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Monte Carlo methods in molecular dynamics


Academic year: 2022

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Monte Carlo methods in molecular dynamics

Part 2: Sampling metastable trajectories.

T. Lelièvre

CERMICS - Ecole des Ponts ParisTech & MicMac project-team - INRIA

IPAM tutorial, MTDUT September 2012



The aim of molecular dynamics simulations is to understand the relationships between themacroscopic propertiesof a molecular system and itsatomisticfeatures. In particular, one would like to to evaluate numerically macroscopic quantities from models at the microscopic scale.

Some examples of macroscopic quantities:

(i) Thermodynamics quantities (average of some observable wrt an equilibrium measure): stress, heat capacity,free energy,...

Eµ(ϕ(X)) = Z



(ii) Dynamical quantities(average over trajectories at equilibrium):

diffusion coefficients, viscosity, transition rates,...

E(F((Xt)t≥0)) = Z





Many applications in various fields: biology, physics, chemistry, materials science. Molecular dynamics computations consume today a lot of CPU time.

A molecular dynamics model amounts essentially in choosing a potentialV which associates to a configuration

(x1, ...,xN) =x ∈R3N an energy V(x1, ...,xN).

In the canonical (NVT) ensemble, configurations are distributed according to the Boltzmann-Gibbs probability measure:

dµ(x) =Z1exp(−βV(x))dx, whereZ =R

exp(−βV(x))dx is the partition function and β= (kBT)1 is proportional to the inverse of the temperature.



Typically,V is a sum of potentials modelling interaction between two particles, three particles and four particles:

V =X


V1(xi,xj) + X


V2(xi,xj,xk) + X



For example,V1(xi,xj) =VLJ(|xi −xj|) where VLJ(r) =4ǫ

σ r



is the Lennard-Jones potential.

Difficulties: (i) high-dimensional problem (N ≫1) ; (ii)µis a multimodal measure.



To sampleµ, ergodic dynamics wrt to µare used. A typical example is theover-damped Langevin(or gradient) dynamics:



It is the limit (when the mass goes to zero or the damping parameter to infinity) of theLangevin dynamics:




2γβ1dWt, whereMis the mass tensor andγis the friction coefficient.

To compute dynamical quantities, these are also typically the dynamics of interest. Thus,

Eµ(ϕ(X))≃ 1 T



ϕ(Xt)dt andE(F((Xt)t≥0))≃ 1 N




F((Xmt )t≥0).

In the following, we mainly consider theover-damped Langevin dynamics.



Difficulty: In practice,Xt is a metastable process, so that the convergence to equilibrium is very slow, andsampling metastable trajectories is very difficult.

A 2d schematic picture: Xt1 is a slow variable(a metastable dof) of the system.








Where does metastability come from ?

Energetic barrier:

x coordinate

y coordinate

−1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5



−0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5

0.0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000



−0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5


x coordinate

Entropic barrier:

x coordinate

y coordinate

0.0 5000 10000 15000 20000


−4 0 4 8


x coordinate



For computing thermodynamics quantities, there is a clear

classification of available methods, and the difficulties are now well understood (in particular for free energy computations, see for example the review[TL, Rousset, Stoltz, 2010]). On the opposite, computing efficiently dynamical quantities remains a challenge.

In practice, one is only interested in areduced descriptionof the original full dynamics(Xt)t≥0. Two cases:

Case 1: One is given asmooth low-dimensional function ξ:Rd →R

and the aim is to capture the dynamics of (ξ(Xt))t≥0. Case 2: One is given acontinuous state to discrete state map

S :Rd →N

and the aim is to capture the dynamics of (S(Xt))t≥0.



In the following, I will present:

1. An analytical procedure to approximate (ξ(Xt))t≥0: error analysis of aneffective dynamics.

2. An algorithm to generate transition paths, usingξ: the Adaptive multilevel splitting method.

3. The mathematical analysis of an algorithm proposed by A.

Voter to approximate (S(Xt))t≥0: the Parallel Replica dynamics.

