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Finite element method with local damage of the mesh


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Submitted on 14 Mar 2019

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Finite element method with local damage of the mesh

Michel Duprez, Vanessa Lleras, Alexei Lozinski

To cite this version:

Michel Duprez, Vanessa Lleras, Alexei Lozinski. Finite element method with local damage of the mesh. ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, EDP Sciences, In press,

�10.1051/m2an/2019023�. �hal-01858033v2�


Finite element method with local damage of the mesh

Michel Duprez, Vanessa Lleras and Alexei Lozinski§ March 14, 2019


We consider the finite element method on locally damaged meshes allowing for some distorted cells which are isolated from one another. In the case of the Poisson equation and piecewise linear Lagrange finite elements, we show that the usual a priori error estimates remain valid on such meshes. We also propose an alternative finite element scheme which is optimally convergent and, moreover, well conditioned,i.e. the conditioning number of the associated finite element matrix is of the same order as that of a standard finite element method on a regular mesh of comparable size.

1 Introduction

We are interested in the finite element method on meshes containing some isolated degenerate cells. The meshes of this type can be encountered in bio-mechanical applications, where the objects with very compli- cated geometry (as a human face) should be meshed, and the mesh generators or mesh morphing techniques are not always able to satisfy the usual regularity constraints (seee.g. [8, p.3]). Our work is a preliminary study in which we propose a suitable finite element approximation in such situations without requiring to reconstruct a high quality mesh everywhere. We restrict ourselves to the simplest model: the Poisson equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions

−∆u=f in Ω,

u= 0 on∂Ω, (1)

where Ω is a bounded polygonal (resp. polyhedral) domain inRn,n= 2 (resp. n= 3),∂Ω is its boundary, and f L2(Ω) is a given function. We only consider the standard piecewise linear continuous finite elements on a simplicial mesh without hanging nodes. The formal (quite usual) definitions of the exact and approximated solutions to (1) in the appropriate functional spaces are given in the beginning of Section 2.

The first goal of the present work is to highlight that we can recover the optimal convergence of the finite element method even if the mesh contains several isolated almost degenerate simplexes. More precisely, we shall assume that the majority of the simplexes in the mesh are regular in the usual Ciarlet sense [11] but there are some distorted simplexes that are typically adjacent to regular mesh cells and well separated from one another by layers of regular cells. The formal assumptions will be given in the beginning of Section 2.

To prove the optimal convergence of the standard finite element method, we shall construct a modification of the nodal interpolation operator replacing the standard interpolating polynomial on a degenerate cell by another one obtained by averaging the interpolated function on a patch of cells surrounding the degenerate one.

The authors acknowledge the support of R´egion Bourgogne Franche-Comt´e “Convention R´egion 2015C-4991. Mod`eles math´ematiques et m´ethodes num´eriques pour l’´elasticit´e non-lin´eaire”.

Sorbonne Universit´es, UPMC Univ Paris 06, CNRS UMR 7598, Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, F-75005, Paris, France.

e-mail: mduprez@math.cnrs.fr

IMAG, Univ Montpellier, CNRS, Montpellier, France. vanessa.lleras@umontpellier.fr

§Laboratoire de Math´ematiques de Besan¸con, UMR CNRS 6623, Universit´e Bourgogne Franche-Comt´e, 16, route de Gray, 25030 Besan¸con Cedex, France. e-mail:alexei.lozinski@univ-fcomte.fr


Although the standard finite element method turns out optimally convergent on the locally damaged meshes, as outlined above, it can suffer from bad conditioning of the stiffness matrix. Indeed, the gradient operator can have an arbitrary large norm on the space of piecewise polynomial functions on a mesh containing very elongated cells even if all the cells are of approximately the same diameter h. In the present paper, we inspire ourselves by [10, 13, 9] to propose an alternative finite element discretization in which we avoid excessively high gradient jumps either by redefining the approximation on bad elements by an extension of the polynomial on a good adjacent element, or by an interior penalty stabilization. We are able to prove that such a scheme is optimally convergent and well conditioned, i.e. its conditioning is of the same order as that of a standard finite element method on a usual regular mesh of comparable size, provided the number of degenerate cells remains uniformly bounded.

