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On normal and non-normal holomorphic functions on complex Banach manifolds


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On normal and non-normal holomorphic functions on complex Banach manifolds


Abstract. Let X be a complex Banach manifold. A holomorphic function f :XCis called a normal function if the familyFf = {f◦ϕ:ϕO(,X)}

forms a normal family in the sense of Montel (hereO(,X)denotes the set of all holomorphic maps from the complex unit disc intoX). Characterizations of normal functions are presented. A sufficient condition for the sum of a normal function and non-normal function to be non-normal is given. Criteria for a holo- morphic function to be non-normal are obtained.

These results are used to draw one interesting conclusion on the boundary behavior of normal holomorphic functions in a convex bounded domain Din a complex Banach spaceV.Let{xn}be a sequence of points inDwhich tends to a boundary pointξDsuch that limn→∞ f(xn)=Lfor someL C.Sufficient conditions on a sequence{xn}of points inDand a normal holomorphic function f are given for f to have the admissible limit valueL,thus extending the result obtained by Bagemihl and Seidel.

Mathematics Subject Classification (2000):32A18 (primary).



The idea of associating to a meromorphic function f on the complex unit disc = {z


: |z| < 1}a family


= {f g : g Aut()}, where Aut()is the group of biholomorphic automorphisms of, and of ascribing to the function f properties of the family


apparently arose in work of Yosida [16] in 1934 and was considered by Noshiro [14] in 1937. In 1957, Lehto and Virtanen [12] defined

“normal functions” to be those meromorphic functions f whose associated families


were normal in the sense of Montel.

Since that time, the subject of normal functions has been studied extensively, resulting in substantial development in the single complex variable context and in generalizations to the setting of several complex variables (see lists of references in [11, 13], and [17]).

Received January 30, 2008; accepted in revised form June 29, 2008.


In this paper, we investigate normal holomorphic functions on complex Ba- nach manifolds. After preliminaries in Section 2, in Section 3 we obtain certain relations existing between notions of normal functions, and P-sequences. In Sec- tion 4 we give criteria for a holomorphic function to be a non-normal function. In Section 5 we give sufficient condition for the sum of a normal function and not a normal function to be a non-normal function. Finally in Section 6 we investigate the boundary behavior in a fixed boundary point of a normal function defined on a convex bounded domain in a complex Banach space.



We refer the reader to the paper [4] and the books [3] and [5] for background on complex analysis in infinite dimension. The notation we use is essentially the same as in [4].

Let X be a complex Banach manifold modelled on a complex Banach space of positive, possibly infinite, dimension;Xis assumed to be a connected Hausdorff space. For eachxinXthe tangent space to Xat pointxwill be denoted byTx(X).

The tangent bundleT(X)ofX consists of the ordered pairs(y, v)such thatxX andvTx(X).We shall denote the space of all holomorphic maps from the unit diskinto Xby



The infinitesimal Kobayashi pseudometric on the complex Banach manifoldX is the functionkX onT(X)defined by the formula

kX(x, v)=inf{|a| : ∃ϕ


(,X), ϕ(0)=x, ϕ(0)a=v}

whereϕ(0)is the linear map induced byϕfromT0()toTϕ(0)(X).

We say thatkX is a metric ifkX(x, v) >0 for all(x, v)Tx(X), v=0. The Kobayashi length of a piecewiseC1curveγ : [0,1] → Xin Xis defined to be the upper Riemann integral

Lk(γ )= 1


kX(γ (t), γ(t))dt

and the pseudometric KX(x,y)is the infimum of the lengths of all piecewiseC1 curves joiningxtoyinX.

Forz1, w1inthe Poincar´e distance is expressed by

d(z1, w1)= 1 2log


1−1z1−wz1w11 =tanh1




The Kobayashi pseudometric between two pointsx,yin X is defined as follows.

Consider all finite sequences of pointsp0=x,p1, . . . ,pk1,pk = yofXsuch that


there exist points z1, . . . ,zk, w1, . . . , wk ofand mapsϕ1, . . . , ϕk


(,X) satisfyingϕj(zj)= pj1andϕj(wj)= pj, j =1, . . . ,k.

The Kobayashi pseudometricKX(x,y)is, by definition,

KX(x,y)=inf k


d(zj, wj)

where the infimum is taken over all possible choices of points and maps.

