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Challenges and prospects in the implementation of NEPAD


Academic year: 2022

Partager "Challenges and prospects in the implementation of NEPAD"


Texte intégral



Economic Commission for Africa

Challenges and Prospects in the Implementation

of N,EPA'D'


ACi'onyrns , ,., .. ,.. ""'" .'., , , " , ,.. ,., v

I ' ..

Acknovv 8agements "

VI :

Executive Summary , , " ix

Challenges and Prospects in the implementation of Nepad .

[ntrQ,lu,tiun . .. 1

1, NEPAD Objectives , , , ,., ,., .. , ,., ,., ,., .. , ,.. , 3

1.1 NEP.'\D prioriry:lI'Cb , , " )

1.2 l-lis[ory


NI::P1\0 , " ,


2. Key Achievements in Implementation of NEPAD " 5

2.1 rC:lLl~. sCCllriry. conflier rc.~oJLlri n :lnd democracy 5

2.2 Economic govcrnance and public adminisH:Hion


2.3 ~EPAD :lnd RECs , , 6

2.·i In\'C'srnll'J1[ and dc'vdupmenc of priori ty sectors 7

2.5 Science:tl1d rCdm,)logy 11

2.61ndllsrrializar!on " "" ",... . , 1I 2.7 AfriCJIl l\:el' Review Mechanism (APR.J\;1)... .. 11

2.8 Priv:1fC sector p;:rrticip:1tion", , ", ,.. 12


(~L·nJL'1·equiry. , ,., , ,


2.10 Jnt'ern,ltiofl:tl community :Inc! rcsOul'ce lllobiliz:ltion J3

2. II Support of

rhe Unired l\'arions sysrcll1


2.12 Sul1unary ,.", , l ()

3, Ch a lie n 9 es fo rim pie mental ion ,, , ,, ,,.. ,, ,.,.,, ,. 17

:). I

SrrucruraJ cO!1Strainrs... .17 3.2 Poliric:l1 consrrainrs... 1')

.3.3 EconomicconsrrJint~ , , " 21

4. The Way For'Nard , ,.""""",."".,.,.""." ", .. ",."" .. ,." ", ,.,.,.", 25




SrnldlJr-:.~ ,., .. , , .. , , , ", .

'1,2 "ovcn:- Erac!ic:·lrioll .. . ", )0

-t ..? Pufting.:\t'rica on~l Stls[ain.~I..,;t'Dev"]uprncill 1":1[11... .. :-11

',.3 l'Uri)];; lil..: m:l1gin:iliz:lfio!1 nF,\fricl... .. ,(;

,j .. (,cdLlcr ECl'liry ;llld [he Empowermenr of\X!on1ef1 F

Notes , , ,., ,., .. ,., .. ", ;.. ,.,.".,., ,., .. ,., ,.,.,." 39

References., .. , ,." , ,.. ,., , , , ,.. , , ,.. ,.. ,., .. ,41





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.\(ric·.II) C;\F".;'\· Biliidillg h]lIl1d,Hioll

. \(ril.11l Cdll iT f,l!" \.;,·n,!<.:[,Inti s,,,i.t! [)CI'l·j'i\IIl!,·lIi :\lri~.IJ1(:,'11 f<:' [, r ~;.1li~.:\-.:~

.\'·;; .... 111 [),·v,·J,'I)lllU! l.):lnk

frk.l[) CClld~r.lliJ [c\cl"f'lll<:IH Il1d<::<

.\Jc)~,ln Cr,,\\,h ,H~,i \..)1,,:,,'11rljl',ilil~S ,\(1 .\fri-:.I 1)I'lJdlluil'c C;lp.1CiIY Iniri;lli\c f\"rl.;.,H ['c'd i-\.!\··cw .\ll·l·!J.I~l:\j·l .\~~cssil1gR",:iUl\,d 1l1ccbrari'1I1 in AI'ri,';1 .V'rjC,\n L'11 illil

;\fri(;lll \'<fomt:Il's I'mgress SL'orc-:,lrd COI:1Jllissiol1 (or ,\(ricl

COl11f>r<:hcuivcA(rie.ln Agriul!tl.lr:11 Program Cenrrefor Disc;\s,;: Control

C,JIl\'ell 1ion on rllt: Elimil1.aion


Discrimin,Hioll ;tgainst \'Iomen Common \-'hrket ror Easrern and Southern r\rric,1

Dq.l:lrrll1eIH fnr [ntcrn,ttiH,.II Devclllprnent EJ~(.\frican COlTImuniry

E.,I·st A"ricIIl Sill)\l1arj~~cSystem .corlol11ic Commission i(H;\frjca

EconomicCnnwllllljl)' 01'W'csr/\(rican .sures ELnope-Hl Union

Uilircd f'\;llinns Food ,1rlJ AgriClrhural Org'll1iz,ltj<)1l 1:0reign Di recr IrlVCS(lllcnr

Croupor Eighr Industrialized Narions Global Alliance for ImprovcO Nurririon

Gove:'llillenl i\ecullilubiliry Of-Tic<:

Cross DOJTICHic Product Gender Srarlls Index

Highly InddHcJ PoorCOllnrry

HlIl11JJl ImlTI!ll1odcllciencyVirllS//\cqllired Immll11e Ddiciency Syndrome Hulls of Sr.l'c.lnd Governr.1,'nr llllpluncllrarion COllll1lirrc:e

Illvesrmenl CJ:lTIa[c hC'ilily

[nfurm:tri"n and Tce':oll1n~ljl1;c.l[ionsT<.·..:hn'\i"Sy Illrcrn.1tion.1I Devclol'mclIl:,\SSOCi:Hioll

11lnr,lliol1,ill~·.!ndI"rl\bri(I'I:~';r.,1Dcvvlo\1I1I':nl ll'i1:r,~dKi,q;JOll) J';lllt Invesli~;n.onLnir

'\'lulriCullnrrv ,\griclill111'.11 Pl'od(l':--"'iry l)ro;r.111111"

:-. jj ~l1nillm CI.,dl·I1~':;.\co ,rlr

,\li:/<;;nl1;I:111 Dl".'d,~ ,meIH CO:ll

;\,ic:n,lJr.llh:Ul'1l oj'L'r:d<::r~l.:r~Jing

\Jcw P,IJ'ln,.·rlhip (";r ' (ri-:,,'" Dt:\·C.\111111t·/H i',"ll1-(.Ol'nillll·,;r;iI (}ro,~,lniz:\f:on


( H( ,


,1(:1 )

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()r;:,::",,.,lllllil Ill',\(fil,1 1L'nil::

() fi(;,11 U.:\" " 'll1C1ll :\:,;i~l.i!l,'"

l)1~.tni:··.lli\lJ) J~'r Ft:I~i:IUI it: l~f~l·i"":r.! !1l- 1 .11\.: ["'\":;t)i"'IH':i11

PIn::r.lIi11~h." \1'".\ ": (. In

["'rm,!Il,'1ll 1',-,!'ft','l'ill:lrj·:.;(:":"lli:

1~l'!.:LJIl.l! ~l'l)ndr;li~ (:IHllIlHjl.ir~:

,'('lnhnl1 ,\!'I il ,11: I)C\'L';l,lp"llCrHC,n:l:o lillitv ,":/wrr-TCflll ,\di"n "1.111

SlIh·S;d1.lf,ln A(fi ..,IIl 'li';Ul\f"'fl.lG 11 ''r '~;r;ll11n:"

\\~:l'S[ ,\(riCII1 ElllIlt'illil';!11d .\[lllll'U n l.'11i011

\':l1i[ 'J , ,niol1s

l'nirnt ~hrjllnsJ<linrl)r,'gr.lmmL'"n I-II\"/,.\[OS L'nircd :'\a(inns Indusrria] [)cVeJ,'PEIlClH Org,llliz.lrioll L:ni[cd :\atinllS


'I()llfi~m (h~,lnil.Hilll1

L'ni[t'L1 SLiteS :\ben.:)" for [nternatiollallkvl"!0pJ:1Cllt

\\:ord DL'velopmcnrJoJ!CHOrS

\VodJ Dcvdopllll'lltReport

\\'orld follOd Prngr;IIl1I1l~'

\\;:orld Tr:ldc Organization




1hi.: J' 1. iI.',:~I)[l \V.I.' prl·ILi~·i..d1:lh:L'f (I:C IlVCLdl ~~:tl..t.i:~{~· ,lIh! ll'fl~(i',)UI,rRd 1';- O' I..'.d, l)i:'~Lh)r\;.1 th\."

0.,:, 'J\D .1I1J R,gi'H1.d 1111l'!~r.tli()11 [)i\'i~i')11 :-'\ZiD; ,,1':1 ,,'tl!lnl1l1 l:'ll\lll i~~i')[1III' ,\fri(.l


~,\,. I: \ .IS

1'"\',Hc·J h::.l (,115 1.111, 1(\I.lh"ll.IC)i:l:,dl-HI' 1I;,'r"Il~~, 1I11Jnlb.· I,,!,l'rdlip n "':11111.tlm:1 :"1;:1-1n' ,'. l


,,: h~ 0)EP,\l) Sl;~;plll"rL:l1i, "f:"IZll"J. 'jllL' _','U"\ 1\ H jJ n,l[ ':;1' " "Cl"1 il()~;\.;:,'\\'11:.11 rill'(<lord' :.11 I II ,In'! il:plll o(.\1.1111<1\1


Ii,'Ih" t"ollll\\il;: 1','('1',L' I're I: ,heNEPAl) 1IlIIZ'.'~~;nll,d IIl[t'~'r:If' 11 [)1\'i~i"l (,.- he

L:"::Illlli..: CUf11inis~il'll1'01":\rr:,':1 ill J\l L:5;\J,t:,.I. 1'1"01i.:,!\,.111,,(' LC:v111111 1 b: D.lr:i,j'I:HlL>e. Jl,illd,l"

~:i\;l1lhU)),f, IJ,il:,llli ,\['l":I, },ltl1'''" U~!ill:.,l.l.Itli. '.\ ..\,1.1 /\II')l~ ,,\,l,lil -.: [)icllri,', 1(:1:',','\11 Derr.lh, Yillk,,·

,\<nL':l1!,T<I,i :\rll.l'lll.t,\1,-:11',',\ .Ill< ,Sill.lnJ .\h,lidill<:li;,

P.I!,iC:ld,II' I .11~b ~\) :,:


,\,:,-dll..!"hl1 .\~!<,j l':lI'i~uri,




~(w:1l1~i \\:1 Cirhi)~jj.:!l1t!.


