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Continuous functions on Berkovich spaces


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HAL Id: hal-03039682


Preprint submitted on 4 Dec 2020

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Continuous functions on Berkovich spaces

Junyi Xie

To cite this version:

Junyi Xie. Continuous functions on Berkovich spaces. 2020. �hal-03039682�



Abstract. Let k be a perfect complete valued field with a nontrivial non- archimedean norm | · | andω k with 0<|ω|<1. Let X be a reduced and normalk-analytic space. ThenO'lim


1. Introduction

1.1. A motivation. Let X be a complex manifold. Cauchy’s convergence the- orem says that a Cauchy sequence of continuous (resp. holomorphic) functions for the L-norm convergences to a continuous (resp. holomorphic) on X.

Let us consider a sheaf version of this theorem. Denote by C (resp. O) the sheaf ofC-valued continuous (resp. holomorphic) functions. SetF =C orO.For every open subset U ⊆X, denote byρU :F(U)→[0,+∞] theL-norm. Define a piecewise F-function on U to be a collection {(Ui, Fi), i ∈ I} where Ui, i ∈ I is an open covering of U and Fi ∈ F(Ui). Denote by P(U) the set of piecewise F-function on U.

For F ={(Ui, Fi), i∈I}, G={(Vj, Gj), j ∈J} ∈ P(U), define d(F, G) := sup



The functiond is similar to a semi-metric, except that d(F, F) may take positive value. We may define the Cauchy sequences onP(U) as usual, to be the sequences Fn, n≥0, for which, for every >0, there isN ≥0 such that for everym, n≥N, d(Fn, Fm)≤.We define the equivalence relation of the Cauchy sequences in the usual way. Define ˆF to be the presheaf onX sendingU to the equivalence classes of Cauchy sequences in P(U). Easy to see that F is a sub-presheaf of ˆF.

When F = C, we have ˆF = ˆC = C. This fact can be viewed as a sheaf version of Cauchy’s convergence theorem for C. But this sheaf version is not true for O when dimX ≥ 1. Observe that every bounded continuous function can be uniformly approximated by piecewise locally constant functions (hence by piecewise holomorphic functions). So ˆO(X) contains all bounded continuous functions on X. In fact, it is easy to see thatC is exactly the sheafification of ˆF. This gives us a way to define the sheaf of continuous functions from the sheaf of holomorphic functions.

In non-archimedean geometry (in the sence of Berkovich), we a priori have a structure sheaf which is the analogy of the sheaf of holomorphic functions. Apply- ing the above construction, we get an analogy of the sheaf of continuous functions.

Date: December 4, 2020.

The author is partially supported by project “Fatou” ANR-17-CE40-0002-01.



One may ask what does it look like? In particular, are there ”continuous func- tions” which are not analytic? In this paper we show that under mild conditions, the sheaf version of Cauchy’s convergence theorem holds for the structure sheaf.

In other words, all ”continuous functions” in this sense are analytic. We will also study the analytic and continuous functions on subsets of a Berkovich space. In particular, there are continuous functions on some closed subsets which are not analytic.

In the sequels to the papers, we will apply the results in this paper to study non-archimedean dynamics. In particular, Theorem 1.1 will be used to generate [7, Appendix B] to the global setting.

1.2. The statement. Denote byka complete valued field with a nontrivial non- archimedean norm | · |. Denote by k :={f ∈k| |f| ≤ 1} the valuation ring and k◦◦ := {f ∈ k| |f| < 1} its maximal ideal. Denote by ek := k/k◦◦ the residue field. We denote by ρX the spectral norm on X. Some times, we write ρ for ρX for the simplicity.

LetXbe a reducedk-analytic space. LetO(orOX when we want to emphasize the space X) be the structure sheaf on X w.r.t the G-topology. Let O(X) the subsheaf of O satisfying O(U) =O(U) for every analytic subdomain U of X.

Let ω be any element in k satisfying |ω| ∈ (0,1). Denote O/ω be the cokernal of the morphism ω× ·:O → O. We prove the following result.

Theorem 1.1. Assume that kif perfect and X is normal. Let ω be any element in k satisfying |ω| ∈ (0,1). Denote by αn :O → On the quotient morphism.

Then the natural morphism α := lim

αn:O →lim

On is an isomorphism.

Remark 1.2. It is easy to see that the morphismO →lim

On is an isomor- phism if and only if the natural morphism O →lim

O/ωnO is an isomorphism.

Remark 1.3. As Ruochuan Liu pointed out, when kis of mixed characteristic, there is an alternative proof of Theorem 1.1 using the almost vanishing of the higher cohomologies ofO+ on affinoid perfectoid spaces [6, Theorem 6.3] and the Ax-Sen-Tate for rigid analytic spaces [5, Proposition 8.2.1]. He also pointed out that when k is of mixed characteristic, Theorem 1.1 is implied by [4, Theorem 10.3].

Remark 1.4. If X is not normal, α can be non-surjective. An example is as follows: Let X := M(k{T1, T2}/(T22 − T13)). For n ≥ 0, let Un := {x ∈ X| |T1(x)| ≤ |ω2n|} and Vn := {x ∈ X| |T1(x)| ≥ |ω2n|}. We note that for x ∈Vn, T2/T1 ∈ O(V1) and |T2/T1(x)| =|T1(x)|1/2. So we have T2/T1 ∈ O(Vn). Set vn := αn(T2/T1) ∈ On(Vn). Since for every x ∈ Un ∩Vn, |T2/T1(x)| =

|T1(x)|1/2 = |ωn|, we have vn|Un∩Vn = 0 ∈ On(V1 ∩V2). So there is a unique section tn ∈ On(X) such that tn|Vn = vn and tn|Un = 0. It is clear that for m ≥n, the image of tm inOn(X) istn.Set T := lim

tn ∈lim

On.Leto be the k-point in X defined by the maximal ideal (T1, T2) in k{T1, T2}/(T22 −T13).

