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3 Optimal control formulation of the discrete problems


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Mean field games: numerical methods for the planning problem

Yves Achdou , Fabio Camilli , Italo Capuzzo-Dolcetta March 19, 2010


Mean fields games describe the asymptotic behavior of differential games in which the number of players tends to +. Here we consider a numerical method for the optimal planning problem, i.e. the problem in which the positions of a very large number of identical rational agents, with common value function, evolve from a given initial spatial density to a desired target density at the final horizon time.

Keywords: Mean field games, optimal control, convex duality, numerical methods.

1 Introduction

Mean field type models describing the asymptotic behavior of stochastic differential game prob- lems (Nash equilibria) as the number of players tends to +∞have recently been introduced by J-M. Lasry and P-L. Lions [13, 14, 15]. In the periodical setting, a typical such model comprises the following system of evolution partial differential equations for the unknown scalar functions u=u(t, x) and m=m(t, x)


∂t −ν∆u+H(x,∇u) =V[m], in (0, T)×Td, (1)


∂t +ν∆m+ div



= 0, in (0, T)×Td, (2) with the initial and terminal conditions

m(0, x) =m0(x), m(T, x) =mT(x), inTd, (3) given two probability densitiesm0andmT. Since the functionmrepresents a probability density it is natural to supplement (1)-(3) with the further conditions



m(t, x)dx= 1, m >0. (4)

We denote by Td = [0,1]d the d−dimensional unit torus, by ν a nonnegative constant and by

∆,∇and div, respectively, the Laplace, the gradient and the divergence operator acting on the

UFR Math´ematiques, Universit´e Paris 7, Case 7012, 175 rue du Chevaleret, 75013 Paris, France and UMR 7598, Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, F-75005, Paris, France. achdou@math.jussieu.fr

Dipartimento di Metodi e Modelli Matematici per le Scienze Applicate, Universit`a Roma ”La Sapienza” Via Antonio Scarpa 16, I-00161 Roma, camilli@dmmm.uniroma1.it

Dipartimento di Matematica, Universit`a Roma ”La Sapienza”, Piazzale A. Moro 2, I-00185 Roma, ca- puzzo@mat.uniroma1.it


x variable. The other operators occurring in the system are the scalar Hamiltonian H(x, p), typically convex in the gradient variable, and the operatorV associating a real valued function V[m] on Td to a probability density m. Precise assumptions on H and V as well as some examples will be specified below.

Consider the important special case when the Hamiltonian is of the form H(x,∇u) = sup


γ· ∇u−L(x, γ) .

In this case, if u and m solve the system above, then Dynamic Programming arguments, see Bardi-Capuzzo Dolcetta [4], Fleming- Soner [9], show that the solutionu of the forward in time Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation (1) is the value function of an optimal control problem for the controlled dynamics defined onTd by


2ν dWs,

(here sis the physical time and t = T −s is the time to the horizon and (Ws) is a Brownian motion), and running cost density L(Xs, γs) +V[ms](Xs) depending on the position Xs, the control γs and the probability densityms. On the other hand, (2) is a backward Fokker-Planck equation with velocity field ∂H∂p(x,∇u) depending on the value function itself. In this context, conditions (3) represent the requirement that the positions of a very large number of identical rational agents whose dynamics is given by


∂p(Xs,∇u(s, Xs))ds+√

2ν dWs,

evolve from a given spatial density mT at s = 0 ⇔ t = T to a desired target density m0 at s= T ⇔ t = 0. Problem (1),(2),(3),(4) (we will occasionally refer to it as MFGP) has been introduced by P-L. Lions in his lectures at Coll`ege de France (2009-2010), see [17], as a mean field planning problem.

Note that inMFGP, the initial time condition differs from the one studied in the seminal papers [14, 15], where the initial and final time conditions are indeed

u(0, x) =V0[m|t=0](x). m(T, x) =mT(x), inTd, (5) andV0[m|t=0](XT) is an additional terminal cost term (terminal with respect to thesvariable).

The mean field planning problem can be viewed as an inverse problem for the terminal cost u|t=0 appearing in thedirectmean field game system (1),(2),(5),(4) in order to drive the density of players frommT to m0.