,\1110,\\o-'j'IJil~lilr I~H ,Idl'i(~,lndcomlllt'IH, UI1 <::lrlindr:'lfls. Tli, I"cpun 1t.IS \pcci.dl)' ~t:llt'l,~dh'u!1 iiiI<.:1'

,ldiollS \\irlt1\6 kilc[l" Jerome ofIhe .\PR,\.1 ,)C([(::;:t:'j:ll. K,lril11 I'h.dil of:heTr:j(~cDi\,j';ion or'rhe :"JEPAD

S<:([el:lI'i.ll, :ll1dS. K,B. ,'\',ll1r<.: ,;t"1\PR~L GIt:ln:t, In ;tddirioll, rh<..: ,'<:P0f[W:1S illlm<:l1sdy ell!id,cd by the L m

l11t'I1I, ,!OJ sUfges[iol1~ Lom :1 grollp ,Ifl"minienrexp~rrs:It rhe Ad Hoc Expen$ ;'vlenillgoneha kntces :!n Prospects ill [il~ Illlpkment:lrion ofNEPAD held in Dakar.Swtg,ll all June







P,irllh:r.lhip hlr :\i':i,:~:\ \)':I'c:!r1f'l1h':H (:-:EI',\[)) was r.lrit"ieJ by rhe :\I'ri,;.lrl 'Ilinn l,\l') ill ~O)2 ro .I(.dl~:ss rhe: dnJuj'ml.'nr l'fohkms l1r' :IJric:.l llsin,~ :1 ncll' p;'Lldi';rn d"Vl':tJ/'c',t by I\.:~icalls..II,d r1:1f l,es ,\ril-,In rr::()llrL,", i'-:1~P,\[) is :1 dlVl'!llp'1h'!lr phildsul,hy .IS \\TII .is ;1 del"cl"'I,n~l:nr f1l"(\g~;lmfllc lI'irl1 sec

"hi,;'nil'c" ,in Ispecific l"llicv .ILriUIIS .tnt! i,ro;ccl' fl)[ illlpki;1l'Ol.irilJ11 .lcrtJs, '\(ri,:<I, it" lIl;lin ohjccl:I', ,lrt.: ro c',IJic,rl' I'U\·,II.\". pllr :\fri,',1 ')11 a ';II,'Llin;:hlc Jc\'cIOI'I1H:l1r p.lrh, h.i:1 ,.\fric:l·s ll1,i:':·in~di/,;l[ioll.:llld ClI1i'O\\'n

:\fricilll \\<llndl,

['ivc >'l':lr~aCru irs r:\rit"icl[ioll, lhcre have hccn SOI11C successcs in publici?;il!" rhc new lk\'l'lopmcnr \i~io:t :1 .d

"'nill" bU"'-ill frolll ..\fricJ!1 lodcrs. l'rrlgress in imr)!cmcIHarion, ho\\'evcr. has been :.;!uw, Ir is rime ro rJke

o ~ . L: f

,10", hy luoking .1' \dur has bccl1 ilchicved. idl'llfif},jng obsradcs to progrc~s, whar retna,ills co be done, ,lnd SI1<1gcSfl0!1S for dlccrive impkmClH:1rinn.

i\S rhis report lS in~cll(:l'd (0 spark llis<:lIs;ion among the v:lr,io\ls H::lkeholders. it asks lllorc quesrioJls tl1,ll1 it givcs ,lIlSWC:fS JS [hc aim is to iniri,tr<: a broader dialogue Oil the particu!'tr (orm and sfruCfure [h;<[ :---JEP;\D shollld t;lb:, reviews progress. challenges and consrraints, ::locl recommcnds mC::lsurcs [0 o.dJrcss (hue chalkngcs,

Si:1Ct ;':nj(ic:Hioll III


l\'EPA[) h3~ iniri;ltnl v,lrious progr:l!l'llllCS to achieve irs core objectives. to


peale and "celll·ity. improve economic g0vern:lnce :\Ild public aclminisrrJrion, invesr in prioriry:He:lS. including in~-rasrrllcrllrc:lI1Ci hum:\tl dc:vdoprncnr, Ir h.1s :.1fso becn SUC(L;S';(U[ in bringing African !cY'clopmcnt ptobkms

to \\iodll ;lttL'nril)n, gl'n<.:r:Hed inrern3tiolul support for AfriC:l 1nd galvanized African t::l


1'5 ro cho.nge th 'ir rhinking :J.bllurwh;l[ ci)l1lprises good governanCl';,11(/ <;ust:lill;lb1e devc!opmenr.

In spirt: of rhesc posiTive ourcomes. sevt.:ral challenges rem~lin in me(;ting


C:IrgeL~, Among cht''i(~

is rhe scrucrll1'e


NEPAD irsel( hek


AfriCin ownership. political factors. Jnd economic and op1ciry eonSlf:liIlC'i. The:;" ch'l!knges, if n,H scrioll~ly :\dJrcssl'd, could stall ()[ reverse thc' progress made .In hI.

he: less-rhan-sUt,1I1g rt.:!'Hionships aillont; rhe \',Hious componenrs of I FPAD. I1lcmht;r srart:s :1I1d RECs m'lkc: it difficulr to impl'lllenc NEPi\ .This is til(: casc wh"l1 [here is no mcchanism [() llll'd,j,lCl' cOIl[",!iuillg inct'rcsrs among rhe:: parrin, The p1' blcm is fllnhcr cX:lccrh:ltcd by rhe lack of inccmjvc mec:h:1f\isJ11s to ticr rhe R


:U1d mUll bel' sr.Hcs to implement :\EP..\D progr3mmcs. Coordin~,riollof" rhe m,lll): .Icriv'r:cs .ind particjp~lJHSin

\lEPAD .dso

poses a ch.dkngc for df"CtjVC impkmcnr.Hioll,

Th> politic.1I ,li(i'ienlties /\fricilll S'Vo'c:rnmCllrS f,ce in making ClIITC!lC·;'lcrii"ic.;s in n::chansc for po'isihk j'i.1rurc

bC:I1l'tlts pn'c: :\11 obsr.1C\': r,) the: d"t'tCll\'C in; ,luncl'Jt. riull


NEP;\D. Tili' bel-: t ill Il1cdi;!c)' ,1I1Ll 1II'ar.::1Cy ill rhe dl'lllOIl' r:1.!'g)1l


polirit;.t1 \vill is furrhcr COlllplie:.Hcd I,y rhe exi,qcncc


prior cOl11l11irllll:l rs th,u sOl1le:'rn ;; conflicr \\,i,1I NEPAl) ['ril1cir!c: . and the w('"kncss ofrh,: clp:1ci,;/ I,f:, '1iruiolls to (,!rry <:ur d,e sct t.l,h. L-UI'.Ul~iic (,lcwrs, ild


ng nll::lflCi~11 ::lI1J C::lp;rClrV cOlbtr;ri/lrs, lack of Q".'Heroh·p by rhe ;l\,cr;lgc :\(ricn1- all( [;l(k \)( bOlh l'';:OI:rln;ic ,Jllll ;oci.11 in!''-,L,rrU([llrc :n,ikc iL di(ficu~l to imr!l:11;l'!:r .1 ,-ompl'l:h 'w,ive 'l:'l)~'I-;t:nlllC: ~ll.h ~IS :.iEP/\D ...:fl'ccli'.'c'ly,


111' '(llli":i', Tlli, \',;l~ h... 'hh;n'c',! rhl,.,ugh:

('I:lli!',..i!1~ Ijl,' nil," ,1:~d ," ,lijOI1;hijl'; 1,~l\\'(:CI :'\!~r\\l), ,li,' l~i,~'nill'l"i1"'llic Loll1'i1111111Ii<.:\IH Fl':, ,,111 I n'<':111k:r ",:n:

N.l,IT'J'.'.-ill); ihl""0l'l' ,:j':\l-i',\f);,,'ti\'ili<:' ,III\.\ \I:'t:;\11Iill:!'h-;'r'":l"IIll'I:'':

~irl'l1;;l'l'ilillg [he \:.I:';l~,"lUlt!l:.\tll' ~t: f{I:J..-.:" Jilt! illC111hl'J ...r.tl~.\:

SU[l;):~ III' ';Und,II"LI':,! ,111<1 CIl;l!lll,lr\<:\',d',l.lrioI1 l'I"'"eLllll"'''' \'.id, ,,!1(:,il'ic 1"'!1,'h'l1.,rk·.:

(:"!llm;~l1i':,llill:::--\E!>,\[) ,illll' :11:,1 ,l"ri'.i,ie' I,),-,reli".lr\' ,\.t'rit:,;w' ," il.,rc'LSl' [heir '..:Il,<': 0"

(\\\IH.::-."hip (d:!hc r'i'iul,.:iplcs,1Iid Ll'~t:{~; ~1J1d

tnLri...'.L~ir:~pri\;I:-l~;';('l'rnr .11lL1 orh ....'i" .q.d:L'h~)I\~l'r 1'~lrr!, 'ip.,riun in l{l'lj-,,:ip;1-1l1.1I...il~~.L1 i'bL;'1j!,ghl':\(

level '111(\ rhwlJ,,:h pub:ic-pri';,lle p,inncrships


;ll'lljeu inli,k!lll'nc,lli,lll1.

