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HAL Id: jpa-00224386


Submitted on 1 Jan 1984

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T. Barsotti, J. Bermond, M. Drechsler

To cite this version:

T. Barsotti, J. Bermond, M. Drechsler. THE ANISOTROPY OF THE SURFACE ENERGY OF

NICKEL MEASURED BY T.E.M. OF FIELD EMITTERS. Journal de Physique Colloques, 1984, 45

(C9), pp.C9-43-C9-46. �10.1051/jphyscol:1984908�. �jpa-00224386�



T. Barsotti, J.M. Bermond and M. Drechsler

CRMC2-CARS, Campus de Lunriny, Case 913, 13288 Marseille Cedex 09, France RCsumC


La pointe de nickel d'un microscope B Qmission de champ est amenQe B prendre une forme statlonnaire en ultra-vide. Cette forme est ensuite examinee par transfert de la pointe dans un microscope Clectronique h transmission. On montre que la calotte au somet d'une pointe bulbeuse coincide avec la forme dlCquilibre d'un cristal is016 de nickel. L'anisotropie de llCnergie de surface du nickel est dCterminQe en fonction de l'orientation cristalline.

Abstract : The stationary form of a clean nickel tip is produced in a field electron microscope (FEM) under ultra-high vacuum. The shape of the tip is then visualized in a transmission electron microscope (TEM). It is shown that the cap around the apex of a bulbous tip closely approximates the equilibrium shape of an isolated nickel crystal. The anisotropy of the surface energy (y) of nickel is measured as a function of the crystallographic orientation.



The shape of field emission tips can be studied either by transmission electron microscopy I I I or by scanning electron microscopy 12 1 . The present paper is a transmission electron microscopy examination of clean nickel tips which has a two-fold aim :

a) Showing that the apex of a bulbous tip may closely coincide with the shape of an equilibrated single crystal, so that the anisotropy of the surface energy (y) of the tip material can be determined by the inverse Wulff's construction.

b) Measuring the anisotropy of y as a function of orientation along various crystallographic zones of a cubic f.c.c. crystal (Ni).



The Nickel tips were prepared and cleaned in a FEM as already described


1 13 1 14 1. After cleaning the tip a stationary form was installed by heating at

1300 K for a variable time (12 min to 2 h). The surface cleanliness was controlled by observing the FEM image and the change in tip radius was followed by measuring the emission current at a given voltage with the tip at room temperature. When no appreciable change occured any more the tip was transferred to the specimen holder of a TEM equipped with two tilting facilities. In order to analyse a cristallographic zone the tip was tilted inside the TEM until two or more facets appeared as straight segments on the periphery of the tip profile. It was checked that the angles between the various faces were those required by crystallography within 1 degre. The 0.202 zone and sometimes the t200'. zone could be visualized in this manner.


3-1) Due to the motion of grain boundaries during the heating process a rather severe selection had to be made among the tips to measure the anisotropy of y correctly. Only three tips were deemed to be analysable which (i) had maintained a clean (1 1 1 ) oriented field emission pattern throughout the heating, (ii) showed a bulbous f o q upon examination in the TEM with a reasonably smooth and symetrical shank in the vicinity of the apex, (iii) exhibited the symmetry properties that are described in the next sub-section.

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphyscol:1984908



3-2) Symmetry of the tip profiles


The tip shape actually results from the competition between capillarity, which tends to blunt the tip by surface diffusion ( 5 1, and the driving force toward equilibrium due to the orientation dependance of the chemical potential of surface atoms, which tends to install the equilibrium shape. So the first step was to decide whether some parts of the profiles did coincide with the equilibrium profile of a nickel isolated crystal. This goal was achieved by considering whether the crystal-

lographic symnetry axes of the cubic f.c.c. lattice were also symmetry elements of the profiles.

The crystallographic axes were constructed on the profiles by using purely geometrical considerations. Table 1 summarizes the method of construction. Figures la - Ib show the symmetry directions superimposed on the profiles of one tip. By definition point 0 is the intersection of [022] and [022] on the <200>-profile.

Having measured the ratio h022/h002 (with h the distances from 0 to the facets) point 0 was transferred to the<220>-prof ile as the particular point of [220] for which h220/h002 had the same value. When the <ZOO>-profile could not be visualized in the TEM (due to the limited tilt displacement available) 0 was located on the

<220>-profile by using the h220/h200 value that was measured for other tips.

Fig. 1 TEM profiles of the same tip with the symmetry axes superimposed (a) the

<20@ profile. The tip axis points to the back and somewhat to the left of the profile. (b) The <22Cbprofile.

Table 1 also shows the results of the check of symmetry. To summarize,all the analysed profiles possess the symmetry which is required of an equilibrated cubic f.c.c. crystal within about 70" from the tip apex.*

* It is worth noting that the macroscopic axis of the tip does not necessarily lie in the profile plane (cf. fig 1 a) and may not coincide exactly with the [I 1 1 1 direction either (see fig. 1 b). This accounts for the lack of symmetry around

[022] in fig la, for instance, since this region lies farther away than 70" from

the tip apex. A more detailed analysis of this situation can be found in another

paper 16 I .


shape of the tip was a stationary form. If capillarity had been dominant the profiles would only have possessed symmetry with respect to the macroscopic tip axis. On the contrary we always found symmetry around the crystallographic axes of an equilibrated crystal even though these axes are away from the macroscopic axis of the tip. There- fore we assumed that the tip cap coincided with the true equilibrium shape of a nickel crystal within ca. 70" of the apex.

