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Double excitation of Nd3+ pairs in LaF3 by two step and double quantum processes


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1984

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Double excitation of Nd3+ pairs in LaF3 by two step and double quantum processes

R. Buisson, J.Q. Liu, J.C. Vial

To cite this version:

R. Buisson, J.Q. Liu, J.C. Vial. Double excitation of Nd3+ pairs in LaF3 by two step and double quan- tum processes. Journal de Physique, 1984, 45 (9), pp.1533-1541. �10.1051/jphys:019840045090153300�.



Double excitation of Nd3+ pairs in LaF3 by two step and double quantum processes (+)

R. Buisson, J. Q. Liu and J. C. Vial

Laboratoire de Spectrométrie Physique (*), Université Scientifique et Médicale de Grenoble,

B.P. 68, 38402 Saint Martin d’Hères Cedex, France

(Reçu le 10 octobre 1983, revise le 23 mars 1984, accepté le 26 avril 1984)



Grâce au déplacement des niveaux d’énergie qu’un ion Nd3+ induit sur un autre ion Nd3+ occupant

un site voisin, l’excitation sélective d’une catégorie de paires d’ions est possible, dans des échantillons faiblement concentrés, à l’aide d’un laser spectralement fin. L’observation d’une fluorescence anti-Stokes montre qu’une paire peut absorber deux photons. On prouve par des expériences sous champ magnétique que, lorsqu’un seul

laser est utilisé, cette double excitation de paires moyennement couplées est essentiellement produite par un processus à deux quanta au cours duquel deux photons sont absorbés simultanément. Par contre, les paires forte-

ment couplées ne peuvent être doublement excitées que par l’emploi de deux lasers de fréquences différentes.

La différence entre ces fréquences fournit un ordre de grandeur du couplage entre les deux ions.



Using the energy level shift induced by a Nd3+ ion on a neighbour ion, the selective excitation of a

class of (Nd, Nd) pairs is possible in weakly doped samples with a spectrally narrow laser. The observation of an

anti-Stokes fluorescence shows that a pair can absorb two photons. From experiments with a magnetic field,

it is shown that using a single laser, the double excitation of moderatly coupled pairs is essentially induced by a double quantum process by which two photons are simultaneously absorbed. The strongly coupled pairs, on the contrary, can only be doubly excited by two lasers of different frequencies. Orders of magnitude of the coupling strength between the two ions are deduced from the difference between these frequencies.


Physics Abstracts

78.50 - 78.55

1. Introduction.

Materials having the property to produce, by optical pumping, a light of wavelength shorter than that of the pumping light can have interesting applications

as for example for luminescent materials used in

display devices or in ultraviolet lasers. Their study

has been stimulated after the demonstration by

Auzel [1, 2] in 1966 that the conversion could have a

good efficiency if energy transfers between different ions were used A good review paper has been written in 1973 by Auzel [3]. All the experiments done in this field involve basic processes which are described in this paper. Of course, the use of lasers as pumping

sources has opened new experimental possibilities

and many interesting results have been obtained Among them, the work of Rand et al. [4] can be under

lined because it shows that cooperative fluorescence may be so strong that stimulated emission could be


(+) Work partly supported by D.R.E.T.

(*) Laboratoire associ6 au C.N.R.S.

As pointed out by Dexter in his first works [5],

the basic element in all these effects is the ion pair,

even if three ions clusters have sometimes to be considered However, the experimental work on the

various processes was done on crystals having a so large ion concentration that all classes of pairs present in the crystal contributed to the observed signal.

Since the efficiency of the cooperative processes is

strongly dependent oil the distance between the two involved ions, such a signal is an average over all

possible situations. It is only recently that the direct

study of excitation transfer between two ions asso-

ciated in a pair has begun [6]. With the LaF3 : pr3 + system, transfer rates have been measured for various classes of pairs as well for up conversion [7] than for quenching [8] processes and, using a two laser spec- troscopy technique, a very good estimate of the coupling strength has been obtained [9]. All these

results show the existence of a short range interaction

generally ignored in rare earth compounds. In another Laboratory, monochromatic excitation experiments

on Nd and Pr doped LaCl3 crystals have also shown

the existence of satellites associated with pairs [10].

