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Properties of the partial Cholesky factorization and application to reduced-rank adaptive beamforming


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Submitted on 13 May 2020

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Properties of the partial Cholesky factorization and application to reduced-rank adaptive beamforming

Olivier Besson, François Vincent

To cite this version:

Olivier Besson, François Vincent. Properties of the partial Cholesky factorization and application to reduced-rank adaptive beamforming. Signal Processing, Elsevier, 2020, 167, pp.107300-107309.

�10.1016/j.sigpro.2019.107300�. �hal-02572620�


an author's https://oatao.univ-toulouse.fr/25983


Besson, Olivier and Vincent, François Properties of the partial Cholesky factorization and application to reduced- rank adaptive beamforming. (2020) Signal Processing, 167. 107300-107309. ISSN 0165-1684


Properties of the partial Cholesky factorization and application to re duce d-rank adaptive beamforming

Olivier Besson,François Vincent

ISAE-SUPAERO, 10 Avenue Edouard Belin, Toulouse 31055, France


Adaptive beamforming Cholesky factorization Reduced rank Wishart matrices

a b s t r a c t

Reduced-rankadaptivebeamformingisawellestablishedandefficientmethodology,notablyfordistur- bancecovariancematriceswhicharethesumofastronglow-rankcomponent(interference)andascaled identitymatrix(thermalnoise).Eigenvalue orsingulardecompositionisoftenusedtoachieve rankre- duction.Inthispaper,westudyandanalyzeanalternative,namelyapartialCholeskyfactorization,asa meanstoretrieveinterferencesubspaceandtocomputereduced-rankbeamformers.First,westudythe anglesbetweenthetruesubspace andthat obtainedfrom partialCholeskyfactorizationofthe covari- ancematrix.Then,astatisticalanalysisiscarriedoutinfinitesamples.Usingpropertiesofpartitioned Wishartmatrices, weprovideastochasticrepresentationofthebeamformerbasedonpartialCholesky factorizationandofthecorrespondingsignaltointerferenceandnoiseratioloss.Weshowthatthelatter followsapproximatelyabetadistribution, similarlytothe beamformerbasedoneigenvalue decompo- sition.Finally,numericalsimulationsarepresented whichindicatethatareduced-rankadaptivebeam- formerbased onpartial Choleskyfactorizationincursalmostnoloss, and caneven performbetterin somescenariosthanitseigenvalueorsingularvalue-basedcounterpart.

1. Motivationofthework

Enhancing retrieval of a signal of interest (SoI) buried in noise and interference by means of adaptive filtering is a very widespread problemin many engineering applications, including radar sonar andcommunications [26], aswell asin finance with theselectionofamean-varianceefficientportfolio[23].The most widelyusedapproachconsistsindesigningalinearfilterw,which preserves the SoI through some constraints, and minimizes the output power, hence tends to cancel or at least attenuate inter- ference. In other words, one tries to minimize wHw, under a unit-gainconstraintwHv=1,wherestandsforthep×pcovari- ancematrixofthemeasurementsandvdenotestheSoIsignature.

The solution is wopt=1v/(vH1v), which provides the opti- malsignaltointerferenceandnoiseratio(SINR),whichwedenote asSINRopt=SINR(wopt).

In array processing applications,when =RN contains noise only(i.e.,thermalnoiseandinterference),thisfilterisreferredto as the minimum variance distortionlessresponse (MVDR) beam- former. If the SoI is presentin the measurement, in which case =RS+N, one speaks ofminimum power distortionlessresponse (MPDR) [26].When is known, there is no difference between

Corresponding author.

E-mail address: olivier.besson@isae-supaero.fr (O. Besson).

the two filters. However, in practice is unknown and must be estimated from a set of n independent and identically dis- tributedsamplesxi,with(supposedlycommon)covariancematrix



.Useofthesamplecovariancematrixˆ inlieuofthe trueonemakesabigdifferencebetweentheMVDRandMPDRsce- narios. Indeed,while only 2p3 samples are neededto achieve anaverageSINRlossequalto3dBintheMVDRcase,thisfigure risestoabout(p+1)(1+SINRopt)intheMPDRcase,whichcanbe muchlarger.Inmostpracticalcases,thenumberofavailablesnap- shotsismuchlower, whichresultsina significantdegradation in theMPDRcontext.

