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cardio-respiratory interactions during sleep on earth and in


Academic year: 2021

Partager "cardio-respiratory interactions during sleep on earth and in"


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Part II

Respiration and

cardio-respiratory interactions during sleep on earth and in




Chapter 7

Microgravity alters respiratory mechanics during sleep

7.1 Abstract

We studied respiratory mechanics during sleep in 5 astronauts before, during and after space flight in two shuttle missions (STS-90 Neurolab and STS-95). A total of 77 full night (8h) polysomnographic studies were performed, and respiratory abdominal and thoracic move- ments recorded in parallel using respiratory inductive plethysmography. Breath-by-breath analysis of respiratory variables was performed for each sleep condition (awake, light sleep, deep sleep and Rapid Eye Movement - REM ). Abdominal contribution to tidal breathing increased for all sleep stages in µG, with the first measure in space being significantly higher than pre-flight values (awake, light sleep, REM, p < 0.05, deep sleep, 0.05 < p < 0.10), with a return towards pre-flight values on the following days. µG induced the most striking changes in breathing pattern during REM sleep, during which there was an increase in abdominal contribution in space (64.8 ± 3.7 % pre-flight, 70.6 ± 4.4 % in-flight, p < 0.05). Pre-flight, thoracic and abdominal movements were found to be in phase for all but REM sleep, for which an abdominal lead was observed. Removal of the gravitational load increased the abdominal leading role during REM sleep, increasing asynchrony from 3.22 ± 0.73 % (pre- flight) to 5.21 ± 1.43 % (in-flight) (p < 0.05). Deep sleep showed the opposite behavior during µG, with the thorax taking a leading role (-2.17 ± 2.11 %) in space.

T I /T T ot decreased in microgravity (µG) for all sleep stages and was found to be increased above pre-flight values in early post-flight. Normalized ˙ V ins increased in space for light sleep, deep sleep and REM. Post-flight it returned to pre-flight values for all but REM sleep.

Relative minute ventilation, expressed as % of awake values increased in µG for all sleep classes, and remained elevated post-flight. Inspiratory time decreased in space for REM and NREM sleep classes, while expiratory time increased in the awake class. Respiratory period was shorter during sleep post-flight for all classes, with the change being due mostly to a shortening of the expiratory time. These results suggest altered respiratory mechanics during sleep in microgravity. However the preservation or even increase of total ventilation suggests that short-term adaptive mechanisms of ventilatory control compensate for these mechanical changes. Changes in abdominal–rib cage displacements probably result from a less efficient operating point for the diaphragm and a less efficient coupling between the diaphragm and the lower rib cage in µG.



7.2 Introduction

Gravity plays a major role in determining respiratory mechanics. Studies on postural changes ([1], [2], [3]), immersion studies ([4], [5]), exposure to transient microgravity ([6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11]) and sustained microgravity ([12], [13], [14], [15]), as well as exposure to hyper gravity ([16]) have highlighted different aspects of the influence of gravity in respiratory mechanics.

Changing position from seated to the supine posture results in a stiffer rib cage (RC) and a more distensible abdominal (ABD) region ([3]). All else remaining equal, the different changes of ABD and RC compliance would be expected to lead to a different partition of rel- ative abdominal-rib cage contribution to quiet breathing when changing from the seated to supine position. ABD contribution to quiet breathing was observed to increase when chang- ing from seated to supine posture ([2], [3]). Two studies in parabolic flights ([6], [7]), where hypergravity and microgravity (µG) periods alternate, have shown that RC compliance in the seated position is relatively independent of gravity, while ABD compliance is increased in µG by 60% and decreased in hypergravity. ABD contribution to quiet breathing increased (seated position) in µG by almost 50%, and decreased slightly in hypergravity. Wantier et al ([13]) reported similar results for mid (10 days) and long-term (180 days) µG exposure, in seated subjects. Wantier et al argue that these changes are related to changes in the mechanical coupling between the lower rib cage and the diaphragm, and to a de-recruitment of inspiratory rib cage muscles. This has been confirmed by Estenne et al in parabolic flight ([8]): in µG the movement and shape of the apposed and the upper rib cage are altered differently in µG, and the scalene was found to be de-recruited from the inspiratory effort, no longer contributing to inspiration as it does for tidal breathing in seated subject at 1 G.

Sleep on the ground also induces major alterations in respiratory mechanics, altering upper airway resistance (mean increase of 230% during NREM sleep, [17], [18]), changing muscular tone and thus muscle action on breathing ([19]), as well as by inducing changes in the control of respiration, dependent on sleep stage ([20]), which result in a modest decrease in functional residual capacity (FRC), a decrease that is maximal for deep sleep (sleep stages 3 and 4) ([18]). Impact of these changes in respiratory mechanics is not consistent between studies; for NREM sleep, some authors indicating a decrease in abdominal contribution ([19], [21]), others an increase ([22]); however all these sources agree that abdominal contribution is significantly higher during REM sleep when compared to awake, and is associated with an increase in diaphragmatic EMG activity.

Sleep has been consistently reported as being of poor quality in microgravity, both by American astronauts and Russian cosmonauts ([23], [24]) yet few studies have addressed the combined action of microgravity and sleep on respiration and respiratory mechanics.

Elliot et al ([14]), in a study that shares the same experimental data used in the current paper, demonstrated that gravity played an important part in the generation of apneas, hypopneas and snoring in healthy subjects, with the number of these events decreasing dramatically in space. Obstructive apneas were reported to be practically absent in µG, which suggests that removal of gravity prevents the collapse of upper airways during sleep.

In summary, µG produces an increased abdominal contribution to tidal breathing, with a

decrease in inspiratory rib cage muscles’ activity, as well as a less efficient coupling between

the diaphragm and the lower rib cage. Sleep results in a significant increase in the activity

of the rib cage respiratory muscles during NREM periods, and a significant decrease during

REM periods ([17]).


7.3. METHODS 205 Therefore, we expected respiratory mechanics during NREM and REM to change dif- ferently in from Earth to µG. During REM periods, as rib cage muscle activity is small or silent, 1G – µG changes in respiratory mechanics would be expected to be mainly deter- mined by the conformational changes in the rib cage and abdomen. Respiratory mechanics during NREM sleep, on the other hand would be expected to reflect not only the confor- mational changes, but also the µG induced de-recruitment of rib cage inspiratory muscles.

