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Project Terracert: a new paradigm in forest legislation for building efficient landscapes in municipalities within the Amazon/ Projeto


Academic year: 2021

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486 XXV IUFRO World Congress Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development

"B"' (Jacarei- SP), "C" (Belo Oriente- MG) e "[)" (Limeira- SP). Com base no ano 2017, realizou-se o dlculc1 Jn custo d'agua (R$itnn) atrnves da rela,;iio cntre o valor pago pelo uso J'agua e a tonelada de celulose proJuzida para cada empresa estudada. A empresa "A'' apresentou o menor custo, o qual atingiu R$ 0,55. enquanto a empresa


atingiu o maior valnr R$ 1.41. seguido pela empresa "D'' corn custos de RS 1.37. A difcrcnc;a no valor pode estar assnciada i, eficiencia na utilizac;an de agua entre as empresas. A empresa "A'' investiu na moderniza,;iio nas etapas de brnnqueamento, assim como investiu na reutilizai;iio de condensados de evaporac;ao, o que prnporcionnu redu<;oes de 50% e 30%, respectivameme, no consumo de agua durante o processo. Assim, empresas que utilizam tecnicas que favnrei;am a reutilizac;ao da agua podem diminuir n cuslo pelo uso desse recurs,, natural.

Project Terracert: a new paradigm in forest legislation for building efficient landscapes in municipalities within the Amazon/ Proje10 Terracerl: 11111 nova paradigma na l1?gis/a9aof!oresia/ para construir paisagens eficientes em 1111111icipios da Ama:611ia

Jaqueline Carvalho'. Rene Poccard', lvlarie Gabrielle Piketty', Jsahel Drigo', Mario Oliveira Gomes5, Pablo Pacheco'

1Prefcitura Ji11nicipal de Paragominas, Secretaria de Ass1111tos J11ridicas, Parago111i11as, Brasil; 'CIRAD, Parago111i11as. Brasil; 'CIRAD, Bvgota, Colombia: 'lnstir11to de Manejo e Certificariio Florestal e Agricola, Piracicaba, Brasil; 5£mbrapa Oriental. Parago111inas, Brasil; 'WrVF. Washington. USA(jaq11e/i11eadrn111bienral@gmail.co111; renepoccard@gmail.com: piketty@cirad.fr: isabel.drigo@gmail.co111; 11wrio.go111es@embrapa.br: pablo.pacheco@w11fgo1:)

A gestao florestal na Amaz6nia Brasileira alcarn;ou b,ms resultados nos {dtimos 15 anos, em tennos de combate ao desmatamemo. Em Paragominas, o conjunto de ac;Ms implementadas pela politica de comhate ao desmatamento obteve grande sucesso no seu controle, contudo, relerida politica nunca cnnsiderou a cfici�ncia da matriz 11orestal para produ,ao de servic;os ecossistemicos. Fragmentac;ao tlorestal. extrac;5o madeireira ilegal e incendios recorrentes causam degradac;5o florestal acelerada. acarretandn prejuizos ambientais bem superiores ao desmatamento, necessitando de adapta,oes na legislac;5o. Atualmente. ns produtores agricolas intensificam os sistemas de produc;iio. selecionando para isso, as areas de maior aptid5o agron6mica e abandonando as outras. A politica municipal de paisagem eficiente visa reordenar essas matrizes espaciais de uso agropecu:irin e de uso ftorestal. A canografia das aptidoes pennite delimitar areas prioritarias para servic;os ecossistemicos e outras para intensificac;5o agropecu:iria, sendo a base para uma lei municipal de microzoneamento. Referida lei define protocolos de recomposic;ao eficiente Ja paisagem para cada propriedade. A ades5o a esses protocolos


voluntaria. trazendo as seguintes vantagens ao produtor: acesso a credito para intensifica,5o, contabilizac;5o dos ativos ambientais ligados a restaura,5o em areas prioritarias, autorizac;iio de remo,ao da vegetac;ao nas areas de aptidiio para a proctu,iio. A competencia do municipio para a gestao florestal


limitada as t1nrestas secundarias. Para incluir no ordenamento todos os tipos de noresta, e assim, ganhar eficiencia. o municipio vem construindo dialogos nos niveis estaduais e federais. Esse projeto piloto


consmlido de forma a ser replicado em outras jurisdii;oes da regi5o amaz6nica.