In some cases one might even face a situation where n<p, which makes ˆ singular, and therefore its inverse does not ex- ist. Inorder to address thissituation andto improve the rateof convergence,twomainapproacheshaveemergedintheliterature.

The firstis based on diagonalloading [1,5,6], a simpletechnique which was shown to achieve, provided that the loading level is properlychosen,a fastconvergencerate, typicallyofthe orderof twicethenumberofinterferingsignals[2,6,7,10].Thesecondmain categoryisthat ofreduced-rank adaptivefilterswheretheweight vectorw isconstrainedto liein alow-dimensional subspace,see e.g.,[11,14,15,17,22].Thisapproachisparticularlysuitablewhenthe interferenceplusnoisecovariancematrixisthesumofalow-rank term and a scaled identity matrix, i.e., when RN=UUH+σ2I

where U is a p×r matrix of the eigenvectors of RN and is



thediagonalmatrixofeigenvalues. Actually,forlarge interference to noise (INR) ratio wopt is approximately, up to scaling factor, theprojection ofv on thesubspace orthogonal to U, i.e., wopt

α(IUUH)v.Inpractice,anestimate ofUismadeavailable from the eigenvalue decomposition (EVD) of ˆ or the singular value decomposition(SVD) ofthedatamatrixX=

x1 x2 ... xn

. AnalysisoftheSINRlosswasconductedin[21]whereitwasstated thatitapproximatelyfollowsaBetadistribution.In[16],theSINR lossisanalyzed startingfromthe asymptoticpropertiesofeigen- valuesandeigenvectors.Whiletheproofisrigorous,itholdsonly forn,whilereduced-rankadaptivefilteringisespeciallyinter- estinginlowsamplesupport.

While EVD or SVD are the usual tools forretrieval ofprinci- pal subspace, one might investigate alternative, possibly simpler factorizationsthat could yield a similar performance in terms of adaptivebeamforming:thisis theobjective ofthe presentpaper.

Our goal is not to propose a new reduced-rank adaptive beam- former,ratherto suggest anotherimplementationandto validate its performance through a theoretical analysis. Towards this end weproposetouseapartial(truncated)Choleskyfactorization,that iswe suggest to use a conventional (with no pivoting) Cholesky factorizationalgorithm,applied toˆ, andtostop it afterr itera- tions.We are particularlyinterestedin thecasewhere ˆ isesti- mated fromn<p snapshots andis thus of rankn. Also, we will focus on matrices =UUH+σ2I (MVDR case) or =PvvH+ UUH+σ2I(MPDR case),whereUformsabasisfortheinterfer-


The paperisorganizedasfollows.InSection 2,we willdefine thepartialCholeskyfactorizationandwillshowthatitisarather accuratemethodtoretrievetheprincipalsubspaceofwhenthe latteristhe sumofa low-rankmatrix anda scaled identityma- trix.InSection3wewillintroduceareduced-rankadaptivebeam- formerbased on thepartial Cholesky factorizationandderive its statistical properties. The simulations of Section 4 will compare thisbeamformer toits counterpart usingSVDandfinally conclu- sionswillbedrawninSection5.

2. PartialCholeskyfactorization

In thissection,we introducethe partialCholeskyfactorization andwestudytheanglesbetweenthesubspaceobtainedfromthe partialCholeskyfactorizationofandtheinterferencesubspace, intheMVDRaswellasintheMPDRcase.


