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On the Torsion of Brieskorn Modules of Homogeneous Polynomials


Academic year: 2022

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On the Torsion of Brieskorn Modules of Homogeneous Polynomials.


ABSTRACT- Letf 2C[X1; :::;Xn] be a homogeneous polynomial andB(f) be t he corresponding Brieskorn module. We describe the torsion of the Brieskorn moduleB(f) fornˆ2and show that any torsion element has order 1. Forn>2, we find some examples in which the torsion order is strictly greater than 1.

1. The Milnor algebra and the Brieskorn module.

Letf 2RˆC[x1; :::;xn] be a homogeneous polynomial of degreed>1.

Then the Koszul complex of the partial derivativesfjˆ @f

@xj;jˆ1; :::;ninR can be identified to the complex

0 !V0 df!^ V1 df!^ ::: df!^ Vn 1 df^!Vn !0;


whereVjdenotes the regular differential forms of degreejonCn. Let Jf be the Jacobian ideal spanned by the partial derivatives fj, jˆ1; :::;n, inRandM(f)ˆR=Jf be the Milnor algebra off. One has the following obvious isomorphism of graded vector spaces

M(f)( n)ˆ Vn df^Vn 1: (1:2)

Here, for any gradedC[t]-moduleM, the shifted moduleM(m) is defined by settingM(m)sˆMm‡sfor alls2Z:

We define the (algebraic) Brieskorn module as the quotient B(f)ˆ Vn

df ^d(Vn 2) (1:3)

(*) Indirizzo dell'A.: 68-B, New Muslim Town, School of Mathematical Sciences, GCU Lahore, Pakistan.

E-mail: khurramsms@gmail.com


in analogy with the (analytic) local situation considered in [3], see also [11], as well as the submodule

C(f)ˆ df^Vn 1 df^d(Vn 2): (1:4)

These modules are modules over the ringC[t] and the multiplication bytis given by multiplying by the polynomialf. SometimesB(f) is denoted byG(0)f andC(f) byG( 1)f , see [2], [6].

One has the following basic relation between the Milnor algebra and the Brieskorn module, see [7], Prop. 1.6.


df^Vn 1ˆdf^d(Vn 2)‡fVn: In particular

B(f)=f:B(f)'M(f)( n):

Let B(f)tors be the submodule of C[t]-torsion elements in B(f) and define the reduced Brieskorn moduleB(f)ˆB(f)=B(f)tors.

REMARK 1.2. The reduced Brieskorn module B(f) is known to be a free C[t]-module of rank bn 1(F), where Fˆ fx2Cnjf(x)ˆ1g is the affine Milnor fiber off. Indeed, it follows from the section (1.8) in [7] that one has a canonical isomorphism jˆ0;d 1B(f)qd‡j ˆHn 1(F;C) for any qn. If we assume theC[t]-basis ofB(f) to be formed by homogeneous elements (which is always possible), each basis element will contribute by 1 to the dimension ofjˆ0;d 1B(f)qd‡j forqlarge enough.

Moreover, it exists an integerN>0 such thattNB(f)torsˆ0, see [7], Remark 1.7. The leastNsatisfying this condition is called thetorsion order off and is denoted byN(f).

REMARK1.3. As noted in [7], Remark 1.7, there is a slight difference between the Brieskorn module defined above and the Brieskorn module considered by Barlet and Saito in [1]. In fact, the latter one is defined to be then-th cohomology groupHn(Af), whereAjf ˆker (df^:Vj !Vj‡1) and the differential df :Afj ! Afj‡1 is induced by the exterior differential d:Vj!Vj‡1. Sincedf ^d(Vn 2)df(Anf 1), one has an epimorphism



(note that the direction of this arrow is misstated in [7], Remark 1.7).

Moreover, whennˆ2, it follows from Proposition 3.7 in [1] thatH2(Af) is torsion-free. Our results in section 2 show that the torsion module B(f)torscan even be not of finite type in this setting, and hence the above epimorphism is far away from an isomorphism in general.

DEFINITION1.4. Forb2B(f), we say thatbist-torsion of orderkb1 if tkbbˆ0 andtkb 1b6ˆ0:

It is clear that such a torsion orderkbdivides the torsion orderN(f) of f, sincetN(f)bˆ0 and thatN(f) is the G.C.D. of all thet-torsion orderskb forb2B(f) a torsion element.

1.5. The case of an isolated singularity.

Assume that f 2C[x1; :::;xn] is a homogeneous polynomial having an isolated singularity at the origin ofCn. Then the dimension of the Milnor algebraM(f) (as aC-vector space) is the Milnor number off atthe origin, denoted bym(f). One has in this casem(f)ˆbn 1(F), see for instance [5]. In this case, the structure of the moduleB(f) is as simple as possible.

