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X-ray investigations and magnetic field effect on a nematic phase of disc-like molecules


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1981

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X-ray investigations and magnetic field effect on a nematic phase of disc-like molecules

A.M. Levelut, F. Hardouin, H. Gasparoux, C. Destrade, Nguyen Huu Tinh

To cite this version:

A.M. Levelut, F. Hardouin, H. Gasparoux, C. Destrade, Nguyen Huu Tinh. X-ray investigations and

magnetic field effect on a nematic phase of disc-like molecules. Journal de Physique, 1981, 42 (1),

pp.147-152. �10.1051/jphys:01981004201014700�. �jpa-00208983�


X-ray investigations and magnetic field effect on a nematic phase

of disc-like molecules

A. M. Levelut, F. Hardouin*

Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Université de Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay, France

H. Gasparoux, C. Destrade and Nguyen Huu Tinh

Centre de Recherche Paul-Pascal, Université de Bordeaux I, 33405 Talence, France

(Reçu le 14 avril 1980, révisé le Il septembre, accepté le 15 septembre 1980)



Les diagrammes de diffraction des rayons X d’échantillons


orientés de la mésophase fluide de



plateau, les hexaalkoxybenzoates de triphénylène, sont identiques à la figure de diffraction d’une

phase nématique non orientée de molécules en bâtonnets. De plus,


montrons le caractère uniaxe de


milieu anisotrope qui possède une anisotropie diamagnétique négative, car les molécules plates s’orientent parallèlement

les unes


autres sous l’action d’un champ magnétique tournant. Enfin, les diagrammes de diffraction d’échan- tillons orientés du dérivé hexahexyloxybenzoate montrent l’existence d’un ordre prétransitionnel analogue à celui qui est observé dans la phase nématique et


voisinage de la transition nématique SmC. Ici, cet effet prétransi-

tionnel est relié à l’existence d’une phase de basse température que


décrivons et où les molécules sont empilées


colonnes, leur plan moyen étant oblique par rapport à l’axe de la colonne.



The X-ray diffraction patterns of powder samples of the fluid mesophase of the hexaalkoxybenzoates of triphenylene which is


disc-like molecule are similar to the diffraction patterns of


orientated nematic phase

of rod-like molecules. Furthermore,


give evidence for


uniaxial character of this anisotropic medium with


negative diamagnetic anisotropy, the flat molecules


orientated parallel each other by


rotating magnetic field.

In addition, the X-ray patterns of orientated samples of the hexyloxy compound revealed pretransitional effects

in this nematic phase of disc-like molecules (ND). This short-range translational order, sort of skewed cybotactic

groups originates from the existence of


low temperature columnar phase with


original tilted packing here




Physics Abstracts




1. Introduction.


Recently a new mesogenic

series [1] of disc-like molecules has been discovered which exhibits a highly fluid mesophase, the texture

of which is similar to the classical nematic one’.

Moreover, it can be compared to the textures seen i

the carbonaceous mesophase which is a mesomorphi

state of a complex mixture containing polyaromatic

molecules with some aliphatic parts [2]. Therefore,

the new phase of disc-like molecules could be a pure component simple model for the carbonaceous mesot-


We have performed X-ray and magnetic investi- gations in order to obtain some information on the structure and the symmetry properties of this new

fluid anisotropic phase.

2. Experimental technics. - We have studied two derivatives of the hexaalkoxybenzoates of tripheny-

lene (Fig. 1) with alkyl chains of six and eleven carbons.

Each compound exhibits two mesophases : the higb temperature phase is fluid (with similar textures) for

both compounds. The low temperature phase is much

more viscous. The texture of the C6 derivative is a

mosaic one [3] which is observed for the first time with disc-like compounds while the texture of the C11

derivative is similar to the texture of the D1 phases

of the alkanoates of triphenylene [4, 5].