We note that on Y := X\ {o}, we have T|Y = α(T2/T1). But T2/T1 does not extend to a regular function on X. So we haveT 6∈α(O(X)).


The quotient morphism αω :O → O/ω induces a morphism αω(X) :O(X)→ O/ω(X).

Even when X is affinoid, αω(X) is not surjective in general.

Example 1.5. Let k = C((T)), ω := T and X := M(k{x, y}/(y2 −x3 −T6)).

Observe that O(X) = C[[T]][x, y]/(y2−x3−T6) and O(X)/ω =C[x, y]/(y2− x3). Set U1 := {z ∈ X| |x3| ≤ |y2|} and U2 := {z ∈ X| |y2| ≤ |x3|}. Both U1 and U2 are rational subdomain of X.DefineF1 :=x2/y ∈O(U1) andF2 =y/x∈ O(U2).

We claim ρU1(F1) ≤ 1 and ρU2(F2) ≤ 1. For every z ∈ X, if R := |x3(z)| =

|y2(z)|, then 0< R≤1, z ∈U1∩U2 and

|F1(z)|=|(x2/y)(z)|=|(y/x)(z)|=|F2(z)|=R1/6 ≤1.

For every z ∈X, if|x3(z)|<|y2(z)|, thenz ∈U1\U2, |x(z)|<|T2|and |y(z)|=

|T3|. So |F1(z)| = |(x2/y)(z)| < |T| < 1. For every z ∈ X, if |x3(z)| > |y2(z)|, then z ∈U2\U1, |x(z)|=|T2| and |y(z)|<|T3|. So |F2(z)|=|(y/x)(z)|<|T|<

1. Then we proved our claim.

For z ∈ U1 ∩U2, we have |x3(z)| = |y2(z)| ≥ |T6|. Then we have |xy(z)| ≥

|T5|. We have F1 −F2 = x2/y −y/x = (x3 −y2)/xy = −T6/xy. So we have

|(F1 −F2)(z)| = |(T6/xy)(z)| ≤ |T6|/|T5| ≤ |T|. It shows that αω(F1)|U1∩U2 = αω(F2)|U1∩U2. So we may glue αω(F1) and αω(F1) to a section F ∈ O/ω(X).

We claim that F is not contained in the image of αω(X). Otherwise F = αω(X)(G) whereG∈C[[T]][x, y]/(y2−x3−T6).DefineU :={z ∈X| |x(z)|= 1}.

We have U ⊆U1∩U2.Then on U, we get

y/x=F|U =G mod ω∈C[[T]][x, y]/(y2−x3−T6)/(T) = C[x, y]/(y2−x3) which is a contradiction.

The proof of Theorem 1.1 relies on the following lemma.

Lemma 1.6. Letωbe any element inksatisfying|ω| ∈(0,1).Then the morphism αω(Dr(R1, . . . , Rr)) :O(Dr(R1, . . . , Rr))→ O/ω(Dr(R1, . . . , Rr))

is surjective for every r≥0.

The following is a simple application of Lemma 1.6.

Corollary 1.7. Let ω be any element in k satisfying |ω| ∈ (0,1). Then we have O/ω(Ar,an) = k/ω for r ≥0.

Acknowledgement. I would like to thank Bernard Le Stum, Xinyi Yuan, J´erˆome Poineau for useful discussions. I thank Antoine Ducros for telling me that we need the condition ”generically quasi-smooth” in Lemma 2.2. I thank Ruochuan Liu for sharing me his idea of an alternative proof of Theorem 1.1 in mixed charac- teristic using relative p-adic Hodge theory.


2. A Noether normalization lemma

Assume that the norm onkis non-trivial. LetX =M(A) be a strictk-affinoid space. We say thatX isgenerically quasi-smooth if there is a Zariski dense open subset U of X such thatU is quasi-smooth.

Remark 2.1. Ifkis perfect andXis reduced, thenXis generically quasi-smooth.

We need the following version of Noether normalization lemma for the proof of Theorem 1.1.

Lemma 2.2. Assume that X is irreducible and generically quasi-smooth of di- mension r. Then there exists a finite morphism

π:X →Dr =M(k{T1, . . . , Tr}),

such thatπ :O(Dr) = k{T1, . . . , Tr},→ O(X) is injective and the field extension π : FracO(Dr),→Frac (O(X)) to be separable.

Proof of Lemma 2.2. By [3, 6.1.2. Theorem 1.(i)], there exists an admissible surjection F : k{U1, . . . , Un} A whose restriction G := F|k{U1,...,Ur} is fi- nite and injective. Since X is generically quasi-smooth, there exists a rigid point x ∈ X such that X is quasi-smooth at x. Then there exists an affi- noid subdomain W of Dn = M(k{U1, . . . , Un}) containing x such that X ∩W is defined by the ideal (g1, . . . , gn−r) and moreover the Jacobian matrix at x J(x) := (∂Ujgi(x))1≤i≤n−r,1≤j≤n ∈ Mn×(n−r)(H(x)) is of full rank. For j = 1, . . . , n, set Jj := (∂Ujg1(x), . . . , ∂Ujgn−r(x)). Then there are 1 ≤ j1 < · · · <

jn−r ≤ n such that the vectors Jj1, . . . , Jjn−r are linearly independent. Write {1, . . . , n} \ {j1, . . . , jn−r} = {s1, . . . , sr} where s1 < · · · < sr. For a ∈ k, denote by Φa : Dn → Dr sending (U1, . . . , Un) to (U1 + aUs1, . . . , Ur +aUsr) and set πa := Φa|X. Then there exists R > 0 such that when 0 < |a| < R, (dπa)(x) is invertible and the reduction πea : k{T^1, . . . , Tr} → Ae equal to the reduction Ge : k{T^1, . . . , Tr} → A. Definee π := πa for some a ∈ k satisfying 0 < |a| < R. Since G is finite, Ge = πe is finite [3, 6.3.5. Theorem 1]. Then π is finite [3, 6.3.5. Theorem 1]. Since (dπ)(x) is invertible, the field extension π : FracO(Dr),→Frac (O(X)) is separable, which concludes the proof.