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:019840045090153300



It must be pointed out that these results have been obtained with weakly doped samples in such a way that pairs are isolated from other ions and that their intrinsic behaviour is observed. The fact that their number is then very low and thus that the

experimental signals are weak is balanced by the

selective excitation with a narrow laser. For the

experiments concerning the double excitation of the

pairs (as those reported here) the sensitivity is increased because only doubly excited pairs produce a fluo-

rescence : it is easier to detect a small signal than to

observe a small change in a large signal.

This new approach has been applied to the LaF3 : Nd3 + system where Nd3 + pairs also give

resolved satellites whose selective excitation is pos- sible with a narrow laser. The results concerning the quenching of the 4F3/2 level are described in a compa-

nion paper [11]. Here, the various possibilities to doubly excite a pair will be illustrated and discussed.

This double excitation, detected via an up-conversion fluorescence, has been obtained as well with a single

laser as with two lasers of different wavelengths. The experimental results are presented in section 2. In section 3 the two possibilities for the double excita- tion with a single laser, namely the successive absorp-

tion and the simultaneous absorption of two photons,

are considered The theoretical estimate of the rates of the two processes and the experimental results

obtained with an applied magnetic field are in favor

of the latter process. The results of the two laser

experiments are used to deduce qualitative infor-

mations on the coupling strength between the two ions of the pairs.

2. Experimental results.

The LaF3 samples, produced by OPTOVAC, are doped with 0.1 % and 0.2 % Nd3 +. The excitation spectra, described below, have been obtained with

one or two nitrogen pumped dye lasers. One of them is a SOPRA dye laser equiped with a telescope as a

beam expander and with an intracavity Perot-Fabry

etalon. By changing the pressure of the assembly

from 0 to 2 bars, the wavelength of the dye laser can

be scanned through part of the spectrum. This laser works near its threshold in such a way that only one

mode of the etalon is lasing. It is followed by an amplifier pumped by the same nitrogen laser. The

other is a home made dye laser with a beam expander

made of four prisms. Although no Perot-Fabry

etalon is used, its spectral width is nearly the same

as that of the other laser, namely 0.1 cm -1. When

the two lasers are used, they are triggered by two pulses whose time interval can be varied Both lasers have pulses of 5 ns length. For some experiments,

a 30 kG superconductive coil is used

The energy levels of Nd3 + in LaF3 have been represented in figure 1. They are now very well known and their energies have been tabulated by

Camall et al. in a complete report on rare earth



Energy levels of a Nd3 + ion. The width of the lines

gives an indication of the crystal field splittings.

doped LaF3 f 12]. In the experiments reported here,

the laser excites the two lower states of the 4G 5/2

multiplet at 17 306 and 17 316 cm -1.

Figure 2A shows the absorption spectrum obtained with a THR JOBIN YVON monochromator having

a resolution better than 0.1 cm -1 around the

transitions. Figure 2B shows the excitation spectrum of the IR fluorescence of the "F3,2 level with the laser resolution, i.e. 0.1 cm-1. For these spectra, the

intensity ratios between the satellites and the central lines are not the same due to the non linearity of the

excitation spectrum resulting from the strong absorp-

tion of the two central lines. The good proportiona- lity of the satellite intensities for these two spectra

must however be underlined Having a narrow laser,


Fig. 2.


A : Absorption spectrum. Well resolved satellites of the 17 306 cm-’ transition have been numbered 1 to 7.

B : Excitation spectrum of the 4F 3/2 infra-red fluorescence.

C : Excitation spectrum of the 4D3/2 ultra-violet fluores-

cence. Lines located near the 17 306 cm-1 transition have been labelled by letters a to g. All these spectra have been obtained at 1.2 K with a 0.1 % Nd3 + doped LaF3 crystal.

it is easier to get an excitation spectrum than an

absorption spectrum with the same resolution. In all the experiments, an excitation spectrum is used as a guide for selective excitations. Finally it must be said

that no new line appears when the temperature is raised to 30 K.

Figure 2C shows the excitation spectrum of the U.V.

part (observed through a wide band filter) of a fluo-

rescence induced by an excitation of the 4G5/2 states

in the 578 nm range. From the presence in the spectrum of this fluorescence of groups of lines attributed to

4D3/2 -+ 4I 9/2


4D3/2 -+ 41 11/2 and 4D3/2 -+ 41 13/2

transitions, it is concluded that it originates from the

4D3/2 level. The structure of the excitation spectrum recalls similar results previously observed with

LaF3 : Pr 31 [7] and strongly suggests that the fluo-

rescence results from the excitation of the two ions

ofNd3+ -Nd3+ pairs. The rise time of the fluorescence

signal is less than 100 ns and its decay time is 20 gas for lines near the two central lines and 1 ps for the isolated line labelled « a » between the two groups.

