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X- ray diffraction of krypton and xenon mixtures adsorbed on graphite


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1986

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X- ray diffraction of krypton and xenon mixtures adsorbed on graphite

T. Ceva, M. Goldmann, C. Marti

To cite this version:

T. Ceva, M. Goldmann, C. Marti. X- ray diffraction of krypton and xenon mixtures adsorbed on graphite. Journal de Physique, 1986, 47 (9), pp.1527-1532. �10.1051/jphys:019860047090152700�.



X- ray diffraction of krypton and xenon mixtures adsorbed on graphite

T. Ceva, M. Goldmann (*) and C. Marti

Groupe de Physique des Solides de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure,

Université Paris 7, 2, place Jussieu, 75251 Paris Cedex, France

(Reçu le 8 novembre 1985, révisé le 24 avril 1986, accepté le 29 avril 1986)



En étudiant, par diffraction des rayons X, les mélanges xenon-krypton absorbés sur graphite à 45 K,

nous avons observé deux solides incommensurables ainsi qu’un solide commensurable. La coexistence de chaque incommensurable avec le commensurable montre que la transition est dans chaque cas du premier ordre. L’obser- vation de spectres de diffraction à bas taux de couverture (environ 0,1) montre que les petits grains sont recouverts en premier et qu’ils favorisent un solide incommensurable. La concentration limite de la structure incommensurable

« type xénon» semble contradictoire avec celle observée sur le mélange argon-xénon. L’explication pourrait être

une structure moins ordonnée dans ce dernier cas.



Mixtures of xenon and krypton adsorbed on graphite at 45 K are studied by X ray diffraction. Two kinds of incommensurate and one kind of commensurate solids were observed The coexistence of each incommen- surate with the commensurate structure indicates first order C - I transitions. Diffraction spectra with low coverage

(about 0.1) show that small platelets are first covered and that they favour an incommensurate solid The limit of the incommensurate xenon-like structure seems inconsistent with results on an argon-xenon mixture. Explanation

could be a less ordered structure for the latter mixture.

Classification Physics Abstracts






1. Introduction.

Since adsorption isotherms for rare gases on graphite

have shown a 2D phase transition [1, 2], many theore- tical and experimental studies have been devoted to these systems. Experimentally, the most prominent

progress was due to the direct observation of the 2D solid using electron, neutron and, since 1978 [3] X-ray

diffraction and now atom scattering [4]. Commen-

surate and incommensurate structures have been

clearly observed and transitions between them, studied especially for krypton [5, 6], xenon [7, 8], hexane [9] and

ethane [10] on graphite, lead to define concepts like static distortion waves and walls [11]. A second rota-

tional transition in the incommensurate 2D solid has even been demonstrated [12]. Contrary to the 3D crystal, theoretical predictions also indicate that the 2D solid presents a limited order and Kosterlitz and Thouless proposed an attractive model of the 2D fusion [13] that stimulated many experiments [14-22]

and computer simulations [23-32]; the existence and location of tricritical points has been searched [33].

(*) Present address : Institut Laue Langevin, 156 X,

38042 Grenoble Cedex, France

Helium layers are in themselves a question [34]. Pure layers have been studied, but little work has been done on 2D mixtures [35-37] where chemical compo- sition adds a parameter which is easy to control. The mixture of xenon and krypton on graphite is a good

candidate for diffraction studies, as co-adsorption

isotherms have been measured for this system [35].

Adsorption isotherms of krypton on xenon pre- covered graphite have nearly been interpreted as if krypton occupies the area left by xenon [35]. Thermo- dynamics indicates that the two pure 2D solids should not coexist for all concentrations; ranges for single

solid solutions should exist, at least for small concen-

trations of xenon in krypton or of krypton in xenon.

Our first goal was to establish the limit of solubility

of these two rare gases in the 2D solid state. Another observation was the shift of the commensurate- incommensurate transition (C-1 kink) towards a higher pressure when xenon is preadsorbed. We also

wanted to precise the nature of the solid phases in

each domain.

2. Experimental set-up.

The sample is a stack of Papyex discs (HWMH =

19 degrees, coherence length = 350 to 400 A) with

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:019860047090152700



the average optical axes C perpendicular to the wave-

vector. To get a plane face in front of the beam, the

stack was cut perpendicular to the discs with a massi- cot. A draw-back of this method is that we inevitably

fold the graphite basal planes back along the face, perpendicular to the wave-vector (see Appendix).

