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Inhomogeneous profiles in re doped LaCl3 : satellites lines, energy transfer and up-conversion processes


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1982

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Inhomogeneous profiles in re doped LaCl3 : satellites lines, energy transfer and up-conversion processes

N. Pelletier-Allard, R. Pelletier

To cite this version:

N. Pelletier-Allard, R. Pelletier. Inhomogeneous profiles in re doped LaCl3 : satellites lines, energy transfer and up-conversion processes. Journal de Physique, 1982, 43 (2), pp.403-410.

�10.1051/jphys:01982004302040300�. �jpa-00209408�


Inhomogeneous profiles in RE doped LaCl3 :

satellites lines, energy transfer and up-conversion processes

N. Pelletier-Allard and R. Pelletier

Laboratoire Aimé-Cotton (*), CNRS II, Campus d’Orsay, Bâtiment 505, 91405 Orsay, France (Reçu le 17 juin 1981, révisé le 28 septembre, accepte le 28 octobre 1981)



La technique d’excitation monochromatique de la fluorescence a été appliquée à la transition

4I9/2 ~ 4G5/2 de Nd : (LaxPr1-x)Cl3. Les variations de l’énergie émise ont été observées sur des transitions réab- sorbées. Cette méthode a permis d’attribuer les différentes raies satellites à de petits agrégats d’ions bien définis et l’existence d’une fluorescence d’up-conversion à un processus coopératif mettant en jeu deux ions excités iden-

tiques en interaction. Elle a conduit à une analyse précise du profil d’absorption inhomogène.



The technique of monochromatic excitation of the fluorescence has been applied to the 4I9/2 ~ 4G5/2

transition of Nd : (LaxPr1-x)Cl3. The variations of the emitted energy have been observed on reabsorbed tran-

sitions. This method has allowed the assignment of the different satellite lines to definite clusters of ions and the attribution of energy up-conversion to a cooperative process involving two identical interacting excited ions.

This has led to an accurate analysis of the inhomogeneous absorption profile.


Physics Abstracts

71.70G - 61.70W

1. Introduction.


Energy transfer in solids has been extensively investigated during the fifteen last years. Transfer occurs between both identical and different ions, with emission of anti-Stokes as well

as Stokes radiation. Various mechanisms are evi-

dently responsible for this energy transfer. The expe- rimental methods are numerous, and many attempts have been made to interpret the observations.

On the other hand the problem of the satellite lines has also given rise to many studies, and there again interpretations are not always consistent

We were led to consideration of these two pheno-

mena in order to interpret the hyperfine spectra of Nd : LaCl3 obtained using a selective excitation

induced fluorescence line narrowing technique [1].

Now we have studied these processes in a more

systematic way and present the experimental results

and the conclusion drawn from them.

2. Principle of the experiment.



- The technique used is monochromatic excitation of laser induced fluorescence. The absorption profile

of a line is scanned by means of continuous variation of the exciting wavelength, and the resulting changes

in the emitted fluorescence intensity are observed.

(*) Laboratoire associe a l’Universit6 de Paris-Sud.

If the laser is a monomode one, this is a very high

resolution technique as the width of the apparatus function is the width of the exciting laser line. However the very principle of the method requires that only

the inhomogeneous spectrum is obtained, and the

ultimate resolution thus depends on both the sample

and the excited transition.

For example even isotopes of rare earths substituted in very low concentration ( ~ 5 x 10- 4) for lanthanum

ions of lanthanum chloride may give, at very low temperature ( ~ 4 K), inhomogeneous linewidths of about 0.06 cm-1 for transitions between the lowest energy levels of Stark multiplets. Such samples

excited under these conditions are then good tools

for these experiments.



The present study concerns

the satellite lines very near the main line, i.e. lines located in the wings of a line about 103 times more

intense. Therefore their profiles are modified by the

existence of an intense and rapidly decreasing back- ground - when they are not completely hidden.

