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Tetragonal ferroelastic/antiferroelectric chromium-chlorine boracite, Cr<sub>3</sub>B<sub>7</sub>O<sub>13</sub>Cl, from x-ray diffraction on a single-domain crystal at 230 K


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Partager "Tetragonal ferroelastic/antiferroelectric chromium-chlorine boracite, Cr<sub>3</sub>B<sub>7</sub>O<sub>13</sub>Cl, from x-ray diffraction on a single-domain crystal at 230 K"


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Tetragonal ferroelastic/antiferroelectric chromium-chlorine boracite, Cr






Cl, from x-ray diffraction on a single-domain crystal at 230 K

MAO, Shao Yu, et al.


Cr3B7O13Cl is tetragonal, space group P.hivin.421c, with a 12.1410(3) and c 12.1606(4) .ANG.; Z = 8, dc = 3.521; R = 0.029, Rw = 0.024 for 1991 reflections. At. coordinates are given. The structure contains 5 symmetry-independent Cr sites, 4 with 6-fold (4O + 2Cl) and 1 with 5-fold (4O + 1Cl) coordination.

MAO, Shao Yu, et al . Tetragonal ferroelastic/antiferroelectric chromium-chlorine boracite, Cr






Cl, from x-ray diffraction on a single-domain crystal at 230 K. Acta Crystallographica. B, Structural Science , 1991, vol. B47, no. 5, p. 692-696

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Tetragonal Ferroelastic/ Antiferroelectric Chromium-Chlorine Boracite, Cr






Cl, from X-ray Diffraction on a S ingle-Domain Crystal at 230 K


Departement de Chimie Minerale, Analytique et Appliquee, Universite de Geneve, CH-1211 Geneve 4, Switzerland


Laboratoire de Cristallographie aux Rayons X, Universite de Geneve, CH-1211 Geneve 4, Switzerland (Received 16 January 1991; accepted 2 April 1991)


Cr3B70,3Cl, M, = 475·12, tetragonal, P42,c (114), a= l2·1410(3), c = 12·1606(4)A, V=

1792·52(9)A3, 2 =8, D~=3·52lmgmm-3, A(Mo Ka) = 0·71069 A. J.L(Mo Ka) = 3·393 mm ', F(OOO) = 1824, T = 230 K. R = 0·029, 111 R = 0·024 for 1991 unique reflections. The structure contains five symmetry-independent Cr sites, four with sixfold (40


2Cl) and one with fivefold (40


lCl) coordi- nation.


Cr3B70 13Cl (hereafter Cr-Cl) belongs to the class of fully ferroelectric/fully ferroelastic [nomenclature of Aizu (1970)] M3B70 13X boracites. where M denotes a divalent metal ion and X a halogen ion. The optic, dielectric and pyroelectric properties of Cr-Cl have been studied by various authors (Nesterova, Pisarev

& Andreeva, 1974; Bochkov & Drozhdin, 1975;

Schmid & Tippmann. 1978). At room temperature Cr-Cl has cubic symmetry and space group F43c 0108-7681/91/050692-05$03.00

(Nelmes & Thornley, 1974). Upon decreasing the temperature it undergoes two structural phase transi- tions, one at T, = 264 K to a tetragonal ferroelastic/

antiferroelectric modification of symmetry 42m, and another at T2


160 K to an orthorhombic fully ferroelectric/fully ferroelastic modification of symme- try mm2 (Ye, Rivera & Schmid, 1990, 199la):


3m < T1 = 264 K >


2m < T2 = 160 K > 1771112

Structural data for the two low-temperature modifi- cations are not yet available. Here we report the single-crystal data of the tetragonal modification. H is the first tetragonal boracite structure to be charac- terized.


Crystals were grown by the chemical vapour trans- port method (Schmid, 1965; Schmid & Tippmann, 1979). A rectangular parallelepiped single-crystal platelet delimited by cubic (100), (010) and (001) faces (dimensions 0·212 x 0·550 x 0·025 mm) was

© 1991 International Union of Crystallography



S. Y. MAO, F. KUBEL, H. SCHMID AND K. YVON 693 prepared by polishing with 0·25 11-m diamond paste

and mounted on a quartz fibre with silicone glue.

