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Academic year: 2022



Texte intégral







A3 /Prog/33 1'

24 May 1950


At its twenty -first, twenty- second, twenty -third and twenty- fourth meetings held on 23 and 24 May the Committee on Programme took the following decisions:

1. Programme of epidemiological work to be carried out with OIIP funds The Committee on Programme recommends to the Third World Health Assembly the adoption of the following resolution:

The Third World Health Assembly

Considering the epidemiological work carried out jointly, from

1948 to 1950,

by the World Health Organization and the Office Inter- national dlHygiéne Publique;1

AGREES to the continuation of this work by WHO during the coming years, using the funds transferred from the OIHP for the purpose.

2. Western Pacific

The Committee on Programme recommends to the Third World Health Assembly the adoption of the following resolution:

The Third World Health Assembly

APPROVES the establishment of a regional organization for the Western Pacific region as soon as possible on the understanding that the expenditure will not be greater than that provided for in the 1951 budget.

1 Outlined in document A3/46 Add. 1 Rev.l


A3 /Prog/33 page 2

International Sanitary Regulations and Quarantine Mecca Pilgrimage:

Emergency Measures to prevent the introduction of cholera into the Hedjaz from countries in which the disease is endeMi c.

The Committee on Programme recommends to the Third World Health Assembly the adoption of the following resolution:

The Third World Health Assembly, .

After having reviewed the legal aspects of the question in the light of the WHO Constitution and of the International 'Sanitary Conventions in force,


(1) It would be inexpedient to refer the'matter to the Executive Board;

(2) The 1926 Convention (Article 57) and the 1933 Convention for Aerial Navigation (Article 58) permit modification of.their provisions by means of special agreements among Contracting Parties, the former

only permitting measures less burdensome than those prescribed therein, the latter, although not so restrictive, providing that such agreements be "on the basis of the principles of that Convention ";

(3) If an emergency existed, it would be proper.fori "thé Director -General to convene an extraordinary meeting of the Section on Quarantine of the Expert Committee on Epidemiology and Quarantine to advise on the measures to be taken to meet the situation, but at present there is no

emergency and only a possible danger of a later emergency (September 1950).

(4) In view .of the position stated in sub -paragraph (2) above, the most suitable course to follow would be for an official approach to be made by the Egyptian Government to the other governments concerned, namely

India and Pakistan, stating the measures which, in the opinion of the Egyptian . overnment, it would be desirable for them to adopt before the commencement of the next Pilgrimage season.

Any agree'n t reached between these governments should be communie+,ed to WHO.


A3 /Prog/33 page 3

(5) As the adoption by the present Assembly of interim emergency regula- tions on the Pilgrimage would entail considerable administrative difficulties and as these regulations would, in order to become operative, require the consent of the countries concerned, there would be no advantage in following such a course in preference to

that suggested above, viz., the voluntary adoption by these countries of special national legislation.

4. Technical Assistance Programme

The Committee on Programme recommends to the Third World Health Assembly the adoption of the following resolution:

The Third World Health Assembly

RESOLVES that within the programme of technical assistance

as contained in Official Records No. 23, should be included those two items in Official Records No 18, concerned with Health Statistics and the preliminary surveys for the Joint WHO /FAO programme for increased food production.

5. Plague

The Committee on Programme recommends to the Third World Health Assembly the adoption of the following resolution:

The Third Vvorld Health Assembly

1. NOTES the report of the Expert Committee on Plague;1

2. THANKS the Committee for their work,

3. REQUESTS the Executive Board and the Director -General to take into account the recommendations contained in the Report, in so far as they may be applicables when implementing the programme.

Was nrsoanno

1 pocument A3/37 (-WHO/Plague/13)


page 4 6. Cholera

The Committee on Programme recommends to the Third World Health assembly the adoption of the following resolutions

The Third World Health ,r.ssembly

lo NOTES the report of the Joint OIHP/WHO Study Group on Cholera on its third session;1

2, THANKS the experts for their work; and

3, REQUESTS the Executive Board and the Director- General to take into account the recommendations contained in the report when implementing the programme.

