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We establish new existence results for the equilibrium of the abstract economies.

The constraint correspondences have the WCG property. This notion was pro- posed in 1998 by Ding and He [18]. Basically, our proofs are based on a continuous selection theorem for correspondences with WCG property. We use also Wu’s fixed point theorem (see [21]).

AMS 2000 Subject Classification: 91B52, 91B50, 91A80.

Key words: weakly convex graph, continuous selection, abstract economy, equili- brium.


In game theory, most authors studied the existence of equilibria for ab- stract economies with preferences represented as correspondences which have continuity properties. Thus, the results obtained by Shafer and Sonnenschein [15] concern economies with finite dimensional commodity space and prefe- rence correspondences having an open graph. Yannelis and Prahbakar [23]

used selection theorems and fixed-point theorems for correspondences with open lower sections defined on infinite dimensional strategy spaces. Then, a problem of great interest was to weaken the assumptions to lower semi- continuity. Yuan [25] developed an approximation method for economies with lower semi-continuous correspondences defined on locally convex spaces. Some authors developed the theory of continuous selections of correspondences and gave numerous applications in game theory. Michael’s selection theorem [12]

is well known and basic in many applications. Browder [4, 5] first used a conti- nuous selection theorem to prove the Fan-Browder fixed point theorem. Later, Yannelis and Prabhakar [23], Ben-El-Mechaiekh [2], Ding, Kim and Tan [7], Horvath [10], Wu [21], Park [14], Yu and Lin [24] and many others established several continuous selection theorems with applications.

Other general existence results appeared in the literature dealing with economies with upper semi-continuous correspondences representing the con- straints and preferrences of each agent. For example, Tan and Wu [17], Ding [6] obtained some results in this area.

MATH. REPORTS10(60),4 (2008), 359–373


In this paper, we use the concept of weakly convex graph for correspon- dences to show that an equilibrium for an abstract economy exists without continuity assumptions. This concept was proposed in 1998 by Ding and He [18] who obtained some new coincidence, best approximation and fixed point theorems for correspondences without compact convex values and continuity in topological vector spaces.

We introduce the notions of correspondences with the WCGS or e-WCGS property. Then, using a tehnique based on a continuous selection, we prove new equilibrium existence theorem for an abstract economy.

The paper is organized as follows Section 2 contains preliminaries and notation. The selection theorem is presented in Section 3. The equilibrium theorems are stated in Section 4 and their proofs are collected in Section 5.


Throughout this paper we shall use the following notation and definitions.

LetA be a subset of a topological spaceX.

1. 2A denotes the family of all subsets ofA.

2. clA denotes the closure of Ain X.

3. IfA is a subset of a vector space, coA denotes the convex hull of A.

4. IfF,T :A→2X are correspondences, then coT, clT,T∩F :A→2X are correspondences defined by (coT)(x) = coT(x), (clT)(x) = clT(x) and (T∩F)(x) =T(x)∩F(x) for eachx∈A, respectively.

5. The graph of T :X → 2Y is the set Gr(T) = {(x, y) ∈ X×Y |y ∈ T(x)}

6. The correspondence T is defined by T(x) = {y ∈ Y : (x, y) ∈ clX×YGrT} (the set clX×YGr(T) is called the adherence of the graph of T).

It is easy to see that clT(x)⊂T(x) for eachx∈X.

Lemma 1([25]). LetX be a topological space,Y a non-empty subset of a topological vector space E, ß a base of the neighborhoods of 0inEandA:X → 2Y.For each V ∈ß, let AV :X →2Y be defined by AV(x) = (A(x) +V)∩Y for each x ∈ X. If xb ∈ X and by ∈ Y are such that by ∈ T

V∈ßAV(x),b then yb∈A(bx).

Definition 1. Let X, Y be topological spaces andT :X →2Y a corres- pondence.

1. T is said to beupper semicontinuous if for eachx∈X and each open set V in Y with T(x) ⊂ V there exists an open neighborhood U of x in X such that T(x)⊂V for each y∈U.


