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Complete spectral profile of the 6 1S0-6 3P 1 mercury line perturbed by argon


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1981

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Complete spectral profile of the 6 1S0-6 3P 1 mercury line perturbed by argon

D. Perrin, J.C. Jeannet

To cite this version:

D. Perrin, J.C. Jeannet. Complete spectral profile of the 6 1S0-6 3P 1 mercury line perturbed by argon. Journal de Physique, 1981, 42 (12), pp.1607-1610. �10.1051/jphys:0198100420120160700�.



Complete spectral profile of the 6 1S0-6 3P1 mercury line perturbed by argon

D. Perrin and J. C. Jeannet

Département de Recherches Physiques (*), Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, Tour 22, 4, place Jussieu, 75230 Paris Cedex 05, France

(Reçu le 30 avril 1981, accepté le 26 août 1981)



Ce travail expose les résultats obtenus dans la région spectrale dite « intermédiaire » qui n’avait pas

encore été explorée. L’étude expérimentale est faite par spectroscopie laser, la largeur spectrale de la fonction

d’appareil étant de l’ordre de 2 GHz. On observe une évolution monotone du profil, différente selon que les fré- quences sont supérieures ou inférieures à la fréquence centrale 03BD0. On précise les limites expérimentales de validité

des lois observées antérieurement de part et d’autre de ce domaine.



The spectrum of Hg (61S0-6 3P1) perturbed by Ar is obtained in the so-called « intermediate frequency region » which had not yet been experimentally studied. We have used a tunable dye laser spectrometer apparatus the spectral width of which varies around 2 GHz. The spectral profile does not exhibit any undulation and the

shape is different for frequencies superior to or inferior to the central frequency 03BD0. We determine the experimental

limits of validity of the laws previously observed in the neighbouring regions.

Classification Physics Abstracts




1. Introduction.


The 6 ISo-63pl line shape of

mercury perturbed by noble gases has been studied

previously by different techniques in our laboratory

in order to get information about mercury-noble gas interaction potentials for the two mercury states involved in the transition [1-3].

The line core, explained in the impact approxima- tion, covers a narrow frequency range ; high resolu-

tion analysis is necessary and for this, magnetic scanning was used.

On the other hand, the wing region where the quasi-

static theory yields information useful for the poten- tials is much wider ; except in some parts, high reso-

lution was not necessary and a grating spectrometer

was quite sufficient.

Due to the lack of well-suited apparatus we had

not yet results in the frequency range between those

previously studied


typically between 20 and 90 GHz.

When the perturber is helium, the line shape is the

same lorentzian profile on both sides of this unex-

plored region ; this result could be expected because

the impact region is wide for this perturber.

For the other noble gases, the shape is not the same

on both sides of the intermediate region. In so far as computations on the « whole » profile are elaborat-

ed [4-6] we wish to obtain an accurate determination of the spectrum in this « intermediate » region where

(*) Laboratoire associé au C.N.R.S. nO 71.

neither the impact approximation nor the quasi-

static approximation is valid.

The construction of a tunable dye laser spectrome-

ter apparatus, the width of which varies around 2 GHz in the spectral range concerned, allows us to complete our previous measurements.

Our work has been focused on the Hg-Ne and the Hg-A pairs because the previous results concerning

them were quite different in the wing region, at the

very time when they were qualitatively the same when

the perturber was one of the heavy noble gases [2, 3].

The results relating to the Hg-Ne pair will be published

in another paper devoted to the light perturbers. We present here the results for the Hg-A pair which has

been choosen rather than the Hg-Kr or the Hg-Xe pairs because it was the more convenient for this

study : the value of the optical cross section allowed

us to expect a lorentzian profile beyond the frequency

range covered by the isotopic structure of the 2 537 A

mercury line, i.e. a « transition region » unperturbed by the impurities of the monoisotopic sample of


2. Design of the apparatus.


The apparatus has been mostly described in a previous paper [7]. The light source is a nitrogen pumped dye laser; the optical length of the cavity is varied using CO2 pres-

sure scanning ; the dye (coumarin 500) is circulating

in a cell. A crystal of lithium formate monohydrate

generates the second harmonic (around 03BB


2 537 A)

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:0198100420120160700



with angular phase matching at room temperature and no rotation is necessary during a pressure scanning corresponding to about 400 GHz. When a Fabry-Perot

etalon is added inside the cavity, the apparatus func- tion is nearly a Gauss function, the width of which is about 2.1 GHz.