3. The piecewise analytic functions

Let X be a reduced k-analytic space. To avoid some set theoretical problem, we fix a cardinal number κ≥max{ℵ0,2#X}.

Apiecewise analytic functions onXis defined to be a collection{(Ui, fi), i∈I}

indexed by an ordinal number I of cardinal at most κ, where Ui, i ∈ I is a G- covering of X (by analytic domains) and fi ∈ O(Ui).Denote by P(X) to be the set of piecewise analytic functions on X. In particular, for F = {(Ui, fi), i ∈ I}, G = {(Vi, gi), i ∈ J}, we say that F = G if I = J and for every i ∈ I = J, Ui =Vi and fi =gi.


For F ={(Ui, fi), i ∈ I}, denote by UF :={Ui, i ∈ I} the covering associated to F.For F ={(Ui, fi), i∈I}, G={(Vi, gi), j ∈J}, we define

F +G={(Ui∩Vj, fi+gj),(i, j)∈I×J} and

F ×G={(Ui ∩Vj, figj),(i, j)∈I×J}.

Here I ×J is the multiplication of ordinal numbers i.e. the order type of I×J with the lexicographical order.

Remark 3.1. When #I = 1 or #J = 1, we have F ×G = G×F. In general, F ×G6=G×F. Because usually the ordering on I×J and J ×I are different.

For F, G, H ∈ P(X), we have

F +G=G+F,(F +G) +H =F + (G+H) and (F ×G)×H =F ×(G×H).

In general F ×(G+H)6=F ×G+F ×H.

We have an embeddingO(X),→ P(X), sendinghto{(X, h)}.This embedding preserves the addition and the multiplication. For every F ∈ O(X), G, H ∈ P(X), we have

F ×(G+H) =F ×G+F ×H.

We note that, for F ={(Ui, fi), i∈I}, we have

F −F ={(Ui∩Uj, fi−fj),(i, j)∈I×J}


0×F ={(Ui,0), i∈I}

are not necessarily equal to 0.

For F ={(Ui, fi), i∈I} ∈ P(X),define ρ(F) = sup




∆(F) :=ρ(F −F),

where ρ is the spectral norm. We may view F as a multi-valued function on X.

For everyx∈X, the value ofF atxis denoted by F(x) := {fi ∈ H(x)| x∈Ui}.

Then we have

ρ(F) = sup


sup{|fi(x)||x∈Ui} and

∆(F) = sup


sup{|(fi−fj)(x)|| x∈Ui∩Uj}.

For F, G∈ P(X), a∈k, we have

ρ(F +G)≤max{ρ(f), ρ(g)}, ρ(F G)≤ρ(F)ρ(G);

∆(F +G)≤max{∆(F),∆(G)},∆(F G)≤max{ρ(F)∆(G), ρ(G)∆(F)}.


ρ(aF) = |a|ρ(F),∆(aF) =|a|∆(F).


Fors∈[0,∞], denote byPs(X) (resp. Ps(X) ) the set ofF ∈ P(X) satisfying ρ(F)≤s(resp. ∆(F)≤s.) Set Pts(X) :=Ps(X)∩ Pt(X).They are stable under addition. It is easy to see the following properties

(i) P(X) =P(X);

(ii) P(X)st is increasing for both s and t;

(iii) Pts(X) = Ps(X) if s≤t;

(iv) Ps(X)⊆ Ps(X);

(v) for every s1, s2, t1, t2 ∈[0,∞],Pts11(X)× Pts22(X)⊆ Pmax{ss1s2


For F ∈ P(X), ∆(F) = 0 if and only if F takes form {(Ui, f|Ui), i ∈ I} where f ∈ O(X); if and only if there exists f ∈ O(X) such that ρ(F −f) = 0.

Let Y be a reduced k-analytic space satisfying 2#Y ≤κ. Let f :Y →X be a morphism. Then we have the pull back map

f :P(X)→ P(Y)

sending F := {(Ui, fi), i ∈ I} to fF := {(f−1(Ui), f(fi)), i ∈ I}. This map preserves the addition and the multiplication. The restriction of f on O(X) is exactly the usual pull back of regular functions. We have ρ(f(F)) ≤ ρ(F) and


In particular, for any analytic subdomainU ofX, we may define the restriction map P(X) → P(U) by applying the pull back map for the inclusion. Observe that, if Vi, i ∈ I is a covering of analytic subdomains of X and F ∈ P(X), we have

ρ(F) = max{ρ(F|Vi), i= 1, . . . , m}.

Let I be an ordinal number with cardinal at most κ and Vi, i ∈ I be a G- covering of X by analytic subdomains and Fi = {(Vji, fji), j ∈ Ji} ∈ P(Vi), we define

i∈IFi :={(Vji, fji),(i, j)∈ ts∈IJs} ∈ P(X).