2. T is said to belower semicontinuous if for eachx∈X and each open set V inY withT(x)∩V 6=∅ there exists an open neighborhoodU ofx inX such that T(y)∩V 6=∅ for each y∈U.

3. T is said to haveopen lower sections ifT−1(y) :={x∈X:y∈T(x)}

is open in X for each y∈Y.

Lemma 2 ([19]). Let X be a topological space, Y a topological linear space, and let A :X → 2Y be an upper semicontinuous correspondence with compact values. Assume that the sets C ⊂ Y and K ⊂ Y are closed and respectively compact. Then T :X→2Y defined byT(x) = (A(x) +C)∩K for all x∈X is upper semicontinuous.

Ding Xieping and He Yiran [18] proposed the concept of weakly convex graph for a correspondence.

Definition 2 ([18]). LetX be a nonempty convex subset of a topological vector space E andY a nonempty subset ofE. The correspondence T :X → 2Y is said to haveweakly convex graph(it is a WCG correspondence for short) if for each finite set {x1, x2, . . . , xn} ⊂X there existsyi ∈T(xi),i= 1,2, . . . , n, such that

(1.1) co({(x1, y1),(x2, y2), . . . ,(xn, yn)})⊂Gr(T).

Let ∆n−1 = n

1, λ2, . . . , λn) ∈Rn : Pn i=1

λi = 1, λi >0, i= 1,2, . . . , no be the standard (n−1)-dimensional simplex. Then relation (1.1) is equiva- lent to





λiyi ∈T n




, ∀(λ1, λ2, . . . , λn)∈σ.

It is clear that if either the graph Gr(T) is convex or T{T(x) :x∈X} 6=

∅, thenT has a weakly convex graph.

Remark 1. A WCG correspondence has non-empty values.

Remark 2. A WCG correspondence T : X → 2Y may not be convex- valued.

Example1. T1 : [0,2]→[0,2], T1(x) =

( [0,12]∪[32,2] ifx= 1,

[0,2−12x] ifx∈[0,2]\ {1}

is a WCG correspondence (since T

{T1(x) :x ∈[0,2]} ={0} 6=∅), but T1(1) is not convex and Gr(T1) is not convex either.

Remark3. A WCG correspondence may not enjoy topological properties.


Example 2. T2 : [0,2]→[0,2], T2(x) =

( [0,2] ifx∈[0,1],

{1} ifx∈(1,2] is a WCG correspondence, but it is not lower semicontinuous and it has not open lower sections.

Example 3. T3 : [0,2]→[0,2], T3(x) =

( {1} ifx∈[0,1],

[0,2] ifx∈(1,2] is a WCG correspondence, but it is not upper semicontinuous.

Example 4. T1 is not upper semicontinuous at x= 1.

Following Ding and He [18], we can formulate the selection theorem which we shall use to prove our equilibrium theorem.

Theorem 1. Let Y be a non-empty subset of a topological vector space E and K an (n−1)-dimensional simplex in a topological vector space F. Let T : K → 2Y be a WCG correspondence. Then T has a continuous selection on K.

Proof. Let a1, a2, . . . , an be the vertices af K. Since Gr(T) is weakly convex, there exist bi ∈T(ai), i= 1,2, . . . , n, such that





λibi ∈T n




for all (λ1, λ2, . . . , λn)∈∆n−1.

Define a mapping f :K →Y by (3.2) f









λibi∈T n




∀(λ1, λ2, . . . , λn)∈∆n−1.

We show that f is continuous. SinceK is a (n−1)-dimensional simplex with vertices a1, a2, . . . , an, there exist unique continuous functions λi : K → R, i = 1,2, . . . , n, such that for each x ∈ K we have (λ1(x), λ2(x), . . . , λn(x))∈

n−1 and x =




λi(x)ai. Hence f(x) ∈ T(x) for each x ∈K. Let (xm)m∈N

be a sequence which converges to x0 ∈ K, where xm =




λi(xm)ai and x0 =

Pn i=1

λi(x0)ai. It follows from the continuity of λi that λi(xm) → λi(x0) for each i = 1,2, . . . , n as m → ∞. Hence we must have f(xm) → f(x0) as m→ ∞,i.e., f is continuous.