Experiment has shown the important transition probabilities of some lines : in spite of the low concen-

tration of rare earth ions, the CW 40 mW of a laser whose beam has a few tenth mm diameter and whose

frequency is tuned on the centre of the absorption profile of one of these lines, are completely absorbed

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01982004302040300



Fig. 1.


Monochromatic excited fluorescence spectra. Excitation is in the 5 848 A absorption line of Nd

[41 9/2(5/2) - ~Gs~(l/2)]. Variations in the fluorescence intensity are recorded : a), b) on the up-converted Nd fluorescence 5 263 A line [~G~ j~(3/2) - 41 9/2(5/2)]. The two spectra are obtained for two different positions of the laser beam inside the

sample; c) on the up-converted Nd fluorescence 5 333 A line [4G7/2(3/2) ~ 419/2(5/2 + 3/2)].

by less than 1 mm depth of the crystal. In these

conditions the corresponding fluorescence lines are

strongly reabsorbed.

These self-reversed lines are obviously relative to

transitions to the ground state. Their reabsorption

rate can be modified by focusing the laser beam in the crystal at varying depth from the front surface

(fluorescence is observed at right angle to the beam direction).

When fluorescence is observed on strongly reabsorb-

ed lines, the satellite lines, which are not self-reversed,

i.e. much less reabsorbed, are no longer hidden in

the wings of the main line and a pure satellite spec- trum can be recorded

Figure 1 illustrates these statements. The three spectra are records of the intensity variations of fluorescence lines relative to the same emitting level, the laser being scanned over the same absorption profile. Spectra a and b correspond to transitions to the ground state, but are recorded with two different

positions of the incident beam inside the sample, leading to a completely or a partially reabsorbed

main line. Spectrum c corresponds to a transition

to any level.

Comparison between spectra a and c, obtained in the same geometrical conditions, illustrates the interest of the method for an accurate study of the

weak satellites of an intense line.

2.3 OBSERVATION. - The study of the satellite lines has been carried on the most strongly reabsorbed

fluorescence lines. As stated before, they all are

relative to transitions to the ground level, but several types can be distinguished depending on the emitting

level :


Fluorescence level populated by a cascade

process (emitting level energy exciting energy).


Fluorescence level populated by an up-conver- sion process (emitting level energy > exciting energy).


Fluorescence level populated by an interionic

transfer process in the case of doubly doped samples (one ion is excited, and the other one observed).

The technique used evidently prevents to observe the resonant fluorescence from the directly excited level, that is to say to record the resonant excitation spectrum. As for the non-resonant excitation spectra (fluorescence from the directly excited level to any

level) they are not self-reversed However their observation has shown that, excluding the satellite

lines completely folded in the main line, they are

identical to the cascade spectra.


3. Experimental set-up and results.


3 .1 RECORD-



At each scan of the absorp-

tion line we record simultaneously (Fig. 2) :


the intensity variation of a reabsorbed fluo-

rescence line (spectrum a). This line is isolated using a

monochromator with a wide slit;


the intensity variation of the whole fluorescence

(except the excitation spectral region) (spectrum b) ;


an iodine spectrum (spectrum c) obtained by recording the fluorescence emitted by a small iodine vapour cell placed in the path of a parasitic laser

beam. It removes any error due to an accidental laser jump and allows to connect the spectra obtained by successive scans of the laser cavity (one scan

covers about 1 cm’ 1).

Moreover the iodine spectrum is used for a cali- bration, the iodine lines being accurately known [2].

All apparatus are commercial :


The source is a 375 Spectra Physics CW single

mode tunable laser. The beam is focused on the

sample with a 18 cm focal length lens.


The monochromator is a Jobin-Yvon THR.


The cryogenic system is a CF 204 Oxford

Instruments continuous-flow cryostat in which the

sample is cooled by a static exchange gas. All the

spectra presented here were recorded with a sample

temperature around 4 K.


Fig. 2.


Monochromatic excited fluorescence spectra.

Excitation is in the 5 848 A absorption line of Nd Variations in the fluorescence intensity are recorded : a) on the cascade Nd fluorescence 8 751 A line [’FI,2(1/2) -+ 4I9~2(S~2)~ ;

b) on the whole visible range. The 12 fluorescence spectrum is in c).