Here we write (i, j)∈ ts∈IJs for i∈ I and j ∈Ji; and we think ti∈IJi as a well ordinal set with the following ordering: (a, b)≤(c, d) ifa < c ora=c, b≤dand identify it with its order type.

We have

ρ(∨i∈IFi) = sup


ρ(Fi) and

∆(∨i∈IFi)≤sup{ρ(Fi|Vi∩Vj −Fj|Vi∩Vj), i, j ∈I}.

LetU ={Ui, i∈I}be a G-covering ofXby analytic subdomains. A refinement of U is a G-covering V ={Vj, j ∈J}with a map σ :I →J such that Vi ⊆Uσ(i). For F = {(Ui, fi), i∈ I} ∈ P(X), if J is an ordinal number of cardinal at most κ, α:= (V ={Vj, j ∈J}, σ) is a refinement of UF. We defineFα∈ P(X) by

Fα :={(Vi, fσ(i)|Vi), j ∈J}.

We have

ρ(Fα)≤ρ(F),∆(Fα)≤∆(F) and ρ(Fα−F)≤∆(F).


Let Fn, n ≥ 0 be a sequence in P(X). We say that Fn, n ≥ 0 is a Cauchy sequence if for every > 0, there exists N ≥ 0 such that for every n, m ≥ N, we have ρ(Fn−Fm) ≤ . In fact, Fn, n ≥ 0 in P(X) is Cauchy if and only if

n→∞lim ∆(Fn) = 0 and lim

n→∞ρ(Fn−Fn+1) = 0. For f ∈ O(X)⊆ P(X), we say that

n→∞lim Fn=f if ρ(Fn−f)→0 as n→ ∞. It is clear that if lim

n→∞Fn =f, then we have

(3.1) ρ(Fn−f) = lim


Two Cauchy sequences Fn, n ≥ 0 and Gn, n ≥ 0 are defined to be equivalent if the lim

n→∞(Fn−Gn) = 0.Denote by ˆO(X) the space of equivalent classes of Cauchy sequences in P(X).For every Cauchy sequencesFn, n≥0 inP(X), we denote by [Fn] its image in ˆO(X).Then we have a natural inclusionO(X)⊆O(X) sendingˆ f ∈ O(X) to the image of the constant sequence Fn := f, n ≥ 0. We identify O(X) with its image in ˆO(X).

It is easy to see that the addition and multiplication in P(X) induce addition and multiplication on ˆO(X) such that for every Cauchy sequences Fn, Gn, n≥0 in P(X), we have

[Fn] + [Gn] = [Fn+Gn] and [Fn][Gn] = [FnGn].

The norm ρ induces a norm on P(X) (which is still denoted by ρ), satisfying ρ([Fn]) = lim


Observe that ρ([Fn]) = 0 if and only if [Fn] = 0.

We may view [Fn] as a function on X. Indeed, for every point x ∈ X, there exists a unique limit point [Fn](x) for the sequences of subsetFn(x) inH(x). This point does not depend on the choice of Fn, n ≥0 in its equivalent class. We say that [Fn](x) is the value of [Fn] at x.Then we have

(3.2) ρ([Fn]) = sup



Since ρ([Fn]−[Gn]) = supx∈X|[Fn−Gn](x)|= supx∈X |[Fn](x)−[Gn](x)|, [Fn] = [Gn] if and only if they takes the same value at every point in X.

The restriction of ρ on O(X) is the spectral norm on O(X). When X is compact, ρ takes finite values on ˆO(X) and it makes ˆO(X) to be a Banach k-algebra.

The spaces P(X),Ps(X),Pt(X),Pts(X) depends on the choice of the cardinal number κ. However, we have the following result.

Proposition 3.2. The space O(X)ˆ does not depend on the choice of κ.

Proof of Proposition 3.2. Letβbe a cardinal number at leastκ.Denote byP(X)0 and ˆO(X)0 the spaces constructed in the same way as P(X) and ˆO(X) except replacingκbyβ.We have a natural inclusionP(X)⊆ P(X)0. It induces a natural morphism ˆO(X) → O(X)ˆ 0. Easy to see that this morphism is well defined.

Moreover, it is a morphism of k-algebra and it preserves the spectral normρ. In


particular, this morphism is injective. Then we may view ˆO(X) as a subspace of O(X)ˆ 0.

Lemma 3.3. For everyF0 ∈ P(X)0, there existsF ∈ P(X)such thatρ(F−F0)≤


For every [Fn0]∈O(X)ˆ 0, pickFn ∈ P(X), n ≥0 such thatρ(Fn−Fn0)≤∆(Fn0).

Since ∆(Fn0)→ 0 as n → ∞, Fn is a Cauchy sequence and [Fn0] = [Fn] ∈O(X).ˆ

This concludes the proof.

Proof of Lemma 3.3. Write F0 = {(Ui, Fi), i ∈ I}. Since the cardinal of the set of analytic subdomains of X is at most 2#X ≤ κ, there exists a subset J of I of cardinal at mostκsuch that for every i∈I, there existsj ∈J such thatUi =Uj. We note that J is a well-order set. We identify it with its order type. Define F :={(Uj, Fj), i∈ J} ∈ P(X). We get ρ(F −F0)≤∆(F0), which concludes the


For everys >0, denote by ˆOs(X) the set ofF ∈O(X) satisfyingˆ ρ(F)≤s.For every F ∈Oˆs(X), we may write is as F = [Fn] whereFn is a Cauchy sequence in Ps(X).Indeed, we may writeF = [Fn0] for some Cauchy sequence inP(X).Then there exists N ≥ 0, such that ρ(Fn0) ≤ s for n ≥ N. Then we have F = [FN0 +n] and FN+n0 ∈ Ps(X) forn ≥0.