Remark 4. Let T : X → 2Y be a WCG correspondence and X0 be a non-empty convex subset of X. Then the restriction T|X0 :X0 →2Y of T to X0 is a WCG correspondence, too.

Now, we introduce the definitions below.

Let I be an index set. For each i ∈ I, let Xi be a non-empty convex subset of a topological linear space Ei and denoteX = Q



Definition 3. Let Kibe a subset ofX. The correspondenceAi :X→2Xi is said to have the WCGS-property on Ki if there is a WCG correspondence Ti :Ki→2Xi such thatxi ∈/ Ti(x) and Ti(x)⊂Ai(x) for all x∈Ki.

Definition 4. Let Kibe a subset ofX. The correspondenceAi :X→2Xi is said to have the e-WCGS-property onKiif for each convex neighbourhood V of 0 inXithere is a WCG correspondenceTiV :Ki→2Xisuch thatxi ∈/TiV(x) and TiV(x)⊂Ai(x) +V for all x∈Ki.

To prove our theorems, we need

Theorem 2 ([21]). Let I be an index set. For each i ∈ I, let Xi be a nonempty convex subset of a Hausdorff locally convex topological vector space Ei, Dia non-empty compact metrizable subset of Xi,and Si, Ti:X :=



Xi →2Di two correspondences such that

(i) coSi(x)⊂Ti(x) and Si(x)6=∅for each x∈X;

(ii)Si is lower semicontinuous.

Then there exists a point x = Q


xi ∈D = Q


Di such that xi ∈ Ti(x) for each i∈I.


First, we present the model of an abstract economy and the definition of an equilibrium.

LetI be a non-empty set (the set of agents). For eachi∈I, letXi be a non-empty topological vector space representing the set of actions and define X := Q


Xi. Let Ai, Bi :X → 2Xi be the constraint correspondences and Pi the preference correspondence.

Definition 5. The family Γ = (Xi, Ai, Pi, Bi)i∈I is said to be anabstract economy.

Definition 6. Anequilibrium for Γ is defined as a pointx∈X such that xi∈Bi(x) and Ai(x,)∩Pi(x) =∅ for eachi∈I.


Remark 5. When Ai(x) = Bi(x) for all x ∈ X and each i ∈ I, this abstract economy model coincides with the classical one introduced by Borglin and Keiding [3]. If in addition, Bi(x) = clXiBi(x) for each x ∈ X, which is the case if Bi has a closed graph in X×Xi, the definition of an equilibrium coincides with that used by Yannelis and Prabhakar [23].

Yannelis and Prabhakar [23] proved the existence of equilibrium for ab- stract economies with the correspondences Ai and Pi having open lower sec- tions. They used a selection theorem for the correspondences Ai∩Pi, which also have open lower sections. Zhou [20] gave existence equilibrium theorems and the approach he adopted to prove these theorems is an extension of Yan- nelis and Prabhakar’s argument in [23]. When the strategy spaces are metri- zable, Theorems 5 and 6 in [20] are strict generalizations of the results of Shafer and Sonnenschein, Yannelis and Prabhakar.

The theorems we will state use the selection theorem mentioned in Sec- tion 3 and the same tehnique based on a continuous selection, as in [20] and [23]. We show the existence of equilibrium for an abstract economy without assuming the continuity of the constraint and preference correspondences Ai and Pi.

Since a WCG correspondence may fail to have continuity properties or convex values and has a continuous selection on a simplex, our results are related to the above mentioned theorems only through the tehnique of proof.

First, we prove a new equilibrium existence theorem for a noncompact abstract economy with constraint and preference correspondences Ai and Pi, which have the property that their intersection Ai ∩Pi contains an WCG selector on the domain Wi of Ai∩Pi and Wi must be a simplex.To find the equilibrium point, we use Wu’s fixed point theorem [21].