The RE doped LaCl3 samples were grown at the « Laboratoire de Physique Cristalline » in Orsay, using the Bridgman method. Samples of


are cut with their faces parallel and perpendicular

to the crystallographic axis.

A great number of samples were used, as their hygroscopic nature and their fragility prohibit nume-

rous coolings.



Three kinds of crystals were studied :

(0.000 5 148 Nd, 0.999 5 La)Cl3, (0.000 5 Pr, 0.999 5 La)C13


(0.000 5 148 Nd, 0.000 5 Pr, 0.999 0 La)CI3 .

Two lines were excited : the 5 848 A line of Nd

corresponding to the %/2(5/2) - 4Gs/2(1/2) tran-

sition, and the 6011 A line of Pr corresponding to

the 3H4(2) ~ 1 D2(0) transition. In the latter case the

study was less extensive and less accurate, as few

levels can be observed in the visible region. Moreover

the existence of hyperfine structure broadens the

lines and reduces the spectral resolution. Still more

troublesome is the fact that the LaCl3 (purity 3 N)

used contains traces of Nd. Although its concentration is lower than 10- 6 and not detected by optical emission spectrography using total combustion in an inert

atmosphere, its intense fluorescence compared to

that of Pr has impeded a complete study.

Therefore we present here only the results obtained

by excitation of the 5 848 A line of 148Nd. A spectral region of about ± 2 cm-1 was scanned around the main line. The variation in intensity was observed for the different types of strongly reabsorbed fluorescence lines. A diagram of the corresponding transitions is

presented in figure 3.

Fig. 3.


Nd and Pr transitions involved in the experi-

mental spectra.


Fluorescence after a cascade process has been observed through the 8 024 A line corresponding to

the 4F 5/2(1/2) -~ 4I9j2(5/2) transition and through the

8 751 A line corresponding to the ~3/2(1/2) -~ 4I9i2(5/2)



Fluorescence after an up-conversion process has been observed on the 5 263 A line

(4G7/2(3/2) --+ 4I9,2(SI2) transition) .


Fluorescence after an interionic Nd -~ Pr trans-

fer process has been observed in the doubly doped

sample on the 6011 A line of Pr(iD2(0) -~ 3H4(2)

transition) and on the 4 883 A line (Ipo(o) -~ ~H~(2)




The recorded spectra are schematized in figure 4 :


The lines, A, B, C, represent the satellites. This

was possible due to the fact that their profiles are



The axis of the main line


completely reab-

sorbed in these spectra


is shown using dots and

dashes. To make the figure clearer, these axes have

been drawn the same, though the change of host

introduced by 0.05 % Pr produces a shift of 0.01 cm-1 toward higher energies.

4. Satellite lines.


The existence of satellite lines has been observed in pure as well as doped’salts.

They are usually grouped within ± 20 cm-1 of the strongest electronic transitions. Their intensities are

10- 3 to 10- 4 of the main line, they have, in most

cases, the width, the polarization, and the Zeeman effect of the main line.

The most commonly used method for studying them

is absorption spectroscopy. They have also been observed in fluorescence spectra, pulsed excitation spectra and electron paramagnetic resonance spectra.

As for their origin, we shall consider here only the interpretations for RE ions (most often Pr or Nd)

substituted in a crystal host. The first extensive study

was done by Prinz and Cohen [3] on several electronic transitions of Nd : LaCl3. They assign the presence of satellite lines to near-neighbour interactions and conclude the existence of clustering of impurity ions together with the distortion of neighbouring rare

earth sites.

Later on systematic investigations were carried out by progressively replacing the cations or anions of the host and by observing the appearance of new satellite lines [4, 5]. These studies lead to the conclusion that

an important cause of satellites is a change in symme-

try producing shifts in the energy levels due to the presence of impurities.



a) Tentative assignment.