The present article is a contribution to the already rich literature studying the influence of the mesh cell geometry on the convergence of finite element approximations. The optimal H1-convergence has been proved in [22] for second order elliptic equation and in [21] for linear elasticity equations under the minimum angle condition in 2D: there exists α0 (0, π) such that for each considered meshTh and any mesh cellK∈ Th,

0< α0αK, (2)

where αK is the minimum angle ofK. In [6, 5], this condition was generalized to the higher dimensions.

If we denote by hK the diameter ofK andρK the diameter of the largest ball contained inK, then (2) is equivalent to already mentionedCiarlet condition [11]: there existsc0such that for each considered mesh Thand any mesh cellK∈ Th,

hKK c0. (3)

The conditions above were further relaxed in several ways. Three groups (see [3, 4, 14]) have proposed independently in 1976 a weaker assumption called the maximum angle condition: there existsβ0(0, π) such that for each considered mesh Thand any mesh cell K∈ Th,

βK β0< π, (4)

whereβK is the maximum angle ofK. The first condition (2) implies the second (4). The second condition was generalized for higher dimensions in [15, 18].

Furthermore, it is shown in [12] that even the maximum angle condition may be not necessary. More precisely, if a degenerate triangulation is included in a non-degenerate one, then optimal convergence rates hold true. The convergence on appropriate anisotropic meshes is studied in [2]. A sufficient condition for convergence (not necessarily of optimal order) was derived in [16] under the name of the circumradius condition: maxKRK 0 ash0 whereRK is the circumradius of the mesh cellK. Both the maximum angle and circumradius conditions for O(hα) convergence are generalized in [17]. It is proved that the triangulations can contain many elements violating these conditions as long as they are isolated in a certain sense. However, one cannot hope for an optimal convergence on completely arbitrary meshes: an example of a heavily distorted mesh family stemming from [3] has been recently analyzed in [20] showing rigorously that the finite element method may fail to converge at all. The present paper propose yet another choice of assumptions on the mesh in the spirit of, but different from [12] and [17], guaranteeing the optimal convergence.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: in Section 2, we prove that one can allow degenerate cells, which violate Condition (2) or (4), if they are isolated in some sense. We shall establish in Subsection 2.1 the optimal L2- and H1-convergence of the standard finite elements method on such meshes. We also recall, in Subsection 2.2, the well known fact that the presence of degenerate cells may induce a large conditioning number of the stiffness matrix. We then propose in Section 3 a modified finite element method that preserves the optimal convergence while ensuring a good conditioning. We conclude with some numerical illustrations in Section 4.


2 Approximation by linear finite elements under local mesh dam- age assumption

Let us first recall the notions of the weak and approximated solutions to System (1). We call a weak solution inV :=H01(Ω) to System (1) a functionuV such that

a(u, v) =l(v) for all vV, (5)

where the bilinear form aand the linear forml are defined for allu, vV by a(u, v) :=


∇u· ∇v dx and l(v) :=


f v dx.

It is well known that System (1) admits a unique weak solution thanks to Lax-Milgram lemma.

Consider now a simplicial meshTh on Ω without hanging nodes. This means that ¯Ω =K∈ThK with each mesh cell K ∈ Th being a simplex (triangle in 2D, tetrahedron in 3D) and every two mesh cells K1, K2∈ Thbeing either disjoint or sharing a vertex, an edge, or a face (in 3D). We recall thatρK denotes the diameter of the largest ball contained in a mesh cellK. Moreover,hωwill denote the diameter of any bounded domain ω and we seth= maxK∈ThhK. As mentioned in the Introduction, we will assume that the cells of meshTh satisfy Ciarlet Condition (3) up to some isolated cells.