The graphite discs were heated at 1450 OC in a vacuum better than 10-4 torr for 12 hours, before being stacked in the sample cell. Each time we started a new series of experiments they were heated to approximately 100 OC under the same vacuum over-


The sample cell is made of copper, with mylar


We use the K-alpha emission from a copper X ray tube (A = 1.5418 A), run at 45 kV with a 26 mA current selected by a graphite monochromator and a powder goniometer (omega, theta) controlled by a computer system. Diffraction spectra are recorded between theta = 20 and 30 degrees with a step of 0.05 degrees.

Accumulation on each point lasts 400 seconds. In this angular domain, we observe the (002) graphite peak

diffraction and the (01) peak of the 2D structures. The substrate spectrum is subtracted after normalization

on the integrated intensity of the (002) peak. This last peak is slightly modified by the monolayer contribu- tion, and a strong perturbation around 26.60 degrees persists after subtraction of the graphite spectrum.

The cryostat is a closed helium refrigerator. A digital temperature controller using a platinum resis-

tance maintains the temperature within 0.02 K. Two

thermocouples fixed above and below the sample cell

control the vertical temperature gradient.

3. Experimental procedure.

To obtain a composite solid we start from a 2D liquid layer mostly of xenon (as xenon is adsorbed at a higher temperature than krypton, most of this last component is in the 3D gas state). The thermodynamic equilibrium

is easily reached by exchange between the liquid monolayer and the 3D gas. We then reduce the temperature slowly enough to maintain equilibrium,

while the pressure of the gas is decreased, in order to solidify the 2D liquid When the 2D solid is achieved,

we freeze it to 45 K.

The detailed procedure is : first, we introduce the

xenon and the krypton in the sample, keeping it at

45 K. We close the cell and heat it to 115 K for 30 minutes (to ensure the equilibrium and the mixture

of the two gases). We cool it to 80 K at the rate of 0.5 K/min and then, directly (about 1 K/min) to 45 K.

After the diffraction spectrum is recorded, krypton can

be added, and so on, until the layer is completed

Two tests show if we succeed in forming a mono- layer :


we control the intensity of the (002) peak during

the procedure, we consider its increase as the contri- bution of the monolayer to the peak, ensuring that the cooling rates are slow enough.


the peaks resulting from the diffraction treatment

are clearly of the Warren type.

We think that this procedure is as efficient in pro- ducing an equilibrium state as annealing to 130 K

described in [37].

4. Experimental results.

We explored the Xe-Kr mixtures for total coverage between 0.1 and 2 (1 = one atom of the layer for

6 surface carbons or 3 graphite hexagones) and for

many chemical compositions. We distinguish three types of peaks, corresponding to three different 2D solids.


The first type of peak has its maximum at

Q = 1.7 A-’ (theta


34.05 degrees); the position is

locked when the coverage or the composition of the layer is varied over its entire range of existence. We take this invariance as the « signature of a com-

mensurate structure C (j3 x 3 - 30 degrees).


The peak with its maximum at the lowest angle

indicates a xenon-like solid (X) which is dilated

compared with the commensurate structure : the spectrum of pure xenon submonolayer has a maxi-

mum at 23.05 degrees (Q = 1.63 A-1).


The peak with its maximum at a greater angle corresponds to a krypton-like solid (I) which is compressed relatively to the commensurate structure : the most incommensurate pure krypton layer peaks at

25.25 degrees (Q = 1.78 A-1).

As those last two structures can be compressed or dilated, the corresponding peaks can shift.

Even if coverage and concentration are the correct

thermodynamic parameters for this experiment, the experimental procedure contrains to vary them simul-



For a pure xenon layer with a coverage (Ox.)

of 1.1, we observe, a maximum corresponding to a

commensurate structure, in accordance with LEED studies [8], but with a limited coherence length (about

110 A). When we add krypton, the structure remains

commensurate but an increase of the coherence length

is observed : 195 A for oKr = 0.07, 245 A for 6Kr = 0.15, 340 A at higher krypton coverage. We do not interpret a gradual increase of the intensity at about

25.50 degrees as a second peak, but as a second layer

contribution (the total coverage is greater than 1).

In figure 1, we present the evolution of the spectrum with the addition of krypton in a 0.86 xenon initial

coverage. For pure xenon, a peak at 23.10 degrees corresponding to the incommensurate xenon solid with a coherence length of 245 A is observed If we

add a very small quantity of krypton, a shift of the peak

to higher angles is observed, indicating a xenon-like

structure (X). For a 0.07 krypton coverage, this peak (shifted to 23.40 degrees and with a coherence length

decreased to 195 A) clearly coexist with a commen- surate peak (C). When krypton coverage reaches 0.09,

the two peaks have about the same intensities and the


Fig. 1.


