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The gen4ral t h e o r y of ordinary linear differential equations with r a t i o n a l coefficients m u s t be regarded n o w as k n o w n in its broad outlines: there exist in all c a s e s whatsoever a full quota of f o r m a l series (normal a n d anormal) for each singular point; on the basis of these series, the behavior of the solutions in the neighbourhood of the singular points can be adequately characterized, their n a t u r e in the large can be determined by means of the monodromic group, a n d finally the inverse R i e m a n n problem can be f o r m u l a t e d a n d solved by direct use of the F r e d h o l m theory of integral equations or otherwise. 1 The details have n o t been carried t h r o u g h except when t h e series which enter are of n o r m a l type, b u t the corresponding f o r m u l a t i o n a n d a t t a c k in the most general case are sufficiently evident.

On the other h a n d the situation is m u c h less satisfactory for o r d i n a r y linear difference equations with rational coefficients. I f these equations be written as a linear system,


(I) y i ( x + I) aij(x)yj(x) (i-~-- I, 2 , . . . n),

j = l

in which the n ~ rational functions


a r e analytic at x = ~ or have a pole 1 Cf. my paper, The Generalized Riemann Problem for Linear Differential Equations and the Allied Problems for Linear Difference and q-Difference Equations, Proc. Am. Acad. Arts and Sciences, vol. 49 (I913), PP. 52I--558.


206 George D. Birkhoff.

of maximum order tt there, then it is only the regular case in which the charac- teristic equation in e,

(2) leech,j-

I = o

( & j = i,


~ , j = o , i # j ; a(~)---- lim


has n distinct roots Q1, Q , , . . . Q,*, not zero, t h a t has been treated adequately.

To be sure, NSrlund, in his fundamental work on linear difference equations, has given a powerful general method by which solutions analytic in certain limited regions of "the complex plane can be constructed always 1, but this method affords little indication as to the nature of those simplest analytic solutions, devoid of a~ificial singularities, which are of central theoretic imp0rtance.

The most general examination hitherto made of linear difference equations not of this special type is due to Adams. ~ He discusses the extent to which my own method of approach tO the regular case s admits o f extension to the irregular case, and finds t h a t while similar results can be obtained in certain more general cases, yet the method appears to b r e a k down. I n brief, he finds t h a t so long as there are n types of formal series with elements of the form

( )


a + b 4-... (/z*_--< F),


the same method is applicable. Since these formal series are of the same k i n d as appear in the regular case, it is natural to group this particular irregular case closely with the regular case. I n more general cases Adams only establishes highly restricted results. The difficulties which he meets with are of three types : (i) he does not arrive at a full quota of formal series in all cases~; (2) the sequences defining the 'determinant limits' converge, if at all, in much less exten- sive regions of the x plane t h a n in the regular case; and (3)in consequence, the

Of. N. E. N S r l u n d , Differenzenrechnung, Berlin, 1924, c h a p . IO.

2 C. R. A d a m s , O n the Irregular Cases of Linear Ordinary Diference Equafions, T r a n s . A m . M a t h . S o e . , vol. 3 ~ (1928), p p . 5 o 7 - - 5 4 I. I n t h i s p a p e r r e f e r e n c e s to t h e w o r k Of B a r n e s , H o r n , B a t c h e l d e r , P e r r o n , a n d G a l b r u n m a y be f o u n d .

s General Theory of Linear Difference Equations, T r a n s . A m . M a t h . Soc., vol. I2 ( I 9 I I ) , p p . 2 4 3 - - 2 8 4 .

4 N o t e v e n in t h e ease n = 2 , i n w h i c h m a n y b u t n o t all c a s e s h a v e b e e n t r e a t e d b y B a t e h e l d e r . B a t c h e l d e r h a s n o t p u b l i s h e d t h e s e r e s u l t s .


determination of 'intermediate solutions' and 'principal solutions', as in my paper by means of series and contour integTals, fails.

I t is the aim of the present paper to show that, when certain further types of formal series involving logarithms are taken account of, there will always be a full quota of n such formal series solutions. By way of application of this basic result, certain interesting formal questions are also treated.

In a subsequent paper devoted to the analytic theory of irregular difference equations, also to appear in these pages, I expect to present the extension of my earlier theory to the truly general case. Such an extension would of course be impossible without the result of the present paper. I t involves appropriatc modifications in the method of contour integration as well as other changes of consequence.

w i. The Linear Difference System and the Single Equation.

W i t h o u t essential restriction it may be assumed t h a t the determinant

l a~(x)l

in (I) is not identically zero. I n fact in the contrary case there is obviously at least one identical linear homogeneous relation between

yl(x+ I) . . . . yn(x+ I)

with coefficients which are explicitly given in terms of the minors of this determinant. I f we replace x by x - - I in this relation, we obtain a like relation between yl(x), . . .


On solving for one of the dependent variables, say


in-this relation, and elimination Of


the first n - - I equations (I), we obtain a like equivalent system of order n - - I . Proceeding successively in this way we arrive finally at an equivalent linear system of order < n ; for which the determinant in question does not vanish identically.

Now for such a system (I) let us write

Now for such a system (I) let us write


(3) y (x) = z, (x) y, (x) + . + z,, (x) y,, (x) --- Y, z~ (~) yo(x)

where ).~(x), . . .


are n functions, rational in x but otherwise arbitrary. By use of the equations (I) we obtain successively

y(x+ i) = ~ Zo(x+ ~)ao~(x)~,~(x),

it, ~=I

(3') . . .

y ( ~ + , ) = >~ Z ~



208 George D. Birkhoff.

On the right-hand sides of (3), (3') we have n + I linear homogeneous expressions in y l ( x ) , . . , y,,(x). Hence from these equations we obtain at least one linear homogeneous equation of the form


L(y) =-- ao(x)y(x + n) + a, (x)y(x + n - - x) + . . . + an(x)y(x) = o,

in which n o t all of the coefficients hi(X)vanish identically, and f u r t h e r m o r e these coefficients are explicitly expressible in terms of the functions /.i, aij.

I t is possible to choose ~ , . . . ~,~ so t h a t neither a0 nor an vanishes identic- ally, i.e. so t h a t the linear difference equation (4) is actually of ~he n t h order.

To establish this fact we consider the d e t e r m i n a n t of the linear homogeneous expressions in y ~ ( x ) , . . , y,,(x) which appear in the first n of t h e n + I equations (3), (3'). The elements of the first row are ~,(x), . . . ;~(x) which may clearly be t a k e n at pleasure at an arbitrary point x. The elements of the second row are

n n

E X~(x+ , ) . ~ Y, Xo(x+ i)a~,,(x)

a ~ 1 ( z ~ 1

respectively. B u t ~,(x-~ I), ...