Theorem 3. Let Γ = (Xi, Ai, Pi, Bi)i∈I be an abstract economy, where I is a (possibly uncountable) set of agents such that for each i∈I:

(1) Xi is a non-empty convex set in a locally convex space Ei and there exists a compact subset Di of Xi containing all the values of the correspon- dences Ai, Pi and Bi such that D= Q


Di is metrizable;

(2) clBiis lower semicontinuous, has non-empty convex values andAi(x)

⊂Bi(x) for each x∈X;

(3)Wi ={x∈X|(Ai∩Pi) (x)6=∅}is an (ni−1)-dimensional simplex in X such that Wi ⊂coD;

(4)there exists a WCG correspondence Si :Wi →2Di such that Si(x)⊂ (Ai∩Pi) (x) for eachx∈Wi;

(5)xi ∈/ (Ai∩Pi)(x) for each x∈Wi.

Then there exists an equilibrium point x ∈D for Γ, i.e., xi ∈clBi(x) and Ai(x)∩Pi(x) =∅ for each i∈I.


Since a correspondence T :X →2Y with a convex graph or having the property that T{T(x) :x∈X} 6=∅ is a WCG correspondence, we obtain the following corollaries.

Corollary1. LetΓ = (Xi, Ai, Pi, Bi)i∈I be an abstract economy, where I is a (possibly uncountable) set of agents such that for each i∈I:

(1) Xi is a non-empty convex set in a locally convex space Ei and there exists a compact subset Di of Xi containing all the values of the correspon- dences Ai, Pi and Bi such that D= Q


Di is metrizable;

(2) clBiis lower semicontinuous, has non-empty convex values andAi(x)

⊂Bi(x) for each x∈X;

(3) Wi ={x∈X|(Ai∩Pi) (x)6=∅}is an(ni−1)-dimensional simplex in X such that Wi ⊂coD;

(4)there exists a correspondenceSi :Wi →2Di such thatSi has a convex graph and Si(x)⊂(Ai∩Pi) (x) for each x∈Wi;

(5)xi∈/ (Ai∩Pi)(x) for each x∈Wi.

Then there exists an equilibrium point x ∈D for Γ, i.e., xi ∈ clBi(x) and Ai(x)∩Pi(x) =∅ for each i∈I.

Corollary2. LetΓ = (Xi, Ai, Pi, Bi)i∈I be an abstract economy, where I is a (possibly uncountable) set of agents such that for each i∈I:

(1)Xi is a non-empty compact convex metrizable set in a locally convex space Ei;

(2) clBiis lower semicontinuous, has non-empty convex values andAi(x)

⊂Bi(x)for each x∈X;

(3) Wi ={x∈X |(Ai∩Pi) (x)6=∅} is an (ni−1)-dimensional simplex in X;

(4) there exists a correspondence Si : Wi → 2Xi with closed values such that Si has the property that for any finite set {x1, x2, . . . , xn} ⊂ X, Tn

i=1S(xi)6=∅ and Si(x)⊂(Ai∩Pi) (x) for each x∈Wi; (5)xi∈/ (Ai∩Pi)(x) for each x∈Wi.

Then there exists an equilibrium point x ∈ X for Γ, i.e., xi ∈ clBi(x) and Ai(x)∩Pi(x) =∅ for each i∈I.

To prove Theorem 4 we use an approximation method, to mean that we obtain a continuous selection fiVi of (Ai+Vi)∩Pi for each i ∈ I, where Vi is a convex neighborhood of 0 in Xi. For every V = Q


Vi, we obtain an equilibrium point for the associated approximate abstract economy ΓV = (Xi, Ai, Pi, BVi)i∈I, i.e., a point x ∈ X such that Ai(x) ∩Pi(x) = ∅ and xi ∈BVi(x),where the correspondenceBVi :X →2Xi is defined byBVi(x) = cl(Bi(x) +Vi)∩Xi for each x ∈X and eachi∈I. Finally, we use Lemma 1


to get an equilibrium point for Γ in X. The compactness assumption for Xi

is essential in the proof.

