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Decomposition of D-modules over a hyperplane arrangement in the plane


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Decomposition of D-modules over a hyperplane arrangement in the plane

Tilahun Abebaw and Rikard Bøgvad

Abstract. Letα1, α2, ..., αmbe linear forms defined onCnandX=Cn\m

i=1Vi), where Vi)={pCn:αi(p)=0}. The coordinate ringOX ofX is a holonomicAn-module, whereAnis thenth Weyl algebra and since holonomicAn-modules have finite length,OX has finite length.

We consider a “twisted” variant of thisAn-module which is also holonomic. Define Mβα to be the free rank-1C[x]α-module on the generatorαβ (thought of as a multivalued function), where αββ11, ..., αβmm and the multi-indexβ=(β1, ..., βm)∈Cm. Our main result is the computation of the number of decomposition factors of Mβαand their description whenn=2.

1. Introduction 1.1. Definition of the module Mβα

Let αi:Cn→C, i=1,2, ..., m, be linear forms and Hi={P∈Cn:αi(P)=0} be the corresponding hyperplanes. If we letX=Cn\m

i=1Hibe the complement of the central hyperplane arrangement thatHi,i=1, ..., m, define, then the coordinate ring ofX is the localizationC[x1, ..., xn]α, whereα=m

i=1αi. This is a module over the Weyl algebra An. Consider now, for varying values of the complex parameters β=(β1, ..., βm)∈Cm, the multivalued function


(We will throughout this paper use the above multi-index notation. We will also writeC[x]=C[x1, ..., xn].) TheAn-module generated byαβ as aC[x]α-module can be abstractly described in the following obvious way as a twisted version ofC[x]α.

We would like to thank Jan-Erik Bj¨ork and Rolf K¨allstr¨om for their interest and crucial contributions. The first author gratefully acknowledges the support by ISP, Uppsala University.


Definition1.1. The module Mβα, whereβ=(β1, ..., βm)∈Cmis (as aC[x]-modu- le) the free rank-1 C[x]α-module on the generator αβ. It is furthermore an An-module if we define

jαβ= m i=1

βiji) αi


forj=1,2, ..., nand extend this to an action of the wholeAn on Mβα.

We may think of this as the fibres of a flat family of An1, ..., βn]-modules, where now βi is a free scalar variable (i.e. commuting with the derivations). The problem which we consider in this paper, and solve in the plane case, is to find the decomposition factors DF(Mβα) of Mβα, and the numberc(Mβα) of them. A starting point for us was the intriguing fact—see [5] and [6]—thatc(Mβα) is easily expressible in terms of combinatorial data of the hyperplane arrangement whenβ=0.

1.2. Motivating example

The case wherem=n=1, and the A1-module Mβα=C[x]xxβ is easy to analyze.

Proposition 1.2. (i)If β∈Z, thenc(Mβα)=2.

(ii)If β∈C\Z,then Mβα is a simple A1-module,so c(Mβα)=1.

Proof. By definition Mβα=C[x]xxβ=

i∈ZCxβ+i. For the proof of (i), note that ifβ∈Z, then clearly Mβα=C[x]x. It is an easy exercise to see that


is exact and that C[x] andC[x]x/C[x] are simpleCx, ∂x-modules. For the proof of (ii), supposeβ∈C\Z. We have first that

(x∂x(β+i))xβ+j= (j−i)xβ+j. Iff=k

i=0αixβ+iMβα, where αk=0, then

k1 i=0


So some monomialxβ+k∈A1f. Now use the formulas (1) xixβ+k= (β+k)...(β+k−i)xβ+ki= 0


by assumption, and

(2) xixβ+k=xβ+k+i,

to show that all monomialsxβ+i∈A1f for alli∈Z, and so Mβα⊂A1f. Since f was an arbitrary element, this means that Mβαis simple.

1.3. Main result

The goal of this paper is the following theorem that gives the number of decom- position factors when n=2. Note that the different possibilities are distinguished by linear conditions onβ.

Theorem 1.3. Assume thatn=2. Let β=(β1, ..., βm)∈Cmandkbe the num- ber ofβi∈Z.

(i) Ifk=m, thenc(Mβα)=2m.

(ii) (a) If k<mand m

i=1βi∈Z, thenc(Mβα)=m+k1.

