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On the "statistics" of primes


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1989

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On the ”statistics” of primes

B. Julia

To cite this version:

B. Julia. On the ”statistics” of primes. Journal de Physique, 1989, 50 (12), pp.1371-1375.

�10.1051/jphys:0198900500120137100�. �jpa-00211002�


Short Communication

On the "statistics" of primes

B. Julia

Laboratoire de physique théorique de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure, 24 rue Lhomond, 75005 Paris France

(Reçu le 31 Mars 1989, accepté le 20 avril 1989)



On peut réinterpréter les séries de Dirichlet de la théorie multiplicative des nombres

comme des fonctions de partitions de systèmes quantiques solubles. En particulier le pôle de la fonc- tion zèta de Riemann à s


1 peut-être compris comme une "transition de phase". Plus précisement

la densité exponentielle des niveaux provoque une "catastrophe ultraviolette de Hagedorn". Nous il-

lustrons le dictionnaire entre la théorie des nombres et des cas particuliers de la mécanique statistique quantique en étudiant quelques exemples intéressants de gaz de particules libres, l’un d’eux réalise

une équivalence entre bosons et fermions. On connaissait le lien entre transitions de phase et zéros

de la fonction de partitions, on trouve ici un pôle explicite.



The Dirichlet series of the multiplicative theory of numbers can be reinterpreted


partition functions of solvable quantum mechanical systems. In particular the pole of the Riemann zeta function at

s =

1 can be understood as a "phase transition". More precisely there is an ultra-

violet "Hagedorn catastrophy" due to the exponential density of the energy levels. We illustrate the

dictionary between Number Theory and special cases of Quantum Statistical Mechanics by studying


number of interesting gases of free particles, in one example we obtain a boson-fermion equivalence.

Phase transitions are usually associated with zeroes of the partition functions here we have


explicit pole.

0210 - 05.30 - 05.70F - 64.60C

This paper is a short announcement of some results on the generating series of the so called

"multiplicative" arithmetic functions. A more detailed treatment will be submitted to the Compte-

Rendus of the French Academy of Sciences (Math section).

The theory of Dirichlet series : D (s) = M An exp (-sBn) , splits into two branches.

n =


Firstly there’ is the familiar case with Bn

= n

namely the power series. These series have long

been recognized as statistical mechanical partition functions; strictly speaking this is so in non

relativistic cases. Thé varaible s is the inverse temperature, in natural units it is the inverse of an energy. Typically a "canonical ensemble" partition function is an expression of the form

with énergies En and statistical factors or degeneracies S’n .

Let us recall that the inverse of the discriminant of Dedekind :

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:0198900500120137100



where q


exp (2xiz) is the generating function for the numbers of internal "transverse"

(26 - 2


24) modes of equal "energy" for the vibration of the open bosonic relativistic string

in 26 dimensions (Veneziano-Nambu-Goto model). This energy is to be understod as a lightlike component of energy-momentum.

Let us take a second example : the theta function of an even integral lattice P [ibidem] :

generates the dimensions of the spaces of states of equal mass for a particle moving on the dual (in the sense of Fourier transform) torus to the lattice. I /this particle is thought of as the center of

mass of a bosonic string the product of the above two "partition" functions describes the full theory

of strings in the light cone gauge. (It is also the gener ing function of the basic representation of

a corresponding affine Kac-Moody algebra when the torus is a Weyl torus for a finite dimensional Lie group.)

These power series belong to the "additive" theory of numbers : our two examples describe roughly speaking respectively the number of partitions of integers into sums of d integers and into

sums of squares of d integers. The index n is proportional to an energy in the physical models and,

as such, it behaves necessarily additively when one considers the juxtaposition (


the tensor prod- uct) of several of them. In particular the sums above correspond to the independent contributions of d effective dimensions.

Let us now consider the second branch of the theory of Dirichlet series : the case Bn




If there is a physical interpretation of such a Dirichlet series as a partition function, the inverse

temperature in natural units should be


again and the energies the Bn’s. Then under exponentia-

tion the additivity of energy (in the absence of interactions) should become the multiplicativity of

the index n (for the product of two partition functions). Therefore it is not a surprise that indeed the "multiplicative" theory of numbers has a nice interpretation in terms of free gases of various

kinds of particles.

