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Evidence by X-ray scattering of defects in the lamellar stacking of the SmA phase of a side-chain polymer


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1988

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Evidence by X-ray scattering of defects in the lamellar stacking of the SmA phase of a side-chain polymer

P. Davidson, A.M. Levelut

To cite this version:

P. Davidson, A.M. Levelut. Evidence by X-ray scattering of defects in the lamellar stacking of the SmA phase of a side-chain polymer. Journal de Physique, 1988, 49 (4), pp.689-695.

�10.1051/jphys:01988004904068900�. �jpa-00210744�


Evidence by X-ray scattering of defects in the lamellar stacking

of the SmA phase of a side-chain polymer

P. Davidson and A. M. Levelut

Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Associé au C.N.R.S., Bât. 510, Université Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay,


(Reçu le 28 octobre 1987, accepté le 4 janvier 1988)



Nous avons effectué une expérience de diffusion des rayons X sur un polymère mésomorphe en peigne (polyméthacrylate) en phase smectique A. L’allure générale du cliché est classique ; toutefois, on repère l’existence d’intensité diffusée localisée sur des lignes inhabituelles. Nous expliquons l’apparition de

cette intensité par la présence de défauts dans la phase SmA. Ces défauts pourraient être les zones où les

chaînes principales sautent d’une couche à la suivante.



An X-ray diffraction pattern in the SmA phase of a mesomorphic side chain polymethacrylate displays some unusual diffuse lines in addition to the elements already described. We account for these lines by introducing some defects which disturb the lamellar order. Such defects may be the places where the polymer

main chain hops from one layer to an adjacent one.


Physics Abstracts





A mesomorphic side chain polymer of formula :

has recently been synthesized [1].

This polymer presents the following polymor- phism : G 50 S A 95 N 110 I where G stands for glassy S A state (Tg = 50°C).

Its organization in the SmA phase has been studied

by X-ray diffraction and it was possible to infer that

the main chain is strongly anisotropic and confined between the layers of the mesogenic cores. In order

to check this result, the same polymer deuteriated

on the backbone was synthesized and studied by

neutron diffraction [2].

This deuteriated polymer (called PMD) gives the

same X-ray diffraction patterns as its hydrogenated homologue (called PMH) but with a slightly better

contrast. This has enabled us to notice some unusual diffuse lines hardly detectable on the X-ray patterns of PMH.

In this paper, we shall discuss the structural features which may give rise to this diffuse scattering.

Experimental procedure.

The X-ray diffraction experiments are performed

with the same apparatus as described in refe-

rence [1]. The sample is held in a Lindemann

capillary of 1.5 mm diameter placed in an oven itself

heated by an air stream. The temperature is kept

constant within 1 °C. An aligned sample is obtained

by applying a magnetic field of 1.7 T for a few hours at a temperature just below the nematic-isotropic

transition. A monochromatic point focussing X-ray

beam of wavelength A = 1.5405 A is obtained by

reflection on a doubly bent pyrolytic graphite mono-

chromator. The diffracted X-rays are collected on a cylindrical film at 60 mm from the sample. In this geometry, the direct and reciprocal spaces present a cylindrical symmetry around the magnetic field direc- tion.

Figure 1 shows an oriented X-ray diffraction pat-

tern of PMD taken at room temperature in the glassy SmA state. We find once more the same

elements as those observed for PMH and discussed at length in reference [1]. We shall here briefly

review these elements and remind the reader of their

interpretation :

- The Bragg spots (a) along the meridian are

resolution limited ; they indicate a lamellar order of

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01988004904068900



Fig. la.


X-ray diffraction pattern of PMD in the glassy SmA state.

Fig. lb.


Schematic representation of the diffraction pattern : (a) Bragg spots ; (b) Large angle diffuse cres-

cents ; (c) Diffuse lines ; (d) Diffuse spots ; (e) Diffuse streaks ; (f) Moustaches. (The inner circle going through

the lst Bragg spots is only due to the small disorientation of the sample.)

periodicity d


29.5 A which is roughly equal to the

size of a monomer f = 28 A measured on Dreiding



The wide angle crescents (b) perpendicular to

the equator show that the mesogenic cores are

oriented along the magnetic field direction Oz and that the layers are liquid-like. Therefore we have a SmA phase.