(b)If k<mand m

i=1βi∈C\Z, thenc(Mβα)=k+1.

As a corollary, Mβα is simple in exactly the following two cases: When m≤2 andk=0, or ifm≥3 andk=0 andm


To enlarge the list of examples of explicit calculations with D-modules has partly motivated this note. In additionD-modules on hyperplane configurations has been of interest to several authors, e.g. [11], [8] and [12], not to mention many works on the corresponding equivalent category of sheaves. Khoroshkin and Varchenko (see [8]) study a subcategory of holonomic D-modules with regular singularities along the stratification given by the intersections of the hyperplanes, and describe it in terms of quivers. This category however does not include our modules. By the Riemann–Hilbert correspondence and the known description of D-modules in terms of quivers, the problem studied in this note corresponds both to an assertion in a certain category of perverse sheaves and to an assertion on the number of de- composition factors of a quiver (see [2] and [1]), over a certain path algebra, and it would be illuminating to see a proof of our theorem using these tools. Another technique that we do not explicitly use are Bernstein–Sato polynomials. They have been calculated for hyperplane configurations in e.g. [12]. What we indirectly con- struct, corresponds to a multi-dimensional version (see [10]); it would be interesting to make this relation explicit.

The organization of the paper is as follows. In Section 2 we prove that Mβα is holonomic and give a lemma on external products that we will need and some preliminary results. In the next section we consider the easy normal crossings case


when m≤n and also the case—our starting point—when all βi∈Z, which corre- sponds to Mβα=C[x]α. In the last case there is a combinatorial description of the number of decomposition factors. Then follows in Section 4 the main part of the proof of Theorem 1.3. The main idea of the argument is to study the annihilator of αβMβα. In Section 5 we conclude the proof of Theorem1.3, and also describe the support of the decomposition factors.

2. Preliminaries 2.1. Some easy properties of Mβα

It is immediate that Mβαis holonomic, since it is the direct image of a connection on X. This is also easy to see directly, by copying the proof for the localization (which corresponds to the caseβ=0). The latter argument also provides an estimate of the multiplicity of the module, so we sketch it here.

Proposition 2.1. (i) Mβα=Mγα, ifβ≡γ (modZm).

(ii) Mβα=C[x]α,if β∈Zm.

(iii) Mβα is holonomic with multiplicity less than (m+1)n.

Proof. (ii) is a special case of (i). Suppose that β=γ+τ, τ∈Zm. Define θ: Mβα→Mγαby

θ p

αrαβ = p αrαταγ.

Clearly this is a one-to-one, onto map and it is an easy exercise to show that it is anAn-module homomorphism. This proves (ii).

To prove holonomicity, recall thatmis the degree of αand fork≥0 set Γi=


αkαβ:q∈C[x] and degq≤(m+1)i


It is straightforward to prove that this filtration has the following properties:

(i) ΓiΓj ifi≤j;



(iii) xiΓjΓj+1 andxiΓjΓj+1.

Hence for every fixed i the submodule AnΓi is holonomic. The dimension of Γj

cannot exceed the dimension of the vector space of polynomials of degree (m+1)j and so


(m+1)j+n n


n! +cjn1


for large enough values ofj and some constantc. By [3, Chapter 10, Lemma 3.1], AnΓi is a holonomic module of multiplicity less than or equal to (m+1)n. By this fixed upper bound on the multiplicity, and the additivity of the multiplicity, also Mβα has to be holonomic (and the filtration is a good one, by the way).

2.2. External product of modules

Let A and B be C-algebras. Suppose that M is a left A-module andN is a leftB-module. Then theC-vector spaceM⊗CN is an A⊗CB-module denoted by M⊗N and called theexternal product of M and N. The action ofa⊗b∈A⊗B on u⊗v∈M⊗KN is given by the formula (a⊗b)(u⊗v)=au⊗bv.IfA=AnandB=Am, thenM⊗N is in this way anAn+m-module (for this see [3]). We will use that the external product of two simple Weyl algebra modules is simple and include a proof for convenience, shown to us by Rolf K¨allstr¨om. We need the following well-known result [7, Theorem 2.6].

Lemma 2.2. If M is a simple An-module then EndAnM=C.

Lemma 2.3. Let M be a simple An-module and N be a simple Am-module.