Most of the lines of figure 2 have a width slightly larger than 0.1 cm -1 due to the laser width and the linewidth itself estimated to be slightly smaller than 0.1 cm-1. The relative position of the lines for the two excitation spectra of figure 2 is better than 0.1 cm-1 owing to a simultaneous recording of the

IR and U.V. fluorescence on a X Y recorder having

two Y channels. The non linearity as well as the non-reproducivity of the X signal (which is produced

either by a differential manometer for a pressure

scanning or by a potentiometer mounted on the grating axis) are thus eliminated It must be pointed

out that the laser spectral width is sufficient to resolve c, d, e, f lines (with a setting of the laser which opti-

mizes the spectral width to the detriment of the spectral range, these lines are better resolved) which

are however hidden within the central line of the

absorption spectrum.

Experiments with two lasers have also been done to try to understand the absence of up-conversion

fluorescence after the excitation of some satellites.

These experiments are analogous to those previously reported on LaF3 : Pr3 + [9]. Laser L1 being tuned

to one satellite of the absorption line, laser L2 whose pulse arrives at the same point in the crystal but

with a delay i, is scanned around the central line while the 4D3/2 U.V. fluorescence is monitored. For each value of the L1 wavelength, an excitation spec- trum of L2 is thus obtained Such a spectrum is shown in figure 3 with, for comparison, the excitation spectrum obtained without L1 laser. New lines, of

similar intensities, are clearly visible (laser L1 having

a larger intensity than laser L2, it is not surprising

that lines due to both lasers are more intense than those due to L2 alone). When the time interval between the L1 and L2 pulses is increased, the inten- sity of the new lines decreases exponentially with a

caracteristic time equal to the decay time of the

4 F3/2 IR fluorescence.

Fig. 3.


A : Excitation spectrum of the up-conversion U.V.

fluorescence (the same as that of Fig. 2C) when a single laser

is used B : Excitation spectrum of the up-conversion U.V.

fluorescence for the second laser (L2) when the first laser

(L1) is tuned to satellite (4) of figure 2A, as shown by the

arrow (L1). Laser (L2) is delayed by 5 us.



Many excitation spectra analogous to that shown

in figure 3 have been obtained Also, by tuning laser L2 to one of the new lines observed for a given posi-

tion of L1 and by scanning L1, lines of the absorption

spectrum leading to the double excitation of the pair

have been found In figure 4, the various excitation spectra are summarized : arrows show where L1 or L2 is tuned, bars represent the lines of the excitation spectra. The vertical straight lines correspond to the

lines of the one laser excitation spectrum. At the bottom are shown the satellites visible in the absorp-

tion spectrum. Neither the line intensities nor the linewidths have been shown in figure 4 because only

the existence and the position will be considered in the discussion. As explained above, the precision for

the location of the lines is of the order of 0.1 cm-1.

Thus, the new line R1 observed with L2 when L1 is

tuned to R1 or R3 seems to coincide with line 4 of the absorption spectrum but it is not definitively

established However, when L1 excites satellite 7, the

new line is clearly shifted and numbered R’1 in figure 4.

The rise time of the new lines is very short, less than 100 ns. Their decay time is of the order of 1 tits except for the following conditions : L1 tuned to R1

and L2 to R4, L1 tuned to R4 and L2 to R’, where

it is 20 us, i.e. the same value as that of most of the

one laser lines.

The experiments with a magnetic field have first been done with the two main lines associated with the isolated ions. For B parallel to the C axis of the

crystal, all sites are equivalent and each line is split

into four components corresponding to transitions between two Kramers doublets. Figure 5A shows an

excitation spectrum of the 4F3/2, IR, fluorescence whose lines have the same position, although not the

same intensity, as the absorption lines as explained

above. If go, 91, 92 are the g factors of respectively

419/2(1), 4G5/2 (1), 4GS/2(2), the transition energies are

From the spec- trum one deduces

In spite of a medium accuracy of the B values, the go value is in correct agreement with the more precise

g = 2.40 deduced from the values gx


1.356 and

gz = 3.11 measured by EPR by Baker and Rubins [13], tacking into account the orientation of the c axis in the xz plane at 450 from the z axis. In figure 5B is

shown the excitation spectrum of the 4D3/2’ U.V.,

fluorescence around the 4I9/2(1) -+ 4Gs/2(1) and the 419/2(1) - 4G,/2(2) transitions. The very great number of lines makes impossible to follow their evolution

as a function of the magnetic field. It can however

be noted that the spectrum with the magnetic field

cannot be explained by a splitting of the zero field

lines identical to that of the main lines. However,

the magnetic field induced splitting of the « a » line

Fig. 4.