X-ray investigations have been made on powder samples with a Guinier camera using the CuKà

radiation. At the same time, samples held in a Lin-

deman glass capillary have been studied within a

3 kG magnetic field and illuminated with a point- focusing X-ray beam CuK« perpendicular to the magnetic field.


Permanent address : Centre de Recherche Paul-Pascal, Univer- sité de Bordeaux 1, 33405 Talence, France.

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01981004201014700



Fig. 1.


Chemica.l formula of the hexaalkoxybenzoates of tri- phenylene.

To determine to what extent an extemal magnetie

field is apt to induce a single domain (in the bulk)

of the highly fluid mesophase, we have also performed magnetic measurements. First, by means of the classi-

cal Faraday method [6] (the magnetic field has a

vertical gradient) the magnetic susceptibilities arç measured. In addition, we have undertaken some

experiments with a homogeneous rotating magnetic

field of about 11 kG [7]. This latter technique is necesr

sary to define the sign of the diamagnetic anisotropy.

3. Results. - 3.1 X-RAY DIFFRACTION PATTERNS OF THE FLUID MESOPHASE. - X-ray diffraction pat-

terns of samples held in a capillary tube outside of the magnetic field in the fluid mesophase (Fig. 2) aré

very similar to the diffraction patterns of the isotrope liquid phase of the C11 derivative or other disc-like

mesogenic compounds (we have not attempted to

reach the isotropic phase for the C6 compound

T > 274°C). We have two broad diffraction rings,

Fig. 2.


X-ray diffraction pattern of the fluid mesophase of

a non

orientated sample (C6 derivative).

the inner ring being of high intensity compared to the

outer ring. The outer ring lies at

while the inner is related to the molecular size and

corresponds to d


20.5 A for the C6 and d


26.5 À

for the Cl,. This is very similar to the diffraction by a

non orientated nematic phase. Nevertheless a striking

différence lies in the relative intensity of the two rings :

the inner is of higher intensity in the case of this flui4

mesophase of disc-like molecules while the outer is

more intense for nematics of rod-like molecules.

Moreover, the 3 kG magnetic field has no effect on the

fluid mesophase of the Cl 1 derivative.

Going down from the isotropic phase up to the columnar phase appears, we observed only a slight narrowing of the inner ring for X-ray patterns in the fluid phase domain. In contrast, in the case of the C6

derivative the magnetic field orientates the sample (Fig. 3). We have to notice that it is necessary to heat at least 20 °C above the transition temperature from

Fig. 3.


X-ray difïraction pattern of the fluid mesophase of


orientated sample of hexyloxybenzoate of triphenylene (the


indicates the direction of the director). a) 3 hours - 220 °C ; b)

1 hour - 205 °C.


the columnar phase in order to have a good alignment

of the sample. Thus, the viscosity of the mesophase has likely an influence upon the sample alignment obtained by a rather weak magnetic field (- 3 kG).

The best orientation effects are obtained after a

rotation of 7c/2 of the capillary tube around its axis which is perpendicular to the magnetic field. The same process of orientation has been successful for the nematic lyotropic mesophase of type II [8] which is supposed to have identical symmetry and magnetic properties as the disc-like nematic phase (see 3.4).

Further rotation of the sample does not induce 4 change in the diffraction pattern. We develop further

the effect of a rotating magnetic field on this phase

(see 3.4). 1

By changing the angle between the X-ray beam and

the magnetic field we have established that the diffrac..

tion pattern of the C6 fluid phase (Fig. 3) has an infmite

rotational symmetry axis parallel to the axis of the

capillary tube. One can see two broad discs at


while the inner ring is split into four broad spots.

The structure of the inner ring is similar to the dif- fraction patterns of a nematic phase of elongated

molecules with skewed cybotactic groups [9] howevet

the angular extension of the four spots on the innef ring is greater in the disc-like compound (these diffuse spots are poorly visible on the over-exposed patterns

of the figure 3). The presence of such spots led us tô study the columnar phase in order to check if they are

indicative of a pretransitional local order. Neverthe- less, the two outer discs lying Y g at u - d 1 A -1 . are

characteristic of a preferred orientation of the molecu.

lar lateral substituents, these elongated substituents

lying in the plane of the applied magnetic field (plane perpendicular to the axis of the capillary tube).