ThenM⊗N is a simpleAm+n-module.

Proof. Let 0=f=k

i=1mi⊗ni∈M⊗N be an arbitrary element. We want to show thatAm+nf=M⊗N. We will make an induction onk.

Step 1. Let f=m1⊗n1, m1=0 and n1=0. Let g=k

i=1ri⊗si∈M⊗N be an arbitrary element. We know that Anm1=M and Amn1=N and hence there are ai∈An andbi∈Am such thatri=aim1 andsi=bin1, fori=1, ..., k. Then

g= k




and henceAm+nf=M⊗N. Step 2. Now let f=k

i=1mi⊗ni, mi∈M and ni∈N, where k≥2 and ni, i=1, ..., k, are linearly independent (overC). LetJi:=Ann(mi). Assume first that there are 1≤i, j≤k andasuch thata∈Ji\Jj. Thenh:=(a⊗1)f=k

i=1mi⊗ni=0, is a sum of fewer terms thanf and by inductionAm+nh=M⊗N. This implies that Am+nf=M⊗N. Otherwise Ji=Jj for all i and j. Then we have an isomorphism φ1:An/J1M defined bya+J1→am1and a similar isomorphismφ2:An/J2M.


By Lemma2.2,η(m):=φ2¨φ11(m)=αmfor someα∈Cand allm∈M. This implies thatη(m1)=αm1=m2 and hence

f=m1(n1+αn2)+m3⊗n3+...+mk⊗nk. Thus, again by inductionAm+nf=M⊗N. This finishes the proof.

2.3. Decomposition factors

Let R be a ring and M be an R-module. If 0=M0⊂M1⊂...⊂Mr=M is a composition series ofM, then define the set ofdecomposition factors as

DF(M) :={Mi/Mi1}ri=1,

and let c(M) be the number of decomposition factors. We will use the following lemma on the decomposition factors ofR-modules.

Lemma 2.4. Let M be an R-module, and letN be a submodule of M. Then (i) DF(M)=DF(N)DF(M/N),

(ii) c(M)=c(N)+c(M/N).

Corollary 2.5. Let 0=M0⊂M1⊂...⊂Mk=M be a composition series of an An-module M and 0=N0⊂N1⊂...⊂Nl=N be a composition series of anAm-modu- leN. Then

DF(M⊗N) ={Mi/Mi1⊗Nj/Nj1}k,li=1,j=1

and hencec(M⊗N)=c(M)c(N).

Proof. It suffices to note that Mi/Mi1⊗Nj/Nj is simple by Lemma2.3 and that taking exterior tensor product is a flat functor.

3. Examples 3.1. Normal crossings

Consider first the case whenm≤nand recall that we have a general assumption thatα1, ..., αm are linearly independent. After a base change the linear forms may be taken to beα1=x1, ..., αm=xm. Recall that, in the introduction, we considered the casem=n=1. Now using that, we are going to treat the general case.


Proposition 3.1. Let Mβα=C[x]ααβ, α=x1...xm andm≤n. Assume that we have β1, ..., βk∈Z and βk+1, ..., βm∈C\Z. Then c(Mβα)=2k. In particular Mβα is simple if and only ifβ1, ..., βm∈C\Z.

Proof. The multiplication map induces an isomorphism:

C[x]x1...xmxβ11...xβmm= m







Nowc(C[xi]xixβii) is 2 or 1 depending on ifβi is an integer or not. The result then follows by Corollary2.5.

3.2. The case ofC[x]α

By Proposition 2.1 this corresponds toβ∈Zm. In this case there is a known combinatorial description ofc(Mβα) in terms of certain linearly independent subsets of Θ:=1, ..., αm}. We will give a short description (for details see [6]).

Recall first that to each closed embedding i:YX between smooth varieties, such thatY has codimensiond, there is, by Kashiwara’s theorem, associated a sim- pleDY-moduleLY /X=iOY=HYd(OX). WhenX=Cn and 0=Y=V(x1, x2, ..., xn) is a point,L0/X may be described as

L0/X=n C[x1, ..., xn]x1...xn

i=1C[x1, ..., xn]x1...ˆxi...xn =



where ˆxi signifies that the corresponding variable is not present in the expres- sion, and Z is the set of strictly negative integers. More generally, when Y= V(x1, x2, ..., xm),LY /X may be described as the exterior tensor product of anAm- module and anAnm-module:

LY /X=L0/Cm⊗C [xm+1, ..., xn]=

β1≤−1 βm≤−... 1


Note that this corresponds to choosing a vector space splitting Cn=Y×Z, and describingLY /X=L0/Z⊗LY /Y, whereC[xm+1, ..., xn]=OY=LY /Y. We will now fix the terminology associated wtih a hyperplane arrangement.