7, Malaria

The Committee on Programme recommends to the Third World Health rssembly the adoption of the following resol,ution4

The Third World Health ssemb1y

1., NOTES the report of the Expert Committee on Malaria on its third session;2 2. THANKS the Experts for their work; and

3. TR,NSMITS the recommendations of the Expert Committee on Malaria con- cerning the Prevention of the Introduction of r.nophelines to the Expert

Committee on International. Epidemiology and Quarantine for its consideration,

8. Tuberculosis

The Committee on Programme recommends to the Third World Health assembly the adoption of the following .resol ution4

The Third World Health assembly

1. NOTES the report of the fourth session of the Expert Committee on Tuber -

culo s is ;3

2. THINKS the Experts for their work; and

3. REQUESTS the Executive Board to take into account the recommendations con- tained in the report and the viws expressed on this subject by the Committee on Programme r.n6e's:ar as they may be app3 _cable when implementing the programme.

1 Document WHO /Cholera /6

2 World Hlth Org, Te_chn, Rep Ser:, 8 3 WHO Techn. Rep. Ser. 7



A3 /Prog/33 page 5 9, Therapeutic Substances

The Committee on Programme recommends to the Third World Health Assembly the adoption of the following resolution:

The Third World Health Assembly

APPROVES the proposed programme for 1951.for Therapeutic Substanoes.1

10. Editorial -and Referende Services

The Committee on Programme recommends to the Third World Health Assembly the adoption of the folldi,ng resolutions

The. Third World Health Assembly

In view of the fundamental importance of the programme of publications of the Organization, considered not only as a statutory obligation inherited from previous international organizations, but also as an activity particularly favourable to the effectiveness and prestige of WHO,

Considering that the time has come, two years .ter the final establishment of the Organization, to proceed to a general examination of the results obtained and to determine the future direction of the programme of publications,

1. NOTES the results achieved up...till.nail despite-indisputable difficulties especially of a financial and material nature,

2. APPROVES the programme of publications contained in the "Proposed

Programme.and Budget Estimates for.1951 "2, on the understanding that it will be amended in accordance with the principles enunciated in the note annexed to this resolution. .

1 Off, Rec. World Health Ors, 22, 71 -77 2 Off, Reo, World Health Orge g2, 85-92


A3 /Prog /33 page 6

3. REQUESTS the Director -General

(1) to bear in mind, subject to budgetary limitations, as concerns the development of the activities of the Organization

in this field, the principles enunciated in the annex to this resolution from the dual viewpoint of the structure and frequency of the various publications,

(2) to take all measures capable of ensuring the quality of the publications in the different languages employed,

(3) to submit to the Executive Board and the Fourth Assembly a special report on the measures adopted in application of the present resolution,

4. REQUESTS the Executive Board to submit its observations and comments 'on this report to the Fourth Assembly,

5. DRAWS the attention of the States Members to the importance of the strict application of Article 63 of the Constitution, and

6. RECOMMENDS that they adopt adequate measures in this connexion within the framework of their national health administrations.

Principles which should govern the expansion of the programme of publications

l: The Bulletin of the World Health Crganizátion is the fundamental

publication of the Organization, texts to be included therein should consequently be chosen on the grounds of high tochn ..cal DI' scientific quality combined tier'e_,.

es wide an international appeal as possible.

The Bulletin should include a bibliographical section, comprising not only references, but also abstracts of original documents.

The Bulletin should appear monthly; this rhythm of put.ication should be put into practice as soon as possible, in principle from 1952.


A3/Prog/33 page 7

2. The International Digest of Health Legislation should comprise complete documentation of as recent a date as possible on the national health laws and regulations ".. considered to be of international ±mportarce" 1

It should be issued not only bound, but also as separate sheets and fascicles enabling classification by subject and by State to be carried out

Accoràina to their imuortance, the texts in the Digest should he either reRrodu.ced verbatim indicated only by a references briefly abstracted or

$inlay_ cited

In addition te the table of contents, the Digest a euld contain a classi-

- fled index arranging the text according to subject.

