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On the Pullback Equation <span class="mathjax-formula">${\phi }^{*}\left(g\right)=f$</span>


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On the pullback equation ϕ (g) = f

S. Bandyopadhyay, B. Dacorogna

Section de Mathématiques, EPFL, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland Received 3 July 2008; accepted 22 October 2008

Available online 24 December 2008


We discuss the existence of a diffeomorphismϕ:Rn→Rnsuch that ϕ(g)=f

wheref, g:RnΛk are closed differential forms and 2kn. Our main results (the casek=nhaving been handled by Moser [J. Moser, On the volume elements on a manifold, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 120 (1965) 286–294] and Dacorogna and Moser [B. Dacorogna, J. Moser, On a partial differential equation involving the Jacobian determinant, Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire 7 (1990) 1–26]) are that

– whennis even andk=2, under some natural non-degeneracy condition, we can prove the existence of such diffeomorphism satisfying Dirichlet data on the boundary of a bounded open set and the natural Hölder regularity; at the same time we get Darboux theorem with optimal regularity;

– we are also able to handle the degenerate cases whenk=2 (in particular whennis odd),k=n−1 and some cases where 3kn−2.

©2008 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.


Nous montrons l’existence d’un difféomorphismeϕ:Rn→Rnsatisfaisant ϕ(g)=f

f, g:RnΛk sont des formes différentielles fermées et 2kn. Nos résultats principaux (le cask=na été discuté notamment dans Moser [J. Moser, On the volume elements on a manifold, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 120 (1965) 286–294] et Dacorogna et Moser [B. Dacorogna, J. Moser, On a partial differential equation involving the Jacobian determinant, Ann. Inst.

H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire 7 (1990) 1–26]) sont les suivants.

– Sinest pair,k=2 et sous des conditions naturelles de non dégénérescence, nous montrons l’existence et la régularité dans les espaces de Hölder d’un tel difféomorphisme satisfaisant de plus une condition de Dirichlet. On obtient aussi le théorème de Darboux avec la régularité optimale.

– Par ailleurs quandk=2 etnest impair ouk=n−1, ainsi que quelques cas particuliers où 3kn−2, nous montrons l’existence locale d’un tel difféomorphisme satisfaisant, en outre, des conditions de Cauchy.

* Corresponding author.

E-mail addresses:saugata.bandyopadhyay@gmail.com (S. Bandyopadhyay), bernard.dacorogna@epfl.ch (B. Dacorogna).

0294-1449/$ – see front matter ©2008 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.



©2008 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.

Keywords:Darboux theorem; Symplectic forms; Pullback; Hölder regularity

1. Introduction

In this article we discuss the existence of a diffeomorphismϕ:Rn→Rnsuch that

ϕ(g)=f (1)

wheref, g:RnΛkare closed differential forms (i.e.df=dg=0), 2kn(the casek=1 is rather special and will also be discussed)



gi1···ik(x) dxi1∧ · · · ∧dxik and similarly forf. The meaning of (1) is that




i1∧ · · · ∧ik=


fi1···ik(x) dxi1∧ · · · ∧dxik.

Whenk=2 andn=2mis even, then the celebrated Darboux theorem (cf. for example, Abraham, Marsden and Ratiu [1], McDuff and Salamon [11] or Taylor [17]) states that ifg=ω0is the standard symplectic form, namely

ω0=g= m i=1


andf :RnΛ2withdf=0 andf (p)=g(p)for a certainp∈Rn, then there exists a diffeomorphismϕ defined in the neighbourhood ofpsuch that

ϕ(g)=f and ϕ(p)=p.

This fundamental result was generalized by Moser in his seminal article [13] for the casek=nandk=2 withn even, obtaining also a global result. He proposed to solve (1) by studying the flow associated to an appropriate vector fieldut, namely


dtϕt(x)=utt(x)), t∈ [0,1], ϕ0(x)=x.

A solution of (1) is then given byϕ=ϕ1. Now (for the notations see below) the vector field is recovered through two linear equations, namely

=fg (2)

meaning thatα:RnΛk1and for everyt∈ [0,1], ut

tg+(1t )f

=α. (3)

The first one is a system oflineardifferential equations and is, at least locally, solvable sincedf=dg=0. The second one is just alinearsystem of algebraic equations and Moser observed that it is well posed (in the sense that, whatever αis, there exists a uniqueut solving (3)), under some non-degeneracy conditions, only whenk=nork=2 andn even. Of course one could consider, with essentially no change, a more general closed homotopyft, withf0=f and f1=g, and then the two equations read as

t = −d

dtft and utft=αt

but we will here, for the sake of simplicity, restrict our attention to the homotopyft=tg+(1t )f.

