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Suppose that the first fundamental form, ds2 = Edu2+ 2F dudv+ Gdv2, is given in the neighborhood of a point, say (u, v


Academic year: 2022

Partager "Suppose that the first fundamental form, ds2 = Edu2+ 2F dudv+ Gdv2, is given in the neighborhood of a point, say (u, v"


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76(2007) 249-291




We consider two natural problems arising in geometry which are equivalent to the local solvability of specific equations of Monge- Amp`ere type. These two problems are: the local isometric em- bedding problem for two-dimensional Riemannian manifolds, and the problem of locally prescribed Gaussian curvature for surfaces inR3. We prove a general local existence result for a large class of Monge-Amp`ere equations in the plane, and obtain as corollaries the existence of regular solutions to both problems, in the case that the Gaussian curvature vanishes to arbitrary finite order on a single smooth curve.

0. Introduction

Let (M2, ds2) be a two-dimensional Riemannian manifold. A well- known problem is to ask when can one realize this, locally, as a small piece of a surface inR3. This question has only been partially answered.

Suppose that the first fundamental form, ds2 = Edu2+ 2F dudv+ Gdv2, is given in the neighborhood of a point, say (u, v) = 0. Let K be the Gaussian curvature; then the known results are as follows. The question is answered affirmatively in the case that ds2 is analytic or K(0)6= 0; these classical results can be found in [8], [16], and [17]. In the case that K ≥ 0 and ds2 is sufficiently smooth, or K(0) = 0 and

∇K(0) 6= 0, C.-S. Lin provides an affirmative answer in [12] and [13]

(a simplified proof of the later result has been given by Q. Han [4]). If K ≤0 and∇K possesses a certain nondegeneracy, Han, Hong, and Lin [6] show that an embedding always exists. Furthermore, if (u, v) = 0 is a nondegenerate critical point for K and ds2 is sufficiently smooth, then the author provides an affirmative answer in [11]. However, A.

V. Pogorelov has given a counterexample in [15], where he constructs a C2,1metric with noC2isometric embedding inR3. More recently, other

The author was partially supported by an NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship and NSF Grant DMS-0203941.

Received 02/16/2005.



counterexamples for metrics with low regularity have been proposed by Nadirashvili and Yuan [14], and local nonexistence results for smooth Monge-Amp`ere equations have been obtained in [10]. In this paper we prove the following:

Theorem 0.1. Letds2∈Cr,r ≥60, and suppose thatσis a geodesic passing through the origin. IfK vanishes to finite order onσ, then there exists a Cr−36 local isometric embedding into R3.

Remark. The geodesic hypothesis onσ is actually unnecessary, and is only included so that Theorem 0.1 arises as a corollary of our main result, Theorem 0.3 below. Please see the appendix for the justification.

Also, a similar result has been obtained independently by Q. Han [5].

We begin by deriving the appropriate equations for study. Our goal is to find three functions x(u, v), y(u, v),z(u, v), such thatds2 =dx2+ dy2+dz2. The following strategy was first used by J. Weingarten [21].

We search for a function z(u, v), with |∇z|sufficiently small, such that ds2 −dz2 is flat in a neighborhood of the origin. Suppose that such a function exists; then since any Riemannian manifold of zero curvature is locally isometric to Euclidean space (via the exponential map), there exists a smooth change of coordinates x(u, v), y(u, v) such that dx2+ dy2 =ds2−dz2, that is, ds2=dx2+dy2+dz2. Therefore, our problem is reduced to findingz(u, v) such thatds2−dz2is flat in a neighborhood of the origin. A computation shows that this is equivalent to the local solvability of the following equation,

(z11−Γi11zi)(z22−Γi22zi)−(z12−Γi12zi)2 (1)

=K(EG−F2−Ez22−Gz12+ 2F z1z2),

where z1 =∂z/∂u,z2=∂z/∂v,zij are second derivatives ofz, and Γijk are Christoffel symbols.

Equation (1) is a second order Monge-Amp`ere equation. Another well-known and related problem, which is equivalent to the local solv- ability of a second order Monge-Amp`ere equation, is that of locally prescribing the Gaussian curvature for surfaces in R3. That is, given a function K(u, v) defined in a neighborhood of the origin, when does there exist a piece of a surface z= z(u, v) in R3 having Gaussian cur- vature K? This problem is equivalent to the local solvability of the equation

(2) z11z22−z122 =K(1 +|∇z|2)2.