Definition3.2. LetR:=C[x1, ..., xn]. Furthermore let Θ=1, ..., αm}be forms, and if S⊂Θ let αS=

αSα and RS:=RαS. The subset S⊂Θ defines the linear


subspace HS where all the forms inS vanish, i.e. the flatHS=V(α∈S). Further- more letiS:HS→Cnbe the inclusion andLS=iSOHS be the corresponding simple An-module as above.

TheLS are the modules that occur in a decomposition series ofC[x]α. Note thatLS1 andLS2 are isomorphic exactly when HS1=HS2. First we need thepolar filtration.

Definition3.3. Define




(and R1:=0). Clearly RS is an An-submodule of C[x]α, and C[x]=R0⊂R1⊂...

gives anAn-module filtration ofC[x]α.

Theorem 3.4.([6]) (i) dim suppRi/Ri1=n−i, fori=0, ..., n.

(ii)Ri/Ri1 is a semi-simple An-module.

(iii) Ri/Ri1=

SLS, where the sum is taken over a certain set, of all so- called no-broken (see [6]) linearly independent subsets of Θ of cardinality i. The image ofLS inRi/Ri1 is generated by αS1.

Remark 3.5. The polar filtration is the ordinary dimension filtration of a mod- ule over a Noetherian commutative ring, only that the commutative ring in this case is the subalgebra C[∂] of constant differential operators. Since the module is holonomic, its characteristic varieties have dimension n over the symbol algebra.

Hence this filtration by increasing dimension induces a filtration over C[x] where the graded pieces have decreasing dimension.

Ifn=2 we have the following sequence of A2-modules 0R0(=C[x, y])⊂R1⊂R2=C[x]α.

If the forms are Θ=1, ..., αm}, then the set of no-broken linearly independent subsets is

{∅,{α1}, ...,{αm},{α1, α2}, ...,{α1, αm}}. So in the plane caseC[x]α decomposes in the following way.

Corollary 3.6.(Plane case) (i)There is one unique simple factor C[x, y]with support equal to C2.


(ii)The simple factors with support on lines are given by themnon-isomorphic modules in the direct sum decomposition

R1/R0= m



(iii) There are m−1 isomorphic simple decomposition factors with support at the origin:

(3) R2/R1=

m i=2



For example, the image of the decomposition factor LS corresponding toS= 1, α2} in R2/R1 is just


β1≤−1 β2≤−1


We will need to know the image ofLαi. It may be described as follows. Choose for eachαieitherαci=xorαci=y, so thatαi andαci are linearly independent. Then the image ofLαi in R1/R0 is the vector space

(4) ImLαi=

k0 l≤−1


4. Proof of Theorem1.3when allβi∈C\Z

This section consists of the proof of a special case of Theorem 1.3, to which the general case may be reduced. By a change of coordinates, assume in the sequel that

Mβα=C[x, y]ααβ, whereα=xym

i=3(cix+y), andci=cj=0 fori=j. We will continue to call the forms α1=x, α2=y, ..., and extend the definition ofci=∂xi) (soc0=1 andc1=0). Note that the case when m≤2 was treated in Proposition 3.1. With no βi integers, it turns out that whether|β|:=m

i=1βi is an integer or not, determines whether the module is simple.


Theorem 4.1. Assume that βi∈C\Z,i=1, ..., m.

(i) If |β|:=m

i=1βi∈Z, thenc(Mβα)=m1.

(ii) If |β|∈C\Z,then c(Mβα)=1and Mβα is simple.

Studying the annihilator ofαβ is the crucial ingredient of the proof.