Preliminary observations under a polarized light microscope in conjunction with an optical He-.ftow cryostat revealed domains typical of the tetragonal

( 160 < T < 264 K) and orthorhombic (T < 160 K)

modifications. Thereafter the crystal was mounted on a CAD-4 automatic four-circle diffractometer equip- ped with a liquid-nitrogen cooling device (model FR 537, Enraf-Nonius, Delft) and a polarizing micro- scope. After cycling the crystal several times through the orthorhombic ~ tetragonal phase transition (between 160 and 180 K), a tetragonal ferroelastic single domain was stabilized at 230 K. It should be noted that cycling through the cubic ~ tetragonal transition does not usually lead to a tetragonal ferro- elastic single-domain crystal. On the other hand, the presence of antiphase domains cannot be excluded.

The tetragonal cell parameters at 230 K were deterrnined by the least-squares analysis of 25 reflec- tions with 27 < () < 29°. A full sphere of I 0 637 reflections was collected at 230 K for (sin()/ ,\)max = 0·7027A-'and - ll~h~l2, -16~k~l6, - 16

~I~ 16, in the fJ-2fJ scan mode by using monochro- matic Mo Ka radiation (.A= 0·71069 A). During data collection the crystal remained single domain as controlled regularly through a polarizing microscope mounted on the diffractometer. The standard reflec- tions 400 and 044 did not vary by more than 1·3 and 2·2%, respectively. After averaging equivalent reflections, 2597 unique reflections were obtained (Rim= 0·021). The observed systematic absences of the reflections hh/ (I= 2n


I), hOO (h = 2n


I), 001 (I




I) and theoretical considerations (Toledano, Schmid, Clio & Rivera, 1985) led to the unique space group P421c (International Tables for X-ray Crystal- lography, 1983, Vol. A). The positions of the heavy atoms were obtained using the MULTAN87 pro- gram (Debaerdemaeker, Germain, Main, Tate &

Woolfson, 1987) and the other atom positions were obtained from electron density maps. The structure was refined with the XTAL2.6 program system (Hall

& Stewart, 1989) by minimizing the function



1Fcl;)2 with IV;= 1/ u2(iFrcd).

Anomalous-dispersion factors were taken from Inter- national Tables for X-ray Crystallography (1 974, Vol.

lV). An absorption correction was made with maxi- mum and minimum transmission factors of 0·8150 and 0·4405 respectively; the absolute structure parameter (Flack, 1983) was refined in a first step but showed no significant variation from 0; 184 variables, including 69 positional parameters, 106 anisotropic (Cr, Cl, 0) and 7 isotropic (B) atomic displacement parameters for 27 independent atoms, secondary-extinction correction parameter [Gaussian distribution of mosaic G = 0·82 (3)], one scale factor (0· 50875); fmal R = 0·029, wR


0·024 and S



Table I. Atomic parameters for Cr387013CI at 298 K (F43c) and at 230 K (P421c) (e.s.d. 'sin parentheses)

The origin in !he tetragonal structure is shiflcd by (0· 25 0· 25 0) from thai in the cubic structure. W denotes WyckofT symmetry positions of aLOms. V.,.

denotes equivalent isoLropic

!L ,'i.,U,p1•c,, •a;.aJ.

displacement parameters where v .. ~

w .t


y = U,.(A,x 100)

Cr, 24(c) ()-25 0·25 0 097 (2)

Cl, S(h) 025 0·25 0 25 1·70 (2)

0(1), 8(a) 0 0 0 0·73 14)

0(2), 96(h) 0·01960 (6) 0·09689 (6) 18015 (6) 049 (3)

B(ll. 24(t/) 0·25 0 0 0·46 (4)

8(2). 32(P) 0·0802 (I) 0·0802 (I) 0·0802 (I) 0·87 (3)


Cr(l) 8(e) 0·24357 (6) 0 00235 (6) 0·25540 (6) 0·61 (5) Cr(2) 8(«) 0-49561 (6) 0·25599 (5) 0 25641 (6) 0·58 (5)

Cr(3) 4(d) 0 ()-5 0 02399 (S) 0·57 (5)

Cr(4) 2(b) 0 0 0·5 0-58 (8)

Cn5J 2(a) 0 0 0 0·55 (8)

Cl(l) 4(d) 0 OS 0·24456 (7) I J (I)