Position of the new lines in the excitation spectra of one laser when the other is kept fixed Solid lines corres-

pond to lines a to g observed with a single laser (see Fig. 2C).

Arrows show the location of the fixed laser (L1) or (L,).

Time interval between (L1) and (L2) is 5 ps. New lines are

labelled Ri, R’i etc... At the bottom are shown the satellites of the absorption spectrum.

Fig. 5.


A : 4F3/2 excitation spectrum. B : U.V. excitation spectrum. Both spectra are obtained at 1.2 K with a magnetic

field B


2.68 tesla.

located between the two groups of lines can be studied

as shown by the typical spectra of figure 6. The evo-

lution of the positions of the split lines are shown on

the same figure. Clearly, in addition to the expected

lines at g


go ± gl new ones of comparable inten- sity are observed at g - 0 and g N go. Spectra analogous to those given in figure 6 but obtained

with different B values show that the line intensity

variations are irregular and even non monotonic.


Fig. 6.


At the top are shown spectra observed around the line a of figure 2C for various magnetic fields. The dotted line corresponds to the position of line « a » in zero field

At the bottom, points show the observed line positions,

solid lines give the expected positions for two successive single photon processes,,dotted and solid lines the expected positions for double quantum processes.

This can be noted from the three spectra of figure 6

and also from the full spectrum of figure 5B, obtained with B


2.68 Tesla, where two of the seven lines have a much larger intensity than the other ones.

3. Discussion



For the following discussion, it is important to keep in mind the dynamical properties of Nd3 + ions

whose energy levels are shown in figure 1. The 4F3/2

level has a radiative lifetime of 780 J.1s. The 4 G:5/2

level has an observed lifetime r - 0.1 J.1s resulting

from a fast multiphonon relaxation. The rate of such

a relaxation can be estimated from the phenomeno- logical formula

where A and B are empirical coefficients and L1 the

energy difference between the excited level and the first lower level. From the values of A and B tabulated

by Reisfeld and Jorgensen [14], one finds r - 0.4 uS in relatively good agreement with our measurements.

Using the same coefficients, the characteristic risetime of the 4F 3/2 population resulting from the cascade of

relaxations can be estimated as - 1 us. The 4D3/2

state has an observed lifetime of 35 ps. Since the estimated non radiative lifetime is 46 us, the contri- bution of radiative lifetime is significant For the

lower levels 4I11/2, 4113/2’ 4115/2 no value is known.

Using again the empirical coefficients, the non radia-

tive lifetimes can be estimated respectively as 3.5, 14 and 5 us.

3.2 UP-CONVERSION PROCESSFS. - It must first be

pointed out that, contrary to what was observed in the LaF3 : Pr3 + system, no U.V. fluorescence is induced by an excitation at the very centres of the two studied transitions. An up-conversion fluores-

cence was observed in LaF3 : Pr3 + but, due to the strong absorption at the centre of the 3H4 -+ lD2(2)

transition, this fluorescence was present only near

the face of the crystal irradiated by the laser beam [7].

The present situation is entirely different. As the ions responsible of the centre of the absorption line

are quasi-isolated, the absence of up-conversion

excited in this spectral region is easy to understand since : i) there is no energy level of Nd3 + ions at E


2 h vo which could be populated by a two step absorption process and ii) due to the lifetime of the

4G5/2 pumped level (100 ns), the lower energy levels from which a possible photon absorption could

excite higher levels are not populated during the laser pulse of 5 ns. Since U.V. fluorescence is visible only

when some satellites are excited by the laser, it is

concluded that fluorescence results from a process between two ions associated in pairs, as for Pr3 + : LaF3 [7].

