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HAL Id: hal-01829125


Preprint submitted on 3 Jul 2018

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Julie Lapebie

To cite this version:

Julie Lapebie. RADIAL INDEX RELATED TO AN INTERSECTION INDEX. 2018. �hal-01829125�



Abstract. On a semialgebraic setX with an isolated singularity at 0, we are in- terested in relating the radial index of a vector eldV at the singularity to the one of−V. Then we write this radial index as an intersection index.

1. Introduction

To work on manifolds with singularities, we cannot work with the Poincaré-Hopf index, which is only dened on smooth manifolds, we need to work with another one, the radial index (or Schwartz index depend on the authors). This index was introduced by Marie-Hélène Schwartz ([11], [12]) but only concerned radial vector elds. Later, a generalization to other vector elds was made by Henry King and David trotman in [10] and independently by [1], [5] and [13]. We will use the denition of [6].

On a semialgebraic set X of dimension k in RN with an isolated singularity at 0, we consider a vector eld V. We want to write the radial index of V at0 in terms of the zeros of V|lk(X), the restriction of V to the link of the singularity (Proposition 2.5).

Then we relate, in Theorem 2.8, the radial index of V at 0to the one of −V at0:

• if k is even, then

indrad(−V,0) =indrad(V,0);

• if k is odd, then

indrad(V,0) +indrad(−V,0) = 2−χ(lk(X)).

It follows the corollary:

indrad(V,0) +indrad(−V,0)≡χ(lk(X)) mod 2.

In the case where we have an analytic map f : (Rn,0) → (Rk,0) dened on a neighborhood of0and such that the ber f−1(0)admits an isolated singularity, Giorgi Khimshiashvili ([9]) proved the following formula:

χ(f−1(δ)∩Bεn) = 1−sign(−δ)ndeg0∇f, where δ is a regular value of f, deg0∇f the local degree of ∇f

k∇fk :Sεn−1 →Sn−1 and 0< δ ε1.

From Theorem 2.8, we obtain a singular version of Khimshiashvili's formula:

Let g : X → R be the restriction to X of a C2-semialgebraic function without any critical points on a neighborhood of0 and such that g(0) = 0. Then

2010 Mathematics Subject Classication. 14P10, 14P25, 58K05.

Key words and phrases. Radial index, semialgebraic set, Euler characteristic.



• if k is even,

χ(g−1(δ)∩BεN) = 1−indrad(∇g,0);

• if k is odd,

χ(g−1(δ)∩BεN) = χ(lk(X))−1 +indrad(∇g,0), where δ is a regular value of g.

This gives us a direct connection between the Euler characteristic of the Milnor ber of g and the radial index of∇g at0.

Finally, we remark that a coincidence point x∈lk(X) of V and −∇ρ, where ∇ρ is a radial vector eld, is an inward zero ofV|lk(X). Then, we would like to relate the radial index of V at 0 to an intersection index with the radial vector eld∇ρ. For this, we consider the normalized vector eldsVb and−∇ρbonlk(X)and their respective graphs GVb and G−∇

ρb. In Proposition 3.3, we prove that:

I(G−∇ρˆ, GVˆ) = 1−indrad(V,0), where I(G−∇ρˆ, GVˆ)is the intersection index of the graphs.

The paper is organized as follows: in Section 2, we write the radial index ofV at0 as a sum involving only the zeros ofV|lk(X). This enables us to prove Theorem 2.8 and the two corollaries presented above. Section 3 relates the radial index of V at0to an intersection index of the graph of V with the graph of the opposite of a radial vector eld.

2. About the radial index

Let us consider a k-dimensional semialgebraic set X ⊂ RN with an isolated singu- larity at 0.

We denote byBεN the closed ball of dimensionN, radius ε and centered at0,SεN−1 =

∂BεN the sphere of dimension N −1and B˚εN =BεN \SεN−1. We denote by lk(X) the link of X at 0, i.e. the intersection of X with SεN−1 where ε >0 is such that 0 is the only singularity ofX in X∩BεN and 0< ε1.