A set of equally spaced diffuse lines (c) perpen- dicular to the meridian corresponds to the intersec- tion with the Ewald sphere of a set of parallel and equally spaced reciprocal planes. This scattered

intensity comes from uncorrelated columns of meso-

genic cores which are out of their mean positions along Oz.


Some diffuse spots (d) show the existence of a transverse displacive distorsion (some sort of undula-

tions of the layers).


A diffuse streake for PMD or spot for PMH indicates the presence of a weak antiferroelectric

ordering which doubles the period along Oz.

In figure 1, the elements (a) and (b) are greatly overexposed so that one can clearly see an additional

diffuse streak (f) going through the lst Bragg spot and inclined at an angle 0 = 15° with respect to the equator Ox. Moreover, this diffuse streak is not

centrosymmetrical around the Bragg spot. Actually,

oriented patterns obtained with PMH also present these diffuse streaks when closely inspected, but

their appearance is blurred compared with those

presented by PMD. This is probably due to the fact

that the deuteriated and hydrogenated chains have different elastic properties. Indeed, the physical properties of the two compounds such as the transi- tion temperatures are slightly different [2].

Optical diffraction on models of defects.

We shall now try to account for the scattered

intensity (f) by introducing some defects in the

SmA phase.

First, let us consider in the lamellar structure, an

object with the shape of an ellipsoid of principal

axes Ox’, Oy’, Oz’ rotated by an angle 0 with respect

to the axes of the lamellar structure (cf. Fig. 2a),

with principal diameters a, b, c. Let us assume that

this object presents a periodic density modulation

with period d’ = d along Oz’. Then the diffusion cos 0

pattern of such an object will be a series of ellipsoidal

domains centred on points equidistant by 1, d’ along

direction Oz’ itself rotated by the same angle 6 with respect to Oz in the reciprocal space [3] (cf. Fig. 2b).

These domains will have for principal diameters

11 .1

1, 1 and 1.

a b b c

Now, if we have a random assembly of such N objects in the structure, then they do not diffract

Fig. 2.


a) Representation in real space of the object as

an ellipsoid of radii a, b, c and tilted by an angle 0 in the x’ 0 z plane. b) Corresponding diffusion domains in recipro-

cal space.


coherently (i.e. there are no interferences between

them) and the scattered intensity is N times the scattered intensity of one of them. These objects

may be called defects since they occur randomly in

the structure.

At this point, we must notice that though there are

defects in the structure, the Bragg reflexions remain resolution limited. This means that the defects do not break the smectic planes which remain conti-


Since the defect is inclined by an angle 0 with the

lamellar structure, its cross section in the plane Ox’ y

cannot be a disk (a =#= b ), in other words the object

must be biaxial. The problem now is to know

whether a is close to b, and then we have a line-

defect or much bigger than b, and then we have a

wall-defect. At this point, we must remember that the sample presents a cylindrical symmetry around Oz. Then, our defects are distributed on a cone of axis Oz and angle 0. This symmetry forbids

us to measure a and b independently and we cannot

decide whether we have line defects or wall defects.

In order to probe the nature of these defects, we

have performed some optical diffraction experiments

on a few models of defects. For this purpose, we have used a small He-Ne laser of wavelength



633 nm and a transverse mode selector [4].

Figures 3 (a, b, c, d, e, f) show some sketches and their diffraction patterns (with such a method, we only have 2-dimensional representations of the struc-

ture, we have no information on the third direction.

Fig. 3.


Various sketches of defects and their optical

diffusion patterns : (a) nematic (no internal structure) ; (b) a = 0 (scattered intensity maximum along Oz’) ; (c)

a = - 0 (scattered intensity maximum away from Oz).

This sketch is in agreement with the X-ray diffusion

pattern ; (d) a is an increasing function of 8 ; (e) xo

(apparent width of the defect) is a decreasing function of

02013 small curvature of the moustache ; (f) d’ (internal

period of the defect) is a decreasing function of 0. We

observe, here too, a small curvature of the moustache.



This meets the experimental fact that we cannot

distinguish Ox’ and Oy because of the uniaxial symmetry around Oz).