Whereas existence (and uniqueness) results for (1),(2),(5),(4) are available under fairly general assumptions, see [14, 15], much less is known concerning MFGP. Indeed, as far as we know, P-L. Lions has proved existence forMFGP in mainly two cases:

1. ν = 0 (deterministic case), H is a smooth and strictly convex Hamiltonian such that lim|p|→∞H(x,p)|p| = +∞, V[m](x) = F(m(x)) where F is a smooth and strictly increasing function,m0 and mT are smooth functions bounded away from 0.

2. ν >0, H(p) =c|p|2 or H(p) is close to c|p|2, V[m](x) = F(m(x)) where F is a smooth, bounded and nondecreasing function, m0 and mT are smooth functions bounded away from 0,


but existence is still an open question when ν > 0 and the Hamiltonian is more general. P-L.

Lions has also proved that ifHis sublinear with respect topand ifm06=mT, then there are no solutions to MFGP ifT is small enough. Therefore, existence may only result from combined nonlinear effects.

We shall also consider a penalized version of system MFGP, namely










∂t −ν∆u+H(x,∇u) =V[m], in (0, T)×Td,


∂t +ν∆m+ div



= 0, in (0, T)×Td, Z


m(t, x)dx= 1, m>0,

u(0, x) = 1(m(0, x)−m0(x)), m(T, x) =mT(x), inTd


where is a small positive parameter. Problem (6) is clearly of the form (1),(2),(5),(4), which is more easily handled as we have already seen.

It is also worthwhile to observe that the planning problem described above can be seen as a generalization of the simpler system, (with in particularV = 0,ν = 0),


∂t +1

2|∇u|2 = 0, ∂m

∂t + div (m∇u) = 0, (7)

m(0, x) =m0(x), m(T, x) =mT(x) (8) which was introduced by Benamou and Brenier [5], see also [18], as a fluid mechanics formulation of the Monge-Kantorovich mass transfer problem. In [5], a numerical method for the solution of (7),(8) is proposed on the basis of a reformulation of the problem as the system of optimality conditions for a suitably constructed primal-dual pair of convex optimal control problems for the transport equation


∂t + div (m γ) = 0,

the velocity fieldγ(x, t) playing here the role of a distributed control. Similarly, the mean field games models can also be reformulated as an optimal control problems for a density driven by a Fokker-Planck equation, see [14, 15].

An important research activity is currently going on about approximation procedures of different types of mean field games models, see [12] for a numerical method based on the re- formulation of the model as an optimal control problem for the Fokker-Planck equation with an application in economics, and [10] for a very recent work on discrete time, finite state space mean field games. Also, in [1], the authors have proposed and analyzed the convergence as the discretization step tends to 0 of finite difference methods basically relying on monotone approx- imations of the Hamiltonian and on a suitable weak formulation of the Fokker-Planck equation, both in the stationary case and in the non-stationary one. Finally, applications of the theory of mean fields games to economics are considered in [11, 16].

The focus of the present paper is on numerical methods for the solutions of the general planning problemsMFGPand MFGPP.

In Section 2, we propose finite differences semi-implicit schemes for the approximations of MFGPandMFGPP. Section 3 is dedicated to the optimal control formulation of those discrete schemes, following ideas in [5], [15], [18]. Existence and uniqueness of solutions of the discrete control problems are discussed, together with some convergence analysis on a penalized version


of the semi-implicit scheme. In Section 4 we discuss a strategy based on the Newton algorithm for solving the discrete nonlinear system arising from the schemes introduced in the previous sections. Finally, in Section 5 we describe a few numerical experiments, which show that the proposed methods are successful even in some cases not covered by the theory. The schemes are also robust in the deterministic limit of the models, that is when the parameter ν is very close to 0.

2 Finite differences schemes

In this section we construct finite differences discretization schemes for system (1),(2),(3),(4) and its penalized version (6). For simplicity of notations, we will always consider the case d= 2 although our approach and results hold for general d.

Let T2h be a uniform grid on the two-dimensional torus with mesh step h (assuming that 1/h is an integer Nh) and denote by xij a typical point in T2h. Let NT be a positive integer and

∆t= T /NT, tn =n∆t, n = 0, . . . , NT. The values of u and m at (xi,j, tn) are approximated, respectively by Ui,jn and Mi,jn.