Non orientated sample of the columnar

phase has been obtained from the Cl 1 derivative.

The powder pattern of this mesophase is similar

to the powder pattern of the Dl phase of alkanoates

derivatives of triphenylene [10]. Thereforé, this phase

is likely constituted by columns of molecules in a

rectangular two dimensional lattice (space group Pgg)

the lattice parameters are a


51.8 Á, b


32.6 À (table I) and the specific area AIM


2.58 x 10’ cm2 g- 1 (A is the area of a column and M the molecular mass)

and this specific area is similar to that of the dode-

canate of triphenylene in the Dl phase [10]. We recall

that in this phase the molecules are stacked in column$

with their plane perpendicular to the column axis,

the columns forming a herring-bone pseudo-hexagonal


In the case of the C6 derivative the orientation obtained in the fluid phase largely remains in thé

Table I.


Reticular distances observed on powder

patterns of the columnar phases.

columnar phase by slow cooling. Although thèse samples are not at all single domains, there is gene-

rally one principal domain in the X-ray beam. Indeed, rotating the sample, the magnetic field of the X-ray

device is unable to reorient the molecules in this very viscous phase. Then it is possible to obtain various

X-ray patterns corresponding to successive rotations of the capillary tube around its axis and describing

the successive orientations of a same principal domain.

One example of such an X-ray pattern is given figure 4a

for which we can analyse qualitatively the structure.

Fig. 4a.


X-ray diffraction pattern of the tilted columnar phase of

the hexyloxybenzoate of triphenylene. The intense 110 reflections


pointed out by


The other spots


at least


order of magnitude less intense and originate from other domains.

Two sets of two broad reflections are observed at

The first one indicates a liquid-like order of the substituents and the second, which is only visible for the columnar phase, is characteristic of a linear

stacking order of the cores of the molecules.

This is clearly understood if one considers the diffraction pattern of a liquid-like line of points : this would be constituted of two diffuse planes perpen- dicular to the column axis ; the distance between these

two planes is related to the mean distance between

the points on the line. Now, if we have disc-like

molecules instead of the points, the intensity in the



diffuse plane is modulated by the molecular structure factor which in this case has a cylindrical symmetry.

Consequently the intensity scattered by one column

is localized into two diffuse discs, the axis joining thé

centres of the discs being perpendicular to the mole-

cular plane. The distance between the two discs gives

the mean distance between two molecules in a column.

At last, me diameter of the diffuse disc is related to the size of the disc-like scattering entity and in this manner we can see in our case that the central part of the molecules alone contributes to such kind of broad

reflections. In addition, the location of the 1 A- 4.5 spots indicates that the lateral groups are more or less

in the same plane as the molecular cores. Near the

centre of the pattern (Fig. 4a) two intense équivalent points are seen on reciprocal rows going through thç origin. These reflections originate from the two dimensional lattice formed by the arrangement of the columns. The line joining these two spots gives thé

direction of a plane perpendicular to the column axig.

Therefore, remembering what was described for thé

diffuse discs, we see on figure 4 that the plane of thë

Fig. 4b.


Projections of the reciprocal space


the (001) and (110) planes : 1 : equatorial section ofthe Ewald sphère ; 2 : section of the Ewald sphere at the level 1 o A-1; 3 : localization of the scattered intensity by the molecular


molecules is not perpendicular to the column axis and

we conclude for the first time in favour of a tilted

columnar phase. Unfortunately we are unable tg deduce the reciprocal lattice of column arrays from

such samples since they are too badly oriented for

this purpose. Powder patterns enable us to assign a

centred rectangular lattice for the column array ; the lattice parameters are, in a plane perpendicular

to thé column axis (Fig. 5) a


30.7 À, b


28.4 À (table I).