The Digest should appear every three months.

3s The Chronicle should keep to the role of publicity and general information for which it was originally intended;

11. Stimulation of Campaigns against Communicable Diseases

The Committee on Programme recommends to the Third World Health Assembly the adoption of the following resolutiono


The Third World Health Assembly

..APPROVES the programme on Stimulation of Campaigns against Communicable Diseases as contained in the Proposed Programme and Budget Estimates for

1951,2 including the following: Malaria, Tuberculosis, Venereal Disease and Treponematos, ,

üV-fL1!28 -: Off.Rec World Hlth Org. 21,20

Off. Re c


World Hlth Org. 23, 119-129


A3 /Prog /33 page 8

12. Organization of Public Health Services

The Committee on Programme recommends to the Third World Health Assembly the adoption of the following resolution:

The Third World Health Assembly

APPROVES the programme for 1951 as set out in the Proposed Programme and Budget Estimates for 1951.1

12,1 Health Education of the Public

The Committee on Programme recommends to the Third World Health Assembly the adoption of the following resolution*

The Third World Health Assembly

1. APPROVES the programme for Health Education of the Public as


contained in the Proposed Programme and Budget Estimates for 1951, and

2. REQUESTS the Executive Board and the Director -General to take into consideration in implementing the programme, the views expressed on this subject by the Committee on Programme.

Off. Rec. World Hlth. Org. 23, 99 (as modified by the Executive Board at its fifth session Off. Rec. World Hlth. Org. 26 and subject to the reduction provided for in Resolution t6 section (2) )

2 Off. Rec. World Hlth. Org.. 23, l04K05


A3 /Prog /33 page 9

12.2 Nursing

The Committee on Programme recommends to the Third World Health Assembly the adoption of the following resolution;

The Third Viorld Health Assembly

1. APrÛVES the programme for Nursing -as contained in the proposed Programme and Budget Estimates for 1951;1

2. ACCEPTS the views of the Expert Committee on Nursing that developing health programmes call for measures to increase and improve the supply of nurses of all types and for better use of the supply;

3. EMPHASIZES. that ,programmes of nursing education should be so planned that all nurses are given an understanding of the social and preventive aspects of modern health work; and

4. REQUESTS the Executive Board and the Director -General to take into consideration the views expressed on this subject by the Committee on

rogramme when implementing the programme.

13. General Promotion of Health

The Committee on Programme recommends to the Third World Health Assembly the adoption of the following resolution;

The Third World Health Assembly

1. APPROVES the programme for General Promotion of Health as contained in the Proposed Programme and Budget Estimates for 1951,2 and

2. REQUESTS the Executive Board and the Director- General to take into consideration the views expressed by the Committee on Programme when

implementing the various programmes for Maternal and Child Health, Nutrition, and Mental Health.

1 Off.Rec.World Hlth Org. 23, 106

2 Off.Rec.World Hlth Org. 23, 141 (as modified by the Executive Board at its fifth session (Off.Rec.World Hlth Org. 26))


A3 /Prog/33 page 10

14. Professional and Technical Education

The Committee on Programme recommends to the Third +rvorld Health Assembly the adoption of the following resolution:

The Third biorld Health Assembly

1. EMPHASIZES the importance of further development of international activities in the field of professional and technical education of medical and auxiliary personnel;

2. APPROVES the programme proposed for 19511, and

3. REQUESTS the Executive Board and the Director -General to take into consideration the views expressed on this subject by the Committee on Programme.

Medical Supplies

The Committee on Programme recommends to the Third World Health Assembly the adoption of the following resolution:

The Third brorld Health Assembly

1. APPROVES the programme on medical supplies as contained in the Proposed Programme and Budget Estimates for 19512, and

2. REQUESTS the Executive Board and the Director -General to take into consideration the views expressed by the Committee on Programme when implementing the programme.