Thespherical arc length element dson the Riemann sphere


is given by ds(z,d z)= |d z|

1+ |z|2. The spherical length

s(γ )=

γ ds(z,d z) of a curveγ in


induces a metric in the following manner.

Given distinct pointsa,bon the Riemann sphere, define s(a,b)=inf{s(γ )}

where the infimum is taken over all piecewiseC1curves on


which joinawithb. Thens(a,b)defines a metric on the sphere known as the spherical metric.

Denote by


(X)the set of all holomorphic functions on X. A family F


() is said to be normal in if every sequence{fn} ⊂ F has a subsequence which converges uniformly (with respect to the Euclidean metric) on compacta in or diverges uniformly to∞on compacta in.

Definition 2.1. A function f in


(X) is called a normal function if the family


= {f ϕ : ϕ


(,X)}is normal.

A familyF


()is said to be spherically equicontinuous at a pointz0 if for each positive numberthere is a positive numberδsuch thats(f(z), f(z0)) <

forK(z,z0) < δand f inF.

Following Gauthier [7] we shall define a sequence {xn}of points in X to be a P-sequence of f


(X)if there is a sequence{yn}of points in X such that KX(xn,yn) → 0 asn → ∞ buts(f(xn), f(yn))for some > 0 for each positive integern.

The notion of P-sequence was originally defined by Gavrilov [6] for mero- morphic functions of the unit disk.The present version of P-sequence was in- troduced by Gauthier [7] in which he proved that the two notions are equivalent for meromorphic functions.

The following lemmas are key tools of this paper.


Lemma 2.2 (Zalcman’s Lemma [15]). Let


be a family of analytic functions in .Then


is not normal inif and only if there exist(i)a number r with0<r <

1;(ii)points zn satisfying|zn| < r;(iii)functions fn


;(iv) positive numbers ρn →0as n→ ∞;such that

fn(zn+ρnξ)g(ξ) as n→ ∞, (2.1) uniformly on compact subsets of


,where g is a nonconstant entire function in


. The function g may be taken to satisfy the normalization g (z)<g (0)=1 (z



Hereg (z)denotes the spherical derivative g (z)= |g(z)|

1+ |g(z)|2.

Lemma 2.3. Let f be a normal function on a complex Banach manifold X and suppose kX is a metric. There exists a constant c>1such that

log(cµ(f,x))≤log(cµ(f,y))exp2KX(x,y) for all x,yX. Hereµ(f,x):=max{1,|f(x)|}.

This result was originally proved by Zaidenberg [17] in the case of complex manifolds. The proof of this result given in [9, page 39] extends immediately to the complex Banach manifold case.


Normality and



In this section we obtain certain relations existing between notions of normal func- tions, and P-sequences.

Theorem 3.1. Let X be a complex Banach manifold and suppose kX is a metric.

The following statements are equivalent for f


(X): (a) f is normal;

(b) there exists a constant Q >0such that Qf(x):= sup


ds(f(x), f(x)v)

kX(x, v) <Q for all xX; (3.1) (c) there exists a constant L>0such that

s(f(x), f(y))L·KX(x,y) for all x,yX; (3.2) (d) f has no P-sequence.


Proof. (a)⇒(b): Assume that the family


= {fϕ:ϕ


(,X)}is a normal family. By Marty’s theorem [15, page 75], there exists a constantL>0 such that


1+ |fϕ(0)|2 <L for allϕ


(,X). (3.3) By the definition ofkX there existsψ


(,X)such thatψ(0)=x, ψ(0)a=v fora>0 anda/2<kX(x, v)a.Therefore, from (3.3),

ds(f(x), f(x)v) <2L·kX(x, v) for all(x, v)T(X).

Namely,Qf ≤2L.

(b)⇒(c): Letxandybe distinct points of X.It follows readily from (3.1) that ds(f(x), f(x)v) <Q·kX(x, v).

By integrating both side of the above inequality along the piecewise C1 curves joiningxto yin Xand by the definitions we have

s(f(x), f(y))L·KX(x,y).

SinceKX is the integrated form of the infinitesimal metrickX (see [4, Corollary 3]) we have (3.2).

(c)⇒(d): This follows immediately.