We first discuss the approximations of the nonlinear operators in (1). The operator V[m](xi,j) is approximated by

(Vh[M])i,j =V[mh](xi,j), (9) wheremh is the piecewise constant function taking the valueMi,j in the square|x−xi,j|≤h/2.

We assume that V[mh] can be computed in practice. In particular, if V is a local operator, i.e.

V[m](x) =V(m(x)), then (Vh[M])i,j =V(Mi,j).

We introduce next the finite difference operators (D+1U)i,j = Ui+1,j−Ui,j

h and (D2+U)i,j = Ui,j+1−Ui,j

h , (10)

and define

[DhU]i,j = (D+1U)i,j,(D+1U)i−1,j,(D+2U)i,j,(D+2U)i,j−1T

, (11)

(∆hU)i,j =−1

h2(4Ui,j−Ui+1,j−Ui−1,j−Ui,j+1−Ui,j−1). (12) In order to approximate the HamiltonianHin equation (1), we consider a numerical Hamiltonian g:T2×R4 →R, (x, q1, q2, q3, q4)→g(x, q1, q2, q3, q4) satisfying the following conditions:

(G1) monotonicity: g is nonincreasing with respect to q1 and q3 and nondecreasing with respect to q2 and q4.

(G2) consistency: g(x, q1, q1, q2, q2) =H(x, q), ∀x∈T2,∀q= (q1, q2)∈R2. (G3) differentiability: g is of classC1.

We will sometimes make further assumptions ong:

(G4) convexity : (q1, q2, q3, q4)→g(x, q1, q2, q3, q4) is convex.

(G5) coercivity:


|q1| = +∞uniformly w.r.t. x, q2, q3, q4, limq2→+∞g(x,q1,qq2,q3,q4)

2 = +∞uniformly w.r.t. x, q1, q3, q4, limq3→−∞g(x,q1|q,q2,q3,q4)

3| = +∞uniformly w.r.t. x, q1, q2, q4, limq4→+∞g(x,q1|q,q2,q3,q4)

4| = +∞uniformly w.r.t. x, q1, q2, q3.


This coercivity property implies that


maxi,jg(xi,j,[DhU]i,j) k[DhU]k

= +∞. (13)

Standard examples of numerical Hamiltonians fulfilling these requirements are provided by Lax-Friedrichs or Godunov type schemes, see [1].

2.1 A scheme for the planning problem

The approximation of equation (1) is given by the semi-implicit scheme:


∆t −ν(∆hUn+1)i,j+g(xi,j,[DhUn+1]i,j) = (Vh[Mn])i,j. (14) Note that we could as well consider fully implicit or fully explicit schemes; the present choice will prove convenient because it is well suited to an optimal control formulation.

In order to approximate equation (2), it is convenient to consider its weak formulation which involves in particular the term

− Z





w dx which by periodicity turns out be equal to




∂p(x,∇u)· ∇w dx for any test function w. This term will be approximated by





Bi,j(U, M)Wi,j, where the operatorB is defined as follows:

Bi,j(U, M) = 1 h








Mi,j ∂g

∂q1(xi,j,[DhU]i,j)−Mi−1,j ∂g

∂q1(xi−1,j,[DhU]i−1,j) +Mi+1,j ∂g

∂q2(xi+1,j,[DhU]i+1,j)−Mi,j ∂g





Mi,j ∂g

∂q3(xi,j,[DhU]i,j)−Mi,j−1 ∂g

∂q3(xi,j−1,[DhU]i,j−1) +Mi,j+1∂g

∂q4(xi,j+1,[DhU]i,j+1)−Mi,j ∂g









. (15)

The discrete version of equation (2) is chosen as the following scheme:


∆t +ν(∆hMn)i,j+Bi,j(Un+1, Mn) = 0. (16) Remark 1 It is important to realize that the operator M 7→ −ν(∆hM)i,j − Bi,j(U, M) is the adjoint of the linearization of the operator U 7→ −ν(∆hU)i,j+g(xi,j,[DhU]i,j).


Finally, we introduce the compact and convex set K={(Mi,j)0≤i,j<NT :h2X


Mi,j = 1, Mi,j ≥0} (17) which can be viewed as the set of the discrete probability measures.

