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Microlocal Euler classes and Hochschild homology


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arXiv:1203.4869v4 [math.AG] 1 May 2013

Microlocal Euler classes and Hochschild homology

Masaki Kashiwara

and Pierre Schapira May 2, 2013


We define the notion of a trace kernel on a manifold M. Roughly speaking, it is a sheaf onM×M for which the formalism of Hochschild homology applies. We associate a microlocal Euler class to such a ker- nel, a cohomology class with values in the relative dualizing complex of the cotangent bundleTM over M and we prove that this class is functorial with respect to the composition of kernels.

This generalizes, unifies and simplifies various results of (relative) index theorems for constructible sheaves,D-modules and elliptic pairs.


1 Introduction 2

2 A short review on sheaves 5

3 Compositions of kernels 7

4 Microlocal homology 9

5 Microlocal Euler classes of trace kernels 16

6 Operations on microlocal Euler classes I 24

This work was partially supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 22340005, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.


7 Operations on microlocal Euler classes II 27 8 Applications: D-modules and elliptic pairs 34

9 The Lefschetz fixed point formula 36

1 Introduction

Our constructions mainly concern real manifolds, but in order to introduce the subject we first consider a complex manifold (X,OX). Denote byωXholthe dualizing complex in the category of OX-modules, that is, ωholX = ΩX[dX], wheredX is the complex dimension of X and ΩX is the sheaf of holomorphic forms of degree dX. Denote by O

X and ωholX the direct images of OX and ωXholrespectively by the diagonal embeddingδ: X ֒→ X×X. It is well-known (see in particular [Ca05,CaW07]) that the Hochschild homology of OX may be defined by using the isomorphism


X, ωholX (1.1) .

Moreover, if F is a coherent OX-module and DOF := RHomO

X(F, ωXhol) denotes its dual, there are natural morphisms


X −→F ⊠DOF −→ωholX (1.2)

whose composition defines the Hochschild class of F: hhO(F)∈HSupp(0 F)(X;HH(OX)).

These constructions have been extended when replacing OX with a so-called DQ-algebroid stackAX in [KS12] (DQ stands for “deformation-quantization”).

One of the main results of loc. cit. is that Hochschild classes are functorial with respect to the composition of kernels, a kind of (relative) index theorem for coherent DQ-modules.

On the other hand, the notion of Lagrangian cycles of constructible sheaves on real analytic manifolds has been introduced by the first named author (see [Ka85]) in order to prove an index theorem for such sheaves, after they first appeared in the complex case (see [Ka73] and [McP74]). We refer to [KS90, Chap. 9] for a systematic study of Lagrangian cycles and for historical comments. Let us briefly recall the construction.


Consider a real analytic manifold M and let k be a unital commutative ring with finite global dimension. Denote by ωM the (topological) dualizing complex of M, that is, ωM = orM[dimM] where orM is the orientation sheaf of M and dimM is the dimension. Finally, denote by πM: TM −→ M the cotangent bundle to M. Let Λ be a conic subanalytic Lagrangian subset of TM. The group of Lagrangian cycles supported by Λ is given by HΛ0(TM;πM1ωM). Denote by DbR-c(kM) the bounded derived category ofR- constructible sheaves on M. To an object F of this category, one associates a Lagrangian cycle supported by SS(F), the microsupport ofF. This cycle is called the characteristic cycle, or the Lagrangian cycle or else the microlocal Euler class of F and is denoted here by µeuM(F).

In fact, it is possible to treat the microlocal Euler classes ofR-constructi- ble sheaves on real manifolds similarly as the Hochschild class of coherent sheaves on complex manifolds. Denote as above by kM and ωM the direct image of kM and ωM by the diagonal embedding δM: M ֒→ M ×M. Then we have an isomorphism

HΛ0(TM;πM1ωM)≃HΛ0 TM;µhom(kM, ωM) (1.3) ,

where µhomis the microlocalization of the functor RHom. ThenµeuM(F) is obtained as follows. Denote by DMF := RHom(F, ωM) the dual of F. There are natural morphisms

kM −→F ⊠DMF −→ωM, (1.4)

whose composition gives the microlocal Euler class of F.

