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https://doi.org/10.1051/cocv/2019075 www.esaim-cocv.org



Thierry Horsin


and Mohamed Ali Jendoubi


Abstract. This paper deals with the convergence to zero of the energy of the solutions of a second order linear coupled system. It revisits some previous results on the stabilization of such systems by exhibiting Lyapunov functions. The ones used are constructed according to some scalar cases situations.

These simpler situations explicitely show that the assumptions made on the operators in the coupled systems seem, first, natural and, second, give insight on their forms.

Mathematics Subject Classification.35B40, 49J15, 49J20.

Received March 27, 2019. Accepted November 27, 2019.

1. Introduction, functional framework

Let us consider a quite general coupled system in abstract form ( u00+Bu0+A1u+αCv= 0

v00+A2v+αCu= 0, (1.1)

whereA1andA2andCare, in general, unbounded operators. F. Alabauet al.considered in [4], the case when C =Id, and A1 and A2 are densely closed linear self-adjoint coercive operator and B is a coercive bounded self-adjoint operator. They proved that if |α|kCk<1 then the energy of the solution (u, v) in polynomially decreasing under quite large assumption on A1 and A2. In this paper our main concern is the caseA2 =A21 which is a special case of the aforementioned paper.

When A1=A2 and |α|kCk<1, A. Haraux and M.A. Jendoubi proved in [9] (see also [8]) the polynomial convergence to 0 of the energy by means of a Lyapunov method.

The first author wishes to thank the Tunisian Mathematical Society (SMT) for its kind invitation to its annual congress during which this work was completed.

∗∗The second author wishes to thank the department of mathematics and statistics EPN6 and the research department M2N (EA7340) of the CNAM where this work was initiated.

∗∗∗Both authors are grateful to the reviewers for their helpful comments and suggestions.

Keywords and phrases:damping, linear evolution equations, dissipative hyperbolic equation, decay rates, Lyapunov function.

1 Laboratoire M2N, EA7340, CNAM, 292 rue Saint-Martin, 75003 Paris France.

2 Universit´e de Carthage, Institut Pr´eparatoire aux Etudes Scientifiques et Techniques, B.P. 51 2070 La Marsa, Tunisia.

3 Laboratoire ´equations aux d´eriv´ees partielles, Facult´e des sicences de Tunis, Universit´e Tunis El Manar, Campus Universitaire El Manar, 2092 El Manar, Tunisia.

*∗∗∗Corresponding author:thierry.horsin@lecnam.net


The authors. Published by EDP Sciences, SMAI 2020

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


As we previously said, in this paper, we investigate such a method in the case when A2 =A21 and C=Aβ1 with β∈[0,32]. The main result of this paper is Theorem3.3 which also proves the polynomial convergence to 0 of the solution (u, v). Compared to the result in ([4], p. 144, Prop. 5.3), the convergence that we obtain is in weaker norms, but requires less regularity on the initial data.

Let us mention that the stabilization of such systems settled in abstract form has been widely studied and many results are connected to those in our paper. The case when A1 andA2are unbounded operators, andC is a bounded was considered by Alabau in [3] and by Alabau et al. in [5] where the polynomial statibility is proven. The optimal energy decay was proven in [11] in the caseA1=A2=A,C=IandB =Aγ whereγ <0.

The indirect stabilization of abstract coupled equations is also considered in [1,2,6,7].

Nonlinear damping are also currently investigated. See e.g.[12].

In order to motivate the Lyapunov function that we construct in the proof of our main result, we explain the strategy in Section2in the framework of a coupled scalar differential system.

In Section3 we introduce the functional framework and an existence theorem that lead to state and prove our main result, namely Theorem3.3.