Firstly, we have examined the diffraction pattern of an object with no internal structure - i.e. : a

nematic zone (Fig. 3a). We observe some diffuse lines going through the Bragg spots and inclined by

(J = 15°, but they are symmetrical with respect to the Bragg spots. (In figure 3a, we have represented

several defects in order to obtain a stronger intensity

and the diffuse line is slightly modulated along Ox’

by some lateral interferences among defects.) We

can justify this in the following way : the presence of holes in the SmA matrix induces the appearance of

some diffuse scattering around the origin of the reciprocal space but since the SmA matrix presents a periodicity, this diffuse scattering is observed around each Bragg reflexion. Since the defects are broad

along Oz’ and thin along Ox’, the reflection domains

are thin along Oz’ and broad along Ox’.

We now want the diffuse line not to be symmetri-

cal with respect to the Bragg spot and this leads us to introduce a diffracting pattern in the defect. Such a

pattern must repeat itself periodically in the defect with a period d’ along Oz’ such as d’ = d since

cos (J the diffuse lines (f) must go through the Bragg spots

(a). The simplest pattern possible is a straight line segment which makes an angle a with Ox and which may present a phase shift cp with the layers (Fig. 4).

(Thus, a


0 and cp


0 correspond to the disap-

pearance of the defect).

Fig. 4.


Internal structure of the defect used for the diffraction calculation. Dashed line : missing smectic layer ; Solid line : tilted segment playing the role of antenna. a: cp = 7T ; b : cp = o.

Qualitatively, these segments behave like anten- nas, they diffuse mainly in a direction perpendicular

to theirs. In this way, we can maximize the scattered

intensity in a direction perpendicular to a. In figure 3b, for instance, the intensity is maximum

along Oz’ and we find that the diffuse line is not

symmetrical anymore with respect to the Bragg

spot ; it points towards the small angles rather than the wide angles. In figure 3c, the diffracting segments

are set at an angle such that the scattered intensity is

maximum away from the direction Oz’ of the defect.

In that case, the diffuse line points towards the wide

angles rather than the small angles. In order to

obtain a second set of diffuse lines symmetrical to

the first one with respect to the meridian, we would

just have to represent a second set of similar defects inclined by an angle - 0.

We find that, in this case, the optical diffraction pattern corresponds well to the actual X-ray diffrac-

tion pattern.

A simple analytical treatment of this model is

given in the appendix and gives an estimated value for the apparent width of the defect : xo


20 ± 5 A.

This apparent width represents a complicated func-

tion of a and b, values that we cannot measure

independently. The width of the diffuse line (f) along Oz’ is close to the resolution of our X-ray set

up. This means that the length c of the defects is

roughly estimated as a few hundreds of Angstroms.

If we now come back to the X-ray diffraction pattern, we may notice that the diffuse line (f) is slightly curved towards the meridian Oz. This may remind the reader of a similar effect predicted by De

Gennes [5] for the light scattering by smectics : the maximum intensity scattered by the elastic defor- mation fields of some edge dislocations should be located on parabola-shaped diffuse lines of equation sz K BK B S2 . -L The elastic constants Ki of some side

chain polymers have already been measured [6] and

found to be comparable to those of conventional nematics (Ki = 10-11 in S.I. units). If we now

assume that B were equal to that of a conventional smectic B = 107 in S.I. units), we would attain a

ratio K _ 10 B A in the range of the X-ray spectra.

However, this linear elasticity model is essentially

valid far from the core of the defect, i.e. at small

diffusion vectors, very close to the Bragg spot and therefore we need to give a description on a smaller scale, typically a few 10 A.

A simple way to account for this small curvature is to consider that the angle 0 of the defect may vary from place to place. If the angle 6 of the defect varies, its structural parameters such as xo a and d’

are very likely to vary with 0. (Remember that xo is the apparent width of the defect, « is the angle

between the scattering segment of the pattern and the smectic layers and d’ is the period of the patterns along the defect) (cf. Fig. 4). In order to check the

effects of such variations, let us approximate the

curved diffuse line (f) by a polygonal line composed

of straight line segments. This means that we con-

sider a defect as composed of several sections which

make different 0 angles with the smectic matrix.