In this paper, we construct the microlocal Euler class for a wide class of sheaves, including of course the constructible sheaves but also the sheaves of holomorphic solutions of coherent D-modules and, more generally, of ellip- tic pairs in the sense of [ScSn94]. To treat such situations, we are led to introduce the notion of a trace kernel.

On a real manifold M (say of class C), a trace kernel is the data of a triplet (K, u, v) where K is an object of the derived category of sheaves Db(kM×M) and u, v are morphisms

u: kM −→K, v: K −→ωM. (1.5)

One then naturally defines the microlocal Euler class µeuM(K, u, v) of such a kernel, an element of HΛ0(TM;µhom(kM, ωM)) where Λ = SS(K)∩ TM(M ×M). By (1.4), a constructible sheaf gives rise to a trace kernel.


IfXis a complex manifold andM is a coherentDX-module, we construct natural morphisms (over the base ring k=C)


X −→ΩX×X


X×X(M⊠DDM)−→ ωX, (1.6)

where DDM denotes the dual of M as a D-module. In other words, one naturally associates a trace kernel onX to a coherentDX-module. Moreover, we prove that under suitable microlocal conditions, the tensor product of two trace kernels is again a trace kernel, and it follows that one can associate a trace kernel to an elliptic pair.

We study trace kernels and their microlocal Euler classes, showing that some proofs of [KS12] can be easily adapted to this situation. One of our main results is the functoriality of the microlocal Euler classes: the microlocal Euler class of the composition K1◦K2 of two trace kernels is the composition of the microlocal Euler classes of K1 and K2 (see Theorem 6.3 for a precise statement). Another essential result (which is far from obvious) is that the composition of classes coincides with the composition forπM1ωM constructed in [KS90] via the isomorphism between µhom(kM, ωM) and πM1ωM.

As an application, we recover in a single proof the classical results on the index theorem for constructible sheaves (see [KS90,§ 9.5]) as well as the index theorem for elliptic pairs of [ScSn94], that is, sheaves of generalized holomorphic solutions of coherent D-modules. We also briefly explain how to adapt trace kernels to the formalism of the Lefschetz trace formula.

We call here µhom(kM, ωM) the microlocal homology of M, and this paper shows that, in some sense, the microlocal homology of real manifolds plays the same role as the Hochschild homology of complex manifolds.

To conclude this introduction, let us make a general remark. The cate- gory DbR-c(kM) of constructible sheaves on a compact real analytic manifold M is “proper” in the sense of Kontsevich (that is, Ext finite) but it does not admit a Serre functor (in the sense of Bondal-Kapranov) and it is not clear whether it is smooth (again in the sense of Kontsevich). However this category naturally appears in Mirror Symmetry (see [FLTZ10]) and it would be a natural question to try to understand its Hochschild homology in the sense of [McC94, Ke99]. We don’t know how to compute it, but the above construction, with the use of µhom(kM, ωM), provides an alternative ap- proach of the Hochschild homology of this category. This result is not totally surprising if one remembers the formula (see [KS90, Prop. 8.4.14]):

DTM(µhom(F, G))≃µhom(G, F)⊗πM1ωM.


Hence, in some sense, πM1ωM plays the role of a microlocal Serre functor.

Note that thanks to Nadler and Zaslow [NZ09], the category DbR-c(kM) is equivalent to the Fukaya category of the symplectic manifold TM, and this is another argument to treat sheaves from a microlocal point of view.


The second named author warmly thanks St´ephane Guillermou for helpful discussions.

2 A short review on sheaves

Throughout this paper, a manifold means a real manifold of class C. We shall mainly follow the notations of [KS90] and use some of the main notions introduced there, in particular that of microsupport and the functor µhom.

LetM be a manifold. We denote byπM: TM −→M its cotangent bundle.

For a submanifold N of M, we denote by TNM the conormal bundle to N. In particular, TM M denotes the zero-section. We set ˙TM :=TM \TMM and we denote by ˙πM the restriction of πM to ˙TM. If there is no risk of confusion, we write simply π and ˙π instead of πM and ˙πM. One denotes by a: TM −→ TM the antipodal map, (x;ξ)7→ (x;−ξ) and for a subset S of TM, one denotes by Sa its image by this map. A set A ⊂ TM is conic if it is invariant by the action of R+ onTM.

