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Aide- Memoire: second meeting of the advisory board on Population, Agriculture and Environment


Academic year: 2022

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ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL Second Meeting of the Advisory Board

on Population, Agriculture and Environment Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

24-26 October 2000

Distr.: Limited

ECAlFSSDDIAB/PAE/OOlInf.3 20 October. 2000




Page 2


The mission of the Food Security and Sustainable Development Division (FSSDD) is to ensure food security and sustainable development in member countries of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) by i) planning and implementing a critical programme to raise policy makers' awareness of the urgency of food, population and environmental concerns (the nexus issues) in development planning and ii) encouraging ECA member countries to develop and take full advantage of their abilities to foster and utilize science and technology. In order to assist the Division to achieve its mission, the Advisory Board on population, agriculture and environment was established in 1998 as a standing Board to assist in developing policy-oriented, coherent, and implementable programmes for addressing food security and sustainable development problems in the African continent based on the priorities of African countries and focusing on policy analysis, advocacy and networking. In this regard, the Board also guides the implementation of the work programme of the Division.


The Second Meeting of the Advisory Board will follow up on the recommendations of its First Meeting which took place in September 1999, and provide further guidance to the division's work. In this connection, the meeting will:

examine the extent to which the Division has implemented the recommendations of the First Meeting of the Board;

review FSSDD's Issues Paper which has been improved in line with the recommendations of the First Meeting and has been titled: "Population, Environment, and Agriculture Linkages in Africa's Food Security and Sustainable Development"

examine the progress made by the Division in its programme and review some other outputs for 2000 including booklets and manuals prepared to further the dissemination of the PEDA Model;

critically review the implementation of the Division's work programme for 2000-2001;

note key emerging issues related to food security and sustainable development in Africa in the 21" Century, and suggest issues that may be included in the Work Plan for the Biennium 2002-2003.


The meeting will be conducted in plenary sessions but may break up into working groups if the need arises.




Participants at this meeting will be the Board Members whose names are provided in the list attached.


The meeting will take place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 24 to 26 October 2000 at the United Nations Conference Centre in the ECA.


The ECA will provide Board Members who are not being sponsored by their organizations with an economy round-trip air ticket and daily subsistence allowance (DSA) at the UN rate for Addis Ababa. The ECA will make flight and hotel reservations, and participants will be advised to pick up their tickets from relevant airlines in their countries of residence. Board Members will be met at the airport on arrival by ECA protocol officers and taken to their hotels.

Kindly note that visits to Ethiopia require an entry visa, which should be obtained in the country where the participant resides. However, for Board Members living in countries where there is no Ethiopian Embassy, ECA can arrange for a visa which will be issued at the airport upon arrival provided those concerned send by fax the following particulars of their passports to ECA at least two weeks before your travel time: passport number and issuance place, date or issue, date or expiration, nationality.


All communications regarding this meeting should be addressed to:

The Director

Food Security and Sustainable Development Division Economic Commission for Africa

P.O. Box 3001 Addis Ababa Ethiopia

Tel: (251-1) 510406 Fax No.: (251-1) 51 03 50

E-mail: pmakinwa-adebusoye@uneca.org


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