Let us start fromthe (full) Choleskyfactorization [12,19] ofa positive definite matrix A which yields a p×p lower triangular matrixL,withpositivediagonalelements, suchthat A=LLH.The principleofthepartialCholeskyfactorizationissimplytostopthe factorizationafterrsteps(columns),yieldingap×rlowertriangu- larmatrix,whosepropertieswillbestudiedbelow.IfAisfull-rank, andnopivoting is used,then stoppingafter riterationsprovides thesameresultasselectingthefirstrcolumnsofa fullCholesky factorizationofA.IfAhasrankn<p,thenthefullCholeskyfactor- izationdoesnotexist,andstoppingafterrnsteps yieldsalow- rankapproximation, which will be used to obtain a basis of the interferencesubspace. Note that, when A has rank n, symmetric pivotingcanbeusedtoproduceap×nlower triangularmatrixL withpositivediagonalelements,andapermutationmatrixsuch that of A=LLH, see e.g., [12], Algorithm 4.2.4. Now, with a positivesemi-definitematrixA,Choleskyfactorizationwithpivot- ingcanalsobestoppedafterrsteps,whererrank(A),toproduce alow-rankapproximationofA.Suchatechniquehasbeenusedin machinelearningwhereitservesthepurposeoffindingalow-rank approximationoftheKernelmatrixseee.g.,[3,9],anddifferences

amongmethods concernthestrategy forpivoting. In[18]conver- genceresultswereobtainedwhichprovetheeffectivenessofsuch amethod.

The partial Cholesky factor of , which will be denoted as pchol(, r), is thus the p×r (with rrank()) lower triangular matrixwithpositivediagonalelementsG=(GG1

2),whereG1 isa r×r lowertriangular matrixwithpositive diagonalelements andG2isa(pr)×rmatrix,definedfrom


11 12

21 22


11 12

21 2111112


0 0 0 2.1




GH1 GH2 +

0 0 0 2.1


where 2.1=222111112, G1GH1=11 and G2GH1=21.Fromapracticalpointofview,G=pchol(,r) can be obtained, e.g., by usingonly rsteps of Algorithm4.2.2 of GolubandLoan[12].

2.2. Angleswiththeinterferencesubspace

Letusnow examinethe abilityof thepartial Choleskyfactor- ization to retrieve the principal subspace of when the latter isoftheform=UUH+σ2Iwhere=diag(λ1,...,λr)isthe diagonal matrix of eigenvalues and U is the matrix of eigenvec- tors. Towardsthis end, let usstudythe angles betweenthe sub- spacespannedbypchol(,r) andthesubspacespannedbyU.Let us partition U as U=[U1

U2] where U1 is r×r. From (1), one has 11=U1UH1 +σ2Irand21=U2UH1,sothat

range(G)=range 11












U1 U2



UH1 11 0




. (2)

ForlargeINR,i.e.,forλkσ2,1isamatrixwithsmallelements, hencerange(G)should beclosetorange(U).The anglesbetween thetwosubspacesareobtainedfromthesingularvaluesofthefol- lowingmatrix[12]







Ir+σ21 Ir+H1U1+UH11+H11 H/2


Ir+σ21 Ir+2σ21+σ41 UH1U1


Ir+σ21 Irσ211 2σ41

UH1U1 1

1+3 2σ42 Irσ4

2−1 UH1U1 1

−1+1 2σ4−2

=Irσ4 21UH2

Is+U2UH2 1U21. (3) Note that one should go up tosecond orderin the expansion.If we let θk,k=1,...,r denote the angles between the subspaces,


Fig. 1. Distance between range pchol

UU H+ σ2I , r

and range( U ) using the par- tial Cholesky decomposition. r = 2 interference with varying INR in the field of view of a p = 16 element uniform linear array.

one has Tr



k=1cos2θk. Now, the square distance be- tween the two subspaces is d2=r


k=1sin2θk and, for largeINR,



sin2θkσ4Tr −1UH2

Is+U2UH2 1U2−1

. (4)

Although this is not zero, as would be the case with the sin- gular value decomposition whoser principalleft singularvectors sharethesamesubspaceasU,thedistancebetweenrange(G)and range(U)goestozeroasINR1 whenINRgrowslarge.

