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On the surface tension of directed linear polymers


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1989

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On the surface tension of directed linear polymers

V.B. Priezzhev, S.A. Terletsky

To cite this version:

V.B. Priezzhev, S.A. Terletsky. On the surface tension of directed linear polymers. Journal de

Physique, 1989, 50 (6), pp.599-608. �10.1051/jphys:01989005006059900�. �jpa-00210940�



On the surface tension of directed linear polymers

V. B. Priezzhev and S. A. Terletsky

Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Laboratory of Theoretical Physics,

Head Post Office, P.O. Box 79, 101000 Moscow, U.S.S.R.

(Reçu le 30 juin 1988, révisé le 21 octobre 1988, accepté le 23 novembre 1988)



Nous trouvons la solution d’un modèle de polymères dirigés à deux ou trois

dimensions dans une approximation de fermions libres. Nous étudions l’énergie libre fs dans un grand domaine de variation de la densité de polymères p. Nous montrons que fs ~ 03C12 à

d = 2 et fs ~ 03C13/2 à d = 3 pour p petit. La loi 03C13/2 coïncide avec celle obtenue pour la tension de surface d’un modèle isotrope par des arguments d’échelle.



The directed polymer model on a two- and three-dimensional lattice in the presence of infinite boundary is solved in the free fermion approximation. The excess surface free energy

fs is studied in a wide range of the polymer density p. It is shown that fs ~ 03C12 for

d = 2 and fs ~ 03C13/2 for d = 3 when p is small. The law 03C13/2 coincides with that obtained for the surface tension of an isotropic model by scaling arguments.

J. Phys. France 50 (1989) 599-608 15 MARS 1989,


Physics Abstracts

68.45V - 81.60Jw

1. Introduction.

The well-known approach to investigations of the surface properties of semidilute polymer

solutions [1] gives the following dependence of the surface tension on density for flexible

isotropic linear polymers

where p is the volume fraction of monomers entering into macromolecules. The polymer- magnetic analogy and scaling arguments used for deriving the expression (1) are efficient only

when the value of p is sufficiently small and a solution has the scaling properties [1-3]. When

p is large, the surface tension depends on the intermolecular interaction at the monomer level

[1]. Therefore, the attempts of construction of solvable polymer models taking into account

the excluded-volume effects and giving the dependence of u (p) in a wide range of p are of great interest.

Recently, a model of polymers at surfaces has been proposed [4] in which a single polymer

chain has been treated as a directed random walk on a semi-infinite lattice. An array of two- dimensional directed walks non-intersecting each other and interacting with a wall has been

considered in [5]. Polymer models of that type with the excluded volume effects have been

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01989005006059900


introduced by Nagle [6], who has shown its equivalence to dimer models on decorated lattices. The two-dimensional dimer problem is solvable because it belongs to the class of free- fermion models [7]. Apart from exact solutions in the two-dimensional case, free-fermion models can be used as reasonable approximations for higher dimensions.

In this work we use the free-fermion representation to consider both the three-dimensional and two-dimensional model of directed polymers being in contact with a solid wall. Realistic systems which can be described by that model may be products of directed polymerization of

bifunctional monomers. Moreover, the model considered here can apparently describe the behaviour of polymer solutions in the presence of a fluid flow [8].

The model is formulated in section 2. The calculation method used in this work allows us in

a combinatorial way to find the partition function of the semi-infinite system and to obtain the

excess surface free energy (Sect. 3). Assuming the existence of the stable boundary we identity the surface free energy with the surface tension a and derive the p dependence of

u for d = 2, 3. Equation (1) follows from this dependence in the three-dimensional case when p is small. The results are discussed in section 4.