1 Off. Rec. world H1th Or. 23, 157 -168

2 ff. Rec.. orld Hlth Org. 23, pp. 175 -176 (subject to the modification provided for in Resolution 16, subsection 1 (2)


A3 /Prod, /33

page 11

16. Adjustment of Opera tign Programme for 1951

The Committee on Programme recommends to the Third World Health Assembly the adoption of the following resolutions:

The Third World Health Assembly

1. INSTRUCTS the Executive Board and the Director -General to make the following adjustments in Part II of the Proposed Programme and Budget for 1951 as contained in Official Records No. 23 as modified in consequence of

the decisions of the Executive Board at its fifth session:

(1) Expert Committees - reduction of the total amount of

$285,866. by 51, 867; the actual reduction to be made by the Director General in such way as he deems most proper;

(2) Reduction of ,'-l3,006 provided in the regular budget for two staff members in Public Health Administration and Health Demonstration Areas;

(3) Reduction in duty travel and travel of consultants by an arbitrary amount of 10 %, producing a sum of


(4) Elimination of the item in the Regular Programme and Budget entitled "Programme Supplies to Governments",

amounting to ti 100,000.

2. INSTRUCTS the Executive Board and the Director- General to include, within the amounts so made available, the activities

covered in the following resolutions:

16,1 Epidemiological Services

Having considered the activities of the Organization in 1949 and 1950 relating to International Sanitary Legislation and Quarantine, including the collection and distribution of epidemiological informa- tion by wireless and by printed periodicals,


A3/Prog f 33

ege 12

The Third World Health Assembly

1. APPROVES the proposals in this respect as contained in the

Proposed Programme and Budget Estimates for 19511 for the continuation of these statutory functions of the Organization;

2. NOTES with satisfaction the progress made by the Expert Committee on International Epidemiology and Quarantine and its legal Sub -

Committee in the preparation of Draft International Sanitary Regula- tions; and

Considering the need for an adequate technical and legal discussion of the Draft WHO regulations which are to replace the existing Inter- national Sanitary Conventions,

3. ESTABLISHES a special committee, consisting of representatives of all Member States, to consider the raft International Sanitary Regula- tions prepared by the Expert Committee on International Epidemiology and Quarantine;

4. REQUESTS the Director -General to convene this special committee up to four weeks before the commencement of the Fourth World Health Assembly, in the place selected for that session;

5. RECOMMENDS that the Fourth World Health Assembly

(1) Establish a main committee to deal with Sanitary Conventions;

(2) Recognize the Special Committee established by the Third World Health Assembly as its main committee on Sanitary Convention;

(3) Confirm the election of its chairman, and

6. RESOLVES that transportation expenses of delegates and advisers attending the Spacial 'Committee be at the expense of participating Member States.

1 Off Rec. World Hith Org. 23, pages 45, 46 and 54


16.2. Health Statistics

The Third World Health Assembly


2. RESOLVES in conformity of the Expert the Executive

A3/Prog/33 page 13

the proposed programme for Health Statistics for 1951;1 to request the Executive Board and the Director -General, with the considerations and opinions expressed on the report Committee on Health Statistics) by the ad hoc committee of Board2 to see if means can be found to implement as soon as possible the recommendations of the Expert Committee concerning the

establishment of a "clearing centre's for problems arising in the ap?licati.on of the International Statistical Classification and a foal unit for

maintaining relationship with National Committees on Vital and Health Statistics, as recommended by the Second World Health Assembly;3

3. ENDORSES the recommendation made by the Expert Committee that a joint session of the expert committee and certain co -opted members, specialists in the sphere of morbidity statistics, be convened in 1951 with the object of obtaining an orientation, evaluation and selection of the projects requiring international action in this field;