I) m a y clearly be assigned values at pleasure w i t h o u t affecting the values of XI(X),... ;~n(x) already selected. I n a s m u c h as ]a,j(x)] is n o t identically zero, it is therefore clear t h a t the elements of this second row m a y be independently selected at will. F o r the t h i r d row a similar consideration leads to the conclusion t h a t these elements too m a y be indepen- dently assigned at the given value of x, since the d e t e r m i n a n t which enters is

[.~.,,~(x + ,).~(x)[- I a,~(x+ 0 11.,~(x)l ~ o.

By proceeding in this m a n n e r it becomes a p p a r e n t t h a t the d e t e r m i n a n t of the coefficients of Yl . . . . yn in the first equations (3), (3') can be made n o t to vanish identically, since all of its elements can be t a k e n arbitrarily at any p o i n t x o such t h a t


is defined a n d does n o t vanish for x = x o, Xo+ I , . . . x o + n - - 2 . Likewise the similar d e t e r m i n a n t for the last n of these equations can be made n o t to vanish. H e n c e t h e equation (3), obtained by e q u a t i n g the d e t e r m i n a n t of the a u g m e n t e d system (3), (3') to zero will have the desired property

.o(X) ~ o, an(X) ~ o.


Therefore it appears t h a t to a f u n d a m e n t a l set of solutions of the system (i) with

l aij(x)l~o

there corresponds a f u n d a m e n t a l set of solutions of some single equation (4) of the n t h order, and

vice versa.

I f t h e n we can establish t h a t the single linear difference equation (4) pos- sesses a set Of n formal series solutions in the usual sense 1, it is evident t h a t t h e g e n e r a l system (I) will also ppssess a set of n formal solutions, obtainable

from the formal solutions of (4) by means o f the equation (3).

These obvious considerations i u s t i f y us in focussing a t t e n t i o n upon the formal series solutions of a single o r d i n a r y linear difference equation of the n t h order of the type (4) w i t h

ao(X), a,~(x)

n o t identically zero.

w 2. S t a t e m e n t o t t h e F o r m a l P r o b l e m .

I n o r d e r to deal conveniently with the questions which, arise concerning the f o r m a l series solutions, it is desirable to broaden somewhat the initial formulation. L e t us d e m a n d m e r e ! y t h a t the coefficients


of the equation (4) u n d e r consideration are to be f o r m a l (i.e. convergent or d i v e r g e n t ) p o w e r


series in descending integral powers of x, or, more generally, of x ~ (p, a positive integer). H e r e only a finite n u m b e r of positive integral powers are permitted to enter. Of course the corresponding assumption for the linear difference system (I) is "that the coefficients are similar f o r m a l power series, and the same integer p ~ I is evidently involved in associated equations (I) a n d (4), even if Z,(x), . . .


Z,(x) in (3) are also such series in x~. I t is obvious t h e n t h a t for the-complete specification we m u s t n o t o n l y give the equation (4), b u t also the value of the 'basic integer' p which is to be adopted; all possible values of p are evidently positive integral multiples of a least value P0 ~ I.

The usual m e t h o d ~ for the d e t e r m i n a t i o n of formal series begins with the substitution of a series

1 We regard a set of n formal solutions as distinct (i.e. linearly independent) in case there is no identical linear homogeneous relation between them in which the coefficients are either constants or of the more general form

ce21z]/~x (l,

an integer).

Generalized here to the extent that we allow p to exceed I.

27--29643. Acta mathematlca. 54. Iznprim6 le 12 avril 1930.


210 George D. Birkhoff.

~'--~p ep (~)x, ( b

(6) s(x) : x a + --- +

X p p - - 1

P(x) =

7x + ~ x ~ - +


in the equation a n d the attempt~ to determine it, 7, 6 , . . . 7 a, b , . . . by the m e t h o d of u n d e t e r m i n e d coefficients. Here the formal identities:


~(z+i) ~x ~,( x) v ~_x ~_/( t~__/

~, .~


( x + i ) p = x p x p i + - - x p x p e~ + e ~ ~ § ;



ed(X+i)(P-1)lP:eJX(P-1)/P(i + 6( P -- ~ )i +

. . . ) ; ...

p x p



i ~ I, 2, . . . n enable us to remove a factor

x p eP(x)xr

from the given equa- t i o n a f t e r this substitution

y ~ s ( x )

has been made. W h e n this factor is removed, the n + I leading t e r m s in the n + I series which appear on the left are precisely

/Ln " - - j o + # n # ( n - - l ) -'--jl+g (~--1) - - i n

tT0j0 e p x la , a0j~ e P x P ~ . . . ( ~ n j n X p

- - J i

where we have written


for the coefficient of the leading t e r m

aij~x P

in a~(x) for i = o , I , . . . n. Obviously neither 3"o nor j~ can be infinite since n e i t h e r

ao(X )

nor a~(x)is identically o.

Now if such a f o r m a l i d e n t i t y is to be possible, there m u s t be two leading terms of t h e same degree in x , so t h a t


l - - j m

it-- 1-- m

for some 1 a n d m (1 ~ m), while all other terms are n o t of h i g h e r degree, i.e.


- j , + t~(,-i)<= --j,, + t~("-'~)

i f = o , i , . . . n)

i,-j,,>-_ - t ~ ( i - m ) .

( i = o , i , . . . n).


But these conditions admit of a very simple geometric interpretation. 1 Let


represen~ the cartesian coordinates of a point in the plane for which the i axis is directed horizontally to the right and the j axis is directed upwards.

Mark the n + I points (i, j~.) where i = o, I, . . . ~ (see figure f). Evidently the conceivable values of /~ are given by the negatives of the slopes of a l l possible lines through two of these points, while the inequality imposed will only be satisfied if all the remaining points lie above or on such a line whose equation is

= - g ( r m ) .

J (O, jo)

\ /,






Fig. 1.

This leads us to a unique broken line L , concave upwards, whose vertices fall at certain of these points, while all of the other points lie above or on this line L . Furthermore the points

(i, j) (i, j,

being integers) which fall below this line can correspond to no terms in the n § I series under consideration.

