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Effects of capillary waves on the thickness of wetting layers


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Effects of capillary waves on the thickness of wetting layers

S. Chatterjee, E.S.R. Gopal

To cite this version:

S. Chatterjee, E.S.R. Gopal. Effects of capillary waves on the thickness of wetting layers. Journal de

Physique, 1988, 49 (4), pp.675-680. �10.1051/jphys:01988004904067500�. �jpa-00210742�


Effects of capillary waves on the thickness of wetting layers

S. Chatterjee and E. S. R. Gopal (*)

Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore-560 034, India

(*) Physics Department, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore-560 012 India (Reçu le 2 juillet 1987, révisé le 9 décembre 1987, accepte le 10 decembre 1987)



On calcule la contribution des ondes capillaires à l’énergie libre d’un film mouillant une surface, et

on montre que cette contribution dépend fortement de l’épaisseur du film liquide lorsque celle-ci est faible. On

montre également que ces oscillations peuvent jouer un rôle important pour la stabilité thermodynamique d’un

film mouillant si le liquide est un mélange binaire proche de son point critique, que les forces soient à courte ou à longue portée. En particulier, l’épaisseur du film tend vers zéro lorsque la température T s’approche de Tc.



The free energy contribution of capillary waves is calculated to show its significant dependence on

the thickness of the liquid layer, when the thickness is very small. It is shown that these oscillations can play an important role in determining the thermodynamic stability of a wetting layer, close to the critical point of a binary liquid mixture in the case of both short range and long range forces. In particular, the thickness of the

wetting layer goes to zero as the temperature T approaches Tc.


Physics Abstracts




1. Introduction.

Wetting phenomena, close to the critical point of a binary liquid mixture, present an interesting situ- ation, where a heavier liquid can wet the walls of the

vessel and can reside over a lighter one [1, 2]. This phenomenon has been observed recently in a number

of binary liquid mixtures and a typical situation is

depicted in figure 1. The thickness of the top layer of

the liquid has to be determined from the minimis- ation of the total energy of the system, which consists of (1) work done against bouyancy and (2)

the interfacial energy due to the mutual interaction of the surfaces AB and CD. In the present paper, we consider the effect of the surface oscillations of the interface CD in determining the equilibrium thick-

ness of the layer.

The importance of these surface oscillations in the mechanical stability of the wetting layer has been recently studied [3]. It was shown experimentally

and theoretically that unless the radius R of the container vessel is sufficiently small

(R2 4 l’ /g I dp [ where Ap


PI - P2 is the differ-

ence between the densities of the two liquids and

y is the surface tension) the Rayleigh-Taylor insta- bility makes the wetting layer unstable against the

appearance of surface disturbances of small wave

numbers. The problem posed in this paper is as follows : given a system, confined in a sufficiently

narrow vessel, such that the Rayleigh-Taylor insta- bility is absent, how do the surface oscillations come

into play to determine the thickness of the wetting layer ? In other words, we determine here the free energy contribution of the surface oscillations and

study whether the topmost film grows thicker or

thinner when the surface oscillations are included.

By necessity, the calculations refer to an idealised model and are approximate. However, they clearly

show the important role played by the free energy of the capillary waves.

The present paper is divided into four parts. Part 2 is devoted to a calculation of the free energy contribution from the capillary waves in terms of the thickness f of the wetting layer. In the subsequent section, a solution for f is sought for the short range and long range forces. Some scaling laws for f are also pointed out, while the concluding section

is devoted to a discussion of the results.

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01988004904067500



Fig. 1.


The relative position of the wetting layer in the binary liquids in which the liquid (1) is heavier than the

liquid (2).

2. Calculation of the free energy.

Let us consider a vertical displacement q (x, y) at

any point (x, y) on the surface CD of the wetting layer. Writing

it can be shown that the system obeys a dispersion

relation [4, 5]


The peculiarity of the dispersion relation (2) is that

in the small k£ limit, w2 has a linear dependence on f. This dependence on f vanishes when k£ --+ oo.

Further because of the absence of fluid flow at the walls of the container, k satisfies the eigen value equation

where J,, are the Bessel functions.

In the present case, since p 1 > p 2 we observe from the equation (2) that the system is unstable unless

For a vessel of radius R, equation (3) gives the

minimum eigen value to be km - 2/R and hence the system is mechanically stable if

This condition, related to the Rayleigh-Taylor instability, has been recently demonstrated to be of

special significance in maintaining the stability of wetting layers [3].

In the following, we consider the system to be stable against the Rayleigh-Taylor instability i.e.