There are many other techniques: hyperdynamics and temperature accelerated dynamics[Voter, Fichthorn], the string method[E, Ren,

Vanden-Eijnden], transition path sampling methods[Chandler, Bolhuis, Dellago], milestoning techniques[Elber, Schuette, Vanden-Eijnden], etc...


Preliminary remark:

To estimate the error in the dynamics, two measures may be used:

A Error on the propagation ofthe law at time t of the coarse-grained process (time marginals). (PDE)

B Error on the law of the trajectoriesof the coarse-grained process. (SDE)

Of course, B is better than A. A is a first step to B, and is often more tractable mathematically.


Effective dynamics

Recall the original dynamics



We are given a smooth one dimensional functionξ:Rd →R. Problem: propose a Markovian dynamics (say onzt ∈R) that approximates the dynamics(ξ(Xt))t≥0.


Construction of the effective dynamics

By Itô, one has

dξ(Xt) = (−∇V·∇ξ+β1∆ξ)(Xt)dt+p

1|∇ξ(Xt)| ∇ξ(Xt)


First attempt:

d˜zt = ˜b(t,˜zt)dt+p

1σ(t,˜ ˜zt)dBt


b(t˜ ,˜z) =E

(−∇V · ∇ξ+β1∆ξ)(Xt)

ξ(Xt) = ˜z


σ2(t,˜z) =E


ξ(Xt) = ˜z .

Then, for all timet ≥0,L(ξ(Xt)) =L(˜zt) ! Butb˜ and˜σ are untractable numerically...


Construction of the effective dynamics

By Itô, one has

dξ(Xt) = (−∇V·∇ξ+β1∆ξ)(Xt)dt+p

1|∇ξ(Xt)| ∇ξ(Xt)


The effective dynamics:




b(z) =Eµ

(−∇V · ∇ξ+β1∆ξ)(X)

ξ(X) =z σ2(z) =Eµ


ξ(X) =z . Related approaches: Mori-Zwanzig and projection operator formalism[E/Vanden-Eijnden, ...], asymptotic approaches[Papanicolaou, Freidlin, Pavliotis/Stuart, ...].


Link with the free energy

Recall the definition of the free energy:

A(z) =−β1ln Z


The effective dynamics is:


1σ(zt)dBt with

b(z) =Eµ

(−∇V · ∇ξ+β1∆ξ)(X)

ξ(X) =z

=−σ2(z)A(z) +β1zσ2(z), σ2(z) =Eµ


ξ(X) =z . Thus, the effective dynamics is:

dzt2(zt) −A(zt) +β1z[ln(σ2)](zt)




Error analysis: time marginals

The effective dynamics is ergodic (detailed balanced) wrtξ∗µ.

Moreover Under the assumptions(|∇ξ|=Ctefor simplicity):

(H1) The conditional probability measuresµ(·|ξ(x) =z) satisfy a Logarithmic Sobolev Inequality with constant ρ,

(H2) Bounded coupling assumption: k∇∇ξ∇ξVkL ≤κ, (H3) The probability measure µsatisfies a Logarithmic Sobolev

Inequality with constant R, Then,∃C >0,∀t ≥0,

kL(ξ(Xt))− L(zt)kTV

Cmin κ ρ



! . Typicallyρ≫R.

The proof[Legoll, TL]is PDE-based. It is inspired by a decomposition of the entropy proposed in[Grunewald/Otto/Villani/Westdickenberg], and entropy estimates.


Sketch of the proof in the 2d case and ξ (x , y ) = x (1/4)

2D FP:∂tψ=β1div

ψ∇ ψ


, ψ(x,y) =Z1exp(−βV(x,y)).