The U.V. beam is split up into two parts labelled (1)

and (2). (1) passes through a cell filled with a mixture of argon and saturated vapour of 202 mercury placed

inside an oven. (2) is the reference beam. These two beams are focused through UG5 filter glasses on a

detector (model 141 UV detector/preamplifier Molec- tron). The signal analysis device is the same as the

one described in reference [7]. Both signal (2) and signal (1)-to-signal (2) ratio are measured on a chart


Part of the visible dye laser output was sent into

an « external » Fabry-Perot interferometer to provide

accurate frequency calibration markers during a scan.

This interferometer had a 5 mm fixed spacing.

A thin mercury cell may be inserted on beam (2) ;

the relevant signal exhibits an absorption peak for a specific frequency which is used as wave number reference.

By using successively three cells filled with mix- tures of argon and saturated vapour of 202 mercury, the absorption profile can be studied in the whole

frequency range.

Analysis of this mercury sample has been made

previously by a spectroscopic method. The argon pressures used were 200 torr and 400 torr for 20 cm

cell length, and 700 torr for 1 cm cell length. Different

atomic densities of mercury were used by varying the

cell temperature. All experiments were performed bet-

ween 20 OC and 60 °C. Thus, the different absorption

measurements overlap in the -130, + 110 GHz fre- quency range (from the line centre).

Results are shown on figure 1.

3. Results.


3.1 LINE coRE. - When the cell

length 1 and the atomic mercury and argon densities


respectively N and N’ - are adjusted so that the

transmission of the cell is measured with reliability

over about 20 GHz on both sides of the minimum,

the absorption curve exhibits an axis of symmetry, the position of which is noted as vi.

In spite of a rather unprecise determination of the

position of this axis our shift measurement results are

consistent with the value 1.98 ± 0.12 GHz/atm. given by J. Butaux [1].

Consequently this value was assumed to determine the position of vô, the perturbed line centre. Ln k(v’)

versus Ln (v’) (where


v - v’0) is plotted on figure 1. It shows a straight line with a slope measur- ing-2 between 12 and 20 GHz on both sides of v0.

This corresponds to a Voigt profile becoming nearly

lorentzian sufficiently far from v’. A first estimate of the lorentzian half-width leads to about 7.8 GHz/atm.

The analysis of the curves can then be improved

thanks to theoretical computations of profiles for the v0 ± 30 GHz range using this value and assuming

that k(v’) is the convolution of a Gauss function (appa- ratus) by a Voigt function


this latter being itself the

convolution of another gaussian (Doppler) by a

Lorentz function (Hg-A collisions; Hg-Hg collisions

are negligible in these experiments). Computations

have been performed for different sets of experiments taking into account the isotopic structure and the composition of the mercury sample, and varying the

width of the different functions around previously

determined values.

The agreement between the experimental and com- puted curves allowed us to conclude that the effect of collisions on the line shape leads to a lorentzian profile

shifted towards lower frequencies ; the half-width is :

and the corresponding optical cross section is

This description is limited to the v - v0 | 1 18 GHz frequency range ; this value is a little bit inferior to that obtained by J. Butaux (235 Â2) ; this last value had been considered less sure than that concerning

the other perturbers because of technical problems

encountered (difficulty of thermal equilibrium).


Writing the validity condition of impact approxi-

mation :

(V : mean relative velocity of perturbers), we obtain

this limit is superior to the experimental one.



Some results have been obtained previously for the 90 v | 150 GHz

domain :


If v’ 0 (« red » wing) the experimental law for

the evolution of k(v’) is v’ |-3/2. This can be related

to the theoretical expression obtained in the quasi-

static theory when the difference between the two

isotropic levels involved in the transition is

and when Condon points are real [4, 8].

(a : ratio of the absorption coefficient to the intensity

distribution for this transition, N’ perturber density).

Consequently this region


so-called A in refe-

rence [2]


has been interpreted as a « static wing »

connected with the existence of a potential difference

h AC6 r 6 with ~C6 ~ 1.65 x 10-32 s-l.cm6. Taking

into account the 6 3p 1 level anisotropy (m


0 and

1 m 1


1) and the frequency range implied, AC6

is a characteristic of the two potentials ~V1 (6’SO-6 3P1, | m |


1) and AV ° (6 ISo-6 3P1, m



which coexist and for which the adiabaticity condition

is probably not fulfilled.


For v’ > 0 (« blue » wing) a good agreement has been found between the experimental law and the theoretical expression obtained in the same assump- tions as (1) but with complex Condon points :


vo is the most probable velocity, a and fl are numerical coefficients ; because of different approximations in computations, their values slightly differ with the authors (a in reference [4] has to be multiplied by a

factor 2).