First, figure 3d shows a case where a is an increasing function of 0 but the optical diffraction pattern shows a fan of diffuse lines rather than a

curved line.

Now, let us consider xo as a decreasing function of 0 1 is the width of the reflection domains. These


sections of the defect which have a small 0 will lead to a small horizontal diffuse line while those sections which have a bigger 0 will lead to a long inclined

diffuse line. This situation is sketched on figure 3e

and the resulting optical pattern shows indeed a

small curvature effect.

If the period d’ of the patterns along the defect is a decreasing function of 0, then these sections which have a small 0 will present a larger period and their

reflection domains will be shifted along Oz’ towards the small angles. Conversely, those sections which have a larger 0 will see their reflection domains shifted towards the wide angles. This situation is sketched on figure 3f and we can also notice a small curvature effect on the diffraction pattern.

Finally, we may say that the small curvature of the diffuse line (f) comes from the fact that the direction of the defect varies from place to place and with it,

the apparent width xo and the period d’ of the patterns inside. Anyway this curvature is hard to

notice on the X-ray diffraction pattern and therefore

we should not overemphasize this point.


So far, we have only drawn from the X-ray diffrac-

tion pattern as much information as possible about

the objects which give rise to the scattered intensity (f). We have not made any assumption as regards

the physical nature of these objects. We shall now present a hypothesis upon the origin and constitution of these defects.

This kind of diffuse scattering has never been

observed in the X-ray pattern of small mesogens which means that in some way, it must be linked to the presence of the polymer backbone. In a

SmA phase, the backbone is confined between two

layers of mesogenic cores, in a width of at most 10 A along the normal (Oz ) to the layers [1]. However, the radii of gyration of the main chain along Oz(RU) and perpendicular to it (R1.) have been

measured in the SmA phase by small angle neutron scattering experiments [2] : RII


22 ± 3 A, R 1.


86 ± 9 A. The comparison between the width of 10 A and Ril


22 A shows that a polymer main

chain cannot stay strictly confined between two

layers of mesogenic cores. The smectic period being

29.5 A, we see that, roughly, each main chain must

hop once from a layer to an adjacent one and thus

creates a defect in the smectic plane. Such layer hopping by chains has been theoretically predicted

by Renz and Warner [7]. If these defects correlated themselves along a direction Oz’, they would form

an object very similar to what is sketched in

figure 3c. We have made a tentative and schematic

drawing of the defect in figure 5 ; it is to be compared with figure 3c, which contains the best information that we could obtain from the diffuse line (f). The reason why the layer hoppings should

correlate along some direction is that the place

where a main chain crosses a layer is a region of

distortion where another defect is more likely to

appear. In other words, these defects can minimize their elastic energy by coalescing. (M. Warner, pri-

vate communication.) A rough estimate of the ratio of scattered intensities in the diffuse line (f) and in


the Bragg spot (a) is If =z 10- 4_10- 6. (This ratio is Ia

difficult to evaluate because Ia is much bigger than If and because the diffuse scattering lies on a cone.)

Fig. 5.


Hypothesis for the nature of the defect. The spacers have been omitted for the sake of clarity. The

dashed loop represents the limits of the defect. The

straight line segments represent the mesogenic cores. The

thin curved lines represent the polymeric backbones. Only

a few layers have been represented.

When hopping from one layer to another (on a

distance 30 A), a main chain disturbs approximately

12 of its mesogenic cores which will diffract cohe-

rently. Our resolution is estimated to 10-3 A-1 and

our Bragg spots are resolution limited. If we assume

an area per mesogenic core of 20 Å 2, then we have

106 mesogenic cores diffracting coherently. In such


a domain of radius 1000 A we shall have, on

average, ( ( 86 103 2 =102 polymer main chains and as



many defects. However, these defects do not diffract

coherently and our ratio of intensities should

roughly g y be equal q to (12 )2 x 102 = 10- 5 in correct

106 2

(106/20)2 20

agreement with the experimental data.