To discuss the various up-conversion processes, it is convenient to consider the energy levels of a Nd3 + pair which is the useful entity. Those of the levels which are relevant for this paper have been drawn in figure 7. They are labelled I (x, P > by reference

to the states a > and I P > of the two ions supposed uncoupled Of course, the coupling between the two ions will lift the degeneracy and shift the various components. As Nd3 + is a Kramers ion, each crys- talline level is a doublet An a, at > state has there-

for a 2 x 2


4-fold degeneracy while an I a, p >

state has a 2 x 2 x 2


8-fold degeneracy since one

ion or the other can be in the a ) state. The splitting

of the pair states induced by the interaction between the two ions has not been shown. Due to the low site symmetry, the degeneracy can be completely lifted.

Since the U.V. fluorescence is identical to that of the 4 D3/2 level of isolated ions, it can be emitted

only from 4 D3/2, a ) pair levels. Since the fluores-

cence is observed with a decay time of 0.5 - 20 J.1s,



Fig. 7.


Energy levels of a Nd3 + pair. The labelling I a, p >

recalls the states a and fl of the uncoupled ions; the splitting

induced by the coupling is not shown. The left part shows the double excitation of the pair by a double quantum process, the right part the double excitation by a two step process.

I ex > is necessarily a metastable state i.e., 4I11/2, 4I13/2, 4115/2 or the ground state 419/2. From the

lifetimes of these levels estimated above, it is possible

that many of these pair states emit the observed

fluorescence. These emitting pair states can be popu- lated only after absorption of two photons by the pair. For the experiments with a single laser the absorption of these two photons puts the pair into the 14 G5/2


4G5/2 ) state although for the two laser

experiments the pair relaxes to the 4F3/2, 419/2 >

state after the first pulse and is put into the I 4G 5/2’

4F3/2 > state by the second pulse. The double exci-

tation of the pair with a single laser can be obtained

either by the successive absorption of two photons,

a process which will be called a « two single quantum process » (2 x S.Q.) or by the simultaneous absorp-

tion of two photons, a « double quantum process »

(D.Q.). This last process does not need the. interme- diate level to be exactly resonant, but the transition

probability depends on its energy detuning.



All the complex experimental results

described in the present paper will not be explained

in this discussion. Even the apparently clearer part of these results, namely the evolution under magnetic

field of the U.V. excitation spectrum around the « a » line, cannot be interpreted definitively. Nevertheless,

some qualitative conclusions can be drawn. In the next section, the interaction strength will be discussed.

In this section, it is shown that the unexpected lines observed in the magnetic field experiments can only

be interpreted as resulting from D.Q. transitions.

In figure 8 are schematized the energy levels of the

StateS I 419/2’


4Igj2 >, 14 G5/2 , 4jg/2 > and 14 G5/2, 4GS/2 ) of a pair in presence of a magnetic field but

ignoring the coupling between the two ions. From this scheme, it is clear that a single laser can doubly

Fig. 8.


Splittings of pair states by the magnetic field in absence of coupling. At zero energy is the ground state 1 41,1" 419/2 ), at energy E1 the singly excited state I 419/2’

4G5/2 ), at energy 2 E, the doubly excited state 14 G5/2,

4G 5/2 ) (see also Fig. 7). The double excitation of the pair

with a single laser is possible by two successive absorptions

of photons (solid lines on the left part) or by double quantum

transitions (solid lines and dotted lines).


excite the pair only with photons such that

or, using the g values of the isolated ions found above :

In figure 8, the associated transitions have been drawn with full lines.

Double quantum transitions are possible with these photons but also with photons such that :

The associated transitions have been drawn with broken lines in figure 8. Clearly, the two former tran-

sitions correspond to the unexpected lines of the

experimental spectra, the latter cannot be resolved, being in coincidence with one S.Q. line. This analysis

shows thus unambigously the D.Q. nature of the tran-

sitions leading to the double excitation of this class of pairs.

This simple description must be completed by introducing the coupling between the two ions.

However, the precise determination of the manner by

which this coupling lifts the degeneracy of the ground

state, the singly excited state and doubly excited state

of the pair in absence and in presence of the magnetic

field would need a very detailed spectroscopy of the pair with two synchroneous narrow lasers, taking

into account the polarization effects already observed

but not studied A likely model, compatible with the

present experimental results, can nevertheless be des- cribed as follow : i) the splitting induced in the ground

state and in the doubly excited state is smaller than the laser width but it is of the order of 0.5 cm’ for the

singly excited state; ii) for this state, the coupling is (sl . s2) like, producing the S