The symmetry properties of this phase can be

described by the three dimensional monoclinic space group Cm or C2/m (depending on the molecular

conformation and on an eventual orientational disor-

der) in which we suppress the periodic translational order along the c direction. We have also to point out

that as there is no periodicity along c, the column

Fig. 5.


Schematic representation of the lattice of the tilted columnar phase of the hexyloxybenzoate of triphenylene.

lattice is described in a plane perpendicular to the

column axis that is to say perpendicular to the c

direction. We assume also that the shorter axis b is

perpendicular to the mirror plane because this

assumption ensures a better packing of the columns.

Thus it is not the conventional description for a

monoclinic cell.


Figure 4b shows the projection of the reciprocal

space on the a* b* plane and its intersection with the Ewald sphere when the X-ray beam is parallel to this plane and perpendicular to the 110 ) direction.

The X-ray pattern of figure 4a corresponds to an

orientation which differs from the scheme 4b by a

rotation ( N 30°) of the sample around the 110 >

row. From the figure 4a, one can estimate the angle ac

between the core plane and the 100 direction : this

angle a is of the order of 550 (Fig. 5).

The specific area of a molecule can be deduced from

the area per column :

since there are two columns per rectangular lattice.

The area of a molecule is taken in a plane parallel to

the molecular core Amal


435.9 Â2 cos 55° ; and from the

mass of one molecule 2.94 x 10-21 g we deduce a

specific area of 2.58 x 10+’ cm2 g-1, therefore we

obtain the same value for the C11 and C6 compounds.




From the structure of this phase we

are now able to understand the diffraction pattern of the C6 nematic phase. The four diffuse spots in the inner ring are at the same distance as the 110 reflections of the columnar phase. In the nematic phase small

domains with a columnar order are present : as the domains are small we only observe the first order of reflection and moreover it is broad. In fact, the four spots correspond to the intersection of two circles

with the photographic plate ; these circles are perpen- dicular to the capillary axis and we can assert that

all the discs are parallel, the order of the centres of

mass is liquid-like whereas the column directions of the different domains are on a cone of 420 of half appex.

The axis perpendicular to the molecular plane is perpendicular to the plane defmed by the magnetic

field and the rotation of the capillary and we can

measure the apparent diameter of the molecule looking

at the first intensity maxima in the direction of the

magnetic field (c.-- 23 Â).



The magnetic experiments were performed on different samples of

the same compounds using two different apparatus.

The Faraday device is equipped with a magnet provid- ing fields up to 15 kG. Moreover the rotating magnet gives a maximum field of 11 kG.

First, in order to check the influence of the magnetic

field upon the degree of orientation of the nematic

phase we have studied the diamagnetic susceptibility

of these compounds. The thermal evolutions of this

parameter x (measured in the direction of the magnetic field, during slow cooling from the isotropic phase)

corroborate the existence of a spontaneous orientating

effect of the applied field at the isotropic-fluid meso, phase transition for both C6 and C11 compounds (i.e. a sharp decrease of the absolute value of the

diamagnetic susceptibility, figure 6). In addition,

we have to note that, contrarily to the columnar phases of triphenylene derivatives investigated elsewhere [ 11],

this effect as a function of the magnetic field value is saturated for H >, 5 kG.

Furthermore, the study of the behaviour of a sample hung by a quartz wire in a homogeneous rotating magnetic field of about 11 kG [7] shows that the fluid mesophase is isotropic in the rotation plane of the magnetic field : no magnetic torque occurs and the sample remains in its initial position. Thus, a single

domain of this fluid mesophase is obtained with a

rotating magnetic field : this medium is magnetically

uniaxial with the preferred axis perpendicular to the magnetic field rotation plane. For an uniaxial system, the magnetic anisotropy is defmed by

where X~ Il is connected to the magnetic susceptibility

measured in a direction parallel to the main axis and

Fig. 6.