As our experimental method allows

suppression of the main line while preserving the

satellite lines, and as it is a high resolution spectroscopy technique, we have limited ourselves to lines within

± 2 cm-1 of the main line, ~e. lines usually completely

hidden in its inhomogeneous profile or partially in

its wings.

All our results are consistent if :

- we assign all satellite lines to the electronic tran-

sition 419/2(5/2) -~ ~~5/2(1/2) of Nd, each line corres-

ponding to the excitation of ions with slightly different environments,


we attribute these differences to the fact that the Nd ions are near a non-La3 + ion, meanwhile the Nd

ions which give rise to the main line (that is to say most of them) can be considered as isolated in the

LaCl3 host and therefore equivalent. The weakness of the satellite lines with respect to the intensity of

the main line is consistent with the very low proba- bility for an impurity to be neighbour of another impurity in a very dilutely doped sample.

Observation of the satellite spectrum shows the following characteristics :


All profiles are identical, and identical to that of the main line.


When LaCl3 is doped with odd Nd isotopes, the

satellite lines exhibit hyperfine structure (in Nd : LaCl3 crystals at least, as we had no 143 or 145N~

Pr : LaCl3 samples available).


All lines exhibit the same isotopic effect [6]. It

was not possible to study the effect of an external

magnetic field, as the structure is too tight for a

Zeeman spectrum to be resolved when each line is

split into four components.

Besides these qualitative considerations which show the identity of the satellite lines and of the main line,

Fig. 4.


Schematized satellite spectra. I, II observed from a cascade populated level; III, IV observed from an interionic transfer populated level; IV, V observed from an up-conversion process populated level. The samples used and the observed

transitions are noted on the left hand side.


the results arising from the study of the spectra pre- sented in figure 4 have allowed us to ascertain the

origin of the satellites.

This figure shows that, with respect to the cascade fluorescence spectra, no additional line is introduced

by populating the Pr levels or the Nd levels higher

than ’G,/2’ On the contrary some of the lines appear-

ing in the cascade spectra, i.e. belonging to the excita- tion spectra, are not present in the fluorescence spec-

tra due to an interionic transfer process or to an up- conversion process. In fact 3 types of satellite lines

can be distinguished :


the lines remaining after an interionic Nd -~ Pr transfer process (noted A),


the lines remaining after an up-conversion pro-

cess on a Nd level (noted B),


the lines present after a cascade process only (noted C, C’, C").

b) A lines.


Comparison of the 2 cascade fluo-

rescence spectra I and II of figure 4 obtained respec-

tively with the Nd : LaCl3 and Nd, Pr : LaCl3 samples

allows us to conclude that the existence of A lines is due to the introduction of Pr in the crystal. In the hypothesis where satellite lines are electronic lines of Nd ions in regular sites with crystal fields slightly

different from the main crystal field, one can regard

the satellites as arising from a perturbation of Nd ions

due to the proximity of a Pr ion.

The fact that, concerning the excitation in the satel- lite lines, excitation in the A lines only induces 1 D2(0)

Pr fluorescence confirms this assumption as it means

that only the ions producing these particular satellite

lines participate in the Nd -~ Pr energy transfer.

Spectrum III was obtained by observation of intensity

fluctuation of the 6011 A reabsorbe,d line of Pr.

Observation of a non-reabsorbed 1D2(0) fluorescence line shows that excitation of the ions giving rise to

the main line also induces a Nd -~ Pr transfer.

These results are consistent with the fact that the transfer efficiency depends at the same time on the

number of excited ions and on the donor-acceptor

distance. There are very few Nd ions giving rise to

satellites A, but the Nd-Pr distance is short whereas for the ions giving rise to the main line and to the non-A satellites the interionic distance is large. In these

cases the efficiency difference is due to the 103 to 101 times higher concentration in ions giving rise to the

main line than in ions giving rise to the satellites.

c) C lines.


C lines are the lines which appear

only in the cascade fluorescence spectra. Their main characteristic is a sample dependence. Spectra I and II

of figure 3 are two examples. The coincidences can

change with other Nd : LaCl3 or Nd, Pr : LaCl3 samples.

