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φ-FEM: a finite element method on domains defined by level-sets


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ϕ-FEM: a finite element method on domains defined by level-sets

Michel Duprez, Alexei Lozinski

To cite this version:

Michel Duprez, Alexei Lozinski. ϕ-FEM: a finite element method on domains defined by level-sets.

SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, In press.



φ-FEM: a finite element method on domains defined by level-sets

Michel Duprez and Alexei Lozinski March 27, 2020


We propose a new fictitious domain finite element method, well suited for elliptic problems posed in a domain given by a level-set function without requiring a mesh fitting the boundary. To impose the Dirichlet boundary conditions, we search the approximation to the solution as a product of a finite element function with the given level-set function, which is also approximated by finite elements. Unlike other recent fictitious domain-type methods (XFEM, CutFEM), our approach does not need any non- standard numerical integration (on cut mesh elements or on the actual boundary). We consider the Poisson equation discretized with piecewise polynomial Lagrange finite elements of any order and prove the optimal convergence of our method in the H1-norm. Moreover, the discrete problem is proven to be well conditioned,i.e. the condition number of the associated finite element matrix is of the same order as that of a standard finite element method on a comparable conforming mesh. Numerical results confirm the optimal convergence in bothH1andL2norms.

1 Introduction

We consider the Poisson-Dirichlet problem

−∆u=f on Ω, u= 0 on Γ, (1)

in a bounded domain ΩRd (d= 2,3) with smooth boundary Γ assuming that Ω and Γ are given by a level-set functionφ:

Ω :={φ <0}and Γ :== 0}. (2)

Such a representation is a popular and useful tool to deal with problems with evolving surfaces or interfaces [17]. In the present article, the level-set function is supposed to be known onRd, smooth, and to behave near Γ as the signed distance to Γ. We propose a finite element method for the problem above which is easy to implement, does not require a mesh fitted to Γ, and is guaranteed to converge optimally. Our basic idea is very simple: one cannot impose the Dirichlet boundary conditions in the usual manner since the boundary Γ is not resolved by the mesh, but one can search for the approximation touas a product of a finite element functionwh with the level-setφitself: such a product obviously vanishes on Γ. In order to make this idea work, some stabilization should be added to the scheme as outlined below and explained in detail in the next section. We coin our methodφ-FEM in accordance with the tradition of denoting the level-sets byφ.

More specifically, let us assume that Ω lies inside a simply shaped domain O (typically a box inRd) and introduce a quasi-uniform simplicial meshThO onO(the background mesh). LetTh be a submesh of ThO obtained by getting rid of mesh elements lying entirely outside Ω (the definition ofTh will be slightly

CEREMADE, Universit´e Paris-Dauphine & CNRS UMR 7534, Universit´e PSL, 75016 Paris, France.


Laboratoire de Math´ematiques de Besan¸con, UMR CNRS 6623, Universit´e Bourgogne Franche-Comt´e, 16, route de Gray, 25030 Besan¸con Cedex, France.alexei.lozinski@univ-fcomte.fr


changed afterwords). Denote by Ωh the domain covered by the mesh Th (so that typically Ωh is only slightly larger than Ω). Our starting point is the following formal observation: assuming that the right- hand sidef is actually well defined on Ωh, and the solutionucan be extended to Ωh so that−∆u=f on h, we can introduce the new unknownwH1(Ωh) such thatu=φwand the boundary condition on Γ is automatically satisfied. An integration by parts yields then



∇(φw)· ∇(φv) Z


∂n(φw)φv= Z


f φv, ∀vH1(Ωh). (3) Given a finite element approximationφhtoφon the meshThand a finite element spaceVhonTh, one can then try to search for wh Vh such that the equality in (3) with the subscriptsheverywhere is satisfied for all the test functionsvh Vh and to reconstruct an approximate solution uh to (1) as φhwh. These considerations are very formal and, not surprisingly, such a method does not work as is. We shall show however that it becomes a valid scheme once a proper stabilization in the vein of the Ghost penalty [3] is added. The details on the stabilization and on the resulting finite element scheme are given in the next section.