2. A Lyapunov function for the scalar case

As mentioned in the preceding section, we consider the (real) scalar coupled system ( u00+u0+λu+cv= 0

v00+µv+cu= 0 (2.1)

where λ, µ >0, andc are such that 0< c2< λµ. The damping coefficient is set to 1 for simplicity but a time scale change reduces general damping terms bu0 to this case. In order to shorten the formulas, let us introduce for each solution (u, v) of (2.1), its total energy

E(u, u0, v, v0) =1 2

u02+v02+λu2+µv2 +cuv.

Then we have for all t≥0


dtE(u, u0, v, v0) =−u02. Now we introduce

K(t) =1 2

u02+v02+λu2+µv2 . Our first result is the following

Proposition 2.1. There are some constantsη >0,δ >0 such that

∀t≥0 K(t)≤ηe−δtK(0).

Proof. For allε >0 we define the function

Hε=E −εvv0+ 2εuu0+3ε

2c(µu0v−λuv0). (2.2)


It is easy to check that

C1K(t)≤Hε(t)≤C2K(t) (2.3)



√λµ− |c|

√λµ −ε

2 min√


µ+ 3

2|c|max√ λ,√


 (2.4)




√λµ +ε

2 min√


µ+ 3

2|c|max√ λ,√


. (2.5)

In fact, using Young’s inequality, we get

|cuv|= c

√λ√ µ


µ|v| ≤ |c|

√λ√ µ

λ 2u2


|−εvv0|= ε


√µ|v||v0| ≤ ε

√µ µ

2v2+v02 2

|2εuu0|= 2ε


√λ|u||u0| ≤ 2ε

√λ λ

2u2+u02 2

3ε 2cµu0v

= 3ε 2|c|


µ|v| ≤ 3ε 2|c|

õ u02

2 +µ 2v2

− 3ε 2|c|λuv0

= 3ε 2|c|

√ λ√

λuv0 ≤ 3ε 2|c|

√ λ


2 +v02 2

Then we deduce Hε

1 +ε


λ+3√ µ 2|c|

| {z }


u02 2 +


1 +ε 1

√µ+3√ λ 2|c|


| {z }


v02 2 +


1 + |c|

√ λ√

µ+ε 2

λ+3√ λ 2|c|


| {z }


λ 2u2+


1 + |c|

√ λ√

µ+ε 1

√µ+3√ λ 2|c|


| {z }


µ 2v2.

It is clear that for alli∈ {1,2,3,4}


where C2 is given in (2.5). A similar proof gives similar inequalities for C1.

Letε1>0 the value ofεsuch thatC1 defined in (2.4) is equal to 0. Letε∈(0, ε1).In this caseC1 becomes positive.


A straightforward computation gives

Hε0 =−u02−εv02−εvv00+ 2εu02+ 2εuu00+3ε


=−(1−2ε)u02−εv02+εcuv+εµv2−2εuu0−pελu2−2εcuv +3ε






2cu0v+ (µ−λ)ε3 2cu0v0. Now we have

λu2+ 2cuv+µv2

u2+2c λuv+µ


u+ c λv2

+ µ

λ− c2 λ2


≥ λµ−c2 λ v2. Similarly, we get

λu2+ 2cuv+µv2≥ λµ−c2 µ u2, and then

λu2+ 2cuv+µv2≥ λµ−c2 2

1 µu2+ 1


Using Young’s inequality, we can find some constantsc1, c2, c3>0 such that

|2uu0| ≤ 1

8µ(λµ−c2)u2+c1u02; 3

2c|µu0v| ≤ 1

8λ(λµ−c2)v2+c2u02; 3

2c|µ−λ||u0v0| ≤ 1

2v02+c3u02. Finally we obtain

Hε0 ≤ −(1−(2 +c1+c2+c3)ε)u02−ε

2v02− ε

8µ(λµ−c2)u2− ε


Now by choosing ε∈(0, ε1) such that 1−(2 +c1+c2+c3)ε >0,some constant C3>0 can be found such that

Hε0 ≤ −C3K(t).


By combining this with the inequality (2.3), we get for allt≥0 Hε0(t)≤ −C3


We conclude the proof by integrating this last inequality and using (2.3) again.