Remark 3.4. If we defineOcs(X) to be the equivalent classes of Cauchy sequences of in Ps(X), the above argument just shows that Ocs(X) = ˆOs(X).

3.1. Sheaf properties.

Proposition 3.5. The following presheaves

P (resp. Ps,Pt,Pts,O,ˆ Oˆs) :U 7→ P(U) (resp. Ps(U),Pt(U),Pts(U),O(U),ˆ Oˆs(U)) are sheaves on X.

Remark 3.6. When X is a complex manifold and O is the sheaf of homeomor- phisms, we may define the presheaf ˆOin a same way. But usually it is not a sheaf and its sheafification is the sheaf of continuous functions.

Proof of Proposition 3.5. We first prove it for P. We need to show that for any analytic subdomain U of X, every G-covering Vj, j ∈ J of U, the first arrow in the following diagram is an equalizer:



P(Vi)−→−→ Y



We first show that the first arrow is injective. Let F = {(Ui, Fi), i ∈ I1)}, G = {(Wi, Gi), i∈I2)}be two sections ofP(U),such that for everyj ∈J,F|Vj =G|Vj. Then we get I1 =I2. Moreover, for every i∈I1 =I2, we have Ui∩Vj =Wi∩Vj and Fi|Ui∩Vj = Gi|Wi∩Vj. It follows that Ui =Wi and Fi = Gi for all i∈ I1 =I2. Then we getF =G.Now assume that (Fj, j ∈J)∈Q

jP(Vj) is contained in the equalizer. We only need to show that it is the image of some section of P(U).


WriteFj ={(Uij, Fij), i∈Ij}.Forj, k ∈J, we haveFj|Vj∩Vk =Fk|Vj∩Vk.It follows that I := Ij are the same for all j ∈ J. For every i ∈ I, define Ui := ∪j∈JUij. Since for every i ∈ I, j, k ∈ J, we have Uij ∩Vj ∩Vk = Uik ∩Vj ∩Vk, then for every j ∈ J, Uij = Ui ∩Vj. Since for every j, k ∈ J Fij|Ui∩Vj∩Vk = Fik|Ui∩Vj∩Vk, there exists Fi ∈ O(Ui) such thatFij =Fi|Ui∩Vj. It follows that (Fj, j ∈J) is the image of {(Fi, Ui), i ∈ I} ∈ P(U). We conclude the proof for P. The proofs for Ps,Pt,Pts are the same as the proof for P.

We only need to prove it for ˆO. We need to show that for any analytic sub- domain U of X, every G-coveringVj, j ∈J of U, the first arrow in the following diagram is an equalizer:

O(U)ˆ →Y


O(Vˆ i)−→−→ Y


O(Vˆ i ∩Vj).

By Equality 3.2, the first arrow is injective. By Proposition 3.2, we may assume that κ ≥ #J. We may endow J a well-order and assume it to be an ordinal number. Assume that ([Fnj], j ∈J) is an element in the equalizer in Q

i∈JO(Vˆ i).

Define Fn := ∨j∈JFnj ∈ P(X). It is easy to check that Fn, n ≥ 0 is a Cauchy sequence and [Fn]|Vj = [Fnj]|Vj. We conclude the proof.

Let ω be an element in k satisfying 0 < |ω| < 1. For every element F = {(Ui, Fi), i ∈ I} ∈ P|ω|1 (X), we denote by Fe the section of OX /ω(X) which is glued by Fei ∈ OX/ω(Ui) where Fei is the image of Fi in OX(Vi)/ω. Denote by ψX : P|ω|1 (X) → OX/ω(X) the map defined by F 7→ F .e Sometimes we write ψωX for ψX to emphasize ω. We note that for F1, F2 ∈ P|ω|1 (X), ψX(F1) =ψX(F2) if and only if ρ(F1−F2)≤ |ω|. We have the following result.

Proposition 3.7. The mapψX :P|ω|1 (X)→ O/ω(X)(resp. P|ω|(X)→ O/ω(X)) is surjective.

Proof of Proposition 3.7. The P|ω|1 part of this proposition implies the P|ω| part.

So we only need to proof the P|ω|1 part.

Let Fe be a section in O/ω(X). Since the quotient morphism φ : O → O/ω(X) is surjective, there exists a G-covering Vj, j ∈ J of X and Fj ∈ O(Vj), j ∈ J such that φ|Vj(Fj) = Fe|Vj. Denote by β a cardinal number at least max{#J, κ}. Denote by P(X)0,P(X)01ω the spaces constructed in the same way as P(X),P(X)1ω except replacing κ by β. View P(X),P(X)1ω as subspaces of P(X)0,P(X)01ω. Define the morphism ψ0X : P|ω|01(X) → O/ω(X) in the same way as ψX. We haveψ0X|P(X)1ωX.

After giving a well-order onJ and identifying it with its order type, we may as- sume thatJ is an ordinal number of cardinal at most β.ThenF0 :={(Vj, Fj), j ∈ J} defines an element in P|ω|01 (X) satisfying ψ0X(F0) = F .e By Lemma 3.3, there exists F ∈ Pω1(X) such that ρ(F −F0) ≤ ∆(F0) ≤ |ω|. Then we have ψX(F) = ψ0X(F) = ψX0 (F0) = Fe, which concludes the proof.