Cl(2) 4(c) 0 0 0·2480 (2) 1·2 (II

0(1) 8(e) 0·2586 (3) 02417(3) 0·0093 (3) 0 J (I) 0(2) 8(P) 0·0676 (2) 0·6521 (2) 0·0225 (2) 0·4 (I) 0(3) 8(•) 0·0724 (2) 0 2JIH (2) 0·0927 (2) 0 3 (II 0(4) S(o) 0·0735 (2) 0·1548 (2) 0·5174 (2) 0·4 (II 0(5) 8(<•) 0·1463 (2) 0·2745 12) 0·3166 (2) 0·3 (I) 0(6) 8(e) 0·1559 (2) 0·0688 (2) 0·0208 (2) 0·4 (I}

0(7) 8(r) 0·2258 (2) 0·4336 (2) 0·3981 (2) 0·3 (I)

0(8) 8(<) 0·2275 (2) 0·1535 (2) 0·1850 (2) 0·3 (I) 0(9) 8(c) 0·2674 (2) 0·0701 (2) 0·4081 (2) ()-4 {I) 0(10) 8(r) 0 2689 (1) 0·3~8 (2) 0·1798 (2) 0·3 (I)

0(11) S(c) 0·3412 (2) 0·2340 (2) 0·3253 (2) 0·3 (I)

0(12) S(c) 0·4335 (2) 0·2725 (Z) 0·1012 (2) 0·4 (IJ

O(ll) 8(t) 0·5671 (2) 0 1503(2) 0 0218 (2) 0·4 (I)

8(1) 8(t) 00001 (3) 0·2511 (4) 0·0000 (5) 0·5 (I) 8(2) 8(t) 0·0009 (3) 0·2486 (4) 0·4953 (4) 0·4 (I) 8(3) S(e) 1508 (4) 0·3483 (4) 0·4028 (2) 0·65 (6) 8(4) 8t<) 0 1746 (4) 0·1708 (4) 0·0787 (3) 0·36 (8) B(S) 8(e) 0·2480 (4) 0·2515 (4) 0·2517 (5) 0·51 (6) 8(6) 8(<') 0·3268 (4) 0·1726 (4) 0·4266 (2) 0 35 (5) 8(7) 8(e) 0·3283 (4) 0·3258 (41 0·0791 (3) 0·40 (8)

considering 1991 unique reflections with Fre1 >

3o-(F,e1); the maximum shift/e.s.d. in the last cycle was 0·001 12; maximum (minimum) residual electron density 1·2 (- 2·5) e A-3.*

The data collection for the cubic modification was carried out at room temperature on the same crystal before the low-temperature experiment; (sinfJ/.A)max

= 0·8243 A_,, 0 ~ h ~ 20. 0 ~ k ~ 20, 0 ~I~ 20 and antireflections, 3064 reflections collected ( 467 unique, R'"'


0·048); cell parameters refined from 24 reflec- tions with 32 < () < 33c, T= 298 K; 20 atomic parameters refined from 467 contributing unique reflections gave R = 0·020 and w R = 0·0 18 (S


1·380); residual electron density 1·1 (- 0·6) e



The atomic parameters of the tetragonal and cubic modifications are listed in Table I. They are partially standardized by using the STRUCTURE TIDY pro- gram (Gelato & Parthe, 1987). Those of the cubic modification are included because of their higher

* Lists of structure factors, form factors and anisotropic ther·

mal parameters have been deposited with the British l.ibrary Document Supply Centre as Supplementary Publication No. SUP 54146 (22 pp.). Copies may be obtained through The Technical Editor, Jnternational Union of Crystallography. 5 Abbey Square.

Chester CHI 2HU. England.



Table 2. Bond distances (A) in tetragonal Cr3B70 13CI at 230 K and comparison with those of cubic Cr387013CI at room temperature (e.s.d. 's in paren-


Cr, -2CI.