Letf: M −→N be a morphism of manifolds. Tof one associates as usual the maps







oo fπ //TN


M f //N.


(Note that in loc. cit. the map fd is denoted by tf′−1.)

Let Λ be a closed conic subset ofTN. One says thatfisnon-characteris- ticfor Λ if the mapfdis proper onfπ1Λ or, equivalently,fπ1Λ∩fd1(TM M)⊂ M ×N TNN.

Let k be a commutative unital ring with finite global homological di- mension. One denotes by kM the constant sheaf on M with stalk k and by Db(kM) the bounded derived category of sheaves of k-modules onM. When M is a real analytic manifold, one denotes byDbR-c(kM) the full triangulated subcategory of Db(kM) consisting of R-constructible objects.


One denotes byωM the dualizing complex onM and byωM⊗−1its dual, that is, ωM⊗−1 = RHom(ωM,kM). More generally, for a morphism f: M −→ N, one denotes by ωM/N := f!kN ≃ ωM ⊗f1N⊗−1) the relative dualizing complex. Recall that ωM ≃orM[dimM] where orM is the orientation sheaf and dimM is the dimension of M. Also recall the natural morphism of functors

ωM/N ⊗f1 −→f!. (2.2)

We have the duality functors

DMF = RHom(F,kM), DMF = RHom(F, ωM).

For F ∈ Db(kM), one denotes by Supp(F) the support of F and by SS(F) its microsupport, a closedR+-conic co-isotropic subset ofTM. For a morphism f: M −→N andG∈Db(kN), one says thatf is non-characteristic for G if f is non-characteristic for SS(G).

We shall use systematically the functorµhom, a variant of Sato’s microlo- calization functor. Recall that for a closed submanifold N of M, there is a functor µN: Db(kM) −→ Db(kTNM) constructed by Sato (see [SKK73]) and for F1, F2 ∈Db(kM), one defines in [KS90] the functor


µhom(F1, F2) :=µRHom(q21F1, q1!F2)

where q1 and q2 are the first and second projection defined on M ×M and

∆ is the diagonal. This sheaf is supported by T(M ×M) that we identify with TM by the first projectionT(M×M) ≃TM×TM −→TM. Note that

Supp(µhom(F1, F2))⊂SS(F1)∩SS(F2) (2.3)

and we have Sato’s distinguished triangle, functorial in F1 and F2: Rπ!µhom(F1, F2)−→Rπµhom(F1, F2)−→R ˙π µhom(F1, F2)|T˙M


−→. (2.4)

Moreover, we have the isomorphism

µhom(F1, F2)≃RHom(F1, F2), (2.5)


and, assuming thatM is real analytic andF1 is R-constructible, the isomor- phism

!µhom(F1, F2)≃DMF1

L F2. (2.6)

In particular, assuming that F1 is R-constructible and SS(F1)∩SS(F2) ⊂ TM M, we have the natural isomorphism (see [KS90, Cor 6.4.3])


L F2 −→∼ RHom(F1, F2).


As recalled in the Introduction, assuming that M is real analytic, we have the formula (see [KS90, Prop. 8.4.14]):

DTM(µhom(F1, F2))≃µhom(F2, F1)⊗πM1ωM for F1, F2 ∈DbR-c(kM).


3 Compositions of kernels

Notation 3.1. (i) For a manifold M, let δM: M −→ M ×M denote the diagonal embedding, and ∆M the diagonal set of M ×M.

(ii) Let Mi (i= 1,2,3) be manifolds. For short, we write Mij :=Mi×Mj

(1≤ i, j ≤ 3), M123 =M1 ×M2×M3, M1223 = M1×M2×M2 ×M3, etc.

(iii) We will often write for shortki instead of kMi and ki instead of kMi and similarly withωMi, etc., and with the indexireplaced with several indicesij, etc.

(iv) We denote by πi, πij, etc. the projection TMi →− Mi, TMij −→ Mij, etc.