Before speaking about the radial index of a vector eld at a singularity, we need to dene what is a vector eld at a singularity and what is a radial vector eld.

Denition 2.1. [3] p.32.

Let V be a continuous vector eld on X ⊂ RN. We say that V admits an isolated singularity at 0∈X if V is a continuous section ofTRN|X tangent to X\ {0}and does not have any zeros on a small neighborhood of 0.

Denition 2.2. A continuous vector eld Vrad tangent to X is called radial (at 0) if it is transverse to the link of X. Moreover, we make the convention that it is pointing inward, i.e. it is not pointing toward0. A zero ofVrad is called an inward zero (resp.

an outward zero) if Vrad is pointing inward (resp. outward) at that point.


Denition 2.3. [7] Denition 2.1, [5], [6] section 1 and [3] Chapter 2. Let us consider a continuous vector eld V on X with a singularity at 0.

Let ε >0be such that V does not have any zeros on X\ {0} ∩BεN and let 0< ε0 < ε. Let us denote by Xεε0 = (X∩BεN)\B˚εN0 and by ∂Xεε0 =Xε∪Xε0 with Xε=X∩SεN−1 and Xε0 =X∩SεN0−1.

Let Ve be a vector eld on Xεε0 such that:

• Ve|Xε =V;

• Ve|X

ε0 =Vrad is a radial vector eld;

• Ve|X˚

εε0 has a nite number of zeros (pi)1≤i≤s and they are all nondegenerate.

Then we dene the radial index of V at 0, which we write indrad(V,0), as:

indrad(V,0) := 1 +




indP H(V , pe i).

For the next proposition, we will need to dene a correct zero of a vector eld.

Denition 2.4. We say that a zero p∈ lk(X) of V is correct if it is just a zero of V|lk(X) and not of V on X.

Proposition 2.5. LetX be a semialgebraic closed set with 0as an isolated singularity and V a vector eld dened on a neighborhood U0 of 0 in X. Let U1 $ U0 be a neighborhood oflk(X). Let Ve be a C1-perturbation ofV on U0 such thatVe|lk(X) admits a nite number of isolated nondegenerate zerosr1, ..., rtwhich are all correct; and such that Ve is equal to V on U0\ U1. Then we have the equality

indrad(V,0) = 1−



ri inward zeroi=1

indP H(Ve|lk(X), ri).

Remark 2.6. This proposition is a particular case of Denition 5.5 in [10].

Proof. Let0< ε0 < ε. Let us keep the notations of Denition 2.3. Let e

Ve a perturbation of Ve onU0 such that:

• e

Ve|X˚εε0 admits a nite number of nondegenerate zeros p1, ..., ps;

• e

Ve|Xε =Ve|Xε =Ve|lk(X),

• e

Ve|Xε0 is a C1-perturbation of Vrad on Xε0 having only nondegenerate zeros q1, ..., qu which are all inward in Xεε0 (forVrad is radial so is pointing inward at every point of Xε0).


Applying Poincaré-Hopf theorem for manifold with boundary (see for example [2]

or [4]) to the vector eld e

Ve on the set Xεε0, we get the equality:

χ(Xεε0) =




indP H(e V , pe i) +



qiinward ini=1 Xεε0

indP H(e

Ve|Xε0, qi)




riinward ini=1 Xεε0

indP H(Ve|Xε, ri).

As e

Ve|Xε0 only admits inward zeros on Xε0, we have χ(Xε0) =




indP H(e

Ve|Xε0, qi), and so

χ(Xεε0)−χ(Xε0) =




indP H(e V , pe i) +



riinward ini=1 Xεε0

indP H(Ve|Xε, ri).

But Xε0 is a retract by deformation of Xεε0 soχ(Xεε0) = χ(Xε0). Then we nd




indP H(e

V , pe i) = −



riinward ini=1 Xεε0

indP H(Ve|Xε, ri),

and therefore, 1 +




indP H(e V , pe i)

| {z }


= 1−



riinward ini=1 Xεε0

indP H(Ve|Xε, ri),

which gives us the required result.

