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The infrared spectrum of indium in silicon revisited


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The infrared spectrum of indium in silicon revisited

A. Tardella, B. Pajot

To cite this version:

A. Tardella, B. Pajot. The infrared spectrum of indium in silicon revisited. Journal de Physique,

1982, 43 (12), pp.1789-1795. �10.1051/jphys:0198200430120178900�. �jpa-00209562�


The infrared spectrum of indium in silicon revisited

A. Tardella and B. Pajot

Groupe de Physique des Solides de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure,

Université Paris VII, Tour 23, 2, place Jussieu, 75251 Paris Cedex 05, France (Reçu le 27 mai 1982, révisé le 22 juillet, accepté le 23 août 1982)

Résumé. 2014 Le spectre d’absorption de l’indium dans le silicium


été mesuré dans des conditions où l’élargisse-

ment des raies par effet de concentration est négligeable. Avec


résolution appropriée,


détecte 17 transitions et les composantes d’un doublet serré sont attribuées à deux transitions calculées. A 6 K, la largeur intrinsèque des

raies varie de 2,6 à 0,8 cm-1,


qui indique


effet lié à la structure de la bande de valence du silicium. En utili-

sant les résultats d’une


auto-cohérente de la concentration d’indium dans le silicium par





trouvons que l’élargissement par concentration est plus faible que


qui avait été trouvé

précédemment et que l’effet de paire semble inexistant dans les échantillons étudiés. Les


permettent aussi de détecter


élargissement thermique des raies entre 5 et 10 K.



The absorption spectrum of In acceptor in silicon has been measured under negligible concentration

broadening in order to obtain the true profile of the lines. With adequate spectral resolution, 17 transitions


detected and the components of


closely-spaced doublet


attributed to calculated transitions. At 6 K, the intrinsic width of the lines varies from 2.6 to 0.8 cm-1, indicating

some resonance

effect linked with the split-off

valence band structure in silicon. Using the results of


self-consistent determination of the indium concentration in silicon by


spectroscopic technique,


find that in the samples studied the concentration broadening is smaller

than that found previously and that


evidence for pairing is observable. These measurements also detect tem-

perature broadening of the lines between 5 and 10 K.

Classification Physics Abstracts




1. Introduction.


Considering its excited states, substitutional indium in silicon is an effective mass-

like acceptor despite its ionization energy of 157 meV,

which reflects a trend for group III acceptors, namely,

the heavier the element the higher the ionization energy. It has been used as a dopant for integrated

extrinsic Si detector arrays operating in the near IR atmospheric window [1]. This has led to the availabi-

lity of well-characterized crystals allowing meaning-

ful linewidth studies and concentration broadening

measurements. Such studies have been previously

undertaken [2] and the fundamental work of Onton

et al. [3] on the absorption spectra of group III accep- tors in Si has provided a guide line for the subsequent experimental and theoretical work on these impurities,

but the role of temperature and of concentration

broadening for the lines other than those correspond- ing to the first three IR-allowed excited states above the ground state have been overestimated, precluding,

for instance, significant comparisons between the

highly excited states of the different acceptors.

We present here some spectroscopical data on FZ

indium-doped Si for samples ranging from a low

concentration limit to the highest concentration available by the growing technique used. With the

samples with low In concentration, we detect more

excited levels


actually 17


than previously report- ed [3, 4] and we measure accurately the intrinsic width of the lines of the In spectrum. The integrated intensity of the line at 1 176 cm-1 for the different

samples investigated is used to obtain their In concen-

tration. The concentration broadenings observed

are compared with those previously published [5]

and phonon (temperature) broadening is detected in the low temperature range.

2. Measurement techniques.


The float zone crys- tals used in this study were grown at the CENG and

they were checked spectroscopically for residual B, P, Al, C and for 0, whose main vibrational line at 1 136.4 cm-1 is contiguous to the In spectrum (see

Table I). The exact indium concentration will be given later, but in these samples In is the main electrically

active impurity over several orders of magnitude in

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:0198200430120178900



Table I.