Discontinuity of the magnetic susceptibility at the iso- tropic-fluid mesophase transition.

xi to the susceptibility measured perpendicularly to

this axis.

In the case of this fluid mesophase xl is the diama-

gnetic susceptibility in the magnetic field direction thus | X~ | 1 > 1 Xl. 1 (x ~ and X, 0) and the diama- gnetic anisotropy in this mesophase is hence negative :.

We can note the strong tendency for this mesophase

to give extinction between crossed polarizers : this

also suggested an optically uniaxial mesophase.

Moreover, the upper X-ray study has pointed out that

the aromatic cores of the molecules are parallel to the

rotation plane of the magnetic field. Thus the pre- ferred axis (i.e. the director) is perpendicular to the

molecular core in good agreement with the disc-like molecule symmetry and with the chemical structure of the molecule (Fig. 1) (the diamagnetism essentially depends on the aromatic part and thus the largest magnetic susceptibility in absolute value is likely per-

pendicular to the polycondensed rings).

In order to determine the magnetic anisotropy of

this phase, we have to notice first that it is not sure to obtain a single domain in a static magnetic field.

Indeed, if A x is negative, the director can be orientated not only in one direction but can point everywhere in

the plane perpendicular to the magnetic field (as it is

the case for the nematic of rod-like molecules of the

alkyl bicyclohexyl carbonitriles [12] and for the

lyotropic mesophase of type II [8]).



Nevertheless, in the limit of our experimental

accuracy, the value of the susceptibility along the magnetic field direction is unchanged after turning

the sample around a vertical axis in order to improve alignment. Therefore, the diamagnetic susceptibility

measured in the direction of the static magnetic field by the Faraday method seems to correspond to the susceptibility perpendicular to the director (i.e. /J.

If we assume, like for rod-like nematogenic com- pounds, that the average magnetic susceptibility does

not depend on the temperature and on the state of the material we can write :

and then :

Thus, as for a classical nematic [6], the magnetic susceptibility measurement in the direction of the held, respectively in the isotropic phase and in the fluid

mesophase, lead to determine the magnetic anisotropy

of this latter phase. In fact, very small amounts of

ferromagnetic impurities prevent from obtaining thç

intrinsic thermal evolution of the disc-like compound anisotropy although they do not disturb the discon-

tinuity at the transition. Thus near the isotropic phase

we find :

We can explain the different values of OxM between

the C6 and the C11 compounds - first considering

that larger the aromatic over aliphatic parts ratio is, larger the molecular anisotropy is


secondly, may be the degree of orientational order at the isotropic phase - fluid mesophase transition has to be taken in account. This difference in the magnetic anisotropies

associated to a higher viscosity of the Cl, could explain that we cannot get orientated X-ray patterns (under 3 kG magnetic field) with this compound contrarily to what is observed for the C6 compound.

4. Conclusion. - To conclude, our X-ray results

agree with the first microscopic observations of the fluid mesophase of disc-like molecules. Indeed, this mesophase can be considered as a nematic phase of

disc-like molecules (ND for short) because there is no

translational order and the flat molecules are more or

less parallel each other (from the X-ray patterns it is difficult to precise the molecular fluctuations).

In addition, we give evidence for an uniaxial cha- racter of this medium with a negative diamagnetic anisotropy, this fluid mesophase is spontaneously

orientated in the bulk by a rotating magnetic field.

As for rod-like mesogenic compounds, the X-ray patterns of orientated samples have revealed pre- transitional effects in the ND phase. Also, as for series

of rod-like materials, the low temperature ordered phase which succeeds to the nematic phase can exhibit

different structures according to the length of the

substituents. Thus, the possibilities of investigations supplied by the nematic phase of disc-like molecules

seem to be as large as the expected ones from the

classical nematic phase a long time ago.



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