When., however, /~ has one of these values, and the coefficient of the highest power of x on the left is equated to zero, we obtain the 'characteristic equation' in Q = eT,

[ { i

a~j~Qe-Pl + ... + acj~,\Qevl j a = o ,

in which the first and last terms in parentheses correspond to the extreme vertices

(i,A, (i',j~,)of

the line segment of slope # in the above diagram, and

1 Cf., for instance, bl. E. •Srlund, D i f f e r e n z e n r e c h n u n g , pp. 3 1 2 - - 3 1 3 .


212 George D. Birkhoff.

in which the intermediate terms correspond to the intermediate m a r k e d points on t h a t line segment. Clearly in this manner are obtained as many equations as there are values of t~. I f these values of /~ are denoted by / ~ 1 , / ~ , . . . / ~ k with /~1 >/z~ > . . >/zk, the total number of non-zero roots (counted according to multiplicity in the separate equations) is precisely n; for if io----o, i l , . . , ik--~n be t h e values of i for the successive vertices, these roots are in number precisely i l - - i o , i ~ - - i l , . . . , i ~ - - i k - 1 respectively. Thus there are in general k characteristic equations, rather than a single characteristic equation as in the regular case.

I t is the essential advantage of the single equation (4) over the system (I), as basis from the formal point of view, t h a t all of the possible values of /~ are immediately obtained for an equation (4).

I f n o w we proceed further in the attempt to obtain a formal series solu-


tion by comparison of the terms of successively lower degrees in xV we are immediately led to the following results (Cf. Adams, loc. cir., w I).

I f the values /z~,.../~k are all integral, and none of the characteristic equations have a multiple non-zero root, the first comparison determines ~, as indicated above, the remaining comparisons give ~ , . . . , a, b , . . . in succession, as specific functions of the previously determined constants, and with b, c , . . . in particular involving a as a multiplicative factor. Hence in this case there is obtained a full q u o ~ of formal series solutions of the type (5) under considera- tion, and these are evidently determined up to a factor

a e 2 k ' ~ ) ~ (k, an integer)

corresponding t o the arbitrary multiplicative constant a, and the ambiguity in the determination of 7. Inasmuch as the detailed proof is entirely straight- f o r w a r d and of familiar type; and is not necessary for our later purposes, it is omitted here.

More generally, if some o f the values /~1,.../~k are fractional, but no multiple non-zero roots occur in the characteristic equations, let such a fraction be m / l in lowest terms. There exist then corresponding series of the following anormal type

(6') S ( x ) = x p eZ'(~)x ~ a + ~_ + . 9

X ! P


P ( x ) = ~ , x + d x l P + . . . +


Such a formal series solution has evidently l formally distinct determinations in all cases, since if x makes p positive circuits of x----o in the complex x plane,

u5 x

t h e . factor x v is multiplied by a 'factor e 2 " s ~ f ~ , ~nd y is t h u s augmented by z ~ r / ~ V - i , where


is not an integer. Here again there are always precisely n formal series, when these various determinations are taken into ac- count. But inasmuch as the method is perfectly straightforward and of familiar type, and moreover not necessary for our later purposes, it is omitted here.

As Adams has noted (loe. cir., w 1) the 'general' ease in which some of the roots Q of the single characteristic equations are of 1 fold multiplicity while t~ is an integer als0 leads to corresponding anormal series of type (6'), so t h a t again a full quota of series is obtained unless a certain secondary characteristic equation holds. Unfortunately, the method of direct comparison may lead to indefinite algebraic complications if this secondary equation is satisfied.

There is, however, a third type of formal solution which may arise, but whose importance seems to have been largely overlooked. I Let

s ( x ) b e

any formal series of the type (6) or (6'), and let


be a second such formal series with the same coefficient preceding the power series .as s(x), save t h a t the constant r may be modified by an integral multiple of


Then, for instance, there may exist two formal series solutions of the form

(6") s(x), s(x)logx + t(x)

in the case l = I, or zl such series in the general case l ~ i. More generally, if s(x)', t(x), . . .


are )~ series of the form (6), (6'), all with the same /~, P(x), and if the constants r which enter differ at most by a multiple of


then there may exist




s(x), ks(x)


x + t(x), ... s(x)


x) k § t(x)(log

x) ~--~ + .... § w(x).

I t will be observed t h a t when log x is changed to any one of its other determina- tions, each formal solution is augmented by a linear combination of the preced- ing ones affected with constant multipliers. We shall regard such series (6")as of normal type if 1-~ I and as of anormal type if l > I.

1 See, however, N. E. NSrlund, Differenzenrechnung, chap. If, w I, where a specialized case (6") of t h i s logarithmic type is considered for those linear difference equations of 'Fuchsian type', in which t h e series

ai(x)/ao(x )

begin w i t h a t e r m of not h i g h e r t h a n degree - - i in x .


214 George D. Birkhoff.

It is our primary purpose in Part I of this paper to solve what may be termed the formal problem of linear difference equations of type


and thus of type


of course, by proving that there always exist .precisely n formal series solutions of the three iypes (6),

(6'), (6").

The method of direct comparison hitherto employed fails because it does not take due account of the algebraic nature of the difficulties involved. W e propose to attack the problem by a method based upon the notion of reducibility, which leads to a successive reduction of these difficulties by a well-defined series of steps, each involving only the solution of linear algebraic equations.

w 3. Solution of the Converse Problem.

It is an easy matter to solve the converse problem by demonstrating that to every such set of n (linearly independent) formal series there corresponds a uniquely determined linear difference equation of the n-th order.

Suppose, for instance, that

sl(x).,.., sn(x)

are n series of the simplest type (6). The corresponding difference equation is then essentially given by

I y(x+n) y ( x + , - i ) . . , y(x)


I s,(~ + n) s1(~ + n - - I ) . . . Sx(X) = o.

In this case we have only to divide the (i+ i)-th row (i--~ I , . . . n) by the ex- ponential factor


in order to obtain the equation desired. Moreover, even if certain groups of the n series are of the anormal form (6'), a similar conclusion is possible, a l t h o u g h the coefficients


a , ( x ) , . . ,


obtained are given in the first place as power series in descending powers of some root


of xp. However, it is obvious that .the equation written is in reality not altered if the various determinations of these series be permuted, so that actually the


coefficients a0(~), al(x), . . . an(x) do not involve fractional powers of x~ after a

suitable factor is removed. To indicate briefly the situation in the case when logarithmic terms enter as in


we consider the simplest possible case, namely the case n : 2, p----I, l : I in which there are a pair of solutions,

s(x), s(x) log x + t(x),


in which

s(x), t(x)

are of the type (6) with the same /*, 7, r. The corresponding equation is then

I y(x+2)



S(X+ 2) S(~+~) S(~)

S(X+2) Iog(x+2)+ t(X+2) S(X+I)Iog(x+I)+t(x+I) S(X) Iogx+t(x)

~ O .

If we multiply the second row by log x, subtract from the third, and make use of the formal identity

log(x+i)~---logx +


+ ...

(i-~ I, 2),


we may eliminate the logarithms and thus obtain the desired equation of type (4).

Obviously a similar manipulation leads to the same result in the most general logarithmic case.