2. Model and calculation method.

For d = 2 the model of directed linear polymers with excluded volume being in contact with a nonadsorbing solid wall is constructed as follows. Consider a horizontal one-dimensional

lattice, sites of which are denoted by 0, 1, 2, ..., N. We define an M-step walk as a connected path along M bonds (perhaps, with repetitions) starting and ending at the same point. The

returns to the starting point after 2, 4, ..., M - 2 steps are not prohibited. Further, we

introduce a vertical coordinate along which the positions of a walking particle are fixed versus

the number of steps or discrete time (Fig. 1). Consider an ensemble of particles performing M-step walks. Two different particles cannot be simultaneously found at the same site and

avoid the origin of coordinates and the site N. The two-dimensional polymer model [6] arises

from these definitions if one associates time with the spatial coordinates. Indeed, the M-step walks may be regarded as closed directed polymers rolled around a cylinder. Polymer

chains avoid each other and don’t cross the walls, i. e. the vertical lines going through the origin of coordinates and the site N.


Fig. 1.


Directed polymers at d = 2. Walks occur on the one-dimensional array 0, 1, ..., N. M is the number of steps.

In the case d = 3 the model is defined quite analogously [9-11]. Figure 2 illustrâtes the above construction for this case.

We have identified a polymer link with a step of the walk. Now, ascribe to it a statistical

weight (fugacity) x. To control the hits of walkers on the boundaries, we introduce an



Fig. 2.


Directed polymers at d = 3. Walks occur on the two-dimensional plane. M is the number of steps.

additional weight y. To that end we glue the edges of the cylinder and consider polymer configurations on a torus (hypertorus). Ascribe the weight y to the boundary steps from the sites 1 to 0 and from N - 1 to N. Then, putting y = 0 we select the polymer configurations on

the cylinder. In the case y = x we get the unbounded configurations on the torus.

An M-step walk w which visits boundaries T times has the weight

The weight of a configuration gn containing n M-step walks is

The partition function can be written in the following form

where the summation runs over all possible configurations on the torus.

According to these definitions, the excess surface free energy f, per one site of the

boundary with area S is defined as

The mean monomer concentration p (x ) of the unbounded system may be found by the partition function in the following way

where V is the lattice volume.

Analogously, the mean concentration of the polymer hits on the walls is


Therefore, expression (5) can be written as

Now, we shall reformulate the problem of determination of the number of all closed

interacting paths as a more simple task on the free random walking. When d = 2, this method gives an exact solution. For d = 3 it results in a free-fermion approximation. A detailed analysis of this approximation is given in [9,11]. Here we confine ourselves to a brief accounl

of the method.

The ansatz consists in providing for the walks « fermionic » properties. To this end we

introduce the auxiliary function

which is also the weight of the set of n walks gn, but any walk from gn is weighted with the

« minus » sign. Let P be any nonperiodic, K-step walk which gets back at the origin point after

K = kM steps, where k > 1 is an integer, M as above is the size of the lattice along the

vertical. Let X (P) be the weight of P in the sense of equation (2) where we have to put kM instead of M. Then the following formula is true :

where the I.h.s. contains the product over all possible closed nonperiodic walks. A simple explanation for (10) is as follows. Each term in the I.h.s. of expression (10) may be associated with a path configuration on the lattice. For the configuration with intersection at any point

two representations are equivalent : in a form of two paths Pl and P2 (Fig. 3(a)) which are intersecting at this point and in a form of a single self-intersecting path (Fig. 3(b)). In expansion (10) the first situation is described by weight (-1 ) X (Pl ) (-1 ) X (P2 ) the second

one by the weight (-1 ) X (P1) X (P2) . Contributions from intersecting and self-intersecting paths are cancelled, and only the terms remain which correspond to all terms of the sum X, X (g ).


The connection between X (g ) and X (g ) is established as follows. In the case

d = 2 the paths on the two-dimensional lattice are rolled around a torus, therefore any path enveloping the lattice more than once in one direction is surely self-intersecting. Hence in the

sum g X (g ) those paths remain which envelop the lattice only once and, so, they all consist

Fig. 3.