The fully discrete scheme for system (1),(2),(3),(4) is therefore the following:











∆t −ν(∆hUn+1)i,j+g(xi,j,[DhUn+1]i,j) = (Vh[Mn])i,j,


∆t +ν(∆hMn)i,j+Bi,j(Un+1, Mn) = 0, n= 0, . . . NT −1, 0≤i, j < Nh

Mn∈ K, n= 0, . . . NT,

Mi,jNT = (mT)i,j, Mi,j0 = (m0)i,j, 0≤i, j < Nh,



(mT)i,j = 1 h2



mT, and (m0)i,j = 1 h2



m0. (19) 2.2 A scheme for the penalized planning problem

Here we introduce a discrete version of systemMFGPP, see (6) in the Introduction, namely Ui,j,n+1−Ui,j,n

∆t −ν(∆hU,n+1)i,j+g(xi,j,[DhU,n+1]i,j) = (Vh[Mn])i,j, (20) Mi,j,n+1−Mi,j,n

∆t +ν(∆hM,n)i,j+Bi,j(U,n+1, M,n) = 0, (21)

M,n ∈ K, (22)

forn= 0, . . . NT −1 and 0≤i, j < Nh, with the final time and initial time conditions Ui,j,0 = 1

(Mi,j,0−(m0)i,j), Mi,j,NT = (mT)i,j, ∀0≤i, j < Nh. (23) Observe that the previous problem is a penalized approximation of (18). It can be proved that for >0, (20)-(23) has a unique solution (for the proof we refer to [1], Theorem 6).

3 Optimal control formulation of the discrete problems

3.1 The discrete planning problem

In this section we introduce an optimal control problem whose optimality conditions are inter- preted as the semi-implicit scheme (18). In this way, using a convex duality argument based on the Fenchel-Rockafellar Theorem, we prove the existence of a solution to such a system, see Theorem 1 below.

In what follows, we assume thatν is nonnegative and that

(Vh[M])i,j =V(Mi,j), and that V =W0 whereW :R→R

is a strictly convex, coercive C2 function. (24)


It follows that the image of the interval (0,+∞) by V is some interval JV = (λ,+∞). We also assumeg satisfies (G1)–(G5).

If χ denotes the indicator function of the set {m ≥0}, the Legendre-Fenchel transform of W +χis defined by

W +χ

(α) = sup


αm−W(m)−χ(m) . It is clear that W+χ

is convex, continuous and non decreasing. Ifα∈ JV then W+χ

(α) = αV−1(α)−W(V−1(α)). Ifα /∈ JV then W +χ

(α) =−W(0).

Consider now the convex functional Θ on RNT×Nh2 ×R4NT×Nh2: Θ(α, β) =






(W +χ) αni,j+g(xi,j,[βn]i,j) .

whereα= (αni,j),β = ([βn]i,j) and [βn]i,j = (βi,j1,n, βi,j2,n, βi,j3,n, βi,j4,n), 1≤n≤NT, 1≤i, j ≤Nh. The Legendre-Fenchel transform of Θ is defined by

Θ(M, Z) = sup







Mi,jn−1αni,j+h[Zn−1]i,j,[βn]i,ji −(W +χ) αni,j+g(xi,j,[βn]i,j)

, (25) whereM = (Mi,jn),Z= ([Zn]i,j) and [Zn]i,j = (Zi,j1,n, Zi,j2,n, Zi,j3,n, Zi,j4,n), 0≤n < NT, 1≤i, j ≤Nh and h[Z],[β]i=P4


Remark 2 Note that in our definition, for n = 1, . . . , NT, the dual variable of αni,j is Mi,jn−1, and the dual variable of [βn]i,j is [Zn−1]i,j. This lag in the time index n will prove convenient for our purpose.

Let us introduce the minimization problem








Minimize Θ(M, Z) subject to the constraint Mi,jn −Mi,jn−1

∆t +ν(∆hMn−1)i,j+ divh(Zn−1)i,j = 0, 1≤n≤NT, Mi,jNT = (mT)i,j,

Mi,j0 = (m0)i,j,



divh(Zn−1)i,j = (D1+Z1,n−1)i−1,j+ (D1+Z2,n−1)i,j+ (D2+Z3,n−1)i,j−1+ (D2+Z4,n−1)i,j The above minimization problem is an optimal control problem for a discrete density driven by a discrete Fokker-Planck equation. The data (m0)i,j,(mT)i,j ∈ Kare discrete probability densities.

