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Cut locus and optimal synthesis in the sub-riemannian problem on the group of motions of a plane


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DOI:10.1051/cocv/2010005 www.esaim-cocv.org


Yuri L. Sachkov


Abstract. The left-invariant sub-Riemannian problem on the group of motions (rototranslations) of a plane SE(2) is considered. In the previous works [Moiseev and Sachkov, ESAIM: COCV, DOI:

10.1051/cocv/2009004; Sachkov,ESAIM: COCV, DOI: 10.1051/cocv/2009031], extremal trajectories were defined, their local and global optimality were studied. In this paper the global structure of the exponential mapping is described. On this basis an explicit characterization of the cut locus and Maxwell set is obtained. The optimal synthesis is constructed.

Mathematics Subject Classification.49J15, 93B29, 93C10, 53C17, 22E30.

Received May 28, 2009.

Published online March 24, 2010.

1. Introduction

This work completes the study of the left-invariant sub-Riemannian problem on the group of motions of a plane SE(2) = R2SO(2) started in [7,10]. In visual geometric terms, this problem can be stated as follows:

given two unit vectorsv0= (cosθ0,sinθ0),v1= (cosθ1,sinθ1) attached respectively at two given points (x0, y0), (x1, y1) in the plane, one should find an optimal motion in the plane that transfers the vectorv0to the vectorv1, see Figure1. The vector can move forward or backward and rotate simultaneously. The required motion should be optimal in the sense of minimal length in the space (x, y, θ), whereθis the slope of the moving vector.

The corresponding optimal control problem reads as follows:

x˙ =u1cosθ, y˙=u1sinθ, θ˙=u2, (1.1) q= (x, y, θ)∈M =R2x,y×Sθ1, u= (u1, u2)R2, (1.2) q(0) =q0= (0,0,0), q(t1) =q1= (x1, y1, θ1), (1.3) l=



u21+u22dtmin, (1.4)

Keywords and phrases.Optimal control, sub-Riemannian geometry, differential-geometric methods, left-invariant problem, group of motions of a plane, rototranslations, cut locus, optimal synthesis.

The author is partially supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Project No. 09-01-00246-a, and by the Program of Presidium of Russian Academy of Sciences “Mathematical control theory”.

1 Program Systems Institute, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Russia.sachkov@sys.botik.ru

Article published by EDP Sciences c EDP Sciences, SMAI 2010




= ( x


, y


, θ



x y

θ q


= ( x


, y


, θ



Figure 1. Problem statement.

or, equivalently,

J = 1 2



(u21+u22) dt→min. (1.5)

This problem has important relations to vision [4,8,9], robotics [6], and diffusion equation on SE(2) [2].

Notice that before this work a global description of the cut locus and optimal synthesis was known for left-invariant sub-Riemannian problems on the following Lie groups only: the Heisenberg group (Vershik and Gershkovich [11]), and SO(3), SU(2)=S3, SL(2) (Boscain and Rossi [3]).

First we recall the main results of the previous works [7,10]. In paper [7] the normal Hamiltonian system of Pontryagin Maximum Principle was written in a triangular form in appropriate coordinates on cotangent bundleTM, so that its vertical subsystem takes the form of mathematical pendulum:

γ˙ =c, c˙=sinγ, (γ, c)∈C∼= (2Sγ1)×Rc, (1.6) x˙ = sinγ

2cosθ, y˙= sinγ

2 sinθ, θ˙=cosγ

2· (1.7)

The phase cylinder of pendulum (1.6) decomposes into invariant subsets according to values of the energy E=c2/2−cosγ:

C= 5 i=1


C1={λ∈C|E∈(1,1)}, (1.8)

C2={λ∈C|E∈(1,+∞)}, (1.9)

C3={λ∈C|E= 1, c= 0}, (1.10)

C4={λ∈C|E=1}={(γ, c)∈C|γ= 2πn, c= 0}, (1.11) C5={λ∈C|E= 1, c= 0}={(γ, c)∈C|γ=π+ 2πn, c= 0}. (1.12)


In the subsetsC1,C2,C3 elliptic coordinates (ϕ, k) that rectify the flow of the pendulum were introduced: ϕis the phase, andka reparameterized energy of pendulum (1.6):


(E+ 1)/2 inC1∪C3, k=

2/(E+ 1) inC2.