Together, this de-recruitment present during NREM and the decrease in coupling between the lower rib cage and the diaphragm would be expected to result in a delay in the rib cage displacement in relation to the abdominal movements.

7.3 Methods

Data used in the current chapter were obtained in the framework of the study sleep and breathing in microgravity, where cardiac, respiratory and sleep related parameters were recorded during sleep before, during and after two space shuttle flights. Description of data collection for respiratory [14] and sleep [25] variables have been published elsewhere.

The reader is referred to chapter 2 for a complete description. This section will present the data collection and analysis methods relevant to the current work.

7.3.1 Subjects and sessions

Five astronauts, 1 woman and 4 men, participated in the study. Four subjects flew on STS- 90 Neurolab (17 day mission, April 17 - May 3, 1998), and one on STS-95 (10 day mission, October 29 - November 7, 1998). All subjects met NASA comprehensive health criteria for flight assignment, and reported no sleep disorders. All subjects were non-smokers and had a normal respiratory function with FVC and F EV 1 within the predicted normal range.

Average age was 41.0 ± 2.7(SD) yr, height 181 ± 13 cm, weight 79 ± 14 kg and body mass index 24 ± 1.6 kg/m 2 . Prior to flight, astronauts were trained extensively in application of sensors, operating the equipment and quality control of the recorded signals. The experimental protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board of NASA Johnson Space Center, the University of California San Diego and the Brigham and Women’s Hospital. The subjects provided written informed consent before performing the protocol.

A total of 77 polysomnographic recordings (PSGs) were performed (ranging from 13 to 16 per subject), including, per subject, 9 pre-flight (range 6 to 9), 4 in-flight, and 3 post-flight.

Each PSG lasted approximately 8 h. Pre-flight recordings were performed in groups of 2 or 3 consecutive nights. For the 4 Neurolab subjects the recordings took place on days 102-101, 73-72, 45-44, 7-6-5 before launch. For STS-95 on days 77-76, 50-49 and 38-37 before launch.

The first two recordings for each subject were considered as habituation nights, and were not retained in the following analysis. In-flight recordings were also registered in batches of 2 consecutive nights, between day 3 and 15 of the mission for Neurolab, and between day 4 and 8 for STS-95. Post-flight data collection took place on day 1, 3 and 4 after landing (corresponding to the second, fourth and fifth sleep episode after return to earth). Subjects refrained from consuming caffeine or alcohol in the 12h preceding each recording and were also asked to refrain from hypnotic medication.

Recordings were performed from around 11pm to 7 am local time, except on the first

Neurolab post-flight recording, where sleep started 1 h earlier upon crew’s request due to fa-

tigue. A light sensor incorporated in the overall recording system allowed the determination

of the exact moment of lights off, and the moment when they are turned back on.


All pre and post-flight recordings were performed in Johnson Space Center’s crew quar- ters (or in a local hotel, for STS-95 only). In-flight recordings took place inside the shuttle mid-deck, which was equipped with four sleep compartments. These compartments are 2 m long, 0.75 m high, and wide enough for one.

Cabin atmosphere during flight remained normoxic with an increased CO 2 level (by approximately 0.4%). The two missions were single shift missions, and launch/landing constraints imposed only small deviations from the normal (pre-flight) 24 h cycle (20 minutes per day for Neurolab, 35 minutes per day for STS-95, both shortening the normal cycle).

7.3.2 Polysomnography

Polysomnographic data was digitally recorded using a Vitaport-2 (TEMEC Instruments B.V., The Netherlands), using a sleep monitoring system, developed for this specific ex- periment, and consisting of a custom fitted sleep cap, and a computerized signal-quality assessment system. The same system and procedures were used in all pre and post-flight recordings. In-flight instrumentation was performed by a second astronaut, while on-ground instrumentation was performed by technicians.

Electroencephalogram (EEG) channels O1/A2, O2/A1, C2/A2 and C4/A1 were recorded, and together with two electrooculogram channels (left and right) and two facial EMG sig- nals, were used for sleep stage scoring, according to the standard criteria of Rechtschaffen and Kales ([26]). Sleep scoring using 30-second epochs was performed for prior publication ([25]) and our analysis were based on those detections. Six stages were considered, Non- REM sleep stages 1, 2, 3 and 4 (from lighter sleep to deeper sleep), REM sleep, and windows when the subject is awake.

For the analysis presented here, sleep stages were grouped into 4 classes: Light Sleep, including NREM sleep stages 1 and 2; Deep Sleep, grouping sleep stages 3 and 4; REM sleep (no distinction was made between tonic REM and phasic episodes); and Awake. Events in the awake state were retained only when happening in periods of darkness. This was done in order to avoid standing periods, periods of movement, activity, etc, prior to lights out.

Movements, activity, changes in posture were retained if occurring during lights out period, and respiratory events were still clearly detectable in the recorded signal.

7.3.3 Respiratory data

In addition to the electro-physiological recordings allowing the determination of sleep stage,

measurements of interest for the present work are rib cage and abdominal motion (respi-

ratory inductive plethysmography, 32 Hz), snoring sounds (through a microphone placed

at the level of the larynx), light intensity (detector incorporated in the microphone), as

well as an event marker channel. No body position sensor was used. Most of the sensors

mentioned were integrated into a custom-fitted two-piece (vest and short) lycra body suit

(Blackbottoms, Salt Lake City, UT, USA). Rib cage and abdominal wires for the induc-

tance plethysmography were sewed into the body suit, with the chest band at the level of

the nipples and the abdominal band over the umbilicus. The vest allowed, by adjusting

shoulder straps, to adjust its size - in microgravity the spine lengthens -, thus allowing to

maintain proper location of each plethysmographic band for every gravity condition. Vest

and short were attached to each other through velcro straps to maintain the correct band

location throughout the night. Signal quality was verified prior to sleep onset using a laptop

computer and an interface described in [27].


7.3. METHODS 207

7.3.4 Data analysis and statistics

Data was visualized using TEMEC’s Vitagraph software package (TEMEC Instruments B.V., The Netherlands), and exported in ASCII format. These files were imported into Matlab (the Mathworks Inc., MA, USA). Detection of respiratory events was performed using an artificial neural network based algorithm ([28], also chapter 4). This algorithm detects moments of onset of inspiration and expiration from the respiratory signal. These detections were visually verified for each night studied. Large body movements and other artifacts were removed from the analysis.