The solution of the converse formal problem thus obtained in all cases is evidently unique, since if we write out equation ( 4 ) w i t h


by s t ( x ) , . . .


we obtain n linear homogeneous equations in the n + I coefficients


a,(x), ... an(x), which determine them up to a multiplicative series factor, just because the formal determinant of the n-th order


is not identically zero.

3- S o l u t i o n o f t h e F o r m a l P r o b l e m f o r n ~ I.

W e Will begin with a proof of the following fact:

Every equation


of the first order

(n = I)

has a series solution of the form


Such an equation may be written in the form

~'( ~- a~ ) v(x + ~) - ~ e~" + -~ + ' v(x)

x p

when tt is an integer and Q is a constant not zero, inasmuch as we may divide the equation through by

ao(X )

and trunspose the term in


I f we change the dependent variable by substituting

y(x) = x " e ~ ( x )


216 George D. Birkhoff.

. .

and divide t h r o u g h by the coefficient of !)(x+ 0 , the modified equation takes a similar form, simplified to the extent t h a t tt is zero and Q is I:

x p

Now introduce the dependent variable z ~ - l o g y , (formally)

log + 2

x p 2 x p

and we obtain at once

+ 9

c 1 c~.

~ - ~ + - - ~ § .--.


I f in this last equation we write

1 2 1 - - 1

1 - - - - 1 . . . .

Z ( X ) = Z - - - p + l X P : i - Z - - p + 2 X p + . . . + Z _ l X P + z o l o g x + z l x p + . . . . 1,

it is immediately found t h a t 2r Z - - p + 2 , . . . z 0 are uniquely determined with

e l C 2 ~ p - - 1

Z - - p + 1 - - - - ~ ~ - - p + 2 - - - - ~ 9 9 9 , i f - - 1

I 2 p - - i

I - - - - I - - - - 1 - - - -


, Z o ~ C p .

both sides.

the form

- - 1 - - 2

These results emerge by direct comparison of thd terms in x v , x v , . . . x - 1 on

- - k

Now the comparison of terms in x "7" ( k > p ) leads to equations of

--k+Pzk.--v + q~k = ck ( k = p 4 - I, p + 2 , . . . ) , P

in which ~k is a known polynomial in the coefficients zi which precede zk--v.

Thus zl, z, . . . . are determined in succession and uniquely.

Evidently the formal series for z(x) so obtained leads to a formal series of type (6) for y, so t h a t the proof of the italicized statement is completed.

I n t h e c a s e p - - ~ I , t h i s i s t o b e w r i t t e n a s

z ( x ) = Zo l o g a + z ~ x ~ - t + 9 - ..


w 4. Simplification o f t h e F o r m a l P r o b l e m .

W e propose to simplify the formal problem by establishing the following fact:

There will necessarily exist always a complete set of fOX,hal series solutions of types

(6), (6'), (6")

i f only every equation


admits at least one formal series solu- tion of the non-logarithmic types

(6), (6').

The truth of this statement may be argued as follows:

Suppose if possible that t h e statement is false. In this case, even though such a formal series solution (6), (6') always exists, yet there are equations (4) for which a complete set of series solutions does not exist. There will then be a least value of n for which a complete set does not exist, and, according to the result of w 3, we must have n > I.



be one of the formal series solutions (6), ( 6 ' ) o f such an equation (4) of least order n > I for which the theorem fails, and write

y : s ( x ) ~ .

After division through by a suitable factor (for instance,


we obtain an equa- tion of the form (4) in !), and of order n, in which, however, the basic integer p is perhaps replaced by some integral multiple


But this new equation in

admits of the obvious formal solution ~----1, so that if we write the equation in terms of ~, J ~ , j n ~ , the term in ~ disappears; in other words we have to deal with an equation (4) of order n - - k in dl:~ where j k ~ is the lowest order difference to appear explicitly. But this is an equation of the form (4) in j k ~ of order

n - - k < n ,

and hence our hypothesis ensures that it admits a complete set of n - - k formal series solutions $(x).

Thus we are led to consider the formal difference equation


I t is clear that if we can show that this equation admits n - k formal solutions corresponding to the

n - - k

known series $(x), we are led to a contradiction and the italicized statement must be true. In fact the equation in ~ is satisfied by the

n - - k

series so obtained and in addition by the k distinct series forms, I, x~,.., x ~-1 for which ztk~ is o, so that the n series exist and are obviously linearly independent.

Consequently it is clear that the italicized statement will hold if the follow- ing lemma can be established:

2 8 - 29643. Acta mathematica. 54. I m p r i m 6 le 14 avril 1930.


218 George D. Birkhoff.

Lemma. I f s(x) is a formal series of type (6), (6'), (6"), then the equation

~ y = s(~)

admits of a formal series solution of type (6), (6'), (6").

I n fact we need only apply the lemma repeatedly to the equation J k y = g ( x ) written above, when we find after k steps a series solution for each series g(x).

Let us first prove that the equation of the lemma admits such a solution if s(x) is of the form (6) or (6'). W e have then to consider an equation

J y = x v eVl~>x ~ So +-~_ + ~ (So~O),

x p

where ~ is an integer, since we may replace p by the integral multiple Ip in (6').

In the case /~ < o we substitute

y(x) = x p eP(~)xr~(x),

and, upon division through by the coefficient of ~(x) in this equation, o b t a i n

[g(x+l)log(l+l) ~xPe P{~+I)-P(x) (I -/- I) ]r y(x-/- I)--y(x)=s o ~ ~81

- ~ . - .

x p

where the factor in brackets on the left has the form

X p x P

I f now we substitute in this modified equation for ~,

~(x) = ~o + ~ + " ,

x p

it is obvious that Yo, Y~,.. are determined in succession by direct comparison, k

with Y o ~ - so for instance. More precisely, the terms in x P lead to an equa- tion of the form

~ k - - ~k ---- sk ( k >_- I),


w h e r e ~k is a p o l y n o m i a l in Y0, Y l , . . - ~ k - 1 . T h u s 91, Y2, " ' " are d e t e r m i n e d in succession by t a k i n g k : I, 2 , . . . , a n d t h e desired series solution


is found.

W h e n /~ ~ o, we s u b s t i t u t e

/~x te

y (x) = J ? (x)

b u t divide t h r o u g h by t h e same f a c t o r a s before. W e o b t a i n r__~

[ / - ~ l~ 1) ~ P(x~-I)-P(x) ( I ) I + P ] y ( X + I ) - - x P - y ( x ) = 8 0 --~ + 5 + 81 "'" ( ~ > O ) .