(d)⇒(a): If(d)holds, then the family


= {fϕ : ϕ


(,X)}is equicon- tinuous at each point of,since otherwise there is a pointz0,some >0,a sequence{zn}of points inwithznz0,and a sequence{fϕn} ⊆


satisfying s(fϕn(zn), fϕn(z0)), n=1,2, . . . . (3.4) Since K = d, andznz0 then an application in [3, Proposition 3.2] gives K(zn,z0)→0,asznz0.By the contracting property of the Kobayashi metric, KX(ϕ(zn), ϕ(z0))K(zn,z0)→0, asznz0. (3.5) From (3.4), (3.5) follows that sequence{ϕn(z0)}of points in Xis a P-sequence for

f which contradicts(d).



= {f ϕ: ϕ


(,X)}is spherically equicontinuous family at each point of,and hence, by Montel’s theorem [15, page 74],


is normal.

This proves(a).

Remark 3.2. Hahn [8] has also published a similar characterization of a normal function on a complex hyperbolic manifold Mof finite dimension. Unfortunately, Hahn’s argument is incorrect, because the assumption that


= {fϕ : ϕ


(,M)}is not a equicontinuous family does not entail that “there exist an >0 such that for all nN there exist sequences{zn}and{wn}inwith K(zn, wn) <

1/n but s(f(ψ(zn)), f(ψ(wn)))forsomeψ


(,M)” (see [8, page 60]).


Theorem 3.3. Let X and kX be given as in Theorem 3.1and let f in


(X). If Qf(xm) → ∞as m → ∞, then {xm} contains a subsequence which is a P- sequence of f.

Proof. Since Qf(xm) → ∞as m → ∞, then by (3.1) there exist a sequences {vm}, vmTxm(X),and{rm} ⊂ R,rm→ ∞asm→ ∞,with

ds(f(xm), f(xm)vm) >rm·kX(xm, vm). (3.6) By the definition of kX there exists ψm


(,X) such that ψm(0) = xm, ψm(0)am = vm foram > 0 andam/2 < kX(xm, vm)am. Hence, inequality (3.6) gives,


1+ |fψm(0)|2 >rm· kX(xm, vm) am > rm

2 → ∞asm→ ∞.

By Marty’s theorem [15, page 75], the family{f◦ψm} ⊆


()is not normal in any disc1

n = {z


: |z| < 1n}.Then by a local adaptation of the Zalcman Lemma [15, page 152], there is a subsequence{fϕn}of{fψm}, zn → 0, ρn → 0+ and a nonconstant entire functiongwith fϕn(zn+ρnξ)g(ξ)normally in


. Passing to a subsequence if necessary, we can assume that {fϕn(0)}converges to a some pointβ


.Setgn(ξ)= f ϕn(zn+ρnξ).The sequence of functions {gn}converges locally uniformly tog.Letαbe any complex number,α = β,for which the equation g(ξ) = α has a solutionξ0 which is not a multiple solution, that is, g 0) = 0.By a theorem of Hurwitz [15, page 9], in each neighborhood ofξ0 all but a finite number of the functions{gn}assume the valueα.Thus there exists a sequence of points {ξn} ⊆


such thatξn ξ0 andgnn) = α for n sufficiently large. It follows s(fϕn(zn +ρnξn), fϕn(0))s(α, β)/2 > 0 for nN0. The Poincar´e metricd is very closed to the Euclidian metric near 0 so d(0,zn + ρnξn) → 0 as n → ∞. Hence KXn(zn +ρnξn), ϕn(0))d(zn+ρnξn,0)→0 asn → ∞.Which proves that a subsequence{ϕn(0)}n=N0 of{xm}is aP-sequence of f.The proof is complete.

Remark 3.4. The converse to Theorem 3.3 is not true in general, as the follow- ing example [2, Example (4.3)] shows. Let X = , f(z) = exp1iz


(), zn = 1+n2n2n+in3, wn = 1+n2n2. Here Qf(wn) → ∞, and hence by Theorem 3.3 sequence{wn}contains a subsequence{wm}which is a P-sequence of f.Since K(zm, wm)→ 0 a subsequence{zm} ⊆ {zn}is a P-sequence of f too, while the sequenceQf(zm)→0.


Criteria for non-normality

The Zalcman Lemma [18] characterizing normal families of holomorphic functions on plane domains is the main tool used in proofs of theorems in this and next chap- ter.