Characteristics of the Si (In) samples. The Hall mobility is measured at


temperature with


magne- tic field of 0.2 T.

concentration. The samples, approximately



8 x d mm, d being a thickness appropriate to

the In concentration, were polished on the four large

sides. They were fixed on their base by two dots of

G.E. 7131 varnish on a sample holder in the compart-

ment of a continuous flow cryostat (Oxford Instru-

ments Model 204). The samples were cooled by the He exchange gas and their temperature


assum- ed to be that of a Ge thermometer mounted parallel

to the sample at - 1 mm from it, on the sample holder.

The temperature of the exchange gas could be varied

by adjustment of the liquid He flow and of the current in a heater mounted


the heat exchanger. The sample

could be pumped laterally by band gap light by focuss- ing on it the output of


70 W quartz halogen lamp through a narrow band interference filter centred at 1.2 eV. The monochromatic beam transmitted by the sample was detected by


mercury-cadmium telluride (MCT) detector with an AR coated Ge window. The spectra, recorded digitally, were smoothed and lineariz- ed on line by a Hewlett Packard 9845 desktop compu- ter and then stored on a floppy disk. In order to obtain

reliable figures for the background and for the inten-

sities, plane parallel samples were used in most cases.

The optical axis of the cryostat was tilted by - 50

with respect to the IR beam while keeping the sam- ple surface perpendicular to the beam. This avoids radiation reflected or transmitted by the sample being reflected back on it by the KRS5 cold windows distant by only 20 mm. Part of this reflected radiation, although defocussed, could reach the detector, lead- ing to an erroneous value of the absolute transmission of the sample. In some cases where interference fringes produced by the cold windows were observed in the spectra, they were eliminated by subsequent numerical filtering. The absorption coefficients of the In and 0 lines were measured either by taking the ratio of the transmission of a doped sample relative to that of

an intrinsic sample or by measuring the absolute transmission of the doped sample and then removing

the phonon contribution [6]. We have assumed a

value of 0.300 for the silicon reflectivity. Measure-

ments of the low-temperature refractive index of Si [7],

and the comparison between the calculated and experi-

mental spacing of the excited states of donors in sili-

con [8], suggest that a reflectivity value of 0.296 would be more appropriate.

3. Experimental results and discussion.


The In discrete spectrum observed between 1 145 and 1 255 cm-’ corresponds to transitions from the ground

state at Ev + 1 265 cm-1 (Ev + 156.9 meV) to excit-

ed states having the symmetry of the j


3/2 valence

bands of silicon (P3/2 spectrum). One can also observe

near 1 580 cm-1 the plj2 lines associated with excited states having the symmetry of the p 1 /2 valence band, split from the P3/2 valence band by


spin-orbit sepa- ration of 42.62 meV (343 cm-1) at k


0. The p1/2

lines interfere with the P3/2 acceptor continuum and they are asymmetrically broadened by a Fano

effect [9]. The separation between the 1 T8+ ground state

and the j = 1/2 valence band is 1609.4 cm -1 (199.6 meV). The two most intense In Pl/2 lines, 2 p’

and 3 p’ [3], are located at 1 565 and 1 590 cm-1,

Fig. 1.


Recorder trace of the transmission spectrum of sample In-2, 4


thick. The two P1/2 lines observed


at 1 565 and 1 590 cm-1. The two


indicate the

reso- nance

of the phonon replica of lines 1 and 2 of the P312

spectrum with the P3/2 continuum.


Fig. 2.


Ratioed spectrum of indium in sample In-1 (Nln - 4


1015 at./cm3). The spectral band pass is 0.35 cm-1

at 1250 cm-’. The losses of the detector response and in the grating efficiency


responsible for the noise increase below 1 160 cm-1. The sharp line at 1 136.4 cm-’


is due



vibrational transition of the quasi-molecule 28Si2160.

