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Emergency computed tomography of the acute abdomen.


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Emergency computed tomography of the acute abdomen.

Why ? When and How


do it ?

D. Reprit, J.M. Tortuyaux, L. Bresler, F. Chapuis, M. Deneuville, S. Beot, H. Boccaccini

A complete exploration of the entire abdomen, pelvis and lower thoracic bases, cm be accomplished in just a few minutes with modern CT scanners whether we have recourse to spiral acquisitions or "dynamic"

incremcnttil acquisitions with a short time cycle (5 to 10 seconds with "continuous rotation").

Image quality is greaily improved by the reduction in slice thickness ( 5 mm), the 5 12 x 512 reconstniction matrix, and the enhancement qualit y (vascular as well as parenchymal) obtained by systematicaliy using sub- stantial quantities of contrcist media (2 ml/ kg) injectad at a high enough (3 to 5 rnl/s~c) and controlled (mono or bip hasic) output.

Therefore, every "acute abdomen" can be explored in approximately ten minutes with a cornpiete study of the peritoncai cavity, the retroperitoneal space, and the bowel wall. The images obtained diow a precise evaluation of the macroscopic anatomid state of the pathological areas, which permits a dithought+ut choice of the therapeutic options : cmergency lapam tomy or ccliosurgery, f l u o r ~ p i c d l y , US, or Ci- guided draintige, medical treritmmt with or without defered surgey, etc..,

2. When?

Emergency computed tomography is strongly m commendeci when initial laboratory investigations or irnaging techniques (plain abdominai mm, chest x-ray and abdominal ultrasound) are considerd i n s a t , whether it is because the resuits do not permit the trealing physician or radiologist to make a diagnosis with enough conviction. or because the results do not even permit an orientation t o w d s a dilignosis.

We rnust insist on the limitations in msiiivity and s@city of the plain abdominal film, regardless of the technique used (supine, uprighi, or left-lateral decubi- tus with a horizontallydhted ray), in demonstrating pneumoperitoneum or in formally differenciating true mechanid bowel obstruction from dynamic ileus when confronted with images of intestinal air-fluid levels [1,q.

Any delay in the initiation of an adequate treatmeni c m be quite detrimental to the patient resulting Hi an aggravation of the post-operative morbidit y, whether it be inmediaie or delayed. The econorny of a lapa-

rotomy over a coeliaaurgery can positively change the outcome of the remaiaing years of the patient by lirniting the risks of eventration and probably by diminishhg the incidence of post-operative adhesions and peritoneal bands.

We must thedore, if we have the ppcissibility, perform a CT examination of the patimt quite early when the clinical wntext suggests that only the CT wilI be

effective in asiablishing the proper dkgnosis and in choosing, in a c w e d manaer, the appropriate treat- ment. The interest of combhhg the plain abdominal fdm wîth the abdominal US must therefore be dbmsed by tMng into consideration the mal cmt t b y bath r e p m t (displacement of the patients, repeatd stret- cher-bearing, dficulty in supporhg the upright plain abdominal film by the patient), and the delay in

diagnosis inducd by performing these two studies.

Therefore, the scan WU be prefered as the initial d&ostic tool h duit and elderly ~atients, espâciall~

if the patients are obese or if the acute paihology is suspaetdd to be d mesenteric, submesocolic, or rdm+

peritoneal @ammatitis) origin, with thexception of urinary emergencî& (ureterorenai coiic) and gynecole gical emergencies. in partidar, we prefer the scan as an initial diagnostic tool in patients prasenting with important gaseous and/ or liquid abdominai distention especidiy if we are dealing with patients that are elderly and bedridden, imrnunocompromised, m undergoing a ireatmen1 that could "mask" symptoms such as cor- k t e r o i d s [2,3].

On the olher h d , aldominal emer&encies in chd- dren and in young women in their reprductive years, as well as m t e urinary obstruction, csn initiaIIy be exploreci by tui abdominal u1trttsound (usud1y without ,any abdominai prtparation).

3. How 0

CT scanning of ticute abdomen csinnot be "standar- dized". lt is a genuine clinical and radiological exa- mination in which its organization must be adapted to each individual case in function of the clinical context and Iaboratory results, and in function of the previous radiological examinations at our disposa1 [2,6].

l'herefore, we must specify in each case :

- the "inlestinalpreparation" using iodinated contrast media is proscribtd unless there is a need to search

Acta Ga~tro-hhrerologica Belgita Vol. LIX, ApriI-Jwie 1996


Fig. 1. - Acute diverticulititl


t y p i d aspect :

- circunferential thickenhg of the sigmoid wall, d i w d c u h and fibrofatty proliferation of the e o i d signs of diverticular diseose (divttticuloh)

- signs of inflammation (divertic&) spread out beyond the colon wall and combine :

- inflammatory &ahn of pericolic and mmmteric fat (arrowtieads)

- sigmoid mcnenteric v t i s t x h engo~gtment (enlsirgement and blurring of the wmls)

- fiuid at m l of mmmtay (CU& arrow).