For this problem we obtain a result similar to that of Theorem 0.1.

Theorem 0.2. Let σ be a smooth curve passing through the origin.

If K ∈ Cr, r ≥ 58, and K vanishes to finite order on σ, then there exists a piece of a Cr−34 surface in R3 with Gaussian curvature K.


With the goal of treating both problems simultaneously, we will study the local solvability of the following general Monge-Amp`ere equation (3) det(zij+aij(u, v, z,∇z)) =Kf(u, v, z,∇z),

whereaij(u, v, p, q) andf(u, v, p, q) are smooth functions ofpandq,f >

0,K vanishes to finite order along a smooth curveσpassing through the origin, andaij vanishes alongσ to an order greater than or equal to one degree less than that of K. Clearly equation (2) is of the form (3), and equation (1) is of the form (3) if Γijk vanishes to the order of one degree less than that ofK alongσ, which we assume without loss of generality.

More precisely, since σ is a geodesic we can introduce geodesic parallel coordinates, such thatσ becomes the v-axis andds2 =du2+h2dv2, for someh∈Cr−1 satisfying

huu=−Kh, h(0, v) = 1, hu(0, v) = 0.

It then follows that the Christoffel symbols vanish to the appropriate order along the v-axis. We will prove

Theorem 0.3. Let σ be a smooth curve passing through the origin.

If K, aij, f ∈Cr, r ≥58, K vanishes to finite order along σ, and aij vanishes to an order greater than or equal to one degree less than that of K along σ, then there exists a Cr−34 local solution of (3).

Equation (3) is elliptic if K >0, hyperbolic if K <0, and of mixed type ifK changes sign in a neighborhood of the origin. IfK(0) = 0 and

∇K(0)6= 0 [13], then (3) is a nonlinear type of the Tricomi equation.

While if the origin is a nondegenerate critical point forK[11], then (3) is a nonlinear type of Gallerstedt’s equation [3]. In our case, assuming that K vanishes to some finite ordern+ 1∈Z>0 alongσ (i.e., all derivatives up to and including order n vanish along σ), and aij vanishes at least to ordern along σ, the linearized equation for (3) may be put into the following canonical form after adding suitable first and second order perturbation terms and making an appropriate change of coordinates, (4) Lu=yn+1A1uxx+uyy+yn−1A2ux+A3uy +A4u,

where the Ai are smooth functions and A1 > 0 or A1 <0. It will be shown that this special canonical form is amenable to the making of estimates, even in the case that (4) changes type along the line y= 0.

From now on we assume thatn >0 is even, since the case when nis odd may be treated by the results in [12] and [6] where K is assumed to be nonnegative or nonpositive, and the casen= 0 may be treated by the methods of [13]. Furthermore, we assume without loss of generality that the curve σ is given by an equationH(u, v) = 0, wheree He ∈C and Hev|σ ≥M1 for some constant M1 >0. Letεbe a small parameter and set u = ε2x, v = ε2y, z = u2/2 +ε5w (the x, y used here are not


the same as those appearing in (4)). Substituting into (3), we obtain (5) Φ(w) := (1 +εwxx+a11)(εwyy+a22)−(εwxy+a12)2−Kf = 0.

By the assumptions of Theorem 0.3 we may write aij2nHn(x, y)Pij(ε, x, y, w,∇w) and

Kf =ε2(n+1)Hn+1(x, y)P(ε, x, y, w,∇w), where

H =ε−2H,e Hy|σ ≥M1, P ≥M2

for some constant M2 > 0 independent of ε, and Pij, P are Cr with respect to x, y and C with respect to the remaining variables. Then (5) becomes

Φ(w) = (1 +εwxx2nHnP11)(εwyy2nHnP22) (6)


= 0.

Choose x0, y0 >0 and define the rectangleX ={(x, y) | |x|< x0,|y|<

y0}. Then solving Φ(w) = 0 inX, is equivalent to solving (3) locally at the origin.

In the following sections, we shall study the linearization of (6) about some function w. In Section 1 the linearization will be reduced to the canonical form (4). Existence and regularity for the modified linearized equation will be obtained in Section 2. In Section 3 we make the appro- priate estimates in preparation for the Nash-Moser iteration procedure.