4.1. Normal form algorithm

The Euler derivationP=P(β)=x∂x+y∂y−|β|belongs to the annihilator ofαβ. Another annihilator is found by considering the action of y:

y m i=2



αβ= 0

and clearing denominators. This gives Q=Q(β) :=

m j=2


y m i=2



j=2 j=i


(the similarly constructed annihilator involving x is contained in the ideal gener- ated by P and Q). We will next describe a normal form for elements modulo P and Q. For this use the graded reverse lexicographic order, ordering the variables byy >x>∂x>∂y, and letting

yi1xj1xk1yl1> yi2xj2xk2ly2


i1+j1+k1+l1> i2+j2+k2+l2



and the last non-zero coordinate of (i1−i2, j1−j2, k1−k2, l1−l2) is negative. The normal form algorithm, see [11, Chapter 1] and [4, Chapter 2], with respect to {P, Q}, inputs an element F of the Weyl algebra and outputs an element R such that there existS1 and S2 in the Weyl algebra with F=S1P+S2Q+R and where the initial term of R is not divisible by the initial terms of P and Q. Since the initial term ofP isx∂x and the initial term ofQisym1y, it follows that







andM⊂Z40, is the set

(5) M={(i, j, k, l) :jk= 0, andi≤m−2 ifl= 0}.

We will use this in a slightly different form. Give the variables x, y∈A2 weight 1, and the derivations x and y weight 1. Then both P and Q are homogeneous elements. Denote by (A2)0⊂A2 the space of homogeneous differential operators of weight 0.

Lemma 4.2.

(A2)0⊂N0+A2P+A2Q, whereN0 is the vector space

(6) L=



k,l1 k+lm2


k0 lm2


Proof. SinceP andQare homogeneous elements (A2)0= (A2P)0+(A2Q)0+N0,

where N0=N(A2)0 differs from N, by the added condition that i+j−k−l=0 in (5). Using that (A2)0 is generated by monomials in x∂y, x∂x, y∂y and y∂x, and changing the presentation of the monomials inN0 gives the description of the monomials in the lemma.

4.2. The annihilator ofαβ

Now we can get some information on the annihilator ofαβ.

Lemma 4.3. Assume thatβi∈C\Z,i=1, ..., m. Let Ann=AnnA2αβ. Then (i) A2P+A2Q⊂Ann;

(ii) the homogeneous part Ann0 of Annsatisfies Ann0⊂A2P+A2Q.


Proof. Note that (i) does not need the hypothesis and is a routine verification.

We will have use for thevaluationwith respect to the form L=αi,i=1,2, ..., m. If m∈Mβα, defineOL(m) to be the greatestk∈Zsuch that

m=r(x, y)Lkαβ,

where r(x, y)∈C(x, y) is a quotient of two polynomials that are not divisible byL (using that the ring of polynomials is a unique factorization domain). Furthermore define


Clearly...⊃VL,1⊃VL,0⊃VL,1⊃... .To avoid confusion, we emphasize that when we below speak of the order of a differential operator in A2 and the order filtration ofA2, it will be in the ordinary sense of differential operators. Note that ifS∈A2

has orders, then

(7) SVL,k⊂VL,ks,

and that

(8) yVx,k⊂Vx,k and xVy,k⊂Vy,k.

After these preliminaries, suppose now thatB∈Ann is homogeneous. Using the previous Lemma 4.2, B=U+S1P+S2Q, where U∈L and Si∈A2, i=1,2. Hence, by (1),U∈Ann. We will show thatU must be 0.

Letrbe the order ofU. Ifr≥m−1, then the leading term, with respect to the order filtration, ofU will look like


l≤m−2 n=r−l

αl,n(y∂y)l(x∂y)n=γyrxr+R(x, y)xr(m2)yr,

where the degree of R(x, y) is equal tom−2. Consider first valuation with respect tox. Evaluate modulo Vx,r+1, using (8), gives

0 =U αβ=β111)...(β1−r+1)γyr xr,

and hence γ=0 (since β1∈Z/ ). Next let L=αi, i=2, ..., m. Evaluate again modulo VL,r+1, using (7), gives

0 =U αβ=R(x, y)βii1)...(βi−r+1)xr(m2)Lr+VL,r+1.