3. The case A


= A


, and C = A


with β ∈ [0,



This section is devoted to the proof of Theorem 3.3. In order to proceed we first introduce the functional framework and give an existence theorem.

3.1. Functional framework

LetH be a separable Hilbert space, whose norm and scalar product will be denotedk · kandh·,·irespectively.

We consider A:H→H an unbounded closed self-adjoint operator such that the injection D(A)⊂H is dense and compact. We assume moreover throughout the paper that there exists a >0 such that

∀u∈D(A), hAu, ui ≥ahu, ui. (3.1)

Following for example the exposition given in [10], by denoting (λn)n∈Nthe increasing sequence of eigenvalues ofA, the largestafor which (3.1) is true is λ1.

Besides, let us consider (en)n∈Nan orthonormal basis ofH constituted by eigenvectors ofA. For anyβ >0, we consider u=



hu, eiiei,∈H (u∈H ⇐⇒



hu, eii2<∞), and we setAβ :H →H given by




λβihu, eiiei (3.2)

then (seee.g.[10])

D(Aβ) ={u∈H,



λi hu, eii2<∞}

and Aβ is an unbounded self-adjoint operator such that the inclusion D(Aβ)⊂H is dense and compact. We also have

∀u∈D(Aβ), hAβu, ui ≥ahu, ui, (3.3)

for some a >0. The largestafor which this inequality is true beingλβ1.

As usual we write A0= Id. In this case of course the operatorAαis a continuous linear operator onH. We will denote V =D(A1/2) and W =D(A). Thus V and W are Hilbert spaces whose norms k · kV and k · kW are given respectively by

kukV =kA1/2uk, kukW =kAuk.

We have, if we identify H with its dual

W ⊂V ⊂H ⊂V0 ⊂W0 (3.4)


with dense and compact injections when the norms on the Hilbert spaces V0 andW0 are given by

∀u∈V0, kukV0 =hu, A−1ui1/2V0,V


∀u∈W0, kukW0 =hu, A−2ui1/2W0,W

where h·,·iV0,V denotes the action ofV0 onV (with a similar notation forW). Of course whenu∈H one has kukV0 =hA−1u, ui1/2,kukW0 =hA−2u, ui1/2.

Let us remark that with these definitions Amaps continuouslyV toV0 andA2 mapsW to W0.

3.2. Existence result

Letαandβ two reals numbers withβ≥0. We recall that we consider the problem ( u00+u0+Au+αAβv= 0

v00+A2v+αAβu= 0 (3.5)

which can be rewritten as the first order system







u0−w= 0 v0−z= 0

w0+Au+w+αAβv= 0 z0+A2v+αAβu= 0.


Let us first establish an existence and uniqueness result for (3.5).

We concentrate on the caseβ ∈[12,32], the caseβ ∈[0,12) being easier.

Let us consider

H:=V ×W×H×H.

For two elements of HUi= (ui, vi, wi, zi),i= 1,2, we define

hU1, U2iH :=hAu2, u1iV0,V +hA2v2, v1iW0,W+hw1, w2i+hz1, z2i +αhAβv2, u1iV0,V +αhAβu2, v1iW0,W,

where h·,·iV0,V denotes the usual duality pairing between V and V0, with similar notation for W, while h·,·i denotes the scalar product on H for which it is a Hilbert space.

It is straightforward to prove thath·,·iHdefines a scalar product onHfor which it is a Hilbert space provided that

|α|< λ

3−2β 2

1 . (3.7)

From now on we assume that (3.7) holds true.


We now consider the unbounded operator A:H −→ Hdefined by

D(A) :={U = (u, v, w, z)∈ H,(−w,−z, Au+αAβv+w, A2v+αAβu)∈ H}

and forU = (u, v, w, z)∈D(A)

AU = (−w,−z, Au+αAβv+w, A2v+αAβu).

It is clear that Ahas a dense domain inH.