Finally, in Section 4 we apply a modified version of the Nash-Moser pro- cedure and obtain a solution of (6). An appendix is included in Section 5 in order to justify removing the geodesic hypothesis from Theorem 0.1.

Acknowledgments.This is a revised portion of my dissertation [9]

conducted at the University of Pennsylvania under the direction of Pro- fessor Jerry Kazdan. I would like to thank Jerry Kazdan, Dennis De- Turck, Herman Gluck, and Stephen Shatz for their suggestions and assistance. Also a special thanks for very useful discussions is due to Qing Han, who has obtained a similar result [5] independently for the isometric embedding problem, Theorem 0.1.

1. Reduction to Canonical Form

In this section we will bring the linearization of (6) into the canonical form (4). This shall be accomplished by adding certain perturbation terms and making appropriate changes of variables. The process will entail defining a sequence of linear operatorsLi, 1≤i≤7, whereL1 is


the linearization of (6) andL7 is of the form (4); furthermore,Li+1 will differ fromLi by a perturbation term or by a change of variables.

Fix a constant C >0, and letw∈C(R2) be such that|w|C16 ≤C.

Then the linearization of (6) evaluated at w is given by

(7) L1(w) =X




b1ixi+b1, where x1 =x,x2 =y and

b111=ε(εwyy2nHn(x, y)P22(ε, x, y, w,∇w)), b112=b121=−ε(εwxy2nHn(x, y)P12(ε, x, y, w,∇w)),

b122=ε(1 +εwxx2nHn(x, y)P11(ε, x, y, w,∇w)), b112nHn(x, y)P1(ε, x, y, w,∇w),

b122nHn(x, y)P2(ε, x, y, w,∇w), b12nHn(x, y)P3(ε, x, y, w,∇w),

for some P1,P2,P3. If εis sufficiently small, we may solve for εwyy+ ε2nHnP22in equation (6) to obtain


εwyy2nHnP22= 1

1 +εQ[(εwxy2nHnP12)22(n+1)Hn+1P+Φ(w)], where Q(ε, x, y, w,∇w,∇2w) = wxx2n−1HnP11. Plugging (8) into (7), we have

L2(w) : =L1(w)− εΦ(w) 1 +εQ∂xx



b2ijxixj +X


b2ixi +b2, where

b211= ε(εwxy2nHnP12)22n+3Hn+1P

1 +εQ .

Next defineL3(w) by

L3(w) : = 1

ε(1 +εQ)L2(w) (9)



b3ijxixj +X


b3ixi +b3.

To simplify (9), we will make a change of variables that will eliminate the mixed second derivative term. In constructing this change of vari- ables we will make use of the following lemma from ordinary differential equations.


Lemma 1.1 ([1]). Let G(x, t) be a Cl real valued function in the closed rectangle |x−s| ≤ T1, |t| ≤ T2. Let T = sup|G(x, t)| in this domain. Then the initial value problem dx/dt = G(x, t), x(0) = s, has a unique Cl+1 solution defined on the interval |t| ≤min(T2, T1/T).

Moreover, x(s, t) is Cl with respect tos.

We now construct the desired change of variables. For any domain Ω⊂R2, and constant µ, let µΩ ={µ(x, y)|(x, y)∈Ω}.

Lemma 1.2. For ε sufficiently small, there exists a Cr diffeomor- phism

ξ=ξ(x, y), η =y,

of a domainX1 onto µ1X, whereµ1 >1, such that in the new variables (ξ, η), L3(w) is denoted byL4(w) and is given by

L4(w) =X




b4ixi+b4, where x1=ξ,x2=η, and

b4112(n+1)Hn+1P114, b412=b421≡0,


b412nHnP141+nε2nHn−1P142 +



µ Φ(w) 2(1 +εQ)2

+ ∂xΦ(w) 2(1+εQ)2

¸ ξx, b42 =b32,

b4 =b3,

for some P114 , P141, P142, and P114 ≥C1 for some constant C1 >0 inde- pendent of εandw. FurthermoreP

|b4ij|C12+|b4i|C12+|b4|C12 ≤C2, for some C2 independent of εand w.