(v) We denote by qi the projectionMij −→Mi or the projectionM123 −→Mi

and by qij the projection M123 −→ Mij. Similarly, we denote by pi the projection TMij −→ TMi or the projection TM123 −→ TMi and by pij the projection TM123 −→TMij.

(vi) We also need to introduce the maps pja or pija, the composition of pj

orpij and the antipodal map onTMj. For example, p12a((x1, x2, x31, ξ2, ξ3)) = (x1, x21,−ξ2).


(vii) We let δ2: M123 −→M1223 be the natural diagonal embedding.

We consider the operation of composition of kernels:

2 : Db(kM12)×Db(kM23)−→Db(kM13) (K1, K2)7→K1

2K2 := Rq13!(q121K1

L q231K2)

≃ Rq13!δ21(K1 L



We will use a variant of ◦:

2 : Db(kM12)×Db(kM23)−→Db(kM13) (K1, K2)7→K1

2K2:= Rq13∗ q21ω2⊗δ2!(K1 L

⊠K2) (3.2) .

We also have ωM123/M1223 ≃ q21ωM⊗−21 and we deduce from (2.2) a morphism δ21 −→q21ωM2⊗δ2! . Using the morphism Rp13! −→Rp13∗ we obtain a natural morphism for K1 ∈Db(kM12) andK2 ∈Db(kM23):

K1◦K2 −→K1∗K2. (3.3)

It is an isomorphism if p121aSS(K1)∩p231aSS(K2)−→TM13 is proper.

We define the composition of kernels on cotangent bundles (see [KS90, Prop. 4.4.11])


2 : Db(kTM12)×Db(kTM23) −→ Db(kTM13) (K1, K2) 7→ K1


2K2:= Rp13!(p121aK1

L p231K2)

≃Rp13a!(p121aK1L p231aK2).


We also define the corresponding operations for subsets of cotangent bundles.

Let A⊂TM12 and B ⊂TM23. We set A×a

2 B =p121a(A)∩p231(B), A◦a

2B =p13(A×a

2 B)


(x1, x31, ξ3)∈TM13; there exists (x22)∈TM2 such that (x1, x21,−ξ2)∈A,(x2, x32, ξ3)∈B

. (3.5)

We have the following result which slightly strengthens Proposition 4.4.11 of [KS90] in which the composition ∗ is not used.


Proposition 3.2. For G1, F1 ∈ Db(kM12) and G2, F2 ∈ Db(kM23) there ex- ists a canonical morphism (whose construction is similar to that of [KS90, Prop. 4.4.11] ):

µhom(G1, F1)◦a

2µhom(G2, F2)−→µhom(G1

2G2, F1


Proof. In Proposition 4.4.8 (i) of loc. cit., one may replace F2LS G2 with j!(F2L G2)⊗ωX⊗−×1

SY /X×Y. Then the proof goes exactly as that of Proposi-

tion 4.4.11 in loc. cit. Q.E.D.

Let Λij ⊂ TMij (i= 1,2, j =i+ 1) be closed conic subsets and consider the condition:

the projectionp13: Λ12×a

2 Λ23−−→TM13 is proper.

(3.6) We set

Λ13= Λ12

a 2Λ23. (3.7)

Corollary 3.3. Assume that Λij (i= 1,2, j =i+ 1) satisfy (3.6). We have a composition morphism

Λ12µhom(G1, F1)◦a

2Λ23µhom(G2, F2)−→RΓΛ13µhom(G1

2G2, F1


Convention 3.4. In (3.1), we have introduced the composition ◦

2 of kernels K1 ∈ Db(kM12) and K2 ∈ Db(kM23). However we shall also use the nota- tion M22 = M2×M2 and consider for example kernels L1 ∈ Db(kM122) and L2 ∈ Db(kM223). Then when writing L1

2L2 we mean that the composition is taken with respect to the last variable of M22 for L1 and the first variable for L2. In other words, set M4 =M2 and consider L1 and L2 as objects of Db(kM142) and Db(kM243) respectively, in which case the composition L1

2L2 is unambiguously defined.