The Hamiltonian system (1.6), (1.7) was integrated in Jacobi’s functions [12]. The equation of pendulum (1.6) has a discrete group of symmetriesG={Id, ε1, . . . , ε7}=Z2×Z2×Z2 generated by reflections in the axes of coordinatesγ,c, and translations (γ, c)→(γ+ 2π, c). Reflectionsεiare symmetries of the exponential mapping

Exp : N=R+→M, Exp(λ, t) =qt. The main result of work [7] is an upper bound on cut time

tcut= sup{t1>0|qs is optimal fors∈[0, t1]}

along extremal trajectoriesqs. It is based on the fact that a sub-Riemannian geodesic cannot be optimal after a Maxwell point,i.e., a point where two distinct geodesics of equal sub-Riemannian length meet one another.

A natural idea is to look for Maxwell points corresponding to discrete symmetries of the exponential mapping.

For each extremal trajectory qs = Exp(λ, s), we described Maxwell times tnεi(λ), i = 1, . . . ,7, n = 1,2, . . ., corresponding to discrete symmetriesεi. The following upper bound was proved in work [7]:

tcut(λ)t(λ), λ∈C, (1.13)

where t(λ) = min(t1εi(λ)) is the first Maxwell time corresponding to the group of symmetries G. We recall the explicit definition of the function t(λ) below in equations (2.1)–(2.5).

In work [10], the local optimality of sub-Riemannian geodesics was completely characterized. Extremal trajectories corresponding to oscillating pendulum (i.e., to λ∈C1) do not have conjugate points, thus they are locally optimal forever. In the case of rotating pendulum (λ∈ C2) the first conjugate time is bounded from below and from above by the first Maxwell timest1ε2 andt1ε5 respectively. For critical values of energy of the pendulum, there are no conjugate points. As a consequence, the following bound was proved in Theorem 2.5 [10]:

t(λ)≤tconj1 (λ), λ∈C. (1.14)

Also, in work [10] the global optimality of geodesics was studied. We constructed open dense domains in preimage and image of exponential mapping and proved that the exponential mapping transform these strata diffeomorphically. As a consequence, we showed that inequality (1.13) is in fact an equality.

In this work we obtain our further results for problem (1.1)–(1.5). We consider in detail the action of the exponential mapping at the boundary of the 3-dimensional diffeomorphic domains. This boundary is decomposed into smooth strata of dimension 2, 1, 0 so that restriction of exponential mapping to these strata is a diffeomorphism (Sect.2). These results provide a detailed description of the global structure of the exponential mapping (Thm.3.1). The optimal synthesis is constructed in Theorem3.2.

In Theorems3.4and3.5we characterize the global structure of the Maxwell set (the set of pointsq1connected by more than one optimal trajectory with the initial pointq0), and the cut locus (the set of points where extremal trajectories lose optimality). For each point of the Maxwell set there are exactly two optimal trajectories. The cut locus has three connected components Cut+loc, Cutloc, and Cutglob. The initial point q0 is contained in the closure of the local components Cut±loc, and is separated from the global component Cutglob. The global component admits a simple description:

Cutglob={q= (x, y, θ)∈M =π},


while the local components are subsets of the Moebius strip:

Cut±loc⊂ {q= (x, y, θ)∈M |xcos(θ/2) +ysin(θ/2) = 0}

defined by some inequalities, see Theorem 3.5. Embedding of the cut locus in the solid torus is shown at Figure18.

In Section4 we present explicit optimal solutions for special boundary conditions.

