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Listening comprehension: Learning English


Academic year: 2022

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Listening comprehension: Learning English

From the video: Learn English with BBC

1. Ils aiment parler anglais parce que : o They can make an Erasmus

o It is important for business o It is an international language

o They can watch American movies / Tv shows o They can travel everywhere around the world o It is important for their career

o They can meet new people

o It gives them opportunities to explain their ideas to people from different countries

2. Quand ils ont commencé à apprendre l’anglais : o Grammar was a nightmare

o They felt happy o They felt desperate o They felt frustrated o It was super easy

3. Ils ont réalisé qu’ils faisaient des progrès quand ils ont commencé :


4. La première fois qu’ils ont parlé avec un natif, ils étaient : o Anxious

o Awful o Sad o Happy

o Overwhelmed

o Like in a movie without translation o Awkward

o Shy o Nervous

o Like an alien speaking with people from another planet But in the end, it was a

5. Parler anglais donne beaucoup d’opportunités telles que : o Speak to other people

o Know what’s happening all around the world o Meet new people

o Read other books from other countries o Understand English songs at the radio o Have more freedom to travel

And what about you ?


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