We are going to prove next that if the initial datum satisfies (m0)i,j > 0 for all i, j, then the optimal control problem above has at least a solution (M, Z), that there exists a solution (α, β) of the dual problem and that the optimality conditions at the saddle point coincide with the discrete scheme (18). The argument is based on convex duality and the Fenchel-Rockafellar theorem.


Let us introduce for this purpose the functionalsF,Λ,Σ by setting F(Ψ) = 1







 (27)

(α, β) = Λ(Ψ) ⇔


 αn+1i,j = Ψn+1i,j −Ψni,j

∆t −ν(∆hΨn+1)i,j, [βn+1]i,j = [DhΨn+1]i,j, 0≤n < NT,

(28) and, finally,

Σ(α, β) =


F(Ψ) if∃Ψ s.t. (α, β) = Λ(Ψ) and X


Ψ0i,j= 0, +∞ otherwise.


Lemma 1 The functional Θ is convex and continuous. The functional Σ is convex and lower semicontinuous. Moreover, the following constraints qualification property holds: there exists (α, β) such that Σ(α, β)<+∞ (and of course Θ(α, β)<+∞).

Proof. Convexity and continuity/semicontinuity are straightforward to check. For the con- straint qualification it is enough to solve


∆t −ν(∆hUn+1)i,j+g(xi,j,[DhUn+1]i,j) =rn+1i,j ,

where ri,jn+1 ∈ JV (recall (24)) for all i, j, n, with an initial datumUi,j0 such that P

i,jUi,j0 = 0.

Then, take (α, β) be such that




αn+1i,j = Ui,jn+1−Ui,jn

∆t −ν(∆hUn+1)i,j, [βn+1]i,j = [DhUn+1]i,j, 0≤n < NT −1, Thus

Σ(α, β) =− 1

∆t X


(mT),i,jUi,jNT + 1

∆t X


(m0),i,jUi,j0 <+∞.

Lemma 2 The functionals Θ and Σ are convex and lower semicontinuous. Moreover, Θ(M, Z) =






(W +χ)(Mi,jn−1) + sup


( NT X




h[Zi,jn−1],[βn]i,ji −Mi,jn−1g(xi,j,[βn]i,j) )


Σ(M, Z) = sup







 1

∆t X


((mT)i,j+Mi,jNTNi,jT − 1

∆t X


((m0)i,j +Mi,j00i,j +

NXT−1 n=0



Ψn+1i,j Mi,jn −Mi,jn+1

∆t −ν(∆hMn)i,j−divh(Zn)i,j







 .


Proof. Convexity and semi-continuity are a direct consequence of the previous lemma and the properties of the Legendre-Fenchel transform. Adding and subtracting a same term in (25), we get

Θ(M, Z) = sup













−Mi,jn−1g(xi,j,[βn]i,j) +h[βn]i,j,[Zn−1]i,ji +






Mi,jn−1 αni,j+g(xi,j,[βn]i,j)

−(W +χ) αni,j+g(xi,j,[βn]i,j)






 .

A simple computation shows that this can be written as sup






−Mi,jn−1g(xi,j,[βn]i,j) +h[βn]i,j,[Zn−1]i,ji+Mi,jn−1γi,jn −(W +χ) γi,jn o and the formula for Θ in the statement follows. As for Σ, observe that

Σ(M, Z) = sup


NXT−1 n=0



Mi,jnαn+1i,j +h[Zn]i,j,[βn+1]i,ji −Σ(α, β)


Thus, taking the definition of Σ and Λ into account,

Σ(M, Z) = sup







 1

∆t X


(mT)i,jΨNi,jT − 1

∆t X


(m0)i,jΨ0i,j +

NXT−1 n=0



Mi,jn Ψn+1i,j −Ψni,j

∆t −ν(∆hΨn+1)i,j








 ,

and the claimed formula for Σ easily follows by a discrete integration by part.

Using Lemma 2, it easy to realize that the optimal control problem (26) can be equivalently formulated as the unconstrained minimization problem

minM,Z Θ(M, Z) + Σ(−M,−Z) (30) The qualification condition is fulfilled for this problem also:

Lemma 3 Assume that (m0)i,j >0 for all i, j. Then there exists (M, Z) such that


Θ(M, Z)<+∞, Σ(−M,−Z)<+∞,

Θ is continuous in a neighborhood of M, Z.