Since βi∈Z/ , L divides R(x, y). Repeating this for all αi, i=2, ..., m, implies that α23...αm divides R(x, y). This contradicts that degyR(x, y)≤m−2. Hence R(x, y)=0, and so we are reduced to the second case, when r≤m−2. Clearly


we may assume thatr>0, since otherwiseU would be a constant annihilatingαβ and soU=0. Then the leading term ofU will look like

r k=0


Consider now again the different valuations. With respect to L=x, and in view of (8), we have that

0 =U αβ=α0β111)...(β1−r+1)yr

xr (modVx,r+1).

This implies thatα0=0. Now ifL=αi=cix+y, i=3, ..., m, U αβ=

r k=0



Lr +VL,r+1. This givesm−2 equationsp(ci)=r

k=1αkcrik=0, wherep(x)=r

k=1αkxrk, and since the degree ofpisr−1≤m−3, we havep(x)=0. This finally implies thatU=0, and finishes the proof of the lemma.

4.3. The structure ofA2/(A2P+A2Q) We have a surjective map


and we will find the decomposition factors of Mβαby analyzing the first module.

Lemma 4.4. Let β˜=β+N,where N∈Zm, andαβ˜NαβMβα. Then J=J( ˜β) :=A2x+A2P( ˜β)+A2Q( ˜β) =A2x+A2(y∂y(˜|+1))+A2(ym2).

Proof. Recall thatP( ˜β)=x∂x+y∂y−|β˜|=∂xx+y∂y(˜|+1). This shows that y∂y(˜|+1)∈J. Secondly,

Q( ˜β) = m



y m i=2





ym1y m i=2


for someG∈A2. Hence


ym1y m i=2





i=2β˜iym2−ym2(y∂y(˜|+1))=( ˜β1+1)ym2∈J. Since ˜β1+1=0, by assumption,ym2∈J, and


Lemma 4.5. Let A1=Cy, ∂y. LetJ=A1(y∂y−γ)+A1yk fork≥0. Then the following are true.

(i) If γ /∈{−1, ...,−k},thenJ=A1.

(ii) If −k≤γ≤−1,then J=A1(y∂y−γ)+A1y|γ|. Furthermore, A1/J∼=C[y]y/C[y]

and is hence simple.

Proof. (i) Ifγ /∈{−1, ...,−k},then j+γ=0, forj∈{1, ..., k}. Now,

yyk−yk1(y∂y−γ) = (k+γ)yk1∈J.

Since k+γ=0, yk1∈J. Iterating we find that 1∈J, as by assumption k+γ=0, k−1+γ=0, ...,1+γ=0, and henceJ=A1.

(ii) If−k≤γ≤−1, the same argument still gives thatJ=A1(y∂y−γ)+A1y|γ|. Letθ:A1→C[y]y/C[y] be the map defined by θ(P)=P(¯yγ). ClearlyJ⊂Kerθ and θ is surjective. Now,




|γ|−1 j=1


soJ=Kerθ. This concludes the proof.

Lemma 4.6.

A2/(A2x+A2P( ˜β)+A2Q( ˜β))∼=A2/(A2x+Ann( ˜β))∼=A2αβ˜/A2β˜

is a non-trivial simple A2-module if and only if (m2)≤|β˜|+1≤−1 and zero otherwise.

Proof. The last isomorphism is obvious. By Lemma4.4,

A2/(A2x+A2P( ˜β)+A2Q( ˜β))=A2/(A2x+A2(y∂y(˜|+1))+A2(ym2)).

So this module is the external product

(Cx, ∂x/Cx, ∂xx)⊗(Cy, ∂y/Cy, ∂yy∂y(˜|+1), ym2).


Hence the result on simplicity follows by Lemma4.5(ii) and Lemma2.3. It remains to prove the first isomorphism. There is a canonical surjection

θ:A2/(A2x+A2P( ˜β)+A2Q( ˜β))−A2/A2x+Ann( ˜β).

If the second module is zero, then there are B∈A2 and C∈Ann( ˜β) such that 1=

Bx+Cif and only ifC=1−Bx∈Ann( ˜β). Take the homogeneous weight 0 part: 1=

B1x+C0. Now, by Lemma 4.2, C0∈A2P( ˜β)+A2Q( ˜β) and so 1∈A2x+A2P( ˜β)+

A2Q( ˜β). Hence the first module is zero. Since it is always simple, this proves that the surjectionθis always an isomorphism and finishes the proof of the lemma.

