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Implementation of the African regionnal plan for the application of science and technology to development


Academic year: 2022

Partager "Implementation of the African regionnal plan for the application of science and technology to development"


Texte intégral


/ ■ \ Distr*


E£-Ek :J-ICSS i S&T/CESTD/3«4 .:

s y ;. .. . r / . 18 September 1975

■■""■" . ; ' ' " \<^ ^V ■ " Original-:'" ENGLISH" '

■ " " ' ■ ■ ■ - " \. -\.6^/s-\^>^- ■ "■"■• ■■ ' ■ ■■""■


Intergovernmental Committee of Experts . . ... ' ■■';

. ,-for Science; and Technology Development . ' . . ". ■;;;■ '.;

Third meeting ■ , . .; . ^

Addis Aba.ba? 10-12 November 1975 " ' ■ :'



';. '..'.■' " TO. DEVELOPMENT ' . , -y- ,. ;■

:' •introduction ■ ; ' . ..■.■:. ■ . ;;.

1. The African Regional Plan for the Application of Science and Technology to Development was prepared by the SCA secretariat in -close co-operation withfthe African Regional Group of The Advisory

Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Develop- mentis (ACAST) and several United Nations bodies and-specialized

ageEcies in"accordance with Economic and Social Council resolution l638XL£l of 31 July 1971* It Mas adopted by the second Conference

~d!TMnTsters .held at Accra^ Ghana, in February 1973 and commended to the Governments of.ECA member Statesc That Conference, also 'adopted an important resolution 9 resolution 248(XI_>, in which the

Executive Secretary was. requested to undertake a number of actions :to.promote the implementation of the-African Regional Plan,

2, In response to this resolution and to other pertinent

resolutions of the Economic and Social Council the^GA secretariat

; has- since February 1973 .carried out a number of activities which

are-briefly'outlined''below. ' '


.Creation of Natignai_ Commi 11ees .. ; :

for the African ..Regional_Plan

■3-o paragraph 2 of Commission's .resolution 248 A(XX) requested -

" "the Executive Secretary to take early action to promote fuller knowledge of the Plan within the African countries and to assist the Governments of member States, at their

■ ■"■request/ in the.setting.; up. of machinery■ for the Impiemen^a- - ■ tion.of'the African.-Regional Plan ..within the..World Plan .of ' .■■■ - Action.^ particularly .the establish™ent. of national^ committees

which should be completed during 1973, for the. implementa tion of the World Plan of Action in individual countries."



In accordance with, this request, the secretariat rendered advisory services.-to several .African countries on problems relating to the creation, scad operation of their national machineries for science and technology development and the implementation of the African Regional Plan* However,, the assistance was inadequate because the secretariat, was able to dispatch short missions to the-.'/". ,.

following countries only during the period under.review* Cameroon, Gabon? Ghana; Central Afri;can..;Eepubl.ic?~1.Xvbry Coast ?'-'Liberia^'' Sierra Leone* Sudan? To§'69 Uganda and United Republic-of Tanzania, Similar missions to'other'African countries were envisaged Jput;

could not be und.erta.lcen owing to lack of travel funds'* .' ;.."./

Mobilization of resources .for

~the Ifflpl.e^l^-ta'clon" of_ tKe

' 'r""ATfrican Regional-. Plan7- ■ - ■ ; ■ ■■■.;.■: ...:. . " ;■ ,:. ■ .. "

4, This question was'discussed on. several occasions at meetings of the African Regional Group of ACAST' and the Intergovernmental Committee of Experts for Science and Technology Development, and some actions were recommended by both organs„ In accordance.with ,those recommendations_.the EGA secretariat .has since

"(■■a)1-'-'-distributed-:the African Regional Plan document, to.-the

■.'-■." 'united. ""Nations ■agenci'es concerned and-, to. .the appropriate

■ ■"' ■ governmental agenci.es in the; developed.-countries-re-.

.- ■■'-■: ^questdng- them; to consider;.possible.wa3rs and means o.f

;•:. .■ -i/'^-ehdering■ assistance- to African, coun"tries in -.the-:';■ ;■:

'■■- ■■-■"■implem-snta'cion-of their .national^projects conceived .■

ithaii ■tiie ^framewbrlc .of ^the'African ;Regional-:planj ■'

(b) :,"■ "cbiiv^ned tv m.e'6tiiig "of "donor, 'a^ehqie-s-'interested in '.the '."_ /'A^^caff^egibnal"^-an 6n:lbvahdll July 1974. at;Addis .'.. -... At&bEU. ^^Tli«;y.s>c"Pet^r:iat:us.e'd-- the opportunity to^brief ints' on1 the aims;-'ahd objectives of the African

.Pl.an and ',the;i j-nature .-.of .assistance, that was.

f y-a.irfor ..the implem'entation of the,?lan,: .,,■,, ;

■■.""■ '■■■■■■-..■■■i''Eixamp:l"es oi;■■concrete projects in' science and ,techhQlogy that had been prepared by some countries, were al'SQ,'....;;

distribiited to participants;

(c) elaborated, in co-operation with' the Intergovernmental Committee of Experts for Science .and Technology

Development? a project/jaroposal to UNI)P for assistance

in tiae implementation ''-o"£ -the ■African ■.■'Regional"..'Pl-anv- r--■■■■'■''-. ■■■■"" The'.project..proposal was revised several, times before"

. ^...,,. it tos .finally sriuiitted to UNDPO UMPP approved; the . . "■ '..-" . .' .. proj.ec.t in principler but- has so far "not.made any

' .■ ■.:'l":-.' .... fin'ahcial'/coriimitment-^.;'.;..; / ■ . "'. .''•' '.'■■■

■5v'' ■" -In" addition^ requests for. assistance' in. the- implementation of the :African Regional -Plan, were .submitted to the secretariat of the European- Economic Community and to. the Au&'tralian Government and -their ^responses are still awaited•! -. ■■■.■: '■■ ■ ■' -.; -■


Promotion of the 'Plan . . . . \. ...