Thoracic and abdominal respiratory signals relative gain was determined by performing an isovolume maneuver prior to sleep onset. Each isovolume maneuver was visually identified in the respiratory signals and analyzed for the determination of relative abdominal and thoracic gain. No absolute calibration of volume was performed. The signal obtained from the weighted sum of thoracic and abdominal respiratory movements corresponds thus to respiratory volume measured in arbitrary units (a.u.). Comparisons of volume from one night to the next are not possible in absolute terms, therefore volume was normalized for each night taking the awake values as reference, and are therefore expressed as a percentage of Awake (% Aw).

Breath-by-breath variables : breath period (T Resp ) was calculated on a breath-by-breath basis throughout the entire night as the time difference between two consecutive inspiratory onsets. Each breath was labeled with a time stamp corresponding to the time of occurrence of the first event. Inspiratory time (T I ), expiratory time (T E ) and the percentage of inspiratory time in the overall breath - duty cycle - (T I /T tot ) were calculated and labeled in identical manner. Tidal volume (V T ), minute ventilation ( ˙ V E ), and inspiratory flow ( ˙ V ins = V T /T I ) were also computed based on the same detections.

The abdominal and thoracic relative contribution to breathing (ABD cont and RC cont ) were also computed on a breath-by-breath basis. Relative contribution was calculated by integrating the locally (breath-by-breath) detrended abdominal and thoracic signal, divided by the integral of the volume signal for each breath.

Thoraco-abdominal asynchrony (Async) was calculated once for every 30s window. Thor- aco-abdominal asynchrony expresses the phase lag between abdominal and thoracic move- ments in percentage of breath time. Following Prisk et al ([29]), asynchrony was calculated using the maximum linear correlation method, using 30 s windows synchronous with sleep staging, and a threshold of 0.75 for the acceptable correlation (below that implying an inconsistent phase relationship). All windows presenting lower r values were ignored.

Statistical analysis of the effect of gravity on respiratory variables:

Data from the first pair of sleep recordings, 90 days prior to flight was excluded from the data analysis, in order to eliminate possible effects of the adaptation to the sleep instru- mentation. One in-flight recording for subject B (corresponding to the 2 nd recorded night, chapter 2) was excluded from the present analysis for technical reasons.

As sleep stages were scored using 30s windows, each variable was averaged over 30s windows synchronous with sleep stage scoring, and their coefficient of variation (CV) was calculated inside the same window. Mean values and mean variability values for entire nights were obtained by averaging all 30s windows of the same sleep class throughout each night, thus obtaining the overall mean value and the overall average coefficient of variability.

Individual average values were then calculated for each subject, for each gravity condi-

tion. Descriptive statistics are presented as inter-subject mean values ± SE, and variability

expressed as mean(CV). Asynchrony is the only variable not calculated on a breath-by-

breath basis, thus its variability is expressed differently, as mean(SD) for each class.


Pre-flight µG Post-flight

mean ± SE CV mean ± SE CV mean ± SE CV

Abd. Awake 59.8 ± 4.6 17.2 63.4 ± 3.3 15.4 59.6 ± 6.0 17.6

Cont Light sleep 52.1 ± 5.6 9.5 56.4 ± 5.9 9.9 53.2 ± 6.2 8.2 (%) Deep sleep 45.7 ± 6.5 9.2 52.2 ± 7.0 ** 10.3 47.4 ± 7.5 7.2 REM 64.8 ± 3.7 8.4 70.6 ± 4.4 ** 7.4 64.9 ± 5.7 7.9 Async. Awake 0.13 ± 0.30 8.2 +0.82 ± 0.99 6.5 1.37 ± 0.59 ** 10.5 (%) Light sleep +0.33 ± 1.39 3.6 1.51 ± 1.48 2.5 0.53 ± 1.50 4.5

Deep sleep 0.87 ± 1.69 2.5 2.17 ± 2.11 * 1.8 0.26 ± 2.66 *, †† 4.5 REM +3.22 ± 0.73 4.7 +5.21 ± 1.43 ** 4.8 4.55 ± 1.08 * 5.1

Table 7.1: Abdominal contribution and asynchrony, average values ± standard error and variability. Abdominal contribution variability is expressed as mean(CV); asynchrony vari- ability is expressed as mean(SD).

0.05 < p < 0.1, ∗ ∗ p < 0.05 compared to pre-flight;

0.05 < p < 0.1, †† p < 0.05 compared to µG.

Multiple way analyses of variance were performed for each variable to compare pre- flight, in-flight and post-flight data. Prior to post hoc comparison, a Levene’s test for testing the null hypothesis of identical variance was performed. When the null hypothesis was acceptable, post hoc comparison was performed using Tukey’s adjustment. Whenever the null hypothesis was rejected (different variance amongst groups), post hoc comparison was performed using Games-Howell’s adjustment, which does not require equal variances.

Differences were considered significant for p < 0.05. Statistical testing was performed using SPSS 11.0.4 for Macintosh (SPSS Inc., USA).

7.4 Results

7.4.1 Abdominal contribution and thoraco-abdominal asynchrony

For all gravity conditions, abdominal contribution decreased from awake to light sleep, fur- ther decreased in deep sleep, while REM sleep presented the highest abdominal contribution to tidal volume. Transition to µG increased relative abdominal contribution for all sleep classes. Post-flight, abdominal contribution returned to pre-flight values (table 7.1, figure 7.1), for all sleep classes. Average pre-flight - µG difference reached statistical significance (p < 0.05) for REM and Deep sleep. No pre-post-flight difference was observed.

Figure 7.1 presents the time evolution of abdominal contribution in space and upon return to earth. Identical behavior for all sleep classes was observed, with the first recording in space presenting a significantly higher abdominal contribution, followed by a return towards pre-flight values in the subsequent days.

Mean CV of abdominal contribution does not change significantly through the different

gravity conditions, for all sleep stages (table 7.1). Abdominal contribution variability is

higher while the subject is awake. No noteworthy difference in abdominal contribution

variability was observed amongst the remaining classes.


7.4. RESULTS 209

Abdominal contribution

Pre flight

1st 2nd 3rd 4th recording in !G

1st 2nd 3rd recording upon return





Abdominal Contribution

Figure 7.1: Evolution of abdominal contribution to tidal volume over time, for all sleep classes. All pre-flight values were averaged. 0.05 < p < 0.1, ∗ ∗ p < 0.05 compared to pre-flight. The grey area indicates the inter-subject variability (SD) for the awake class.