Diffraction spectrum at 45 K with a precoverage of xenon (0xe


0.86). Displacement of the X peak while

the krypton coverage increases and coexistence of X with C

are observed

X one shifts to 23.50 degrees with a coherence length

of 160 A only. For OK,, = 0:11, the X peak appears just

as a low angle tail of the C peak. From OK,. = 0.21 to higher coverage, only this last structure is observed,

with an increase of the coherence length up to 340 A.

No krypton-like structure was observed for this

xenon coverage : the mixture is always commensurate in this domain.

As the peak of the xenon-like structure moves with coverage, the composition of this solid also varies, so only two phases are present : for such a high coverage,

no 2D gas coexist with the 2D solids. The C peak

appears for OKr = 0.045, the higher krypton concen-

tration in the single solid X is then about 5 %. Little krypton is enough to provoke the transition to the commensurate phase, but, as we are very near the

complete xenon-like monolayer (the total coverage is

more than 0.9 and the area of the pure xenon solid is about 4 % more than the commensurate one), a small

coverage increase lead to a high 2D pressure. From the small intensity of the X peak for OKr



we estimate that the xenon-like solid would disappear

for OK,, - 0.15. Then, the concentration for the commensurate phase in the coexistence region would

be 14 % krypton and 86 % xenon (there may be less

krypton as part of it may be in the second monolayer).

We compare the concentration of krypton in the single solid X with a surface averaging model without vacancies :

where d is the X (average) parameter lattice (measured),

ci the concentration of the i atoms, dxe the pure xenon 2D solid parameter (measured) or effective diameter

(4.43 A), dKr the pure krypton 2D solid parameter (which must lay between the commensurate and the most compressed solid observed).

The best agreement with the experimental values (from 0 % to 5 % of krypton) is obtained for dK, =

4.07 A.

For °Xe = 0.6, the spectrum of the pure xenon

monolayer exhibits a peak at 23.05 degrees with a

coherence length of 340 A. This peak has a maximum

of 25 photons/s (ph/s). When we add a coverage of 0.05 krypton, we already observe the coexistence of the commensurate peak with the xenon-like peak; this peak decreases to 15 ph/s and shifts to 23.25 degrees

while the C peak reaches 10 ph/s. This large intensity

of the C peak insures that a great number of xenon

atoms participate in this structure; likewise, the shift

of the X peak (from the pure xenon one) proves this solid to be a mixture. For oKr = 0.15, the maximum of the X peak decreases to 5 ph/s (but with no shift, indicating that 2D gas (V) must coexist with the solid

phases at such coverage), while the intensity of the C peak increases slightly. This indicates that from

Oy, = 0.2 (corresponding to a concentration of 25 % krypton), the C solid would be the only solid phase.

Indeed we observe, for OK, = 0.21, only a C peak with

a very small tail to low angles. The total coverage is then 0.81. As we know the composition of the com-

mensurate solid near the limit between X +C + V and C + V, we can then estimate, from the evolution of the C peak intensity, a concentration of krypton in X

between 5 % and 7 %.

No other features is observed when krypton is

increased to a total coverage of 2.2 monolayers, except the deformation of the commensurate peak due to the

second layer.

For an initial coverage of 6xe = 0.25, the pure

xenon layer has a maximum of 12 ph/s and a coherence length of 245 A only. If we add 0.06 monolayer of krypton, the spectrum shows a C peak reaching

5 ph/s while the X maximum decreases to half its value and shifts to 23.40 degrees.

For oKr = 0.13, the C peak grows to 15 ph/s, while

the X solid appears as a hump at low angle in the

commensurate peak. Subtraction of a « clean » com- mensurate peak shows an X peak with very low

intensity (3 ph/s at a maximum of 23.450). As a result,

the single solid phase C would start at about OK, = 0.15, indicating more than 33 % krypton, quite different

from the 25 % we found when 0xe = 0.6. Studies on

each series of spectra (in subtracting commensurate

peaks with variable intensity) do not permit to recon-

ciliate those values. In the same way, from the intensity

of the C peak for OK,, = 0.06, the concentration of

krypton in X must be about 7 %, rather larger than the

value observed for Oxr = 0.6.