Assumption 1. We suppose that there existM Nandc0, c1, c2, c3>0 such that the following holds for each considered mesh Th:

The mesh contains I degenerate cells K1deg, ..., KIdeg (I 0) violating Ciarlet Condition (3), i.e. for i∈ {1, ..., I}

Kideg∈ Th andhKdeg i

Kdeg i

> c0.

There exist patches Pj forj∈ {1, ..., J}, i.e. some unions of mesh cells, star-shaped with respect to a ball of diameter ρPj such that

hPjPj c1 andhPj < c2h.

We denote by Pej ⊃ Pj the larger patch composed of mesh cells sharing at least a vertex withPj. Then

The patchesPej are mutually disjoint, i.e. Pej andPek have no common cells forj6=k.

The number of cells in eachPej\Pj is bounded by a constantM.

The intersection of boundaries ∂Pj and∂Ωis either empty, or reduced to a point, or to a line segment of lengthc3hPj, or (in 3D) to a polygon containing a circle of radiusc3hPj.

We assume that each degenerate cell Kideg is included in a patch Pj (a patch Pj can contain several degenerate cells). As a consequence, all the cells outside of the patches {Pj}j=1,...,J are non-degenerate.

Notational warning. In what follows, the letter C will stand for constants which depend only on the generalized mesh regularity in the sense of Assumption 1 (unless stated otherwise). This means that C can depend onc0,c1,c2,c3, andM, but otherwise independent from the choice of meshTh. As usual, the value ofC can change from one line to another.

An example of patches Pi and Pei is given in Fig. 1. We illustrate there a typical situation of a degenerate triangleKideg(dotted in red) adjacent to a regular triangleKind(dotted in grey). The patchPi

is then formed of these two triangles Kideg andKind. It is obviously star-shaped with respect to a ball (for example, the largest ball inscribed in Kind). Its chunky parameterhPiPi is close to that of surrounding regular triangles. We emphasise that Assumption 1 allows for more general configurations, for example, a patch can contain several degenerate cells and does not necessarily contain a non-degenerate cell.


Kind Ki,1










Ki,11 Ki,12

Figure 1: Example of configuration: patch Pi (dotted), patch Pei (all the cells), non-degenerate cell Kind (gray) of the patchPi.

We now set the finite element space on meshTh and the finite element approximation to System (1).


Vh:={vhV :vh|KP1(K)∀K∈ Th},

where P1(K) is the space of polynomials of degree 1 on cell K. Consider the following finite element approximation to System (5): finduhVh such that:

a(uh, vh) =l(vh) for all vhVh. (6)

2.1 A priori error estimate

In what follows, | · |i,Aandk · ki,A denote the semi-norm and the norm associated toHi(A).

Theorem 2. Let uV anduhVh be the solutions to System (5) and System (6), respectively. Then, under Assumption 1,

|uuh|1,ΩCh|u|2,Ω. (7)

Moreover, if is convex,

kuuhk0,ΩCh2|u|2,Ω. (8) The proof of this theorem is completely standard (cf. [11, 7]) provided one has constructed an in- terpolant to Vh satisfying the optimal error estimates. We thus go directly to the construction of such an interpolation operator which we shall call Ieh and properly introduce in Definition 1. The necessary properties of this operator will be established in the Proposition 1. We start with some technical lemmas.

Lemma 1. Under Assumption 1, for any vH2(Ω)H01(Ω) on any patch Pi there exists a polynomial Qih(v)onPi of degree1 vanishing on∂Pi∂Ωsuch that

|vQih(v)|1,Pi ChPi|v|2,Pi, kvQih(v)k0,Pi Ch2Pi|v|2,Pi, kvQih(v)kL(Pi)Ch2−n/2P

i |v|2,Pi. (9) Proof. We consider first the case of the patch Pi lying completely inside Ω. We take then Qih(v) on Pi

as the Taylor polynomial Q2v, cf. Definition (4.1.3) from [7], averaged over the ball of diameter ρPi mentioned in Assumption 1. The estimates (9) forQih(v) =Q2vare thus given by Proposition (4.3.2) and Bramble-Hilbert Lemma (4.3.8) from [7].