Inter-subject variability for the other sleep classes considered is similar. Black points refer to awake, cyan to light sleep, dark blue to deep sleep and red to REM

Thoraco–abdominal asynchrony prior to flight showed that while the subjects are awake, in light and in deep sleep, the abdomen and rib cage movements are mostly in phase (table 7.1, figure 7.2). Asynchrony for these 3 classes is statistically indistinguishable from syn- chrony (zero phase). This is not true for REM sleep, with the abdomen leading the rib cage by 3.22% of a breath cycle.

Removal of gravitational load resulted in no significant average change for awake and light sleep, an increased tendency of the rib cage to lead in deep sleep and a significant increase in the leading role of the diaphragm during REM sleep (table 7.1).

Upon return to earth, in-phase movements of abdomen and rib cage were observed for light and deep sleep. Asynchrony during REM decreased towards pre-flight values, while asynchrony in the awake class increased, presenting a value that is statistically different from pre-flight.

For all gravity conditions, asynchrony variability is higher while the subject is awake,

decreases in NREM, presenting its lowest value in deep sleep, with REM presenting inter-

mediate values of variability. Variability of asynchrony was generally lower in space, and

was increased post-flight when compared to pre-flight values for awake and NREM sleep.


Thoraco-abdominal asynchrony

Pre flight

1st 2nd 3rd 4th recording in !G

1st 2nd 3rd recording upon return





Figure 7.2: Evolution of thoraco-abdominal asynchrony over time, for all sleep classes, expressed as % of breath period (T resp ). All pre-flight values were averaged. 0.05 < p < 0.1,

∗ ∗ p < 0.05 compared to pre-flight. The grey area indicates the inter-subject variability for the awake class. Variability in the remaining classes is lower. Black points refer to Awake, cyan to light sleep, dark blue to deep sleep and red to REM

Percentage of inspiratory time in breath (T I /T T ot )

Pre flight

1st 2nd 3rd 4th recording in !G

1st 2nd 3rd recording upon return




* ** **


** ** **

** **


Figure 7.3: Evolution of duty cycle (T I /T T ot ) in time, for all sleep classes. All pre-flight

values were averaged. 0.05 < p < 0.1, ∗ ∗ p < 0.05 compared to pre-flight. The grey area

indicates the inter-subject variability (SD) for the awake class. Inter-subject variability for

the other sleep classes is similar or smaller. Black points refer to awake, cyan to light sleep,

dark blue to deep sleep and red to REM


7.4. RESULTS 211

Pre-flight µG Post-flight

mean ± SE CV mean ± SE CV mean ± SE CV

T I /T T ot Awake 40.5 ± 1.5 24.1 38.8 ± 1.4 ** 20.1 41.7 ± 1.3 **, †† 21.4 (%) Light sleep 41.7 ± 2.2 13.0 39.3 ± 1.6 ** 11.5 44.2 ± 1.7 **, †† 11.3 Deep sleep 43.4 ± 1.7 10.6 40.6 ± 1.6 ** 10.8 46.5 ± 1.1 **, †† 8.4

REM 45.0 ± 2.1 13.7 42.1 ± 1.8 ** 12.4 46.5 ± 1.8 **, †† 11.9

V ˙ ins Awake 100.0 39.9 100.0 28.1 100.0 34.4

(%Aw) Light sleep 50.6 ± 3.6 19.3 61.9 ± 2.3 ** 15.3 54.4 ± 2.8 16.5 Deep sleep 48.9 ± 4.4 15.9 60.3 ± 2.6 ** 14.2 53.4 ± 4.1 12.2 REM 50.4 ± 4.0 23.0 65.7 ± 3.1 ** 16.9 56.6 ± 3.9 **, †† 19.3

Table 7.2: Average values ± standard error and variability (expressed as average coefficient of variation) for duty cycle (T I /T T ot ) and inspired flow ( ˙ V ins ) on earth, in µG and post-flight.

Volume variables are expressed as a % of their awake values. Variability for all variables is expressed as the average coefficient of variation (CV) (%).

0.05 < p < 0.1, ∗ ∗ p < 0.05 compared to pre-flight;

0.05 < p < 0.1, †† p < 0.05 compared to µG.

7.4.2 Drive and timing components of ventilation

Duty cycle (T I /T T ot ) decreased in space for all sleep classes. Post-flight measurements showed an increased T I /T T ot when compared to pre-flight (table 7.2). All average changes reached statistical significance. On earth, T I /T T ot presented the lowest value while awake, increased in light sleep, further increasing in deep sleep, with REM presenting the highest values. This order is maintained in-flight, but not post-flight, for which average deep sleep and REM values were the same. Variability of T I /T T ot was highest during awake periods, and lowest during deep sleep, with light sleep and REM presenting intermediate variability, yet much lower than that observed during awake periods. Variability decreased in µG, and remained lower post-flight, when compared to pre-flight.

Figure 7.3 depicts the time evolution of T I /T T ot . The average T I /T T ot decreased for all sleep classes in µG. Post-flight, average T I /T T ot was higher than pre-flight values (table 7.2).

Early post-flight (day 1 and 3 after return) NREM sleep, light and deep sleep, presented pre-post-flight differences reaching statistical significance (figure 7.3).

Normalized average inspired flow ( ˙ V ins ), expressed as a % of Awake values, increased in µG for NREM and REM sleep (table 7.2). Post-flight, only REM sleep presented a statistical significant increase of ˙ V ins when compared to pre-flight. ˙ V ins is lower during deep sleep in all gravity conditions. Pre-flight light sleep and REM present similar ˙ V ins values, while in µG, REM sleep presented a clearly higher mean inspiratory flow than light sleep.

Variability of ˙ V ins was found to be highest for the awake class, followed by REM, light sleep

and is lowest during deep sleep. Variability decreased in µG, and remained lower than pre-

fligh during the early post-flight period. Inspired flow presented no trend, for none of the

sleep classes considered, with time spent in µG.