Let us remark that for anyU = (u, v, w, z)∈D(A) one has

hAU, UiH =−hAu, wiV0,V − hA2v, ziW0,W +hAu+αAβv+w, wi+hA2v+αAβu, zi

−αhAβv, wiV0,V −αhAβu, ziW0,W, and thereforehAU, Ui=kwk2≥0. Indeed

hA2v+αAβu, zi=hA2v+αAβu, ziW0,W, sinceAβu∈W0 forβ ∈[1,3/2] andu∈V =D(A1/2).

Let us show that I+Ais onto. For this we take (f, g, h, k)∈ H. We want to find (u, v, w, z)∈D(A) such that

u−w=f v−z=g

Au+αAβv+ 2u=h+ 2f A2+αAβu+v=k+g.

We define Φ : (V ×W)2→Rby

Φ(u1, v1, u2, v2) :=hA1/2u1, A1/2u2i+hAv1, Av2i+αhAβv1, u2iV0,V + αhAu1, Aβ−1v2iV0,V + 2hu1, u2i+hv1, v2i.

Clearly Φ is continuous on V ×W. It is also clear that Φ is coercive if we assume|α|< λ

3−2β 2

1 . By the Lax-Milgram theorem, there exists a unique (u, v)∈V ×W such that

∀(δu, δv)∈V ×W, Φ(u, v, δu, δv) =hh+ 2f, δui+hk+g, δvi.

We therefore get


Au+αAβv+ 2u=h+ 2f.

Now if we denotew=u−f andz=v−gthenw∈V sinceu, f ∈V andz∈W sincev, g∈W. We have thus proven thatAis maximal monotone. By classical theory, we get that

Theorem 3.1. For any (u0, v0, u1, v1) ∈ H, there exists a unique solution to (3.5) in C([0, T],H)× C1([0, T], D(A)0).


Remark 3.2. It is also well known that if (u0, v0, u1, v1) ∈ D(A) then the solution to (3.5) belongs to C([0, T], D(A))∩C1(0, T,H).

3.3. Main result of the paper

Our main result is the following

Theorem 3.3. Assumeβ ∈[0,32]andα6= 0. Let(u, v)be a solution of (3.5)such that(u(0), u0(0), v(0), v0(0))∈ H, then there exists a constantc >0 such that

∀t >0, kAβ2−1u0(t)k2W0+kAβ2−1v0(t)k2W0 +kAβ−12 u(t)k2W0+kAβ2v(t)k2W0

≤c t

ku0(0)k2+kv0(0)k2+ku(0)k2V +kv(0)k2W

ifβ ∈[0,1];

∀t >0, kA−β2 u0(t)k2W0+kA−β2 v0(t)k2W0+kA1−β2 u(t)k2W0 +kA1−β2v(t)k2W0

≤c t

ku0(0)k2+kv0(0)k2+ku(0)k2V +kv(0)k2W

ifβ ∈[1,3 2].

Remark 3.4. If we replace (3.5) by

( u00+Bu0+Au+αAβv= 0 v00+A2v+αAβu= 0


where, as mentionned in the introduction, B is a bounded self-adjoint operator on H for which there exists µ >0 such that

hBu, ui ≥µkuk2, the results of Theorem 3.1and Remark3.4remain true.

Remark 3.5. If we replace (3.5) by

( u00+Bu0+Au+αAβv= 0 v00+A2v+αAβu= 0

where A2 is a self-adjoint unbounded operator such thatD(A2) =D(A2) and there exist ν1, ν2>0 such that

∀u∈D(A2), ν1hA2u, ui ≤ hA2u, ui ≤ν2hA2u, ui,

and ifBis as in the remark3.4, the result of Theorem3.3remains true provided|α|is small enough (depending onλ11 andν2).

Remark 3.6. In the caseβ= 0, in order to obtain the decay of the energy, we must assume A2u(0)∈V, A2v(0)∈W, A2u0(0)∈H, A2v0(0)∈H.