For lJKr = 0.17, the C peak appears clearly alone

with a 245 A coherence length. The commensurate

phase remains stable with coherence length of 340 A,

while the krypton coverage is increased to 0.85 (note

that then, the total coverage is about 1).



For higher krypton concentration, the growth of a peak corresponding to an incommensurate krypton-

like structure I (maximum at the larger of angle

25 degrees) is observed (Fig 2). The misfit of the I-

phase coexisting with the C-phase is then nearly 4 %, higher than was found by Stephens et al. [37], i.e. about

2 %; the difference may be related to the difference of temperature. Though this structure is clearly observed,

it is difficult to determine at what coverage this peak

first appears : the I peak increases under the C peak’s

Warren tail, and the subtraction of a pure C spectrum would be relatively unaccurate, as normalization on the graphite peak has important effects in this angular


At very low coverage (Ox,, = 0. 1), we observe a pure

xenon peak, contrary to Stephens et al. at 84.5 K [37],

but it is shifted from 23.10 degrees to 23.20 degrees

and the coherence length of this 2D-solid is limited to 80 A. When we add a 0.1 layer of krypton, the com-

mensurate peak is largely predominant but a wing at

lower angles (until 23 degrees) indicate the existence of the X structure, and the limit of krypton in C would

be more than 50 %.

From BKr = 0.18 to 6Kr = 0.9, only the C peak is

observed (coherence length growth from 175 A for Ol{r = 0.18 to 340 A until OKr = 0.55). When OK,, = 1,

the peak reached 25 degrees (coherence length is

limited to 195 A), and then confirms the existence of the single krypton-like solid (I) phase. The coherence

length increases with krypton coverage, as the peak

shifts to high angles (25.25 degrees and 245 A for 0Kr = 1.08, 25.30 degrees for 6Kr = 1.15).

Other spectra can be found in [38].

5. Discussion.

We present the phase diagram at 45 K (Fig. 3) in oblique coordinates : one coordinate is the partial

coverage of krypton, the other the partial coverage of xenon; this representation is familiar to all physical

chemists when they discuss ternary mixtures (here the

third quantity could be thought of as vacancies, but

it is better to note that an intermediate vertical axis

corresponds to the total coverage). The advantage of

these coordinates is that all important quantities are

constant on straight lines i.e. partial or total coverage, relative concentration and, moreover, the limits of the domains of coexistence of three phases.

The limit of the 2D gas was not determined by

diffraction but is arbitrary drawn (in dotted line) to help understanding. It must be determined by precise

isotherm measurements. We observed three types of 2D single solid phases in this mixture :


a commensurate solid, from pure krypton up to

70 % xenon in the submonolayer, and up to pure

xenon for higher coverage.


an incommensurate xenon-like structure, for a few % krypton in the monolayer


an incommensurate krypton-like structure, for

Fig. 2.


Diffraction spectrum at 45 K with a precoverage of xenon (0xe


0.25). At high krypton coverage, coexistence of the C peak and the I peak is observed

Fig. 3.


A cut at T


45 K in the (T, 0,,r ,, OK,) phase dia-

gram. 0,,,


number of xenon atoms per 3 graphite hexa-

gons ; °Kr


number of krypton atoms per 3 graphite hexagons; C =.J3 x.J3 commensurate structure; X


« xenon like » incommensurate structure ; I


« krypton

like » incommensurate structure; V


2D gas (estimated);

crosses are experimental points.

coverage greater than 1 and approximately up to 20 %

xenon in the mixture.

The J3 x J3 commensurate structure predomi-

nates in this diagram. We confirm the shift of the C-I kink observed by isotherm measurements [35]. Displa-

cement of the X peak upon introducing some krypton

proves that the two kinds of atoms contribute to the solid In the same way, integrated intensity of the

commensurate peak shows that xenon and krypton are

mixed in this structure.


The single solid phases are separated in the diagram by coexistence regions, then, X-C and I-C are first order transitions in a mixture. We note that the I-C transition appears more clearly first order than for pure krypton at low temperature and even with deute- rium gas added on the krypton monolayer at 40 K [39].

A small amount of krypton is enough to stabilize the C solid and this even occurs for low coverages where the free area left by the 2D gas is large enough to support a complete X solid. Similarly, addition of

xenon in the compressed krypton solid provokes a

transition to a commensurate structure, dilated com-

pared with I.