2. Structure of exponential mapping at the boundary of open strata

We recall some more definitions and notation introduced in the previous works [7,10]. The function t : C (0,+] on the phase cylinder of pendulum (2S1γ)×Rc=C=5i=1Ci that evaluates the cut time along sub-Riemannian geodesics Exp(λ, t),t∈C, is defined as follows:

λ∈C1 t(λ) = 2K(k), (2.1)

λ∈C2 t(λ) = 2kp11(k), (2.2)

λ∈C3 t(λ) = +∞, (2.3)

λ∈C4 t(λ) =π, (2.4)

λ∈C5 t(λ) = +∞, (2.5)

where p11(k) is the first positive root of the equation cnp(E(p)−p)− dnpsnp = 0. Here and below we use Jacobi’s functions cn, sn, dn, E, and the complete elliptic integral of the first kindK [12]. Further,

M=M \ {q0},

N ={(λ, t)∈N |t≤t(λ)}, Ni=Ci×R+, i= 1, . . . ,5,

N ={(λ, t)∈ ∪3i=1Ni|t <t(λ), snτ cnτ = 0},

N={(λ, t)∈ ∪3i=1Ni|t=t(λ) or snτ cnτ = 0} ∪N4∪N5, N4=N∩N4,

M ={q∈M |R1(q)R2(q) sinθ= 0}, M={q∈M |R1(q)R2(q) sinθ= 0}, where



2, R2=xcosθ

2 +ysinθ 2·

Along with the coordinates (k, ϕ, t), we use in the domainsN1,N2,N3 also the coordinates (k, p, τ):

(λ, t)∈N1∪N3 τ = (2ϕ+t)/2, p=t/2, (λ, t)∈N2 τ= (2ϕ+t)/(2k), p=t/(2k).

In work [10] we proved that Exp : N →M is a diffeomorphism, and that Exp(N)⊂M. In this section we describe the action of the exponential mapping

Exp : N=N \N →M=M\M.


2.1. Decomposition of the set N

Consider the following subsets of the setN:

Ncut={(λ, t)∈N |t=t(λ)}, (2.6)

Nconj={(λ, t)∈N2|t=t(λ), snτ = 0}, (2.7) NMax=Ncut\Nconj, Nrest=N\Ncut.

The meaning of the subscripts in Ncut, Nconj, NMax, and Nrest is the following: we will show that Exp(Ncut) is the cut locus, Exp(NMax) is the first Maxwell set, Exp(Nconj) is the intersection of the cut locus with the conjugate locus (caustic), and Exp(Nrest) has no special meaning in this problem (so it contains all the rest strata), see Theorem3.4. We have the following decompositions:

N =NN, N=NcutNrest, Ncut=NMaxNconj, (2.8) here and below we denote bythe union of disjoint sets.

In order to study the structure of the exponential mapping at the setN, we need a further decomposition into subsetsNi,i= 1, . . . ,58, defined by Table1.

Images of the projections

Ni∩ {t <t(λ), snτ cnτ = 0} → {p= 0}, (k, τ, p)(k, τ,0), Ni∩ {t=t(λ)} → {p= 0}, (k, τ, p)(k, τ,0),

are shown respectively in Figures2 and3.

Table1 provides a definition of the setsNi, e.g., the second column of this table means that N1 ={(λ, t)∈N |λ∈C10, τ (0, K), p=K, k∈(0,1)}.

Here we use the following decomposition of the sets Ci into connected components:

C1=1i=0C1i, C1i ={(γ, c)∈C1|sgn(cos(γ/2)) = (−1)i}, i= 0,1, C2=C2+∪C2, C2± ={(γ, c)∈C2|sgnc=±1},


C3 ={(γ, c)∈C3|sgn(cos(γ/2)) = (−1)i, sgnc=±1}, i= 0,1, C4=1i=0C4i, C4i ={(γ, c)∈C|γ= 2πi, c= 0}, i= 0,1,

C5=1i=0C5i, C5i ={(γ, c)∈C|γ=π+ 2πi, c= 0}, i= 0,1.