We now turn to the case when the boundary∂Piintersects∂Ω in only one point, sayx. The polynomial Qih(v) should vanish atxso that we correct Q2v by subtracting from it its value at point. We set thus Qih(v) =Q2vchwherech=Q2v(x). Sincev(x) = 0, we have by the above mentioned properties ofQ2v

|ch|=|Q2v(x)v(x)| ≤ kQ2vvkL(Pi)Ch2−n/2|v|2,Pi


which entails

kQihvvk0,Pi ≤ kQ2vvk0,Pi+|ch||Pi|1/2Ch2|v|2,Pi and

kQihvvkL(Pi)≤ kQ2vvkL(Pi)+|ch| ≤Ch2−n/2|v|2,Pi.

The H1 semi-norm of the error is not affected by the constant ch, so that the announced estimate for

|Qihvv|1,Pi is also valid.

The last case to consider is when ∂Pi has a non-empty intersection with a side, say Γ, of∂Ω, which is not reduced to one point. We introduce the polynomial ch of degree 1 that coincides withQ2v on

∂PiΓ and does not vary in the directions perpendicular to Γ∂Pi. SettingQih(v) =Q2vch we see immediately that Qih(v) vanishes on Γ. Let ΠΓPi be the projection ofPi on Γ (or, in the 3D case when the intersection∂PiΓ is reduced to a segment, the projection ofPion the line containing this segment).

Thanks to our geometrical assumptions and the fact thatv vanishes on ∂PiΓ,


i |v|2,Pi. Note that the first inequality is valid thanks to the hypothesis on the intersection betweenPiand Γ given in Assumption 1 as proven in Lemma 9. We can thus prove the desired estimates for kQihvvk0,Pi and kQihv−vkL(Pi)as in the previous case. Finally, by an inverse inequality (proven in this context in Lemma 10),

k∇chkL(Pi) C hPi


i |v|2,Pi so that

|Qihvv|1,Pi ≤ |Q2vv|1,Pi+k∇chkL(Pi)|Pi|1/2Ch|v|2,Pi.

We also recall the usual interpolation error estimates on regular cells for the standard Lagrange inter- polation operatorIh to the space of piecewise linear functions,cf. [11, 7].

Lemma 2. Under Assumption 1, we have on each mesh cell K∈ Th outside of patchesPi

|v− Ih(v)|1,KCh|v|2,K, kv− Ih(v)k0,KCh2|v|2,K, kv− Ih(v)kL(K)Ch2−n/2|v|2,K, for any vH2(K).

Remark 1. In Assumption 1, we can replace the Ciarlet condition by the maximum angle condition (4) on the cellsK∈ Thoutside of patches Pei. Indeed, the inequalities of Lemma 2 remain valid in this case.

Definition 1. For allvH2(Ω)H01(Ω), letIeh(v) be the function inVh that coincides withQih(v) from Lemma 1 on each patchPi, and with the standard Lagrange interpolationIhv on all the cellsK∈ Th out of the extended patchesPei,i.e. Ieh(v)(x) =v(x) at all the mesh nodesx¯\ ∪i∈{1,...,I}Pei.

Note thatIeh(v) is uniquely defined also on the mesh cells fromPei\ Pi,i= 1, . . . , Ialthough they are not explicitly mentioned above. Indeed, all the vertices of such cells are shared either with a patchPi or with a regular cell from ¯\ ∪i∈{1,...,I}Pei. Since the values of Ieh(v) are given at all these nodes by the definition above, the piecewise linear functionIeh(v) is well defined everywhere.

We now prove the global interpolation estimates for the interpolation operatorIeh. Proposition 1. Under Assumption 1, we have for allvH2(Ω)H01(Ω)

|vIeh(v)|1,ΩCh|v|2,Ω, kvIeh(v)k0,ΩCh2|v|2,Ω.