Proof. Take Mi,jn = Nn

T(mT)i,j+ (1−NnT)(m0)i,j, and chooseφn such that

hφn= 1

∆t(Mn+1−Mn) +ν∆hMn, n= 0, . . . , NT −1.

Sinceφn is unique up to the addition of a constant, one can always choose the constant in such a way thatφn< φ <0, whereφis a fixed negative number.

Set then

Zi,j1,n = φni,j

h , Zi,j2,n=−φni,j

h , Zi,j3,n = φni,j

h , Zi,j4,n =−φni,j h .


We have

divh(Zn)i,j =−(∆hφn)i,j Therefore







∆t +ν(∆hMn)i,j+ divh(Zn)i,j = 0, 0≤n < NT Mi,jNT = (mT)i,j,

Mi,j0 = (m0)i,j, Mi,j ≥ 0.

Observe that the assumption (m0)i,j >0 impliesMn≥m >0 for alln < NT.

Using Lemma 2, this implies Σ(−M,−Z) = 0. Also, taking the definition ofZ into account, Θ(M, Z) =






W(Mi,jn−1) + sup







h (βi,j1,n−βi,j2,ni,j3,n−βi,j4,n)

−Mi,jn−1g(xi,j,[βn]i,j) .

Sinceφ <0 andMn> m >0,n= 0, . . . , NT −1, from the coercivity (G5) ofg we deduce that Θ(M, Z) is finite and Θ is continuous in a neighborhood of (M, Z).

The next result gives sufficient conditions for the existence of a solution of the discrete system (18).

Theorem 1 Assume that

• g satisfies (G1)-(G5)

• V satisfies (24).

• (m0)i,j,(mT)i,j ∈ K with (m0)i,j >0, ∀i, j

• eitherν >0 or

ν = 0 and (mT)i,j >0, ∀i, j . Then the saddle point problem:

minM,Z Θ(M, Z) + Σ(−M,−Z) =−min

α,β (Θ(α, β) + Σ(α, β)) (31) has a solution (M, Z),(α, β) and there exists U such that (α, β) = Λ(U). Moreover, (M, Z) and U satisfy the optimality conditions of (31)

−Λ(M, Z) ∈∂F(U), (32)

Λ(U) ∈∂Θ(M, Z), (33)

which are equivalent to the discrete system (18).

Proof. By applying the Fenchel-Rockafellar Duality Theorem to Θ and Σ (see for example [2, 8, 3, 18]) and using Lemma 1, there exists a solution (M, Z) of the problem

Θ(M, Z) + Σ(−M,−Z) = inf

M,Z(M, Z) + Σ(−M,−Z)) =−inf

α,β(Θ(α, β) + Σ(α, β)). (34)


By applying the Fenchel-Rockafellar Duality Theorem to (M, Z) 7→ Θ(M, Z) and (M, Z) 7→

Σ(−M,−Z), and using Lemmas 2 and 3, we deduce that there exist (α, β) such that Θ(α, β) + Σ(α, β) = inf

α,β(Θ(α, β) + Σ(α, β)) =−inf

M,Z Θ(M, Z) + Σ(−M,−Z)

. (35) We have thus proved the existence of a solution of the saddle point problem (31). By the optimality conditions, see [3] Theorem 2.4 page 205, we get

−Λ(M, Z) ∈∂F(Ψ), (36)

(α, β) = Λ(U) ∈∂Θ(M, Z). (37)

Recalling the definition ofF, (36) is seen to be in fact equivalent to





∆t +ν(∆hMn)i,j+ divh(Zn)i,j = 0, 0≤n < NT, Mi,jNT = (mT)i,j,

Mi,j0 = (m0)i,j.


On the other hand, it is easy to see that (37) is equivalent to Θ(M, Z) =






Mi,jn−1αni,j+h[Zn−1]i,j,[βn]i,ji −(W +χ) αni,j+g(xi,j,[βn]i,j) .