0(2),- cr, 0(2), -8(1), 0(2), -8(2),


3·0329(1) 2·0554 (7)

3.0329 (I)

1·684 (I)

2·0554 (7) 1·4684 (7) 1·433 (I)

1·4684 (7)


P42,c Cr(l) -('1(1) Cr(I)-CI(2) Cr(l)-0(7) Cr(l)-0(8) Cr(l)-0(9) Cr(l}-0(10) Cr(2)-CI(I) Cr(2)-CI(2) Cr(2)-Q(3) Cr(2)-Q(5) Cr(2)-0(11) Cr(2)-0(12) Cr(J)-CI(I) Cr(3)-cl(l) Cr(J)-20(2) Cr(3)-20( IJ) Cr(4)-2CI(2J Cr(4)-40(4) Cr(5)-2CI(2) Cr(5)-40(6) 0(1)-2Cr(l) Cl( I )-2Cr(2) CI(I)-Cr(3) CI(I)-Cr(J) CI(2)-2Cr(l) CI(2)-2Cr(2) CI(2)-Cr(4) CI(2)-Cr(S) 0(1)-8(4) 0(1)-8(6) 0(1) -8(7) 0(1) -8(3) 0(2)-cr(3) 0(2) -8(1) 0(2) -8(6) 0(3)-cr(2) 0(3)-8(1) 0(3)-8(4) 0(4)-cr(4) 0(4) -8(2) 0(4)-8(7) 0(5)-cr(2) 0(5)-B(S) 0(5)-8(3) 0(6)-cr(5) 0(6) -8(1) 0(6)-8(4) 0(7)-cr(l) 0(7)-8(1) 0(7)-8(3) 0(8) -Cr(l) 0(8) -B(S) 0(8)-8(4) 0(9)-cr(l) 0(9) -8(2) 0(9)-8(6) 0(10)-cr(l) 0(10) -8(5) 0(10)-8(7) O(ll)-cr(2) 0(11)-8(6) 0(, II ) -8(5) 0(12)-cr(2) 0(12)-0(2) 0(12)-8(7) 0(13)-Cr()) 0{,13)-8(2) 0(13) -8(3) 8(1)-0(2) 8(1)-0(3) 8(1)-0(6) 8(1)-0(7) 8(2)-0(4) 8(2)-0(9) 8(2) -0(12) 8(2)-0(13) 8(5)-0(5) 8(5)-0(8) 8(5)-0(10) 8(5)-0(11)

lll35 (7) 2-9587 (7) 2·078 (3) 2·034 (3) 2·052 (3) 2-052 (3) 3·1084 (7) 2·9635 (7) 2·063 (3) 2067 (3) 2·071 (3) 2·042 (3) 2-682 (I) 3-398 (I) 2·021 (2) 2·074 (2) 3·065 (3) 2·091 (2) 3·016 (3) 2·085 (3) 3·1135 (7) 3·1084 (7) 3-398 (I) 2-682(1) 2-9587 (7) 2-9635 (7) 3·065 (3) 3-016 (3) 1·578 (5) 1·550 (5) 1·575(6) 2·251 (S) 2-Q21 (2) 1·459 (5) 1·445 (5) 2·063 (3) 1·448 (6) 1·455 (5) 2·091 (2) 1·466 (S) 1·448 (5) 2·067 (3) 1·492 (6) 1·380 (4) 2·085 (3) 1449 (5) 1·442 (5) 2-Q78 (3) 1·505(6) 1·380 (5) 2·034 (3) 1·462 (6) 1·459 (5) 2·052 (3) 1·474 (6) 1·456 (6) 2·052 (3) 1•472 (6) 1·444 (5) 2·071 (3) 1·450 (S) 1-459 (6) 2·042 (3) 1·454 (6) 1456 (6) 2·074 (2) 1·482 (5) 1·369 (5) 1459 (5) 1·448 (6) 1-448 (S) 1·505 (6) 1·466 (S) 1·474 (6) 1·454 (6) 1482 (5) 1·492 (6) 1·462 (6) l-472(6) I ·459 (6)

A O·Og06 -0·0742

0·023 -G-021 -0·003 -0·003 0·0755 -0·0694 0·008 0·012 0·016 -0·013 -0351 0 365 -0034 0·019 0·032 0·036 -0·017 0030 0·0806 0·0755 0·365 -0·351 -0·0742 -0·0694 0·032 -0·017 -106 -0·134 -0·109 0·561 -(}034 -0009 0·012 0·008 -0·020 0·022 0·036 -0·002 0·015 0·012 0·024 -O-Q5J 0·030 -0·019 0·009 0·023 0·037 -0·053 -0·021 -0·006 0·026 -0·003 0·006 0023 -0·003 004 0·011 0·016 -0·018 0·026 -0·013 -0·014 0·023 0·019 0·014 -0·064 -0·009 -0·020 -0·020 0·037 -0·002 0·006 -(}014 0·014 0·024 -0·006 004 -0·009


8(2), -30(2), 1·433 (I) 8(2),-Q(J), 1·684 (I)

Table 2 (cont.)