Theorem 4. Let Γ = (Xi, Ai, Pi, Bi)i∈I be an abstract economy, where I is a (possibly uncountable) set of agents such that for each i∈I:

(1)Xi is a non-empty compact convex set in a locally convex space Ei; (2) clBiis upper semicontinuous, hasnon-empty convex values and Ai(x)

⊂Bi(x) for each x∈X;

(3) the set Wi : = {x∈X|(Ai∩Pi) (x)6=∅} is non-empty, open and Ki = clWi is an (ni−1)-dimensional simplex in X ;

(4)for each convex neighbourhood V of 0in Xi, (Ai+V)∩Pi :Ki→2Xi is a WCG correspondence;

(5)xi ∈/ Pi(x) for each x∈Ki.

Then there exists an equilibrium point x∈X for Γ,i.e.,xi∈Bi(x)and Ai(x)∩Pi(x) =∅for each i∈I.

Theorem 5 uses the idea of Zhen’s Theorem 3.2 in [19]. These two re- sults differ by the nature of the correspondence selectors clBi. To find the equilibrium point, we use Wu’s fixed point theorem for correspondences clBi which are lower semicontinuous and we need a non-empty compact metrizable set Di inXi for each i∈I.The spaces Xi are not compact.

Theorem 5. Let Γ = (Xi, Ai, Pi, Bi)i∈I be an abstract economy, where I is a (possibly uncountable) set of agents such that for each i∈I:

(1)Xi is a non-empty convex set in a Hausdorff locally convex space Ei and there exists a nonempty compact metrizable subset Di of Xi containing all values of the correspondences Ai, Pi and Bi;

(2) clBi is lower semicontinuous with non-empty convex values;

(3)there exists an (ni−1)-dimensional simplex Ki in X and Wi:={x∈X|(Ai∩Pi) (x)6=∅} ⊂intX(Ki);

(4) clBi has the (WCGS)-property on Ki.

Then there exists an equilibrium point x ∈ D for Γ, i.e., xi ∈ clBi(x) and Ai(x)∩Pi(x) =∅ for each i∈I.

Theorem 6 follows the idea of Zheng’s Theorem 3.1 in [19], but the corres- pondences clBi have e-WCGS property on a simplexKi inX which contains the domain of Ai∩Pi.The setsXi are non-empty, compact, convex in locally convex spacesEi.As in Theorem 4, we first obtain an equilibrium for ΓV,and the proof then coincides with the proof of Theorem 4.

Theorem 6. Let Γ = (Xi, Ai, Pi, Bi)i∈I be an abstract economy, where I is a (possibly uncountable) set of agents such that for each i∈I:

(1)Xi is a non-empty compact convex set in a locally convex space Ei;


(2) clBi is upper semicontinuous with non-empty convex values;

(3) the set Wi : = {x∈X|(Ai∩Pi) (x)6=∅} is open and there exists an (ni−1)-dimensional simplex Kiin X such that Wi⊂intX(Ki);

(4) clBi has the e-WCGS-property on Ki.

Then there exists an equilibrium point x∈X for Γ, i.e., xi ∈Bi(x) and Ai(x)∩Pi(x) =∅for each i∈I.


Proof of Theorem 3. Let i∈ I. It follows from assumption (4) and the selection theorem that there exists a continuous function fi :Wi → Di such that fi(x)∈Si(x)⊂Ai(x)∩Pi(x)⊂Bi(x) for each x∈Wi.

Define the correspondenceTi :X →2Di by

Ti(x) :=

( {fi(x)} ifx∈Wi, clBi(x) ifx /∈Wi;

Ti is lower semicontinuous onX. LetV be an closed subset of Xi. Then U :={x∈X|Ti(x)⊂V}={x∈Wi|Ti(x)⊂V} ∪ {x∈X\Wi|Ti(x)⊂V}

={x∈Wi |fi(x)∈V} ∪ {x∈X|clBi(x)⊂V}

= (fi−1(V)∩Wi)∪ {x∈X|clBi(x)⊂V}.