A relationship between non-normal holomorphic functions and the existence of a P-sequence is established in the following theorem.

Theorem 4.1. Let X and kX be given as in Theorem3.1. A function f ∈


(X)is not a normal function on X iff f has a P-sequence.

Proof. If f is not normal then the family


= {fϕ:ϕ


(,X)}is not normal in .By Zalcman’s Lemma, we can find fϕn


,znr, znz0,and ρn →0+such that fϕn(zn+ρnξ)g(ξ)uniformly on compacta, wheregis a nonconstant entire function on


.Sincegis nonconstant in


there isζ


such thatg(0)=g(ζ).One see at once that

nlim→∞s(fϕn(zn), fϕn(zn+ρnζ ))=s(g(0),g(ζ ))for some >0, and KXn(zn), ϕn(zn +ρnζ ))d(zn,zn +ρnζ ) → 0 asn → ∞. Hence a sequence{ϕn(zn)}of points in Xis a P-sequence of f.

Conversely, if f have a P-sequence {xn}, then there is a sequence {yn} of points in Xsuch that limn→∞KX(xn,yn)=0 but

s(f(xn), f(yn))for some >0,n=1,2, . . . . (4.1) Suppose that f is a normal function. By (3.2)

s(f(xn), f(yn))L·KX(xn,yn) for alln≥1.

It followss(f(xn), f(yn))→0 asn→ ∞which contradicts (4.1). Therefore f is not a normal function. This proves the theorem.

A sufficient condition for the non-normality of a holomorphic function inis given by Lappan [10, Lemma 3]. For holomorphic functions on a complex Banach manifold we have the following theorem.

Theorem 4.2. Let X and kX be given as in Theorem3.1. The following statements are equivalent for f



(a) f is not a normal function;

(b) There exist sequences {ym}, {xm} in X, and a constant M > 0 such that KX(ym,xm)<M for all m≥1,limm→∞ f(xm)=∞, and limm→∞ f(ym)= a



Proof. (a)⇒ (b): Sinceh is not normal it follows that the family


= {fϕ : ϕ


(,X)}is not normal in.Apply the Zalcman Lemma to


withr,zn, ρn, fϕn,andgas given therein. Sincegis nonconstant entire function in


it follows that there exist a sequence{ξm} ⊂


such that|gm)|>m.In fact, if this were not the case,gis bounded in


.By Liouville’s theoremg≡constant, a contradictions


with the assumption that gis nonconstant entire function. For fixedξm chosenm large enough so that

(i) |znm+ρnmξm|< (1+r)/2; (ii) |fϕnm(znm+ρnmξm)|>m/2. Putwnm =znm+ρnmξm,xm =ϕnm(wnm),andym=ϕnm(znm).

By the contracting property of the Kobayashi metric,

KX(ym,xm)=KXnm(wnm), ϕnm(znm))d(wnm,znm).

By the triangle inequalityd(wnm,znm)d(0,znm)+d(0, wnm).For anyz the Poincar´e distance

d(0,z)= 1

2log1+ |z| 1− |z|. Since|znm|<r,and|wnm|< (1+r)/2,we have

d(wnm,znm)≤ 1 2

log((1+r)/(1−r))+log((3+r)/(1−r)) .

Putting the above together we getKX(ym,xm)Mwhere

2M =log((1+r)/(1−r))+log((3+r)/(1−r)) <∞.

By (ii), we have that

mlim→∞ f(xm)= lim

m→∞ fϕnm(znm +ρnmξm)= ∞.

By (2.1), we have that

mlim→∞ f(ym)= lim

m→∞ fϕnm(znm +ρnm0)=g(0)


. (b)⇒(a): Assume, to get a contradiction, that f is normal. By Lemma 2.3,

log(cµ(f,xm))≤log(cµ(f,ym))exp2KX(xm,ym) for allm≥1.

The left-hand side of the above inequality tends to infinity as m → ∞while the right-hand side tends to a number which is less than log(cmax{1,|a|})exp2r and we have a contradiction. This contradiction proves the theorem.



Further results

Theorem 5.1. Let X and kX be given as in Theorem3.1. If f ∈


(X)is a nor- mal function and if h is a non-normal holomorphic function on X such that each sequence{xm}of points in X contains a subsequence{xmk}on which at most one of f or h is unbounded, then f +h is a non-normal function.