Lemma 4.7. (i)There existsN1∈Nm such that αβN1 generates Mβα. (ii)There isN2∈Nmsuch thatA2αβ+N3 is a simple submodule ifN3∈N2+Nm. Proof. (i) follows directly from the fact thatM=Mβαis a holonomic module and hence Noetherian, see [3]. Lete=(1, ...,1)∈Nm. By the Noetherian property the ascending sequence of submodules A2αβne, n=1,2, ..., stabilizes at some n=n1. But, for large enoughnany element in M is contained inA2αβne. This holds in particular for a finite set of generators ofM, and soM is generated byαβn1e.

For (ii), note similarly that the descending sequence of submodules A2αβ+ne, n=1,2, ..., stabilizes if n is larger than some n2. As a further consequence of holonomicity,M contains a simple submodule M1. Iff is a generator of M1, then alsoαnef,n≥0, is a generator, and if we then choosenbig enough we may assume that f∈A2αβ+n2e. HenceM1⊂A2αβ+n2e. Furthermore, all decomposition factors of M have support on hyperplane intersections, and M has rank 1 as a C(x, y)- module, so any element in A2αβ+n2e/M1 is annihilated by a large enough power of α. In particular, there is n4≥n2 such that αβ+n4e∈M1, and it follows that A2αβ+n2e=A2αβ+n4e=M1.

4.4. Proof of Theorem4.1

We are now in a position to prove Theorem 4.1. Assume first that˜|∈C\Z. By Lemma 4.6, A2αβ˜/A2β˜=0 and hence A2αβ˜=A2β˜=...=A2xrαβ˜1 for any r∈Z and this is true exchanging x for any of the other linear forms. Then by Lemma4.7,A2αβ+N3=A2αβ+N1=Mβα. Therefore Mβα is simple.

Assume then that ˜|∈Z. Again using the notation of the preceding lemma, put ˜β=β+N1, and considerA2αβ+N1. Since if αβ+N generates Mβαalsoxnαβ+N generates Mβα if n≥0, we may assume that ˜|≤−(m1). By Lemma 4.6, if ˜| is not one of(m1), ...,2, we have that A2β/A˜ 2˜=0. HenceA2αβ˜=A2β˜=


...=A2αβ˜1, whereαβ˜1=xrαβ˜ such that˜1|=(m1). Then by Lemma4.6 A2αβ˜1⊃A2β˜1⊃...⊃A2xm2αβ˜1,

is a chain of strict submodules such that each quotient is simple and has support at (0,0). The last submodule, A2xm2αβ˜1, has the property (by again applying Lemma 4.6 to eachαi) that it equals A2αNxm2αβ for all N∈Nm, and hence by Lemma4.7is simple.

Hence Mβαhasm−2 decomposition factors with support at the origin, and one with support onC2. This concludes the proof.

5. The general plane case

In this section, we are going to consider the remaining case when 1≤k<m of the β’s are in Z and the rest are in C\Z. Let then β1, ..., βk∈Z, so they may be taken to be 0, by Lemma 2.1. Define ˜β:=(βk+1, ..., βm)(C\Z)mk, and set

α=αk+1...αm. We then want to study the module Mβα=C[x, y]ααβ˜.

First, by Section3.2the moduleC[x, y]α1...αr has a filtration:

R0=C[x, y]⊂R1⊂R2=C[x, y]α1...αk.

(If k=1, then R1=R2.) By localization and multiplication by αβ˜ this induces a filtration byA2-modules

(9) C[x, y]α˜αβ˜(R1)α˜αβ˜= (R2)α˜αβ˜=C[x, y]ααβ˜,

where the equality is a consequence of the fact that R2/R1 has support in the complement of α=0, and so vanishes when localized. By (3) the quotient

C[x, y]ααβ˜/C[x, y]α˜αβ˜= k



asA2-modules. We can describe the factorsKi:=(Lαi)α˜αβ˜more precisely. Denote by iHi the inclusion Hi=V(αi)→C2. Since Ki has support on Hi, it is equal to iHi(KerKiαi), by Kashiwara’s theorem. Note thatαc is a parameter onHi.The restriction of a formαj,j=k+1, ..., m, toHiis a non-zero multiple ofαc, and hence intuitively the restriction ofαβ˜ is a multiple of (αc)βk+1+...+βm.


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