U is a closed set becauseWiis closed,fiis a continuous map on intXKiand the set{x∈X|clBi(x)⊂V}is closed since clBiis l.s.c. LetD= Q


Di.Then by Tychonoff’s theorem,Dis compact in the convex setX. By Theorem 2 (Wu’s fixed-point theorem) applied to the correspondencesSi =TiandTi:X →2Di, there exists x ∈ D such that xi ∈ Ti(x) for each i ∈ I. If x ∈ Wi for some i ∈ I, then xi = fi(x), which is a contradiction. Therefore, x /∈ Wi, hence (Ai∩Pi)(x) = ∅. Also, for each i ∈ I, we have xi ∈ Ti(x), and then xi∈clBi(x).

Remark 6. In Theorem 3, the correspondencesAi∩Pi don’t verify con- tinuity assumptions and do not have convex or compact values.

Remark 7. In assumption (3),Wi must be a proper subset ofX. In fact, if Wi =Xi then, by applying Himmelberg’s fixed point theorem to Q


fi(x), where fi is a continuous selection of Si ⊂ Ai ∩Pi, we can get a fixed point x∈ Q


(Ai∩Pi)(x), which contradicts assumption (5).


Proof of Corollary 1. Since a correspondence with a convex graph is a WCG correspondence, Si verifies assumption (4) from Theorem 3, so that we can apply this theorem.

Proof of Corollary 2. Xis a compact space and for each i∈I the closed sets Si(x), x ∈X have the finite intersection property. Then T{Si(x) : x ∈ X} 6=∅. It follows thatSiis a WCG correspondence and the conclusion comes from Theorem 3.

Proof of Theorem 4. For each i ∈ I, let ßi denote the family of all open convex neighborhoods of zero in Ei. Let V = (Vi)i∈I ∈ Q


ßi. Since (Ai +Vi)∩Pi is a WCG correspondence on Ki, from the selection theorem there exists a continuous function fiVi :Ki →Xi such that

fiVi(x)∈(Ai(x) +Vi)∩Pi(x)⊂(Ai(x) +Vi)∩Xi.

for each x ∈ Ki. It follows that fiVi(x) ∈ cl(Bi(x) +Vi) for x ∈ Ki. Since Xi is compact, cl(Bi(x)) is compact for every x ∈ X and cl(Bi(x) +Vi) = cl(Bi(x)) + clVi for everyVi ⊂Ei.

Define the correspondenceTiVi :X →2Xi, by TiVi(x) :=

( {fiVi(x)} ifx∈intXK=Wi, cl(Bi(x) +Vi)∩Xi ifx∈X\intXKi.

The correspondence BVi :X →2Xi, defined by BVi(x) := cl(Bi(x) +Vi)∩Xi is u.s.c. by Lemma 2. Then reasoning as in the proof of Theorem 3, we can prove that TiVi is upper semicontinuous on X and has closed convex values.

Define TV :X →2X by TV(x) := Q


TiVi(x) for each x∈ X. TV is an upper semicontinuous correspondence and also has non-empty convex closed values. SinceXis a compact convex set, by Fan’s fixed-point theorem [8], there exists xV ∈X such that xV ∈TV(xV), i.e., for each i∈I, (xV)i ∈TiVi(xV).

We clain thatxV ∈X\S


intXKi.Indeed, ifxV ∈intXKi,(xV)i ∈TiVi(xV) = fi(xV) ∈ ((Ai(xV) +Vi)∩Pi)(xV) ⊂ Pi(xV), which contradicts assumption (5). Hence (xV)i ∈cl(Bi(xV) +Vi)∩Xi and (Ai∩Pi)(xV) =∅,i.e. xV ∈QV where

QV =\


{x∈X:xi∈cl(Bi(x) +Vi)∩Xi and (Ai∩Pi)(x) =∅}.

Since Wi is open, QV is the intersection of non-empty closed sets, then it is non-empty, closed in X. Let us prove that the family


QV :V ∈ Q



o has the finite intersection property. Let {V(1), V(2), . . . , V(n)} be any finite set of




ßi and let V(k) = (Vi(k))i∈I, k= 1, . . . , n. For each i∈I, let Vi = Tn k=1

Vi(k). Then Vi ∈ ßi, thus, V = (Vi)i∈I ∈ Q


ßi. Clearly, QV ⊂ Tn


QV(k) so that




QV(k) 6=∅.