The casek=nafter the paper of Moser received considerable attention notably by Banyaga [2], Dacorogna [4], Reimann [14], Tartar [16], Zehnder [19]. Eq. (1) takes then the following form

g ϕ(x)

det∇ϕ(x)=f (x).


The next important step, still fork=n, appeared in Dacorogna and Moser [7], where it was shown how to handle both the boundary value and regularity problems. It should be emphasized that the flow method, as elegant as it is, does not allow to handle regularity problems and in [7] it was necessary to combine a fixed point argument and an iteration procedure. The exact statement can be found in Theorem 12 below. Posterior contributions can also be found in Burago and Kleiner [3], McMullen [12], Rivière and Ye [15] and Ye [18].

Our purpose in the present report is twofold.

(1) In the non-degenerate case whenk=2 andneven, the other non-degenerate case beingk=nand already solved in [7], we can handle full boundary condition (meaning Dirichlet condition) as well as regularity in Hölder spaces.

This is a delicate point and requires fine approximations of Hölder functions, a subtle fixed point argument and an iteration scheme. Our main results are Theorems 15 and 18. Although we will treat mainly contractible domains, we point out at each stage how our results can be extended to topologically more complex domains.

(2) We also show how to deal with degenerate problems. There we mostly obtain local results, though, in some particular cases, we can treat global problems. We are, however, able to impose Cauchy data (but, in general, neither Dirichlet data nor regularity) and not just the value at one point as in Darboux theorem. If we impose Cauchy data, then, of course, we need to assume that the tangential parts of f andgcoincide. We achieve this goal by solving Eqs. (2) and (3) simultaneously and not separately as Moser did. This is indeed a more flexible procedure, since (2) is underdetermined while (3) is overdetermined. In particular, only under some minor non- degeneracy conditions, we can also handle the cases:

k=2 andnodd with maximal rank (cf. Theorem 20), – k=n−1 (cf. Theorem 21),

– we finally suggest through simple examples that our method applies to higher degenerate case whenk=2 or to the case ofkforms with 3kn−2.

A systematic study of these last cases will be undertaken elsewhere.

2. Preliminaries and notations 2.1. Notations

We will denote ak-formg:RnΛkby



gi1···ik(x) dxi1∧ · · · ∧dxik or sometimes by




whereTk= {(i1, . . . , ik): 1i1<· · ·< ikn}is the set of strictly increasingk-indices. More generally we assign meaning togi1···ik for anyk-index by

gi1···ik =(sgnσ )giσ (1)···iσ (k)

whereσ is a permutation of{1, . . . , k}.

(1) IfgΛk, 1kn, andu∈RnthenugΛk1(also denoted by some authors byiu(g)) is defined as



gi1···ik k r=1

(−1)r1uirdxi1∧ · · · ∧dxir−1dxir+1∧ · · · ∧dxik



n ik=1

gi1···ikuikdxi1∧ · · · ∧dxik1. Note that whenk=2, we have

ug= − n


n j=1



(2) It will often be convenient to representuugas a matrix operating on a vector. We therefore introduce the antisymmetric representation ofgΛk as the matrixg¯∈R(kn1)×n

so that, by abuse of notations, ug=(−1)k1gu.¯

For example whenk=2, we have


g=(gij)∈Rn×n withgij= −gj i.

Our terminology “non-degenerate” and “degenerate” refers to the fact thatg¯is invertible or not.

We then consider Λkg1=

wΛk1: ∃u∈Rnwithug=w . We easily find that ifg=0, then, for every 2kn,


and in general, if 3kn−1, it can take any of the intermediate values, but(k+1). So that whenk=n−1, the dimension cannot be maximal, more precisely, ifg=0 we always have


Whenk=2, the dimension is necessarily even, this means that there exists an integer 1l[n/2]such that dimΛ1g=2l.

Therefore whenk=2, the matrixg¯∈Rn×nis always singular whennis odd.