4. REFERS the question raised by the delegation of Franco on "Certain

aspects of Hospital Statistics ", to the Expert Committee on Health Statistics

16.1. Studies of Communicable Diseases The Third World Health Assembly

APPROVES the Programme on Studies of Communicable Diseases as outlined in Official Records No. 23 under the general item 4.1.3, . p.47 and the specific items relating to

Plague as a disease of man (item 5.2.4, p.130)

Typhus fever and relapsing fever (item 5.2.5. p.132) Bilharziasis (item 5.2.6, p.133)

Other Communicable Diseases (item 5.2.7, p.134) subject to the following specific resolutions:

1. Off. Rec. World Hlth Org. 23, 63-65

2. A3/57, Part II

3. Off. Rec. World Hlth Org. 21, 28


A3 /Prog /33 page 14

16.3.1 Immunization against Communicable Diseases of Childhood

The Thiry.':. World. Health l..ssembly

1. ENDORSES in principle the programme on Immunization against Communicable Diseases of Childhood as outlined in the proposed

rograirme for 1951;1 and

2. DECIDES to call a conference in 1951 of heads of laboratories and institutes producing vaccine against diphtheria and against whooping cough.

16.3.2. Leprosy

The Third Lorld Health assembly

;.ecognizing the urgent need of implementing the programme for leprosy approved by the Second 7,orld Health Assembly,_

1. A tROVES the programme for Leprosy as contained in the Proposed Programme and Budget Estimates for 1951;2 and

2. DECIDES that this programme be placed on the Regular Budget for 1951.

16.3.3 Plague

The Third World Health As :embly

1. LP-ROVES the programme for dague as contained in the Proposed Programme and Budget Estimates for 1951;3 and

2. DECIDES that this programme be placed on the Regular Budget for 1951


1 Off.Rec.livorld Hlth Org. 23- 48, item

2 Off.Rec.rld Hlth Orc, 23, 48, item

3 Off .Rec.Y,orld Hlth Orr. 23, p.47, item



A3 /Prog /33

page 15 16.34 Cholera

The Committee on Programme recommends to the Third World Health Assembly

the adoption of the following resolution;

The Third World Health Assembly,

1. APPROVES the programme on Cholera as contained in the Proposed Programme and Budget Estimates for 1951, 7- and

2. DECIDES to place this programme in the regular budget for 1951.

.16.3.5 Influenza

The programme Committee recommends to the Third World Health Assembly the adoption of the following resolution

The Third World Health Assembly

lc APPROVES the programme on influenza




DECIDES that this programme should be placed on the regular budget.,

1644 Cc.- oyeration with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East

Whereas the Executive Board at its second session authorized the Director-General in consultation. with the Chairman of the Executive Board, within the limits of al-7 resources made available for this purpose, to take

the necessary emergency measures, under the terms of Article 28 (i) of the Constitution, to deal with events requiring immediate action in connexion with the health situation of Palestine Refugees, "n ' and




OffaRec.bJorld H1w.;Org 23, 48, item 4.1,13.3 Off.Rec,World H1th,Org, 23, 51

OffoRec,_ irlorld H1th.Org,. 71, 18, paragraph 1a4


A3/Prog/33 page 16

Whereas in accordance with the provisions of Chapter II, Article 2, paragraphs (a), (b), (e) and (i) of the Constitution, the Director- General responded to the request of the .ecretry- General of the United Nations in December 1948 and assumed responsibility for the technical co- ordination of the health programme administered by the United Nations Relief for Palestine Refugees, and

Whereas the Joint Health Policy Committee at its third sessionl approved a health 'programme in connexion with the United Nations Relief for Palestine Refugees, and

Whereas the Executive Board at its third session2 approved the action taken by the Director -General in connexione with the health programme of the Uhited Fations Relief for Palestine Refugees which included assigning to UNRPR a Chief iledical Officer and a Lédical Officer, and -raking available to UNRPR a grant of 50,000 from the UNRRA Special Fund, and

Whereas the Health Assembly at its second session3 resolved that technical assistance in this field be continued by the =^orld