Since X is compact and the family n

QV : V ∈ Q




has the finite intersection property, we haveTn

QV :V ∈ Q



6=∅.Take anyx∈T{QV : V ∈ Q


ßi}.Then xi ∈cl(Bi(x) +Vi)∩Xi and (Ai∩Pi)(x) =∅for each i∈I and each Vi ∈ ßi, but then xi ∈cl(Bi(x)) by Lemma 3 and (Ai∩Pi)(x) =∅ for each i∈I, so that x is an equilibrium point of Γ inX.

Proof of Theorem 5. Since clBi has the WCGS property on Ki, there exists a WCG correspondence Fi : X → 2Di such that Fi(x) ⊂clBi(x) and xi ∈/ Fi(x) for eachx ∈Ki. Note that Ki is an (ni−1)-dimensional simplex.

By the selection theorem, there exists a continuous function fi : Ki → Di

such that fi(x) ∈Fi(x) for eachx ∈Ki.Because xi ∈/ Fi(x) for eachx ∈Ki, we have xi6=fi(x) for each x∈Ki.

Define the correspondenceTi :X →2Di, by Ti(x) :=

( {fi(x)} ifx∈Ki, clBi(x) ifx /∈Ki;

Ti is lower semicontinuous onX and has closed convex values.

LetU be a closed subset of Xi. Then

U0 :={x∈X|Ti(x)⊂U}={x∈Ki|Ti(x)⊂U} ∪ {x∈X\Ki |Ti(x)⊂U}

={x∈Ki|fi(x, y)∈U} ∪ {x∈X |clBi(x)⊂U}

= ((fi)−1(U)∩Ki)∪ {x∈X |clBi(x)⊂U}.

U0 is a closed set because Ki is closed, fi is a continuous map on Ki and the set {x∈X |clBi(x)⊂U} is closed since clBi(x) is l.s.c. Then Ti is lower semicontinuous on X and has non-empty closed convex values.

By Theorem 2 (Wu’s fixed-point theorem) applied to the correspondences Si = Ti and Ti :X → 2Di, there exists x ∈ D such that xi ∈ Ti(x) for each i∈I. Ifx∈Wi for somei∈I, then xi=fi(x), which is a contradiction.

Therefore, x /∈Wi, hence (Ai∩Pi)(x) =∅. Also, for each i∈I we have xi∈Ti(x), and then xi ∈clBi(x).


Proof of Theorem 6. For each i∈I, let ßi denote the family of all open convex neighborhoods of zero inEi.LetV = (Vi)i∈I ∈ Q


ßi.Since clBihas the e-WCGS property on Ki, there exists a WCG correspondence FiVi :X→2Xi such that FiVi(x)⊂clBi(x) +Vi andxi∈/ FiVi(x) for each x∈Ki.

Ki is an (ni−1)-dimensional simplex. Then, by the selection theorem, there exists a continuous function fiVi :Ki → Xi such that fiVi(x) ∈FiVi(x) for eachx∈Ki.Becausexi∈/ FiVi(x) for eachx∈Ki,we havexi 6=fiVi(x) for each x∈Ki.

Define the correspondenceTiVi :X →2Xi by TiVi(x) :=

( {fiVi(x)} ifx∈intXKi, cl(Bi(x) +Vi)∩Xi ifx∈X\intXKi.

Here, BVi :X→2Xi, BVi(x) = cl(Bi(x) +Vi)∩Xi = (clBi(x) + clVi)∩Xi is upper semicontinuous by Lemma 2.

LetU be an open subset of Xi. Then U0 :={x∈X |TiVi(x)⊂U}

={x∈intXKi |TiVi(x)⊂U} ∪ {x∈X\intXKi |TiVi(x)⊂U}


x∈intXKi|fiVi(x, y)∈U ∪

x∈X |(clBi(x) +Vi)∩Xi ⊂U

= ((fiVi)−1(U)∩intKKi)∪

x∈X|(clBi(x) +Vi)∩Xi⊂U .