Our method shares many features with other finite elements methods on non-matching meshes, such as XFEM [15, 14, 18, 11] or CutFEM [5, 6, 7, 4]. Unlike the present work, the integrals over Ω are kept in XFEM or CutFEM discretizations, which is cumbersome in practice since one needs to implement the integration on the boundary Γ and on parts of mesh elements cut by the boundary. The first attempt to alleviate this practical difficulty was done in [12] with method that does not require to perform the integration on the cut elements, but needs still the integration on Γ. In the present article, we fully avoid any non trivial numerical integration: all the integration inφ-FEM is performed on the whole mesh elements, and there are no integrals on Γ. We also note that an easily implementable version ofφ-FEM is here developed for Pk finite elements of any orderk1. This should be contrasted with the situation in CutFEM where some additional terms should be added in order to achieve the optimalPk accuracy if k >1, cf. [8]. An alternative approach avoiding non trivial quadrature is presented in a recent work on the shifted boundary method [13]. The optimal convergence with piecewise linear finite elements (k= 1) on a non-fitted mesh is achieved there by introducing a truncated Taylor expansion on the approximate boundary.

The article is structured as follows: ourφ-FEM method is presented in the next section. We also give there the assumptions on the level-setφand on the mesh, and announce our main result: thea priori error estimate forφ-FEM. We work with standard continuousPk finite elements on a simplicial mesh and prove the optimal orderhk for the error in theH1norm and the (slightly) suboptimal orderhk+1/2for the error in theL2 norm.1 The proofs of these estimates are the subject of Section 3. We contend ourselves with the error analysis pertinent to theh-refinement only, i.e. we do not attempt to track the dependence of the constants, appearing in our estimates, on the polynomial degree. In Section 4, we prove that the linear system produced by our method has the condition number of order 1/h2, the same as that of a standard finite element method. Numerical illustrations are given in Section 5, including a test case covered by our theory that confirms the theoretical predictions and other test cases going slightly beyond the theoretical framework. Finally, conclusions and perspectives are presented in Section 6.

2 Definitions, assumptions, description of φ-FEM, and the main result

We recall that we work with a bounded domain Ω ⊂ O ⊂ Rd (d = 2,3) with boundary Γ given by a level-setφas in (2). We assume thatφis sufficiently smooth and behaves near Γ as the signed distance to Γ after an appropriate change of local coordinates. More specifically, we fix an integerk1 and introduce the following

1Our approach can also be realized usingQkfinite elements on a mesh consisting of rectangles/cubes. The convergence results and proofs can be straightforwardly passed over to this case.


Assumption 1. The boundary Γ can be covered by open sets Oi, i = 1, . . . , I and one can introduce on every Oi local coordinates ξ1, . . . , ξd with ξd = φ such that all the partial derivatives αξ/∂xα and

αx/∂ξα up to orderk+ 1 are bounded by someC0>0. Moreover, φis of class Ck+1 onO and|φ| ≥m onO \ ∪i=1,...,IOi with some m >0.

LetThO be a quasi-uniform simplicial mesh onOof mesh sizeh, meaning thathT handρ(T)βh for all simplexesT ∈ ThO with some mesh regularity parameterβ >0 (herehT = diam(T) andρ(T) is the radius of the largest ball inscribed inT). Consider, for an integerl1, the finite element space

Vh,O(l) ={vhH1(O) :vh|T Pl(T)∀T ∈ ThO}

where Pl(T) stands for the space of polynomials ind variables of degree l viewed as functions on T. Introduce an approximate level-setφhVh,O(l) by

φh:=Ih,O(l) (φ) (4)

where Ih,O(l) is the standard Lagrange interpolation operator on Vh,O(l). We shall use this to approximate the physical domain Ω ={φ <0} with smooth boundary Γ == 0}by the domain h<0} with the piecewise polynomial boundary Γh=h= 0}. We employφh rather thanφin our numerical method in order to simplify its implementation (all the integrals in the forthcoming finite element formulation will involve only the piecewise polynomials). This feature will also turn out to be crucial in our theoretical analysis.

We now introduce the computational meshThas the subset ofThOcomposed of the triangles/tetrahedrons having a non-empty intersection with the approximate domainh<0}. We denote the domain occupied byTh by Ωh,i.e.

Th:={T ∈ ThO :T∩ {φh<0} 6=} and h= (∪T∈ThT)o.

Note that we do not necessarily have Ω h. Indeed some mesh elements can be cut by the exact boundary = 0} but not by the approximate one h = 0}. In such rare occasions, a mesh element containing a small portion of Ω will not be included intoTh.

Fix an integerk1 (the samekas in Assumption 1) and consider the finite element space Vh(k)={vhH1(Ωh) :vh|T Pk(T)T ∈ Th}.