Introducing γi,jnni,j+g(xi,j,[βn]i,j), n= 1, . . . , NT, the latter equation is equivalent to Zi,jk,n = Mi,jn ∂g

∂qk(xi,j,[βn+1]i,j), k = 1, . . . ,4, (39) 0 =






Mi,jn−1γni,j−(W +χ)ni,j)−(W +χ)(Mi,jn−1)

. (40)

Equation (40) is equivalent to Mi,jn ≥0,

γi,jn+1= Ui,jn+1−Ui,jn

∆t −ν(∆hUn+1)i,j+g(xi,j,[DhUn+1]i,j) =W0(Mi,jn) ifMi,jn >0, γi,jn+1= Ui,jn+1−Ui,jn

∆t −ν(∆hUn+1)i,j+g(xi,j,[DhUn+1]i,j)≤W0(Mi,jn) ifMi,jn = 0,


for 0≤n < NT.

From (38) and (39), we deduce Mi,jn+1−Mi,jn

∆t +ν(∆hMn)i,j+Bi,j(Un+1, Mn) = 0, 0≤i, j < Nh, 0≤n < NT. (42) The fact that MNT ∈ K and (42) imply that h2P

i,jMi,jn = 1 for all n, 0 ≤ n < NT. Finally Mn∈ Kbecause of (42).

Finally, let us prove that Mn > 0 for all 0 ≤ n < NT. Indeed, assume that the minimum of


Mi,jn is 0 and is reached atn0 < NT, i0, j0. Equation (42) forn=n0, i=i0 and j=j0 can be written

0 = 1

∆tMin00,j+10 + ν

h2(Min00+1,j0+Min00−1,j0 +Min00,j0+1+Min00,j0−1)+

1 h


−Min00−1,j0 ∂g

∂q1(xi0−1,j0,[DhUn0+1]i0−1,j0) +Min00+1,j0 ∂g


−Min00,j0−1 ∂g

∂q3(xi0,j0−1,[DhUn0+1]i0,j0−1) +Min00,j0+1∂g



 Ifν >0, then the nonnegativity ofM and the monotonicity ofgimply thatMin00±1,j0 =Min00,j0±1 = 0. We can therefore repeat the argument for the triplets of indices (n0, i0±1, j0) and (n0, i0, j0± 1). Repeating the argument as many times as necessary, we finally obtain thatMn0 = 0, which is impossible since Mn0 ∈ K.

If ν = 0 and MNT > 0, a similar argument gives that Min00,j+10 = 0. After a finite number of steps, we get thatMiN0,jT0 = 0, which is in contradiction with the hypothesis.

As a consequence, (38), (39) and (41) can be written:


∆t −ν(∆hUn+1)i,j+g(xi,j,[DhUn+1]i,j) = V(Mi,jn), (43) Mi,jn+1−Mi,jn

∆t +ν(∆hMn)i,j +Bi,j(Un+1, Mn) = 0, (44) forn= 0, . . . NT −1 and 0≤i, j < Nh, with

Mi,jNT = (mT)i,j, Mi,j0 = (m0)i,j, 0≤i, j < Nh, (45) and

Mn∈ K, 0≤n≤NT. (46)

Recognizing that equations (43) to (46) comprise indeed the semi-implicit finite difference scheme (18), the proof is complete.

System (18) also enjoys some uniqueness property:

Proposition 1 Under the same assumptions as in Theorem 1, if(Ui,jn, Mi,jn)n,i,j and(Uei,jn,Mfi,jn)n,i,j are solutions of system (18), then

Mi,jn =Mfi,jn for alln= 0, . . . , NT; and for all(i, j). Moreover if the numerical Hamiltonian g is strictly convex and P

ijUij0 =P

ijUeij0 = 0, then Ui,jn =Uei,jn for all n= 0, . . . , NT; and for all(i, j).

Proof. The proof resembles very much the proofs of uniqueness in [14] and in [1]. We give it for completeness.