Letψ(t¯ ,x) be the law ofξ(Xt) =xt, that is ψ(t,¯ x) =R


tψ¯=β1x Z

ψx ψ


dy. The free energyA is defined by

exp(−βA(x)) = Z

ψ(x,y)dy =Z1 Z

exp(−βV(x,y))dy A(x) =Eµ[∂xV(X) | ξ(X) =x]

Sinceσ=1, the effective dynamics is dzt =−A(zt)dt+p

2/βdBt. The lawφ(t,x)of zt satisfies


φx φ


, φ(x) =exp(−βA(x)).


Sketch of the proof (2/4)


E(t) =H( ¯ψ|φ) = Z



ψ(t,¯ x) φ(t,x)

ψ(t,¯ x)dx

and introduce the correct drift˜b(t,x) =

R ψ∂xV dy R ψdy . dE

dt = −β1I( ¯ψ|φ)+ Z


ψ ∂¯ x




≤ −β1I( ¯ψ|φ) + 1 2α

Z ψ¯



φ 2

+α 2 Z



= 1

2α −β1

I( ¯ψ|φ) + α 2 (∗) Notice that˜b(t,x) =R

RxV(x,y1x(dy) with ν1x(dy)∝ψ(t,x,y)dy, andA(x) =R

RxV(x,y2x(dy) with ν2x(dy)∝ψ(x,y)dy.


Sketch of the proof (3/4)

A(x)−˜b(t,x) = Z

xV(x,y1x(dy)− Z


= Z


A(x)−b(t,˜ x)

≤ k∂xyVkL


|y1y2x(dy1,dy2) with


1(y1) +φ2(y2))πx(dy1,dy2) = Z

φ1dν1x + Z

φ2dν2x. Optimize onπx:


≤ k∂xyVkL W11x, ν2x) [Wasserstein distance]

≤ k∂xyVkL



I1x2x) [Talagrand, LSI on ν2x] Hence,

(∗) = Z



≤ k∂xyVk2L

ρ2 Z

ψI¯ (ν1x2x)≤ k∂xyVk2L

ρ2 I


Sketch of the proof (4/4)

dE dt


2α −β1

I( ¯ψ|φ) +α 2


ρ2 I(ψ|ψ)

= 1

2α −β1

I( ¯ψ|φ)−αβk∂xyVk2L


dH(ψ|ψ) dt . Take 2α=β to cancel the first term:


dt ≤ −β2k∂xyVk2L


dH(ψ|ψ) dt . Integrate in time, withE(0) =0, andH(ψ(t)|ψ)≥0:

E(t)≤ β2k∂xyVk2L

2 H(ψ(t=0)|ψ).

We hence needk∂xyVkL =k∇ΣzFkL <+∞ andLSI on ν2x(dy)∝ψ(x,y)dy, namely probability measures µconditioned at fixedξ.


Error analysis: pathwise convergence

Assume for simplicityξ(x) =x1 where X = (x1, . . . ,xd) (so that σ=1 and b(z) =−Eµ(∂x1V(X)|ξ(X) =z). Then one can show that under the assumptions:

(H1)’ The conditional probability measuresµ(·|ξ(x) =z) satisfy a Poincaré Inequality with constant ρ,

(H2)’ Bounded coupling assumption: k∂x2...dx1VkL ≤κ, then

X1,tzt = Z t




E sup





ρ .

The proof[Legoll, TL, Olla] is probabilistic in nature.

Then, using Gronwall-like argument, one obtains almost sure error estimates on the trajectorieson finite time intervals(typically ifbis smooth and decreasing at infinity).


Splitting strategies



Multilevel splitting

We would like to sample trajectories between two given metastable statesAandB. The main assumption in this section is thatwe are given a smooth one dimensional functionξ:Rd →R(s.t.

|∇ξ| 6=0) which "indexes" the transition from AtoB in the following sense:

A⊂ {x ∈Rd, ξ(x)<zmin} andB⊂ {x ∈Rd, ξ(x)>zmax}, wherezmin <zmax, andΣzmin (resp. Σzmax) is “close” to∂A(resp.