Proof. Sinceh is not normal on X it follows that the family


= {hϕ : ϕ


(,X)}is not normal in.By the Zalcman Lemma, we can findhϕn


, znr,andρn→0+such thath◦ϕn(zn+ρnξ)g(ξ)uniformly on compacta, wheregis a nonconstant entire function on


.But then


1+ |h(ϕn(zn+ρnξ))|2g (ξ).

We claim that there exist a sequence{ξm}⊂


such that|g(ξm)|>mandgm)=0. Let us suppose not.

1. If g(ξ) = 0 and g is bounded in


by Liouville’s theorem g ≡ constant, a contradictions with the assumption thatgis nonconstant entire function.

2. Let{am}be the zeroes ofg(ξ).Suppose that|g(ξ)| < L < ∞on


\ {ξ


:g(ξ)=0}.The zeros ofg(ξ)are isolated. Since nonconstant holomorphic function have no local maxima, we conclude that|g(am)| < L.Thereforegis bounded in


,hence constant by Liouville’s theorem. But this contradicts with the assumption thatgis nonconstant entire function, and the assertion is proved.

For fixedξmchosenmlarge enough so that (i) |λnm|< (1+r)/2; (ii) g m)/ρnm >m/2;

(iii) ρnm|h(xm)vm|/(1+ |h(xm)|2) >g m)/2; (iv) |h(xm)|>m/2.

Hereλnm =znm+ρnmξm,xm =ϕnmnm),andvm=ϕnmnm).If (i), (ii), and (iii) hold, it is easy to see that


1+ |h(xm)|2 > g m)

2ρnm > (4−(1+r)2)m

16 · 1

1− |λnm|2. By the distance decreasing property of the Kobayashi metric


1− |λnm|2 =knm,1)kXnmnm), ϕnmnm)·1).




1+ |h(xm)|2 > (4−(1+r)2)m

16 ·kX(xm, vm).

Since|h(xm)| → ∞,asm → ∞,by considering a subsequence if necessary, we may assume from the hypothesis of the theorem that f is bounded on{xm},namely

|f(xm)|< M <∞for allm ≥1,and hence, formsufficiently large, we have1

|(f +h)(xm)vm|

1+ |f(xm)+h(xm)|2 > |h(xm)vm| − |f(xm)vm| 2(1+ |f(xm)|2)(1+ |h(xm)|2) ≥ 1

2 1

1+ |M|2 · |h(xm)vm|

1+ |h(xm)|2 − |f(xm)vm| 1+ |f(xm)|2


By hypothesis, f is a normal function on X hence, by Theorem 3.1, there exists Q >0 such thatQf(xm) < Qfor allm≥1.Thus

Qf+h(xm)≥ 1 2

(4−(1+r)2)m 16(1+ |M|2)Q

→ ∞asm→ ∞.

By Theorem 3.1, f+his not a normal function onX. Thus the proof is complete.

Lehto and Virtanen [12, page 53] remark that the sum of a normal function and a bounded function (which is necessary normal) is a normal function. The sum of two normal holomorphic functions, each omitting the values 0 and 1,need not be normal (see [10, page 191]).

In the infinite dimensional case we have the following theorem.

Theorem 5.2. If under the conditions of Theorem3.1, f1, . . . , fl are a finite num- ber of normal holomorphic function on X such that each sequence{xn}of points in X contains a subsequence {xnm} on which at most one of fj (1 ≤ jl)is unbounded, then h :=lj=1fj is a normal function.

Proof. Suppose, on the contrary, that h is not a normal function. By Theorem 4.2, we can find two sequences {xn} and {yn} of points in X, and a positive constant Msuch thatKX(xm,ym) < Mfor allm ≥1,limm→∞h(xm)= ∞, and limm→∞h(ym)=a


.Since limm→∞h(xm)= ∞then{xm}contains a subse- quence again denoted by{xm}such that at most one of fj,say f1, is unbounded


1+ |a+b|21+(|a| + |b|)2<2(1+ |a|2)(1+ |b|2).


on {xm}.Since limm→∞h(ym)= a


then{ym}contains a subsequence{ymk} such that either:

(i) at least two of fj (1≤ jl)is unbounded on{ymk}; (ii) or limk→∞ fj(ymk)=αj


(1 j l).

The case (i) is excluded by the assumption of the corollary.