0 and S = 1 (S


s, + s2)

states at zero field Then, the two lines visible in the

absorption spectrum (satellites 1 and 2) as well as the single line in the UV excitation spectrum are explained,

the nearly coincidence of this latter with satellite 1

being accidental. When a magnetic field is applied, the ground state and the doubly excited state are split as

shown in figure 8 and the position of the lines varies

as shown in figure 6. The evolution of the levels for the singly excited state is not simple but it cannot changes the position of the D.Q. lines which depends only on the initial and final states. It can however have

an influence on the intensity of the D.Q. transitions by changing the intermediate level energy detuning. That

could be the explanation of the irregular intensity

variations observed

A confirmation of the D.Q. nature of these transi-

tions is given by a theoretical calculation of the D.Q.

transition probability. The results, which will be

published elsewhere, show that for LaF3 : Nd3 + the

number of pairs doubly excited by D. Q. transitions

always exceeds the number of pairs doubly excited by

2 x S.Q. transitions and that these numbers become

comparable (but very small) only if the pairs are strongly coupled The greater efficiency of the D.Q.

processes is mostly due to the weak value of the homo- geneous width of the pumped level. For the previously

studied system, LaF3 : Pr 31 [7], this width was large

and the 2 x S.Q. processes dominated

The nature of the two groups of one laser lines observed in the U.V. excitation spectra cannot be found from Zeeman effect measurements. We have

seen that the spectrum becomes very complicated

when a magnetic field is present The fact that this spectrum cannot be explained by a « simple » Zeeman

effect and the orders of magnitude of the 2 x S.Q. and D.Q. transition probabilities calculated for weakly coupled pairs are in favor of the D.Q. nature of these



The U.V. excitation spectra, with one or two lasers, and the dynamics of the lines can be used to deduce informations on the interaction between the ions of the various classes of pairs.

3.4.1 The first point is related to the short life- time of the "G,,2 pumped level : 100 ns. It is clear that once a pair has been excited into the I 4GS/2’

4G5/2 > state it can either relax to 14F3/2’ 4F3/2 > or

« transfer » to I 4 D3/2’ 4I15/2 > from which U.V. fluo-

rescence will be emitted. Since the relaxation is very

fast, only pairs having a strong coupling will produce

U.V. fluorescence. It is the reason why no U.V. fluo-

rescence is observed when the laser excitation is very

near the center of the two studied transitions : the

pairs, whose associated satellites are hidden in the line due to isolated ions have a small coupling. It should

be recalled that, with the Pr3 + : LaF3 system, the situa- tion was different because the lifetime of the pumped

level was much longer, - 500 us : an up-conversion

fluorescence was then. observed even by excitation at the very centre of the main line [7].

3.4.2 For the pairs whose double excitation can

be obtained with a single laser and which correspond

in the U.V. excitation spectra to the groups of lines located near the centres of the two transitions, the

transfer rate is larger than the relaxation rate of the

4G,/2 state namely 10’ s-’. As the transfer is phonon assisted, it is difficult to deduce the value of the coupling

between the ions of the pair because many possibilities

exist for this transfer with emission of phonons of

various energy. One can only deduce it is moderately

strong, in agreement with the order of magnitude of

the shift of the associated satellites and also of the

relatively weak quenching of the 4D3/2 fluorescence



emitted after the transfer. It must however be pointed

out that the two last arguments do not apply to the

isolated line «a». Indeed, contradictory arguments

can be given concerning the coupling strength of the corresponding pair. The strong shift and the strong

4D3/2 quenching (the observed lifetime is 1 ps) are

indications of a strong coupling although the possi- bility of a double excitation with a single laser is an

indication of a medium coupling. Such contradictory

behaviour has already been observed for a class of Pr3 + pairs in LaF3 [9].

3.4.3 Finally, the case of pairs which can be dou- bly excited only with two lasers must be considered.

From the experiments summarized in figure 4, lines

R1, R2, R3 and R4 form a group, Rs, R’, R6, Ray

another group. For the former, the four lines (either

in their original position or in the slightly modified, primed, one) are visible in the excitation spectrum of the second laser when the first is tuned to R1, R3 or R4 position. R1 and R4 correspond to an absorption

line clearly visible while R3 is too near the center of

the main absorption line to be observed R2 does not correspond to an absorption and indeed, when the

first laser is tuned to R2, no new line is observed when

the second laser is scanned. Two facts must be pointed

out : i) the absorption of the second laser shows four

lines after the first has excited one satellite, ii) at least

two lines of the absorption spectrum show the same excitation spectrum for the second laser when they