In the paper [4], the authors obtain such a decay with merely

Au(0)∈V, A2v(0)∈W, Au0(0)∈H, A2v0(0)∈H.


We, of course, would expect that the energy decay also holds with (u(0), v(0), u0(0), v0(0))∈D(A) but unfortunately we are not able to prove it for the moment being.

Proof of Theorem 3.3. All the computations below will be made assuming that (u0, v0, u1, v1)∈D(A) which ascertains them. By density and continuity the inequalities stated in Theorem3.3remain true.

Let us also recall that αsatisfies|α|< λ

3−2β 2

1 . We introduce the energy of the system by

E(t) = 1 2

ku0(t)k2+kv0(t)k2+ku(t)k2V +kv(t)k2W

+αhAβv, ui.

Then we have

E0(t) =−ku0(t)k2. Letp >1 andε >0 two real numbers to be fixed later and let

Hε=E−ελ2−β1 hAβ−2v, v0iW0+pελ−a1 hAau, u0iW0+ρε

hu0, viW0 − hu, A−1v0iW0 where ρ=p+1λ2−β1 anda= min(0,1−β). We find easily

Hε0 =−ku0k2−ελ2−β1 kAβ2−1v0k2W0−ελ2−β1 hAβ−2v, v00iW0+pελ−a1 kAa2u0k2W0

−pελ−a1 hAau, u0+Au+αAβviW0+ρεhu0, v0iW0−ρεhu0, A−1v0iW0

−ρεhu0+Au+αAβv, viW0+ρεhu, A−1(A2v+αAβu)iW0

=−ku0k2−ελ2−β1 kAβ2−1v0k2W0+ελ2−β1 hAβ−2v, A2v+αAβuiW0+pελ−a1 kAa2u0k2W0

−pελ−a1 hAau, u0iW0−pελ−a1 kAa+12 uk2W0−pελ−a1 αhAau, AβviW0+ρεhu0, v0iW0

−ρεhu0, A−1v0iW0−ρεhu0, viW0−ρεαkAβ2vkW0+ρεαkAβ−12 uk2W0

=−ku0k2−ελ2−β1 kAβ2−1v0k2W0+ελ2−β1 kAβ2vk2W0+ελ2−β1 αhAβ−2v, AβuiW0+pελ−a1 kAa2u0k2W0

−pελ−a1 hAau, u0iW0−pελ−a1 kAa+12 uk2W0−pελ−a1 αhAau, AβviW0+ρεhu0, v0iW0

−ρεhu0, A−1v0iW0−ρεhu0, viW0−ρεαkAβ2vk2W0+ρεαkAβ−12 uk2W0

=−ku0k2+pελ−a1 kAa2u0k2W0−ελ2−β1 kAβ2−1v0k2W0−pελ−a1 kAa+12 uk2W0−εp−1

2 λ2−β1 kAβ2vk2W0

+ρεαkAβ−12 uk2W0+ελ2−β1 αhAβ−2v, AβuiW0−pελ−a1 hAau, u0iW0 −pελ−a1 αhAau, AβviW0

+ρεhu0, v0iW0−ρεhu0, A−1v0iW0 −ρεhu0, viW0. First case :β ∈[0,1]. In this casea= 0. We have

Hε0 =−ku0k2+pεku0k2W0−ελ2−β1 kAβ2−1v0k2W0−pεkA12uk2W0−εp−1

2 λ2−β1 kAβ2vk2W0

+ρεαkAβ−12 uk2W0+ελ2−β1 αhAβ−2v, AβuiW0−pεhu, u0iW0−pεαhu, AβviW0

+ρεhu0, v0iW0−ρεhu0, A−1v0iW0−ρεhu0, viW0.