The Gibbs phase rule, restricted to a 2D system, is,

in the case of a two-component mixture :

« Degrees of freedom »


4 - « Number of phases

present » ; therefore, in the region where three phases coexist, there is only one degree of freedom (including temperature) and the composition of each phase is

fixed. This region should be delimited by three straight

lines limiting the two-phase regions. Indeed, we

observe that the global krypton concentration deter-

mining the limit between X + C + V and C + V

regions is not constant with the coverage; 50 % Kr for

low coverage (about 0,2) and 25 % for higher coverage

(about 0.8) and, if we draw the frontier between those two regions, the low comer of the three-phase triangle (joining X + C + V, X + V, C + V and V) is out

of the phase diagram. The experimental spectra do not allow the modification of those limits in such a way

as to reinteger this comer into the phase diagram. It

can be explained when taking into account another

remarkable effect : spectra recorded at low coverages show a shorter coherence length ( 100 A) than at

high coverage (350 A). We assume that the coherence length is limited by the substrate platelet size, and then, it would indicate that the smallest ones are

covered first But this introduces an additional para- meter, and the experimental phase diagram must be

considered as the superposition of each diagram corresponding to a characteristic platelet size. The

concentration limits first mentioned are now plausible:

small platelets favour incommensurable structures

(probably on account of border effects), and therefore,

need more krypton to keep the 2D solid commen-


We now discuss the value of this limit.


Bohr et al. [36] studied mixtures of Ar and Xe adsorbed on graphite. We sketch in figure 4 the phase diagrams of both mixtures; the diagram (a) for Ar-Xe

is just what we can draw from [36] to present it in more

adequate coordinates; the diagram for Kr-Xe is

what we think would be found for a powder of platelets

with an homogeneous large size. Pure argon does not form a commensurate structure; this leads to the A-

phase part of the diagram and a second coexistence domain (gas-A-C). Differences between the two mixtures are understandable, except for the heavy-

drawn limits between C and X phases. For Ar-Xe the

Fig. 4.


Schematic phase diagrams for Ar-Xe (a) deduced

from (17) and Kr-Xe on large platelets (b).

commensurate C-phase replaces totally the X solid

for about 33 % of argon. In our experiments, 25 % krypton is enough to replace the X solid by a com-

mensurate one (to compare those values, we must

consider the large platelet limit, as Ar-Xe mixture has been studied on ZYX). This seems astonishing : as

argon atoms are smaller than krypton atoms and since

the X structure is dilated from the commensurate structure, the opposite ratio would be expected.

A mean-field model has been devised [40], playing

with :



the pair interaction (Lennard-Jones parameters),


the elastic energy to drive the incommensurate solid to the commensurate parameter,


the depth of potential for registration,


the mixing entropy,


the model is quite successful to explain the krypton-xenon limits but no reasonable values of these parameters can be found to produce the larger

concentration of argon necessary to drive xenon commensurate.

For argon-xenon mixture, the disorder may be stronger leading to a reduction of registration energy and an increase of the apparent size of argon atoms.


Negative intensity is observed in figures 1 and 2

before the 2D peak. It indicated that X ray absorption

is different in this region than around the (002) peak.

This can be explained if the background is supposed

to come only from a volume effect and that (002)

reflection can be separated in two parts : the isotropic

disorientation of the graphite planes (which is a

volume sample contribution) and the contribution of the planes which have been folded back perpen- dicular to the wave-vector by the massicot, (and then,

is only a sample face contribution). If the intensity

diffracted from the first contribution is affected by



introducing the gas (which is a « volume » phenome- non) in the same way that the background, this is not

the case for the intensity diffracted by the sample face planes, which is evidently less absorbed by the gas.

As we take into account the total variation of the

(002) intensity to correct the spectrum before sub-

tracting the graphite signal, the normalization is not

completely correct in the other region.


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2014 The structural characterization of the composite film formed by physisorption of krypton on (0001) graphite pre-plated with a monolayer of cyclohexane has been

- The krypton adsorption isotherm at 77.3 K obtained under equilibrium conditions (krypton introduction at 150 K) on graphite pre-plated with a C6H12 monolayer,

Mainly, we discuss the ability of the selectivity estimated from single component adsorption isotherms, using either the Ideal Adsorbed Solution Theory (IAST) or from

Apr~s adsorption sur la partie libre de la surface (pied de marche) le krypton s'adsorbe k la pression Pj** sur le film de C~H4 de structure LD (1~r sous-marche). La 3~sous-marche ~

High resolution M,,, (3d -+ 4p) x-ray emission spectra from a k w t o n plasma were measured using a recently developed grazing-incidence reflection- grating