are excited From that, it can be deduced that the lines

R1 and R4 (and probably R3 if it were resolved) belong

to the same pair of Nd3 + ions and their splitting results

from the combined effect of the interaction between the two ions and of the perturbation of the crystal

field that each ion induces at the site of the other. It must be recalled that analogous experiments with Pr3 + pairs in LaF3 have shown, with only one excep-

tion, that after excitation of one absorption line by

the first laser, only one line was present in the excitation spectrum of the second laser [9]. Since the crystal

field levels of Pr 3’ are singlets, this result was quite

clear. Since for Pr3 + pairs the absorption line from

the ground state and the absorption line from the

excited state were near one another and well shifted from the central line, it was concluded that the large

shift was created by the crystal field perturbation and

the splitting by the interaction itself In fact, this dicho- tomy is more intellectual than physical. The presence of another R.E. ion in the neighbourhood of a given impurity ought to be considered from the first prin- cipes or at least within a molecular orbitals model from which energy levels and wavefunctions could be found. This difficulty appears more clearly with Nd3 + pairs than with Pr3 + pairs because the degeneracy of

the excited states of the pairs is higher, 4 or 8 instead

of 2. Taking into account all aspects of the mutual

perturbation induced by each ion on its neighbour,

the degeneracy can be fully removed and it is not sur-

prising that a given pair has more than one absorption

line from the ground state. But the total splitting of

3 cm-1 between R1 and R4 cannot be attributed to one part (the crystal field part) or to another (the

interaction part) of the mutual perturbation. It seems

however that the experimental results bring informa-

tions which could be used for a theoretical analysis.

For instance, the fact that the absorption lines from

the ground state (R1, R4 and probably R3) are very

near the absorption lines from the excited state

(R’, R4, R3), if not understood, is an undoubted

result All which has been said on the group of lines

(R1, R2, R3, R4) applies qualitatively to the group

(R5, R’5, R6, R7) and to the group (R., R9, Rlo, R11)’

As a final remark concerning pairs which need two lasers for their double excitation, it can be pointed

out that the fast decay of the U.V. fluorescence emitted from the 4D3/2 level (less than 1 J.1s) and resulting from

the quenching of this level is an additional proof that

these pairs are strongly coupled

4. Conclusion.

Processes of double excitation of ion pairs with one

or two lasers have been experimentally studied through

the observation of an up-conversion fluorescence. The

advantage of the method is that a signal is present only when the double excitation has been obtained This increases greatly the sensitivity and makes pos- sible experiments on isolated pairs in weakly doped samples. When a single laser is used, two processes can

produce the double excitation of the pair : either two

successive absorptions of one photon or a simulta-

neous absorption of two photons by a double-quantum

process. Experiments with a magnetic field have proved that, for a pair whose associated satellites are well resolved from the central line, the double quantum process dominates, a result confirmed by a theoretical calculation (not given here) of the 2 x S.Q. and D.Q.

transition probabilities.

An analysis of the results has shown that weakly coupled pairs do not produce an up-conversion fluo-

rescence when they are doubly excited, that pairs strongly coupled can be doubly excited only with two

lasers of different wavelengths, and that pairs produc- ing an up-conversion fluorescence when excited with

a single laser have an intermediary coupling, An order

of magnitude of the coupling is found for strongly coupled pairs, but precise values cannot be obtained because only the combined effect of the coupling and

of the perturbed crystal field is observed A theoretical

analysis should be necessary to find each of them. The results obtained here could form a basis to predict

the behaviour of more concentrated crystals (1) by an analysis similar to that used in the companion paper devoted to the fluorescence quenching.


It is a pleasure for the authors to thank F. Mad6ore for his technical assistance, particularly for the two

laser experiments.



(1) A recent paper on up conversion in LaF3:Nd3+ has

been published by B. R. Reddy and P. Venkateswarlu [15].

As only results obtained at liquid nitrogen and room tem- peratures are discussed, a detailed comparison with the

present work is meaningless. Indeed, it should be interesting

to try to selectively excite pairs in a dilute sample at liquid

nitrogen temperature, if the linewidths are not too large,

and compare the results with those reported by Reddy and


It can however be pointed out that writing down rate equations to find the up-conversion dynamics supposes, as

explained in J. C. Vial’s thesis (unpublished), a diffusion of

the excitation among the ions. If this is probably the case

at high temperatures, this can be wrong at low temperatures where consideration of pair dynamics becomes fundamental.


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