This spectral range had been interpreted as an

antistatic wing connected with the same pair off potentials as previously (v’ 0).



For v’ > 18 GHz, Ln k(v’) versus Ln 1 v’ has not the same

evolution for v’ > 0 and v’ 0.


v’ 0 : The slope gradually deviates from - 2 and monotonically tends towards -1.5 ; this limit is obtained beyond 60 GHz from v’. We found again

the previous qualitative and quantitative results

obtained in the near red wing and mentioned above (2).

Therefore we can assess the lower limit of « region A »

at about 60 GHz for our estimated temperatures. This value is less than the theoretical value

obtained by writing the quasistatic validity condition :

(perturber is still with respect to the emitting atom during the time of « interest »).


v’ > 0 : The decrease of k( v’) is much faster than in the other wing. The experimental points are plotted on figure 1 ; they fall on to a straight line,

the slope of which is ~ - 2.4 (up to 80 GHz and for temperatures in the vicinity of room temperature).

Previous results suggested that we compare expe-

rimental values to those deduced from relation (2).

We have plotted g( v’) versus Ln v’ :

Fig. 2.


Expérimental and computed functions g(v’) : x computed

curve, Ref. [4] ; 2022 computed curve, Ref. [8] ; - - - experimental

curve. In each case the experimental curve is translated by Ln A

along the vertical axis.



(A : constant proportional to a and ~~C6). This has

been done for values of j8 proposed respectively by Tvorogov and Fomin [8] and by Szudy and Baylis [4],

for temperatures corresponding to those of our experiments (in fact g(v’) is insensitive to the small variation of T we had to consider) and assuming AC,6


1.65 x lO- 32 s-1. cm6 (Fig. 2).

The agreement between experimental curve and g(v’) is fairly good beyond 25 GHz. But yet the coef- ficient A adopted is about 1.3 times the theoretical coefficient. This result is consistent with previous

results obtained in the farther wing. It is necessary to notice that the theoretical coefficient had been

computed assuming an isotropic difference of poten- tials, and this assumption is not fulfilled in our case.

4. Conclusion.


Several conclusions can be drawn from this study. First, the « intermediate region »


which is not subject to the restriction of either

impact or quasistatic approximation


is very narrow and does not show any undulation ofprofile.

Contrary to what happens with light perturbers [3]

k(v’) loses its lorentzian shape on both sides of vi for

the same frequency separation. The lorentzian region

so delimited fulfills the impact theory conditions.

The red wing becomes quickly the same as the one predicted by the quasistatic theory when

whereas the condition of validity of the theory is not

fulfilled. The identification arrives much faster for the

blue wing


at least as concems the evolution law.

A computation of real and imaginary cross section

has been performed by E. Leboucher [9] using an analytical method and taking into account theoretical data and the Lennard Jones 6-12 or 6-9 potential proposed to explain the shape of the wings [2-3]. It

concerns the pairs Hg-Xe, Hg-Kr and Hg-A; the

results are in good agreement with experimental values given by J. Butaux except for the real cross section of

Hg-A (03C3opt), which is inferior to the experimental

value (157 A2 instead of 235).

This computation shows that broadening of the

line is very critical on the short and intermediate range part of the potentials which have probably a larger weight for the light perturbers (such as argon).

The disagreement between theoretical and experi-

mental values comes probably from the fact that

repulsive branches of the potentials are badly depicted by empirical Lennard Jones models.



We would like to thank Professor R. Lennuier for his continuous interest in the present work, and Dr. E. Leboucher and Dr.

J. Butaux for helpful discussions.


[1] BUTAUX, J., Thèse, Paris (1972).

BUTAUX, J., SCHULLER, F., LENNUIER, R., J. Physique 33 (1972)


[2] BEN LAKHDAR, Z., PERRIN, D., LENNUIER, R., J. Physique 37 (1976) 831 and 39 (1978) 137.

[3] BEN LAKHDAR, Z., Thèse, Paris (1978).

[4] SZUDY, J., BAYLIS, W. E., J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer

15 (1975) 641, 17 (1977) 269 and 681.

[5] KIELKOPF, J. F., J. Phys. B 9 (1976) 1601.

[6] LEBOUCHER, E., NGUYEN HOE, J. Physique Lett. 41 (1980) L-57.

[7] BUTAUX, J., JEANNET, J. C., Opt. Commun. 28 (1979) 81.

[8] TVOROGOV, S. D., FOMIN, V. V., Opt. Spectrosc. 30 (1971) 228

and 31 (1971) 554; Appl. Opt. 12 (1973) 584.

[9] LEBOUCHER, E., J. Physique 42 (1981) 813.


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