1)I)\'c,'r)' I'cduo:on in ;\t'riu \\,:11 Im'"ke :1 jlldicioliS c,nnhin,lfil)Jl 1,1'(,sr '~/11t,l()\'JlI,'nr ~~l:ner;tril1,~ ,~I'I\\\'lh q1i"O- 1'1)01'f.~l'owrh) and. rcdisrril)llril\ll


rhe benefit's


gm\\-'rh, !)HricllLlr ,!rr<.:llriLlll should he p.lld CO pl'o,lucri,\'i,ry growth ;\I,d ellll'lol"lllcm growth in :'illl;dl-secde ,'nrCl'pri"cs, indlldin b the tr:ldi:ioILtI-'lgri,:ulrllfal ;111,1 urh'Hl informal .seCror.s when:' 111(: 1l1:1jol'iry of rhe economic;!ly ,lI':live ;He II) h,' I(')u1;<3 , ,"pcci;d "!11ph;lsis ;,hOllld he pl.Kl'd on POVl'l'ly redllc:rio!\, c.'pu:iaJ!y.Imon" womcn :mJ children,

SllSL1]n;lbk dC\'clopnH:nr in j\I'ricl nl'cess:lrily entails


Itring supporr nll'Lhallisl11s ,Inc!. ,rrong inHiruriol1s in pbce, reducing gr:lft :lnJ corruplion, budding clpacit)', linking edllc:1tioll ro 1.1hou;' n 'Jrk.:r needs, and rl,~'ocusillg he:drh. carl' from Cllr:ltjvc Cl11ph'l_is to prcvention, 13l'sidl's ([,;li!Jing ,Inc!. :ltrr.1ctirlf,; aWn.' skilkd personnel. Africa should olY'r ,lppropria(c illCCl1tivl'S ali I CIlCOlJr:lgl: frec mnhiljty within Ibe (:OlllillL'nt to rc[ain its SCJrcc hlllll:Jll clpita! morc dl:':Ciivcly,

\X'hile eXlernal Fil1;)ll.::i,d rcs()urces IlLl)' he nt'LC"S~lry For [he shorr-term SIlCCt:ss of /\f'l'ican dc\'elopmcm, member stal<.:S Ui1dcr [he, I:J)AD framework arc expecrcd to 111;1ke serious cffons [0 IlJ01,il-i<:e domestic f(:sourccs 'to suppOrt Africlll devcJopmcn, including ,ltrranioll of' rc~Ol:I'CCS from the A(l'icJI1 Diaspor1 through apprnpri,J(c illccntrvcs,

Acct'leraring economic :lIId soci:t1 dt'\'c!of'lllc'nr, pJrticipa Illg in lhe 'world <.:LOIlO;]l)' OIl an cqll:d footing.

and d,'cl'e;r"ing i[s dl'penJu,cc on the reH of rhl: w(lde! :He the :t~l'ecdbest W.l)" fmward, [n SUppOI'( of' fast<:r

socio~;con{)lJljc devc!opment, l"EP.'\D should (fatr an d'fecrivc puhli<: rehrinns clrnp'lij,;n to promote the j10silivc side ()f Africa .n hOlne ;llld ahroad. hy hibhiibhtilJt~ ,'illCCeSS :;LOrie,'i ;\l,d rhe Inal~Y b,)od things thl'

(oll[ir\cnth~ls co alTn,

P[,<.'!:;l'e'5 rllW~lr ': ~cl)dt:r "(~tJil)' III ;\f.-iLl is:'11", I"I'\' l-\IndaIT\cnt;d to rhe~IlCLt:SSDfrht: :'-i[I'/\f)

I'Ll I" 'Wlrk, which up''S:

\-'i~(HP,j~S on ·'H·':cn~t'nr l)r'cxi ..r,ih~ ~·end~~r equity ;lnd ",vorncn L'rnp(l\'"'rrnC:H !.l\I,':~;

)l'\'d,,'pill~; and '.it:nr"',I\!,1' ilrqkl'1lt:n;,lilt;srj"1I1L' (j 1:11 opporruni[)' Fr<i,!:~i',1111JllCS ~'()I \\'H'llc'n;


EdllLari:1S hoch m'.:n I Ill! '.\'O;lh'!l Oil :!:c' lc,ir:t!,ili \' <Jf~~':lllkl' "_jllil)' fill' ,",I[,-,ilnh!c




The i\'c:\\' I\\r[rl~'r.\hil) fur ,Af-ric;l's De\"l,juf'l1\ellt C\lP,\D) \"7\S Jjol'lcd hl' :\fr'j'::1n li ':lel, ,;~ ~f][': :111<1 (;"'."IJ1~neJlr nf' rhe ()r;C::llli-;::lril)n of ;\t'ricln Lniry (OA0) in 2001 :I;d \\':IS LlcificJ ',' [he iHric.fn L'ni,>n

!,\L.i) ill ,~OO.2 I,) .IJdre:~~;\friC:.I',s Jc:v,:I\'plllt'IH rH\lhlerns \\jIl1in a new 'I'.lr.l!ij"'m, :'<[P,


!luin )!-it',ticc '

.11'" ro rc:t{lI(c p(l\'ern', fltlr ..\h'i":'l on :1 susr.linablc Jevc'lopmenr p:Hh. hair rhe marg:ina!iz:Hiun nf' ,\,'r(,I, "n~l ell1{1n\\'cr \\"omen, [i\'e },';trs Jt'rC[ rhc .IJ prill!1 of:'< J',\D. i( is rime (0 ukc stuck;inc! eV:l Il.lIl' how 1':11' i~ has come ro ,\Chieving irs objecrivc:s. rhe ObSC1CleS co progress. ::l!1d ro sli[:gesr ways (0 illlpmvt' implemt:nr:Hion, The reviewshould be as bl'Oad-b,ISt'd ,IS fX1ssibk,

Thj~ rep orr rnic:\\'s pre-Gress \\'irh ic;)plcmcllcHion, assesses the (h.dle-nges {() implcmclH,Hioll, ;lnd rccOmlllt'Clds me;ISLlre$ (0 <IJdrcss these challenges, Jr highlighrs issues rarher rh,ln provide a comprchensivc and exhausrive :\SSCSSmCIH, .lchicving irs go;l!s of poverty reduction, plirring Africa OJ! a sust.\in;lblc dCl'dpl1ll:nr p:1[h, h,l!tiJ1(]"

Africa's margi n:lli'l.,Hion :llld empowerjng women,


de foc\lsi ng on


e pri ncipJes to achieve rh(;se objeerivcs, As an inpur inro a more comprehensive review. this report serves to

The [""port dr;\ws 011 scver,11 Uni((~d Nacions publicuiollS, e.speci,11Iy (he


rcrary-Gencr:d's rcpolTs W

rhr.: GelH:r.d .\sscmbl:' all the illlplcmen(Jrion of


and in particubr, Nnu P,frtilLnhip for ,-[Ii'ira's

D,'r','/o/,mCiIl: 7hii'd Co;/so!id,u{,dR"/1()rt on flrogn'JJ in fl'llp!,'i1IO/fiotioi) .Inri [nferllrlrioll,dSNjJ/,urt: repons rom

Ee,;: Regi'):1:!1 Economic Communiries (RECs); Africa's; development partners; other 0N pUblit:':!(ions;

0iEP.\D SeCl'et;lfiat; reports from i\friC:1J1 governments; and from [he aCJdemic community,

Thi~ reroJ'! dilTers (rom earli<:r reviewsl of progress, III aJdirion to rcvievving achic\'emencs, the repore al.'o:

Di,CUSses strucru raI. pol irict!. and econom ic obstaclesro succtssf'ul implemc:r,(;Hion of NEPAD


ri nciples;

Suggests specifjc ways ro improve implementation: :lnd cspeciaJly Elllphclsizes dOlllestic resource mohilizatjoll,

The rq'fln is r~:ll1j/'l'J JS follows: rhe first P:lft reviews rhe progress :Ichic\'t:d $() far ill r1w coreMe.1';of pm't'n\' craJ;c:ltion, pl.lcing Africatl countries' Oil a parh to susr:linahk developmenr, lulring rhl;: l\largi:l,tliz:Hion oj' ,'.Fric] .w l ill[ ;.;r.vi"", ir inw rh l' It:..,hal C'\'"L>;I1:'. ,nd ;'leeder.!1ilig [1(' c'mrU,\t:fmclli of women, T l' s~c(lOd p,lJ r 1;,)<: S '5 on rhl' cnnsrr:lints and 'hallcn~esro the implemcnrarioll of the :'< EP,\.D !',[,j "ip 'S ,b -nvi,'oned by :L; f'r:lll"'~';'~' a;llJ rhe third p:lrI" oI-fer';Some "u~:,-,l'Sljon,f\,r' iml'i"Cvin[; the imI11':I1l"nl,,;ic>n





,".: UJ:\I) 15 :\ l'lsi"n ,llld .1 dc,'"ILlpl1lcl\[ I'hilnSLll1hy'








.Jcr, I'llr rhe< ,HIli, '..;

(:(I"';"I'(1J..'1\[ Dr' ,\t'rl":;1. Ie is ,li.,o ,j Idll~;-r;:rl11. ill:,'[:;',H ..