We have shown the presence in the smectic matrix of defects which give rise to the scattered intensity

localized on the diffuse lines (f). These defects make

an angle 0


15° with the normal to the layers and

are several hundreds of Angstroms long but we

cannot tell whether they are line defects or wall defects. The defect must have a pattern repeated periodically along its main axis with a period d’

related to that of the smectic matrix d’ = d ) . cos 0


This pattern may just be a portion of smectic layer

tilted by an angle a - 60° with respect to the smectic matrix. A slight curvature in the diffuse line (f) is likely to come from the variation of the defect width

xo or internal period d’ with its angle 0.

Finally, we think that the polymer backbones

when hopping from one layer to an adjacent one

create distortions which correlate themselves and build up these defects. This assumption is in fair agreement with the experimental evaluation of the

X-ray scattered intensities but needs to be checked

by electronic microscopy. It might be theoretically possible to relate the parameters of the defect such

as the tilt angle or the width by considering the entropic properties of the backbone, the elastic

properties of the smectic field and the nature of the spacer.

We are grateful to Dr. G. Durand and Dr.

J. Prost for helpful discussions and P. Ballongue for

technical assistance with the laser optical diffraction apparatus. It is also a pleasure to thank Dr. P. Keller

for kindly providing us with the deuteriated polymer samples.

This work has been supported by a DRET contract

nr. 85052.


We first want to calculate the form factor of the pattern represented on figure 4a. By a rotation of an angle 0, let us place ourselves in a system of axes

(0, x’, z’) attached to the defect. The pattern is made by erasing the horizontal part of the layer (in

dashed line) and replacing it by a straight line segment (in solid line). The equations of the two segments in our system are :


dashed line :


solid line :

These two segments represent the electronic density

of the pattern compared with the smectic matrix and the scattered amplitude A (S) is the Fourier trans- form of this electronic density :

The result of this calculation is :

If we now remember that the patterns must repeat themselves in the defect, along Oz’ with a period

d’ = d , we shall have some scattered intensity only for Sz’


n cos 0 with n integer.

cos 0 z d g

Then, one easily calculates :


Figure 6 shows the profile I (Sx’ ) along the straight

line Sz,


Cos 0 d (this is the equation of the straight

line on which the diffuse scattering (f) is located).

The parameters d


29.5 A and 0 = 15° have been measured on the diffraction pattern and parameter

xo must take the value xo


20 ± 5 A in order to fit

the experimental intensity profile of the diffuse line (f). xo is an apparent width of the defect, function of

a and b.

Figure 6 also shows the position of the axis

Sz and therefore this model correctly accounts for

the fact that the line is not centrosymmetrical around

the Bragg spot.

For a simpler representation, this model impli- citely assumes a phase shift of cp


7r between the

diffracting pattern and the smectic layer, but it is possible to think of a picture with no phase shift,



0, such as drawn on figure 4b.

The detailed calculations show that we cannot discriminate between these two cases because they mainly differ by their intensity ratio of the 1st to the 2nd diffuse lines (Sz’


cos 8 and Sz, = 2 cos 8 ) and

Fig. 6.


Analytical curve I (Sx’) along S.,, = a7 : d scattered

intensity in the moustache versus S.,,. The second vertical axis represents the intercept with the meridian Sz. One can clearly see that I (Sx’) is not symmetrical with respect to this axis. ( B = 15° ; Xó


20 A ; d


29.5 A).

we have only observed the 1st diffuse line experimen- tally.



Phys. France 46 (1985) 939.

[2] KELLER, P., CARVALHO, B., COTTON, J. P., LAM- BERT, M., MOUSSA, F. and PEPY, G., J. Phys.

Lett. 46 (1985) L 1065.

[3] For X-ray diffraction theory, see for instance : GUINIER, A., X-ray diffraction in crystals, im- perfect crystals and amorphous bodies (W. H. Frieman and Co, San Francisco).

[4] Advances in optical and electron microscopy 7, p. 17,

Eds. V. E. Cosslett and R. Barer (Academic Press, 1978, London, New York and San Fran-


[5] DE GENNES, P. G., C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris B 275 (1972)


[6] FABRE, P., CASAGRANDE, C., VEYSSIÉ, M. and FINKELMANN, H., Phys. Rev. Lett. 53 (1984)


[7] RENZ, W. , WARNER, M., Phys. Rev. Lett. 56 (1986)



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