Pre-flight µG Post-flight

mean ± SE CV mean ± SE CV mean ± SE CV

T resp Awake 4.25 ± 0.31 25.1 4.48 ± 0.27 ** 21.2 4.04 ± 0.27 **, †† 21.8 (s) Light sleep 4.55 ± 0.43 12.4 4.32 ± 0.31 10.4 4.23 ± 0.29 ** 10.5 Deep sleep 4.34 ± 0.40 9.8 4.13 ± 0.27 ** 10.0 4.13 ± 0.30 ** 7.4

REM 4.35 ± 0.41 15.3 4.16 ± 0.31 13.0 4.03 ± 0.29 ** 13.7 T I Awake 1.61 ± 0.07 27.1 1.65 ± 0.08 23.4 1.63 ± 0.08 26.1 (s) Light sleep 1.83 ± 0.08 14.2 1.67 ± 0.08 ** 13.2 1.84 ± 0.09 †† 13.4 Deep sleep 1.85 ± 0.10 12.4 1.66 ± 0.09 ** 13.3 1.91 ± 0.12 †† 10.1 REM 1.87 ± 0.09 16.3 1.70 ± 0.07 ** 14.8 1.84 ± 0.08 †† 16.1 T E Awake 2.64 ± 0.25 33.8 2.82 ± 0.22 ** 27.9 2.41 ± 0.21 **, †† 29.4 (s) Light sleep 2.72 ± 0.36 17.2 2.65 ± 0.25 14.0 2.39 ± 0.23 **, †† 15.2 Deep sleep 2.49 ± 0.30 13.8 2.48 ± 0.22 13.3 2.22 ± 0.19 **, †† 11.3 REM 2.47 ± 0.33 21.0 2.45 ± 0.26 17.6 2.20 ± 0.23 **, †† 18.6

V T Awake 100.0 37.7 100.0 31.0 100.0 39.7

(%Aw) Light sleep 64.9 ± 4.2 17.3 65.2 ± 1.7 14.0 66.9 ± 3.2 17.0 Deep sleep 63.1 ± 4.1 13.2 63.1 ± 1.8 12.8 67.8 ± 2.7 11.9 REM 66.0 ± 3.6 23.9 71.1 ± 2.5 * 19.0 70.1 ± 4.0 23.5

V ˙ E Awake 100.0 42.5 100.0 31.0 100.0 40.6

(%Aw) Light sleep 50.4 ± 5.6 19.8 59.9 ± 2.8 ** 15.1 56.1 ± 3.5 * 18.3 Deep sleep 51.7 ± 6.0 14.8 61.3 ± 2.2 ** 12.9 59.5 ± 3.9 ** 12.1 REM 57.7 ± 7.3 22.7 71.9 ± 5.0 ** 17.1 64.6 ± 6.5 * 20.8

Table 7.3: Average values ± SE and variability and for timing variables, tidal volume (V T ) and minute ventilation ( ˙ V E ). Tidal volume and minute ventilation were normalized and are expressed as a % of their awake value. Variability for all variables is expressed as the average coefficient of variation (CV) (%).

0.05 < p < 0.1, ∗ ∗ p < 0.05 compared to pre-flight;

0.05 < p < 0.1, †† p < 0.05 compared to µG.

7.4.3 Respiratory timing, tidal volume and minute ventilation

Breathing period (T Resp ) increased in-flight for the awake class (p < 0.05), decreased for the remaining classes, though this decrease only reached statistical significance for deep sleep (table 7.3). These changes in T Resp were attained differently for different sleep classes. T I

decreased in-flight for all sleep classes with the exception of awake, for which a non-significant increase was observed. Post-flight T I was similar to pre-flight values, for all sleep classes. T E

changed differently: no in-flight difference for NREM and REM sleep was observed, while it significantly increased for the awake class. Post-flight, T E was shorter when compared to pre-flight, for all classes with no exception. Average changes in T I , T E and T Resp are represented in figure 7.4. The different directions of change of T I and T E resulted in a consistent behavior of T I /T T ot presented above.

Variability of respiratory timing variables (T resp , T I , T E and T I /T T ot ) decreased in space

for all sleep classes, except for deep sleep (table 7.3). Upon return to earth, variability

results are less consistent. The only consistent change observed post-flight is a systematic

decrease in the variability of most timing variables for deep sleep, when compared to pre-

flight. Variability of timing variables is higher in the awake state, decreases in light sleep,

decreasing even further in deep sleep. REM presents intermediate variability values between


7.4. RESULTS 213

1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00

Awake Light Sleep Deep Sleep REM









Time (s)










Figure 7.4: Duration of T resp (squares, upper portion), T E (circles, middle ) and T I (trian- gles, lower section). Black filled symbols correspond to pre-flight average, white symbols to µG, while post-flight data is presented in gray.

* 0.05 < p < 0.1, ** p < 0.05 compared to pre-flight;

0.05 < p < 0.1, †† p < 0.05 compared to µG.

NREM and awake.

Tidal volume (V T ), expressed in % of awake values, presented no significant change neither in space nor post-flight (table 7.3). Tidal volume was observed to be lowest in deep sleep, increasing slightly in light sleep. REM tidal volume is higher than NREM values, while awake values are the highest.

Variability of tidal volume decreased significantly in space for all sleep classes, except for deep sleep where it remained constant (table 7.3). Variability of tidal volume post-flight is not different from pre-flight. Tidal volume variability is higher in the awake state, decreases in light sleep, further decreases in deep sleep. REM presents intermediate variability values between NREM and awake.

Normalized ventilation ( ˙ V E ) is at its lowest during NREM sleep, is higher during REM, and highest during awake. This relation remains the same, independently of gravitational load. Normalized minute ventilation increased significantly during sleep in µG, and remained hight upon return to earth (table 7.3).

Variability of the normalized minute ventilation decreased in µG when compared to pre-

flight, and returned to pre-flight levels upon return. Variability of ventilation decreased

in-flight for all sleep classes. Post-flight, though variability of flow variables was lower, it

was statistically undistinguishable from pre-flight values.


7.5 Discussion

The present study indicates that respiratory mechanics is altered during sleep in space when compared to pre-flight, and that further adaptation takes place in weightlessness.

The changes observed in abdominal contribution and asynchrony, with ventilation probably preserved, suggest the presence of short-term adaptation of ventilatory control compensate for mechanical changes induces by µG.

7.5.1 Abdominal contribution and thoraco-abdominal asynchrony

Abdominal contribution to tidal breathing increased significantly on the first recording in µG when compared to pre-flight and decreased in subsequent recordings.

Abdominal contribution in normal healthy adults ([22]) and young adolescents ([19]) during sleep on earth has been reported to be roughly 60 % in the awake state, decrease during NREM sleep, and increase during REM sleep, with no or little change in tidal volume.