The dashed bar at 1 265.4 cm-1 corresponds to the calculat- ed limit of the discrete spectrum.

and 4 p’ (In) has been detected recently [10] at the position expected (1 598 cm-1) from the positions of

4 p’(B) (701.3 cm -1 ) and 4 p’(Al) (900.6 cm -1). Above

these energies one also observes a resonant effect due to the coupling of the centre of zone optical phonon (519 cm-’) with the P3/2 transitions, resonating with

the In P3/2 continuum. This effect has been reported

and analysed by Watkins and Fowler in terms of a

Breit-Fano resonance [11]. Figure 1 shows part of the transmission spectrum of sample In-2. The trans-

mission bump near 1 666 cm-1 corresponds to the

resonance of the phonon assisted 1 T8 -> 1 T8

transition of the p3/2 spectrum and the onset of the plateau near 1 696 cm-1 to the same effect for the 1 r 8+ > 2 r 8" transition.

The P3/2 spectrum of In is shown in figure 2. It is

very similar to the corresponding spectra of Al and Ga, except for accidental phonon resonances in these two spectra [12]. The lines have been labelled 1, 2,

etc... in order of increasing energy. The main diffe-

rence with spectra previously published [3, 4] is due

to the indium content in sample In-1, which reduces the concentration broadening. The spectral band

pass (s.b.p.) used (0.35 cm-’ near 1 250 cm-’) mini-

mizes instrumental broadening and the resolution of the spectrum of figure 2 is mainly limited by the

intrinsic width of the lines and by the S/N ratio. The improvement on the spectrum above 1 200 cm -1

can be seen in figure 3. The peak 4A cannot be resolved into two components, however, because of their intrinsic width. Covington et al. [4] have numerically

resolved peak 4A into an asymmetrical doublet,

4A and 4B, with a separation of (0.9 ± 0.4 cm-1)

and we have reached similar conclusions concerning

Fig. 3.


Enlarged portion of the spectrum of figure 2.

The unresolved doublet 4AB is attributed to the 1 T$ - 1 r6

and 1 r 8+ .... 4 r 8- transitions.

the positions of the lines. The best fit is obtained with Lorentz shapes having widths of o.95,1.2 and 1.2 cm - ’

for lines 4, 4A and 4B, respectively and we find that

the relative intensity of line 4A with respect to line 4 is


0.77. The impossibility of obtaining an exact

fit can be explained by a slight asymmetry of the lines.

We are able to show that line 6 is a doublet with two

components, 6 and 6A, of about equal intensities and 0.9 cm-1 apart In this domain of binding energies,

the calculations by Baldereschi and Lipari [13] give levels, 2 r6 and b Tg , distant by 0.8 cm-’ and we

attribute the final states of lines 6 and 6A to these levels. This attribution, which is not the same as that

of reference [4] where the doublet structure of peak 6

was masked by concentration broadening, is further

Fig. 4.


Enlarged portion of the indium specttum (sample In-1). The higher S/N ratio of this spectrum allows


better observation of lines 12-14 than the previous spectrum.

Above line 8, the numbering of the lines does not follow that given by Onton et al. [3]. This spectrum


obtained under band gap light pumping, which improved the contrast

of line 14.



Table II.


Position (cm-1) of the P3/2 of In, Al and B lines in silicon. The attributedfinal state of the


ponding transitions is given up to line 6A. For In and B, the accuracy is + 0.05 cm -1 and + 0.1 cm -1 for Al.

(*) Estimated from reference [15].

supported by the fact that a similar structure is found in the P3/2 spectrum of boron in silicon, although the

relative intensity of the two B lines is different from that in In. In the case of Al only an asymmetrical broa- dening of line 6 is observed. Figure 4 also shows new

lines at 1243.80,1247. 83 and 1254.1 cm -1 and


well- defined elbow at 1 250.9 cm-1. Table II gives a list

of the P3/2 lines of In with the attribution of the excited states to all the calculated odd-parity levels. There is a close correspondence with the Al lines. Line 3

(Al) is undetected because of a strong interaction with

optical phonons [12]. For boron the correspondence

is less evident; a weak line observed at 338.05 cm-1

is tentatively ascribed to the forbidden I r 8+ -+ 4 r 8+

transition [14]. Line 7 (B) is nearly coincident with 3 p , (P) and weaker than its counterparts in Al and In,

as can be seen from the resonant photoconductivity spectra given in the paper by Skolnick et al. [15].

Above line 8 the numbering of the lines given here is

different from that adopted previously, in order to

accomodate the new transitions detected.