PROPOSITION1.6. TheC[t]-moduleB(f)is free of rankm(f):

PROOF. Indeed, a homogeneous polynomial f having an isolated sin- gularity at the origin induces a tame mapping f :Cn!C, to which the results in [6], [12] and [13] apply. Indeed, the Gauss-Manin systemGf off, which is anA1ˆC[t]h@ti-module, contains aC[t]-submoduleG(0)f , which is known to be free of finite type for a tame polynomial, see for instance Re- mark 3.3 in [6]. As we have already mentionned above,G(0)f ˆB(f). p

COROLLARY1.7. There is an isomorphism B(f)(n)ˆM(f)CC[t]

of graded modules over the graded ringC[t]. In particular, one has, at the level of the associated Poincare series, the following equality.

PB(f)(t)ˆPM(f)(t) tn

1 tˆtn(1 td 1)n (1 t)n‡1 :

EXAMPLE1.8. Fornˆ3;takef(x;y;z)ˆx3‡y3‡z3:Then aC-basis ofM(f) is given by 1;x;y;z;xy;yz;xz;xyz:The same 8 monomials form a


basis ofB(f) as a freeC[t]-module. In this case PB(f)(t)ˆt3(1 t2)3

(1 t)4 ˆt3‡4t4‡7t5‡8t6‡8t7‡8t8‡ : COROLLARY1.9. TheC[t]-module B(f)is torsion free if and only if0 is an isolated singularity of the homogeneous polynomial f .

PROOF. If 0 is not an isolated singularity, then the Milnor algebra M(f) is an infinite dimensional C-vector space. The isomorphism in Proposition 1.1 implies that in this case B(f) is notfinitely generated overC[t]. By Remark 1.2, it follows that the canonical projection


is notan isomorphism, henceB(f)tors6ˆ0: p Proposition 1.1 implies that f B(f)ˆC(f), which in turn yields the following.

COROLLARY1.10. Assume that0is not an isolated singularity of the homogeneous polynomial f . Then N(f)ˆ1if and only if theC[t]-module C(f)is torsion free.

PROOF. Let b2B(f)tors be a non-zero element, which exists by our assumption. By Remark 1.2, it follows thatbist-torsion, say of orderk:If k>1;then

0ˆtkbˆtk 1(tb):

By Proposition 1.1, we know thattb2C(f):IfC(f) is torsion free, we get thattbˆ0 inC(f), i.e.tbˆ0 inB(f), a contradiction. Hencekˆ1 for anyb2B(f)tors, in other wordsN(f)ˆ1. p

2. The casenˆ2.

In this section we suppose thatf 2C[x;y] is a homogeneous polynomial of degree d>1, which is notthe power gr of some other polynomial g2C[x;y] for somer>1:This condition is equivalent to asking the Mil- nor fiberFoffto be connected and such polynomials are sometimes called primitive. For more on this, see [8], final Remark, part (I).


PROPOSITION2.1. The submoduleC(f)is a freeC[t]-module of rank b1(F).

PROOF. The facttheC(f) is torsion free follows from Proposition 7. (ii) in [2]. Indeed, it is shown there that the localization morphism

`:C(f)!C(f)C[t]C[t;t 1]

is injective, which is clearly equivalent to the fact that there are not-torsion elements.

For the second claim, note that the composition of the inclusion C(f)!B(f) and the canonical projection B(f)!B(f) gives rise to an embedding of C(f) into B(f) whose image is exactly tB(f) (use again Proposition 1.1 and the fact that C(f) is torsion free). Since C[t] is a principal ideal domain, the claim follows from the structure theorem of submodules of free modules of finite rank over such rings. p

Corollary 1.10 implies the following:

COROLLARY 2.2. If f 2C[x;y] is a homogeneous polynomial with a non-isolated singularity at the origin, then N(f)ˆ1.

The above Corollary can be restated by saying that 0!B(f)tors!B(f)!t C(f)!0

is an exactsequence of gradedC[t]-modules. We getthus an isomorphism of gradedC[t]-modules

B(f)( d)'C(f):

EXAMPLE 2.3. Let f ˆxpyq with (p;q)ˆ1. In order to compute the torsion of the Brieskorn moduleB(f);we start by findingC-vector space monomial bases forB(f)

C(f)'M(f) (up-to a shift in gradings) andC(f). Note that the Jacobian ideal is given by

Jf ˆ hxp 1yq;xpyq 1i ˆxp 1yq 1hx;yi:

Itfollows thatB(f) C(f)' S

Jf is an infinite dimensionalC-vector space with a monomial basis given by xayb with ap 2 or bq 2 or (a;b)ˆ

ˆ(p 1;q 1):


We have to compute df ^dV0ˆ fdf^dgg; where g is a polynomial function onC2. Since we are working with homogeneous polynomials, it is enough to work with one monomial, say (xayb);ata time. We have

df^d(xayb)ˆ(pb qa)xa‡p 1yb‡q 1dx^dy:


C(f)ˆ Jf V2

df^dV0ˆxp 1yq 1hx;yiV2 df ^dV0 ;

a system of generators of theC-vector spaceC(f) is given by the classes of the elementsw2xp 1yq 1hx;yiV2;which do notbelong todf^dV0:To find them, it is enough to look at monomial differential forms i.e.xaybdx^dy withap 1,bq 1 anda‡bp‡q 1:

So, ifa‡p 1ˆa;b‡q 1ˆb andpb qa6ˆ0;then df^d xayb

pb aq


Hence, the only elements xaybdx^dy which are notin df^dV0 are xa‡p 1yb‡q 1dx^dy;wherepbˆqa, i.e.aˆkp;bˆkqfor somek0:It follows thatC(f), as aC-vector space, has a basis given byx(k‡1)p 1y(k‡1)q 1 wherek0, which can be written as

C(f)ˆC[t]x2p 1y2q 1dx^dy i.e.C(f) is a freeC[t]-module of rank 1.

Moreover, the corresponding monomial basis as aC-vector space for the Brieskorn module B(f) is given by xaybdx^dy with ap 2 or bq 2 oraˆ(k‡1)p 1;bˆ(k‡1)q 1 for somek0:

With respect to this basis,B(f)torsis the linear span ofxaybdx^dywith ap 2 orbq 2. Indeed our computation above shows that

df^d(xa‡1yb‡1)ˆ(p(b‡1) q(a‡1))fw i.e.twˆ0 if the coefficientp(b‡1) q(a‡1) is non-zero.

Itfollows that

B(f)ˆC[t][xp 1yq 1dx^dy];

a freeC[t]-module of rank 1.

Itremains to explain whyb1(F)ˆ1, whereFˆ f(x;y)2C2;xpyqˆ1g:

Consider the covering

Zq,!F!f C wherefmaps (x;y) t ox:


Now a covering yields an exactsequence (see for instance [10], page 376), 0,!p1(F;(x0;y0))!f# p1(C;x0)!p0(Zq;(x0;y0))ˆZq!0:

Hencep1(F)'Z, which shows that the first Betti numberb1(F) is 1:

3. Eigenvalues of the monodromy and torsion of Brieskorn modules.

Any homogeneous polynomialf 2C[x1; :::;xn] induces a locally trivial fibration f :Cnnf 1(0)!C, with fiber F and semisimple monodromy operators


forkˆ0; :::;n 1:The eigenvalues ofTf ared-roots of unity, wheredis the degree of f, and for each such eigenvaluel we denote byH(F;C)l the corresponding eigenspace.

According to [7], see the discussion just before Remark 1.9, one has for q<nan inclusion

tn q:B(f)qd j!B(f)nd j and, forqn, an identification

B(f)qd jˆHn 1(F;C)l;

wherelˆexp 2pj 

p 1 d


;withjˆ0;1; :::;d 1:Letvnˆdx1^:::^dxn

and note that [vn]2B(f)qd jfor someqif and only ifn jis divisible byd.

This yields the following, see [7], Corollary 1.10.

COROLLARY3.1. Assume thatlˆexp 2pn 

p 1 d


is not an eigenva- lue of the monodromy operator Tf acting on Hn 1(F;C). Then[vn]is a non-zero torsion element in B(f):

Here are some examples of torsion elements inB(f) obtained using this approach, and having torsion orderN(f)>1.

EXAMPLE3.2. Let f ˆx3‡y2z; nˆ3; dˆ3; jˆ0 (this defines a cuspidal cubic curve C in P2). In this case lˆ1 is notan eigenvalue of the monodromy acting on H2(F;C). Indeed, one has H2(F;C)1 ˆ

ˆH2(U;C)ˆ0. Here UˆP2n C and the last vanishing comes from


the following obvious equalities: b0(U)ˆ1, b1(U)ˆ0 and x(U)ˆ

ˆx(P2) x(C)ˆ3 2ˆ1 as C is homeomorphic to a sphere S2. Forwˆdx^dy^dz;to find the value ofksuch thattk[w]ˆ0 inB(f) is equivalent to saying thatfkw2df^dV1. We have to check for which value ofk;we have solutions of the equation:

fkwˆ 3x2 @R




‡2yz @P




‡y2 @Q





whereP;Q;R2C[x;y;z] are homogeneous polynomials of degree 3k 1.