Example: ξ(x) =kxxAkwherexAAis a reference configuration inA.


Multilevel splitting

Question: How to compute dynamical quantities usingξ ? More precisely, we consider: (a) Reactive trajectories and (b) Transition times between the two metastable statesAandB.

We propose amultilevel splitting approach[Kahn, Harris, 1951] [Rosenbluth, 1955]to discard failed trajectories and branch trajectories

approaching the rare set. We focus on an adaptive variant[Cérou,

Guyader, 2007] [Cérou, Guyader, TL, Pommier, 2010]: the Adaptive Multilevel Splitting(AMS) algorithm.


Reactive trajectory

Areactive trajectorybetween two metastable sets AandB is a piece of equilibrium trajectory that leavesAand goes toB without going back toAin the meantime[Hummer,2004] [Metzner, Schütte, Vanden-Eijnden, 2006].


Difficulty: A trajectory leavingA is more likely to go back toA than to reachB.


AMS Algorithm

Initialisation: Generate an ensemble ofN equilibrium trajectories starting fromA, up to the time it reaches AorB, conditionnally to the fact that supt∈(0n)ξ(Xtn)>zmin. This is easily done by DNS.

Algorithm: (i) Order the zn=supt∈(0n)ξ(Xtn) ; (ii) Kill the trajectory with the smallest supremum (sayzn0) ; (iii) Create a new trajectory by branching another trajectory from the first time it crossesΣzn0 ; Go back to (i) untilzn0 is larger thanzmax. This generates an ensemble ofN equilibrium trajectories starting fromA, up to the time it reaches Aor B, conditionnally to the fact that supt∈(0n)ξ(Xtn)>zmax.

Final step: To get reactive trajectories, one only retains paths which indeed end inB, and the part of the trajectory between AandB. Remark: The algorithm can be seen as a kind of adaptive Forward Flux Sampling [Allen, Valeriani, Ten Wolde, 2009]. It is also related to the Interface Sampling Method [Bolhuis, van Erp, Moroni 2003]and the Milestoning method [Elber, Faradjian 2004]. See the review paper[Bolhuis, Dellago, 2009]


AMS Algorithm



AMS Algorithm



AMS Algorithm



AMS Algorithm



AMS Algorithm



AMS Algorithm



AMS Algorithm



AMS Algorithm

An important output of the algorithm is ˆ

αN = (1−1/N)kmaxr

whereN is the number of trajectories, kmax the number of iterations to reach the quantilezmax, and r the proportion of trajectories that do finally end inB and not inA(at the final step).

The probabilityαˆN is an estimator ofthe probability for an equilibrium trajectory leavingAand reaching Σzmin to reachB beforeA. It may be interprated as a “probability of observing a reactive trajectory”.

Values forαˆN in the numerical results below vary between 1018 and 104 depending on the test cases: these arevery rare events.


Numerical results

In all the numerical tests, we use overdamped dynamics, but the algorithm applies to any stochastic Markovian dynamics, is

straightforward to parallelize, andrequires only a small modification of an original MD code.

A 1D example: We consider the double-well potential:

V(x) =x4−2x2,

which has two minima at±1 and one saddle point at 0.

In this simple one dimensional setting, we set as metastable states A={−1} andB={+1}, and the reaction coordinate is taken to be simply

ξ(x) =x.

To test the consistency of tha algorithm, we compute the

distribution of the time-lengths of the reactive paths and compare to DNS (when possible).


A 1D example

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5


time Distribution of the length of a reactive path, beta=1

algorithm, 1E5 paths DNS, 1E5 paths

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6



Distribution of the length ofexpected time of a reactive path, beta=5 algorithm, 1E5 paths

DNS, 1E5 paths

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5


time Distribution of the length of a reactive path, beta=10

algorithm, 1E5 paths DNS, 1E4 paths

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

0 1 2 3 4 5 6


time Distribution of the length of a reactive path

beta=1 beta=5 beta=10 beta=15 beta=20 beta=30 beta=40

Distributions of time-lengths of reactive paths. Comparison with DNS for β=1,5,10 and distributions forβ=1,5,10,15,20,30,40.