Remark 2.7. The proof of the next theorem is similar to the one of Poincaré-Hopf theorem for manifolds with boundary.

Theorem 2.8. LetX be a closed semialgebraic set of dimensionk with0as an isolated singularity and let V be a vector eld on X with a singularity at 0. Then we have the following equalities:

• if k is even, then

indrad(−V,0) =indrad(V,0);

• if k is odd, then

indrad(V,0) +indrad(−V,0) = 2−χ(lk(X)).


Proof. Let Ve be a C1-perturbation of V satisfying conditions of Proposition 2.5. We denote by (qi)1≤i≤t the inward zeros ofVe and (pi)1≤i≤s the outward zeros. By Propo- sition 2.5, we can write

indrad(−V,0) = 1− X

rinward zero of−eV|lk(X)

indP H(−Ve|lk(X), r),



rinward zero ofVe|lk(X)

indP H(−Ve|lk(X), r) =




indP H(−Ve|lk(X), pi).

As X has dimension k, the linklk(X) has dimension k−1 and so indP H(−Ve|lk(X), pi) = (−1)k−1indP H(Ve|lk(X), pi).


indrad(V,0) = 1− X

rinward zero ofVe|lk(X)

indP H(Ve|lk(X), r)

= 1−




indP H(Ve|lk(X), qi).


S := indrad(V,0) +indrad(−V,0)

= 2−




indP H(eV|lk(X), qi)−(−1)k−1




indP H(eV|lk(X), pi).

We also have the equality

χ(lk(X)) =




indP H(Ve|lk(X), qi) +




indP H(Ve|lk(X), pi).

Let us study the result according to the parity of k.

• If k is even, then

S = 2−




indP H(Ve|lk(X), qi) +




indP H(Ve|lk(X), pi)

= 2−




indP H(Ve|lk(X), qi) +χ(lk(X))−




indP H(Ve|lk(X), qi)

= 2−2




indP H(Ve|lk(X), qi) +χ(lk(X))

= 2 indrad(V,0) +χ(lk(X)).


As dimension of lk(X) is odd (equal to k−1), its Euler characteristic van- ishes. Therefore

indrad(−V,0) =indrad(V,0).

• If k is odd, then

S = 2−




indP H(eV|lk(X), qi)−




indP H(Ve|lk(X), pi)

= 2−χ(lk(X)).

Once we have proved this theorem, the following result is straightforward:

Corollary 2.9. Let X be a closed semialgebraic set with an isolated singularity at 0 and let V be a vector eld on X with a singularity at 0. Then

indrad(V,0) +indrad(−V,0)≡χ(lk(X)) mod 2.

Proof. In the previous theorem, we have seen that ifk is even, then S :=indrad(V,0) +indrad(−V,0) = 2 indrad(V,0)≡0 mod 2, and in that case χ(lk(X)) = 0, so

S ≡χ(lk(X)) mod 2.

Ifk is odd, then

S= 2−χ(lk(X)), and hence

S ≡χ(lk(X)) mod 2.

Finally, we have the following corollary, which is a singular version of Khimshi- ashvili's formula:

Corollary 2.10. Let X ⊂ RN a closed semialgebraic set of dimension k with an isolated singularity at 0and let us consider a functiong :X →R restriction toX of a C2-semialgebraic function. Let us suppose that g(0) = 0 and that g does not have any critical points on a neighborhood of 0. Let δ be a regular value of g and ε > 0 such that 0< δ ε 1. Then we have the following equalities:

• if k is even,

χ(g−1(δ)∩BεN) = 1−indrad(∇g,0);

• if k is odd,

χ(g−1(δ)∩BεN) = χ(lk(X))−1 +indrad(∇g,0).


Proof. From [7] Example 2.6, we know that for 0< δ ε1, we have χ(g−1(−δ)∩BεN) = 1−indrad(∇g,0).


χ(g−1(δ)∩BεN) = 1−indrad(−∇g,0).