Theφ-FEM approximation to (1) is introduced as follows: findwhVh(k) such that:

ah(wh, vh) =lh(vh) for all vhVh(k), (5) where the bilinear formah and the linear formlh are defined by

ah(w, v) :=



∇(φhw)· ∇(φhv) Z


∂nhw)φhv+Gh(w, v) (6) and

lh(v) :=



f φhv+Grhsh (v), withGh andGrhsh standing for

Gh(w, v) :=σh X






+σh2 X





Grhsh (v) :=−σh2 X






whereσ >0 is anh-independent stabilization parameter,ThΓ⊂ Th contains the mesh elements cut by the approximate boundary Γh=h= 0},i.e.

ThΓ={T ∈ Th:TΓh6=}, Γh:=

T∈TΓ hTo

. (7)

andFhΓ collects the interior facets of the meshTheither cut by Γh or belonging to a cut mesh element FhΓ={E (an internal facet ofTh) such that∃T ∈ Th:TΓh6=andE∂T}.

The brackets inside the integral over E∈ FhΓ in the formula forGh stand for the jump over the facet E.

The first part inGh actually coincides with the ghost penalty as introduced in [3] forP1 finite elements.

We shall also need the following assumptions on the mesh Th, more specifically on the intersection of elements ofTh with the approximate boundary Γh=h= 0}.

Assumption 2. The approximate boundary Γh can be covered by element patches i}i=1,...,NΠ having the following properties:

Each patch Πi is a connected set composed of a mesh elementTi∈ Th\ ThΓ and some mesh elements cut by Γh. More precisely,Πi=TiΠΓi with ΠΓi ⊂ ThΓ containing at most M mesh elements;

• ThΓ =Ni=1ΠΠΓi;

Πi andΠj are disjoint if i6=j.

Assumption 2 is satisfied forhsmall enough, preventing strong oscillations of Γ on the length scaleh.

It can be reformulated by saying that each cut element T ∈ ThΓ can be connected to an uncut element T0 ∈ Th\ ThΓ by a path consisting of a small number of mesh elements adjacent to one another; see [12]

for a more detailed discussion and an illustration (Fig. 2).

In what follows, k · kk,D (resp. | · |k,D) denote the norm (resp. the semi-norm) in the Sobolev space Hk(D) with an integerk0 whereDcan be a domain inRd or a (d1)-dimensional manifold.

Theorem 2.1. Suppose that Assumptions 1 and 2 hold true, l k, the mesh Th is quasi-uniform, and f Hk(ΩhΩ). Let uHk+2(Ω) be the solution to (1)andwhVh(k) be the solution to (5). Denoting uh:=φhwh, it holds

|uuh|1,Ω∩Ωh Chkkfkk,Ω∪Ωh (8)

with a constantC >0depending on theC0,m,M in Assumptions 1, 2, on the maximum of the derivatives of φof order up tok+ 1, on the mesh regularity, and on the polynomial degrees kandl, but independent of h,f, andu.

Moreover, supposingh

kuuhk0,ΩChk+1/2kfkk,Ωh (9)

with a constantC >0 of the same type.

3 Proof of the a priori error estimate

The proof of Theorem 2.1 is preceded with auxiliary lemmas in Sections 3.1 and 3.2, followed by the proof of coercivity of the formah in Section 3.3.


3.1 A Hardy-type inequality

Lemma 3.1. We assume that the domainis given by the level-setφ, cf. (2), and satisfies Assumption 1. Then, for anyuHk+1(O)vanishing on Γ,

u φ k,O


withC >0 depending only on the constants in Assumption 1.

Proof. The proof is decomposed into three steps:

Step 1. We start in the one dimensional setting and adapt the proof oF Hardy’s inequality from [16].

Letu:RRbe aC function with compact support such that u(0) = 0. Setw(x) =u(x)/xforx6= 0 andw(0) =u0(0). We shall prove thatwis a Cfunction onRand, for any integers0,



|w(s)(x)|2dx 1/2



|u(s+1)(x)|2dx 1/2

(10) withC depending only ons.

Observe, for anyx >0,

w(x) = u(x) x = 1

x Z x


u0(t)dt= Z 1




w(s)(x) = Z 1


u(s+1)(xt)tsdt. (11)

It implies limx→0+w(s)(x) = u(s+1)(0)/(s+ 1). The same formula holds for the limit as x0. This means thatwis continuous (the special cases= 0), andw(s)(0) exists for alls1.