A 1D example


1 104 1.03 101 2s 2s

1 105 1.01 101 21s 1 min 19 s

10 104 2.04 105 140 min 05 s 5 s 10 105 1.98 105 1400 min 5 min 22 s 15 105 1.78 107 92000 min 7 min 52 s

20 105 1.33 109 8 min 36 s

40 105 5.82 1018 10 min 09 s

ProbabilityαˆN, and computational time for different values of β and numbers of pathsN. DNS CPU time with⋆is an extrapolated time deduced from a small number of generated reactive


The algorithm makes possible the generation of reactive trajectories for some parameter values for which DNS would be impractible.


A 2D example

Let us consider the potential ([Park, Sener, Lu, Schulten, 2003] [Metzner, Schütte and Vanden-Eijnden, 2006]):

V(x,y) =3e−x2−(y−13)2 −3e−x2−(y−53)2−5e−(x−1)2−y2

−5e−(x+1)2−y2 +0.2x4+0.2

y− 1 3

4 .

-2 -1.5 -1

-0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2-1.5

-1-0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 -4

-2 0 2 4 6 8



y V(x,y)


A 2D example

The interest of this “bi-channel” potential is that, depending on the temperature, one or the other channel is prefered to go fromA (aroundH= (−1,0)) toB (around H+= (1,0)).

We will look at two quantities([Hummer,2004] [Metzner, Schütte, Vanden-Eijnden, 2006]): thedensity of configurations along reactive paths, and the flux of reactive trajectories, for two values of the inverse

temperatureβ =1.67 andβ =6.67.

Two reaction coordinates are tested: ξ1(x,y) =x or

ξ2(x,y) =k(x,y)−Hk. Both give reliable results, even though:

(i) They are not the commitor functions ; (ii) The system exhibits metastabilities at fixed values ofξi.


Density on reactive paths

-1.2 -0.6

0 0.6

1.2-1 -0.25

0.5 1.25


0 5e-05 0.0001 0.00015 0.0002 0.00025 0.0003 0.00035

Density for beta = 1.67


y 0 5e-05 0.0001 0.00015 0.0002 0.00025 0.0003 0.00035

-1.2 -0.6

0 0.6

1.2-1 -0.25

0.5 1.25


0 0.0005 0.001 0.0015 0.002 0.0025 0.003 0.0035 0.004

Density for beta = 6.67


y 0 0.0005 0.001 0.0015 0.002 0.0025 0.003 0.0035 0.004

Results obtained forξ1(x,y) =x andN =105. Left: β =1.67 ; Right: β =6.67.


Density on reactive paths

-1.2 -0.6

0 0.6

1.2-1 -0.25

0.5 1.25


0 5e-05 0.0001 0.00015 0.0002 0.00025 0.0003 0.00035 0.0004

Density for beta = 1.67


y 0 5e-05 0.0001 0.00015 0.0002 0.00025 0.0003 0.00035 0.0004

-1.2 -0.6

0 0.6

1.2-1 -0.25

0.5 1.25


0 0.0005 0.001 0.0015 0.002 0.0025 0.003 0.0035 0.004

Density for beta = 6.67


y 0 0.0005 0.001 0.0015 0.002 0.0025 0.003 0.0035 0.004

Results obtained forξ2(x,y) =k(x,y)−HkandN =105. Left:

β=1.67 ; Right: β =6.67.