It will sometimes be more convenient to express the setΛ1gin terms of the kernel ofg¯the antisymmetric represen- tation ofgand its dimension by the rank ofg. Namely¯

Λ1g=(kerg)¯ and dimΛ1g=rankg.¯ (3) Ifg:RnΛk is such that



gi1···ikdxi1∧ · · · ∧dxik then







dxi1∧ · · · ∧dxik+1 and, forν∈Rn,






dxi1∧ · · · ∧dxik+1.

Ifνis the outward unit normal to the boundary of a setΩ, we callgνthe tangential part andνgthe normal part of the formg.

(4) Forf, gΛk we write inner product as f;g =



(5) To avoid burdening the notations, we will sometimes, by abuse of notations, identify a 1-form with a vector field inRnand an-form with a function.

We now gather some simple algebraic and analytical formulas that follow from the above definitions and that we will use throughout.

(i) For everyfΛk,gΛk1andu∈Rn, then f;gu =(−1)k1uf;g.


(ii) LetfΛk,gΛlandu∈Rn, then

u(fg)=(uf )g+(−1)kl(ug)f.

(iii) LetfC1(Rn;Λk)be closed

f =


fIdxI anduC1(Rn;Rn), then

d[uf] =



udxI +


gradfI;udxI. So, in particular, whenk=2

d[uf] =







(iv) Let 0knbe an integer,Ω⊂Rnbe a smooth domain andf, gC1;Λk)satisfyingf=gon∂Ω, then dfν=dgν on∂Ω

whereνis a normal to∂Ω.

2.2. Function spaces and Hölder approximations

We will use the following functional notations. LetΩ⊂Rnbe an open set andra non-negative integer.

(1) Let 0< α <1, we denote byCr,α(Ω)the usual set of Hölder functions and byCr,α;Λk)the set ofk-forms



gi1···ikdxi1∧ · · · ∧dxik so thatgi1···ikCr,α(Ω).

(2) The setCω(Ω)will denote the set of analytic functions andCω;Λk)the set ofk-forms whose components are inCω(Ω).

(3) The sets Diffr;Rn), Diffr,α;Rn)and Diffω;Rn), denote the sets of diffeomorphismsϕ so thatϕCr;Rn)andϕ1Cr(ϕ(Ω);Rn),Cr,α andCωrespectively. Whenϕ(Ω)=Ω, we just let Diffr(Ω), respectively Diffr,α(Ω), Diffω(Ω).

In the sequel we will have to approximate closed forms inCr,α;Λk)by smooth closed forms in a precise way and we will need the following theorem.

Theorem 1.LetΩ⊂Rn be a bounded smooth contractible domain,0< βα <1,pq r,q2,r1and 1knbe integers andgCq,α;Λk)Cp,α(∂Ω;Λk)withdg=0. Then for every >0, there existgC;Λk)Cp,α;Λk)and a constantγ=γ (p, q, r, α, β, Ω) >0such thatdg=0,gν=gνon∂Ωand

ggCr,β(Ω)γ qr+αβgCq,α(Ω), gCp,α(Ω) γ




Before starting the proof of the theorem, we need the equivalent of the theorem but for functions.

Lemma 2.LetΩ⊂Rnbe a bounded smooth domain,0< βα <1,pqr2be integers anduCq,α(Ω)Cp,α(∂Ω). Then for every >0, there existuC(Ω)Cp,α(Ω)and a constantγ=γ (p, q, r, α, β, Ω) >0such thatu=uon∂Ωand

uuCr,β(Ω)γ qr+αβuCq,α(Ω), uCp,α(Ω) γ





Proof. We first find (see Hörmander [9])vC(Ω)and a constantγ1such that vuCr,β(Ω)γ1qr+αβuCq,α(Ω) and vCp,α(Ω) γ1

pquCq,α(Ω). We then fix the boundary data as follows. LetuC(Ω)Cp,α(Ω)be the solution of

u=v inΩ,

u=u on∂Ω

[uv] =0 inΩ, uv=uv on∂Ω.

The solution satisfies Schauder estimates uCp,α(Ω)γ2

vCp,α(Ω)+ uCp,α(∂Ω)


uvCr,β(Ω)γ2uvCr,β(∂Ω)γ2uvCr,β(Ω). The combination of the estimates onuandvgives the result. 2

We can now go back to the proof of Theorem 1.

