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Cotton seedling disease complex in Andalucia Melero Vara J.M., Diaz R.M. in


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Cotton seedling disease complex in Andalucia

Melero Vara J.M., Diaz R.M.


Braud M. (ed.), Campagne P. (ed.).

Le coton en Méditerranée et au Moyen-Orient Montpellier : CIHEAM

Options Méditerranéennes : Série Etudes; n. 1988-I 1988

pages 223-224

Article available on lin e / Article dispon ible en lign e à l’adresse :

--- http://om.ciheam.org/article.php?ID PD F=CI011901

--- To cite th is article / Pou r citer cet article

--- Melero Vara J.M., D iaz R.M. Cotton seedlin g disease complex in An dalu cia. In : Braud M. (ed.), Campagne P. (ed.). Le coton en Méditerranée et au Moyen-Orient. Montpellier : CIHEAM, 1988. p. 223- 224 (Options Méditerranéennes : Série Etudes; n. 1988-I)





Atelier : Protection des cultures Cotton seedling disease complex in



Catedra de Patologia Vegetal - Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Agronomos - Universitad de Cordoba

Departamento de Próteccion Vegetal - Dirección General de Investigación Extension Agrarias - Junta de Andalucia - Cordoba


of the Even in by this disease '.

U.S. by cotton


to Council.

damping-off has been

of was a

lack of on

and etiology of that complex We of

aspects of the Spain.

of 1980-

1984. we inspected a total of 164

isolation of the pathogens involved in the disease complex.

The disease the

of post- in 96% of the fields inspected. Also, lack of

86% of the fields inspected

of 8.2%. of

seedling death exceeded 50% occasionally, but it was than 10%

of (6.6 -

9.4Oh). of

has been

including the occasional death of plants which had developed beyond


collapsed cotyledons in the absence of hypocotyl

a consistent lack of fungal

a n abiotic et-iology.

We also found a of

symptoms of the disease complex, which again is a n abiotic component in the

etiology of of

cotton seedlings in Andalucia.

~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~

CIHEAM - Options Mediterraneennes


affected of isolation, established hizoctonia solani as the most studies on

the etiology of of the

of of solani, to

belong to

solani, we to be

involved in the etiology of the cotton disease complex, namely

palmivore Al, Thielauiopsis basicola and Fusarium spp.

was isolated with low

symptomatic seedlings. We believe that the low a

of this pathogen in the disease complex, as it could be

damping-off. No

seedlings affected by damping-off.

of ultimum used in the

of to

induce a high incidence of the

of the host.

palmiuora two fields in

1984, a We


time as a pathogen of of


tests, indicating that it could be a potentially of the complex. These


isolates cause a,sudden death of the seedlings

T . basicola was isolated with low affected


of Fusarium mild symptoms, as well as

showed that most of t h e Fusarium

as pathogens of cotton seedlings as it is the a of i s o l a t e s of F . oxysporum, F . solani

ofF. equiseti, be

disease complex is

it is influence the disease in the complex. That is complicated by of pathogens involved.

is now


by 0349/81

of Education and Science.

CIHEAM - Options Mediterraneennes


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