Thus, from the previous theorem,

• if k is even, then

indrad(−∇g,0) =indrad(∇g,0), and so

χ(g−1(δ)∩BεN) = 1−indrad(∇g,0);

• if k is odd, then

indrad(−∇g,0) = 2−χ(lk(X))−indrad(∇g,0), and therefore

χ(g−1(δ)∩BεN) = 1−indrad(−∇g,0)

= χ(lk(X))−1 +indrad(∇g,0).

3. A link with an intersection index

First, we recall the denition of the intersection index of two manifolds [8].

Denition 3.1. Let X, Y and Z be three oriented manifolds without boundary such that X, Z ⊂Y. We suppose X compact, Z closed and dimX+ dimZ = dimY. If X and Z are transverse, then we dene the intersection index I(X, Z) of X and Z counting the points xof the intersection X∩Z and associating to each a plus sign + or a minus sign−. More precisely, if forx∈X∩Z the given orientation ofTxX×TxZ (where we denoted by TxX the tangent plane of X at x) is the same as the one given by the tangent plane TxY, then we associate a plus sign + to x. We set or(x) = 1. Otherwise, we associate a minus sign − and we set or(x) = −1. Let C(X, Z) be the set of intersection points of X and Z. Then we have the equality

I(X, Z) := X



Remark 3.2. When X and Z are not transverse, we perturb X and Z in X˜ and Z˜ respectively so thatX˜ andZ˜ are. Then the intersection indexI( ˜X,Z˜)exists according to the previous denition. Moreover, as this index is invariant under perturbations, we dene I(X, Z) as I(X, Z) =I( ˜X,Z)˜ .

LetX ⊂RN be a semialgebraic variety of dimensionk+1with an isolated singularity at 0. We suppose that X \ {0} is oriented. For example, we can consider a set of the form X = {f1 =...=fl = 0} such that rank(∇f1(x), ...,∇fl(x)) = 0 for all x∈X\ {0}.

We consider a C2-tangent vector eld V on X \ {0} and ∇ρ a C2-radial vector eld on X. Then we consider the link of X at 0, which we denote by lk(X), i.e. the


Figure 1. Example in dimension 2.

intersection ofX with SεN−1 whereε >0is such that 0is the only singularity of X in X∩BεN and 0< ε1.

The vector eld V does not admit any zero on lk(X). For a care of simplicity, we set Y :=lk(X). We can remark that Y is an oriented submanifold of X of dimension k. Indeed, we know that there exists a (k+ 1)-dimensional manifold with boundary Z such that the boundary ∂Z of Z is equal to Y. Here, Z = X∩BεN \ {0}. We recall that the orientation ofY is given by the one ofZ. Let(v1, ..., vk)be a basis ofY =∂Z and let x ∈ Y. The space TxY has codimension 1 in TxZ so there exist exactly two unit vectors~v and−~v inTxZ which are perpendicular toTxY,~v pointing outward and

−~v inward. We suppose that (v1, ..., vk, ~v) is a positively oriented basis of TxZ. Then the basis (v1, ..., vk) is positively oriented for TxY and so is for Y.

For all x∈Y, we introduce these two vector elds:

Vb(x) = V(x)

kV(x)k and − ∇ρ(x) =b − ∇ρ(x) k∇ρ(x)k.

We say that x is a coincidence point of Vb and −∇ρbif Vb(x) = −∇ρ(x)b . We want to relate these coincidence points to the inward zeros of the vector eld V|Y. Indeed,

Vb(x) = −∇ρ(x)b ⇐⇒ V(x) =− kV(x)k


⇐⇒ x is an inward zero ofV|Y. Let us introduce the following set:

T U Y =n

(x, ~v) | x∈Y, ~v ∈TxX and k~vk= 1o , which is included in the unit tangent bundle of X, that is

T U X =n

(x, ~v) | x∈X, ~v ∈TxX and k~vk= 1o .

The bundleT U X is locally the product of an open set in Rk with the k-sphereSk so has dimension dimX+ dimSk =k+ 1 +k = 2k+ 1.