;1I:\ -:omprclh:lhi\': pr()~;l.ir1[11<' tlur i~ iilt,'n..l,·c! (11 1111j'IOlc' puliri,,·,d. c:ulIlomic:\ntl S')(I,\I (1J1<lili ll1S ,)n th..: COl1tindH.

T!;c: :\


obiectives:IIT (0


,{chil'V",d rhrouSh sever;d fll'iI\Ljp!n:

et)ol! ~"I'l'I'I~,lIKi':i\fric.\I\ k,I,kr, 1·\.:(0l:,llize th,lt Ch'rc('.\111\')[ hc :\;,t,1'11.11t, dt:\'d., 1l1C'11 1\id, Il,r.

rhe rule or'hI", lc~iriJl1:~(,pOW,T, pr"t!i.:r,1bk;ldl11il1i~rr:\(io!l,llld r""pl'n:,~\",rcgllLltiOIl;

:\hie,11l U\\'llu"hip ,llld Ic,hkrshipt r'Jc\'\:lopm"'IH: ifdc'\'clopll1(l\[ is 1'0 hl' ,·t1~r,lill.thk:tIll ,01' ..'

the: Ileeds ofi\t'ricans, rllcn ..\li'i..:.ms Il\llSr OWl1 ir, ini~i.lreit, :lllli lc.ld [he 'wcc"s;

A!1churillg d,,'v'!OpruCIH in rhe rCSOl[t'CCS ::tnd remllrcd'lI[lIc~S ot' i\l'ric.ws: sllstainahle: dcvclopmcl\[

i:-, O:l~~,' po,<"iblc if it i~IL1SL'cI on tht: resourCes of the rt:gion, The frame:rs or:.J FP/\O werc :lWJr,,' of this ~lnd insisted rh~t the procc:\S ht: ~lnchorcc! on ;\fric:ln rC:,OlI!'CeS:

P,ll'rl:crship :tnlOng ,\(ric.m peoples: r\(ri..:ans rccogni/.L' lILlt til..:y on clevel p L\ster with incr';IS.J.

C< opcr:\[in!l. forming partnerships :1nlOngsr rhcmsc!v,'s and pooling rheir resources;

r\ccekr';Hed inrq;ralion of lhe Londncnc given rhe small ,iz\.: 01:individual Afric:ln economics, Nl:-~PAD r~::Qgnizesrhe neecl or economic intcgrarion :lmong AfriC:ln countries to Lll-:c advant:\ge of scalt: and. ,scope economics and r) slnrc resources;

IlHern.Hion;t1 p:Htnerships (() ch:\I1ge the uocqu:l1 rehtionship h('[wcen developed ~nd devchping COlJ;Hri<,;s, The ;Ircbitccrs


;,JEPAD recognlzt:d rhat Africl O!1not devcJop alone in ,In incrc,l.sinbly gloldizing <1nJ iorcr-Jt:pendcnr world. and

Ensurillg thar an NEPAO p:Hrncrships are linKed to the ivliJlellllium Dc:vclopmt:1H Co:t', (.\IDCs):

rhi~ensures rh:lt outcomes of the NEPAD process arc link..:d to improved living standards and wcllbeing of [he' majorilY orcitizens in i\frica, The )I.,rOC,;dso pl'ovid\: specific4u:JIHinabk bc:nchrn;lrks against which the sliccess of


cln he measured,

1. I'J,EPAD prj,ority areas

ESLlbli~h[llg the condirjons For susrain.lblc t!cvdopm.::nt



Pc:"ccanJ security

DI,::no(l':lC!' elite!good governance (political, economic and corporare, including the ,\PRM RegiLln;lI eo-nperarion and il1rcgratioll


\ . I


fIUIH,.in lkl'c!lli'll1t'l1t 1:-,ll'.1',rnJdUr

t' i\',.:nil'i ',Jr~!lit ;lnd il',Ci'l",,,,d i,,.,,rnnri')11


:11:lflltf:l('[lll'n! O:p'II'["

,-\(' .. ekra[ioil


inrr,,-/\(ricJn rrHle

b1lironl1lcnr;1! pro(<.:crioll ,l;ld SICI\',Hdship






l'n<nUI'·~e'i thr(lll~;h:

n l~'l;(:,I,,:w.:qic :'a\ on:,;, ,Inc! inh',\rn1t'!l(



frnt_"'lrn\',:d l11.l ..ls:'nh~n~ ld r·d~li.: "in.lI1·,·' [il(r(,l,i~l":i\I'ri,,',I' '·!l,lrcil: S,'lf·.d lI,t,l~'

;,'\lILllti:l)l,IUt1l"l' ~~lrl·i~~~1li;rL'i.( i:1\·l·'''!lh.:ll~ l;~)')

111\.·rc..:.\~.iil~~....,.;"lil,l: l"!~nv\ ~n i\;":'!l,,".l :, ~ ~\I~h r:Ht! l'r I.'1.." ··,:,,jU ...1in:l ,~Ih~ . ;t.n:,l"'I:t.: l1fTi ....:i.ll ,-:e" \":I')P:;~C'111 .~... i,Lin..:!..' 1\):-).\! r. ;!\\~.


;.-iF!'''\[) is ulrrenrJ;' rl(,)~roj,:eJ l,,'.- c!"I'l'f,,!'i£1~ 1,.lrrnns,'llc·h ,., Ihe \\"rld H.lflk, I;le Cr'HIf' ll~ [i:~hr fndusrriJlizcd !~,lrion, IC .. S), rill: 1-":lrnl'",I£1 l'n!lJl1 (El.·), Iht' l'S .\.;eJll'\· ~'t1r Inl<:"r;1:Hiolla! DC'\'d0l'lllelll (l.;S.-\lDJ, rhe LJ!\:'s Dep;Hrmc:l1r uf In[t:lll.lIi"[1,d [)n'l'!upll:ClH


:Iild b: lhe l;nir"J !':;lCion,


irs s[ll'ci;dizcd agcll..:i"s, ,l;; rhl' Illech,lilism rhlou:;l: which ,U!'pIHr [() ,\frk,\'s ,!c-vLI"'I';l1eiH cffJrr, ,';lJ: be best dL'li\'''I""d, Thu" till' :'\EP.-\D proc~',s b,t\ comL' ro he ,lcu:l'[l'd :1Or oilly hr t\r'ri,;;]!1 (Olllllril'S and RECS bur :dso h)' I"r'[e;l's dCh'lopmcntparrn<:l's as rhe j·;)Calp(.int fr;ll1lc\\'ork n1L';:;[l;ll\i,m of rhl' ckvdopmcnr


Alrhough ther" h:1:> beel1 somc 11()(;lblc f'fogres\, impkrnel1Lllioll


:\Ef>..\l) :llld :lchicVt:melH of Irs objcCti\'t~s have been slow. The \JEPAD Secrcr:lfi.-H Reporc ro the COllrrt::clHh Summit of rhe Hc;,ds of 'rarc

:\l1J COVl'l'l1mCl1t Implemenrarion C(llllmir,;l'l: i,I-L C[CI 'H1 22 ):lllu:ll'y 200() ill Kh:HtOlllll, S lebn susgests rh,I( implcmcnr:uioll of the \,'EP,\D ll'O!'r:1l1lll1e of :,crion Ius been ll1odcsr:, ,n hes!'. I\llicyrnakcrs ,wd SI:lkcllOldcl's :HCLOl1Cerlll:d


lhc slo\\' p;\C'ofprogr..:ss in ;lchiC:\'il1f; the :\E!',\U obicctj\·es.

A rhol'Ough rcvi<:\\'


the progress 01'


implemcnr:lriOl1 sholdd be undcl'l,lken aT rhn:L' IeVL;ls- ..

conril1cl1t:l1. subrcgiolLll m.E-C), :\nd tJ:Hio!1a! (counrry)--wilh appr0l'ri;llc elSe srudies of SI.lCCl·S>CS :lnd Cll:llkngcs at t::lch kvcl. ! O\vt:\,l'J", due r() the n,Hurt' 01-' rhis repnrr--i,e. to serve ~lS a discussion forum ftlf J

mort: COlllf'!Thcnsivc i'n'jew


:\,[-;PAD (;ll1d lht: ,hol'l-{,:rm fr:II1H': required for comrleriol1)--such ;j rhrccriereLl review is ()LJ[,idc irs scope. A bro'ldcr and Illuch 111')I'L' (kctilcd revie\\' ll( \,'[P:\D should incorporatL:


Box 1: lli;;rorr



N EPAD IS the result of three parilliel Initliltlves by three groups (indlvidu"ls) in tlw early 21st century. The flrslls the Millennium Africa Recoverv Plan (MAP), ledby South Africiln President Thabo Mbe~1andunveiled at !he World Economic forum in DilVOS In JJnuary 200I. The second initiativeIS the Omega PI:1n, crJfterl by the Presidentaf Senegal Ah( oul .. ye Wnde, and prp~0nt"!d·o '1e Su ,t'if Fr ncop 'loneAfrican !eadp.rs1'1 CameroonInJanuilrv 200 1 andthe Hind qf these, The Compilet for Af,.,c::ln RecovenJ initlilted blJ the theE:<ecutlve Secretary of ECA, KY Arnod 0, Wirf:~;~;JOn:-e to a mandateprovided byAfricanfl.'Inlsters ofFiililnce in late 2000, A).I three IIlltlat!V0S shflri:rI CI corrmon ;nterest 1(' I crea,,;ng the [.)<1c<:: and ir'1par;t ()f Africa's de'JdopmonL Whtle thec.-e Iril;atlves sh<:lred C'.)"n'on char<lcterisi:cs, 1("ere wcre illso differences reflect/ ,g the reg/onu! and other biases of lhe or'gin<ltors, Compromises had to be made in order to merge the three proposals Into one initiative. NEPAD thus reflects the comprcmiscs Involved in ,mivlng at a Single Inltia1lve,