Introduce the following index sets for numeration of the subsetsNi:

I={1, . . . ,58}, C={1, . . . ,34}, J ={26,28,30,32}, (2.9)

R={35, . . . ,58}, X=C\J. (2.10)

Notice thatI=CR,J ⊂C.

Lemma 2.1.

(1) We have Ni∩Nj= for any distincti, j∈I.


Table 1. Definition of setsNi.

Ni N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8

λ C10 C10 C10 C10 C11 C11 C11 C11

τ (0, K) (K,2K) (2K,3K) (3K,4K) (0, K) (K,2K) (2K,3K) (3K,4K)

p K K K K K K K K

Ni N9 N10 N11 N12 N13 N14 N15 N16

λ C2+ C2+ C2+ C2+ C2 C2 C2 C2

τ (3K,4K) (0, K) (K,2K) (2K,3K) (−3K,−2K) (−2K,−K) (−K,0) (0, K) p p11 p11 p11 p11 p11 p11 p11 p11

Ni N17 N18 N19 N20 N21 N22 N23 N24 N25 N26 N27 N28 N29 N30

λ C10 C10 C10 C10 C11 C11 C11 C11 C2+ C2+ C2+ C2+ C2 C2

τ 0 K 2K 3K 0 K 2K 3K 3K 0 K 2K K 2K

p K K K K K K K K p11 p11 p11 p11 p11 p11

Ni N31 N32 N35 N36 N37 N38 N39 N40 N41 N42

λ C2 C2 C10 C10 C10 C10 C11 C11 C11 C11

τ −K 0 0 K 2K 3K 0 K 2K 3K

p p11 p11 (0, K) (0, K) (0, K) (0, K) (0, K) (0, K) (0, K) (0, K) Ni N47 N48 N49 N50 N51 N52 N53 N54

λ C30+ C30 C31+ C31 C2+ C2+ C2+ C2+

τ 0 0 0 0 3K 0 K 2K

p (0,+) (0,+) (0,+) (0,+) (0, p11) (0, p11) (0, p11) (0, p11) Ni N55 N56 N57 N58

λ C2 C2 C2 C2

τ K −2K −K 0

p (0, p11) (0, p11) (0, p11) (0, p11) Ni N33 N34 N43 N44 N45 N46

λ C40 C41 C40 C41 C50 C51

t π π (0, π) (0, π) (0,+∞) (0,+∞)

(2) There are the following decompositions of subsets of the setN:

Ncut=i∈CNi, Nconj=i∈JNi, Nrest=i∈RNi, thus

NMax=i∈XNi, (2.11)

N=i∈INi. (2.12)

Proof. Both statements (1) and (2) follow directly from Table1, definitions of the setsN, NMax, Ncut, Nconj,

Nrest, and decompositions (2.8).



N38 N36




N55 N58



N43 N42 N40




N57 N56


N48 N50



N46 γ


Figure 2. Ni∩ {t <t(λ),snτ cnτ = 0}.





N20 N18


N3 N19

N26 N10



N29 N16 N32 N15



N17 N8 N21 N5

N33 N24 N22


N7 N23

N28 N12



N31 N14 N30 N13

γ c

Figure 3. Ni∩ {t=t(λ)}.

2.2. Exponential mapping of the sets N


, N


, N


, N

52 2.2.1. Exponential mapping of the set N35

In order to describe the image Exp(N35 ), we will need the following function:

R21(θ) = 2(artanh(sin(θ/2))sin(θ/2)), θ∈[0, π). (2.13)


0 π



Figure 4. Plot ofR1=R21(θ).

0 π 2 p

k n2




1 N35

Figure 5. DomainN35 .

π 2πθ







Figure 6. Domain M35 .