Proof. Using the chain rule we find thatb412 =b312ξx+b322ξy. There- fore, we seek a smooth function ξ(x, y) such that

(10) b412=b312ξx+b322ξy = 0 in X1, ξ(x,0) =x,

where X1 will be defined below. Since b322 ≡1, the line y = 0 will be non-characteristic for (10). Then by the theory of first order partial differential equations, (10) is reduced to the following system of first order ODE:


x=b312, x(0) =s, −µ1x0≤s≤µ1x0,


y= 1, y(0) = 0, ξ˙= 0, ξ(0) =s,


where x=x(t), y=y(t),ξ(t) =ξ(x(t), y(t)) and ˙x, ˙y, ˙ξ are derivatives with respect to t.

Choose µ1 > 1. We first show that the characteristic curves, given parametrically by (x, y) = (x(t), t), exist globally for−µ1y0≤t≤µ1y0. We apply Lemma 1.1 with T1 = 2µ1x0, and T2 = µ1y0, to the initial- value problem ˙x = b312, x(0) = s. Let T be as in Lemma 1.1. Since

|w|C16 ≤C, we have

T = sup


|b312| ≤εC3,

for someC3 independent ofε. Then forεsmall,T ≤ 2xy0

0 , implying that min(T2, T1/T) =µ1y0.

Then Lemma 1.1 gives the desired global existence.

Let X1 be the domain with boundary consisting of the two lines y =±µ1y0, and the two characteristics passing through ±µ1x0. Then the mapping (ξ, η) takes∂X1 onto ∂µ1X. We now show that the map ρ:µ1X →X1 given by (s, t)7→(x(s, t), y(s, t)) = (x(s, t), t), is a diffeo- morphism. It will then follow that the map (x, y)7→(ξ(x, y), η(x, y)) = (s(x, y), y) = ρ−1(x, y) is a diffeomorphism of X1 onto µ1X. To show that ρ is 1-1, suppose that ρ(s1, t1) = ρ(s2, t2). Then t1 = t2 and x(s1, t1) = x(s2, t2), which implies that s1 = s2 by uniqueness for the initial-value problem for ordinary differential equations. To show that ρ is onto, take an arbitrary point (x1, y1) ∈X1, and we will show that there exists s∈[−µ1x0, µ1x0] such that ρ(s, y1) = (x(s, y1), y1) = (x1, y1). Since the map

x(s, y1) : [−µ1x0, µ1x0]→[x(−µ1x0, y1), x(µ1x0, y1)]

is continuous, and x(−µ1x0, y1) ≤ x1 ≤ x(µ1x0, y1) by definition of X1, the intermediate value theorem guarantees that there exists s ∈ [−µ1x0, µ1x0] withx(s, y1) =x1. Therefore,ρhas a well-defined inverse ρ−1:X1→µ1X.

To show that ρ−1 is smooth it is sufficient, by the inverse function theorem, to show that the Jacobian of ρ does not vanish at each point of µ1X. Since


µ xs xt

0 1

¶ ,

this is equivalent to showing thatxs does not vanish in µ1X. Differen- tiate the equation for x with respect to s to obtain dtd(xs) = (b312)xxs, xs(0) = 1. Then by the mean value theorem

|xs(s, t)−1|=|xs(s, t)−xs(s,0)| ≤µ1y0sup





for all (s, t)∈µ1X. Thus, since |w|C16 ≤C, 1−εµ1y0C4sup


|xs| ≤xs(s, t)≤εµ1y0C4sup


|xs|+ 1


for all (s, t)∈µ1X. Hence for ε sufficiently small, xs(s, t)>0 inµ1X.

We have now shown that ρ is a diffeomorphism. Moreover, by Lemma 1.1 and the inverse function theorem ρ, ρ−1∈Cr.

We now calculate b411 andb41. We have

b411= (εwxy2nHnP12)22(n+1)Hn+1P (1 +εQ)2 ξx2 (11)


1 +εQ ξxξyy2. Since ξy =−b312ξx, plugging into (11) we obtain

b411= ε2(n+1)Hn+1P ξ2x

(1 +εQ)2 :=ε2(n+1)Hn+1P114.

To show that P114 ≥ C1, we now estimate ξx. By differentiating (10) with respect to x, we obtain

b312x)x+ (ξx)y =−(b312)xξx, ξx(x,0) = 1.

As above let (x(t), y(t)) be the parameterization for an arbitrary char- acteristic, thenξx(t) =ξx(x(t), y(t)) satisfies ˙ξx =−(b312)xξxx(0) = 1.