Proof. Step 1. It is easy to see that, sinceΩis contractible, we can findGCq+1,α;Λk1)Cp+1,α(∂Ω;Λk1) and a constantγ such thatdG=g,

GCq+1,α(Ω)γgCq,α(Ω) and GCp+1,α(∂Ω)γgCp,α(∂Ω).

This is easily obtained by an appropriate use of Theorem 3 below and we leave out the details.

Step 2. Applying Lemma 2 on each component ofG, we getGas in the lemma. Settingg=dG, we have the claim. 2

3. Variations on the Poincaré lemma 3.1. The case without constraints

We start with the following theorem (cf. [5]).

Theorem 3(Dacorogna). Letr0,2knbe integers and0< α <1. LetΩ⊂Rn be a bounded smooth con- tractible domain andνdenote the outward unit normal. The following two conditions are then equivalent.

(i) • Either2kn−1andfCr,α;Λk)with df=0 inΩ and fν=0 on∂Ω;



f (x) dx=0.

(ii) There existswCr+1,α;Λk1)satisfying dw=f inΩ,

w=0 on∂Ω.

Remark 4.

(i) Whenr=0, the constraintdf=0 has to be interpreted in the sense of distributions.

(ii) We now briefly discuss the case whereΩ is not contractible, but only open and connected. To this aim we first define, for 0kn, the set ofharmonick-formswith Dirichlet boundary condition as the vector space


ψC0 Ω;Λk

C1 Ω;Λk

: =0, δψ=0 inΩandψν=0 on∂Ω .


Note that we always have for connectedΩ D0(Ω) {0} and Dn(Ω)R.

Furthermore if 1kn−1 and if the setΩis contractible, then Dk(Ω) {0} ⊂Λk,

while for general sets we have dimDk(Ω)=Bnk

whereBk are the Betti numbers ofΩ (cf. Duff and Spencer [8] and Kress [10]). Theorem 3 remains valid for such general sets if we add the following necessary condition


f;ψdx=0, ∀ψDk(Ω).

Observe finally that whenk=nin Theorem 3 we therefore have no new condition.

(iii) Although there are infinitely many solutionsw, the actual construction singles out a precise one and in fact we can construct a linear isomorphism of Banach spacesL:XY where (when 2kn−1 and similar ones whenk=n)


wCr+1,α Ω;Λk

:w=0 on∂Ω , Y=



: df=0 inΩandfν=0 on∂Ω ,

that associates in an isomorphic way to everywXa uniquef=LwY such thatdw=f.

(iv) The theorem, with an easier and more direct proof, is still valid whenk=1 and regularity holds even inCr spaces.

(v) The theorem is also valid for unbounded smooth domains such as the half plane.

3.2. The case with constraints

We start with the simplest case of constant constraints. In the sequel we let H=

x∈Rn: xn>0

andν= −enwill denote the outward unit normal.

Theorem 5.Let2kn,b∈Rnwithbn=0andfCr(H;Λk),r0, with df=0 inH and fen=0 on∂H.

LetwCr(H;Λk1)be defined by w(x)=

xn/bn 0



txn bn


Thenwis the unique solution of


dw=f inH, bw=0 inH, w=0 on∂H.

If, moreover,f;cb =0for a certaincΛk1, thenwalso satisfies w;c =0 inH.

Remark 6.The constraint bw=0 can be seen as n1


independent equations. When k=2, there is only one independent equation and it is of the formw;b =0.


We now consider the case of non-constant constraints and, in general, one can expect only local solutions. We start with the casek=2, which requires less stringent smoothness assumptions than the cases 3kn(cf. Theorem 8 for this last case). Although we will state the following results in the half planeH, both theorems mentioned below can be proved, by flattening out the boundary, for any smooth domainΩ.

Theorem 7.Letr0,aCr+1,α(H;Λ1)withan(x)=0for everyxHandfCr,α(H;Λ2)with df =0 inH and fen=0 on∂H.

Then there exist >0andwCr,α(HB(0);Λ1)satisfying


dw=f inHB(0), w;a =0 inHB(0), w=0 on∂HB(0).