For every analytic subdomain U of X, [Fn] ∈Oˆ1(U), there exists N ≥0 such that Fn ∈ P|ω|1 (U) for n ≥ N and ψXω(Fn) = ψXω(FN). The value ψXω(F) :=

ψωX(Fn) does not depend on the choice of N and the sequence Fn. Denote by βUn : ˆO1(U) → On(U) the morphism sending F to ψXωn(F). They define a morphism of sheaves βn : ˆO1 → On. Moreover βn induces a morphism of sheaves β := lim

βn : ˆO1 →lim


Proposition 3.8. The morphism β : ˆO1 →lim

On (resp. O →ˆ lim

O/ωnO) is an isomorphism.

Proof of Proposition 3.8. The ˆO1 part of this proposition implies the ˆO part. So we only need to proof the ˆO1 part.

We only need to show that for affinoid subdomainU,βU : ˆO1(U)→lim

On(U) is an isomorphism.

For F = [Fn] ∈ Oˆ1(U), we may assume that ρ(Fn) ≤ 1. If F 6= 0, there exists l ≥ 0 such that ρ(F) > |ωl|. There exists N ≥ 0, such that for n ≥ N, ψωXl(Fn) = ψωXl(FN). Denote by ql : lim

On(U) → Ol(U) the quotient morphism, we have

ql(β(F)) =βn(F) =ψωXl(FN)6= 0.

This shows that β is injective.

For every (gn)n≥0 ∈ lim

(On(U)) = lim

On(U), by Proposition 3.7, we may writegnUωn(Gn) for someGn∈ P1n|(U).We may check thatGn, n≥0 is a Cauchy sequence in P1(U) and βU([Gn]) = (gn)n≥0.Thenβ is surjective, which

concludes the proof.

3.2. An induced continuousR-valued function. Forb >0,F ={(Ui, Fi), i∈ I} ∈ Pb(X), we define a functionφbF :X →R onX as follows: for every x∈X,

φbF(x) := max{log(|Fi(x)|),log(b)},

wherex∈Ui.It is well defined, because fori, j ∈Isatisfyingx∈Ui∩Uj, we have

|(Fi−Fj)(x)| ≤b, then max{log(|Fi(x)|),log|b|}= max{log(|Fj(x)|),log|b|}. We note that for F0 ∈ Pb(X), ifρ(F −F0)≤b, then we have φbFbF0.

Proposition 3.9. The function φbF is continuous on X.

Proof of Proposition 3.9. For every i ∈ I, φbF|Ui = max{log(|Fi|Ui|),log(b)} is continuous. We conclude the proof by the following lemma.

Lemma 3.10. Let Ui, i ∈ I be an affinoid G-covering of X. Then a function φ : X → R is continuous if and only if for every i ∈ I, φ|Ui : Ui → R is continuous.

Proof of Lemma 3.10. It is clear that if φ is continuous, φ|Ui is continuous for every i∈I.


Now assume that φ|Ui is continuous for every i∈ I. Let K be a closed subset of R, we only need to show that φ−1(K) is closed in X. Let x be a point in X \φ−1(K), since Ui, i ∈ I is a G-covering of X, there is a finite subset Ix of I such that


Then (∪i∈IxUi)∩φ−1(K) = ∪i∈Ix(φ|Ui)−1(K) is closed in X. So φ−1(K) contains the open neighborhood ((∪i∈IxUi))\φ−1(K) ofx, which concludes the proof.

4. Proof of Lemma 1.6 and Corollary 1.7

Proof of Lemma 1.6. Denote byX :=Dr(R1, . . . , Rr) =M(k{R−11 T1, . . . , R−1r Tr}).

Set b :=|ω|. When r= 0, there is nothing to prove. Now we assume that r≥1.

By Proposition 3.7, we only need to show that for every elementF ={(Ui, Fi), i∈ I} ∈ Pb1(X), there exists a section G ∈ O(X) such that for every i ∈ I, ρ(G|Ui−Fi)≤b.

4.1. Reduce to the finite covering by rational subdomains. Since for every i∈I,Ui has a G-covering of (at mostκ) rational subdomains, after a refinement, we may assume that Ui, i∈I are rational subdomains. In particular, allUi, i∈I are compact.

For every x∈X, there exists a finite subsetIx ⊆I such that x∈(∪i∈IxUi)∩(∩i∈IxUi).

SinceXis compact, there exists a finite setS⊆X, such thatX ⊆ ∪x∈S(∪i∈IxUi). Lemma 4.1. The collection Ui, i∈ ∪x∈SIx is a G-covering of X.

Proof of Lemma 4.1. For everyx∈X, there existsy∈Ssuch thatx∈(∪i∈IyUi). Let I1 be the set of i∈Iy such that x∈Ui. Then we get x∈ ∩i∈I1Ui and

x∈(∪i∈IyUi)\(∪j∈Iy\I1Uj)⊆ ∪i∈I1Ui.

Since (∪i∈IyUi)\(∪j∈Iy\I1Uj) is open, we get x∈(∪i∈I1Ui). This concludes the


After replacing I by ∪x∈SIx, we may assume that I is finite.

4.2. Reduce to the strict case.

Lemma 4.2. Assume thatR∈R>0\|k|.LetKbe the fieldk{R−1S1, RS2}/(S1S2− 1). If Lemma 1.6 holds for the K analytic space XK :=X⊗bkK, then it holds for X.

Proof of Lemma 4.2. There exists GK ∈ O(XK) such that for every i ∈ I, ρ(GK|U

ibkK −Fi) ≤ b. Write GK = P

i∈ZGiS1i where Gi ∈ O(X). Then for every i ∈ I, we have ρ(P

j∈ZGj|UiS1j + (G0−Fi)) ≤ b. By [1, Section 2.1], we have ρ(P

j∈ZGj|UiS1j+ (G0−Fi)) = max{ρ(G0|Ui −Fi),maxj6=0ρ(Gj|Ui)Rj}. It follows that ρ(G0|Ui −Fi)≤b, i∈I, which concludes the proof.