By the mean value theorem

x(t)−1|=|ξx(t)−ξx(0)| ≤µ1y0sup






(12) 1−εµ1y0C5sup


x| ≤ξx(t)≤εµ1y0C5sup


x|+ 1.

Thus for ε small ξx ≥C6 >0, showing that P114 ≥C1 for some C1 >0 independent of εandw.

We now calculate b41. We have

(13) b41 =b311ξxx+ 2b312ξxy+b322ξyy+b31ξx+b32ξy. From (10) we obtain

(14) ξxy =−(b312)xξx−b312ξxx, ξyy=−(b312)yξx−b312ξxy.


Plugging into (13) produces

b41 = ε2(n+1)Hn+1P

(1 +εQ)2 ξxx+b31ξx+b32ξy (15)




µεwxy2nHnP12 1 +εQ

−1 2∂x

µεwxy2nHnP12 1 +εQ

2# ξx

2nHnQ1+nε2nHn−1Q2 +



µ εwxy 1 +εQ

− 1 2∂x

µ εwxy 1 +εQ

2# ξx,

for some Q1,Q2. We now calculate the last term of (15). From (6) we have

(16) −ε2wxy2

(1 +εQ)2 = −εwyy(1 +εQ) +ε2nHnQ3+ Φ(w)

(1 +εQ)2 ,

for someQ3. Then plugging (16) into (15), we obtain


µ εwxy

1 +εQ

− 1 2∂x

µ εwxy

1 +εQ



µ εwxy 1 +εQ

−1 2∂x

µ εwyy 1 +εQ


· Φ(w) 2(1 +εQ)2


= ε/2wxyy(1 +εwxx)−ε2wxywxxy2/2wyywxxx

(1 +εQ)22nHnQ6+nε2nHn−1Q7+∂x

· Φ(w) 2(1 +εQ)2


= ∂x

2(1 +εQ)2[εwyy(1 +εwxx)−ε2wxy2 ] +ε2nHnQ6+nε2nHn−1Q7+∂x

· Φ(w) 2(1 +εQ)2


= ∂xΦ(w) 2(1 +εQ)2 +∂x

· Φ(w) 2(1 +εQ)2



for someQ4, . . . , Q9. It follows from (15) thatb41 has the desired form.

To complete the proof of Lemma 1.2, we now show thatP


|b4i|C12+|b4|C12 ≤C2, for some constant C2 independent ofεandw. In view of the fact that |w|C16 ≤C, this will be accomplished by showing that |ξ|C14 ≤C7 for some C7 independent of ε and w. By (12) we find





x| ≤ 1 1−εC5µ1y0

:=C8. It follows from (10) that



y| ≤C9, where C9 is independent of εandw.

We now estimateξxx. Differentiate (10) two times with respect tox to obtain

b312xx)x+ (ξxx)y =−2(b312)xξxx−(b312)xxξx, ξxx(x,0) = 0.

Then the same procedure that yielded (12) produces sup


xx| ≤εµ1y0C10sup


xx|+εµ1y0C11C8, implying that



xx| ≤ εµ1y0C11C8

1−εµ1y0C10 :=C12.

Furthermore, in light of (14), we can use the estimates forξx andξxx to estimate ξxy, and then subsequently ξyy. Clearly, we can continue this

procedure to yield |ξ|C14 ≤C7. q.e.d.

We now continue defining the sequence of linear operators Li(w).

To simplify the coefficient of ∂ξ in L4(w), we remove the portion of b41 involving Φ(w) and define

L5(w) : =L4(w)−



µ Φ(w) 2(1 +εQ)2

+ ∂xΦ(w) 2(1 +εQ)2

¸ ξxξ





b5ixi+b5, where x1 =ξ,x2 =η.

To bring L5(w) into the canonical form (4), we shall need one more change of variables.

Lemma 1.3. For ε sufficiently small, there exists a Cr diffeomor- phism

α=α(ξ, η), β =H(ξ, η),

of a domainX2⊂µ1X ontoµ2X,1< µ2 < µ1, such thatµ3X properly contains the image of ρ−1(X) (where ρ−1 is the diffeomorphism given by Lemma 1.2),for some µ3, 1< µ3 < µ2. In the new variables (α, β), L5(w) is denoted by L6(w) and is given by

L6(w) =X






where x1=α, x2 =β, and

b6112(n+1)βn+1P116, b612=b621≡0,


b612nβnP161+nε2nβn−1P162, b62=εP261+nε2nβn−1P262, b62nβnP36,

for some P116, P226 , P161, P162, P261, P262, P36, such that P116 , P226 ≥ C13 for some constant C13 > 0 independent of ε and w. Furthermore P|b6ij|C12+|b6i|C12+|b6|C12 ≤C14, for some C14 independent of ε and w.