Proof. Set w=u+dv

where (this has a solutionuCr+1,α(H;Λ1)by Theorem 3) du=f inH,

u=0 on∂H


dv(x);a(x) =n


∂xi = −u(x);a(x) ifxn>0,

v(x)=0 ifxn=0.

This last problem has a solution,vCr+1,α(HB(0)), and thuswCr,α. Note that fromv(x)=0 whenxn=0, we deduce that



x1, . . . , xn1,0

=0 for everyi=1, . . . , n−1.

Sinceu=0 on∂Handan(x)=0, we deduce from the differential equation and the above identities that



x1, . . . , xn1,0


so thatdv=0 whenxn=0. This concludes the proof of the theorem. 2

We now discuss the case 3kn. The result and the proof below are still valid ifk=2.

Theorem 8.LetaλCω(H;Λk1),λ=1, . . . ,n1


, with A=A(x)=



1j1<···<jk−2n1∈R(nk12)×(nk12) invertible for everyxH andfCω(H;Λk)with

df =0 inH and fen=0 on∂H.

Then there exist >0andwCω(HB(0);Λk1)satisfying


dw=f inHB(0),

w;aλ =0 inHB(0), λ=1, . . . ,n1


, w=0 on∂HB(0).

Proof. Set w=u+dv


where (this has a solutionuCω(H;Λk1)by Theorem 3 or by Theorem 5) du=f inH,

u=0 on∂H.

The formv:RnΛk2is defined as follows. Choose first vj1···jk3n=0 for every 1j1<· · ·< jk3n−1

(if k=3, one just reads vn=0 and if k=2, the above constraints do not exist) and then solve, using Cauchy–

Kowalewski theorem, the system of equations

dv(x);aλ(x) = −u(x);aλ(x) ifxn>0, λ=1, . . . ,n1



v(x)=0 ifxn=0,

More precisely first observe that with our choice ofv, we have



vj1···jk2dxj1∧ · · · ∧dxjk2







∂xi dxi

dxj1∧ · · · ∧dxjk2




∂xn dxj1∧ · · · ∧dxjk2dxn






∂xi dxi

dxj1∧ · · · ∧dxjk2.

We therefore obtain that dv;aλ






∂xn +gλ


A ∂v

∂xn λ


whereAis as in the statement of the theorem andgλ is a term that does not involve derivatives ofvwith respect to the variablexn. Note that the system


= −


, λ=1, . . . , n−1

k−2 can therefore be seen, sinceAis invertible, as





∂xn =(−1)k+1A1

u;a1 ... u;a(n−1k2)



... g(nk12)

⎦ ifxn>0,

v=0 ifxn=0

(recall that we are considering only thevj1···jk2 with 1j1<· · ·< jk2n−1 and thus ∂x∂vn ∈R(nk12)). Since all the coefficients are analytic, we have locally a unique analytical solution in the neighbourhood ofx=0.

We also note that ∂x∂vi =0 atxn=0 for everyi=1, . . . , n−1 and that also ∂x∂vn =0 atxn=0, since thereu=0 andgλ=0;so thatdv=0 whenxn=0. 2


4. Abstract results 4.1. Necessary conditions

We give here some elementary necessary conditions, whose proofs are straightforward.

Theorem 9.LetΩ⊂Rnbe a smooth domain,1kn,f, gC1;Λk)withdg=0inΩandϕ∈Diff1;Rn) be such thatϕ(g)=f inΩ, then

df =0.

Moreover the two following results hold.

(i) IfΩ is bounded,ϕ(Ω)=Ω andn=mkwithman integer, then




gm wherefm=f ∧ · · · ∧f

!" #


. (ii) Ifϕ(x)=xforx∂Ω, then

fν=gν on∂Ω.

4.2. The flow method

We have the following abstract result, which is the theorem of Moser [13] with the additional consideration on the boundary data. In several textbooks the flow method is also called the Lie transform method.

Theorem 10 (Moser). LetΩ⊂Rn be a bounded smooth domaindenoting the outward unit normal),r1and 1knbe integers andftC1([0,1];Cr;Λk))(respectivelyftC1([0,1];Cr,α)with0< α <1)satisfying, for everyt∈ [0,1],

dft=0 inΩ and ftν=f0ν on∂Ω.

Assume that there existsutC1([0,1];Cr;Rn))(respectivelyutC1([0,1];Cr,α))verifying, for everyt∈ [0,1], d[utft] = −d

dtft inΩ and ut=0 on∂Ω.