4 Microlocal homology

LetM be a real manifold. Recall thatδM: M ֒→M×M denotes the diagonal embedding. We shall identify M with the diagonal ∆M of M ×M and we


sometimes write ∆ instead of ∆M if there is no risk of confusion. We shall identify TM with T(M ×M) by the map

δTaM: TM  //T(M ×M), (x;ξ)7→(x, x;ξ,−ξ).

We denote by kM, ωM and ω⊗−M1 the direct image by δM of kM, ωM and ωM⊗−1:= RHom(ωM,kM), respectively.

The next definition is inspired by that of Hochschild homology on complex manifolds (see Introduction).

Definition 4.1. Let Λ be a closed conic subset of TM. We set MHΛ(kM) := RΓΛaTM)1µhom(kM, ωM),

MHΛ(kM) := RΓ(TM;MHΛ(kM)), MHk

Λ(kM) := Hk(MHΛ(kM)) =Hk(TM;MHΛ(kM)).


We call MHΛ(kM) themicrolocal homology of M with support in Λ.

We also write MH(kM) instead of MHTM(kM).

Remark 4.2. (i) We have µhom(kM, ωM) ≃ (δTaM)πM1ωM. In par- ticular, we have MHΛ(kM) ≃ RΓΛ(TM;πM1ωM) and MH(kM) ≃ RΓ(M;ωM). Assuming that M is real analytic and Λ is a closed conic subanalytic Lagrangian subset of TM, we recover the space of La- grangian cycles with support in Λ as defined in [KS90, §9.3].

(ii) The support of µhom(kM, ωM) is TM(M ×M). Hence, we have RΓδa

TMΛµhom(kM, ωM)≃(δTaM)MHΛ(kM).

(iii) IfM is real analytic and Λ is a Lagrangian subanalytic closed conic sub- set, then we haveHk(MHΛ(kM)) = 0 fork <0 (see [KS90, Prop. 9.2.2]).

In the sequel, we denote by ∆i (resp. ∆ij) the diagonal subset ∆Mi ⊂Mii

(resp. ∆Mij ⊂Miijj).

Lemma 4.3. We have natural morphisms:

(i) ω12



⊠ω3)−→ω13, (ii) k13 −→k12

22⊗−21L k3).


Proof. Denote by δ22 the diagonal embedding M112233 ֒→M11222233. (i) We have the morphisms




⊠ω3) = Rq1133!δ22112





≃ Rq1133!ω123

→ ω13. (ii) The isomorphism

δ22! (k2 ⊠ω2)≃k2

gives rise to the isomorphisms k12

22⊗−21L k3) = Rq1133 q11331 ω22⊗δ22! (k12


⊠ω⊗−21L k3)

≃ Rq1133∗δ22! (k1





≃ Rq1133∗k123

and the result follows by adjunction from the morphism

q11331 k13 ≃k1L k22L k3 −→k1L k2L k3 =k123.


Proposition 4.4. Let Mi (i = 1,2,3) be manifolds. We have a natural composition morphism (whose constructions will be given in the course of the proof):

µhom(k12, ω12)◦a

22µhom(k23, ω23)−→µhom(k13, ω13).


In particular, let Λij be a closed conic subset of TMij (ij = 12,13,23). If Λ12


2Λ23⊂ Λ13, then we have a morphism MHΛ12(k12) ◦a




Proof. Consider the morphism (see Proposition 3.2 and Convention 3.4) µhom(ω⊗−21, ω⊗−21)◦a

2µhom(k23, ω23) −→ µhom(ω⊗−21

2k23, ω⊗−21


≃ µhom(ω⊗−21L k3,k2




It induces an isomorphism

µhom(k23, ω23)≃µhom(ω⊗−21L k3,k2




Note that this isomorphism is also obtained by

µhom(k23, ω23) ≃ µhom (ω⊗−2 1L k233)⊗L k23,(ω2⊗−1L k233)⊗L ω23

≃ µhom(ω⊗−21L k3,k2L ω3).

Applying Proposition 3.2, we get a morphism:

µhom(k12, ω12)◦a

22µhom(k23, ω23)


22⊗−21L k3), ω12





It remains to apply Lemma 4.3. Q.E.D.