Now since

kAβ−12 uk2W0 ≤ 1

λ2−β1 hAu, uiW0 = 1

λ2−β1 kA12uk2W0, we get

Hε0 ≤ −ku0k2+pεku0k2W0−ελ2−β1 kAβ2−1v0k2W0−p−1

2 εkA12uk2W0−εp−1

2 λ2−β1 kAβ2vk2W0

+ελ2−β1 αhAβ−2v, AβuiW0 −pεhu, u0iW0 −pεαhu, AβviW0

+ρεhu0, v0iW0−ρεhu0, A−1v0iW0−ρεhu0, viW0. Let us remark that

ελ2−β1 αhAβ−2v, AβuiW0 ≤ελ2−β1 |α|kAβ2vkW0kA2−2ukW0

≤ελ2−β1 |α|kAβ2vkW0

1 λ

5−3β 2




β−1 2

1 |α|kAβ2vkW0kA12ukW0

and that

−pεαhu, AβviW0 ≤pε|α|kAβ2vkW0kAβ2ukW0


β−1 2

1 |α|kAβ2vkW0kA12ukW0. Thus

ελ2−β1 αhAβ−2v, AβuiW0−pεαhu, AβviW0


β−1 2

1 |α|kAβ2vkW0kA12ukW0 +pελ

β−1 2

1 |α|kAβ2vkW0kA12ukW0


β−1 2

1 |α|(p+ 1)kAβ2vkW0kA12ukW0


β−1 2

1 (p+ 1)|α|




where we chooseγ >0 such that δ:= p−1

2 −λ

β−1 2

1 (p+ 1)|α|

2 γ >0, ζ:= p−1

2 λ2−β1 −λ

β−1 2

1 (p+ 1)|α|

2γ >0 (3.9)

which is equivalent to


β−1 2

1 (p+ 1)|α|

(p−1)λ2−β1 < γ < p−1 λ

β−1 2

1 (p+ 1)|α|


This choice is possible provided that

p+ 1 p−1


< λ3−2β1

|α|2 . (3.10)


Now we choose p >1 such that (3.10) is satisfied. Then we have

Hε0 =−ku0k2+pεku0k2W0−ελ2−β1 kAβ2−1v0k2W0−εδkA12uk2W0−εζkAβ2vk2W0

−pεhu, u0iW0+ρεhu0, v0iW0 −ρεhu0, A−1v0iW0−ρεhu0, viW0. Now let us observe first that if one considers someU ∈W0 one has

kUk2W0 =hU, A−2UiW0,W =hA−1/2U, A−3/2UiV0,V =kA−1/2Uk2V0. (3.11) Second, since u0 ∈V, one hasAu0∈V0. Therefore according to (3.11) we have

kAu0k2W0 =kA1/2u0k2V0. (3.12) MoreoverA1/2u0∈H, thus, one has

kAu0k2W0 =kA1/2u0k2V0 =hA−1A1/2u0, A1/2u0i=ku0k2. (3.13) According to (3.13), since

hu0, v0iW0 =hAu0, A−1v0iW0, we have

|hu0, v0iW0| ≤ |hAu0, A−1v0iW0|

≤ kAu0kW0kA−1v0kW0

=ku0kkA−1v0kW0. Yet we have

kA−1v0k2W0 ≤ 1

λβ1hAβA−1v0, A−1v0iW0 = 1

λβ1kAβ2−1v0k2W0. Using Young’s inequality, we find some constants c1, c2, c3, c4>0 such that

−phu, u0iW0 ≤c1ku0k2

2kA12uk2W0; (δdefined by (3.9)) ρhu0, v0iW0 ≤c2ku0k22−β1

3 kAβ2−1v0k2W0

ρhu0, A−1v0iW0 ≤c3ku0k22−β1

3 kAβ2−1v0k2W0

−ρhu0, viW0 ≤c4ku0k2

2kAβ2vk2W0 (ζ defined by (3.9)).