Fig. 2.


Painful palpable mass of the right lower quadrant wiih fever and diarrhea suggesthg c o m p ~ appendicith or infected cancer of the cae& shows typical aspects d complicated diverticutr disase developped on a doiicho- "

sigmoïd in the righi iliac f a .

for peripancreatk or peritond coiiedons and M e - rentiate th- coliections from distended bowel loops.

- the opporhinity to perfomi nowenhanced CTimage slices "bcfore wntrast injection" by using the p+

window level and width to confjrm the presence of extraluminal air or to demonstrate a spontanwus hypdensity of a hematologic stmcture (endoluminal blood clot, hematoma).

- the ùajection parameters of the contrasr media and the acquisition of the dices by rtcalling that the

Fig. 3. - Acute appedicitis. Loss of radioluoency of the pwiappmdinilar fat d t a d with thicked laterc-cond h c i a are thmmî inportpint feoitum of appendicitir;. Hazy deanities are centered (white m w h e a d s ) by a ff uid and gaz distended appmdix wiih thickened and averhamed wall (cuniod bl& m}.

Fi 4. - Classical apprance of appendkih.

Thickned lataoconal fascia and infiammatory inlilira~ion of retmmmal fat with blurring of the anterior border of thc p a s muscle (white arrowhead) ; annular image of thc highly etda@ and merhanced wall 01 the appendix (Mack arro-

whead). Caecum d l i s enlarged with concentring rings of low and hi@ attenuation (target sign), related ta eub-mucosnl

d e m a (astcrik). This Wyphlitis" close to the appendiceal.

inilammatory procas is very cornmon and must bc distin- guished from a himoral ihickening.

maximal enhancement of intestinal mesenteric paren- chymal structures ancl vascular portal stnictum is observeci during the "golden minute" (beîween 60 and 120 seconds with a peak at 90 seconds) afm the be- ginning of the injection. Oniy arterial structures, the pancreatic parenchyma, and the rend cartex benefit from an carlier acquisition (between 30 and M seconds).

- the opportunity of having spiral acquisitions permits a mare rapid examination with maximal enhancement of vascular arterki stnrcturts but with a deterioration of the image quality (quantic noise ievei, ef€ect of partial volume in the 2-axis) which can be mom or less pronound, Anyway, because of the asynchronous


Emergency eomputed tomography of the -acute abdomen

arterial and venous vasdar phats, it will be necessary colonic diverticula and appendiceal perforation or

to perfonn either a single spiral acquisition with a deIay gastroduodenal ulcer perforation) (fig


1 ta 4).

(in the beginning of the acquisition with regards to the beghning of the injection) of 50 seconds or las @ut

we iose the pure "arterial" imagRs in ibis case or, Refefinces

preferably, ri double acquisition using two successive

spirais : one at the artmiai phase and


other ai the 1, AMBERG (R.J.) O V W ~ W : tk acute .bdomm I" : FREEKY P.C..

portai and parenchymd phase. STEVWSON G.W. Mwgdia and Burtienneb h e n t a r y t r u raâinlogy, 5th od, 1994, Mosby 4 S i Louiir, 21 18-2119.

2. RALTIMZAR W.). MEGIBOW A.J. Computed t m p h y of t h aute

The imaging windows used must be adapted to every abdoms In : FREEFSY P.C, STEVEPJSON G.W. M@ and Rurhenat's almiPntary tract radiniogy, 5( 4.1%. M&y M.. p. W71i-2098.



be paar'y cdul in the 1 o., MI)DDER ", Diqn& imSping <hi aWomm, 4

supra-meswolic area where the optimf tyindows for the cLUliia-rBdiohgic a p h 19W, Springcr Verlog 4.. &rün, Hcidclberg,

shidy of the liver c m totally mask a pneumoperitoneum 453 p.



must, therefore, always be m-ous of the 4, CHO LC., BAKER S.R. Exualuminl air. Diagimis and signihnm.

W Clin. North lin, 1% 32,829-844.

necessit~ of ha* the most 0- ima&g windows 5 FIFI S. n i e


abd- : p l i n r,lm aad mmmi s i i d k in : FREENY

of the mesenteric fat on d scan s k s since the earliest S T E V E ~ W N G.W. M* snd Burknnc's alimentary tract r a d b , 5th rd. 1-4, Mmby ed., Si Lauis, 20BM37S.

and man Lifectioua a i m - a ~ 6. r ~ o u m r, BARON m.a, PRADEL I_ FABRE J.M., mrrrm~

bowel wall involvement will lxdemonstrakd at this L. BRUEL J.M. h i c i i ~ a m e i i of u n k m o G n : ~iuract ol CT on

lm1 (in prrrticular, infectious, complications andl or diagnogis and mamprm. Gmroirsfcsi. RanM, 1 17, $7-3 1.

Acta Ge~rmEiri~niIogiw ~ i c o , Val. LJX, AprlFJune 1W


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