"rr,lll~f{)rI11it1g ,111 O:·~;O ni'/.,: llHi, ,\ l1.i[;t)l)1 or ~l L(IIHtl1l'n::: i~. :1 g.r.ld~t.tl. l_I);~1j)!; ·".U,,-'d, :1lld lilll:Cr!'ill t1rO(t:'t;;-.,

II tl l h [he 1',U )lJ )''':11.' It' :IS i;),t:~:r;ircd:ls:r i,~ IWI\'. ~Fl'.\[)...h<lll,d nnl he n:pede I) compk(('I~' tl.II\,~-(Jr[\1 l\fjic,l \virhin t"j\~' :"l°.lL'i" 0:l:vcrrhcl..: ....s. ill (hI,.' fi\"t' y("~trs ."jIIC~ its r:~r;fic,H:l)[1. \~,n:,L...:" l)rl'r/t.:;\~ ILl.s hl'l'H 111.1de ill implcn"K'llillS :-:EPAD IHin ...


\I,;'j-,llt- 'Olli...· pruj.:L:" :I;:d illiri:llileS m,ly


"H: ir, [he: ,p, [)

i"r.ln:nlt1rk h:,.\ I'r"vi,k,! rllrrl:er in~i'nli'iO rhe,.: !'!"I'jc'..:r:;, 1:1 [','1j':l':ill:; rhe ,[l,[.;rn, 111:[ Ie, rhe rq10n j-'nllllw, rhe ~F!'r\D prillri ry :\fl'~tS.

2.1 Peace, curity, conflict I"'esolution and democracy

In dll' ;Ircas ofC:OI1:'IIC:[ n:solmiol1 :llld ollfjict preVL:llfioll, d1l' ..\l) 11.IS m,llie progress in such Afri,.ln counrrics

;lS rhe [)~'mol:r:l(ic Rq)llblic' of Congo lORe), Libcri.l, Rwanda, 'uJll~di,1 anc! ,'UJ:1fl. AU Ins pur St1"llC:lllres in phc,; ro ;lchievr rhes\.' objcl:rivcs. Tht' Pcacc and Securiry Coullcil has a srrong m:lnc!.nc wirh resourc.:s.

There is the C')lHincntal E,nl)" \X:;ltl1ing System designed to prcvelH c:onflicts, rhe P;wel of the \\'i-c dcsig, cd

(Q m'Ji~HC C1lI1f1icts, and the :\fricl11 St:lndby Fotce condtlus pC'acckccping mi~sion$. AL peace "cc'pers arc

clJrr':Ilr1~' in DRe. Somali.!, and DJ.rfuL' (Sudan), among other pLlees. According ro CDP/PRIO data,

rhe nurnber of nujor civil confli rs [n ,\friCl uccrc:lsed from I~ in 20i)1 ro 3 in 20t)), :\lthough , FP.\D is lot dirc'crly illl'olvcd ~n these activilics. it nlDbilizes resources for thc AU Peace Fund UH.l it is cJur~cd with rccOI1:;Hucrion in posr-conHict counrries.

In [he ;lfc'as ,)f ekmocr:1cy :1nd good governance. rhere is ,(rang evidcnee rhat rhe NEP,\O l-r.lj~1CWork is yidding dividend.l. [)crl1ocr:uic ri":1I1,itions and competitive pll]irics arc g:-adu,dl~, [:1 -il1g root ill \h,ic1.

,\lre:1dy, :l number of counrries, such :lS Ghal1~l. Kenya, !vlali, :1I1d Zambia have II:ld dunoeLlrie changes in gm'l!rnllll!IH in (rcc, flir Jnd ("oll1peririvc elections, The AL' and i\:EPAD principles phyed a :L1c!ing role: in lhe restOr,lrion of Ilt:a.::e in DRe, Liberia, and olher African counrries. I( is imrrucrivc to Iwre the pivot:11







in f)J"'~V<;I1{illb uiH:omrinll iOI1:i1 changes of gc)\'crnmcnr in At'ri "Iil countries. sm:h

:lS in Togo_ [n gcn -r:1I, NEPAO has been :1 positive c1r:1lyst !t)r peace and secllriry a:, well :l~ Illl 1110Vetncl1i [(>w:lrd.<; dCn10cr:lcy in ;\I'1'ion cnunrries. These: achievements, howevc:r. ,Ire: exrn:mely fl'agile without furrher consn!id:uioll ,

2.2 ,~conomic governance and pubHc administration

The \i ',P"D IHinc:!,,,"s h~l\'e Inl ro rhe I.ulnch of;1 serio of~l«(ivitics,n iJ1(rt:~rSt- the ljll:di:v ;lllO efficiency of

,:CCln _ rni - ;iild public 11);1118.:o(I11\IH. These ;1'ril irks jn,:lll'~the Afr~(JllI.Llil''t"flh.:nr :h~1 'iu -rn':lll IIl.rhu[c i':trl\'/HI-: ,'Or li) (11 :\ngust 2 0- fundn1


EL,'. COl ern;1JlCC and P_lhlic ,\cimin",tr',Hiol "'lIppOrt~d h)' ': r"ic ,k\'dopJ1l,:m I':ir[ll'rs, And Seninr Hl:dgu Oft"i(l'J"S' \X'urkshn!" in ,IIPI)()rr C'c :\~l'.\ In ;ldc irioll, rhe' (,,'l"Il,\n C'Wnn!T1cM h.IS fundcd :1 s...:rics of C:0nf~renc(;s00 SI';He ';,l;l<\cir)" ,ll\,C11pnwI t in pn' -,- 1t1t"li, r

\: [:P.\ D ,dso h~l,1 <In il11po:-r.lllt role to ph)' in idcllrifyiog bDHk!lcck" jn ,he iL'gllLIlOiY ,we! Ieg~d Cl1\'irool1lcnrs

;n .\,-;-;(;111 c<l~jnCl"iu. Perhaps [he most imporrallt aspccr of


rl13( cuuld impw,'c economic g \'I:; .1Ilee ,did ')lIblic :11:1i1.,ge: l:elH is rhe ;\frie:ln Ilecr RC:l'ic\\' ''.:L'cir,il1i'ln (,\PR,\!), \\hich, ... ' ' .i, .Iblc r" hj,'hlil,l r, onb ;:, ~l



l:HllH[,,~-l \'-l'IHliltJ'\' (".i\l'", {;li...' ~.: )\Tr111it'lll " nu.:tH!·I.:.' ...1\'.'", ,int! L.qll-itk''l .!l.lt iH: ...:d ~I" th.: \·h.~ilbL'\J. r ...·(lj~·f1~,_,\.1

,;'IH! l,!tl'l,'I'~r'\.:d. ·[·,)l.~ rr\l;.'L"" l'I1"'(\~ll1 ~'l\\'" ,..;.i1 ,l'r''l' "t'~: l'~:(..;h.ln,i( ~lj\·l'rll.:I~C·,.',plddi\.' JY~,l:1.)i-:\'::lh.:n" "L..'l'll\lLl",ld ....'