Density on reactive paths

-1.2 -0.6

0 0.6

1.2-1 -0.25

0.5 1.25


0 5e-05 0.0001 0.00015 0.0002 0.00025 0.0003 0.00035 0.0004

Density for beta = 1.67


y 0 5e-05 0.0001 0.00015 0.0002 0.00025 0.0003 0.00035 0.0004

-1.2 -0.6

0 0.6

1.2-1 -0.25

0.5 1.25


0 0.0005 0.001 0.0015 0.002 0.0025 0.003 0.0035 0.004

Density for beta = 6.67


y 0 0.0005 0.001 0.0015 0.002 0.0025 0.003 0.0035 0.004

Results obtained forξ2(x,y) =k(x,y)−HkandN =104. Left:

β=1.67 ; Right: β =6.67.


Flux of reactive trajectories

-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5

-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1


x Flux of reactive path

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

-0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1


x Flux of reactive path

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

-0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

-0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Flux of reactive trajectories, atβ =1.67 on the left, andβ =6.67 on the right.


Computing transition times

To use the algorithm to compute transition times, we split a transition path fromA toB into: excursions from∂Ato Σzmin and then back to∂A, and finally an excursion from ∂A toΣzmin and then toB. AssumingΣzmin is close to an iso-commitor (Markov property), one obtains that the mean transition time is:

E(T) = 1

p −1

E(T1+T2) +E(T1+T3) where:

p is the probability, onceΣzmin has been reached, to go toB rather than A(approximated byαˆN) ;

E(T1+T2) is the mean time for an excursion from∂A to Σzmin and then back to∂A(approximated by DNS);

E(T1+T3) is the mean time for an excursion from∂A to Σzmin and then toB (approximated by the AMS algorithm).


Numerical results

Numerical results on the 1D case

β ∆t zmin E(T) E(T) C.I. inE(T) Error

(DNS) (AMS) (AMS) (%)

5 0.010 −0.9 185 208.3 [199.6,217.7] 12.591 5 0.010 −0.6 185 221.2 [214.3,228.4] 19.577 5 0.001 −0.9 185 187.4 [180.5,194.8] 1.292 5 0.001 −0.6 185 193.2 [188.3,198.3] 4.459 7 0.010 −0.9 1405 1515 [1468,1565] 7.832 7 0.010 −0.6 1405 1642 [1567,1722] 16.847 7 0.001 −0.9 1405 1380 [1316,1449] 1.808 7 0.001 −0.6 1405 1400 [1358,1444] 0.370 Transition times for small values ofβ, with various time steps∆t andzmin. Reference values are computed by DNS.


Numerical results

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

time, log-scale



Comparison of the estimated mean transition times as a function ofβ with the asymptotic law from large deviation theory:

E(T)exp(β∆V) where∆V =1 is the height of the energy barrier.


Numerical results

Numerical results on the 2D case

N β kAB C.I. on kAB

×103 (AMS) (AMS)

2 1.67 2.03 102 [1.83;2.22] 102 10 1.67 1.84 102 [1.82;1.86] 102 50 1.67 1.88 102 [1.87;1.88] 102 100 1.67 1.89 102 [1.89;1.90] 102 2 6.67 9.97 108 [7.74;12.2] 108 10 6.67 9.20 108 [7.71;10.7] 108 50 6.67 8.88 108 [8.42;9.34] 108 100 6.67 9.32 108 [9.08;9.57] 108

Estimates of the reaction ratekAB =2/E(T), withξ=ξ2. Values from[Metzner, Schütte, Vanden-Eijnden, 2006] are kAB =1.912 102 for β=1.67 and kAB =9.47 108 for β=6.67.


Adaptive multilevel splitting: conclusions

The method can be seen as anadaptiveforward flux sampling or interface sampling technique.

Possible extensions:

Generate equilibrium trajectories which leave a metastable state Awithout knowing the neighborhood.

Adaptively compute a better and better ξ (proportional to the committor function).

The mathematical analysis of the AMS algorithm remains essentially to be done:

Analysis of the time discretization error,

Asymptotic variance of the estimator and optimization ofξ,

Precise estimate of the bias.