Proof. Using the chain rule we find that b612 = b511βξαξ+b522βηαη. Therefore, we seek a smooth function α(ξ, η) such that

(17) b612=b511βξαξ+b522βηαη = 0 in X2, α(ξ,0) =ξ,

whereX2 will be defined below. By our original assumption onH made in the introduction, Hy ≥ C15 for some C15 > 0 independent of ε.

Therefore Hη =Hx∂x

∂η +Hy∂y

∂η =−Hxξy ξx

+Hy ≥εC16+C15≥C17>0, for some C16, C17 independent of ε. Since b522 ≡1, it follows that the line η= 0 is noncharacteristic for (17). Therefore, the methods used in the proof of Lemma 1.2 show that the desired functionα(ξ, η) exists.

We now define X2. Since Hη ≥ C17 > 0, we may choose µ1 >

µ2 > 1 such that the curves H(ξ, η) = ±µ2y0 are properly contained in the strips {(ξ, η) | y0 ≤ η ≤ µ1y0}, {(ξ, η) | −y0 ≥ η ≥ −µ1y0}.

Then define X2 ⊂ µ1X to be the domain in the ξ, η plane bounded by the curves H(ξ, η) = ±µ2y0 and the characteristic curves of (17) passing through the points (±µ2x0,0). Then the methods of the proof of Lemma 1.2 show that the mapping τ : (ξ, η)7→(α(ξ, η), β(ξ, η)) is aCr diffeomorphism from X2 onto µ2X. Furthermore, since ρ−1(X) ⊂ X2, ifµ3 is chosen large thenτ(ρ−1(X))⊂µ3X.

We now compute the coefficients b6ij,b6i,b6. We have b6112(n+1)βn+1P114α2ξ2η

2(n+1)βn+1P114α2ξ4(n+1)β2(n+1)(P114 )2βξ2 βη2α2ξ



P1142(n+1)βn+1(P114)2β2ξ β2η

# α2ξ


: =ε2(n+1)βn+1P116.

As in the proof of Lemma 1.2,αξ≥C18 for someC18>0 independent of εand w. Thus, if ε is sufficiently small the properties of P114 imply that P116 ≥ C13 for some C13 > 0 independent of ε and w. Next we calculateb622:

b6222(n+1)βn+1P114βξ22η :=P226.

Since Hη ≥C17, ifε is sufficiently small thenP226 ≥C13. Furthermore, by (17)

b61 =b511αξξηη+b51αξ+b52αη


Ãε2(n+1)βn+1P114 βξαξ βη


+b51αξ+b52αη : =ε2nβnP161+nε2nβn−1P162.

Lastly since βη =Hx(−ξξy

x ) +Hy =O(ε) +Hy, we have βηη =O(ε) +Hyy=O(ε) +ε2Hevv =O(ε).


b62 =b511βξξηη+b51βξ+b52βη : =εP261+nε2nβn−1P262.

We complete the proof by noting that the methods of the proof of Lemma 1.2 show thatP

|b6ij|C12+|b6i|C12+|b6|C12 ≤C14, for some C14

independent of εandw. q.e.d.

To obtain the canonical form (4), we define L7(w) : = 1




b7ijxixj +X


b7ixi +b7, where x1 =α,x2=β, and

b7112(n+1)βn+1P117, b712=b721≡0,


b712nβnP171+nε2nβn−1P172, b72=εP271+nε2nβn−1P272, b72nβnP37,


for some P117, P171, P172, P271, P272, P37, such that P117 ≥ C19 for some constant C19 >0 independent ofε and w. In the following section, we shall study the existence and regularity theory for the operatorL7(w).

2. Linear Theory

In this section we study the existence and regularity theory for the operator L7. More precisely, we will first extend the coefficients of L7

onto the entire plane in a manner that facilitates an a priori estimate, and then prove the existence of weak solutions having regularity in the α-direction. It will then be shown that these weak solutions are also regular in the β-direction via a boot-strap argument.