~:,)\-lllLltllt.·~ .{:\ \\\,.,11 .i'oi ··11\1111:[:l\·JLl~ '~lrlltLllt~' h.lr Ll i..:l)ili,·)~:l' \..'lr'i<~.':t ...'\1~lll\llli,_' .irl\J r1Llhi;._ :l1..I1.l~l·lll:·ll!.

~~~" lr~:it~n~:• .~ hl.·tr~r :11\\:"~l'~:!P l-lin .H~ j'd]" ~lll.1 .!fhl (lH~:~~n "'~d'l!p.tnil.··i. ~:'l·"I,.:rnl:~'):L"; .t:'l.: ,dlk· !p 1~\Jt~t' p~lrtlll:r"hjr"l(h:H 1..·\l:;llJ:;~;"· rhr,' hl'\t t"ll:H r K; ')l:\',H .1 ",J pu:"J'~: \l'l...l('lr~·. !t,I\'C ;(~ Il:"t"C'r. .(ht..· .\I'R.\1 j:,\ jl;rc~:lL.:l~

Cd :~'ill":~lltj'.l~l' dlC .i 10I'til11l ld Ll'\! r'r,\.~r:(L~ il1

d '."\:

.111.';L', ,\lrl;,iti\", ~.~() i...-dll:~lril..'.\ l.i\'C .\i~:n<,,·\1 \L.:n10LilhLl llt" 'rH""-·;I~r.lndin~: .\i()l.\ I I pJl'riL·t~';~~t..'111 ~ h.> ,\PR\1 pr"th:.·l'\:,\ \::\CLd l·~'lintrj\..::\ ,I.rl' in \.lri,I.)LL\ ';l.l~:~:\ ld' rhe r....·\tt:\\ ;l.ild rhrc.·.:--(;h.tn,i. t~t.'Il).J Jnl~ j~'.·..IIH.LI ...~h.l\"L (l\Ilq-'\'l:...'d thl' Jrq,-~:\:", \\tlh (~!:.I[l.l '-tlhnlini~)b .\


'enl prlJgi.1l1l:ih'"i',h:lill!1


1.\ Ih,ll in,ll:.Jl'~ :ll' f,ili L\''f



There ,He ildiCHl'"'' dut rcr<)l"l1\s ill this ,He,l .ll'e hq,;innins rll il11l':1d f'llsi1i",'!y Oil ,','IH11l1:1:,: l'nf\lrlll:lllL'C ill ;\Jri..:.!n Llluntrit:s, 71" Eu)/ui!.'llc N'jJilI'l "/"~i"':iol,FN.'U, )!J()() ,wti_J{]IJ,-: ilhiiL':He :ha[, on :1\CLlg<.:, \.;Df> in Af:-ic:;\ fjrt'W <It ,lholl( :i,! p"r ,:cnt ~lnd 5,,1 pn CC:f1[ in 2()(j6 .llld 20G'J rCspt'c:t:vdv, c,,'mp,lrc:d til 'J,t per ,:ela in 2003: gO\'l:l'IJlllenr hudgefs l'L'c:orded ;1[1 :lVCf;lfl' ,ur~,hls of O,G per cell[ (If


il1 200:i :Ind 0,1 11er Cell[

111 200(; c:nn,parc-d to ;l dl'!:ic[r of I pn ('C:U of


Dr> in .:003: iniLnil)11 rernain<:d in ,ingl' ,!i~iIS oIt ;111 ;l\'l'i':lt~e of,,),~ per cent in :::00(, cornpHed to <\n :1\'n:l1;e ot' 10'(, per cent in 2003; the srock ofcHernal debt deCl'e,lscd to S2H2 billi(111 il1 2005; nffici:li devclopment assistallce ~l)OA) incre,ISu! ro ,~Y5,() hillion COlllj1:1red to 521 hillion in 2002; ;lnd FUr increased to S30 bllliL)n or :'. pc'[ Cell[ of world FUI in 2006, The: Cllrrcnt-aCCOUIH b:danc:e improved from a del'ieit in


to ,[ slirpius of abour


p"r col[ of


in 2006, althollgh this m,l)' be the resliit of high prin's for cmele , iL \\'hil<.: rh;s Ill:I}' II( t indic:::!re extraordinary progress, t\fricl is 1ll0\-ing in lhe righr ,lireclion, These positive rrcnds Me not


,lssociateJ wid1


and no ous,,1 reLuionship is implied here

Dc.spirc these SlICCl'sses, scver,d chalIenges n:lll.1in, Firsr, rhe avefa;;e growrh rarc is (;\r Iess than the 7 per cent required. to achicn: rht: MOG of halving po\'lrty by 20]'), Sccond, uncmployn ent r:ltes in :\Jricln countries remain cxn-cmcly high ;)s emplnymcnt is not growing LEt enough, Third, as the 200,7 FR/l inJiclt<:s, inve)'[Illellt rare:; in At"riC:I (as a per cent of GOP) arc n:lati\'CI:, low even though the avcr.lgc investmcl1llCDP r:ltio h:ls incrclscJ to l~ per Cl;:H (rom the low


1'i I)Cf (ent in tht: 1<)70s, hIll' lowc'r than the 2].8 per eCllt recorded for .~OOO', linkss there is :1 LIpid increase in productivity ofcapita!, inves[lnent needs to Inne,lSt' dramatically if' rhe.: .\IDCs :1['e [0 be ,Ichin'ed in ;\t'ricl, hnaJly, the proportion pI' rhe pUl'ul:trio;\ living in poverty ill ..\rric;l h,l~ :lctll:dl), incrc:l~<;dslighrly, (rl1ln T-',2 per .;el1t ill 2011:: to :',H pel' ccnr , ,:d,,: poplll:uioll in 200~,


2.3 NEP. D and R""Cs

\-;,/11\' Al'r'L'; 11 ,:otHHrin ,ire [00 sm,l ) [lJ b,_ ()';[-c1ficklll' :lnd (olnp"liril,'" [1 :11 iIlCl'I.::tSing'!; ;=.!"h:lliznl

\\OnrkL ClOnOlni( inrcp.r.triOI1 ~" th('rt:fnrl~ I~LCcs.'.;.{r;" For [~()',t;,:rill~ r~~pid {:l,:i.·)!lr)[l~ii...· ~.~r\)\vrh ,InC h~dti~~g [he :H~tr~jI;"1:11..;'ri "n nt" A-r"rjca. '\i"~P.\ IJ':~ d'.::\ignl.:rt; fn' S;l'.v t:'\i"ring rcgtOll;l,j c\~( rllHl1~l.. (OJnlnl~Jlirie~ il<. E<~,~l .t.)

,he: huiidli1g 1!()c'!-:'- ,;f ,I'~l;fl'-l'J::lI iiltt:gr,iti"i'l, \, r\'(lI~t ::,C\ ,;r ,(I


it\'I1::Ikd 1,; ru~c"


'-I ()\,,'r1-<)l'ili~I nlel11ber,hir in ,-\(::'ot , ,\1",[ nl" rhC';('


h.",l' 1r"[QC 1:S to lncrc,,~;l' ill r,I-IC'~:j"I:t! rr.\d~' ;1I1e! ("ce' rho.:

Illo\.'crncnc of peopk ,<ll,j fQ()(h, iiHcrn:tri'lll.l. [r, nSfllH{:I'[:nl1, p<vl:ing or" c::'~;-t:\' reS01H(CS, conl;l'cri\'it:.- In (oll1l,~lIni('Hil)n" h:Hl1\onil..lt;nn ofC(UilOll1ic ['olic:.' ,,,lei Iii<.: mUllt 'llHlIm cow:lI'ds Ilh)11ct,\r'" uniun,


,nine RrC~:.1:,:" 11.1~ bll'li ;'l,:l1 ;l1(-'f!ru" 11;011,,' ,;,f1hcs<; .'I;-(;:IS, Ther h;,~ I,(,_n ·,~th,f.,lnli!' r,1I'1:l-'r"' td')11 n CIlI':OU:·;lS,-· ' . L1·r_" 'idl OJI "i'.lt~ .is \1:('11 .1" " .)·,I.~:HL) L'r't'(~rL\ [i) LI1CO'I;-J~~t' t:-;~· ir',:t In ...·(·rIL..r'l 01 )l.:-Il1"' .,,~r"i' b'Jr,-'er~, F"r e'UI11 Ie, \,,'Ih:li th: l:CUJ1LHlliC c.:or'llIIIJllir:: 'Jr' \'(/':\l :\;r: ... 111 "nc~ ~t:'l ':\<:;" LeI'

t, ~'l-: 1l1C,\'U:1crH l'


iii ,ld,tilj',11 ,OJ lll1i'o..lI!<-li'JIi nt'


ECU\\:.\:-' p:\"j1·}ri.


!1'1! gil r,:,iL':C/ll':' ill , ,I " 'l , ' , 'I I' t' 11() (11" 'j' 'r' '"1'" ,.'j':I'U" Itt'11'11"" .',,' tj'"" /'-(""','-1',-,',1[1'1111 ()r,','11(:'11"",.1',',','- UI1;"iil, 111 rhL;

al,L), lei' CUUJ, rl' 1\ " m l l:l 0.1 ,','J ' . . ' ' - " ~ ,'L ,~ , l , l, " , J L ~,'



l~ LC~, 1:'H t'x,tmpk, rhc \'.;l"Sf :\(ric,1I1 Economic Jilt! 0.loller~\r:.. L'nioll (l:E~,10f\) i, J full ll1l)nt'r~lry 1I1li()II ,Ind 11\n,l, E,\;O/\ member, of lCO\'{:A$ .Ire working- 1O\\"lr,l, (orIILul"l1 of rhe \'(/eS[ At"ric.\11 \follel,ll"\' t'ni,ln l L'\ll)..\) wirh Ih,; IIhjt'oj\,,,, ll" 111L'rsin~ wirh UE,\iO ..\ I,) I',,,'m ~l sil1gle I11llll<:l:ny 1Il1i"n (Ilr rhe Lt": \'C \S \1:hre;;illl1, TIl rhis end, (llUlllriL" in 111.: s'lhr"::c;i~l[l ,Ire h:HI11"nil.ing Iheir l",,)jtl(llllic 1',)lieie-; ro ,l(h~,'\'c chis l11onCCH\, union: rhes..: dTnr(s seem 10 hL:


l\o'll1[.: di,'j \:nlk \\hile ill '''1-:\ 'ri('.lo cr;ldc :\\eLlb"d ,li~IHly 11l1t!er 10 per l':l1t b:':{\\t'Ul :~i;IP al1d ~()tifl, ir illdc',l.,cd ttl 2({,~per C\:,1l[ i,l rhe LE\[O:\ I,~r')::'inS ill ,'I:!l(). O(her lU,:Cs ,m:111(\" !;~in Sil:~i!:lIclirtdiolls,



h:we e'll1pfusi!.cd rhe dL'\dupll1t,l1t (l~' l'eSi"I1.d :l1t'r,l.,rl'\lCIUre with :1 111:Jj,'r foc'llS Ull (J':l!l~f)urt, IV,lfer, Pl)\\t'r ,llld tt'/cCtlil1:1'Ll1ic,lliclll', r.:e·(lbni/,~nc; rh:lt 'lpprUprr,l1c phy,ic:d in(n,rrl,Clllrc: is l1"cessary to :lthiL'\'illg rcgional ill(q;r:'tioi!, C(llllHrie~:':\1,· ,l);lt'nl to (,,,nplc-re rh..: iLtritjl1,d pur


1-; of r!lt' TLil1s-;\frjc.!I!