We may begin with the familiar Riemann zeta function : An


1. It is a famous hypothesis of

Riemann [2] that the nontrivial zeroes of this function lie on its "symmetry" axis namely Re s


1 /2 .It has a pole at s


1 with residue 1. Let us note that in 1859 Boltzmann was 14 years old.

In general a Dirichlet series converges in a right half-plane Re s > a,


is called the abscissa of convergence. The Riemann hypothesis is equivalent to saying that the function 1/zeta has 1/2 for

its abscissa of convergence. Despite a lot of progress in our mathematical understanding of this

function and of its many generalizations, the abscissa of convergence of 1/zeta has refused to go left of s


1. There is certainly a nasty phenomenon at that "temperature". In physical terms

the convergence we are talking about is the convergence of low temperature series with expansion parameter exp ( -1 / T) .

As we guessed above the natural energy is the logarithm of the integer


Let us apply the tech- nique of particle physics and break the number n into elementary consistuents : namely primes.

The unique factorization of an integer into primes translates into a unique decomposition of Log n= L NpLog p where the Np’s are also arbitrary integers. The following lemma is now clear :

The zeta function is the grand canonical partition function of a "Riemann gas" of quantum

bosons of energies Log p for all primes p at zero chemical potential and at inverse temperature

s =



ity). Second the Boltzmann weight is that of grand canonical partition function because generic integers are divisible by arbitrary powers of primes, so the number of factors of the prime decom- position is oqual to the number of particles and takes all integer values. But, thirdly the chemical potential is set equal to zero or equivalently fugacity is set equal to one. Physicists naturally would

consider the more general case of an arbitrary chemical potential because for a finite dimensional vessel and unless there is Bose condensation the chemical potential is negative at thermal equilib-


So let us restore the fugacity f


exp (8 J-l) the Riemann zeta function is generalized by the

new Dirichlet series with coeficients A"


¡1I(n) where


(n) is the number of terms appearing in

the decomposition of n into prime factors (counting multiplicities).

The special case f == -1 is easily computable and gives the ratio zeta (2s) /zeta (s) , this is the

case of a purely imaginary chemical potential The convergence abscissa if we assume the Riemann

hypothesis is Re s > 1/2, but from the point of view of thermodynamics we are interested in the

logarithm of the partition function : a zero at s


1 is just as bad as a pole although its physical interpretation may be different

Let us pause for a minute and compute the density of states of the Riemann gas. The levels

are En


Log n and their spacing is asymptotically Log (1 + n) - Log n


1 / n (1 - 1/2n + ...) so

their density is p (E)


exp (E) + 1/2 + 0 (exp (-E)) . Such an exponential degeneracy has been

encountered before for example in string theory (up to an important power) or in other systems

with an infinite number of degrees of freedom. Using the Weyl formula for the asymptotics of

the density of states of a free particle in a piecewise smooth and bounded box the Riemann gas could live only in an infinite dimensional space or at least in an exotic finite dimensional one...

The increase in the density of states is responsible for a catastrophy at the inverse temperature

s =

1 below which one does not know how to compute the partition function one spoke of fire-

balls see Hagedorn [3]. The understanding of that phenomenon would help proving the Riemann hypothesis. Let us emphasize that there is a lot of research going on in the community of strong interaction theorists right now on this problem in relation with the deconfinement of quarks in hot

and dense matter. We shall return to this problem in a further publication.

Let us finally give a few more examples of statistical mechanical ensembles of number theory.

Our first hint of the above scheme came from the so-called Môbius transform of number theory.

Given a first Dirichlet series D (s) with coefficients An we may tensor the system with a Riemann gas and look for the coefficients of the product zeta (s) D (s) . They are the A’ , = M Ad for all

d 1 n

divisors d of


The nice result of Môbius is that the transformation can be inverted and he found that An == E Ai p (n/d) where the Môbius function M (n) vanishes if n is divisible by a square and is equal to -1 to the number of factors of n otherwise (the latter numbers are the so-called

squarefree or quadratfrei numbers, particle physicists would call them supernumbers or s- numbers

as we shall see).