Proof. The contributions to the interpolation errors on the patches Pi and on the mesh cells outside the patchesPei(where the interpolatorsIehandIhcoincide) are already covered by Lemmas 1 and 2. It remains to bound the error on mesh cells inPei\ Pi.

LetK∈ Th andKPei\ Pi. By the triangle inequality and Lemma 2,

|vIeh(v)|1,K≤ |v− Ih(v)|1,K+|Ih(v)Ieh(v)|1,KCh|v|2,K+|rh|1,K,

where we have denotedrh:=Ih(v)eIh(v). By a homogeneity argument and the equivalence of norms on finite dimensional space, we see easily


Recalling that rh is a polynomial of degree1 vanishing at the vertices ofK onPei, the other vertices belonging to∂Pi, we conclude

krhkL(K)≤ krhkL(∂K∩∂Pi)≤ kv− Ih(v)kL(K)+kvIeh(v)kL(Pi)Ch2−n/2(|v|2,K+|v|2,Pi).

Putting the estimates above together yields

|vIeh(v)|1,KCh(|v|2,K+|v|2,Pi). (10) Similarly,

kvIeh(v)k0,KCh2(|v|2,K+|v|2,Pi). (11) Taking the square on both sides of (10) and (11), summing them over all the mesh cellsKPei\ Pi, i= 1, . . . , I (recall that the number of such cells on each patch is bounded by a predefined constantM), adding the estimates from lemma 1 on the patchesPiand those of Lemma 2 on the mesh cells outside the patchesPeigives the desired result.

2.2 Poor conditioning of the system matrix

In this section, we shall recall the well known fact that the presence of degenerate cells can induce an arbitrary large conditioning number of the associated finite element matrix. In the following proposition, we consider a particular example of a mesh satisfying Assumption 1 and give an estimator for the conditioning number. This result should be contrasted with the “normal” conditioning number of order 1/h2on a quasi- uniform mesh.

Proposition 2. Suppose that the mesh Th satisfies Assumption 1 and contains a degenerate cell Kdeg such that

ρKdeg =ε, hKdeg >C1h. (12) Then the conditioning number κ(A) :=kAk2kA−1k2 of the matrixA associated to the bilinear formain Vh satisfies

κ(A)> C

for sufficiently small h, with C depending only on C1 and Ω. Here, k · k2 stands for the matrix norm associated to the vector 2-norm.

Proof. Denote by N the dimension ofVh. Considerφh the basis function ofVh equal to 1 at the node of Kdeg opposite to the largest edge (face) ofKdeg, vanishing at all the other nodes, andφRN the vector representing φh in the basis of hat functions. Then, denoting by | · |2 the vector 2-norm on RN and by (·,·) the associated inner product,

kAk2= sup



|u|22 >(Aφ,φ) =a(φh, φh) =h|21,Ω>h|21,Kdeg.


By (12), the gradient ofφh is of order 1/ε onKdeg, and the area of Kdeg is of orderεhn−1. Thus, kAk2>h|21,Kdeg >Chn−1

ε .

Now take anyψH2(Ω)H01(Ω),ψ6= 0 and letψRN be the vector associated toIehψ. Then kA−1k2= sup



(Au,u) > |ψ|22

(Aψ,ψ)= |ψ|22

a(eIhψ,Iehψ) > C hn


|Iehψ|21,Ω . We have used here the bound


valid for any vh Vh and the corresponding vector v since all the mesh cells are of diameter h.

Proposition 1 implies

( keIhψk0,Ω>kψk0,ΩCh2|ψ|2,Ω>Ckψk0,Ω,

|eIhψ|1,Ω≤ |ψ|1,Ω+Ch|ψ|2,ΩC|ψ|1,Ω, forhsmall enough. So that

kA−1k2> C hn. This gives the desired result.