The results obtained from the study of A spectra have allowed confirmation that the satellite lines arise from the electronic 4I9~2(Sl2) ~ 4Gsj2(1/2) transitions of ions for which the crystal field is slightly modified

by the presence of near perturbating ions. We have

then extended the argument to the C spectra.

The non-reproducibility of the C lines calls to mind the fact that many samples were investigated, and that

the lanthanum chlorides used to grow them were not

perfectly pure and moreover had different origins.

Some metals (such as Si and Ca) may be found in concentrations not much different from the concen-

trations of the deliberately introduced rare earth.

Under these conditions C satellite lines are attributed

to Nd ions near non-identified impurities. The relati- vely large shift from the main line (I shift I > 0.8 cm-1 )

can be explained by the masses and ionic radii of these

impurities which are very different from the masses

and ionic radii of the rare earths ions.

d) B lines.


Contrary to the C spectra, identical B spectra are recorded with any sample. Moreover

the B lines appear to be totally independent of the possible presence of other impurity ions. As a conse-

quence and extending once more the argument applied

to the A and C lines, the B satellite lines are attributed

to weak clusters of Nd ions. It can be noticed that,

for these low concentrations, satellite lines due to Nd ions in RE clusters are concentrated within + 0.6 cm-1 of the main line.

e) Conclusion.


The fact that some ions are not involved in the interionic transfer process has led to a better understanding of the origin of the satellite lines. We think that we have demonstrated that


in the proximity of the main line at least


satellite lines are due to the same electronic transition, and that the small shifts of the levels are caused by a small change in the surroundings when a nearby ion of the

host is replaced by another one. These perturbating

ions may be impurities and it is possible to eliminate

them. However some satellite lines will remain, as long as the same crystal growing technique is used,

as they are due to clusters of the ions under study.

5. Up-conversion.


The up-conversion phenome-

non (transformation of an exciting photon to one of higher energy) has been investigated since the mid 1960’s. Interest in the subject was related to the interest

in quantum counter action, and the salts most studied,

were either pure, or strongly doped with 1 or 2 rare earths, one of them being the sensitizer and the other the acceptor.

An extensive literature survey was carried out by

Auzel [7]. Various mechanisms are proposed to explain the phenomena : the sum of photons is pro-

duced by means of cooperative processes or successive

absorption with or without internal relaxations; the

transfer between ions of a pair is resonant or phonon

assisted The number of photons involved in the pro-

cess is determined from measurements of the up- converted light intensity as a function of the exciting

power (lu = feW’), but n is not always an integer,

and the results obtained by different authors do not

necessarily agree.



Some authors have been interested in rare earth ions of low concentration in host crystals. The inter- pretations are similar to those for concentrated crys- tals. The particular case of Pr(Nd) in LaCl3 has already

been studied, in particular by Zalucha et al. [8].

Depending on the excited level, they attribute the

existence of an up-conversion :


Either to an ETU (energy transfer up-conver-

sion) process : two nearby excited ions undergo an

energy transfer interaction leaving one ion in a higher

excited state, and the other in a lower state.


Or to a STEP process (sequential two-photon

excitation process) : the ion is excited in an initial step, relaxes to a lower multiplet whereupon a second photon causes the excitation to a higher multiplet.

The two mechanisms are distinguished by flux dependence and decay time experiments.

In fact, in the different cases investigated, all inter- pretations can be reduced to two types of mechanism :

a successive absorption of n photons on 1 centre


with or without intermediate relaxation processes


or a cooperative process in which the excitation which

induces up-conversion results from two absorption

transitions on separate ions. The first problem to be

solved appears to be a choice between these two mechanisms.



a) Spectroscopy experiments.


Excitation of the 4Gs/2(1/2) level of

Nd in the two types of crystals Nd : LaCl3 and Nd,

Pr : LaCl3 always gives rise to up-conversion, in spite

of the very low concentration of rare earth ions.

Emission from all fluorescing levels of energy higher

than ’G,/2 was observed, in Nd (levels 4D3j2, 2G9/2~

4G 7/2) as well as in Pr (level 3Po).