It is obvious thatR21∈C[0, π),R21(0) = 0,R21(θ)>0 forθ∈(0, π), limθ→π−0R21(θ) = +∞, and dR21

dθ (0) = 0. (2.14)

A plot of the functionR21(θ) is given at Figure4.

Define the following subset of the setM, see Figures 6and14:

M35 ={q∈M |θ∈(π,2π), R1(0, R21(2π−θ)), R2= 0}.

Lemma 2.2. The mapping Exp : N35 →M35 is a diffeomorphism of 2-dimensional manifolds.

To be more precise, we state that Exp(N35 ) = M35 and Exp|N

35 is a diffeomorphism of the manifoldN35

onto the manifoldM35 . Below we will write such statements briefly as in Lemma2.2.

Proof. Formulas (5.2)–(5.6) [7] imply that in the domainN35 we have the following:

sin(θ/2) = snp , cos(θ/2) =cnp , (2.15)

R1= 2(pE(p))/k, R2= 0. (2.16)


By Theorem 2.5 [10] (see (1.14)), the restriction Exp|N

35 is nondegenerate. Thus the set Exp(N35 ) is an open connected domain in the 2-dimensional manifold

S={q∈M |θ∈(π,2π), R1>0, R2= 0}.

On the other hand, the set N35 is an open connected simply connected domain in the 2-dimensional manifold T == (λ, t)∈N1= 0, p(0, K), k(0,1)}.

In the topology ofT, we have

∂N35 =4i=1ni,

n1={ν∈N1 = 0, p= 0, k[0,1]}, n2={ν∈N1 = 0, p[0, π/2], k= 0}, n3={ν∈N1 = 0, p=K(k), k∈[0,1)}, n4={ν∈N1 = 0, p[0,+∞), k= 1]}, see Figure5.

It follows from formulas (2.15) and (2.16) that

Exp(n1) =m1={q∈M = 2π, R1= 0, R2= 0}, Exp(n2) =m2={q∈M |θ∈[π,2π], R1= 0, R2= 0}, Exp(n3) =m3={q∈M =π, R1>0, R2= 0},

Exp(n4) =m4={q∈M |θ∈[π,2π], R1=R21(2π−θ), R2= 0}, moreover,∂M35 =4i=1mi, see Figure6.

Now we show that Exp(N35 )⊂M35 and Exp : N35 →M35 is a diffeomorphism.

(a) We show that Exp(N35 )∩M35 =∅. Formulas (2.15) and (2.16) give the following asymptotics ask→0:

θ= 2π2p+o(1), R1=k(p/2−(sin 2p)/4) +o(k).

There exists (p, k) close to (π/2,0) such that the corresponding point (θ, R1) is arbitrarily close to (0,0), with θ >0,R1>0. Thus there existsν∈N35 such that Exp(ν)∈M35 .

(b) We show that Exp(N35 )=S. Formulas (2.15) and (2.16) yield the following chain:

θ→0 snp 0 p→0 R10.

Thus there exists q∈S\Exp(N35 ).

(c) We prove that Exp(N35 )⊂M35 . By contradiction, suppose that there exists a pointq1Exp(N35 )\M35 . Since the mapping Exp|N

35 is nondegenerate, we can choose this point such thatq1Exp(N35 )\cl(M35 ).

Choose any point q2 S \cl(M35 ). Connect the points q1, q2 by a continuous curve in S, and find at this curve a point q3 S\Exp(N35 ), q3 ∈/ cl(M35 ) such that there exists a converging sequence qn q3, qn = Exp(νn) Exp(N35 ). Further, there exist a subsequence νni N35 converging to a finite or infinite limit. If νni →ν¯ N35 , then q3 = Exp(¯ν)∈ int Exp(N35 ) by nondegeneracy of Exp|N

35, a contradiction. If νni →ν¯∈∂N35 , then

q3= Exp(¯ν)∈Exp(∂N35 ) =∂M35 cl(M35 ),


a contradiction. Finally, if νni → ∞, then at this sequence kni 10, pni → ∞, thus R1(qni) → ∞, a contradiction.