By choosing εsmall enough, we find a constantη=η(p, ε)>0 such that for all t≥0 Hε0 ≤ −η





E˜= 1 2

hkAβ2−1u0(t)k2W0+kAβ2−1v0(t)k2W0 +kAβ−12 u(t)k2W0+kAβ2v(t)k2W0


+αhA2β−2v, uiW0


K(t) =kAβ2−1u0(t)k2W0+kAβ2−1v0(t)k2W0+kAβ−12 u(t)k2W0+kAβ2v(t)k2W0. For allt≥0, we have

0=−kAβ2−1u0(t)k2W0. Then ˜E is nonincreasing. Observe that

αhA2β−2v, uiW0

≤ |α|


3−2β 2


kAβ−12 u(t)kW0kAβ2v(t)kW0,

from which we deduce that


3−2β 2

1 − |α|

3−2β 2


K(t)≤E˜ ≤λ

3−2β 2

1 +|α|

3−2β 2


K(t). (3.14)

Now since

kAβ2−1u0(t)kW0 ≤ 1 λ2−

β 2


ku0k, kAβ−12 u(t)kW0≤ 1 λ1−

β 2



then there exists a constant γ >0 such that for allt≥0

Hε0 ≤ −γK(u, v, u0, v0). (3.15) From (3.15), assumingεpossibly smaller in order to achieve positivity of the quadratic formHε, we get

Z t 0

K(u(s), v(s), u0(s), v0(s))ds≤ 1

γHε(u(0), v(0), u0(0), v0(0)).

Using inequality (3.14), we obtain 2λ

3−2β 2



3−2β 2

1 +|α|

Z t 0

E(u(s), v(s), u˜ 0(s), v0(s))ds≤ 1

γHε(u(0), v(0), u0(0), v0(0)).


Now since ˜E is nonincreasing, it follows

E(u(t), v(t), u˜ 0(t), v0(t))≤ λ

3−2β 2

1 +|α|

3−2β 2

1 γ


tHε(u(0), v(0), u0(0), v0(0)).

Using inequality (3.14) we get

K(u(t), v(t), u0(t), v0(t))≤ λ

3−2β 2

1 +|α|

3−2β 2

1 − |α|)γ 1

tHε(u(0), v(0), u0(0), v0(0)).

Second case :β∈(1,32]. In this casea= 1−β.