Applying Lemma 4.2, we may assume that Rj ∈ |k|, j = 1, . . . , r. Then we may assume that X :=Dr =M(k{T1, . . . , Tr}).


4.3. The case r = 1. In this case X = M(k{T}) is a rooted R-tree. Denote by ≤ the natural partial ordering on X by declaring that x ≤ y if and only if

|f(x)| ≤ |f(y)| for all f ∈ k{T}. The Gauss point ξ : f ∈ k{T} 7→ ρ(f) is the unique maximal element.

For every element H = {(Ui0, Hi), i ∈ I0} ∈ Pb(X) and c ≥ b, we define a function φcH :X →R onX as follows: for every x∈X,

φcH(x) := max{log(|Hi(x)|),log(c)},

wherex∈Ui0.It is well defined. Because fori, j ∈I0satisfyingx∈Ui0∩Uj0, we have

|(Hi−Hj)(x)| ≤b ≤c, then max{log(|Hi(x)|),log|c|}= max{log(|Hj(x)|),log|c|}.

We note that for H0 ∈ Pb(X), ρ(H−H0)≤c, we have φcHcH0. Lemma 4.3. For every c≥b, the function φcH is ξ-subharmonic on X.

Proof of Lemma 4.3. We first treat the case where c > b.

By the argument in Section 4.1, we may assume that I0 is finite and Ui0, i∈ I are rational subdomains. Since Ui0, i ∈ I0 are rational, k(T)∩ O(Ui0) is dense in O(Ui0).So we may assume thatHi ∈k(T)∩O(Ui0).SetIi :={j ∈I0| Ui0∩Uj0 6=∅}.

Since Ui0, i∈I0 are compact, there are open sets Vi, i∈I0 such that (i) Ui0 ⊆Vi;

(ii) Vi∩Vj =∅if and only if Ui0∩Uj0 =∅.

For i ∈ I0, define an open set Wi := ∩j∈Ii{x ∈ Vi| |Hi −Hj| < c}. Since Ui0 ⊆ Wi, Wi, i ∈ I forms an open covering of X. For every x ∈ Wi, we have φcH = max{log(|Hi|),log(c)},which is ξ-subharmonic. Then φcH is ξ-subharmonic.

Now we only need to treat the case b = c. Since φbH is the uniform limit of the sequence of ξ-subharmonic functions φb+(1−b)/nH , n ≥0, φbH is ξ-subharmonic.

This concludes the proof.

Since Ui, i∈I are rational,k(T)∩ O(Ui) is dense in O(Ui).So we may assume that Fi ∈k(T)∩ O(Ui). We may assume that ξ∈U0.

Lemma 4.4. For every > 0, there exists a rational function P/Q ∈ k(T)∩ O(U0), P, Q ∈ k[T] such that ρ0(F0 −P/Q) ≤ and the norms of all roots of Q= 0 are at most 1.

Proof of Lemma 4.4. Write F0 = P/Q where P, Q ∈ k[T] and Q 6= 0. We may assume that Q is monic. We note that for every monic irreducible factor Q0 of Q, the norm of all roots of Q0 = 0 are the same. So we may write Q = Q1Q2

where Qi, i = 1,2 are monic polynomials such that the norms of all roots of Q1 = 0 are at most 1 and all roots of Q2 = 0 are strictly larger than 1. Since 1/Q2 ∈ O(D) = k{T}, after replacing Q−12 by some polynomial in k[T] which is close enough to 1/Q2 ∈ k{T}, we may assume that Q=Q1. In other words, we may assume that the norms of all roots of Q = 0 are at most 1. This concludes

the proof.

By Euclidean division, we may write P = GQ+R where G, R ∈ k[T] and degR < degQ. Then we have F0 = G+R/Q. Set L := F −G ∈ Pb(X). By


Lemma 4.3, φbL is a ξ-subharmonic onX. In particular, we have X



Lemma 4.5. We have |R/Q(ξ)| ≤b.

Proof of Lemma 4.3. Assume that |R/Q(ξ)|> b.

For every i ∈ I such that ξ ∈ Ui, Li = Fi −G takes form Li = R/Q+ωS where S ∈k(T) and|S(ξ)| ≤1. Then there exists an open neighborhoodV ofξ, such that for every i∈I, x∈V ∩Ui, we have|Li(x)|=|R/Q(x)|> b. Then, for v ∈TanξX, we have

DvφbL =Dv(log|R/Q|) =Dv(log|R|)−Dv(log|Q|).

We have



Dv(log|R|)≥ −degR.

Since the norms of all roots of Q= 0 are at most 1, we have X


Dv(log|Q|) = −degQ.

It follows that X


DvφbL= X


Dv(log|R/Q|)≥degQ−degR >0,

which is a contradiction.

By Lemma 4.3, we have

φbL(ξ) = max{log|L0(ξ)|,log(b)}= max{log|R/Q(ξ)|,log(b)}= log(b).

Since φbL is decreasing on X, we get φbL= logb onX. It follows that ρ(F −G) = ρ(L)≤b <1.

It follows that G ∈ OX(X) and ρ(G|Ui −Fi) ≤ b for i ∈ I. This concludes the proof when r= 1.

4.4. The general case. Now we prove Lemma 1.6 by induction on r ≥ 1. We may assume that r≥2.

Since Ui, i∈I is rational,k(T1, T2, . . . , Tr)∩ O(Ui) is dense in O(Ui). We may assume that Fi ∈k(T1, T2, . . . , Tr) for all i∈I.