3 A well conditionned alternative finite element scheme

In this section, we build an alternative finite element method for which the optimal convergence rates (7) and (8) hold true and the conditioning number of the finite element matrix is of orderC/h2if all the mesh cells are of diameter h. We start by the observation that such a method could be based on a subspace VehVhwhich is the image of interpolation operatorIeh,i.e.

Veh:={vhVh: [∇vh]|F = 0 for allF ∈ Fi, i∈ {1, ..., I}},

where Fi is the set of interior edges (faces) of the patchPi and [·]|F represents the jump onF. In view of our interpolation estimates, the problem of finding euhVeh such that

a(ueh,evh) =l(evh) for all evhVeh

would produce an approximate solution with optimal error. Moreover, it is easy to see that the matrix would be well-conditioned since the space Veh ignores the degenerate cells. Such a method is only of theoretical interest because one cannot easily construct a basis forVehusing available finite element libraries.

In what follows, we use this problem rather as an inspiration in constructing an implementable finite element scheme.

In doing so, we shall impose further restrictions on the mesh:

Assumption 3. The mesh satisfies Assumption 1. Moreover, there existsc4>0 andImax, M0 N such that for each considered mesh Th:

The number of patches I is bounded by someImax.

Each patchPi contains a non-degenerate cellKind, i.e. such thathPiKnd i c4.

The number of cells in eachPi is bounded by a constantM0.

In what follows, the constantsCwill be allowed to depend on the additional parameters in Assumption 3,i.e. c4,Imax, andM0.

We shall need the following modification of the previously defined interpolation operator Ieh, which makes sense under Assumption 3, cf. also Fig. 1, and will be incorporated explicitly into our modified finite element scheme.


Definition 2. For allvH2(Ω)∩H01(Ω), letIbh(v) be the function inVhthat coincides with the standard Lagrange interpolation Ihv on all the cells K ∈ Th out of the extended patches Pei, and is given on each patch Pi, not touching the boundary∂Ω, by

bIh(v)|Pi:= Ext

Ih(v)|Knd i

, (13)

where Ih stands again for the standard Lagrange interpolation operator on Kind, and Ext stands for the extension of a polynomial from Kind ⊂ Pi to the whole Pi without changing the coefficients of the polynomial. If the patch Pi touches∂Ω, then Ibh(v) is also based there on formula (13), corrected as in Lemma 1.

Remark 2. The new interpolation operatorbIh(v) satisfies the same optimal estimates as that for the old operator Ieh(v) which are given in Proposition 1, the proof of which is based on Lemma 1. To prove that Lemma 1 remains valid forIbh,i.e. redefining in (9) the originalQihbyQih:=Ibh(v)|Pi as in (13), we refer to Theorem (4.4.4) and Corollary (4.4.7) from [7]. Following their proofs, one can see that the only thing to check is the boundedness of operator Ext in (13) as a linear map on the space of polynomials of degree

1 equipped with the norm of L(Kind) toL(Pi). This, in turn, follows easily from our geometrical Assumptions 1, 3.

Remark 3. Our construction of the interpolation operatorIbhis very similar to that of [17]. The assump- tions on the mesh in [17] are much more refined than ours and are intended to be close to necessary ones.

Our proofs, on the other hand, are significantly simpler. Moreover, we are able to treat 3D meshes, which is not the case in [17].

We note that our assumptions could be somewhat relaxed (at the expense of readability of the present paper) so that some mesh configurations from [17], not allowed by our Assumption 1, could be recovered.

For example, in Fig. 1, we do not really need to include the cells Ki,6, ..., Ki,12 in the patch Pei if we define the interpolation by extension from the non-degenerate triangles as in (13). Indeed, Ibh is different from the standard Lagrange interpolation only on a part of the patch Pei, i.e. on the degenerate triangle and on Ki,1, ..., Ki,5. Our construction of the optimal interpolation operator would thus remain valid if Assumption 1 were modified so that Pei\ Pi only contained the “essential” cells (Ki,1, ..., Ki,5 in Fig.