This is illustrated in Fig. 1 where we display the distance betweenrange(G) andrange(U) inthecaseofa p=16element uniform linear array with inter-distance half a wavelength. Two narrowband interference are present in the field of view with respective directions of arrival 10 and10,and a varying INR.

As canbe observed, thedistancegoesto zeroasboth INRsgrow large. Note that this figure concern the asymptotic case where is known. Of more practical interest is the case where is estimated from n snapshots with n possibly smaller than p. In this case, a different analysis should be conducted. In the next section, we provide some results about the statistical properties of pcholˆ

,r while numerical results about its application to adaptivebeamformingisthesubjectofSection4.

Let us now study what happens when =PvvH+UUH+

σ2I, i.e., when the SoI is present in the measurements. With no loss of generality, one can assume that v=ep where ep=

0 0 ... 0 1T

.Then,onlythe(p,p)elementofismod- ified, compared tothe MVDRcasewhere =UUH+σ2I.Since

thisaffectsonly22 itmeansthatthepartialCholeskyfactorization isleftunchanged,thatis


PvvH+UUH+σ2I,r =pchol

UUH+σ2I,r (5)

which implies that the angles between




and range(U) are still given by the analysis above. Note that this holds true provided that the first r components of v are zero. In contrast, the angles be- tweenrange(U) andthefirstreigenvectorsofUUH+σ2Iareno

longer zero.Indeed,it isonlyknownthat thefirstr+1principal eigenvectors of PvvH+UUH+σ2I share the same subspace as U v

. Accordingly, the subspace spanned by the r principal

Fig. 2. Distance between range eig

Pvv H+ UU H+ σ2I , r

and range( U ). The dis- tance between range


Pvv H+ UU H+ σ2I , r

and range( U ) is given by Fig. 1 . r = 2 interference with varying INR in the field of view of a p = 16 element uniform linear array. Signal to noise ratio is 0 dB.

eigenvectors contains a contribution from v and one cannot recover exactly the interference subspace, in contrast with the MVDR case. Therefore, when one wants to retrieve the interfer- encesubspaceinaMPDRcontext,apartialCholeskyfactorization, stopped afterr steps withrthe number ofinterfering signals,is a meaningful approach, because it brings the SoI component in a part of the matrix which is not used in the partial Cholesky factorization.

Fig. 2 displaysthe angles obtainedwith an EVD in the same scenario as before but with the SoI present. Note that the an- glesobtained witha partial Choleskyfactorization are still given by Fig. 1,due to (5). Comparingthe two figures, it appears that thedifference in termsof subspace proximity isnot very impor- tant. Therefore,fromthe point ofview of retrievingthe interfer- encesubspaceinaMPDRcontext,apartialCholeskyfactorization possessesinterestingproperties.

3. Reduced-rankadaptivebeamformingusingthepartial Choleskyfactorization

Inthissection, we consider theuse ofa partial Choleskyfac- torization for reduced-rank adaptive beamforming purposes. Let us assume that n independent and identically distributed com- plexGaussianvectorsxiwithzeromeanandcovariancematrix areavailableandgatheredinthematrixX=

x1 x2 ... xn

. We denote the distribution of X as X=d CNp,n(0,,In). We are especially interestedin the casewhere the numberof snapshots is less than the size of the observation space, i.e., n<p. Let S=XXH be the samplecovariance matrix andlet G=pchol(S,r) withrmin(p,n)denoteitspartialCholeskyfactorization.Assaid above,Gconstitutesausefultooltoretrievetheinterferencesub- space, which leads naturally to consider the following reduced- rankadaptivebeamformer

w=PGv (6)

where PG=IG(GHG)1GH is the orthogonal projector on the subspaceorthogonal torange(G). Inthesequel, weprovide asta- tisticalanalysisoftheSINRlossoftheadaptivebeamformerin(6). Priortothat,wealsoprovidesomestatisticalpropertiesofG.The mainresultsare statedbelowwhiletechnicalproofsare deferred


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