Consider the morphism

π :X =M(k{T1, . . . , Tr})→D:=M(k{T1}) defined by

π :T1 7→T1. For every x∈D, denote by

Xx :=M(H(x){T2, . . . , Tr})'Dr−1H(x)


the fiber of π above x. We have Fx := F|Xx = {(Ui ∩Xx, Fi|Ui∩Xx), i ∈ I} ∈ Pb1(Xx). For every c≥b, define a function ψFc :D→R by


Let ξ be the Gauss point in D.

Lemma 4.6. For every c≥b, the function ψFc is ξ-subharmonic on D. Proof of Lemma 4.6. We first treat the case where c > b.

By the induction hypotheses, for every x ∈ D, there exists Hx ∈ OX

x(Xx) = H(x){T2, . . . , Tr} such that ρ(Hx−Fx) ≤b. There existsgx ∈ k[T1]\ {0}, Gx ∈ k[T1](gx)[T1, . . . , Tr] such that gx(x) 6= 0 and ρ(Hx−Gx|Xx) ≤ b. There exists a rational neighbourhood Wx of x inVx :={y∈D| gx(y)6= 0}, such that

(i) π−1(Wx)∩Ui =∅ if and only if Xx∩Ui =∅;

(ii) for every i∈I, ρ(Gx|π−1(Wx)∩Ui−Fi|π−1(Wx)∩Ui)< c.

Then for every z ∈π−1(Wx), we have


Since D is compact, there exists a finite set {x0, . . . xm} ⊆D such that

mj=0Wxj =D.

Set H :={(π−1(Wxi), Hi), i ∈ {0, . . . , m}} ∈ Pc1(X), where Hi :=Gxi, we have ψc(H) = ψc(F). Set Wi := Wxi, i = 0, . . . , m. There exists l ≥ 1, such that, for every i= 0, . . . , m,

Hi = X



whereJ = (j2, . . . , jr)∈Zr−1≥0 is a multi-index,|J|=j2+· · ·+jr,TJ :=T2j2. . . Trjr and AJi(T1)∈k(T1)∩ OD(Wi). For|J| ≤l, set

HJ :={(Wi, AJi), i∈ {0, . . . , m}} ∈ Pc(D).

Define φcHJ as in Section 4.3. By Lemma 4.3, φcHJ isξ-subharmonic.

For every x∈Wi, we have

max{log(ρ(H|Xx)),log(c)}= max{log(ρ(Hi|Xx)),log((c)}

= max

|J|≤lmax{log|AJi(x)|,log((c)}= max

|J|≤lφcHJ. It follows that

ψc(F) = ψc(H) = max


is ξ-subharmonic.

Now we treat the case c= b. Since ψbF is the uniform limit of the sequence of ξ-subharmonic functions φb+(1−b)/nF , n ≥ 0, φbF is ξ-subharmonic. This concludes

the proof.


By Lemma 4.6, we have

ψFb(ξ) = sup



Let η be the Gauss point of X = Dr. It can be also viewed as the Gauss point of Xξ 'Dr−1H(η). By the induction hypotheses, there exists H ∈ OXξ(Xξ) = H(ξ){T2, . . . , Tr}such that ρ(H−Fξ)≤b. It shows that



ψbF(x) =ψbF(ξ) = max{logρ(F|ξ),log(b)}

= max{logρ(H),log(b)}= max{log|H(η)|,log(b)}

= max{log|F(η)|,log(b)}, (4.1)

whereF(η) := sup{|Fi(η)|| η ∈Ui}. This equation can be viewed as the maximal principle for elements in Pb(Dr).

Sincek(T1) is dense inH(ξ), we may assume that H ∈k(T1)[T2, . . . , Tr].Write H =G(T1, . . . , Tr) + X



where J = (j2, . . . , jr) ∈ Zr−1≥0 is a multi-index, |J| = j2 + · · ·+ Jm, TJ :=

T2j2. . . Trjr, G(T1, . . . , Tr)∈ k[T1, . . . , Tn], AJ(T1), B(T1)∈ k[T1]. By Lemma 4.4, we may assume that the norms of all roots of B(T1) = 0 are at most one. By euclidean division, we may assume that degAJ <degB.SetL:=F−G∈ Pb(X).

We claim that max|J|≤l{ρ(AJ(T1)/B(T1))} ≤b. Otherwise there exists J, with

|K| ≤l and ρ(AK(T1)/B(T1))> c > b. There exists a rational neighbourhood W of ξ, such that

(i) π−1(W)∩Ui =∅if and only if Xξ∩Ui =∅;

(ii) for every i∈I, ρ(H|π−1(W)∩Ui−Fi|π−1(W)∩Ui)< c;

(iii) for every x∈W, |AK(x)/B(x)|> c.

It follows that R :=L∨ {(π−1(W), H −G)} ∈ Pc(X). Apply Lemma 4.6 for R, the function ψcR onD is ξ-subharmonic. For x∈W, we have

ψRc(x) = max{max

|J|≤llog|AJ(x)/B(x)|,log(c)} ≥log|AK(x)/B(x)|.

Then we have

0≥ X


DvψRc ≥ X


Dv(log|AK/B|)≥degAK−degB >0,

which is a contradiction. This concludes the claim.

Then we have

ρ((F −G)|Xξ)≤max{ρ((H−G)|Xξ), ρ(F|Xξ −H)} ≤b.

We note that F −G∈ Pb(X). Apply Equality4.1 for it, we get ρ(F −G)≤ρ((F −G)|Xξ)≤b.

This concludes the proof of Lemma 1.6.


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