We have now by (11) and the integral version of Minkowski’s inequality Z


|w(s)(x)|2dx 1/2

= Z


Z 1 0





Z 1


Z 0

|u(s+1)(xt)|2dx 1/2

tsdt=C Z


|u(s+1)(x)|2dx 1/2


0 ts−1/2dt= 1/(s+ 1/2). Applying the same argument to negativex, we get (10).

Step 2. Let now u : Rd R be a compactly supported C function vanishing at xd = 0 and set w=u/xd. We shall prove

|w|k,RdC|u|k+1,Rd (12)

withC depending only onk.

To keep things simple, we give here the proof for the cased= 2 only (the cased= 3 is similar but would involve more complicated notations). Take any integerst, s0 witht+s=k, apply (10) to ∂xtwt






treated as a function ofx2 (note that ∂xtut 1

vanishes atx2= 0) and then integrate with respect tox1. This gives


∂xt1∂xs2 0,




∂xt1∂xs+12 0,Rd








∂xk−s1 ∂xs2








∂xk−s1 ∂xs+12





so that (12) is proved.

Step 3. Consider finally the domains Ω⊂ Oas announced in the statement of this Lemma, letube a Cfunction onOvanishing on Γ, and setw=u/φ. Assume first thatuis compactly supported inOl, one of the sets forming the cover of Γ as announced in Assumption 1. Recall the local coordinatedξ1, . . . , ξd

onOlwith ξd =φand denote by ˆu(resp. ˆw) the function u(resp. w) treated as a function of ξ1, . . . , ξd. Since ˆw= ˆu/ξd, (12) implieskwkˆ k,RdCkukˆ k+1,Rd. Passing from the coordinatesx1, . . . , xd toξ1, . . . , ξd

and backwards we conclude kwkk,Ol Ckukk+1,Ol with a constant C that depends on the maximum of partial derivativesαx/∂ξα up to orderkand that ofαξ/∂xαup to orderk+ 1. Introducing a partition of unity subject to the cover{Ol}we can now easily provekwkk,OCkukk+1,O noting that 1/φis of class Ck outsidel{Ol}. This estimate holds also true foruHk+1(O) by density ofC inHk+1.

3.2 Some technical lemmas

This Section regroups some technical results to be used later in the proofs of the coercivity ofah (Section 3.3) and the a priori error estimates (Sections 3.4 and 3.5). The most important contribution here is Lemma 3.3 which extends to finite elements of any degree a result from [12]. This lemma will be the keystone of the proof of coercivity by allowing us to handle the non necessarily positive terms on the cut elements. It shows indeed that the H1 norm of a finite element function on ΩΓh can be bounded by its norm on the whole computational domain Ωh multiplied by a number strictly smaller than 1, modulo the addition of stabilization terms. We recall that our stabilization is strongly inspired by that of [3] but differs from it by some extra terms involving the Laplacian on mesh elements. The proof that such a stabilization is sufficient in Lemma 3.3 relies on a simple observation on polynomials, announced and proven in Lemma 3.2.

Lemma 3.2. LetT be a triangle/tetrahedron,E one of its sides andpa polynomial onT of degrees0 such that p= ∂p∂n = 0 onE and∆p= 0onT. Then p= 0 onT.

Proof. Let us consider only the 2D case (3D is similar). Without loss of generality, we can assume that E lies on the x-axis in (x, y) coordinates. Let p = P

pijxiyj with i, j 0, i+j s as above. We shall prove by induction on m = 0,1, . . . , l that pim = 0, ∀i. Indeed, this is valid for m = 0,1 since p(x,0) =P

ipi0xi= 0 and ∂p∂y(x,0) =P

ipi1xi= 0. Now, ∆p= 0 implies for all indicesi, j0 (i+ 2)(i+ 1)pi+2,j+ (j+ 2)(j+ 1)pi,j+2= 0

so thatpim= 0,∀iimpliespi,m+2= 0, ∀i.

Lemma 3.3. Under Assumption 2, for anyβ >0 andsN one can choose 0< α <1 depending only on the mesh regularity andssuch that, for each vhVh(s),

|vh|21,ΩΓ h


h+βh X






+βh2 X


k∆vhk20,T. (13)

Proof. Choose anyβ >0, consider the decomposition of ΩΓh in element patchesk}as in Assumption 2, and introduce

α:= max


|vh|21,ΠΓ k










, (14)

where the maximum is taken over all the possible configurations of a patch Πk allowed by the mesh regularity and over all the piecewise polynomial functions on Πk (polynomials of degrees). The subset Fk⊂ FhΓ gathers the edges internal to Πk. Note that the quantity under the max sign in (14) is invariant under the scaling transformation x7→ hx and is homogeneous with respect to vh. Recall also that the


patch Πk contains at most M elements. Thus, the maximum is indeed attained since it is taken over a bounded set in a finite dimensional space.