R’ -- 4 y /9 (P 1 - P 2) and calculate the thickness of the wetting layer when the capillary waves are taken

into account. As first approximation, one assumes

that the total free energy of the system is obtained by adding the free Fe of the capillary waves to the bulk

of the free energy i.e.

where Fo is the Van der Waalsian or Cahn-Hillard type free energy and F, is that due to the capillary


The equilibrium value of f is determined by minimising Ftot (f ) from equation (Sa) :

As is known, the free energy contribution due to

capillary waves [6, 7] is given by

where k corresponds to the eigen frequencies of the capillary waves as given by equation (3). Such a

calculation was first performed by Frenkel [7].

Recently Tarazona et al. [8] have used the same

method to study the displacements of the dividing

surface between two liquids. These authors, how-

ever, do not study the system in the low f limit and

their results are valid in the thick film range, where

the Q-dependence of the dispersion relation is rather

weak as seen from equation (2). In our calculation

the dependence in the low f range is considered.


in which, for f



while for f - oo

The results of Tarazona et al. [8], Evans [9] and

Davis [10] corresponds to the equation in which the f dependence is found to fall off exponentially as in equation (9). Their results are thus naturally very insensitive to the variations in f. In the present context, however we are interested in the stability of

the thin wetting layers, so that the correct expression

would be the one given in equation (8). In this case

the expression on the right hand side of (8) has a

very strong variation with f in the small f limit. This

gives a significant contribution to the free energy, as will be shown in the following calculations.

For f


0 one obtains from equations (7) and (8)

where the summation is to be performed over the eigen values of the system. In the limit of a cell of

large diameter (but still consistent with the condition of hydrodynamic stability), the above sum can be converted into an integral over k. Thus we find, for

unit area retaining only the term proportional to R2 and after some straight forward algebraic manipu- lations,



and the variable of the integration Z is defined as

Since we have chosen a case which precludes the Rayleigh-Taylor instability the limits of integration

in equation (13) have an implicit dependence on the

radius R of the vessel. However Zmin corresponds to

wmin which is close to zero. For the continuum

approach to be valid, k-1max = the interatomic dis- tance in the fluid, which leads to the upper limit of

integration Zmax -+ 00. Alternatively, one sees that

as per the calculations of Buff, Lovett, Stillinges and

others [1], one has k- 1 =:z interfacial thickness

f- So Zmax - fl’2 k2max = f - 3/2 and hence Zmax -> 00

is a good approximation. Using these limits for Z and writing

the evaluation of the integral is quite straightforward

and the different limiting expressions will be pre- sented below.

Close to the critical point, equation (12) becomes


Inserting some typical values yo - 20 erg/cm,

f - 0.1 cm, AP 0 - 0.001 gmlcc, (p1 + p2) ~ 1 gm/cc, f3


0.33 and JL = 1.33 we have a = 10-14 t- 1/3.

This shows a 1 unless t - 10- 40. The latter indeed

corresponds to an experimentally inaccessible situ-

ation ; however, for the sake of completeness we present the expression for both a > 1 as also

a 1.

For a


Sufficiently close to 7c the Rayleigh-Taylor mode of instability will destroy the overhanging layer. As will

be seen below, the capillary wave free energy term also produces a similar effect from a thermodynamic point of view.

For a 1 but finite,


Equation (18) above shows that for a > 1 the free energy of the capillary waves has no explicit depen-

dence on the surface tension but is completely

determined by the density difference while in the



other limit the free energy is predominently deter-

mined by the surface tension. It is to be remembered here that equations (18, 20) corresponds to the case

where the thickness of a wetting layer is very small.

For a thick layer, equation (9) is to be employed.

The exponential term in (9) imposes a dependence exp (- kf) on afclaf in this case, making the

thickness dependence insignificant.

We proceed to find the equilibrium value of f, by solving equation (5b), and using the infor- mation available about afolaf.

3. Equilibrium thickness.

In solving for f the explicit form for F0 (f) is to be

incorporated in equation (6). Two cases may arise, depending upon the bulk forces being of short range interactions or long range interactions. The results in these two cases are different and are therefore discussed seperately.



In this situation, discussed by Cahn and Hilliard [11],

where y’ is a constant of the interaction and A is a measure of the range of the interaction. So the

equation (5b) yields

in the extreme small t limit, and

for higher values of t, where al and a2 are constants,

which can be identified from equations (18) and (20). The left hand side of equations (22) and (23)

are positive. The first terms on the right hand side of these equations are positive and second terms are

negative. Thus real solutions for f exist if values of the quantities on the left hand side are less than the maxima of the functions on the right hand sides of these equations.

Thus equation (22) has a real solution if

where l1 is the real solution of

Equation (25) can be written as

No real solution of fi 1 can be obtained if the right

hand side is greater than the maximum value of the left hand side which is 27 exp (- 3 ). Thus there can

be no real solution if

whereas a real solution can exist if the inequality (24) is satisfied.

Similarly equation (23) has a real solution if

where f 2 is the real solution of

Equation (28) can also be written as

No real solution of f2 can be obtained if the right

hand side is greater than the maximum of the left hand side which is (5/2 )512 exp (- 5/2 ). Thus no real

solution exists if

though for higher t a real solution can exist if the

inequality (27) is valid.