The setT U Y is an oriented manifold of dimension2k. Indeed, T U Y = T U X ∩ {ρ(x) = ε} × Rk+1

. The tangent bundle T X of X is oriented so is T U X. Actually, T U X is the transverse intersection of T X with Rn× {~v | k~vk= 1}, that is also an oriented manifold. As the two manifoldsT U X and


{ρ(x) =ε} ×Rk+1 are oriented and that their intersection is transverse, T U Y is also oriented. Moreover, its dimension is equal to2k for it is equal todimT U X−1.

We considerGVb and G−∇ρb the respective graphs ofVb and −∇ρb: GVb =n

(x,Vb(x))| x∈Yo

and G−∇ρb=n

(x,−∇ρ(x))b | x∈Yo .

These graphs are oriented subsets ofT U Y. A positively oriented basis ofT(x,Vb(x))GVb is of the formD

1, DVb(x)(ε1)), ...,(εk, DVb(x)(εk))E

for(ε1, ..., εk)is a positively oriented basis of Y.

Then we prove the following result:

Proposition 3.3. Let X ⊂ RN be a semialgebraic set of dimension k + 1 with an isolated singularity at 0 and such that X\ {0} is oriented. Let V be a C2-vector eld and ∇ρ a C2-radial vector eld on X, and let us consider their respective normalized vector eld Vb and ∇ρbdened on the link of X at the singularity. Then we have the equality:

I(G−∇bρ, GVb) = 1−indrad(V,0).

Proof. The graphsG

Vb andG−∇ρbofVb and−∇ρbrespectively are oriented compact sub- manifolds ofT U Y, each of dimensionk. Then their intersection index I(G−∇ρb, G

Vb)is well dened.

Let us consider a coincidence point x ∈ Y (= lk(X)) of Vb and −∇ρb. The point (x,Vb(x))is in that case an intersection point of the two graphsGVb andG−∇bρ. We are going to compute the value of or((x,Vb(x))), which we denote for simplicity by or(x), to relate it with indP H(V|Y, x), the Poincaré-Hopf index of V|Y atx.

To compute or(x), we must nd a positively oriented basis of the tangent plane to T U Y at (x,Vb(x)) and one for the two tangent planes T(x,


Vb and T(x,bV(x))G−∇ρb. Let us begin with T(x,Vb(x))T U Y.

AsX\ {0}is a manifold of dimensionk+ 1, we know that there exists a neighborhood U1 of x ∈Y in X, and a dieomorphismφ1 such that φ1(U1) is an open set of Rk+1. Moreover, Y is a submanifold of X of dimension k so U1∩Y is a neighborhood of x in Y and φ1(U1∩Y) =φ1(U1)∩Rk is an open set of Rk, where we identify Rk with Rk× {0} ⊂Rk+1. We will write Rk× {0}={xk+1= 0}. So

φ1(U1∩Y) =φ1(U1)∩ {xk+1 = 0}.

Moreover, as Z is a manifold with boundary included in X of dimension k + 1 and such that∂Z =Y, the open setU1∩Z is a neighborhood ofx in Z and

φ1(U1∩Z) = φ1(U1)∩ {xk+1 ≥0},

which is an open set of Rk×R+ (where we wrote {xk+1 ≥0}=Rk×R+).

Locally, if x ∈ U1, the bundle T X is dieomorphic to φ1(U1)×Rk+1 and T U X to φ1(U1)×Sk. Thus, T U Y is dieomorphic to φ1(U1∩Y)×Sk.

Now, to lighten notations, let us suppose that T X = φ1(U1) × Rk+1 and T Y =


φ1(U1∩Y)×Rk+1. We also know that

T(x,Vb(x))G−∇ρb=G−D∇ρ(x)b =n

(u,−D∇ρ(x)(u))b | u∈TxYo , and

T(x,bV(x))GVb =GDVb(x) =n

(u, DVb(x)(u))| u∈TxYo . These sets are both of dimension k.

As the vector eld ∇ρbis unit and radial on Y and so that −∇ρbpoints in each point of φ1(U1)∩Y toward φ1(Z), we can write in local coordinates that −∇ρbis constant equal to (0, ...,0,1)∈Rk+1 pointing toward U1 ∩ {xk+1 ≥0}.