(a) Two intersecting paths Pl and P2 ; (b) a single self-intersecting path P.



of M steps. Therefore a simple substitution of variables --+ x exp (i irIM) and ) - y exp (1 w/M) changes the sign in any path. Then £,, ; (g Xg y (g ) and in the ther-

modynamic limit M - oo, A (x, y) and A(£, Y) are coinciding. In the case d = 3 the above substitution of variables does not improve signs of paths which envelop the lattice more than

once. These paths enter into the partition function : the paths which envelop the lattice twice enter with sign « minus », those with a triple enveloping, with the sign « plus », etc. It is not

difficult to verify that this approximation for the partition function exactly corresponds to the

free-fermion approximation [9].

Let Kp be the number of steps along a path P. From equation (4) with due regard to (10) we

get the partition function of the unbounded system in the form :

where NK ( ) is the number of all closed paths of length K beginning and ending at the lattice point f.

Denote the weighted sum over all paths on the torus which begin at the point f and after K steps end at the point m by WK (f 1 m ; x, y ). Then the product N K(f) xxin (11)

is WK(l P ; x, x). To obtain the partition function A(x, y) it is enough to substitute in (11)

W K(f 1 f ; x, y ) instead of W K(f 1 f ; x, x ). Let fo be any point of the lattice belonging to the

wall. Then the equality

is valid.

Indeed, the differentiation in (12) with respect to y selects among paths which enter into the partition function only those which at least once fall on the wall. If the path falls on the wall

v times, its weight contains the factor y ". The action of the operator ya/ay results in the factor

v in this weight. Therefore, in the left-hand side of (12) every path which falls on the

boundary v times is taken into account v times. The factor S in the right-hand side of (12) signifies that every path can begin at any point of the boundary. Therefore the path that falls

on the boundary v times is also taken into account v times in the right-hand side of (12).

From equations (7, 8, 12) we have for the excess surface free energy

Instead of the summation over the paths with a length K(K = kM) it is conveniently to pass to the sum over paths with an arbitrary number of steps. This can be made by adding a supplementary factor exp (2 7Ti j / M) to the weight of every step. Then omitting arguments

x, y we may write :

using the identity


where m .1 is an integer. The unity in the right-hand side of (14) compensates the term

WO(f 1 f) = 1 absent on the left-hand side. Thus the problem of the calculation of the excess

surface free energy reduces to finding the generating function of simple random walks

beginning and ending at one point :

Since we deal with uncorrelated random walks, the defined model represents a system of flexible polymers. Introducing a correlation between successive steps one can control the statistical weight of trans and gauche states of polymers. In this way, a model of semi-flexible directed polymers can be obtained.

3. Surface free energy.

The expression for f, derived in section 2 after taking the thermodynamic limit can be written

as follows :

We recall that the walk occurs on the one-dimensional lattice 0, 1, ..., N in the two-

dimensional model and on the two-dimensional lattice when d = 3. That is, we set

fo = 0 when d = 2 and fo = (o, 0 ) when d = 3. If one is not interested in finite volume

effects, one can neglect the effective interaction between two boundaries in the limit N --+ oo. Then the function W (fo f 0) tends to the generating function of random walks on the infinite lattice in the presence of the alone wall.

To obtain W (0 0 ) we consider the evolution equation of functions Wn(£ 1 m ; x, y ) :

where y (f, l ’ ) is the transition matrix from point Q’ to point f. It is convenient to represent

-y (f, f’) in the form :

where p (Q - Q’ ) is the transition matrix for a walk on the infinite lattice, q (f , f’ ) is a matrix of

« defects » describing the walk near the wall.

It is convenient to carry out further calculations for d = 2 and d = 3 independently.

a) d = 2

In tbjs case matrices p (f - Q’ ) and q (l, f’) are of the form :

where y is the weight of a lattice link over which the walk falls onto the boundary,

Li = (y - x )/x. Assuming that Wo(f 1 m) = 8t,m from (16) we get the equation for

W(l m) : 1



Let the Fourier-transform of W(l 1 m) be

Then from equation (22) we have

where À (ç ) is the « structure function » of a walk on the lattice :

Passing to the inverse Fourier transformation in (24) gives :

Hence the searched function W(O 10) equals

where the lattice Green function G (0 ) is defined by the equalities

From expressions (17, 27, 28) it follows that the surface free energy is given by the formula

with the substitutions x - x ei{3 and y - y eifJ in (27, 28).