X p

I f n o w we replace ~ by t h e same series as before, a n d note t h a t t h e t e r m in 1

brackets is a p o w e r series in negative powers of x p, s t a r t i n g off with a c o n s t a n t t e r m n o t zero, we see at once t h a t Yo, Y l , . . . are uniquely d e t e r m i n e d , w i t h


~0----s0 e - ~ - ~ f o r instance, a n d a g a i n t h e desired solution is obtained.

T h e r e remains t h e possibility t h a t


is of t y p e (6) or (6') w i t h /~-~o.

T h e same s u b s t i t u t i o n f o r y as in the first case leads to a n e q u a t i o n


e P(z+l)-P(z) I q-


~(x-[- I)--~(x) = -~ ~- .. ~ ~

X p

where t h e t e r m in brackets is of t h e f o r m + . . .

X p X p

W h e n we s u b s t i t u t e the series f o r ?~ a.s before, we discover at once t h a t Yo, Y l , - . . are in general u n i q u e l y d e t e r m i n e d in succession w i t h ?/0, f o r instance, equal to


This d e t e r m i n a t i o n fails w h e n e~ is I, a n d t h e n only; in this case we m a y take Z ~ - o .

B u t when ~ ~ o, inspection of t h e b r a c k e t shows t h a t if t h e l e a d i n g t e r m k

in P ( x ) is uxP ( k < p ) . t h e n t h e series in brackets begins as follows:


I -~- k -~ "'', p x P


220 George D. Birkhoff.

and the equation in ~ may be written xk

p x P

-~ .. . . ~ ( x ~ ~)-=8o + - 1 + 81 X p

(k < p ) .

Consequently by writing


~ ( x ) = x P ~ 2 0 + + , x p

we find t h a t ~)o-~sop/xk, ~ 1 , . . . are determined in succession and a solution is reached, unless indeed k is o, so t h a t P(x) reduces identically to o. But in this case the original equation in y becomes

( 81 )

d y - ~ x ~ s 0 + ~ + "'~ ,

X p

which can be at once satisfied if we write

X p

with yo-~So/(r+ I), Y l , . . . determined, unless indeed r is a multiple of


with r ~ - I, and a term in x -1 actually appears on the right-hand side. I n such a case we may eliminate this term by writing

y(x) = ~(x) + 8(~§

and proceed as before, except t h a t the constant term in the series for y is arbitrary.

Consequently in all cases whatsoever when s(x) is of type (6) or (6'), a solu- tion is obtained. I t will be noted t h a t this solution is of the same type unless it involves a linear logarithmic term c l o g x . This last case of type (6") arises only when t t - ~ o , P ( x ) : o , and a term in x -1 appears in s(x).

Thus the lemma will be proved if we can deal with the case when s(x) is of type (6"). We shah dispose of this case by showing how the solution of the equation .dy-~sl.(x), in which st(x) is of the type (6") with logarithms which enter to the 1-th degree, can always be reduced to t h a t of a similar equation


in which 1 is reduced by unity and so finally to an equation of the type 1 - - o already disposed of.

To achieve this reduction, suppose t h a t we have to consider

~ y = ~(~) = s0(x)(log ~), + s~_~(x)

where so(x ) is of type (5), (5'). Write

y ( x ) = s ( x ) ( l o g x ) ~ ~(x), where $(x) is a solution of


which we know to exist of course, according to what has been proved above.

Upon substitution we find t h a t ~) has to satisfy the corresponding equation z 9 = s0(x)(log x) , - (.%(x) + ~(x))/log (x +


+ ~(x)(log ~)~+ ~_~(~).

But the right-hand member may be written as a sum of three terms - - 8 0 (X) [(log (X -~ I ))l __ (lOg Xy] - - ,~ (X) [(log (X 4" I ))l __ (log X)*] + S/--I (X).

Inasmuch as the identity

(log (X -F I ))l __ (log X) l ~ (log X -{- ,~ (log X ) ) l - - (log X) ~

l ( l o g x ) t - I J l o g x + 9 + ( J l o g x ) ~ obtains, where

i I

X 2 X ~

§ ..,

it is clear t h a t the first term in this sum, as well as the last, involves log x to a power not exceeding l - - I . Moreover, on account of the presence of the factor J l o g x , the middle term will have the same property unless .~(x)involves log x. :Hence it is only necessary to examine into this last possibility.

But it has already been noted t h a t the solution of an equation of the type J ~ ) : s o ( x ) , where So(X ) is of the form (5), (5'), can only involve logarithms linearly, and t h a t this can only happen in the case /~----P(x)--o when a term in x -1


222 George D. Birkhoff.

appears in so(x ). Therefore t h e only case requiring f u r t h e r consideration is t h a t in which the equation takes the f o r m

Z y = 8o(X) (log x) 1 -~ Sl-l(X)


( v*' )

( x ) = x ~ So + + ' 8O

X p

a n d where

So(X )

contains a t e r m in x -1. I t is clear t h a t all the difficulty arises f r o m this single term, a n d t h a t if we can find a solution for the simple equation

J y = ( J log x)(log x)', the. difficulty is disposed of.

we find

B u t if we substitute

(io~'X)'+l + ~(X) v(x)- ~ + ~

i [(log(z+ i)),+1_ (10g.),+i]

z ~ = ( ~ log x) (log.)' - F + I

-- l(logx)t-,(._41ogx)~

' ( J l o g x)~+,.

1 . 2 / + I

Now on the r i g h t - h a n d side there appears a sum involving log x to the (1--i)-st power a t most. Consequently in every case we can reduce the problem to one of a similar type b u t w i t h l decreased by at least one, as we desired to prove.

Thus, whatever be the series


in the equation of the lemma, we are led to a corresponding solution of type (6), (6'), (6"), a n d the l e m m a is fully established.

w 6. The Formal Problem and Formal Reducibility.

L e t us t e r m the equation (4), namely

L ( y ) = o ,

'reducible' in case we m a y w r i t e symbolically

L (y) - - M~--4 (La(y))


where M~-~ and Lg are difference expressions of the same type as L, of orders n - d and d respectively.

Now if there exists no equation L(y)-~-o without a formal series solution (6), (6'), we have seen t h a t a full quota of formal series necessarily exists (w 5), and the formal problem is solved. In the contrary case there exists an equation L(y)~-o of least order n > I for which no solution (6), (6') exists.

Such an equation E must necessarily be irreducible for any admissible basic integer p.

I n fact if we could factor L symbolically as indicated above, then every solution of L d ( y ) ~ o would also satisfy L ( y ) : o . But the equation Ld(y)~-o is of lower o r d e r - t h a n L(y)~--o, and so. possesses at least one series solution (6), (6'), by hypothesis. Hence L(y)----o would possess the same solution, which would be absurd.