I-[::-;I!W,I:V- S}'fc'!l1, .lnJ ,\(riC,:1l1 t"HirH,'in :li'-'; ill'lp!'llleiHill!i; rhe: Y.I:l11111s'tHlkro P'l'lisi(IJl ro libl'l'.di,e ;nJ illll)['OI'<: dil rr~IJlSp()rr:lritln,:\ lor of e(fun h,l, b<.:t'n m'ld..: to improvc the ~ink,bCf\\'Cen porr, :llhl LInd-locked ,.'llultriL's in rht: LIS( ,'.fricHl Comlllllniry lE,\Cl, ECO\X",\S, .lnd [hl' Common Marker for E:lS[crn ;1110 SOllchc'rn J\FriCI (CO\lESi\), African coumril'S have improved :lnd expanded their telcphnt: nerworks



lines and cellul:tr) and h:\\'c impiovcd connectivit), across coun(rks t!UOtlS'h indi idll:tI (oumry cfforrs and sOl11c:rirnes chrough joint regional projects, Erfieie!".::y h:\s improved pardy because of ceonuL11i"s


s(':lk. priv.ni/,:lcion and compccirion, Tn some subregions Sitch as ECO\X'..\S. rdephone :lllrhoriries are working [Ow:lrds J common regl:!arory sprem,

2.4 Investment and deve.lopment of priority sectors

[n [hc ,lI'e.1S of polic\' reform alld invesrmell( in prim'icy sectors.


individual ,\tric:lll counrrics, and


h:1V~ iniri,1ted


l)rojC:LlS th;l( arc likely


cunlriburt: [() the long-rc:rm (It:vd()pml'nf of Af'ric:1.

it' cLHnp!cccJ succc:ssfully :1r1d dTicl<:ndy, The priority Sterol' include infrJSHucrurc, agriculturc, hum;111 tkvdoj1ll1enr. scit::nce ;]!1d reclilology, ;lJ1d (he cnvirollmcnt :tnd wurism. Achievemtnr.s LlnJer NEPAD in lhe.\e ;Ut:1SaI'" sUnlnnri/,c:J bL'low,


One of rhl:' In'ljor consu;linrs w AfriCl's Llevelopmenr :IS cired by rhe 200G Ecoi/oFilic fhj>fli't (lI/lJi'ieJ is in:lclcqu:\te infr:tstruetIJrL: ;lnd services, Poor illt'rasrruc(ure <ll1d services increases rran'Jcrion COSf, c!cere;lscs :leCt::ss ro markers, and hampers rct"iunal inrcgration, This serious infrastJ'uctuLd


h.ls to


,\ddressed, Thr()u~~h


,\friCiln counrries h~lve dc';c:I(


rhe Short-Term ,\erion ['!:ID (STAP) on infr:lsrructural devdopmcl1r and


resOlll'ccs rhrough the AfricJn O\;v<:iupmcllf B:lllk (AfOBj 'lnd orhL!' c!cn:]opmenr parrnc:I:S to fund rhese projcC[s, The projc'cls include po\\'er, ro:ld, rail and watcr rra!lSpoJ'( as


:IS rL'kcommuniL.ltiol1s and rh~ Easc A(riL.ln Subnl.Hille S)'srem (L\SSy),

LX:lil1pks of pnjC'Lr, include rhe Scurhcrn I\fric:lll




01, 1Ilf('I'r<l '\I Dcvdo[Jl1lt.:lH I)f rh' L1STI'j n , ik pro!t'Ci.


t;IC Enllt'li-!\b:dl


kc-,vf,II1J'c rO:ld projccr. Thc:te is 3 greater emphasis In rO:1<1 rr !\spmr;ll ion as L'\·iJc'Ili.:,xi b:, he ,tr:c:nriOll Lwill,; p:)id (() che Tr.ills- ..\frican Highway System. In (,l'~ ~i'l':lS ol''\'ata ~l ppiy, NEI',\!) now ha~ 22 \\'~t(;[ projecls ulI,kr \I:lY In seven river b:lsins, STAr i, I'D bc roik, inlo I


,\kdiul1llu- LOI1l;'t':l'fll [11:'1', 'Iril('IIIt: l'l;ll. \·..h'(h is cUl'rclHh, III rh" (i;;~l! rrc:pn,lr'lry ~,t;)seS :wel :~ hL'ii)~ ~IJ mil(ed

:.Jr (u!1\!inL!'.


'1'\1'0 m~ljor in j'orrnar ion ~llJ com mu n it:\tionsIt!(hnolo:'y(lCT) project:, ',n rhe ~,Efl,.\D"l'-C'llch :lI'c ihL e.')c.10('/., 1'J'"j'::CI ..' l i d rhe


[-,ch(l,,,l ,kmUIl'U:lliclil f'i'ujecis hJ','C h~\Ol1 J.wnchcd ill 21) ,\frk:Jn c )\rllrr:o, [1])I','OI;t'<I in~t:rne( :ICCcs.\ is I

..:dc: l

ro\olve 1.1-.. 1'l't:hnicJI :l!ld opcr:llional


='·~i.iihility :111.1;\',is 0('



13m: 2,Tck-Clilllllllllliutilll1 [nfrastrl1l:tufc in

CO,\lES;\: Cl)\ITEL

RECs and rrember :.;late:.; are 1r1:)!ementing several infrastructure pr'Jjects within the NEPAO framework. Or.e such pro/eel in t e tclecomm n·cations sector IS the COMESA COMTEL project. It is Irtended to improve

~en/ice dellverld, intcrconnectlvlly of teleccrrmunlcatlons service~ acros:.; countries, and ~i.Jwer cost


customers In COrvIESf\countri~sCA.ngoICl, Burundi, ORe, Com,1ros, OJ'bol,ti, E9YPt. Entrea. Ethiopia, Kenya, 1\:blawl, Madagascar, Ma,mtlus, Namibia, Rwanda, Seyche::t's. Swazil:,nd, Tarzan:a, Zilmbiil, JndZIrr~b<)b'Nt:).

COMTEL IS a backblJnc network that;s can fig HE'd to InC!Ud0 flcc' optiC,I1lICrrJW8V'J,and sateliLl' ccnnectivity.lt is a Joint publiC (COivlESA) and private (national telephone ",perators) ventL,'e that IJl kbon eXt 'ting networks but willusc modern technology. Traffic verification, bllslncss plans, sharehr)!der a,]r€'0f1lents. and co-operation and connectivity.agrecmentshr1Ve been Signed and analyses of regulatory Issuescompleted. COMTELCcmrnlillication has been registered as a Ilmlted-!Irlbdity compan\J. NEPAO IS promoting the project and will faCilitate funding . ...u/(I',·,·: XL'i~If). f.j" o/:·;!.'-I/'!'ro,i"('{j

E/\SSy W:l~ completed In 100') wirh the panicipati'.ln llf t'ive ,\fr:":;ln counrrie~.alld ;~JDB h;i~ .lgr",eLI tIl (und rhe projecr,

COlTIp!uion of the:;e pf'l)jl.'ctswill ea~~ some of the inf:·.lst!'llcrural problems cOIlHraining At'rica'.;~ncideC(Jnol11ic developmcnt. It will rt:dllcc tLln,action co. ts. incrose tht: f'Jce of regional ill[\:"gra~ion, enLJrbe Illarkers, and incre,lse inrra-Afric:ln trade. BC~iJl'S the: economic benefits gained, CI\lIlp!ctioll


rhe.'c projects will rcJuce the social and cultllral distallces amollg African pcoples, It masl he sucssed, howev'r.. rh.n rhis ITpre.>cllrs a mocle>r ht'gi:lning gi\TIl ,\fri..:a's in~'rastrl\([ural nt't"Ck For rhis rC1SOIl. more ·ff rts ~hould be c:q.ll'ildeJ to ;HtraU pri\.-ate sl'I::ror putil:ip.lrioll in infLl,rrUdllfal dCl'clopmenr. I3e~ide., construction


ph)'~ic.d inCLblrtlCtllfC, bel[cr wordin;Hion of policies on th~lise of infnstfucrure is llLTdcd.


\'(/ithin the


Framework. J\frican cotllltrics and RECsIt,lIT d<.:vcloped ;llld adopted the Comprehcllsivc r\l'ric.J1l .\griculruLd DCl'c!opmelll Prograrnml~ (C,·\ADP) wirh support from their dC\'L!opmell( partncrs, The NEP.'\D SecrcLlI'i;lt conductcd a ~cl'ics or n:~j(ln;ll wori<shop, in :2005 ro help implemellt C:\:\DP.

,\(ric1n governrnelllS have: ;lgre:t,d lu illcrC;lSC .1gricuhurc·,


in 1l,l\i(lIl,IJ blldgcrs ( 0 ;11 1c,lst 10 pc.:r Cerll by 2008. CAA Dr has also rcccivcd signific,llH suppOrt frnlll such Jt:\'C 'lpillelH l';lrlllers .15 rlle ro<)d .1n<1 i\gricultl ral Organization IF,-\U). IiHernati'll1.d FllnJ 1;11' i\~ricuiUlr:d LC\'d')r'~:t:~~1 UFAD), \':('or!d [3;11:1.:.

l.':iJ\![). World Foo,1 f'ro,;r.lmlnC (\VFP) allli the kllknhip PI' i\(rica', IZECs. ('1 .lddili')1l ILl ·',\,.\[)P, lill' \X'llrld B.lllk h.lS LIUlh.l,eJ the .\lult.i-counrn: ,\"ricuhur:l: Prud.1Cli\·ill I';ogranulle (:,[;\[)f; :1) \\l'1I ;1$

l.''':lhi:,ilnl ;1 (~··hcric.\ \cc.:ti I'ro;;r.llnlllC. :-\1-'.1-'.\1). ill C'llliuill:ri"l1 \·;illl Ihe Cloh.ll r\::i,-l1:..:e (or I: rrm·.:d

~..j,Jliilion1(; ..\1\::· kl~ c\t.Ihli\h "j i'l<: ~~.ltjflll;d FOIlLi ForTi·i ...iti(;ll iHogr.lI:~rtIcill \C\' '1.1 .\(ri'':.dl ~I;llllt~j;,:"