Corollary 4.5. Let Λij (i = 1,2, j = i+ 1) satisfying (3.6) and let Λ13 = Λ12


2Λ23. The composition of kernels in (4.3) induces a morphism


2 : MHΛ12(k12) ⊗L MHΛ23(k23)−→MHΛ13(k13).


In particular, each λ∈ MH0

Λ12(k12) defines a morphism λ◦a

2 : MHΛ23(k23)−→MHΛ13(k13).


Proof. These morphisms follow from (4.3).The second assertion follows from the isomorphism H0(X)≃HomDb(k)(k, X) in the category Db(k). Q.E.D.

Theorem 4.6. (i) We have the isomorphisms

µhom(kM, ωM) ≃ (δTaM)πM1RHom(kM, ωM)

≃ (δTaM)πM1ωM. (ii) We have a commutative diagram

µhom(k12, ω12)◦a

22µhom(k23, ω23) //

µhom(k13, ω13)

TaM13) πM112ωM12



//TaM13)πM113ωM13. (4.8)


Here the top horizontal arrow of (4.8) is given in Proposition4.4, and the bottom horizontal arrow is induced by


L p231πM123aωM23 ≃πM11ωM1



L ωM2)⊠L πM13ωM3, πM12M2

L ωM2)≃ωTM2, Rp13! πM11ωM1







⊠πM13ωM3. Proof. (i) is obvious.

(ii)–(a) By [KS90, Prop. 4.4.8], we have natural morphisms for (i, j) = (1,2) or (i, j) = (2,3):

µhom(ki, ωi)⊠L µhom(kj, ωj) −→ µhom(kij, ωij)

and it follows from (i) that these morphisms are isomorphisms. These iso- morphisms give rise to the isomorphism

µhom(k12, ω12)◦a

22µhom(k23, ω23) ≃ µhom(k1, ω1)⊠L µhom(k2, ω2)◦a

22µhom(k2, ω2) L

⊠µhom(k3, ω3) Similarly, we have an isomorphism



2πM123ωM23 ≃ πM11ωM1 ⊠ πM12ωM2




Hence, we are reduced to the case where M1 = M3 = pt, which we shall assume now.

(ii)–(b) We change our notations and we set:

M :=M2, Y :=M ×M,

δM: M ֒→Y the diagonal embedding,∆MM(M), j: Y ֒→Y ×Y the diagonal embedding, ∆YY(Y), δaTM: TM ֒→TY, (x;ξ)7→(x, x;ξ,−ξ),

δaTY : TY ֒→TY ×TY, p: TY −→pt the projection, aY : Y −→pt the projection.


With these new notations, the composition ◦a

22 will be denoted by ◦a

TY. Consider the diagram4.9 similar to Diagram (4.4.15) of [KS90]

TM ×TM  i //TY ×TY δ ? _TY

a TY








TY(Y ×Y)

e ? _

o s





s Y

oo a

Y //pt.


Here, iis the canonical embedding induced byδTaM,p1 is induced by the first projection TY ×TY −→ TY, s: Y ֒→TY is the zero-section embedding and es is the natural embedding. Note that the square labelled by is Cartesian. We have

Rp! ◦(δaTY)1 ≃ RaY! ◦RπY! ◦p11◦(δaTY)1

≃ RaY! ◦RπY! ◦es1 ◦jπ1

≃ RaY! ◦s1◦Rjd! ◦jπ1. Therefore,

µhom(kM, ωM) ◦a

TY µhom(kM, ωM)

≃Rp!TaY)1 µhom(kM, ωM)⊠L µhom(kM, ωM)



⊠kM, ωM



Hence, by adjunction, to give a morphism µhom(kM, ωM) ◦a

TY µhom(kM, ωM)−→k is equivalent to giving a morphism in Db(kY)



⊠kM, ωM


⊠ωM)−→aY! kpt. (4.10)

Note that the left hand side of (4.10) is supported on ∆M. Hence in order to give a morphism (4.10), it is necessary and sufficient to give a morphism in Db(kM)




⊠kM, ωM


⊠ωM)−→δM!aY! kpt. (4.11)


Hence, it is enough to check the commutativity of the upper square in the following diagram in Db(kM)