The natural width of the p3/2 lines of In depends

on the energy of the transition considered, as can be

seen from table III. This is also true for boron and aluminium, but for these impurities line 1 is sharper

than line 2. This kind of broadening has not yet been explained, but it must be connected with the split-

off valence band structure of silicon as it has not been observed for acceptors in germanium [17].

We have made a fit of line 2, for samples In-1, 2 and 4, with a Lorentzian line profile having the same

Table III.


Intrinsic width at half maximum (cm -1 ) of some In lines compared with those of B.

width and maximum absorption. This reveals a

small asymmetry, on the high energy side and pre-

sumably due to an intrinsic resonance effect for samples In-1 and 2. For sample In-4, the concentra-

tion broadening makes the intrinsic asymmetry less visible so that the line looks nearly Lorentzian, as can

be seen in figure 5, where the profiles for In-1 and In-4

are quasi-normalized. (The parameters used are taken from table IV.) At that point, it becomes neces-

Fig. 5.


Comparison of the shape of line 2 observed with

samples In-l and In-4 (solid line) with


Lorentz profile (broken line).


(outer line) : sample In-4, ordinate scale


indicated ; b (inner line) : sample In-1. The line is expanded by


factor of 12.5.

Table IV. - Peak absorption coefficient, width at half maximum and integrated intensity of line 2 of In

in silicon for samples In-1, 2 and 4.


Table V.


Optical indium concentration and calculated drift mobility of three In-doped Si samples.

(II) : N1n






J (2). (III) : N,n






J (2). (IV) : Using (II) and E1n


140 meV. (V) : Using (III)

and E1n


155 meV. (VI) : Corresponding to the resistivity of (I) for boron-doped silicon.

sary to come back to a brief discussion of the deter- mination of the In concentration if we want to go further on concentration broadening. A calibration factor of 8


1014 In atoms/cm between the In concen-

tration and the integrated intensity of line 2 has been obtained from measurements on neutron-compensat- ed samples [18]. This figure is somewhat lower than the value of 2


1015 In atoms/cm given by Jones

et al. [19]. There are at least two reasons for this : a) when deducing an impurity concentration from a

carrier concentration measured at room temperature,

one must use a room temperature ionization energy.

For indium, from the change in the dielectric constant and in the optical gap between liquid helium and

room temperature and also from the coalescence of the shallowest excited levels into the continuum,


estimate the ionization energy of indium to be reduced

to - 140 meV at ambient; b) in the case where the

hole concentration is deduced from room temperature Hall measurements at low field, the Hall factor must be taken into account. In many cases it is set to unity,

whereas a value - 0.8 would be more realistic [20]

at least for samples with p > 1015 cm- 3. We have checked the consistency of a) by calculating the drift mobility JlD at 25 °C from the measured resistivity

and from the optical In concentration using our cali-

bration ratio and Ern = 140 meV, compared to

the value obtained using the same resistivity but an optical In concentration using 2


1015 In atoms/cm

and E1n


155 meV. This is summarized in table V.

Referring to this table, we can see that the mobility

for the high resistivity sample obtained in (V) is

lower than expected and even lower than that for the lowest resistivity sample. The predicted drift mobility of 350 cm2/V . s obtained in column IV of table V for sample In-4 leads to


Hall mobility of

280 cm2/V . s using a Hall factor of 0.8 and this is consistent with the measured value of 270 cm2/V . s.

The shape and width of impurity lines are affected by several sample-dependent broadening mechanisms.

The two effects reported in this study are the concen-

tration broadening and the temperature broadening, plus a combination of both effects. A detailed quanti-

tative analysis of these phenomena is not intended in

this paper, but we can make however a few qualitative

remarks. First, by comparison with previous available

data for boron [21], aluminium [22] and even indium [5], we see that the broadening of line 2 of In between



1015 and 7


1016 In atoms/cm3 is moderate

(12.4 %). This is not true for line 4, whose width increa-

ses by about 100 %. We believe that part of the diffe-

rence with previous results for In can arise from unre-

cognized Stark broadening superimposed on concen-

tration broadening. (We have actually measured the Stark broadening contribution of line 2 in heavily compensated In doped samples [23].) When compar-

ing with boron and aluminium, we must admit that

the higher ionization energy of indium reduces the

spreading of the ground state envelop function and

limits the interaction between neighbouring atoms.