Moreover, i f we effect any change of variables in E of the general form

y(x) = x p eP(')x"~(x),

lhe new equation in y must obviously also be irreducible in the same sense, no matter how the integer ~, the polynomial P(x), and the constant r be chosen. 1

I n consequence we proceed to consider several cases in which specific types 9 of reducibility are established (w167 7--Io). I t will then be easy to prove t h a t such an equation E cannot exist, so t h a t a complete set of formal solutions is thereby proved to be present always.

w 7. First Reducible Case.

A n equation L(y)~-o with k > i values of ~, say ~t~, ~t~,... I~k, with ~1-~o and #i < o (i-~2 . . . . k), is necessarily reducible with a symbolic factor of order d equal to the number d of non-zero roots Q corresponding to ?el ~ o .

In the first place we observe t h a t by definition o f pd, the hypothesis made ensures t h a t the first segment of the broken line in the (i,j) diagram (Fig. x) is horizontal while the later segments have positive slope. Hence, after the leading coefficient of L ( y ) : o is made equal to I by division through by ao(x), we may write (4) in the form

1 Note that this change of variables leaves the equation of the same general form (4), although the basic integer p may be altered.


224 George D. Birkhoff.


L (y) - - y(x + n) + a 1 (x) y (x + n - i) + - - . + a~ (x) y (x) -~ o,

where the series a~(x), a ~ ( x ) , . . , a~(x) in the equation so obtained can contain


no positive powers of x p, while aa(x) has a c o n s t a n t term n o t zero, corresponding to the second vertex of the horizontal segment. F u r t h e r m o r e it is a p p a r e n t t h a t the series a~(x) for i > d are series of the same t y p e but lacking c o n s t a n t terms.

W e propose to search for a symbolic f a c t o r of the f o r m


Ld (X, y) ~ y (X + d) + Pl (x)y (x + d - - I ) zr " " " -~- ~gd (X)y (X),


where p ~ ( x ) , . . . p a ( x ) are power series in negative integral powers of x p, con-

~aining c o n s t a n t terms identical with those in a ~ ( x ) , . . , ad(X) respectively, b u t o t h e r w i s e arbitrary. The more explicit n o t a t i o n Ld(x, y) is used instead of La~), since we shall have occasion to change the x in the expression to x + i . Now if La is such a f a c t o r we m u s t have

(9) L(y) -~ L a ( x + n - - d , y) + ~ ( x ) L a ( x + n - - d - - I, y) + . . . + ~n--d(x)La(x, y).

Here we shall restrict ~l(x), . . . ~n---a(x) to be similar power series but lacking c o n s t a n t terms; this restriction is actually required if such an identity is to hold.

I n t h e first place we observe that, in the coefficients of y ( x + n ) , . . , y(x) which enter, at least the c o n s t a n t terms agree on both sides, in virtue of t h e particular choice made of the c o n s t a n t terms in Ti(x) a n d hi(x). L e t us consider


n e x t the terms in x P in these coefficients. The comparison u n d e r consideration is more easily effected if we write the above i d e n t i t y in the f o r m of n explicit equations between these coefficients:

al (x) --= pl (x + n - - d) + ~, (x),

a~ (x) ~-- p~ (x + n ~ d) + ,~ (x)p 1 (x + n -- d -- I) + )~2 (x),

( , o ) . . .

an-1 (x) ---- ~n--d--, (x)p~ (X + I) + ~,,--~ (X)pd--i (X),

a (x) - -

where the law of f o r m a t i o n is obvious.

Since the c o n s t a n t terms ~i0,pi0 in ~t;pi have been specified as stated, the


comparison of the terms in x P gives t h e following n equations:


all----Pll + ~11,

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

a,~-l, 1 -- )~.-a-1,1 pdo + ]~n--d, 1pal--l,0, a~l = )~n--d, l pdo,


where we employ the notation f,.j, to denote the coefficient of x P in any series fi(x). Hence the last written equation determines


since J0d0~O;

the next to the last equation determines Z,--d--a,1, and so on, until the ( d + i)-th equation determines Jtll. But then if we turn to the remaining first d equations we see that these in order determine p ~ , p ~ , . . . p d x . Thus the coefficients of


x p in its(x) and pt(x) are uniquely determined by this comparison.

Next we may proceed to the determination of the second and higher order


coefficients 2ik and Pik by comparison of the coefficients of x P for k----e, 3 , . . . . Equations are obtained of a similar form

( I I k )

alk~--plk + ~lk + Alk, a2k----p2k + ~tlkpl0 + A~k,

9 . o . . . . 9 9 , , . ~ . . . . . .

an--l,k ~ ~n--d--l, kpdo § )~n--4, kPd--LO § A n - - L k , auk -~ ~n--d, kpdO § Ank,

where Aik are known functions of the coefficients pij, ~ j ~ < k ) .

Thus for k - ~ e , for instance, we see that ~ and pt2 are again uniquely determined, and clearly this process may be indefinitely continued, so that L(y) can be symbolically factored as stated, and the statement under consideration is proved.

w 81 Second Reducible Case.

A n equation L ( y ) = o with a single value of l ~ = o , and so With a characteristic equation in Q of degree n with no zero roots (w 2), is necessarily reducible unless the n values of Q are all equal.

2 9 - - 2 9 6 4 3 . Acta ma~matica. 54. Imprim4 le 14 avril 1930.


9~26 George D. Birkhoff.

The equation


u n d e r consideration is of course still t a k e n in the allowable f o r m (7) above. I n the case before us the coefficients


in it are


evidently power series in negative powers of x ~, of which at least the last,


contains a c o n s t a n t t e r m


I f the n values of Q are n o t equal, ~let Q~ denote some particular root of multiplicity

d < n .

W e now a t t e m p t to find a symbolic factor

La(x, y)

of order d < n, corresponding to this root, which shall be of the same form (8) as in the preceding paragraph, except t h a t

pt(x), ( i = I , 2 , . . . d)

will h e r e be t a k e n as


power series in negative powers of x ~ with c o n s t a n t terms as follows:


( 1 2) P l 0 = - - d ~1, P20 - - I ) ~

1 . 2 , . . - P a l 0 = ( - - I)d014.

H e n c e t h e single characteristic equation of


y ) = o is necessarily (e--Q1)a~o.

F u r t h e r m o r e we write


once more in t h e form (9), except t h a t the series 1

hi(x), ( i = I, 2, . . .


are power series in negative powers of x p whose con- s t a n t terms we proceed to specify.

I n the first place we observe t h a t the characteristic equation of the symbolic product is clearly

( ~ - - e l ) d ( ~ n - d "~ ~10~ } n - d - 1 -{- " "~ ~n--d,O) = O.