⊠kM, ωM


⊠ωM) //

δM! aY! kpt


δM1s1Rjd!jπ1i πM1ωM L



δM! aY! kpt

ωM id



The top horizontal arrow is constructed by the chain of morphisms (see [KS90,

§ 4.4]):



⊠kM, ωM



→µhom(j!(kML kM)⊗L ωY, j1ML ωM))

≃µhom(ωM, ωM ⊗ωM)≃(δTaM)πM1ωM


δM1s1Rjd!jπ1µhom(kML kM, ωML ωM)

→δM1s1TaM)πM1ωM ≃ωM. (4.13)

Hence, the commutativity of the diagram (4.12) is reduced to the commuta- tivity of the diagram below:



⊠kM, ωML ωM)



δM1s1Rjd!jπ1i πM1ωML πM1ωM



where the morphism λ is given by the morphisms in (4.13). All terms of (4.14) are concentrated at the degree −dimM. Hence the commutativity of (4.14) is a local problem in M and we can assume that M is a Euclidean space. We can checked directly in this case. Q.E.D.


Remark 4.7. Theorem 4.6 may be applied as follows. Let Λij be a closed conic subset of TMij (i = 1.2, j = i+ 1). Assume (3.6), that is, the projection p13: Λ12×a

2 Λ23−−→TM13 is proper and set Λ13 = Λ12a

2Λ23. Let λij ∈MH0

Λij(kMij)≃HΛ0ij(TMij1ωij). Then λ12

a 2λ23=





where the right hand-side is obtained as follows. Set Λ := Λ12×a

2 Λ23 and consider the morphisms


→HΛ0(TM1231ω1L ωTM2




The first morphism is the cup product and the second one is the integration morphism with respect to TM2.

5 Microlocal Euler classes of trace kernels

In this section, we often write ∆ instead of ∆M.

Definition 5.1. Atrace kernel(K, u, v) onM is the data ofK ∈Db(kM×M) together with morphisms

k −−→u K and K −−→v ω. (5.1)

In the sequel, as far as there is no risk of confusion, we simply write K instead of (K, u, v).

For a trace kernelK as above, we set

SS(K) := SS(K)∩T(M ×M) = (δTaM)1SS(K).


(Recall that one often identifies TM and T(M ×M) by δTaM: TM ֒→ TM ×TM.)

Definition 5.2. Let (K, u, v) be a trace kernel.


(a) The morphism u defines an element ˜u in HSS0 (K)(TM;µhom(k, K)) and the microlocal Euler class µeuM(K) of K is the image of ˜u by the morphism µhom(k, K)−→µhom(k, ω) associated with the mor- phism v.

(b) Let Λ be a closed conic subset of TM containing SS(K). One denotes by µeuΛ(K) the image of ˜u in HΛ0 TM;µhom(k, ω)

. Hence,




Let ˜v be the element ofHSS0 (K)(TM;µhom(K, ω)) induced byv. Then the microlocal Euler classµeuM(K) ofK coincides with the image of ˜v by the morphism µhom(K, ωM) −→ µhom(k, ω) associated with the morphism u, which can be easily seen by the commutative diagram:

TaM)1µhom(K, K) v //


TaM)1µhom(K, ω)


aTM)1µhom(k, K) v //aTM)1µhom(k, ω).

One denotes by eu(K) the restriction of µeu(K) to the zero-section M of TM and calls it the Euler class of K. Hence

euM(K)∈HSupp(K)0 (M;ωM).


It is nothing but the class induced by the composition kM −→K −→ωM. We say thatL∈Db(kM) isinvertibleifLis locally isomorphic tokM[d] for some d∈Z. Then, L⊗−1:= RHom(L,kM) is also invertible andL⊗LL⊗−1 ≃ kM.

Proposition 5.3. Let L be an invertible object in Db(kM) and K a trace kernel. Then K⊗L (L⊠L L⊗−1) is a trace kernel and µeu K⊗L (L⊠L L⊗−1)

= µeu(K).

Proof. L⊠L L⊗−1 is canonically isomorphic to kM×M on a neighborhood of

the diagonal set ∆M of M ×M. Q.E.D.


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