Hε0 =−ku0k2+pελβ−11 kA1−β2 u0k2W0−ελ2−β1 kAβ2−1v0k2W0−pελβ−11 kA1−β2uk2W0−εp−1

2 λ2−β1 kAβ2vk2W0

+ρεαkAβ−12 uk2W0+ελ2−β1 αhAβ−2v, AβuiW0−pελβ−11 hA1−βu, u0i

−pελβ−11 αhA1−βu, AβviW0+ρεhu0, v0iW0−ρεhu0, A−1v0iW0−ρεhu0, viW0. Now since

kAβ−12 uk2W0 ≤ 1

λ3−2β1 hA2−βu, uiW0 = 1

λ3−2β1 kA1−β2uk2W0, we get

Hε0 ≤ −ku0k2+pελβ−11 kA1−β2 u0k2W0−ελ2−β1 kAβ2−1v0k2W0−p−1

2 ελβ−11 kA1−β2uk2W0


2 λ2−β1 kAβ2vk2W0+ελ2−β1 αhAβ−2v, AβuiW0−pελβ−11 hA1−βu, u0i

−pελβ−11 αhA1−βu, AβviW0+ρεhu0, v0iW0−ρεhu0, A−1v0iW0−ρεhu0, viW0

Let us remark that

ελ2−β1 αhAβ−2v, AβuiW0 ≤ελ2−β1 |α|kAβ2vkW0kA2−2ukW0

≤ελ2−β1 |α|kAβ2vkW0


λ3−2β1 kA1−β2ukW0

≤ελβ−11 |α|kAβ2vkW0kA1−β2ukW0

and that

−pελβ−11 αhA1−βu, AβviW0 ≤pελβ−11 |α|kAβ2vkW0kA1−β2ukW0, we therefore get

ελ2−β1 αhAβ−2v, AβuiW0−pελβ−11 αhA1−βu, AβviW0

≤ελβ−11 |α|kAβ2vkW0kA1−β2ukW0 +pελβ−11 |α|kAβ2vkW0kA1−β2ukW0

=ε(p+ 1)λβ−11 |α|kAβ2vkW0kA1−β2ukW0


≤ελβ−11 (p+ 1)|α|




where we chooseγ >0 such that δ:=p−1

2 λβ−11 −λβ−11 (p+ 1)|α|

2 γ >0, ζ:= p−1

2 λ2−β1 −λβ−11 (p+ 1)|α|

2γ >0 which is equivalent to

λβ−11 (p+ 1)|α|

(p−1)λ2−β1 < γ < p−1 (p+ 1)|α|. This choice is possible provided that

p+ 1 p−1


< λ3−2β1

|α|2 . (3.16)

We choose p >1 such that (3.16) is satisfied. Then we have

Hε0 ≤ −ku0k2+pελβ−11 kA1−β2 u0k2W0−ελ2−β1 kAβ2−1v0k2W0−εδkA1−β2uk2W0−εζkAβ2vk2W0

−pελβ−11 hA1−βu, u0i+ρεhu0, v0iW0−ρεhu0, A−1v0iW0 −ρεhu0, viW0. By use of Young’s inequality we deduce that there arec1, c2, c3, c4>0 such that

−pλβ−11 hA1−βu, u0i ≤c1ku0k2

2kA1−β2uk2W0, ρhu0, v0iW0 ≤c2ku0k22−β1

3 kAβ2−1v0k2W0, ρεhu0, A−1v0iW0 ≤c3ku0k22−β1

3 kAβ2−1v0k2W0,

−ρhu0, viW0 ≤c4ku0k2


By choosingεsmall enough, we find a constant η=η(p, ε)>0 such that for allt≥0 Hε0 ≤ −η



E˜ = 1 2

hkA−β2 u0(t)k2W0+kA−β2 v0(t)k2W0+kA1−β2 u(t)k2W0+kA1−β2v(t)k2W0

i+αhv, uiW0


K(t) =kA−β2 u0(t)k2W0 +kA−β2 v0(t)k2W0+kA1−β2 u(t)k2W0+kA1−β2v(t)k2W0.


For allt≥0, we have

0=−kAβ2u0(t)k2W0. Then ˜E is nonincreasing.


|αhv, uiW0| ≤ |α|


3−2β 2


kA1−β2 u(t)kW0kA1−β2v(t)kW0

then we get


3−2β 2

1 − |α|

3−2β 2


K(t)≤E˜ ≤λ

3−2β 2

1 +|α|

3−2β 2


K(t). (3.17)

Now since

kAβ2v0(t)kW0 ≤ 1

λβ−11 kAβ2−1v0kW0, kA1−β2 u(t)kW0 ≤ 1 λ112


then there exists a constant γ >0 such that for allt≥0

Hε0 ≤ −γK(u, v, u0, v0). (3.18) From (3.18), assumingεpossibly smaller in order to achieve positivity of the quadratic formHε, we get

Z t 0

K(u(s), v(s), u0(s), v0(s))ds≤ 1

γHε(u(0), v(0), u0(0), v0(0)).

Using inequality (3.17), we obtain 2λ

3−2β 2



3−2β 2

1 +|α|

Z t 0

E(u(s), v(s), u˜ 0(s), v0(s))ds≤ 1

γHε(u(0), v(0), u0(0), v0(0)).

Now since ˜E is nonincreasing, it follows

E(u(t), v(t), u˜ 0(t), v0(t))≤ λ

3−2β 2

1 +|α|

3−2β 2

1 γ


tHε(u(0), v(0), u0(0), v0(0)).

Using inequality (3.17) we get

K(u(t), v(t), u0(t), v0(t))≤ λ

3−2β 2

1 +|α|

3−2β 2

1 − |α|)γ 1

tHε(u(0), v(0), u0(0), v0(0)).


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