Consequently, Exp(N35 )⊂M35 .

(d) The mapping Exp : N35 →M35 is a diffeomorphism since Exp|N

35 is nondegenerate and proper, and

N35 ,M35 are connected and simply connected.

2.2.2. Exponential mapping of the set N47

Define the following subset ofM, see Figure14:

M47 ={q∈M |θ∈(π,2π), R1=R21(2π−θ), R2= 0}.

Lemma 2.3. The mapping Exp : N47 →M47 is a diffeomorphism of 1-dimensional manifolds.

Proof. We pass to the limitk→10 in formulas (2.15) and (2.16) and obtain forν∈N47 : sin(θ/2) = tanhp, cos(θ/2) =−1/coshp, R1= 2(ptanhp), R2= 0.

This coordinate representation shows that Exp : N47 →M47 is a diffeomorphism.

2.2.3. Exponential mapping of the set N26

Before the study of Exp|N

52, postponed till the next subsection, we need to consider the setN26 contained in the boundary of N52 . In order to parameterize regularly the image Exp(N26 ), we introduce the necessary functions.

Recall that the functionp=p11(k),k∈[0,1), is the first positive root of the functionf1(p) = cnp(E(p)−p)−

dnpsnp, see equation (5.12) and Corollary 5.1 [7]. Define the function

v11(k) = am(p11(k), k), k∈[0,1). (2.17) Lemma 2.4.

(1) The number v=v11(k)is the first positive root of the function h1(v, k) =E(v, k)−F(v, k)

1−k2sin2v tanv, k∈[0,1).

(2) v11∈C[0,1).

(3) v11(k)(π/2, π)for k∈(0,1); moreover, v11(0) =π.

(4) The functionv11(k)is strictly decreasing at the segmentk∈[0,1).

(5) limv→10v11(k) =π/2, thus settingv11(1) =π/2, we obtainv11∈C[0,1].

(6) v11(k) =π−(π/2)k2+o(k2),k→+0.

Proof. (1) follows from (2.17) sincep=p11 is the first positive root of the functionf1(p).

(2) follows sincep11∈C[0,1) by Lemma 5.3 [7].

(3) follows sincep11(K,2K) andp11(0) =π, see Corollary 5.1 [7].

(4) We have forv∈(π/2, π]:

∂ h1

∂ v =

1−k2sin2v/cos2v <0,

∂ h1

∂ k = k

1−k2(E(v, k)


Thus dv11

dk =−∂h1/∂k

∂h1/∂v <0 for k∈[0,1).


0 π 2


1 k π

Figure 7. Plot ofv =v11(k).

0 π θ



Figure 8. The curve Γ1.

(5) Monotonicity and boundedness ofv11(k) imply that there exists a limit limk→10v11(k) = ¯v∈[π/2, π). If v¯(π/2, π), then ask→10

h1(v11(k), k) ¯v


(|cost| −1/|cost|) dt−

1sin2¯vtan ¯v=∞, which contradicts the identityh1(v11(k), k)0,k∈[0,1). Thus ¯v=π/2.

(6) As (k, v)(0, π), we haveh1(v, k) =v−π+ (π/2)k2+o(k2+ (v−π)2), thusv11(k) =π−(π/2)k2+o(k2),


A plot of the functionv11(k) is given in Figure7.

Define the curve Γ1⊂S={q∈M |θ∈(0, π), R1>0, R2= 0} given parametrically as follows:

θ= 2 arcsin(ksinv11(k)), (2.18)

R1= 2(F(v11(k), k)−E(v11(k), k)), k∈[0,1), (2.19) see Figure8.

Lemma 2.5.