Hence this product will have t h e same characteristic equation as



itlo . . . . J,,,--d,O

are properly determined, a n d this determination is obviously uni- que, with

~2"--~ + ~,~oQ? -~-~ + " . + X,-~,o # o , L,-a,o ~ o.

A t this stage then,


a n d s are uniquely determined, a n d t h e c o n s t a n t terms in the coefficients on both sides of (9) agree. The equations (lO) simply state the equality of corresponding coefficients of course.


W e have n e x t to consider the terms in x P on both sides of (io). The equations obtained differ somewhat in form from (I I1) i n a s m u c h as the constants

~10 need n o t be o in the case before us. These equations are in f a c t



aH---~Pxl + 'Zll,

~,x = p . x + (zxop. + .~,,p~o) + z.,,

. . . ~ .

an--l,1 ---- (Zn--d--l,O pdX "[= Zn.~d--l,l pdO)

+ O,,~--a, opdx + 2~-m, xpgo), anx = (~,n--d, Opdl "+ ),n--d, xpd0).

But the equations (I31) are the same equations as result from the algebraic identity in u,


Z as

i u '~-q =-- A a (u) A n - a - x (u) + B n - a (u) IIa-x (u), j = l

where Aa and B,~-a are the known polynomials

A.(~) ~ (u_e,)~_-- ~. + p , o ~ - x + . + p.o, B n - a ( u ) - ~ u '~-~ + ~1o u ' - a - x + " " + ~..--a,o,

and An-a-x, [ / d - - l ' a r e to be determined from the equations -//n---d--l(U) ~ ~11 un-d-1 ~- ~21 un-d-2 -[-"''-~ ~n.--d,X, 11d--l(U) ---- pXX ud-1 -b p~lU d-2 -b "'" -t- pal--l, 1,

in which the coefficients are arbitrary.

This is readily seen if we write the j-th equation (I31) in the form

.~x= Z (x,0p~-,,1 + X, lpj-,,o)

t ( j = I , . . . n),

where we take ~oo= I, ~o~-=O,Poo----I,po~-o, and all the subscripts are to be positive or zero of course.

But the polynomials An, Bn--~ are relatively prime, while -//n--~-i and 114-1 are entirely arbitrary polynomials of degrees n - - d ' I and d - - I at most respec- tively. On the left of (I31') stands a known polynomial of degree n - - I at most in u. I t is ~hen a familiar and fundamental theorem of algebra that -4~--d--1 and Ha-1 can be uniquely determined so tJaat ~his identity holds. In conse- quence Xz'x and p~x are uniquely determined by the stated conditions.


228 George D. Birkhoff.


More generally if we compare the coefficients of x P on both sides of

(I O),

we obtain a set of equations (I3k) related to (i3~) as t h e equations (Ilk) are to (111). More precisely, the second subscripts I are changed t o k, a n d in addition there appears on t h e r i g h t of the j 4 h equation a f u r t h e r t e r m Ajk which is a k n o w n polynomial in the coefficients )Ul, 9 9 9 ~;,k-~, pi~, 9 9 9 pi, k-1. Thus we see a t once t h a t ~ti2,pi2, )u3, pi3, . . . are uniquely determined in succession, a n d the s t a t e m e n t u n d e r consideration is established.

w 9. Third Reducible Case.

Suppose that the difference equation L ( y ) = o has a single value of ~t, namely t t ~ - o , and that the n roo~ of the characteristic equation are equal to 1, so that the difference equation may be written

(14) L(y) ~ A~y + b~(x)An-~y + . . . + b~(x)y = o,

. , 1

where bl(x) . . . . bn(x) are formal power series in negative powers of x~ without constant terms. Suppose, however, that the n series

xbl(x), x'b2(x) . . . .


do not all contain only negative powers of x p with or without constant terms.

unless the modified equation in z,

+ + . +


has a single (negative) value of tt and all the roots of its characteristic equation are equal, the equation (14) is necessarily reducible, at least after the basic integer p is replaced by lp.

Before entering upon t h e proof, it is interesting to remark t h a t , from a f o r m a l point of view, a difference equation of type (I4) is m u c h more closely allied to an o r d i n a r y linear differential equation t h a n is the most general dif- ference equation (4). This fact explains the usefulness of the difference n o t a t i o n employed. W e note indeed t h a t the above difference equation is to be considered as analogous to an o r d i n a r y linear differential equation w i t h an irregular singular p o i n t of r a n k at m o s t I at x ~ 0r On this account we m a y expect a new type


of characteristic equation, analogous to that of the corresponding differential equation, to play a r&le. I t will be our first step to introduce appropriate de- finitions.

In analogy with the definitions of w 2, let us denote by bij~ the coefficient -Ji

of ~he leading term in x P of the power series for b~(x), with


and so i 0 : o . Furthermore, if


were to vanish identically, the equation (I4)would be obviously reduci.ble, so that we may take jn to be finite.



J ,,c I


Fig. 2.

Now mark the n + z points

(i, ji)

as in F i g . . I , w 2, and draw the cor- responding broken line, concave upwards, whose vertices are chosen from among these points, while all of the remaining points lie on or above the line (Fig. 2).

Evidently this broken line M starts at the origin with a positive slope, which is less than p, however, according to the hypothesis of the italicized statement.

I t is obvious that 21/ is precisely the line L of w 2 for the modified equa- tion in z. In accordance with the italicized statement, we have to prove that when this line consists of more than a single segment, and even when it consists of a single segment but the roots of the characteristic equation are not all equal, the equation (I4) is reducible.

I f the broken line M is made up of more than a single segment, let d < n be the integer which gives the coordinate i of the right-hand end point of the f i r s t s e g m e n t . From the geometric construction it is clear that if we write


230 George D. Birkhoff.


so t h a t x is t h e slope of t h e first s e g m e n t , t h e f o l l o w i n g i n e q u a l i t i e s m u s t o b t a i n

j~ _--> x i , (i _--< d); j~ > x i, (i > d).

W e m a y write x in t h e f o r m m/1 where t h e p o s i t i v e i n t e g e r s 1 ~ I a n d m are relatively prime.

T h u s t h e e q u a t i o n u n d e r c o n s i d e r a t i o n is essentially of t h e f o r m

(i4') "v+x ,


w h e r e e l ( x ) , . . , cn(x) are p o w e r series in n e g a t i v e p o w e r s of x ~v, a m o n g w h i c h c,~(x) at l e a s t c o n t a i n s a c o n s t a n t t e r m while t h e series c~(x) f o r i > d c o n t a i n no s u c h t e r m .