, 'hl"'C cffnns ·,hOllld k.ld til iil:pro"L'LI (o'lll 'ecHin'. I[ll\\'L·vcr. ~Ile per L;lJ,jLI ''''hi l';ULI.IC i"[l :llli.:X '!L··:re.I'e,1


:Ib.)It OJ i.'l·r Cl:IH hct\,.l'CIl 20no ;in I 2lJ J() \\hilc ril;: Illl:nher ,;f 1't:;)I'k ,~h:,s:l·il.:'! :1' h'Jllc-rv ill ..\fric.I incrc.l~ed(nlll1 ,-() milli'lIl [0 2:,) million hc'\\'L't:1l .~liO-'i ;1I1l( ,~On()-. Snl'l.lI pos\ih:,: 1',';;,,),1-', C"I,d .Iu:"llllt t~)r rhi.'. ThL I'irsr is rh,!r [,lOt: etf;)lrs lake riil1e hd<I;'c rhe:,' ;lfreer


prodll,:r{f)11 .illl.! cUllsunJl' inn ..\11(\,:1<.:1'

I,,,\,;hiii:y i\ rheir :--':EP.\I " ,i<!l'icltlnlr,ll cff()r~, Il.1\' h.I\C (1C1I.\cJ 'ill :hl: P!lillllC"'1l ,,( <-:'1)'HI ';;1'·'1"; .If 1'1(;'

":· .. lC;i\',· ,~f Fllcd CI'I I}). III lh;H ._',1\!.:, It l{)L1~h ,~ri\. '1IlLt! J1rO)C\ll~i')ll 1::.1)' h.l\'l' inl·',l',·d. il i, i'·n~\ihk th.l!

I·· ll:'t'r .d, II,nc.' t \ . Ir lOll":


ll' ,Jur lhl? 11:(, ";l"l',l L~rllrl. '..v.!': [lilt cn{jI[~;11 :.11 if1(r'.:;~,: ,1"I'iLHIIIII':d

1LIt] ,':_' 1i'-j'·1I1d>



urn n development

Illllll:lll ,!c-VCIOPIll,'llt ill\"jh",s il1\,CHlllellrS III he,llth, nlilc.ltioll ~l1HI r,:lil1:113. ,llld belld\'[ "'jlulir;'o :\i'ric.lll

LOI ~o~l:'ic, h:1V\2 \,JL·\'l,.·!t)lh:d ~(\·\.\r.d ht:Ii1.ll1· ·.tpit~d jnjciall\'CS\\'ilhin the :\EP.\IJ fr.IJll,,:\\'ork..


:"1-::1'.-\1) pri'llil'l,·, l'mph.l\izc: ,,'c!I!L.;li'lll (or .tll wilh its "G,hiL: Lbc.ltiol1 :llld EJuc.lI:OIl hJr All" Pr"jc t.

Thi, projeu \\1'1 "~lqlrl' :\l''':O~ ttl prim:lI'v :Inti hi~h \L:htlol for :tli S..:hOlll-:lge ..:hildr':I1, ;\n il1lr<H :ll1r :1\ n:r 'l( this srr.1rc~\' is [he f'ril1l,I'~:' ()~' s, i 'n,', ill f'rilll:ll'y ,11lc! ::ccol1,L!r:.' sdw,,j,, To rhi~ cnd, rh,: "BLliltlil;';

C'If',lci[:, ill f~dllc:ltitlll Re,\c.ll'..:h :ll1d DC"l'lupl1lt'lir


Afric\" Ullllf~tlll,nrdur ('nl, h•..,izt's ~L'i"lHii'c rne./rLh in hi~h-~,h,,\,1 edlll.Hi,)1l h:l' ht'en d<:\'l'nped :Inc! ,idoptnl h} ,\l-'l'i(:111 ":tlL!l1rril's 1I1:dCI' thl' \iFI>, l) I'ri:,cipJt:,,, Thj~ i~ .1 IVt'!u,mt' (h:ln~e: ill rhe' lklivt'ry o( in~rrll«(il!Jl in A.fri'::l :IS it <:rnrh:1Sizt:s probkm s'llving r:lth "I'

tll,lll nlel:1 lriz:Hi"n, ~Et','\[J h.ls iduHi(icd tilL' EC<.I\VAS 'llhrc~:i(lll ,lS ~n -Ire.! whc'('e gowrnlll<:llfS shuulJ make' sp,,'ci:d elTons fl) :ICCe'lerace gCllr!c'r cl.juiry in t'ducaciol1, f',;EP/\() s.:llOol-fcnii ng fHl)gr:llllllll'S h:1vc bct'n implcmc'IHed in pilor sr:lges in m<lny cOllnrril's, inc!uding Ghana :lnd Nigl'l'i,l.

To incrcase rhe supply of qll:1lified eeachers, ehe oiseaJKL: Educ,Hion and Teacher Training De\·clopnwflf Projecr h:15 ht'Ul introdllccd in four Cenrral :tnd SOllrhl'w (Hrican counrrics, wieh conrr:lcrs signed with fOllr Afric:lll ul1iversiries ro deliver inHrucrion,


part of che implt:m~nr.l!ion of


principles, proj"Lrs


\Lllhemaric .tno Scicnce education in pose-conflicr environments in rhe fivl'



0:- A(rica

hav<: been e:sr:tblishcd,


pilot projects should be exrcnJed ro


p:tres of


if the)' prn\c succes fut.

Ho\V~v<.:r, it is necc~S,lry th,lt rhe:sc crforts be: linked [Q labour mark<:r needs ~nd labour m,lfkc! rdorms if'

;\[rica is to reap rheir bcncfic.

III spire


the~c invesrmems, :l large proportion of Khool-age chilCfI:n are nor enroll'd, chnc He: $"riOlls sbol'l:tf;t's of ql,aJif:cd teachers and qU:1lity in scicnce educHioll 1\:IllJ.ins elusive, Hov"cwr. there a:'c indic.\tioos tl1:)[ L'nrolmcllr 1'.1l\:S


girl stuJents in primary Jnd high schools arc growing f~1stcr rh:11l the rates for boys, For n:llllple. the gelldcr-p:nity rario for primary :wd second:lry school enrolmelH incr.::ased from ,_0 ;11 1991 to 83 ill 200'1 (\V'oR: 2007), fr must be /loted rhat girl cnroln1t.:nrs Slart from :l very small base so a lot r<:ITlaill.\ lU h" dOlle un this ,con:, Thcrc is anecdutal evidcllcc (e,g, in Ghan:l) th:\[ [he sc!Jool-'-ccding progr:l!lllllt' is achi<:ving the dual objecrives of improving Illitririoll alld incre:1,illg school cnrollllt'I1L Thi, is an example of progLirnmcs thJt emph.lsizt' small steps bllC )'idd big dividends,


:~: Schoot

Fl'l'Jing Programme


Chan:l: ;\ !'\EP,-\O

,'lICCCSS Swry

The NEPAD School Fe in Programme provides at least one rlutfitiO S meFlI a day (or poor ruriJl prlmiiry sch olchildren In G a a, TIle reedl ;) Progra me started in January 2006 after allot p-ogramme 1:1 one

scho'~·llneach of the 10 rcgluns from September to December2005,Currently, the programme covers al least one schoolIn each of the 110district", carried out by a local imp ementatlon omllliltee InCo'I3borarion wllh the Ghana Education Service and coordinated by a NatIonal fask Free, fhe menu s based ;n (JL,j crc,ps grown in tI e local area, thus providing markets for local farmers,

Inill& reports suggest that the programme has been a resounding success, School enrolment has dramalica,!y Illcreased (it has doubled In some rural SChOiJls), absenteeism has dramatically decreased, and the number of nungry and malnourished school children has decreased,



Documents relatifs

• Ministry of Social Affairs adopted a plan for women development aiming at improving women's economic status through training and working women's services.. 3.3% of the

In response to the specific gender equality monitoring requirements of the continent, the AGDI serves as a useful planning and policy framework for assessing

2 - adequate monitoring and evaluation under way /undertaken.. T he AGDI has gone through an extensive process of validation and checking. It has been tested in 12 African

From a nutritional perspective, Sahn (1994) has under- scored the contribution of income to consumption in terms of improved nutrition. He notes that income is a critical

Development held in Windhoek, Namibia, 27-31 October 2008. Also, it supports the AU-NEPAD program priorities in the areas of social and human development priorities. This second

In South Africa, the White Paper on South African Land Policy (1997) developed by the Department of Land Affairs places emphasis on the removal of legal restrictions on women’s

At the level of higher education, the data in Table 7 of the Appendix show that countries like Libya, Tunisia and Egypt have made remarkable progress, with 9 girls to 10 boys in

The report draws on several United Nations publications, especially the Secretary-General’s reports to the General Assembly on the implementa- tion of NEPAD, and in particular,