What is the gas corresponding to the partition function 1/zeta(s) ? It would provide a re-

alization of the inverse Môbius transform as a tensor product with this gas. The coefficients of this Dirichlet series are precisely the p (n)’s. The answer is that it represents a gas of free ghost

fermions with the same energies Log p. They are fermions because one cannot put two of them in

the same state and ghosts because of the minus sign in the norm (or the probability) of all states

with an odd overall number of fermions.

Actually one can also consider a gas of bona fide free fermions. The corresponding weights

are An == IJ-l (n) 1 . It is again easy to compute the sum : it is equal to zeta (s) /zeta (2s)


M (s) .

We may remark in passing that this formula provides a fermionization of the Riemann gas. Let us

rewrite the above equation as



the second factor on the right hand side can be reinterpreted as the partition function of a Riemann gas at the same temperature but with double energies. We may iterate and find

The higher energy levels should be irrelevant at low temperature (this of course requires a

careful study). So we may speak of an equivalence between fermions (an infinite family of Môbius gases) and bosons (the Riemann gas).

More generally the partition function of a statistical system is the "extended" Laplace trans-

form of the density of states :

"extended" because the range of integration may include negative values of the energy. Let us

note that this is not quite the Mellin transform which has a strict definition in number theory :

it relates the (additive) generating functions typically some modular forms to the (multiplicative) generating functions typically zeta functions or so-called L-functions. The general formula is :

G (s) is Euler’s Gamma function which is the "bridge" between multiplicative and additive aspects

of number theory (it is a product of consecutive numbers ! ). In components

and D (s) _ is as above.

We have not yet given the precise definition of a "multiplicative" arithmetic function : it is

a function such that its value at the product of two relatively prime integers is the product of

its values at these integers. This property is stable under Môbius transform. More generally it

is stable under the "tensor product" of systems i.e. under product of the generating (partition)

functions. So called Hecke modular forms have multiplicative Mellin transforms, and we have given a few examples of generating series with multiplicative coefficients, zeta, its inverse etc... A

"strong" form of "multiplicativity" should be translated as absence of interactions between primes.

It corresponds to the existence of an Euler product decomposition over the primes. But we should

not restrict ourselves to free systems ! t And Dirichlet series of both types exist independently of

the additivity or multiplicativity of their coefficients and we have seen that they are quite generally Mellin-Laplace trasnforms of each other. The physical interpretation of these generating functions

however depends on these properties.

1b conclude this announcement we would like to add four remarks. The advantage of these

models of arithmetical statistical mechanics is that the energy levels are exactly known at least

in principle, we are left with the purely physical problem of studying thermodynamical quantities typically Log D (s) which is singular at phase transitions Lee-Yang [4].

The Euler function admits also a kind of parton decomposition à la Weierstrass, more gener-

ally any Euler (over the primes) or more general product formula leads to such a decomposition

of Dirichlet series.

The Riemann hypothesis admits a nice formulation in terms of Môbius fermionic ghosts. It

is equivalent to saying that the integrated density of states of that gas is less than a constant times


so-called xi function (or generalization thereof) with singularity

could heat the system all the way to the double temperature s




I would like to thank the organizers of the winter school at les Houches who allowed me to

present this general scheme. 1 learnt there that Dr J.H. Hannay and Dr D. Spector had made

similar remarks in some special cases independently but that apparently they did not consider the

general picture nor phase transitions. 1 also leave for a future paper the comparison with the

rather different semi-classical approach of quantum chaotic billiards, these have periods multiples

of Log p’s and relate the zeroes of zeta to the values of their "physical" energies.


[1] SERRE J.P., cours d’Arithmétique (PUF, Paris) 1970.

[2] RIEMANN B., Monatsberichte der Berliner Ak. November (1859).

[3] HAGEDORN R., Suppl. Nuovo Cimento 3 (1965) 147 ;

see also RUMER Yu.B., J. Exp. Theor. Phys. 38 (1960) 1899.

[4] LEE T.D. and YANG C.N., Phys. Rev. 87 (1952) 404.


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