Hence limk→∞ f1(xmk)= ∞,limk→∞ f1(ymk)= α1


,andKX(xmk,ymk) <

Mfor allk≥1.By Theorem 4.2 f1is not a normal function, a contradiction which proves the corollary.

Theorem 5.3. Under the assumption of Theorem 3.1let{xn}and{yn}be two se- quences of points in X,and let M be a positive constant such that KX(xm,ym) < M for all m ≥ 1. If f


(X) is a normal function which omits l


in X but limm→∞s(f(xm),l)=0thenlimm→∞s(f(ym),l)=0.

Proof. Assume first thatl


.Since 1+ |f(x)l|2

1+ |f(x)|2 <2(1+ |l|2)

(see footnote 1) it follows from the hypothesis of the theorem and Theorem 3.1 that g(x)=1/(f(x)l)is a normal holomorphic function on X.It is easy to see that limm→∞g(xm)= ∞.Therefore, we have limm→∞g(ym) = ∞by Theorem 4.2.

Hence limm→∞s(f(ym),l)=0 as desired.

Ifl = ∞the corollary is an immediate consequence of Theorem 4.2. Thus the proof is complete.


Boundary behavior of normal functions in a fixed boundary point

In [1] F. Bagemihl and W. Seidel posed the following question: Given a sequence {zj} ⊂ converging to someς∂and a holomorphic mapping f




) such thatlimj→∞s(f(zj),l)=0for some l


,under what conditions on f and {zj}can f have the limit l along some continuum inwhich is asymptotic atς?

In this section, we give the infinite dimensional analogue of their result. First we introduce some definitions and prove two lemmas.

In the rest of the paper let Dbe a bounded and convex domain in a complex Banach space(V, · ),andKDbe the Kobayashi metric forD.

A domain DV is calledconvex (in the real sense)if(1−t)x+t yDfor allx,yDand 0≤t ≤1.

Lemma 6.1. Let D be a bounded and convex (in the real sense) domain in a complex Banach space (V, · ) and let ξ∂D. Then for all aD the set lξ(a)= {y=ξ+t(aξ),0<t <1}is contained in D.


Proof. We haveB(a,r) :=a+ B(0,r)D,for somer > 0,where B(0,r) :=

{yV : y<r}.PutU = [t/(1−t)]B(0,r)+ξ,t =1.There is somebDU. We haveb = [t/(1−t)]u+ξ where uB(0,r).SinceauB(a,r)D and Dis convex y = (1−t)b+t(au)= ξ+t(aξ)D.This proves that lξ(a)D.

Definition 6.2. The approach region of apertureα,with vertexξ∂D,and pole aD is the set

Aα(ξ,a)= {xD: KD(x,lξ(a)) < α}

where KD(x,lξ(a))=inf{KD(x,y),ylξ(a)}.

Lemma 6.3. Let D be a bounded and convex (in the real sense) domain in a com- plex Banach space V and letξ∂D.If bD,b=a,then there exists a positive constant C such that


Proof. To prove the lemma it suffices to show that if zAα(ξ,a) then zAα+C(ξ,b).So letzAα(ξ,a).From the definition of Aα(ξ,a)follows that for everyε >0 there is a pointa1inlξ(a)such thatKD(z,a1) < α+ε.Sincea1lξ(a) there exists aτ0(0,1]such thata1=ξ0(a−ξ).Setb1=ξ0(b−ξ)∈lξ(b).

Letϕbe a mapping in


(,D)whose range contains bothaandb.2Suppose thatϕ(0)=aandϕ(ζ )=bfor a suitableζ.Defineψ :V by


By Lemma 6.1ψmapsintoD;hence

KD(a1,b1)=KD(ψ(0), ψ(ζ ))d(0, ζ ).

By the triangle inequality of the Kobayashi distance


It is clear, that

KD(z,lξ(b))KD(z,b1)α+ε+d(0, ζ ).

2 If D Cn then there exists a continuous pathφ : [0,1] → Dsuch thatφ(0) = aand φ(1)= b.An application of the vector-valued Stone-Weierstrass theorem and an end-point ad- justment shows that we can takeφto be a polynomial. By compactness there exists a convex open neighborhoodOof[0,1]inCsuch thatφ(O)D,whereφis the polynomial onCobtained by replacing the real variablexby the complex variablez.An application of the Riemann mapping theorem yields the existence of a mappingϕO(,D)whose range contains bothaandb.