This anti-Stokes fluorescence always exists when

exciting radiation is absorbed in the main line. But

figure 4 shows that excitation in only some of the

satellite lines induces an up-conversion process.

Moreover two kinds of anti-Stokes fluorescence have to be distinguished, depending on the rare earth


Nd or Pr


to which the emitting levels belong.

The results can be seen by comparing spectra IV and V :


when excitation is in the B lines, the up-converted spectrum is the same, whether Pr is present or not More precisely, the up-conversion only involves Nd,

and no more lines appear when Pr is added;


when excitation is in the A lines, no up-converted

fluorescence appears from Nd levels. As for the anti- Stokes fluorescence from 3Po Pr level, it weakly exists

when excitation is in some satellite lines (A2 lines),

not when excitation is in the others (At lines).

b) Flux dependence experiments.


The number of

photons involved in the energy up-conversion process is in principle equal to the exponent in the expression

which relates the up-converted emission intensity to

the input light flux. Therefore we have carried out

appropriate measurements. Many samples have been

tested, different Stark levels of Nd and Pr have been

excited, and laser intensity has been varied by factors

up to 102.

At low powers the curves representing the flux dependence of the up-converted fluorescence are qua-

dratic, which is characteristic of a two-photon pro- cess ; at high powers, saturation effects appear. How-

ever these curves are not reproducible, the divergence being larger than the uncertainties in the measure- ments. Two main effects can be put forward to explain

this non-reproducibility :


the relative widths of the exciting radiation and

of the absorption profile;


the importance of the reabsorption which depends greatly on the position of the laser beam inside the sample and which cannot be completely


The existence of these two phenomena makes dif-

ficult to accurately determine the power density at

each laser wavelength actually absorbed Under these conditions it seems dangerous to give credence to the

results obtained in those intensity measurements.



a) Determination of the



The study of the satellite lines had allowed us to assign them to electronic lines of non-

isolated Nd ions. The distinction between the A, B, C lines only depends on the nature of the perturbators :

Pr ions for the A lines, Nd ions for the B lines, un-

known impurity ions for the C lines.

The fact that the excitation in any of these lines does not systematically induce an energy up-conver- sion process allows us to unambiguously distinguish

between the two mechanisms usually put forward : if there was successive absorption of n photons on

one centre, with or without internal relaxation on a

metastable level, the up-converted energy would be the same, whether A, B or C lines are excited, as the corresponding concentrations are nearly identical.

As a matter of fact, only excitation of the B spectrum induces up-conversion on Nd. On another hand it does not induce any up-conversion on Pr. As the B lines are attributed to Nd ions in Nd clusters, it

can be assumed that the up-conversion mechanism requires the existence of a coupling between two iden-

tical excited ions. In the main line the weaker Nd-Nd

coupling is compensated by a 103 to 104 higher con- centration, whereas it is not in the A and C lines.

These experimental facts led us to consider the

possibility of a process of cooperative excitation of

pairs of ions. The existence of pairs of excited ions

was demonstrated by the works of Varsanyi, Dieke

and Dorman [9] on PrCl3 and Nakazawa and Shio- noya [10] on YbP04. The much lower concentration of active ions in our samples is compensated by the

much more powerful excitation.

Such an assumption presents the advantage of accounting for the up-conversion phenomenon what-

ever level is excited As a matter of fact, up-conversion


appears to be a general phenomenon. We describe it here for a particular case, but we have observed it

in various hosts doped with the various rare earths

at our disposal. In all these salts we have observed it whatever Stark level was excited; even excitation

in some vibration bands gave a non-zero up-converted


In the case where excitation is in the A lines, the problem appears to be a little more complex :


the absence of any up-conversion on Nd levels

is in agreement with the fact that only one Nd ion

is involved;



the existence of a weak up-conversion effect on

Pr 3Po level when some of the A lines (A2 lines) are excited, leads us to consider that two Pr ions are

involved These two ions being excited via a Nd -~ Pr

energy transfer process, the up-conversion mechanism

thus requires the existence of clusters of at least 2 Pr ions and 1 Nd ion. But the probability of such clusters is very small, given the very low concentration in RE ions.