The Parallel Replica Algorithm


The Parallel Replica Algorithm

TheParallel Replica Algorithm, proposed by A.F. Voter in 1998, is a method to get efficiently a "coarse-grained projection" of a dynamics.

Let us consider again the overdamped Langevin dyanmics:

dXt =−∇V(Xt)dt+p


and let assume that we are given a smooth mapping S :Rd →N

which to a configuration inRd associates a state number. Think of a numbering of the wells of the potentialV.

The aim of the parallel replica dynamics is togenerate very efficiently a trajectory(St)t≥0 which has (almost) the same law as (S(Xt))t≥0.


The Parallel Replica Algorithm

Initialization: Consider an initial conditionXref0 for a reference walker, the associated initial conditionS0=S(Xref0 ), and a simulation time counterTsimu =0.

Then, one iteration of the algorithm goes through three steps.

The decorrelation step: Let the reference walker(XrefTsimu+t)t≥0

evolve over a time interval t∈[0, τcorr]. Then,

If the process leaves the well during the time interval (i.e.

∃t τcorr such thatS




) advance the

simulation clock byτcorr and restart the decorrelation step ;

otherwise, advance the simulation clock byτcorr and proceed to the dephasing step.

During all this step, STsimu+t :=S




The Parallel Replica Algorithm

The reference walker enters a new state


The Parallel Replica Algorithm

Decorrelation step: wait for a timeτcorr.


The dephasing step: Duplicate the walkerXrefTsimu intoN replicas. Let these replicas evolve independently and in parallel over a time interval of lengthτdephase. If a replica leaves the well during this time interval, restart the dephasing step for this replica. Throughout this step, the simulation counter is stopped.


The Parallel Replica Algorithm

Dephasing step.


The Parallel Replica Algorithm

Dephasing step: generate new initial conditions in the state.


The Parallel Replica Algorithm

Dephasing step: generate new initial conditions in the state.


The Parallel Replica Algorithm

Dephasing step: generate new initial conditions in the state.


The Parallel Replica Algorithm

Dephasing step: generate new initial conditions in the state.


The Parallel Replica Algorithm

Dephasing step: generate new initial conditions in the state.


The Parallel Replica Algorithm

Dephasing step: generate new initial conditions in the state.


The Parallel Replica Algorithm

Dephasing step: generate new initial conditions in the state.


The parallel step: Let all the replicas evolve independently and track the first escape event:

T =inf

k TWk =TWK0 where K0 =arg infkTWk and

TWk =inf{t≥0,S(XkTsimu+t)6=S(XkTsimu)}

is the first time thek-th replica leaves the well. Then:

Tsimu=Tsimu+NT andXrefTsimu+NT =XKT0simu+T. Moreover, over [Tsimu,Tsimu+NT], the state dynamics St is constant and defined as:

St =S(X1Tsimu).

Then, go back to the decorrelation step...


The Parallel Replica Algorithm

Parallel step.


The Parallel Replica Algorithm

Parallel step: run independent trajectories in parallel...


The Parallel Replica Algorithm

Parallel step: ... and detect the first transition event.


The Parallel Replica Algorithm

Parallel step: update the time clock: Tsimu=Tsimu+NT.


The Parallel Replica Algorithm

A new decorrelation step starts...


The Parallel Replica Algorithm

New decorrelation step


The Parallel Replica Algorithm

Analysis of the algorithm: the parallel step would introduce no error if

the escape timeTW1 was exponentially distributed

andindependent of the next visited state.

This essentially amounts to assuming thatS(Xt)is a Markov chain...

How to analyze the error introduced by the algorithm ?

This is related to the general question: how to relate a continuous state space Markov dynamics to a discrete state space Markov dynamics ? Pitfalls: (i) the temperature is not necessarily small (ii) the partition of the state space may be anything (iii) no thermodynamic limit in general (non-homogeneous systems).