(1) The function ksinv11(k) is strictly increasing as k [0,1], thus the function θ = θ(k), k [0,1], determined by(2.18)has an inverse functionk=k11(θ),θ∈[0, π].

(2) k11∈C[0, π]∩C[0, π).

(3) The functionk11(θ)is strictly increasing as θ∈[0, π].

(4) The curve Γ1 is a graph of the function

R1=R11(θ), θ∈[0, π],

R11(θ) = 2(F(v11(k), k)−E(v11(k), k)), k=k11(θ). (2.20) (5) R11∈C[0, π]∩C(0, π).

(6) R11(θ) =3

π/2 θ2/3+o(θ2/3),θ→+0.

Proof. (1) Ask∈[0,1], we have:

v11(k) ↓, v11(k)[π/2, π],

sinv11(k) ↑, ksinv11(k) ↑, 2 arcsin(kv11(k)) ↑.


(2) follows from items (2) and (5) of Lemma2.4.

(3) follows from item (1) of this lemma.

(4) follows from (2.18) and (2.19).

(5) follows from item (2) of this lemma.

(6) Ask→+0, we have

v11(k) =π−(π/2)k2+o(k2), sinv11(k) = (π/2)k2+o(k2), and for the functions (2.18), (2.19)

θ=πk3+o(k3), R1= (π/2)k2+o(k2). Thus asθ→+0, we have

k11(θ) =3


θ), R11(θ) =3

π/2 θ2/3+o(θ2/3).

Define the following subset ofM, see Figure14:

M26 ={q∈M |θ∈(π,2π), R1=R11(2π−θ), R2= 0}.

Lemma 2.6. The mapping Exp : N26 →M26 is a diffeomorphism of 1-dimensional manifolds.

Proof. Forν∈N26 we obtain from formulas (5.7)–(5.12) [7]:

sin(θ/2) =ksnp11(k) =ksinv11(k), cos(θ/2) =dnp11(k) =


R1= 2(p11(k)E(p11(k))) = 2(F(v11(k), k)−E(v11(k), k)), R2= 0.

Thus Exp(N26 ) =M26 . Moreover, the mapping Exp : N26 →M26 decomposes into the chain N26


Γ1 (∗∗)

M26 ,

(∗) : k→(θ= 2 arcsin(ksinv11(k)), R1= 2(F(v11(k), k)−E(v11(k), k)), R2= 0), (∗∗) : (θ, R1, R2)(2π−θ, R1, R2).

The mapping (∗) is a diffeomorphism by Lemma2.5. Thus Exp : N26 →M26 is a diffeomorphism.

2.2.4. Exponential mapping of the set N52

Lemma 2.7.

(1) The functions R11(θ),R21(θ)defined in (2.20)and(2.13)satisfy the inequality R21(θ)< R11(θ), θ∈(0, π).

(2) The mapping Exp : N52 →M52 is a diffeomorphism of 2-dimensional manifolds, where M52 ={q∈M |θ∈(π,2π), R1(R21(2π−θ), R11(2π−θ)), R2= 0}, see Figure 14.


0 π 2 π v

k n2




1 N52

Figure 9. DomainN52 .









Figure 10. Curvesγ2 and Γ2. Proof. We have

N52 = ∈N2+= 0, v∈(0, v11(k)), k∈(0,1)}, wherev= am(p, k). Thus

N52 ⊂T ={ν∈N2+= 0, v∈[0, π], k∈[0,1]}, and in the 2-dimensional topology ofT

∂N52 =4i=1ni,

n1= ∈N2+= 0, v= 0, k[0,1]}, n2= ∈N2+= 0, v[0, π], k= 0}, n3= ∈N2+= 0, v=v11(k), k[0,1]}, n4= ∈N2+= 0, v[0, π/2], k= 1}, see Figure9.

By formulas (5.7)–(5.12) [7], the exponential mapping in the domainN52 reads as follows:

sin(θ/2) =ksinv, cos(θ/2) =

1−k2sin2v, R1= 2(F(v, k)−E(v, k)), R2= 0.