U0 is an open set because intXKi is open, fiVi is a continuous map on Ki and the set{x∈X |(clBi(x) + clVi)∩Xi ⊂U}is open since (clBi(x) + clVi)∩Xi is u.s.c. ThenTiVi is upper semicontinuous onXand has closed convex values.

Define TV :X → 2X by TV(x) := Q


TiVi(x) for each x ∈X; TV is an upper semicontinuous correspondence and has also non-empty convex closed values. Since X is a compact convex set, by Fan’s fixed-point theorem [8], there exists xV ∈ X such that xV ∈ TV(xV), i.e., (xV)i ∈ TiVi(xV) for each i ∈ I. If xV ∈ intXKi, (xV)i = fiVi(xV), which is a contradiction. Hence (xV)i∈cl(Bi(xV) +Vi)∩Xi and (Ai∩Pi)(xV) =∅,i.e., xV ∈QV where

QV =\


{x∈X :xi ∈cl(Bi(x) +Vi)∩Xi and (Ai∩Pi)(x) =∅}.

Since Wi is open, QV is the intersection of non-empty closed sets, so it is non-empty, closed in X.

We now prove that the family n

QV : V ∈ Q



has the finite inter- section property. Let {V(1), V(2), . . . , V(n)} be any finite set of Q


ßi and let


V(k)= (Vi(k))i∈I,k= 1, . . . , n.For eachi∈I, let Vi = Tn k=1

Vi(k). Then Vi ∈ßi, thusV = (Vi)i∈I∈ Q






QV(k) so that




QV(k) 6=∅.Since Xis compact and the familyn

QV :V ∈ Q



has the finite intersection prop- erty, we have Tn

QV :V ∈ Q



6= ∅. Take any x ∈ Tn

QV : V ∈ Q


ßio . Then xi ∈ cl(Bi(x) +Vi)∩Xi and (Ai∩Pi)(x) = ∅ for each i ∈ I and each Vi ∈ ßi, but then xi ∈ cl(Bi(x)) by Lemma 3 and (Ai∩Pi)(x) = ∅ for each i∈I, so thatx is an equilibrium point of Γ inX.

Example5. This is an example of an abstract economy with finite number of agents where Theorem 3 is applicable. Let Γ = (Xi, Ai, Pi, Bi)i∈I be an abstract economy, where I = {1,2, . . . , n} is a finite set of agents such that Xi = [0,4] for each i∈I is a compact convex choice set, X := Q


Xi and the correspondences Ai, Pi, Bi :X→2Xi are defined as

Ai(x) =

( [2,3−21ixi] ifx∈M, [0,12]∪[2,4] ifx∈X−M,

Pi(x) =





[2,3] ifx∈M,

[0,12]∪[2,4] ifx= (1,1, . . . ,1),

{2} ifx∈W \(M ∪ {(1,1. . . ,1)}),

∅ otherwise,

Bi(x) =Xi for each x∈X.

Here, W is the simplex with vertices (0,0, . . . ,0),(3,0, . . . ,0),(0,3,0, . . . ,0),and (0,0, . . . ,0,3) inX and M = Q


[0,1). Then we have

(Ai∩Pi)(x) =





[2,3− 1

2ixi] ifx∈M,

[0,12]∪[2,4] ifx= (1,1, . . . ,1),

{2} ifx∈W \(M∪ {(1,1, . . . ,1)}),

∅ otherwise.

It is easy to show that Ai ∩Pi is not lower semi-continuous or upper semi-cotinuous on X, has not convex values but, since 2 ∈ T


S(x), Ai∩Pi is a WCG correspondence on W. Note that xi ∈/ (Ai∩Pi)(x) for each x ∈ X. Clearly, clBi is lower semicontinuous, has non-empty convex values and


Ai(x) ⊂ Bi(x) for each x ∈ X. Then the assumptions of Theorem 3 are satisfied, so we can obtain an equilibrium point x = (72,72, . . . ,72) ∈X for Γ such that, xi ∈clBi(x) andAi(x)∩Pi(x) =∅ for each i∈I.


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Received 16 June 2008 University of Bucharest

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Str. Academiei 14

014700 Bucharest, Romania monica.patriche@yahoo.com


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