3-3) The y. plot of clean nickel :

According to the conclusion just mentionned there exists a Wulff's point for the crystal around the apex. It has to be identified with point 0. The y.plot can then be determined by using the inverse Wulff's construction.

Figures 2 and 3 show the gnisotropy of y (normalised to ylll) versus orientation for the <200> and the (220) zone respectively. Cusps are found at the directions where facets are observed on the profiles. The y plots of fig. 3 coincide within the uncertainty of the measurements. They are independant of the cleaning procedure and of the duration-of the heating process. This shows the validity of transferring point 0 to the <220>-profile (section 3.2). The correctness of our procedure was further confirmed by another test which is described in a more detai- led paper 16 1 .

Only a few experimental measurements of the anisotropy of y for nickel are available. Mykura 171 found a slightly greater anisotropy but ascribed it to some pollution of the crystal surface. Maiya and Blakely measured absolute values of y : y220


191 1 2 190 erg. cm-2 and y200


1821 2 182 erg. cm-2. This yields y 2 0 0 / ~ ~ ~ ~ . = 1.05, a greater value than our present result, but the uncertainty involved In absolute measurements prevents a meaningful comparison to be made.

A model calculation after the theoretical data of Drechsler and Nicholas 1 1 I is

shown by the solid line in fig. 3. Considering the imperfection of broken-bonds models the overall agreement is satisfactory.


1) The cap at the apex of a bulbous FEM tip can be used to determine the y plot of the tip material.

2) The orientation dependance of the surface energy of clean nickel has been measured over the two essential crystal zones <200> and <220>.

Our experiments confirm that the y-plot of hight melting point metals can be measured by a combined WEM-TEM method.

Fig. 2. The y-plot of clean

nickel for the <20@ zone.



F i g . 3 . The y - p l o t s o f t h r e e n i c k e l t i p s f o r t h e <25@ z o n e . ( a + 4 ) e x p e r i m e n t a l p o i n t s . S o l i d l i n e : t h e o r e t i c a l v a l u e s a t 1200 K.

( a ) ( c )


Is fhkl] t h e m e d i a t o r

o f { h k l ) ? Yes Yes Yea y e s

pLetbod of

IS [hkl] s s y ~ e t r y


y e s

a x i s of t h e p r o f i l e 7 No Yes y e s


Yes y e s *)

-- --__---_--- ---

C o n s t r u c t i o n of L h r v j o r c r ) s t a l l o g r a p h i c d i r e c t i o n s of the p r o f i l e b and measured s y m e t t y r e l a t i o n s h i p s . B i v c t ~ r of S o r e a l t o h'o-1 from Sormal f r o =

~ ~ y 2 ; ~ l ; 0 2 0 )


s u c h 0 t o (020) 0 t o (002) .

and (002) h022-h02Z

( a ) hoZZ. hOzI a r e t b c c e n t r a l d i s t a n c e s t o (022) and (022) r e s p e c t i v e l y ( b ) 0 is the i n t e r s e c t i o n of [0?2]and [ 0 2 a f o r c h i s p r o f i l e

i c ) 0 i s c o n s t r u c t e d a s e x p l a i n e d i n t h e t e x t

(d) P r o v i d e d r h e c e n t e r of (002) i s w i t h i n c a . 70. of the apex ( s e e t e x t )

(e) T h e r e g i m f i t o t h e l e f t of (023) ( c f . ' f i g . 3.) a r e f a r t h e r sway t h a n 70' f r c u t h e apex ( s e e t e x t ) B i w c l o r of l o r m a l f r c r t h e a n g l e 0 t o (002) between (111)

and ( l l f )


1 M. DRECHSLER a n d J.F. NICHOLAS, J. P h y s . Chem. S o l i d s 8 (1 957) 2609.

2 T. BARSOTTI, J.M. BERMOND a n d M. DRECHSLER, P r o c . I n t . F i e l d mission Symp.

I I G t e b o r g . Andren a n d Norden E d s . A l m q u i s t a n d W i k s e l l I n t e r n . S t o c k o l m (1982) p. 51.

131 R. GOMER, J. them. P h y s . 3 (1953) 2 9 - 3 .

14 1 R. a n d M. BLASZCZYSZYN, R. MECLEWSKI, T.E. MADEY a n d A . J . MELMED, 2 9th I n t . F i e l d E m i s s i o n Symp. Tokyo (1930) p . 4 2 7 .

5 6 7

F.A. NICHOLS a n d W.W. MULLINS, J. Appl. P h y s . 3 6 (1 %5) 1826.

T. BARSOTTI, J.M. BERMOND a n d M. DRECHSLER, S U ~ . S c i e n c e ( i n p r e s s ) . H. M Y K W , A c t a Met. 9 ( 1 961) 570.

8 1 P . S. MAIYA and J.M. B ~ E L Y , J. Appl. Phys. 3 2 (1 % 7 ) 6 98.


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