Forest owner's preferences towards risk and uncertainty, and adaptation decisions towards climate change

Marielle Br11ne/fe1, .Varc Hanewinkel', Raso11/ fo11sefpo111�

'lnstit11r Naiio11a/ de la Recherche Agrono111ique .. Yancy, France: 'University offreibwg. Freibwg, Germany (marie/!e.bnmetre@inrafr: 111arc. ha11e11•i11kel@i/e.1111i:freibwg.de: raso11/.yvusefpo11r@ife.11ni-ji-eib11rg.de)

Natural disasters represent the main risk that European forest managers face. In addition. climate change increases the frequency and intensity of these disasters, introducing uncenaimy (in addition to risk) in the decision-making process. In this context, we focus on the forest manager's preferences towards risk and uncenainty, and also on their impact on adaptation decisions. More precisely, we propose to: i) quantify risk aversion and uncertain!\• aversion coefficients of forest managers; ii) observe the effect of the obtained cneflicients on the fact to adapt ( or not) and on the type of adaptation strategy: iii) compare forest managers

from France and Germany as regard to their preferences towards risk and uncertainty, and also as regard to their adaptation decisions. For that purpose, we realize a computerized survey sent by email in September 201 S to forest managers (private and public) in Grand-Est region in France and Baden-Wuntemberg in Germany The questionnaire is composed of four pans. The first and second pans are dedicated 10 the measurement of risk and uncertainty aversion through lonery choices. The third part is about climate change and adaptation. One question is about perception of climate change, and the others are related to the adaptation strategies implemented and those that the managers forecast to implemem in a near future. The adaptation strategies considered in the questionnaire are: plant genetically modified species, assist in tree regeneration. species mix, forest fertilization. harvesting age, thinning. forest insurance. and other measures. The last pan is dedicated to questions about socio-economics characteristics.

Multiple uncertainties require a change of conservation practices for saproxylic beetles in managed temperate forests

Andrey Lessa Derci A ugustync:ik'. Raso11/ Yo11sefpv11r1, k!arc Ha11ewi11kel'

'Universit1· of Fre1b111g, Freiburg, Gem1<111;· (andrey.lessa@i(e.1111i,freib111g.de: raso11/.yv11sefpo111·•',J;ife.1111i-freib111g.de; 111arc.hanewi11kel@ife.11ni-freib111g.de) In Europe. intensive forest management has severely compromised the habitat of forest insects. especially saproxylic beetles. due to the removal of deadwood and ,·eteran trees. The loss or insect divasity may disrupt ecosystem functioning and affect the pro,·ision of important ecosvstem goods and sen·ices in the future. Here \\·e propose a novel approach for the implementation of conservation policies. by optimallv allocating forest reserves and deadwood islands under multiple sources or uncenainty and minimizing economic risk. We use the saproxylic beetle l11ca1111s cen,11s as umbrella species. requiring that deadwood islands were spaced within its dispersal capacity. We show that current management and conservation practices are increasingly inefficient under changing environmental conditions and that the c,msideration of uncertainty requires a major expansion of cnnse1Tation areas Moreover, our results indicate that a strong diversification of mnnagem�nt regimes. with a focus on selection forest systems. is required to redw.:e economic risk of fi.)fl!St management. \Ve conclude that the integration of unce11ain1y into conservation planning may reduce the tradeoff between production and conservation objectives in forest landscapes and is

key to increase tht.! efficiency of forest m:::mageml!nt in the ruture


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