1). In particular, Ibh provides an optimal interpolation operator on the band of heavily stretched cells as represented at Fig. 13 in [17].

As in [17] (cf. Definition 25 and Lemma 31), we can also consider some clusterings of degenerate cells (separated from one another by non-degenerate cells), but we should then stick to our first construction of the interpolation operator Ieh(v) from Definition 1. In this situation, our Assumption 1 is even more general than that of [17] since we do not need to suppose that each patchPi contain a non-degenerate cell.

3.1 An alternative scheme

We denote byaωthe restriction ofaon a subsetωof Ω, and by (·,·)ωthe inner product inL2(ω). Consider the bilinear form ah defined for alluh, vhVh by

ah(uh, vh) :=and

h (uh, vh) +X


aPi(bIhuh,Ibhvh) +X


1 h2P


((IdIbh)uh,(IdIbh)vh)Pi, (14)

where Ωndh := Ω\(∪iPi) and the interpolation operatorIbh is defined by (13), i.e. uh is not used directly inside the patches in the second term of ah, but rather it is extended from a non-degenerate cell inside each patch. The third term in ah will serve, loosely speaking, to penalize the eventual gap between the approximate solution uh and the optimal subspaceVeh, which is here quantified by the difference between uh and its interpolationbIhuh inVeh.

We now introduce the following method approximating System (5): finduhVh such that

ah(uh, vh) =l(vh) for all vhVh. (15)


The idea of using the polynomial extension from “good” to “bad” mesh cells in the scheme (15) is borrowed from [13]. We shall also see that the scheme can be recast in a form using the interior penalization on the mesh facets between “good” and “bad” cells, as in the ghost penalty method [9].

3.2 A priori estimate

The approximation of System (5) by (15) induces a quasi-optimal convergence rate:

Theorem 4 (A priori estimate). LetuV anduhVh be the solutions to System (5)and System (15), respectively. Then, under Assumption 3, we have for any ε >0


h +X


|uIbhuh|1,Pi C

εh1−εkuk2,Ω ifn= 2,

Chkuk2,Ω ifn= 3, (16) where Πhuh is equal to uh onndh andIbhuh on Pi. Moreover, ifis convex,

kuuhk0,ΩCε C

εh2−εkuk2,Ω if n= 2, Ch2kuk2,Ω if n= 3.

Before proving Theorem 4, we first give some auxiliary results. Note that the optimal error order (h for the H1-norm and h2 for theL2-norm can be recovered also in the 2D case, assuming more regularity onu, cf. Remark 4.

Lemma 3 (Galerkin orthogonality). Consider uand uh the solution to Systems (5)and (15). Then and

h (uhu, vh)X


aPi(u, vh) +X


aPi(bIhuh,Ibhvh) +X


1 h2P


((IdIbh)uh,(IdIbh)vh)0,Pi= 0, for all vhVh.

The proof of Lemma 3 is immediate.

We shall need the norm9·9 defined for allvhVh by

9vh9:=ah(vh, vh)1/2= |vh|21,Ωnd h





1 h2P



!12 .

Note for the future use that this norm is also well defined on V H2(Ω).

Lemma 4. Under Assumption 3, for all vhVh, it holds X



1,Pei\Pi C9vh9


Proof. It suffices to prove for each patch sup






i+h12 Pi



C, (17)

where the supremum is taken over all the configurations ofPi andPei allowed by Assumption 3 and over all the continuous piecewise linear functionsvhon the extended patchPei such that|vhIbhvh|1,

Pei\Pi 6= 0 i.e. vhIbhvh 6=conston Pei\Pi. First of all, we need to verify that the expression to maximize in (17) is well defined on such vh, i.e. no division by zero occurs. In other words, we need to prove that if the denominator vanishes, i.e.


1,Pei\Pi+|bIhvh|21,Pi+ 1 h2P


k(IdIbh)vhk20,Pi= 0


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