For simplicity of notation, put x=α,y =β, and L=L7(w). Then L=ε2(n+1)yn+1B1xx+∂yy+ (ε2nynB2+nε2nyn−1B3)∂x

+ (εB4+nε2nyn−1B5)∂y2nynB6 : =A∂xx+∂yy+D∂x+E∂y+F

for some B1, . . . , B6 ∈ Cr such that B1 ≥ M and |Bi|C12 ≤ M, for some constants M, M > 0 independent of ε and w. By Lemma 1.3 A, D, E, and F are defined in the rectangleµ2X. We will modify these coefficients on R2−µ2X, so that they will be defined and of class Cr on the entire plane.

Choose values y1, . . . , y6 such that 0< y1 <· · · < y6 and y13y0, y6 = µ2y0. Let δ, M1 > 0 be constants, where δ will be chosen small.

Fix a nonnegative cut-off function φ∈C(R) such that φ(y) =

(1 if|y| ≤y5, 0 if|y| ≥y6.

Furthermore, define functionsψ1, ψ2, ψ3 ∈C(R) with properties:

i)ψ1(y) =



0 if|y| ≤y2,

−1 ify≤ −y3, 1 ify≥y3,

ii) ψ1≤0 ify≤0,ψ1≥0 if y≥0, and ψ1 ≥0,

iii) ψ2(y) =

(0 ify ≥ −y5,

−δy−δ(y5+y2 6) ify ≤ −y6, iv)ψ2≥0, and−δ ≤ψ2≤0,


v) ψ3(y) =



0 if|y| ≤y3, M1 ify≤ −y4,

−M1 ify≥y4,

vi)ψ3≥0 ify≤0,ψ3≤0 ify≥0, andψ3 ≤0.

Now define smooth extensions of A, D, E, and F to the entire plane by A=ψ1(y) +φ(x)φ(y)A,


E =ψ2(y) +φ(x)φ(y)E, F =ψ3(y) +φ(x)φ(y)F , and set


Before making estimates for L, we must define the function spaces that will be utilized. For m, l∈Z≥0, let

C(m, l)(R2) ={u:R2→R|∂xsytu∈C(R2), s≤m, t≤l}, and

Cc(m, l)(R2) ={u∈C(m, l)(R2)|u has compact support}.

Let θ >0 be a small parameter, and define the norm kuk(m, l)= ( X

s≤m, t≤l


Then define Hθ(m, l)(R2) to be the closure of Cc(m, l)(R2) in the norm k · k(m, l). Furthermore, let Hm(R2) be the Sobolev space with square integrable derivatives up to and including order m, with norm k · km. Lastly, denote the L2(R2) inner product and norm by (·,·) and k · k respectively.

We are now ready to establish a basic estimate for the operator L on R2. This estimate will be used to establish a more general estimate, which will in turn be used as the foundation for the proof of the existence of weak solutions.

Lemma 2.1. If ε is sufficiently small, then there exists a constant C1 >0 independent of ε, and functions a(y), b(y), γ(y)∈C(R) where γ =O(1) as y→ ∞, and γ =O(|y|) as y → −∞such that

(au+buy, Lu)≥C1(kγuy k2 +kuk2), for all u∈Cc(R2).

Proof. We first define the functions a and b. Let M2, M3, M4 > 0 be constants satisfying M3 < M2 and 12M4 −M2 ≥ 1. Then choose a, b∈C(R) andM2, M3, M4 such that:


i)a(y) =

(y2−M2 if|y| ≤y5,

−M3 if|y| ≥y6,

ii) a≤ −M3,a ≤0 if y≤0,a ≥0 if y≥0, anda′′≥ −δ, iii) b(y) =

(1 ify≥0,

−M4y+ 1 if y≤ −y2, iv)b≥1, andb ≤0.

Now let u∈Cc(R2), and integrate by parts to obtain (au+buy, Lu) =



I1u2x+ 2I2uxuy+I3u2y+I4u2, where

I1= µ1

2b −a

¶ A+1

2bAy, I2=−1

2bAx+1 2bD, I3=−a−1

2b+bE, I4= 1

2aAxx+1 2a′′− 1

2aDx− 1

2(aE)y− µ1

2b −a

¶ F −1

2bFy. We now estimate I1. If|y| ≤y3 then



(M2−y22(n+1)yn+1B1+(n+ 1)

2 ε2(n+1)ynB1 +1


¸ φ(x)



(M2−y2)yB1+(n+ 1)

2 B1+1


¸ φ(x)


for some constantsC2 >0, if y3 is chosen sufficiently small. Moreover, if|y| ≥y3 we have

I1 ≥O(ε2(n+1)) +

(M3 ify≥0


2M4−M2 ify <0 ≥C3, for someC3 >0, ifεis small.