These discussions show that capillary waves intro-

duce some stringent conditions for the ther-

modynamic stability of the wetting layer when the

forces are of short range type. The phase diagram in

this system depicting (f, t) relationship can be

studied by numerical solution of the equations (22)

and (23).



It has been observed by several authors [12] that the long range forces give rise to a power law term instead of an

exponential decay. Thus



a 1, a 2 being the specific polarizabilities of the two phases 1 and 2. We consider a2 > a 1 so that W is

positive. Equation (5b) then reads :

in the extreme low t limit, while

for higher t.

This introduces two different regimes for f. For small t,

For larger t,

which because of equation (31) is independent of t.

Equation (36) corresponds to the case where the stability is determined by the competition between

the Van der Waals and the capillary waves free energies which impose dependences on the free

energy which are of power law type. In this case, the

potential energy necessary for raising the heavier

liquid by a height L is considered to be small.

Equation (37) is associated with the reverse case :

free energy of the capillary waves oscillations are

small and are hence neglected, giving a result as predicted by the previous workers. Further in our

calculations we have considered the quantity W to be positive, i.e. the interaction to be repulsive. In the

case of attractive interaction the stability is not guaranteed unless a sufficiently strong short range

repulsion is added.

Equation (32) and (34) concern inaccessible reg- ions of t. Nevertheless it is interesting that very close to T the scaling follows f - to-65 dovetailing

with the functional form of equation (36). The dynamic aspects of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability

and the thermodynamic form of the capillary wave

situation appear to be consistent.


In equation (32) for very small values of t, we can neglect the first term, assuming L to be not too large ; this yields,

so that using equation (31) we have

For equation (33) we have the roots of the quadratic equation

4. Discussions.

The results of the present calculations can be sum-

marised as follows. When the thickness of the

wetting layer is small, the capillary waves give rise to

a free energy which increases with the thickness of the wetting layer as - - f - 112. For short range forces

we find that the capillary waves preclude the exist-

ence of the wetting layer except in a restricted range of physical parameters. For a long range interaction

we predict a dependence of f on t as is given in figure 2, provided the long range interaction is

repulsive. For attractive long range forces, the wetting layer is found to be unstable unless a

sufficiently strong short range repulsive force is also present. The important result that arises out of the

Fig. 2.


The dependence of the layer thickness f on the

reduced temperature t.




theory is that the thickness of the wetting layer is expected to go to zero as the system approaches Tc. With increasing t, the layer thickness would grow until it reaches saturation.

There are a few experiments which indicate the

disappearance of the wetting layer as one approaches Tc closely [3, 13, 15] ; but these experiments have

not been pursued very much since the more conven-

tional theories predict that wetting should be ex-

tended all the way to Tc [1, 2, 16,17]. In some sense

these theories make the behaviour close to Tc as being dependent on the surface interaction. In the limit of small t and hence small f, we find the capillary free energy to depend on a bulk property like the density difference between two liquids. The

present calculations emphasize that the capillary

waves which play an important role in maintaining a dynamic stability of the wetting layer [3] have an equally important role to play in deciding the thermodynamic stability of these layers.

The calculations are admittedly based on many

approximations. For instance the bulk and the

capillary wave free energies are merely added together. An idealised slab configuration of the wetting layer is assumed. Precise numerical compu- tations have not been performed. Nevertheless the main features are likely to be preserved in any other realistic analysis because of the thickness depen-

dence of the dispersion reiation of the capillary

waves. This would be true in other thin layer configurations also where the dynamical Rayleigh- Taylor instability may not be significant.

A number of experiments could be suggested to study the present model. Apart from the observation of the appearance or disappearance of the wetting layer, one can measure the thickness variations by ellipsometric techniques when the temperatures are changed. Light scattering studies will give the disper-

sion relations of the capillary waves, whose fre-

quencies should follow equation (2) while the ampli-

tude of every mode k should have 17 2( k» ’"

KB Tlw 2(k) similar to the situation in the Debye-

Waller functions in solids. The onset of the instability

like the Rayleigh-Taylor mode invokes an exper- imental growth of the amplitude with time. We like to emphasize that the capillary waves which are always present in the system because of the thermal motions deserve further studies. As per the present calculations, they make the behaviour in the critical

region to be determined also by some bulk properties

like density difference between the two liquids,

instead of being influenced markedly only by the

surface layers and the walls. Surface tension effects

come into play at relatively larger values of t.


The authors would like to thank their colleagues Dr.

V. C. Vani and Dr. S. Guha for discussions. They

are also indebted to the D.S.T., D.A.E. and I.I. Sc.

ISRO STC for financial help. They specially thank

the referees for their suggestions, which have im-

proved the present work.


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