The results reported in the present study are in accordance with these prior findings. The decrease in abdominal contribution during NREM sleep is caused by the active expansion of the rib cage, as a result of increased intercostal muscle activity, while the increase of abdominal contribution during REM is caused by a marked reduction of both phasic and tonic intercostal muscle activity, and a concomitant increase in diaphragmatic muscle ac- tivity ([19]), that is enough to maintain tidal volume, despite the reduced rib cage activity.

Lopes et al ([17]) quantified the increase in rib cage’s intercostal muscular activity (EMG):

up by 34 % in NREM sleep when compared with awake. The diaphragm does not show a significant activity increase as measured by EMG during NREM sleep, but increased by 30% when moving from NREM to REM sleep. Also of interest for the discussion of what happens in microgravity, the transdiaphragmatic pressure was observed to increase by 20%

in NREM compared to awake, and decrease by 10% when moving from NREM to REM sleep. Comparing the change in EMG diaphragmatic activity measured with surface elec- trodes and the variations in transdiaphragmatic pressure, as well as the estimated changes in total airway resistance in awake, NREM and REM ([17]) (increased 230% during NREM sleep, non significant difference in resistance in REM when compared to the awake stage) Lopes et al concluded that the abdominal muscles must be in a more efficient position of its length-tension characteristic during NREM sleep, and in a less efficient shape in REM.

Removal of gravitational load is known to induce changes in static and dynamics of respiration. Comparing a supine human on earth to µG at end expiration, the weightlessness of the abdominal contents and the suppression of hydrostatic pressure gradients result in a caudal displacement of the diaphragm, changing lung volume, chest wall configuration and diaphragmatic insertion angle. Moreover, with the gravitational load removed, muscle activity, mainly that concerning muscles that have (on earth) an orthostatic function, is expected to decrease in space. Blood shift from the lower to the upper parts of the body is also present.

Changes observed in abdominal contribution were similar in magnitude and parallel for all sleep stages, and resulted in a significant increase in abdominal contribution. This suggests that the NREM and REM pattern of muscular activity is maintained in space, with intercostal activation during NREM sleep, and silent during REM sleep, despite the µG induced changes in the baseline abdominal–rib cage partition.

Pre and post-flight, subjects were not constrained to the supine position. Sleep position,

however, is unlike to be the cause of the changes observed in abdominal contribution in

µG, for abdominal contribution measured on earth in humans lying supine or in the lateral

position presents similar values ([30]).


7.5. DISCUSSION 215 One of the possible reasons for an increase in abdominal contribution observed in space are changes in abdominal rib cage distensibility due to weightlessness. Moving from the seated posture to supine, Estenne et al ([3]) reported a doubling of abdominal compliance (C ABD ), and a small decrease in rib cage compliance (C RC ), with total chest wall compliance decreasing only slightly. Edyvean et al ([7]) compared seated subjects at 1G and short-term µG and reported a 63% increase in C ABD , and suggested little or no change in C RC . Taken together these finding indicate that: 1) C ABD in the supine position on earth would be expected to be slightly greater than in µG; 2) C RC supine on earth would be expected to be smaller than in µG. If this is true, then chest wall compliance would be increased in µG.

Yet, the different partition of C ABD and C RC from supine to µG can not, by itself, justify the observed increase in abdominal contribution.

FRC increases from supine to microgravity ([12]). This suggests that the initial length of the diaphragm is shorter in space. If for each sleep stage one can consider activation and afterload to remain identical on earth and in space (which is probably not the case), the decrease in diaphragm length is expected to place it in a less favorable position of its force-length characteristic. The length compensation mechanism would then result in an increase in respiratory drive, which is corroborated by the observed increase in ˙ V ins in µG.

However, Elliott et al ([12]) suggested that length compensation is less effective in space than in the supine position. The fact that abdominal contribution to total ventilation increased in the first measure in space and then returns to normal, denotes either temporary changes in afterload and/or activation, or in light of Elliot et al’s result, an improvement over time spent in µG of the length compensation mechanism.

Takasaki et al [31] reported that a two-fold increase in diaphragmatic EMG activity during sleep seen on earth is practically absent after 7 days in space, diaphragmatic activity being almost identical to awake during NREM sleep, and REM presenting only a slightly higher activity than awake. This observation must be taken with care, for it only concerns 1 night of 1 subject, and moreover, as EMG was measured using surface electrodes at fixed positions, methodological doubts can be raised concerning contamination of diaphragmatic EMG recording by other muscles’ activity. In order for this observation to be coherent with our findings, one can suppose that the decrease in NREM and REM sleep diaphragmatic activity is an adaptation present after 7 days in space.

The evolution in abdominal contribution observed in-flight is in fact one of the most intriguing findings presented here. Wantier et al ([13]) followed two subjects on a 180 day stay on the MIR space station, and reported an increase in abdominal contribution while in orbit (seated position) when compared to pre-flight, yet reported no significant change during the duration of the mission. The increase in abdominal contribution is clearly present in our data, for all subjects, when comparing the first recording performed in space to individual pre-flight average. On subsequent days, there is a tendency for the abdominal contribution to return to pre-flight values. This tendency is present in 4 out of 5 subjects.

It has been evidenced by Koulouris et al ([32]) that in the supine posture, the maxi- mal inspiratory pressure is reduced when compared to seated posture, and this reduction was attributed to suboptimal activation, recruitment and coordination of the diaphragm and nondiaphragmatic muscles while supine. This could also be the case in microgravity.

This is supported by the report of Prisk et al ([15]), who indicate that MIP was increased

after 1 month in µG when compared to the supine position on Earth. The MIP increase

reached statistical significance when measured at functional residual capacity, and presented

a non significant increase at residual volume. From this point of view, the adaption seen

in abdominal contribution with time spent in space could result from a better activation

and coordination of the diaphragm and nondiaphragmatic muscles, in some way learning to

adapt to the new environment.


Though not explicitly determined, thoraco-abdominal asynchrony during sleep was re- ported for 3 subjects by Tusiewicz et al ([22]). Our pre-flight results are in accordance with these findings: in-phase abdomen and rib cage movements while awake, small abdominal lead in quiet sleep - not far from synchrony -, and a clear abdominal lead during REM sleep. With the subject lying supine, the mechanical coupling between the diaphragm and the rib cage is not as efficient as the coupling while standing. The shape adopted by the diaphragm makes it less capable of producing RC expansion, therefore requiring RC muscle activity. This is the case during NREM sleep, in which intercostal muscles are active during inspiration, simultaneously with the diaphragm. During REM sleep, the marked reduction in intercostal muscles activity makes the rib cage more passive. Following the diaphrag- matic contraction, the abdomen moves first, and the rib cage only moves when the pressure differences created by the contraction are enough to force it to follow – this can explain the abdominal lead during REM.

