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Second Order Strikes Back : Globally Convergent Newton Methods for Ill-conditioned Generalized Self-concordant Losses

U. Marteau-Ferey, A. Rudi and F. Bach — INRIA - Ecole Normale Sup´ erieure - PSL Research University

Data : n points (xi, yi)1≤i≤n ∈ H × R, H Hilbert, supi kxik ≤ R


ω?λ = arg min


1 n




`(yi, hω, xii) + λ

2kωk2 (1) (i) Logistic loss `(y, y0) = log(1 + e−yy0)

(ii) Potentially very small regularizer λ 1, e.g. λ ≈ 10−12 Key property : Generalized Self Concordance (GSC)

∀y ∈ Y, |`(3)(y, ·)| ≤ `(2)(y, ·) Notations:

gλ(ω) = g(ω) + λ2kωk2 Hλ(ω) = ∇2gλ(ω)

• For any p.s.d. operator A on H, k · kA = kA1/2 · kH.

Ill-conditioned problems : second order method ?

Solving ill-conditioned logistic regression

Start at ω0 Approximate Newton Step (ANS) Hessian sketch He λt) 12He λ Hλ 2He λ

Step ωt+1 =ωt−st st = He −1λt)∇gλt)

Linear convergence near the optimum If ω0 ∈ Dλ, Dλ :=


ω : Rk∇gλ(ω)kH−1

λ (ω) ≤√

λo , gλt) − gλ?λ) ≤ 2−t

Problem : is is possible to find ω ∈ Dλ ?

Approximate Newton Methods (ANM)

Reaching Dλ in O(log(µ0/λ)) approximate Newton steps ωK ∈ Dλ, K = O(logq0/λ)), 1/q ≈ 1 − 1/(Rkω?λk)

Getting inside D


Data: (xi, yi)1≤i≤n ∈ X × R, i.i.d. with distribution ρ

Feature map: Φ : X → H, H Hilbert

Linear predictor: f(x) ↔ hf, Φ(x)iH, f ∈ H

Expected loss: L(f ) := E(x,y)∼ρ[`(y, f(x))]

Construct fb s.t. L(fb) − inf

f∈H L(f ) is small with high probability

Statistical goal

Classical estimator : Empirical Risk Minimization fbλ = arg min


Lbλ(f) := 1 n




`(yi, f (xi)) + λ


Learning with GSC functions

Assumptions: ` GSC, K(·, ·) ≤ R, ∃f? ∈ arg minf∈HK L(f)

Notations: H? = ∇2L(f?); H?λ = H? + λI

Key quantity Measures bias bλ := λ2kf?k2H?−1


regularity of f? variance dλ := Tr(H?−1/2λ H?H?−1/2λ ) dimension of HK

Performance of fbλ with proba 1 − δ L(fbλ) − L(f?) ≤ C

bλ + dλ n

log 1

δ, if bλ, dλ


R2 (2) Problem : finding fbλ is a n-dimensional problem

Statistical performance of f b


Finding a smaller set of candidate functions HM

• Subsample M points (˜xj) from the (xi)1≤i≤n, M n

• Find the best possible f of the form f = PM

j=1 αj Φ(˜xj), α ∈ RM :

fbλ,M := arg min


Lbλ(f), HM =




αj Φ(˜xj) : α ∈ RM

fbλ,M has the same performance (2) as fbλ if (a) M ≥ (1/λ) log(c/λδ) (uniform sampling), or

(b) M ≥ dλ log(c/λδ) (Nystrom leverage scores)

Dimension reduction with Nystr¨ om

Optimization problem : fbλ,M = PM

j=1 αbj Φ(˜xj)

αb = arg min


gλ(α) := 1 n




`(yi, hα, K>nMeii) + λ

2α>KM Mα (3) (KM M)ij = hΦ(˜xi), Φ(˜xj)i, (KnM)ij = hΦ(xi), Φ(˜xj)i.

Form of the Hessian

Hµ := K>nMWnKnM + µKM M, Wn diagonal Sketching the Hessian using Nystr¨om

If (a) or (b) holds, then for all µλ, defining

He µ = KM MWMKM M + µKM M, it holds 1

2He λ Hλ 2He λ

complexity Time Memory

Computing He µ O(M3) O(M2) Computing ∇gµ O(nM + M2) O(n + M2) Computing an ANS O(nM + M3) O(n + M2)

ANS for the Nystr¨ om problem

Logistic regression on Susy and Higgs (n ≈ 107)

0 20 40 60 80 100 120

passes over data

19.4 19.6 19.8 20.0 20.2 20.4 20.6 20.8 21.0

classification error

10 4

10 3 10 2 10 1

distance to optimum

second order K-SVRG

20 40 60 80 100 120

passes over data

27.8 28.0 28.2 28.4 28.6 28.8 29.0

classification error

10 610


10 4 10 3 10 2 10 1

distance to optimum

second order K-SVRG

Algorithm (GS) to solve (3) with precision c/n Returns αalg s.t. gλalg) − gλ(α)b ≤ c/n Predictor falg = PM

j=1 αjalg Φ(˜xj)

Code and results: https://github.com/umarteau/Newton-Method-for-GSC-losses-

f alg has the same guarantees (2) as fbλ

Time complexity : O (T [ndλ + d3λ]) , T = Rkf?klog µλ0 + log cn Memory complexity : O(n + d2λ)

Second Order Strikes back

Alessandro Rudi, Luigi Carratino, and Lorenzo Rosasco. FALKON: An optimal large scale kernel method. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 30, pages 3888–3898. 2017.

Ulysse Marteau-Ferey, Dmitrii Ostrovskii, Francis Bach, and Alessandro Rudi. Beyond least- squares:

Fast rates for regularized empirical risk minimization through self-concordance. In Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Learning Theory, 2019.

Main References


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