Clearly,α1. Supposingα= 1 would lead to a contradiction. Indeed, ifα= 1 then we can take Πk, vh yielding this maximum and suppose without loss of generality|vh|1,Πk= 1. We observe then

|vh|21,Tk+βh X






+βh2 X


k∆vhk20,T = 0 since |vh|21,Π

k =|vh|21,T

k+|vh|21,ΠΓ k

. This implies vh = c = const on Tk, ∂vh


= 0 on allE ∈ Fk, and

∆vh = 0 on all T Πk. Thus applying Lemma 3.2 to vhc, we deduce that vh = c on Πk, which contradicts|vh|1,Πk= 1.

This proves α <1. We have thus

|vh|21,ΠΓ k


k+βh X






+βh2 X



for allvhVhand all the admissible patches Πk. Summing this over Πk, k= 1, . . . , NΠ yields (13).

Lemma 3.4. For allvhVh(k), it holds

hvhk0,ΩΓ h

Chhvh|1,ΩΓ h

, (15)



h , (16)

with a constantC >0 depending only on the regularity ofTh andk.

Proof. It is easy to see that the supremum

C= sup


kphk0,T hT|ph|1,T

over all the polynomials ph Pk+l(T) vanishing at a point of T and all the simplexesT satisfying the regularity assumption hT/ρ(T) β is attained so that C is finite. Taking any T ∈ ThΓ and putting ph = φhvh, this implies hvhk0,T ChThvh|1,T for any Vh Vh(k). Summing over all T ∈ ThΓ concludes the proof of (15). Estimate (16) is proven similarly, adding, if necessary, neighbour elements to T ∈ ThΓ.

Lemma 3.5. For allvhVh(k)



hvhk20,E Ch|φhvh|21,Ωh (17) and


h Ch|φhvh|21,Ω

h (18)

with a constantC >0 depending only on the regularity ofTh. Proof. LetE∈ FhΓ. Recall the well-known trace inequality

kvk20,E C 1


(19) for eachvH1(E). Summing this over allE∈ FhΓ gives



hvhk20,E C 1


h+h|φhvh|21,ΩΓ h

leading, in combination with (15), to (17). The proof of (18) is similar.


Lemma 3.6. Under Assumption 1, it holds for all v Hs(Ωh) with integer 1sk+ 1, v vanishing onΩ,



h\Ω. (20)

Proof. Consider the 2D case (d = 2). For simplicity, we can assume that v is C regular and pass to v Hs(Ωh) by density. By Assumption 1, we can pass to the local coordinates ξ1, ξ2 on every set Ok

covering Γ assuming thatξ1 varies between 0 andL and, for anyξ1 fixed, ξ2 varies on Ωh\Ω from 0 to someb(ξ1) with 0b(ξ1)Ch. We observe using the bounds on the mapping (x1, x2)7→1, ξ2)


h\Ω)∩OkC Z L


Z b(ξ1) 0

v21, ξ2)dξ21

(recall that αv

∂ξα21,0) = 0 forα= 0, . . . , s-1 andbCh)

=C Z L


Z b(ξ1) 0

Z ξ2 0

2t)s−1 (s1)!


∂ξ2s1, t)dt

!2 21



h2s Z b(ξ1)



∂ξs21, t)





Summing over all neighbourhoods Ok gives (20). The proof in the 3D case is the same up to the change of notations.

3.3 Coercivity of the bilinear form ah

Lemma 3.7. Under Assumption 2, the bilinear formah is coercive onVh(k) with respect to the norm



h+Gh(vh, vh)

i.e. ah(vh, vh)c|||vh|||2h for all vh Vh(k) withc > 0 depending only on the mesh regularity and on the constants in Assumption 2.

Proof. LetvhVh(k) andBh be the strip between Γhand∂Ωh,i.e. Bh=h>0} ∩h. Sinceφhvh= 0 on Γh,




∂n φhvh= Z



∂n φhvh

= X





∂n φhvh X







∂n φhvh,

whereThΓ is defined in (7) andFhcut(T) regroups the facets of a mesh elementT cut by Γh. By divergence theorem,




∂n φhvh= Z


|∇(φhvh)|2+ X














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