In space, no significant asynchrony change was observed for awake, light or deep sleep when compared to pre-flight. During REM sleep, the abdominal lead increased significantly.

Relative abdominal contribution and asynchrony results during REM are consistent with our initial hypothesis : a less effective diaphragm in space, subject to an increase drive and to a less efficient coupling result in an increased abdominal lead. A less effective diaphragm will take more time to produce the necessary pressure difference capable of driving the rib cage during REM sleep. On the other hand, during NREM sleep in µG, the rib cage presents a tendency to lead which can be explained assuming intercostal and diaphragm activity occur simultaneously, the less efficient diaphragm and rib cage – abdominal coupling, would take longer to create movement, thus producing an RC lead (negative asynchrony). This negative asynchrony during NREM occurs in parallel with an increased abdominal contribution.

The NREM results are not in accordance with out initial hypothesis. We assumed, fol- lowing previous studies in awake subjects, that rib cage respiratory muscles’ activity would be depressed in µG, and this depression would also be present during NREM sleep, thus differentiating respiratory mechanics during NREM – REM sleep in space. We observed similar amplitude, parallel variations in abdominal contribution, and opposed asynchrony variations. We are thus led to conclude that sleep induced changes in respiratory mechanics prevail over those induced by µG, despite the significant changes that it produced. Dif- ferences in respiratory mechanics in NREM and REM sleep prevail in space, despite the significant baseline changes induced by weightlessness.

The µG increase in abdominal lead during REM sleep - when no or little intercostal muscles activity is present -, and the increase in rib cage lead in NREM sleep - when intercostal muscles are active - argue in favor of a less efficient diaphragm in µG. The decrease in efficiency is offset by an increase in drive. Yet ventilatory drive does not present any clear adaptation with time spent in space, while abdominal contribution presents a tendency to returns towards pre-flight values. Additional factors, such as an improved coordination of respiratory muscle activation over time, or conformational changes caused either by the head-ward’s fluid shift occurring on orbit insertion, or by the subsequent reduction of body fluids, are probably behind this adaptation.

Weightlessness results in a head-ward fluid shift, with blood and other fluids moving

from the lower limbs to the upper body parts. Reduction of circulating blood volume and

plasma occurs as a result, yet this reduction is reported to take place before flight day 2 and

to remain constant thereafter ([33]). As none of our sleep recordings took place before day

3 in orbit, changes in plasma and blood volume would have been expected to have reached

their µG steady state and are therefore probably not the main cause behind the return to

pre-flight levels for abdominal contribution. Verbanck et al ([34]) did report a significant

early–late µG decrease in pulmonary tissue volume.



7.5.2 Drive and timing components of ventilation

Separating ventilation into its timing and drive components ([35]), the duty cycle (T I /T T ot ) decreased for all sleep classes, while the normalized ˙ V ins = V T /T I increased when comparing pre-flight to µG. As the increase in ˙ V ins outpaced the decrease in T I /T T ot , relative ventilation during REM and NREM sleep is increased in µG.

In order to avoid the use of a mask, volume was not measured in absolute terms. Normal- ization was performed, and no comparison on absolute volume is possible. When comparing relative ventilation for the different sleep stages, results for NREM and REM sleep are in accordance with other published studies ([19], [17], [36]). Results for tidal volume (V T ) and therefore ˙ V ins and minute ventilation ( ˙ V E ) for the awake class are much higher than usually reported. This probably results from what was mentioned earlier: previous studies selected short portions of signal to characterize each class, while in the present work, entire nights were taken into account. No data was excluded from our analysis, while in previous studies

“well behaved portions” of the awake class were selected. This probably resulted in exclud- ing all periods of movement and activity, which are present in our data. Therefore, flow and volume in this study are not comparable to previous studies. In the present study no position or movement sensor was present, therefore no selection of “well behaved portions”

of the signal was performed. This would have been arbitrary and certainly result in a bias, namely when comparing earth and µG.

7.5.3 Respiratory timing, tidal volume and minute ventilation

From our results, tidal volume (normalized by awake values) is not altered in space: no change in normalized tidal volume is present in space nor upon return in none of the classes considered. For this to be true for absolute tidal volume, one has to be sure that the normalization factor, namely the awake tidal volume does not change from pre-flight supine to µG.

Two arguments can be drawn: firstly, the few studies that have compared tidal volume supine on earth and microgravity reported either a very small decrease (roughly 3%) in space ([37]), or present similar V T values for supine pre-flight and space ([12], [15]). Therefore, normalization has probably not introduced any systematic bias in the comparison of volume results. The same argument holds for ˙ V ins , which would be also expected to be free from systematic µG induced bias, and therefore the increase presented here is likely to be a real increase of respiratory drive during NREM and REM sleep. In a study performed during SLS-1, Elliott et al ([12]) indicate a 2 % increase in ˙ V ins in µG when compared to pre-flight supine in awake active subjects, which is small and can not by itself account for the changes reported here.

Secondly, sleeping in space results in a decrease in the number of awakenings per hour ([14]), therefore, by computing averages over entire nights, less periods of activity and sub- sequent increased volume and flow are present in space, which can result in a decrease in the normalization factor. However, the subjects studied presented a small number of nocturnal awakenings, and the impact of those episodes averaged over entire nights is likely to be small.

Considering the maximal published changes reported above for tidal volume and average inspiratory flow, the normalization is unlikely to have introduced qualitative changes in the reported observations. In fact a 10–12% decrease in awake average inspiratory flow would be necessary to override the changes reported here. For average inspiratory drive and tidal volume this is unlikely, yet it is possibly the case for minute ventilation.

Relative minute ventilation presented an increase for every sleep class, yet it is possible


that this results either from a real increase in minute ventilation during sleep, or from a decrease in the normalizing awake minute ventilation. Previous studies reporting supine – µG differences in awake subjects for absolute minute ventilation indicate either a 7%

decrease ([15]) - reduced µG metabolic rate being caused by the reduced work required for postural task - or a 2% increase ([12]) in minute ventilation. Prisk et al ([15]) observation of a 7% decrease in awake minute ventilation is less than the 10–12 % change in normalizing factor that would override the qualitative nature of the changes reported in this article.