SinceDis a domain in a Banach spaceV then any pair of pointsaandbinDcan be joined by a polygonal curve.IfY is the finite dimensional subspace ofV spanned by the points ofthen the connected component ofD,containinga,is a domain in a finite dimensional space which contains bothaandb.The finite dimensional result can now be applied to show the existence of a mappingφO(,D)whose range contains bothaandb(see [3, page 49]).


Sinceεwas arbitrary this gives that

KD(z,lξ(b))α+d(0, ζ ).

It follows

zAα+C(ξ,b) whereC =d(0, ζ) <∞.

Remark 6.4. If D is the unit ball in


n then the approach regions Aα(ξ,a)are comparable to the admissible approach regions of Koranyi.

Definition 6.5. A function f


(D)has anadmissible limit l


atξ∂D,if for everyα >0 and every sequence of points{xn} ⊂ Aα(ξ,a)which tends toξ


Remark 6.6. From Lemma 6.3 follows that the definition of admissible limit is independent of the choice of the poleaD.

Theorem 6.7. Let D be a bounded and convex (in the real sense) domain in a complex Banach space(V, · ).Let{xn}be a sequence of points in lξ(a)which tends toξ∂D,such that there exists a constantε >0such that KD(xn,xn+1) <

εfor all n ≥1.Suppose that the function f


(D)is normal on D,omits l


in D but

nlim→∞s(f(xn),l)=0. Then f has an admissible limit l atξ.

Proof. First of all, we show that for an arbitrary sequence of points{qn}inlξ(a) which tends toξ asn → ∞we have limn→∞s(f(qn),l)= 0.Indeed, for every qn there exists an integer jn and a constanttn,tn ∈ [0,1],such thatqn = xjn + tn(xjn+1xjn).Fort ∈ [0,1]define gt


((D ×D)×(D× D),D× D)by gt((x,y), (w,z))=(t x+(1−t)y,tw+(1−t)z).Then by [5, Proposition IV.1.2, page 83] for allx,y, w,zDwe have

KD×D((x,y), (w,z))KD(t x+(1−t)y,tw+(1−t)z) . (6.1) By [5, Proposition V.4.2, page 136]

KD×D((x,y), (w,z))=max{KD(x,y),KD(w,z)}.

Combining this with (6.1), we see that

KD(t x+(1−t)y,tw+(1−t)z)max[KD(x, w),KD(y,z)]

for all 0≤t ≤1 and every choice ofx,y, w,zfromD.Then we have KD(xjn,qn)=KD(xjn,xjn+tn(xjn+1xjn)KD(xjn,xjn+1) < ε.


As limn→∞s(f(xjn),l)=0 andKD(xjn,qn) < εfor alln≥1,we get

nlim→∞s(f(qn),l)=0 by Corollary 5.3.

Let{yn}be any sequence in Aα(ξ,a)which converges to the pointξ∂D. For every pointynthere exists a pointbnlξ(a)such that 2α >KD(yn,bn)for all n ≥1.Everybncan be write in the formbn = ξ+τn(aξ)whereτn ∈ [0,1].

Hence,{bn}has a convergent subsequence{bnj}.Letb=ξ+τ0(aξ)be a limit point of{bnj}.

Assumingτ0=0 we shall derive a contradiction. Choose a positive numberr such that Br(b)= {yV : yb<r} ⊂ D.Since sequence{bnj}tends tobas j → ∞there exits an integer j0such thatbnjb<r/2 for all jj0.By the inequality (4.3) in [3, page 52]

KD(bnj,b) <tanh1 1


for all jj0. Then for jj0we have

KD(ynj,b) < KD(ynj,bnj)+KD(bnj,b) <2α+tanh1 1



This contradicts our assumption that sequence{yn}tends toξ∂D,since every ball in (D,KD)is bounded away from the boundary (see [3, page 88]). Hence τ0 = 0 and sequence {bn} ⊂ lξ(a) tends to ξ as n → ∞. As proved above limn→∞s(f(bn),l)=0 and sinceKD(yn,bn) < αfor alln≥1

nlim→∞s(f(yn),l)=0 by Corollary 5.3. Hence f has the admissible limitlatξ.


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