P421c 8(3)-0(5) 8(3)-Q(7) 8(3)-0(13) B(3)-0(I) 8(4)-0(3) 8(4)-0(6}

8(4)-0(8) 8(4}-0(1) 0(6)-0(2) 8(6)-0(1) 8(6)-0(9) 8(6)-001) 8(7)-Q(4) 8(7)-0(1) 8(7)-0(10) B(7)-Q(I2)

1·380 (4) 1·380 (5) 1·370(5) N51 (5) 1·455 (5) 1·442 (5) I 459 (5) 1·578 (5) I 445 (5) I 550 (5) I 456 (6}

1·450 (5) 1·448 (5) 1·575(6) 1·444 (5) 1·456 (6)

.d -0·052 -0·053 -0·063 0·567 0·022 0·009 0{)26 -0·106 0·012 -(}134 0·023 0·017 0·015 -0·109 0011 0·023

accuracy compared to those reported previously (Nelmes & Thornley, 1974). Bond distances are listed in Table 2.


The tetragonal modification of Cr-CI derives from the cubic modification as follows. The 24-fold Cr site of symmetry


splits into two eightfold sites of symmetry I [Cr(l), Cr(2)], one fourfold site of sym- metry 2 [Cr(3)] and two twofold sites of symmetry


[Cr(4), Cr(5)]; the eightfold Cl site of symmetry 23 splits into two fourfold sites of symmetry 2 [Cl(l ), Cl(2)]; the eightfold 0 site of symmetry


remains unsplit and changes to symmetry I, whereas the 96-fold 0 site of symmetry 1 splits into 12 eightfold sites of symmetry I; the 24-fold B site splits into three eightfold sites [B(l), 8(2), 8(5)], and the 32-fold B site into four eightfold sites [8(3), 8(4) 8(6), B(7)], aU of symmetry I. During the phase transition major structural changes occur only in the ligand sphere of the Cr(3) site, and in a particular region of the oxygen-boron network (see last column of Table 2).

As shown in Figs. I and 2 the metal site in the cubic modification (24 atoms per cell) is sixfold coordi- nated by four close 0 ligands (Cr-0 = 2·06 A) and two distant Cl ligands (Cr- CI = 3·03 A). In the tetragonal modification one of the metal sites [Cr(3) i.e. 4 atoms out of 24 per cell] is displaced parallel to the fourfold axis (see arrows on shaded atoms in Fig.

1) such that it is fivefold coordinated by four close 0 ligands [Cr-0 = 2·02 (2 x ), 2·07 (2 x )


and one close Cl ligand [Cr- CI(I)


2·68 A]. The other four metal sites [Cr(l), Cr(2), Cr(4), Cr(5), i.e. 20 atoms out of 24 per cell] are sixfold coordinated by four close 0 atoms (Cr-0


2·03-2·09 A) and two dis- tant Cl atoms [Cr- cl(2) = 2·96-3·11 A] similar to the cubic modification. As to the Cl sites, one [CI(2)]

is sixfold coordinated as in the cubic modification and the other [Cl(l )] is fivefold coordinated as in the trigonal (rhombohedral) modification of other bora- cites. In other words, half of the chlorine--cb.romium


S. Y. MAO, F. KUSEL, H. SCHMID AND K. YVON 695 chains in the tetragonal modification (marked by

heavy lines in Fig. 1) are interrupted along the tetragonal axis. Thus, the changes of metal-halogen bonding at the cubic-to-tetragonal phase transition

Fig. I. Schematic illustration of cubic Cr3B7013CI. Large circles:

Cl atoms; small open and shaded circles: Cr atoms. Cl( I) and C1(2) denote halogen sites in the tetragonal modification.

Arrows on shaded circles indicate shift directions of Cr(3) towards Cl(l) during the cubic-to-tetragonal phase transition. 0 and B atoms are omitted.