Another possible explanation for the changes in minute ventilation is an alteration of the P CO


set point during sleep in µG. Prisk et al ([38]) showed, for awake subjects, that ventilatory response to hypoxia and hypercapnia remained unaltered in µG when compared to supine on earth. Yet, a change in the set point would necessarily alter ventilation, independently of changes in respiratory mechanics.

Breath period increased for the awake class, and decreased for the remaining classes.

These changes were caused by a T I decrease and no change in T E in microgravity for NREM and REM sleep, while for the awake class, T E increased with no change in T I .

Previous reported results on respiratory timing during sleep are not consistent. Two rea- sons are probably to blame for the discrepancies: most of the previous reports on respiration during sleep were performed using facial masks, which are known to alter the dynamic of respiratory mechanics ([39], [40]). Most studies presented results only on limited portions of the night, episodes lasting from 1 to 10 minutes, in each sleep class considered, and usually early in the night. Use of face mask and choice of episodes may be responsible for the differ- ences reported in previous studies. In the present work, the entire time-series of respiratory events was used to calculate average values. Only portions of the signal where movement precluded the determination of onset of expiration and expiration were excluded from the analysis. The averages thus obtained represent entire nights, not just selected portions.

The duration of T I increased from awake to light sleep, increased further in deep sleep and reached its maximum during REM sleep. This order was not changed in microgravity, though the differences became non statistically significant. T E in space did almost the opposite: no change in the NREM and REM classes, and an increase in awake. All these changes result in a decreased T I /T T ot . Reported values of T I /T T ot are in line with previous results for sleep ([19], [41], [36], [20]).

Variability of all studied variables, with the exception of abdominal contribution, is at its highest level during the awake state, is smaller during light sleep, reaches its lowest value in deep sleep, while variability during REM presents an intermediate value between NREM and awake variability. This is in accordance with previous studies ([19], [36], [20]).

The only exception to the general sleep induced variability changes is abdominal con- tribution, for which deep sleep presents a high variability, while variability during REM is the lowest. The increase in abdominal contribution and the decrease in intercostal muscle activity probably are the causes behind the decreased variability during REM.

For all timing and ventilation variables, variability is reduced in space when compared to earth, in all sleep classes with the exception of deep sleep. Deep sleep presents the lowest variability on earth, and it either presents no change or small changes when comparing variability between pre-flight and µG.

The difference in pre-flight – µG variability accounts for the gravitation induced portion

of the overall variability in respiratory timing, volume and drive for the different sleep stages,

associated with movements and posture changes which are rare in deep sleep. Pre and post-

flight, subjects were not constrained to sleeping in the supine position, therefore changes in

position certainly account for some of the reported variability.



7.6 Conclusions

Respiratory mechanics during sleep is altered by exposure to microgravity. During REM sleep, abdominal contribution to tidal breathing and thoraco-abdominal asynchrony in- creased, confirming our initial assumption of a less efficient coupling between the diaphragm and the lower rib cage in µG. Abdominal contribution during NREM sleep changed in parallel and with similar magnitude, which indicates that the sleep induced differences in respiratory mechanics persist during weightlessness, despite the reported de-recruitement of rib cage respiratory muscles reported for awake subjects in µG. A rib cage tendency to lead is present for NREM sleep during space flight, resulting either from a less efficient diaphragm operating position, or from a less effective coupling between the two respiratory compartments.

The initial abdominal contribution to tidal breathing increase is followed by a decrease towards pre-flight levels as the duration of exposure to µG increases, denoting a slow adap- tation to the new environment. Changes in the distribution of pressure in the rib cage and abdomen in µG place the diaphragm in a less efficient operating position when compared to pre-flight supine, which is compensated by an increase in drive. Respiratory drive is in- creased in space, while the duty cycle decreased for all sleep stages. An increase in relative minute ventilation in NREM and REM sleep is observed.

The return to pre-flight values observed for abdominal contribution during sleep in space

is most likely caused by a central adaptation, probably resulting in either a reduction of drive

to the diaphragm or, more likely, a better coordination in the sequence of activation of rib

cage and abdominal muscles, improving the relative partition of the respiratory effort.



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Chapter 8

Heart rate variability during sleep in space

8.1 Abstract

This chapter focuses on cardio-respiratoy interactions during sleep, and more specifically on the influence of gravity. We have studied beat-to-beat interval, heart-rate variability, respi- ratory sinus arrhythmia in parallel with respiration during sleep before, during and after 2 space-shuttle flights (STS-90 Neurolab and STS-95). The different frequency components of heart-rate variability were quantified continuously throughout the night using a continuous wavelet transform-based algorithm, specifically tailored for heart rate variability analysis during sleep (presented in chapter 6). The gain and phase delay between the heart-period oscillations at the respiratory frequency and respiration was computed using the same algo- rithm. Sleep was partitioned into 4 classes: light sleep (NREM sleep stages 1 and 2), deep sleep (NREM stages 3 and 4), REM sleep, and periods when the subject was awake. Heart period increased in the early days spent in microgravity (µG), and this was observed for all classes considered. This initial increase was followed by a return towards pre-flight values, observed in late flight recordings. Post-flight, heart period was shorter than pre-flight for all classes.

Total heart period variability decreased in µG, with late flight recordings presenting a statistical significant lower total variability for all classes. Post-flight, total variability remained lower than pre-flight for NREM and REM sleep, yet was undistinguishable from pre-flight for awake. The decrease in total heart rhythm variability was linked to a decrease in both high and low frequency HRV. These changes are such that the HF/(HF + LF ) index of sympatho-vagal balance remained unchanged for NREM sleep, yet was significantly lower during late flight for REM sleep. Heart rate during REM sleep is known to be more sympathetic driven, this could be a marker of lowered sympathetic activity. No relevant µG induced difference was present in breathing frequency, nor in the gain and phase between heart-period and respiration.

Heart rhythm control during sleep in microgravity is different from 1G. Total variability is lower, and this decrease is reflected in both its high and low frequency components. Our results are compatible with an increase in vagal modulation in space, and a decrease in sympathetic modulation. The changes observed with time spent in space suggest a centrally mediated adaptation to the new environment.



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