Using the Jensen formula to calculate the last integral we finally arrive at the simple result


The value xc = 0.5 is a « critical » point of the model. For X :> Xc polymers arise on the lattice, when x « xc the lattice is emply.

b) d = 3

In this case matrices p (f - Q’ ) and q (f, Q’ ) are of the form

Like in the preceding part (a) we can derive the following relation for the Fourier transforms

of W(fo 1 fo) :


where , The inverse Fourier trans- formation in (33) with respect to cp 1 gives


When f = fo = (o, 0 ) the inverse Fourier transformation with respect to ’P2 in (34) gives finally the expression for the generating function W(O 10) :

For the excess surface free energy from (17, 36) we have

Using the Jensen formula to calculate the integral in (37) we finally get

Here xc = 0.25 is a critical point of the model when d = 3.

4. Results and discussion.

To analyse the obtained expression of the surface free energy (30) and (38) as functions of the

monomer concentration p, it in necessary to eliminate the fugacity x.

For this aim we shall need an expression for p (x ). This dependence can easily be found

with the help of the expression for p on the lattice without boundaries (y = x ) :

following from (6, 11) and (14-16).

Using expressions (27, 28) we obtain the following result for d = 2 :

Therefore from equalities (30) and (40) we find for afl 0 pu 1 :



The low and high density asymptotics are

When d = 3, the fugacity can only be eliminated from (39) when p --+ 0 and p - 1 by using

the results of work [12] :

With these expressions, the low and high density asymptotics as can be seen from (38, 44, 45) are given by the formulae

The latter formula implicitly defines the excess surface free energy in the concentrated- solution limit on the lattice.

In conclusion, we have proposed the lattice model of directed linear polymers which

contact with the nonadsorbed wall. Flexible polymer chains are not intersecting with each

other owing to the short-range repulsion. The enumeration of polymer configurations is

carried out by the combinatorial method which gives an exact result when d = 2. For d = 3, it leads to a free-fermion approximation. The difference of free energies for the model with nonadsorbed wall and the model without boundary can be related to the surface tension

cr. The analysis of obtained results for d = 2 shows that a - p 2 in the semidilute limit and a - - In (1 - p ) in the concentrated-solution limit. When d = 3 the free-fermion approxi-

mation gives the known result [1] u ’" p 3/2, when p is small. This dependence for the surface tension coincides with the analogous law for the semidilute solution regime of an isotropic polymer solution which is obtained from the polymer-magnetic analogy and scaling arguments


In spite of the coincidence of the law p 3/2 for three-dimensional isotropic and directed

polymer models, correlation properties of these model are drastically different. The effective correlation length e in the semidilute limit for directed polymers can be estimated from the

osmotic-pressure dependence. In our model when d = 3, it has the asymptotic [9] :

From (48) and (44) we find that for small p :

Using the known estimate for the semidilute solution [1] :


we get

Therefore effective correlations of directed linear polymers with the excluded volume are

very different from those in an isotropic system where the effective correlation length is


[1] DE GENNES P. G., Scaling Concepts in Polymer Physics, (Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London) 1979.

[2] BINDER K., Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena Ed. C. Domb, J. L. Lebowitz (Academic Press, London) pp. 1-144 (1983).

[3] DES CLOIZEAUX J., J. Phys. France 36 (1975) 289-291.

[4] PRIVMAN V., FORGACS G., FRICH H. L., Phys. Rev. 37B (1988) pp. 9897-9900.

[5] BURKHARDT T. W., SCHLOTTMANN P., Z. Phys. 54B (1984) 155-158.

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[10] BHATTACHARJEE S. M., NAGLE J. F., HUSE D. A., FISHER M. E., J. Stat. Phys. 32 (1983) 361-


[11] IZUYAMA T., AKUTSU Y., J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 51 (1982) 50-58.

[12] LITVIN A. A., PRIEZZHEV V. B., JINR communications, P17-87-4 (1987).


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