Thus charge transfer between the two In atoms of a

pair is effective at distances closer for indium than for boron and aluminium and this could be the reason

why no low-energy asymmetry due to pair interaction is observed on line 2 in the sample with 7


1016 In atoms/cm3.

We measured the temperature broadening of line 2

between 5 and 35 K and an increase of 5 % of the

width of the line in sample In-1 was already detected

between 5 and 10 K. A more sensitive test of the broa-

dening of the In lines is the value of the ratio of the

amplitude of peak 4 to the minimum between peaks

4 and 4AB : for samples In-1, this ratio decreases by

11 % between 5 and 10 K.

From ultrasonic attenuation measurements on In

doped Si, Schad and Lassmann [24] have inferred

the existence of an In state 4.2 meV (34 cm- 1) above

the ground state. On the other hand Elliot et al. [25]

have attributed a luminescence line at 1 136.5 meV to a two-hole transition of the In bound exciton

involving this level, as the line is located 4.1 meV below the J = 0 bound exciton line of indium at 1 140.76 meV.

This level would arise from the splitting of the r 8+

level of indium in a tetrahedral site under a dynamic

Jahn-Teller distortion which should lower the site symmetry to D2d and split this level into two sublevels.

However, spectra of sample In-4 run at 20 K failed to

reveal such an excited state from which a hole could be excited towards the other P3/2 excited levels.

Lastly, we must note that we have observed a sam-

ple-dependent background for samples with similar

concentration (In-3 and In-4). We do not believe it



to be due to artefact. It could come from the photo-

ionization spectrum of acceptors shallower than indium (In-X centre [19] or aluminium), but



to observe the excitation spectra of these acceptors.

4. Conclusion.


The IR spectra of In acceptor in silicon presented in this paper have allowed


to detect closely spaced lines whose separation is pre- dicted by theory and they show that the binding energies of many excited states is still to be determined.

It is found that the In linewidths decrease with the

binding energy for the first excited levels and become

nearly constant (~ 1 cm-1) for the other levels.

Another result is that the concentration broadening

of the In lines in silicon is smaller than for acceptors with a lower ionization energy, contrary to prior

data. The unambiguous detection of temperature broadening of the lines between 5 and 10 K must allow meaningful quantitative comparisons with cur-

rent theoretical work on the broadening mechanism

of acceptor impurity lines in silicon. Additionally,

the optical calibration factor used in this study is

consistent with a room temperature ionization energy of - 140 meV for In at room temperature and with

a Hall factor of - 0.8. With these figures, the solu- bility limit of indium in silicon is reduced to




1018 atoms/cm3 compared with the value of 2.5


1018 at. /CM3 given by Scott and Hager.



The authors wish to thank Mr. F. Blanc from CENG for the communication of the results of mobility measurements on the samples investigated. This work was supported in part under

DRET contract 81-702.



The effective mass Hamiltonian of

a j


3/2 acceptor in silicon can be expressed as the

sum of a term with spherical symmetry and of


term with cubic symmetry [13]. Neglecting first the cubic term, the problem reduces formally to that of an hydrogenic atom with L-S interaction (S = j



The hydrogenic states of interest are those with L


0 and 1 (S and P states) and these states can be labelled

using the projections of F


L + 3/2, which is


constant of the motion; hence, nS3/2, nP 1/2’ np3/2

and nP 5/2 states. Under


cubic perturbation, the symmetry of the problem lowers to that of the cubic

point group Oh. The compatibility relations between the irreducible representations of the full rotation group and those of oh show that Dj"/2’ 01/2’ D3/2

and D5/2 transform as r 8+’ r 6-’ r 8- and r 7- + r 8-’

respectively and the PSj2 states split-into F7 and F8

states. The calculated binding energy of the first odd-

parity excited states are given in table A-l, following

this nomenclature.

Table A-l.


Calculated binding energy of the first

acceptor levels in silicon.


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