Multiplying (43) satisfied by (Uei,jn,Mfi,jn)n,i,j by Mi,jn −Mfi,jn, doing the same thing with (43) satisfied by (Ui,jn, Mi,jn)n,i,j and subtracting, then summing the results for all n= 0, . . . , NT −1


and all (i, j), we obtain

NXT−1 n=0

((Un+1−Uen+1)−(Un−Uen), Mn−Mfn)2

∆t −ν(∆h(Un+1−Uen+1), Mn−Mfn)2 +

NXT−1 n=0



(g(xi,j,[DhUn+1]i,j)−g(xi,j,[DhUen+1]i,j))(Mi,jn −Mfi,jn)


NXT−1 n=0

Vh[Mn]−Vh[Mfn], Mn−Mfn



where (X, Y)2=P

i,jXi,jYi,j. Similarly, subtracting the equation (44) satisfied by (Uei,jn,Mfi,jn)n,i,j

from the same equation satisfied by (Ui,jn, Mi,jn)n,i,j, and multiplying the result byUi,jn+1−Uei,jn+1, sum for alln= 0, . . . , NT −1 and all (i, j) leads to



NXT−1 n=0


NXT−1 n=0



Mi,jn[Dh(Un+1−Uen+1)]i,j· ∇qg xi,j,[DhUn+1]i,j


NXT−1 n=0



Mfi,jn[Dh(Un+1−Uen+1)]i,j· ∇qg


= 0.

(48) Adding (47) and (48) and leads to

NXT−1 n=0




g(xi,j,[DhUen+1]i,j)−g xi,j,[DhUn+1]i,j

−[Dh(Uen+1−Un+1)]i,j· ∇qg xi,j,[DhUn+1]i,j


NXT−1 n=0




g xi,j,[DhUn+1]i,j

−g(xi,j,[DhUen+1]i,j)−[Dh(Un+1−Uen+1)]i,j · ∇qg(xi,j,[DhUen+1]i,j)


NXT−1 n=0

Vh[Mn]−Vh[Mfn], Mn−Mfn

2 = 0,

because M and Mf satisfy the same final and terminal conditions. The three terms in the sum above being nonnegative, they must be zero. The strict monotonicity of V implies that Mfn=Mn for alln= 1, . . . , NT −1.

If g is strictly convex, we also get that [DhUn] = [DhUen] for all n = 0, . . . , NT. Hence

hUn= ∆hUen and substituting in the equation satisfied byU and Ue we get

Ui,jn+1−Ui,jn =Uei,jn+1−Uei,jn for all n= 0, . . . , NT −1 (49) Now it is clear that if Ueij0 =Uij0 then by (49) Ueijn =Uijn, for all n. Hence, there exists i, j such thatUi,j0 −Uei,j0 ≥δ >0. By (D+1U)ij = (D1+Ue)ij, we get that Uij0 −Ueij0 ≥δ >0 for anyi, j and this gives a contradiction to P

i,jUij0 =P

i,jUeij0 = 0.


3.2 The discrete penalized planning problem

We discuss briefly the optimal control interpretation of the discrete penalized planning problem (20)-(23) and prove some estimates on the-dependence of its solutions.

Theorem 2 Under the same assumptions as in Theorem 1, the minimization problem Minimize Θ(M, Z) + 1

2∆t X


(Mi,j0 −(m0)i,j)2 subject to



∆t +ν(∆hMn)i,j+ divh(Zn)i,j = 0, 0≤n < NT, Mi,jNT = (mT)i,j,


where Θ is given by (25) has a solution (M, Z). Moreover, there exists a solution U of the dual problem (which we do not write) and

Zi,j,k,n=Mi,j,n ∂g


The pair (M, U) is the solution of the discrete penalized system (20)-(23).

The existence and uniqueness of (20)-(23) have already been discussed in§ 2.2. The remaining part of the proof of Theorem 2 is almost the same as the proof of Theorem 1: we skip it for brevity.

Proposition 2 Under the same assumptions as in Theorem 1 the following estimate holds maxi,j |Mi,j,0−(m0)i,j| ≤C12 (51) for a constant C which may depend on h and ∆tbut not on .

Proof. For a solution (U, M) of (43)-(46), (M, Z) with Zi,jk,n = Mi,jn ∂q∂g

k(xi,j,[DhUn+1]i,j) is suboptimal for (50). Therefore

Θ(M, Z) + 1 2∆t



(Mi,j,0−(m0)i,j)2 ≤Θ(M, Z). (52) But

Θ(M, Z)







W(Mi,j,n−1) + sup

β NT





Mi,j,n−1(h∇qg(xi,j,[DhU,n]i,j),[βn]i,ji −g(xi,j,[βn]i,j))













(53) whereC does not depend on. From (52) and (53),

1 2∆t



(Mi,j,0−(m0)i,j)2 ≤C, whereC does not depend on. This yields the desired result.


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