It seems more realistic to assume that this anti- Stokes fluorescence is a consequence of the Pr-Nd interaction. To account for :


the existence or non-existence of blue fluores-

cence depending on the A line which is excited,


the fact that this fluorescence is emitted by the

’Po Pr level only, a detailed knowledge of the energy spectra of the various quasi-molecules should be


Lifetimes measurement would maybe allow to

infirm or to confirm this assumption. But, apart the difficult problem of a monomode pulsed intense exci-

tation, the main objection to such experiments is the

risk to get erroneous results due to the existence of a

radiation confinement

6. Absorption line profile and ions distribution.


The technique of monochromatic excitation of the fluorescence observed on reabsorbed lines, applied to

the 41912(5/2) ~ 4G5i2(1/2) transition of Nd : LaCl3,

has led to a good understanding of the inhomogeneous profile of the 5 848 A line.

The study of the energy transfer and anti-Stokes fluorescence phenomena by excitation of the satellite lines near the main line has allowed us to assign these

additional lines to electronic transitions in ions in

regular sites, with a symmetry slightly modified by

the proximity of a perturbing ion. As a consequence these satellite lines can be considered as a part of the inhomogeneous absorption profile of the line under


In the case of a sample completely free from any

impurity, satellite lines exist, quite near the main line, due to the accidental proximity of two or more doping

ions. The spectra we have obtained allow one to

differentiate between the two main causes for the

inhomogeneous broadening of a line :


A random distribution, due for example to

internal strains (as usually assumed), of the energy levels of ions in given surroundings. On the sample

studied here, the corresponding width is about

0.06 cm-1.


A juxtaposition of lines having such profiles.

These lines come from ions with different surround-

ings : the main line corresponds to isolated ions, satellite lines correspond to more or less clustered

ions. The observed profile is the envelope, of all these


The distribution of the satellite lines around the main line can be observed in spectra a and b of figure 1

or in spectrum a of figure 2 as only B lines appear on them. It allows one to explain the dissymmetry of

some profiles noticed by different authors in some more concentrated samples where the probability of clustering is larger; then the increase in the intensity

and of the number of the satellite lines, induces an apparent broadening of the absorption line.

It must be noticed that Flach et al. [11] had already

assumed that the non-Gaussian ’H4 --+ 3Po excitation

spectrum they observed in Pr : LaF3 was due to strongly concentration dependent satellite lines that

were folded into the broadened main absorption line.

In the same way Selzer et al. [12] express the hypothesis

that the wings of the Ri line of ruby correspond to

« abnormal ions » which could be weakly coupled pairs or clusters. The presence of such clusters giving

rise to the wings of the R1 absorption line has also

been proposed as an explanation for anomalous photon-echo results [13]. The method we have used here, together with the choice of the crystal (very low

concentration so that the number of the types of sites is limited, energy levels free from any structure) has allowed us to verify these assumptions.

The problem can also be considered from a more

practical point of view. In the samples grown by

means of the Bridgman method, the main part of the introduced rare earth is statistically substituted with respect to the lanthanum ions. Nevertheless, and in spite of the very small quantity of impurities, some of

them are in small aggregates. The method has allowed

to show the existence of such aggregates, and could

be used to compare different growing techniques.




[1] PELLETIER-ALLARD, N., PELLETIER. R., J. Physique 41 (1980) 855. J. Physique 41 (1980) 861.

[2] GERSTENKORN, S., Luc, P., Atlas du spectre d’absorp-

tion de la molécule de l’iode 14 800-20 000 cm-1 (Editions du CNRS) 1978.

[3] PRINZ, G. A., COHEN, E., Phys. Rev. 165 (1968) 335.

[4] See for example references in HÜFNER, S., Optical Spectra of Transparent Rare Earth Compounds (Academic Press) 1978.

[5] FRICKE, W. Z., Z. Phys. B 33 (1979) 255. Z. Phys. B 33 (1979) 261.

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