Organization in 1950 through the United Nations as an emergency measure and that an amount be provided for in the Budget for 1950 to meet this expenditure, and

Whereas the Director -General continued in 1950 to assign to UNRPR a Chief ::edical Officer and a eiedical Officer and made available to UNRPR a second grant of ,50,C004 from the UNRRA Special Fund,5 and

Whereas the Third Health Assembly has noted resolution 302(IV) adopted by the General AseeMbly of the United Nations at its fourth session which

establishes the United Nations Relief and works egency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, with specific reference to paragraph 18 thereof which reads;'



Ibid. 22, 46, paragraph 16.1 12, paragraph 3.3 Ibid. 17,

3 Ibid. 21, 46, IdIiF12.76 4 Ibid. 21, 47, Appendix l **

5 Ibid. 22, 46, paragraph 16 >i



A3 /Pro g/33 page 17

"URGES the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund, the International Refugee Organization, the World. Health Organization, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the Food and Agricul-

ture Organization and other appropriate agencies and private groups and organizations, in consultation with the Director of the United Nations Relief and Yorks Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, to furnish assistance within the

framework of the programme ". And

Vhereas the Third World Health Assembly has noted with approval the letter dated 25 April 19501 sent by the Director -General of the World Health Organization to the Director, United Nations Relief and Works Agency for

Palestine Refugees in the Near Easc, and

Whereas the Third World Health Assembly has noted with approval the Principles2 to govern relationship between the World Realth Organization and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East proposed by the Director-General to the Director of UNRWAPRNE in the above -mentioned letter dated 25 April 1950,

The Third World Health Assembly

1. APPROVES the aetion taken by the Director- General so far, and Desiring to respond to the request of the General Assembly of the United Nations expressed in paragraph 18 of ita resolution 302(17) in so far as the financial resources of the World Health Organization will allow,

2. CONSIDERS that in accordance with the provisions of Chapter II,

Article 2, paragraphs (a), (b), (e) and (i) of its Constitution, the World Health Organization should continue the technical direction of the health programme administered by the United Nations Relief and Yvorks Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East;

3, CALLS the attention of the Director -General to the need for giving special attention to the education, health and recreation of children in

(refugee) camps;

1 Document A3/79, Annex I

2 Ibid. A3/79, Annex II


A3 /Prog /33 page 18

4. APPROVES the Principles proposed by the Director -General to govern relationship between 14E0 and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East;

5. RESOLVES that the World Health Organization should continue to assign a Chief Medical Officer and a Medical Officer to United Nations Relief and '

Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East; and

6. REQUESTS the Director- General to negotiate an agreement with the Director of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine

Refugees in the Near East on the basis of the above Principles and to report to the Executive Board at its seventh session concerning the outcome of such negotiations.

7. RECO :WENDS that a sum of 050,000 should be provided within the regular`"

budget to cover the cost of sanitation, anti -malarial and other public health supplies and equipment to meet the needs of the Palestine Refugees in the Near East.


Documents relatifs

The relevant expected result is health-care systems strengthening to meet the needs of persons affected by violence and injuries, and the resolution provides the framework.

Address causes of violence and injuries in transit and destination countries Violence and injuries in transit and destination countries include human trafficking for forced labour

CALLS UPON Member States to facilitate greater collaboration among the private sector, the scientific community, civil society, and other relevant stakeholders in particular within

Qualitative data sources should also be considered and integrated within routine data collection systems as this will support further exploration of the health needs of refugees

URGES Member States to progressively introduce the above-mentioned process for the evaluation of national health programmes and services by national health personnel, and

RECOMMENDS specially the implementation of the inter-country projects included under the Regular Budget, the Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance, and in the special accounts

In addition, Member States are invited to provide comments on the draft global report Transforming for enhanced country impact, which will be provided to

WHA14.36 Annual Report of the Director-General for 1960 : Programme Aspects The Fourteenth World Health Assembly,1. Having reviewed the Report of the Director-General on the work