Then there existsϕ∈Diffr(Ω)(respectivelyϕ∈Diffr,α(Ω))such that ϕ


=f0(x), xΩ. (4)


ϕ(x)=x, x∂Ω.

Proof. We solve (cf. [13]) d

dtϕt(x)=utt(x)), t∈ [0,1], ϕ0(x)=x.

The above system has a solutionϕt satisfying, for everyt∈ [0,1], ϕt(ft)=f0 inΩ and ϕt(x)=x on∂Ω.

This concludes the proof. 2


4.3. The fixed point method

The following theorem is particularly useful when dealing with non-linear problems, once good estimates are known for the linearized problem. We give it under a general form, because we will need it this way in Theorem 15.

However in many instances, one can chooseX1=X2=XandY1=Y2=Y in the statement below (in which case the hypothesis(HXY)below reduces to requiring thatXis a Banach space andY a normed space). Our theorem will lean on the following hypotheses.

(HXY) LetX1X2be Banach spaces andY1Y2be normed spaces such that the following property holds: if uν−→X1 u and uνX2 r,

thenuX2and uX2lim inf

ν→∞ uνX2.

(HL) L:X2Y2is a linear isomorphism of Banach spaces and there existk1, k2>0 such that for everyfY2


XikifYi, i=1,2.

(HQ) Q:X2Y2is such thatQ(0)=0 and for everyu, vX2withuX1,vX11, the following two inequal- ities hold




uvX1, (5)




vX2, (6)

wherec:R+×R+→R+is continuous, separately increasing andc(0,0)=0.

Theorem 11(Fixed point theorem). LetX1, X2, Y1, Y2, L, Qsatisfy(HXY),(HL)and(HQ). Then, for everyfY2 verifying

2 max{k1, k2}c


1 and 2k1fY11, (7) there existsuX2such that

Lu=Q(u)+f and uXi2kifYi, i=1,2. (8)

Proof. We set

N (u)=Q(u)+f.

We next define B=

uX2: uXi2kifYi, i=1,2 .

We endowBwith·X1norm; the property(HXY)ensures thatBis closed. We now want to show thatL1N:BB is a contraction mapping (cf. Claims 1 and 2 below). Applying Banach fixed point theorem we will have indeed found a solution verifying (8) and the proof will be complete.

Claim 1. Let us first show thatL1Nis a contraction onB. To show this, letu, vBand use (5), (7) to get that

$$L1N (u)L1N (v)$$

X1k1$$N (u)−N (v)$$












Claim 2. We next showL1N:BBis well-defined. First, note that

$$L1N (0)$$

X1k1$$N (0)$$

Y1=k1fY1. Therefore, using Claim 1, we obtain

$$L1N (u)$$

X1$$L1N (u)L1N (0)$$

X1+$$L1N (0)$$



2uX1+k1fY12k1fY1. It remains to show that

$$L1N (u)$$

X22k2fY2. Using (6), we have

$$L1N (u)$$

X2k2$$N (u)$$





uX2+k2fY2 2k22c



=k2 2k2c

uX1,0 +1


k2 2k2c


+1 fY2


This concludes the proof of Claim 2 and thus of the theorem. 2

For the sake of illustration we give here an academic example loosely related to our problem.

Example.LetΩ ⊂Rn be a bounded smooth contractible domain and 0< α <1. Letr1 and 1kn−2 be integers. Consider the formw:RnΛkwhere




where Tk is the set of ordered k-indices. Let I1, . . . , Ik+1Tk, then there exists >0 such that for every fCr,α;Λk+1)with

fCr,α , df =0 and fν=0 on∂Ω there existswCr+1,α;Λk)satisfying


r=1dwIr=f inΩ,

w=0 on∂Ω.

The proof is immediate if we set X=X1=X2=

wCr+1,α Ω;Λk

: w=0 on∂Ω , Y =Y1=Y2=



: df=0 inΩandfν=0 on∂Ω ,

Lequal to the operator constructed in Remark 4 (Lw=f being equivalent todw=f) and Q(a)=

k&+1 r=1



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Thus Theorem 3.1 implies that the degree of nonholonomy of the system is equal to nn +3 at any point q , and then the rank of the Control Lie Algebra at any point is n + 3.. Let