Forkˆ1;we get a system of non-homogeneous linear equations in which we have 15 unknowns and 9 equations. Then using the software Mat Lab we compute the rank of the matrix corresponding to the homogeneous system (containing 9 rows and 15 columns) and get 8:On other hand, the rank of the matrix associated to the non-homogeneous system (containing 9 rows and 16 columns) is 9; which show that this system has no solution.

Forkˆ2;we get another system of non-homogeneous linear equations containing 60 unknowns and 26 equations. Then using Mat Lab we com- pute the rank of the matrix corresponding to the homogeneous system (containing 26 rows and 60 columns) and get 26: This time the corre- sponding non-homogeneous system matrix (containing 26 rows and 61 columns) has also rank 26;which shows that this system of equations has a solution. An explicit solution for kˆ2; is Pˆ32

3 (x3yz); Qˆxy2z2 and Rˆ1

3(x4y):Hence [w] hast-torsion order 2 inB(f):

The nextexample shows somehow whathappens whenHn 1(F;C)l6ˆ0.

EXAMPLE 3.3. Let f ˆx2y2‡xz3‡yz3, where nˆ3; dˆ4 and jˆ3. The corresponding curveC:f ˆ0 in P2 has two cusps as singula- rities. It follows from the study of the plane quartic curves, see [5], p. 130, thatp1(U)ˆZ4and henceH1(F;C)ˆ0.

Nextx(U)ˆx(P2) x(C)ˆ3 (2 23‡22)ˆ3. The zeta-function of the monodromy operatorTf looks like

det(tId T0f)det(tId Tf2)ˆ(t4 1)3

see for instance [5], p. 108. Hence we can not apply Corollary 3.1 to this polynomial to infer that [w]ˆ[v3] is a torsion element inB(f).


However, we can try to find values ofk;for which we have solutions of the equation:



(2xy2‡z3) @R




‡(2x2y‡z3) @P




‡(3xz2‡3yz2) @Q






where P;Q;R2C[x;y;z] are homogeneous polynomials of degree 4k 2.

Forkˆ1 andkˆ2 a similar computation of matrix ranks as above shows that the corresponding systems have no solution. Hence [w] is either a non-torsion element, or it has t-torsion order greater or equal t o 3 in B(f):

REMARK3.4. Note that in both examples above the elementt[w] is a non-zero torsion element inC(f). Hence Proposition 2.1 fails forn>2. It also shows that in these cases the moduleC(f) is nottorsion free, compare to Corollary 1.10.

The last example shows that even for rather complicated examples (here the zero set off is a surfaceS with non-isolated singularities) one may still have 1 as thet-torsion order of [vn].

REMARK 3.5. Let f ˆx2z‡y3‡xyt; nˆ4; dˆ3; jˆ1 be t he equation of a cubic surfaceSinP3. Itfollows from [4], Example 4.3, that H3(F;C)ˆ0. Hence we can apply Corollary 3.1 to this polynomial to infer that [w]ˆ[v4] is a torsion element inB(f).

We have to check for which values of k; we have solutions of the equation:



(2xz‡yt) @S





‡(3y2‡xt) @Q

@t ‡@R




‡x2 @P





‡xy @P








where P;Q;R;S;T;U2C[x;y;z;t] are homogeneous polynomials of de- gree 3k 1.

For kˆ1; we get a system of non-homogeneous linear equations in which we have 42 unknowns and 15 equations. Using MatLab we compute


the rank of the corresponding homogeneous system (containing 15 rows and 42 columns) and get14: And the rank of non-homogeneous system (containing 15 rows and 43 columns) has the same rank 14;which show that this system has a solution.

Hencet[w]ˆ0 inB(f):


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[3] E. BRIESKORN, Die Monodromie der isolierten SingularitaÈten von Hyper- flaÈchen, Manuscripta Math.,2(1970), pp. 103-161.

[4] A. DIMCA,On the Milnor fibrations of weighted homogeneous polynomials, Composito Math.,76(1990), pp. 19-47.

[5] A. DIMCA, Singularities and Topology of Hypersurfaces, Universitext, Springer-Verlag, 1992.

[6] A. DIMCA - M. SAITO, Algebraic Gauss-Manin systems and Brieskorn modukles, Amer. J. Math.,123(2001), pp. 163-184.

[7] A. DIMCA- M. SAITO, A generalization of Griffiths's Theorem on rational integrals, Duke Math. J.,135(2006), pp. 303-326.

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Manoscritto pervenuto in redazione il 5 maggio 2007.


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