To estimate I3, we observe that for |y| ≤y6, I3≥M3+O(ε).


Furthermore, if |y| ≥y6 then I3≥M3+

(0 ify≥0, δM4y2 ify <0.

Hence, I3 ≥γ2(y) for some γ ∈C(R) such that γ =O(1) as y → ∞, and γ =O(|y|) as y→ −∞.

Next we show that Z Z


I1u2x+ 2I2uxuy+I3u2y ≥C4 kγuy k2,

for some C4 > 0. From our estimates on I1 and I3, this will follow if I1I3−2I22 ≥0. A calculation shows that when |y| ≤y6, we have

I1I3−2I22 ≥ε2(n+1)C5ynφ(x) +O(nε2nyn−1φ(x) +ε2nyn(x)|)2

2(n+1)yn[C52n−2O(n2yn−2φ(x) +yn(x)|2φ−1(x) +nyn−1(x)|)]φ(x)


for some C5 >0 independent ofε, ifεis sufficiently small. Moreover, if

|y| ≥y6 then

I1I3−2I22=I1I3 >0, from which we obtain the desired conclusion.

Lastly, we estimate I4. In the strip |y| ≤y4, we obtain I4 ≥1 +O(ε).

Furthermore, if |y| ≥y4 then I4

(M1M3+O(ε+δ) ify≥0, M1(12M4−M2) +O(ε+δ) ify <0.

Therefore, I4 ≥C6 for someC6 >0 independent ofε. q.e.d.

Having established the basic estimate, our goal shall now be to es- tablish a more general estimate that involves derivatives of higher order in the x-direction. Let h·,·im denote the inner product on Hθ(m,0)(R2) that is,

hu, vim = Z Z


Xm s=0

θssxu∂sxv, for allu, v∈Hθ(m,0)(R2).

Theorem 2.1. If ε=ε(m) is sufficiently small, then for each m ≤ r−2, there exist constants θ(m) > 0 and Cm > 0, both depending on

|A|Cm+2(R2),|D|Cm+2(R2),|E|Cm+2(R2), and|F|Cm+2(R2), such that for all θ≤θ(m)

hau+buy, Luim≥Cm Ã

kuk2(m,0) + Xm s=0

θskγ∂xsuy k2

! ,


for all u∈Cc(R2).

Proof. We shall prove the estimate by induction on m. The case m= 0 is given by Lemma 2.1. Letm≥1, and assume that the estimate holds for all integers less than m.

Letu∈Cc(R2) and set w=∂xmu; then

hau+buy, Luim (18)

=hau+buy, Luim−1m(aw+bwy, Lmw) +θm






! , where


Dm=D+mAx, Fm =F +mDx+m(m−1) 2 Axx.

We now estimate each term on the right-hand side of (18). By the induction assumption,

(19) hau+buy, Luim−1 ≥Cm−1 Ã

kuk2(m−1,0) +



θskγ∂xsuy k2

! . In addition, since Dx, Ax, Axx have compact support and both Dm = O(mnε2nyn−1), andmDx+m(m−1)2 Axx=O(m22n) near the origin, if ε=ε(m) is sufficiently small then the coefficients of Lm have the same properties as those of Lso that Lemma 2.1 applies to yield

(20) θm(aw+bwy, Lmw)≥θmC1(kγwy k2 +kwk2).

Furthermore, integrating by parts produces Ã





! (21)

= Z Z


[em−1(∂m−1x u)2+em−2(∂xm−2u)2+· · ·+e0u2 +fm−1(∂xm−1uy)2+fm−2(∂xm−2uy)2+· · ·+f0u2y

+gm−1mxu∂xm−1uy+gm−2xm−1u∂xm−2uy+· · ·+g0uxuy], for some functionsei, fi, gi depending on the derivatives ofA, D, E and F up to and including order m+ 2.

Observe that the power of θ in the third term on the right of (18) is sufficiently large to guarantee that the right-hand side of (21) may


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