The quasi-stationary distribution

The quasi-stationary distribution (QSD)ν forXt and associated to the actual wellW is a probability measure which is (i)supported byW and such that (ii): ∀t>0,∀A⊂W,

ν(A) = Z


P(XxtA,t <TWx )ν(dx) Z


P(t<TWx )ν(dx) .

IfX0 ∼ν and if(Xs)0≤s≤t has not left the well, thenXt∼ν.

LetL=−∇V · ∇+β1∆be the infinitesimal generator of (Xt).

Then the densityu of ν (dν=u(x)dx) is the first eigenfunction of L =div(∇V +β1∇) with absorbing boundary conditions:

(Lu =−λ1u on W, u =0 on∂W.


The quasi-stationary distribution and the dephasing step

Property of the QSD: IfX0 ∼ν then, the first exit timeTW from W isexponentially distributedwith parameter λ1 and is a random variableindependent of the first hitting point XTW on ∂W. The dephasing step is very much related to the so-called Fleming-Viot process andmay be seen as a way to getN i.i.d.

random variables distributed according to the QSD.

Remark: In general,TW exponentially distribtued isnot sufficient forX0 to be distributed according toν.


The parallel step

As announced above, starting from the QSD, the parallel step is exact. This is stated precisely here.

Let us start fromN initial conditions Xk0 i.i.d. in the wellW and let the processes evolve independently. Let us denote

TWk =inf{t >0,Xkt 6∈W} the escape time for thek-th replica, and

T =TWK0 where K0 =arg min

k∈{1,...,N}TWk thefirst escape time over all processes.

Assume that TW1 is exponentially distributed[OK starting from QSD.] Then NT has the same law asTW1 .

Assume that TW1 is independent ofX1T1

W [OK starting from QSD.] Then XK0

TWK0 has the same distribution asX1T1

W and is independent ofTWK0.


The decorrelation step

We would like to quantify the error introduced by the dephasing and parallel steps, when the decorrelation step is successful.

As shown above, when the decorrelation step is successful, it is assumed that the reference walker is distributed according to the QSD. If it was indeed the case, the algorithm would be exact. The decorrelation step can be seen as a way to probe this assumption.

What is the error introduced there ?


The decorrelation step

We have the following error estimate in total variation norm: for tλ C

2−λ1, sup


E(f(TW−t,XTW)|TW t)−Eν(f(TW,XTW))

Cexp(−(λ2−λ1)t), where −λ2 <−λ1 <0 are the two first eigenvalues ofL with

absorbing boundary conditions on∂W.

This shows thatτcorr should be chosen such that:

τcorrC λ2−λ1


On the other hand, it should be smaller than the typical time to leave the well,E(TW). Since Eν(TW) =1/λ1, this typically implies the spectral gap requirement,


λ2−λ1 ≤ 1 λ1.


The Parallel Replica Algorithm: conclusions

This can be generalized to other dynamics (coarse-graining of kMC).

Main results:

The QSD is a good intermediate between continuous state dynamics and kMC-like approximations.

The error analysis holds whatever the partition. But the method requires metastability between the states to be computationally efficient.

The parameter τcorr should be adjusted in terms of the two first eigenvalues of the Fokker-Planck operator with absorbing boundary conditions.



F. Cérou, A. Guyader, T. Lelièvre and D. Pommier,A multiple replica approach to simulate reactive trajectories, Journal of Chemical Physics 134, 054108, 2011.

T. Lelièvre, M. Rousset and G. Stoltz,Free energy computations, a mathematical perspective, Imperial College Press, 2010.

C. Le Bris, T. Lelièvre, M. Luskin and D. Perez,A mathematical formalization of the parallel replica dynamics,

http://arxiv.org/abs/1105.4636, to appear in Monte Carlo Methods and Applications.

F. Legoll, T. Lelièvre,Effective dynamics using conditional expectations, Nonlinearity, 23, 2131-2163, 2010.

T. Lelièvre,Two mathematical tools to analyze metastable stochastic processes, http://arxiv.org/abs/1201.3775 .


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