I n t h i s case w h e n t h e modified e q u a t i o n of t h e l e m m a in z h a s I t > I values of /~ of w h i c h t h e first is / ~ l ~ - - - z so t h a t / ~ > - - p , t h e c o r r e s p o n d i n g c h a r a c t e r i s t i c e q u a t i o n is

( I -'i

ee ~ - + c l 0 ~ Q e V ! + - . . + c ~ 0 = o , so f a r as t h e non-zero r o o t s are concerned.

W e shall show t h a t such a n e q u a t i o n is reducible if t h e basic i n t e g e r is t a k e n to be lp. 1 W i t h t h i s c h a n g e of basic integer, x is r e p l a c e d by lj~/d, a n i n t e g e r . O f course t h e r e l a t i o n x < p c o n t i n u e s to hold a f t e r this modification, w h e r e p a n d u r e f e r to t h e modified basic i n t e g e r a n d modified x.

N o w let us i n t r o d u c e t h e difference o p e r a t o r J such t h a t

W e find t h e n

a n d f u r t h e r m o r e

J u : x P J u .

J u -= x p , d u


1 As a matter of fact the symbolic factorization accomplished only involves powers of xP in the coefficients, so that the stated reducibility is effective for the original basic integer. We omit, however, the proof of this fact, which is easily made directly.


J ~

= ( x + ~ ) ~ - ~ ( 2 ~ ) + ~ x ~ -


- - 2 x p X -- - - I

: X p I + 2 U + - - X p + - . . , .

This gives immediately

~ J ' . = 2 3 . + 07, (x) 2 ' u + 0(:)(x) 2 . .



O~2)(x), O~2)(x)

are power series in negative powers of xp without constant t e r n s .

Moreover we find t h a t in general for m => 1,

m x m - - 1

j = o


where Oa(.~)(x ) are definite power series in negative powers of xp without constant terms. This has already been demonstrated above for m = I, 2, and is readily proved in general by induction. We have merely to observe t h a t we have

,o+,,, ,[o, ( )]

x P H ' ~ + l u = x P x - p H " J u

x - - x 9 m - - 1 t - - x

j = O

if the formula holds for the particular m under consideration, and to expand the terms involved. To this end we note t h a t since

,~r ~--- U ( X + I ) J V + (z~CU)V,

we have

2(uv) = ,~(~+ ~)2v + (9.)v.

Likewise we find

9~(uv) = 2 ( . ( x + I)2v + (gu)v)

= u(x+ 2)2~v + 2,~.(x+ i ) g v + (9~u)v


232 George D. Birkhoff.

by another application of the same formula. Thus in general we r e a d i ~ deduce the identity

(I6) 9 k ( u v ) = qI,(X Ji- ]g)91CV --]- ]g g ~ ( X 2 1 - ~ - - I ) J k - - I . v -~.- . . . -~ ( g k u ) v ,

which is of familiar form. Applying this expansion, the formula (I5) is seen to hold for m + I ; the fact t h a t the operator J applied to a power series actually lowers the degree of each term is to be borne in mind. Thus (I5)is established by induction.

By use of ('5), the difference equation (I4') may evidently be given the form (I 4") :

( 1 4 " )

x-~ L(y) -- J,,y

§ c l ( x ) z ~ , - l y -1- . . . q- c n ( x ) y - ~ o


where e~(x), . . . c , ( x ) a r e power series in negative powers of x p in which a con- stan~ term certainly appears in ~(x) but not in any ~i(x) for i > d. More pre- cisely, it is apparent t h a t the constant terms in el(x), . . .


are the same as in

e l ( x ) , . . , ca(x)


We propose to demonstrate t h a t this expression a d m i t s o f a symbolic factor of the form

Ld(y) ~ 9 a y + p~(x)ga--iy + . " + pa(x)y


where p l ( x ) , . . ,


are power series in negative powers of x ~ with the same constant terms as c~(x), . . . e~(x) respectively. To achieve thi.s factorization, we shall set up an identity of the form

( I 7 )

n ~

x~- L (y) -- 9 '~---a(La (y)) + Zl (x) ja--d--1 (Ld (y)) -[-"" "[- J~n-.-d (X) Ld(y)


where ~(x), . . .


are to be power series in xp without constant terms but not otherwise specified at the outset. I I n order to effec~ the comparison of both sides we need to expand terms of the type

(i=>o, j > o ) , Note the formal analogy here and later with the method used in the preceding paragraphs.


and to do so we employ the identity (I6) which gives the expansion p j ( x + n - - d - - i ) J " - x ~ y + ( n - - d - - i ) J p j ( x + n - d - - i - - I) gn--i--j--lff "~- ''"

+ (9"-~-~p~(~)) 9~-Jy.

This leads to the explicit identities

~, (~) -= p~ (x + . - d) + z, (x),

~2 (x) ~ ~0. 2 (x -3v ~, - - d) -~- (n - - d) zJ~91 (x 2i- n - - d - - i ) --~ Z 1 (x)p 1 (x -~ ~/-- d - - i ) -~- Z.~ (x),

(I8) . . .

a.,__,(.) __----(,,_d)~,n-~,-lp~,(. + ~) + (n--d--~)Z,(*)J'~-'~-:~pd(* + I ) +

+ Z~,--d--,(X)pd(* + ~)+ J"<P~,--i(*)+ Z, (*)J"--~'--~J'd-*(*) +


Z,,l--d (X)pd--1 (X),

~(X) = jn--~p~(Z)+ Z~(X)jn--~--~O~(~) + . ' ' + Z,~(X)~O~(X).

The close analogy of these equations with the equations (Io) of w 7 should be noted. Since the operation d applied to any power series in negative powers

1 - - k

of xV lowers the degree of the initial term, it is clear t h a t the coefficients of x P on the right-hand sides can only involve the constants ~ij, pi~ for j _--< k, and t h a t the terms involving the operator J can never give rise to terms involving ~ik, pik.

But, when these terms are omitted, the expressions on the right are identical with those on the right in (IO).

I t is apparent that, because of the way in which ~0, pio were chosen, the constant terms on both sides agree. Also, according to the preceding r e m a r k ,

- - 1 - - 2

the comparison for the terms in x P , x p , . . . will determine ~1,p,1, Z,2,p~2,...

uniquely, the equations of determination being precisely like (i I1) for k = I and (I I k) for k = 2 , 3 , . . . , except t h a t aij is replaced by cij of course.

The stated reducibility is thereby proved in the case when the broken line M consists of more t h a n a segment so t h a t the modified e q u a t i o n in z has more t h a n a single value of #.

There remains then the case when there is but one such value of # > - - p , in which case it is necessary to establish t h a t so long as the roots of the single characteristic equation for z are not all equal, the equation (~4)is s~illreducibte, at least if lp is taken as the. basic integer.

30--29643. Acta mathematica. 54. Imprim$ le 14 avril 1930.


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