of ears in any triangulation equals its number of internal triangles plus 2. In this section,


Lemma 6.1 Letb1 be the number ofk-boundary edges of an externalk-starS.

Then,S has exactlyb1 positive ears. Moreover,k-boundary edges and positive ears ofSform an alternating path in thek-star.

Proof Observe first that if[x, x+k]is ak-boundary edge ofS, then allk+1 vertices ofJx, x+kKare vertices ofS. SinceShas 2k+1 vertices, this implies that if[x, x+k] and[y, y+k]are twok-boundary edges ofS, thenJx, x+kKandJy, y+kKintersect;

that is, for example,y ∈Jx, x+kK. But then, all edges[i, i+k] (x iy) are k-boundary edges ofS, and all edges[i, i+k+1](xiy) are positive ears of S. Thus,k-boundary edges and positive ears ofS form an alternating path in thek- star, beginning and ending by ak-boundary edge. In particular,S has exactlyb−1

positive ears.

Corollary 6.2 The number ofk-ears in a k-triangulationT equals the number of internalk-stars plus 2k. In particular,T contains at least 2k k-ears.

Proof For any 0i≤2k+1, letμidenote the number ofk-stars ofT with exactly i k-boundary edges. Letνdenote the number ofk-ears ofT. Then

2k+1 i=0

μi=n−2k and

2k+1 i=1


Since anyk-ear is a positive ear of exactly onek-star, the previous lemma ensures moreover that

2k+1 i=1


Thus, we obtainν=n(n−2k)+μ0=2k+μ0.

Example 6.3 The 2-triangulation in Fig.2has five 2-ears and one internal 2-star (the 2-star (a) in Fig.8).

We are now interested in a characterization of thek-triangulations that have ex- actly 2k k-ears, or equivalently that have no internalk-star. We need the following definitions.

We say that ak-triangulation isk-colorable if it is possible to color itsk-relevant edges withkcolors such that there is no monochromatic 2-crossing. Observe that, if this happens, then everyk-crossing uses an edge of each color.


Fig. 12 Examples of k-accordions ofEnfor (n, k)=(10,2)and(21,3)

Definition 6.4 Ak-accordion ofEn is a setZ= {[ai, bi] |1≤in−2k−1}of n−2k−1 edges such thatb1=a1+k+1 and for any 2≤in−2k−1, the edge [ai, bi]is either[ai1, bi1+1]or[ai1−1, bi1](see Fig.12).

Observe that, in this definition,bi=ai+k+ifor any 1≤in−2k−1. More- over, it is easy to check that the definition is equivalent to being a set ofn−2k−1 k-relevant edges ofEnwithout 2-crossing.

Lemma 6.5 The union ofkdisjointk-accordions ofEnis the set ofk-relevant edges of ak-triangulation of then-gon.

Proof Observe that:

(i) There is no 2-crossing in ak-accordion, so that there is no(k+1)-crossing in the union ofkof them.

(ii) Ak-accordion containsn−2k−1k-relevant edges, so that the union ofkdisjoint k-accordions containsk(n−2k−1) k-relevant edges.

This lemma thus follows from Corollary4.4.

We have already met some particulark-accordions both when we constructed the triangulationTn,kmin and in the proof of Lemma5.5. The two types ofk-accordions in these examples (“fan” and “zigzag”) are somehow the two extremal examples of them.

Theorem 6.6 LetT be ak-triangulation, withk >1. The following properties are equivalent forT:

(i) T isk-colorable.

(ii) There exists ak-coloring of thek-relevant edges ofT such that nok-star ofT contains three edges of the same color.

(iii) T has no internalk-star.

(iv) T contains exactly 2k k-ears.

(v) T contains exactly 2k edges of each lengthk+1, . . . ,(n−1)/2(and k of lengthn/2 ifnis even).

(vi) The set ofk-relevant edges ofT is the union ofkdisjointk-accordions.


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