Then we nd a basis ofT(x,Vb(x))G−∇ρb: D

(e1,−D∇ρ(x)(eb 1)), ...,(ek,−D∇ρ(x)(eb k))E . But D∇ρ(x)(eb i) = 0 for all i∈ {1, ..., k} so the basis is nally


(e1,0), ...,(ek,0)E

, with (ei,0)∈Rk× {0}k.

Moreover, the sphereSkis locally dieomorphic to an open set ofRk(by the projection (x1, ..., xk+1)∈Sk7→(x1, ..., xk) at(0, ...,0,1)) and thus,

T(x,bV(x))T U Y ∼=Rk×Rk, where ∼=means "dieomorphic to".

Then we choose a basis for T(x,Vb(x))T U Y: B=D

(e1,0), ...,(ek,0),(0, e1), ...,(0, ek)E ,

where(e1, ..., ek)is the canonical basis positively oriented ofRkand for alli∈ {1, ..., k}, (ei,0)∈Rk× {0}k.

Regarding T(x,Vb(x))GVb, we have

DVb(x) :TxY −→Rk,

so the image of DVb(x) is also in Rk. In the same way as previously, a basis of T(x,bV(x))G

Vb is of the form D

(e1, DVb(x)(e1)), ...,(ek, DVb(x)(ek)) E


Thus we obtained a basis of T(x,Vb(x))G−∇ρb×T(x,bV(x))GVb: B0 =D

(e1,0), ...,(ek,0),(e1, DVb(x)(e1)), ...,(ek, DVb(x)(ek))E .


Let us compute DVb(x)(ei) for all i∈ {1, ..., k}.

We know that Vb(x) = (0, ...,0,1)∈Sk so in local coordinates, we have Vb(x) =

Vb1(x), ...,Vbk(x)



kV(x)k, ..., Vk(x) kV(x)k

. Then for all i, j ∈ {1, ..., k}, we have


∂xj(x) =


∂xj(x)kV(x)k − ∂kVk

∂xj (x)Vi(x) kV(x)k2 . But Vi(x) = 0 for all i∈ {1, ..., k}, thus


∂xj(x) = 1 kV(x)k



We nally have

DVb(x)(ei) = 1 kV(x)k





∂xj(x)eji, ...,






! ,

where we wrote ei = (e1i, ..., eki) the k components ofei. We also know that eji = 0 for alli6=j and eii = 1.

We set A: =

DVb(x)(e1) · · · DVb(x)(ek)

= 1




(x) · · · ∂V1



... ...


∂x1(x) · · · ∂Vk



e11 · · · e1k ... ...

ek1 · · · ekk

| {z }


= 1


Now we can write the change of basis P fromB0 to B: P =

IdRk IdRk

(0) A

, then

detP = detA= 1


Even if we consider a perturbation Ve of V which only admits nondegenerate zeros on Y, we suppose, to simplify, that it is already the case for V. Thus, as x is a nondegenerate zero of V, we have detDV|Y(x)6= 0. We nally have

sign(detP) = sign(detDV|Y(x)).


Thus we have proved that for each coincidence pointx of −∇ρband Vb, which gives us an intersection point (x,Vb(x))∈T U Y of G−∇ρband G

Vb, we have sign(detDV|Y(x)) = sign(detP),

where sign(detP) is justor(x). Thus,



or(x) = X

xinward zero ofV|Y


But X

xinward zero ofV|Y

sign(detDV|Y(x)) = X

xinward zero ofV|Y

indP H(V|Y, x), and we proved that


xinward zero ofV|Y

indP H(V|Y, x) = 1−indrad(V,0).

Last we have, by denition,

I(G−∇ρb, GVb) = X



This nally gives us

I(G−∇bρ, GVb) = 1−indrad(V,0).


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Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, Centre Gilles-Gaton Granger, Aix-en-Provence, France

E-mail address: julie.lapebie@univ-amu.fr


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