Exp(N52 )⊂S={q∈M |θ∈(π,2π), R1>0, R2= 0}, Exp(n1) = Exp(n2) =P0={q∈M = 2π, R1= 0, R2= 0}, Exp(n3) =M26 = Γ2, Γ2:=M26 ,

Exp(n4) =M47 =γ2, γ2:=M47 . By Theorem 2.5 [10] (see (1.14)), the mapping Exp|N

52 is nondegenerate, thus Exp(N52 ) is an open connected domain inS, with∂Exp(N52 )Exp(∂N52 ) = Γ2∪γ2.

The curves Γ2 andγ2 intersect one another at the pointP0. We show that they have no other intersection points. By contradiction, assume that the curves Γ2 andγ2have intersection points distinct fromP0, then the domain Exp(N52 ) is bounded by finite arcs of the curves Γ2 and γ2, i.e., there exists a point P1 γ2Γ2, P1 = P0, such that Exp(N52 ) = P0γ2P1 P0Γ2P1. Then Exp(N52 ) does not contain the curves γ2, Γ2.


0 M46


M51 M53





R2=x R1=y

Figure 11. Decomposition of surface= 0}.

0 M19=M21


M2=M5 M1=M6








Figure 12. Decomposition of surface =π}.

This is a contradiction to the diffeomorphic property of the mapping Exp : n3 = N26 Γ2 = M26 and Exp : n4=N47 →γ2=M47 , see Lemmas2.6and2.3respectively.

Consequently,γ2Γ2=P0, and the domain Exp(N52 ) is bounded by the curvesγ2, Γ2. The equalities dR11

dθ (0) = +∞, dR21

dθ (0) = 0 (see Lem. 2.5 and Eq. (2.14)) imply that R21(θ) < R11(θ) for sufficiently smallθ >0. Further, the representations

Γ2=M26 ={q∈M |θ∈(π,2π), R1=R11(2π−θ), R2= 0}, γ2=M47 ={q∈M |θ∈(π,2π), R1=R21(2π−θ), R2= 0}

imply the required inequality

R21(θ)< R11(θ), θ∈(0, π), and the equality Exp(N52 ) =M52 .

Since the mapping Exp : N52 M52 is nondegenerate and proper, and the domains N52 , M52 are open, connected, and simply connected, it follows that this mapping is a diffeomorphism.

The mutual disposition of the curvesγ2=M47 and Γ2=M26 is shown in Figures10and14.

2.3. Decomposition of the set M

Now we have the functions R21(θ)< R11(θ) required for definition of the following decomposition:

M =58i=1Mi, (2.21)

where the subsets Mi are defined by Table2. Notice that some of the sets Mi coincide between themselves, unlike the setsNi, see (2.12). A precise definition of coincidingMi is given below in Theorem3.1, item (1).

The structure of decomposition (2.21) in the surfaces = 0}, = π}, {R1 = 0}, {R2 = 0} is shown respectively in Figures11,12,13and14.

2.4. Exponential mapping of the sets N


, N


, N


, N


, N


, N


, N


, N


, N

10 2.4.1. Exponential mapping of the set N36

Lemma 2.8. The mapping Exp : N36 →M36 is a diffeomorphism of 2-dimensional manifolds.


0 θ














Figure 13. Decomposition of surface{R1= 0}.

0 θ















M49 M39







M35 M47

M52 M26












Figure 14. Decomposition of surface{R2= 0}.

Proof. By formulas (5.2)–(5.6) [7], exponential mapping in the domainN36 reads as follows:

sin(θ/2) =

1−k2snp /dnp , cos(θ/2) =cnp /dnp , R1= 0, R2=2f2(p, k)/(kdnp), wheref2(p, k) =k2cnpsnp+ dnp(pE(p))>0 by Lemma 5.2 [7], thus Exp(N36 )⊂M36 .


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