(a) (d)



0(6) 0(6)


...,.,c•!2l 3.02 _%.09 3.02 ri"C1!2l

~=--=-"'~-:+---=.:__--f--5 ~::!:::;-=-=----""'~c,-='2.09 ctlf-fifp>-c·09-






(b) (e)


3 . 03 ')~.06 : . 03 (f)~

Cri\2.06 t;;0!2J, 2.06


(c) (f)

Fig. 2. The coordinations of the five Cr sites in tetragonal Cr3B,OuCI boracite at 230 K [(a)-(e)), and comparison with the cubic modification (/). Bond distances are given in A.

in Cr-CI differ from those at the cubic-to-trigonal phase transi6on (Dowty & Clark, 1973; Berset, Yvon, Depmeier, Boutellier & Schmid, 1984) or cubic-to-orthorhombic phase transition (Abrahams.

Bernstein & Svensson, 1981) in other boracites. The two latter transitions affect all metal sites and lead to the interruption of all metal-halogen chains.

The changes in the boron-oxygen network con- cern the breaking of the 0(1)-8(3) bond. This bond involves the only 0 atom not bound to Cr, i.e. that which in the cubic modification is tetrahedrally coor- dinated by boron (B-0 = 1·68


As shown in Fig.

3 one of the B ligands in the tetragonal modification is displaced by about 0·7


in such a way that 0(1) is bound to three B atoms only and 8(3) to three 0


1.38 1.37 1.43


J (13)


0(2)c 0(2lc

Fig. 3. The breaking of the B-0 bond during the phase transitton in Cr3B7013CI boracite from the cubic (dotted lines) to the tetragonal (solid lines) modification. Bond distances are given in



Fig. 4. Antiferroelectric arrangement of polar Cr(3)0.CI(I) groups in tetragonal Cr3B70uCI viewed along [100].



atoms only. The same type of boron-oxygen bond breaking also occurs during the cubic-to-trigonal (rhombohedral) and cubic-to-orthorhombic phase transitions.

The thermal ellipsoids of the tetragonal modifi- cation of Cr-CI are consistent with those in the cubic modification, and also with those in the trigonal and orthorhombic modifications of other boracites. The largest atomic displacements occur with the halo- gens, and they are nearly isotropic. Those of the metal sites are very anisotropic [Cr( I), .U1


22 =

4·88; Cr(2), u22/UII


7·41; Cr(3), u33/U22



Cr(4), U3i U22


4·73; Cr(5), V3i U22


5·59], the largest displacements occurring perpendicular to the strong metal-halogen bonds. i.e. parallel to the weak metal-halogen bonds (Fig. 2).

Finally, tetragonal Cr-Cl is the only known example among boracites that has a non-polar struc- ture at low temperature. As shown in Fig. 4 the Cr(3)04Cl groups can be considered as dipoles that are oriented along the tetragonal axis and have opposite signs in neighbouring chains. Such a picture is consistent with the observed antiferroelectric behaviour (Ye, Rivera & Schmid. 199lb) and pos- sible occurrence of antiphase domains in the Cr-Cl tetragonal phase (Wondratschek & Jeitschko, 1976).

We wish to acknowledge the help of Mr J. T. Zhao for the useful suggestions about single-crystal refinements. We also thank Drs J.-P. Rivera and Z.-G. Ye for assistance during the domain studies by means of the optical He-flow cryostat and Mr E.

Burkhardt for help with mounting the polarizing microscope attachment onto the X-ray difTractom-

Acta Cryst. (1991). 847, 696-701

eter. This study was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation.



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ln the press.

Defect Clustering in the Superionic Conductor Lithium Germanium Vanadate


Department of Chemistry, Heriot-Watt University, Riccarton, Edinburgh EHI4 4AS, Scotland


Department of Chemistry, University of St Andrews, St Andrews, Fife KY16 9ST, Scotland

(Receil•ed I September 1990; accepted 15 Apri/1991)


The defect structure of Li3.5Ge0 .5 V0. 504 has been determined at 298 and 573 K using high-resolution powder neutron and synchrotron X-ray diffraction 0 I 08-768l/91/050696-06$03.00

techniques. The compound is one member (x


0·5) of an extensive solid-solution range with the general formula LiC3+x>Ge<x>Y<1

-x P

4 and belongs to the family of Li +-ion-conducting solids known as the y-phases. The structure was refined in the ortho-

© 1991 International Union of Crystallography


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