6,/..one of .the activities under this heading was the development of awareness about the World Plan of Action and .t:|a.e, .African Regional

■ P-lahV The following" basic documents were distributed to Government ministries concerned, with planning and economic development' and

to national scientific institutions in all.ECA member States, .World Plan of Action (E/4962/Rev.l); . . .

....African .Strategy for Development during the 1970s

(E/CNS14/Res/238('XI) • : :

African Regional Plan for the Application of/Science, and'' : Technology to Development Je/CN. 14/579) ; ;. ■ _. / .

..Keports of the Intergovernmental Committee of Exp-erts for L . ■■ ■■ Science and Technology Development (e/GN.; 14/609 and

■ E/CNi.14/624). ■...--■ ■■■ '■•: ■

7't ■; In addition to the abdye,' the secretariat responded to various requests; for 'information ;on aspects' c£' the African Regional, plan, received; from''.African Governments and. other organizations,,. ",. -.-

8, . ..The; implementation of the World -Flan of Action and'its -regional components has always called for' close- Co-op era-tion between'-the;- developed .and .the developing countries. For this, reason tfye , -. ,

se.cretariat/eiliieavbred to.-keep, "the Governments' and .development

agencies. in":;th.e developed, countries -aware of the objectives of- the World and'African..Plans- and to., draw their attention to the -.kinds of progr.amiiies .and projects likely' to. emerge therefrom that might.-heed

h^ support. " ' / '. . ■ : , ... ..." -■■'■■■

.9. -....in. addition- to the- ECA Conference1 of" Ministers t the secretariat has-r availed- itself of the. opportunities offered by regional meetings ito make the African Regional .Plan, known amongst Government represen

tatives: and. others atf for exampler .Jthe CASTAFRICA Conference in .J'anuary 1974 and- the fifth meeting. of -the ' Scientific Council • of

10- Following a recommendation by the African Regional Group of.

ACASTr the secretariat sent the African Regional Plan to editors

of major scientific journals for review and publicity,.

Regional projects

lle In order to enable all African countries to utilize science an<3: technology for their economic- developmentt a number of1 scientific ".and technological problems must be solved on an inter national, basis 0. A subject of. great, relevance to'many African ■- -' countries.. tnd.er the present circumstances''is the developmen'fof ■ regional co-operation in scientific and technological research

which-.could be .a. more efficient-means of using the scarce resources available' in. individual gountrie's,- '. ■■ "


- 4""- :

12. The ninth Consultative Meeting of the African Regional Group of ACAST considered the following three proposals and recommended

■them -to. the-:ECA member States for adoption as regional' projects i

■ . ■■ . (i) Sub-regional centres' for marine .science and technology;

-.--■ (ii) Information and doc-umentation-centres;. and ' f* .;',' '■■'■■ _.:

(iii) Research and development centres on solar energy*'

13. The EGA secretariat brought these proposals' to the attention of the ECA member .countries7 some of which have already responded

positively*. : . . ■ :.,:'.

Review and-appraisal ..of:: ■ ■ . ■ ■■■,... ;

Plan implementation ".■-...■ ■ ■..'.- ■■■■'!..■..

14. Machinery for,review and. appraisal, of Plan implementation was adopted by the second Conference, of Ministers of ECA in^:-the- form of an Intergovernmental Committee of Experts far Science and Technology Development.-..-. The task of the Committee is..to ensure.- regular follow-up-and review of the work of the secretariat ,in connexion with th/e implementation, of. the. African .Regional- Plan. ..

The secretariat .prepared proposals for the composition and terms'

•of' reference of the. Committee which were approved at the ninth -. ' meeting of the ECA Executive Committee .in June 1973O' ■ ■.:'/■'" - i";i- 15. ,The: Intergovernmental"Committee held its first, and. second ' meetings -at.ECA headquarters^ .Addis; Ababat in November. 1973 and

July 1974 respectively*, -The secretariat prepared the working;\

papers :.and organized these meetings/ at which the'Committee ..' reviewed several items: African Regional Strategy .for Science'

and Technology Development; implementation of the African Regional Plan for the Application of Science and Technology .-.to1 'Development;

: action to be taken by the EGA secretariat .for the-promotion, the programming .and co-ordination" of-the implementation, of .the African

Regional- P:lan;..mobilization of resources f.o-r the implementation ' of the plan; and review of progress achieved in the implementation of the African Regional Plan at country level up to. July 1974., ■-



Introduction . - ■ ■. ■ ■ .-.■■■■■".■

16. .The-implementation of. .the African Regional: Plan is.'^pected to ■ talce.'place at the level ■of ".individual African .countries-^and the ECA secretariat will. do. its .utmost, to assist individual' "■:"'.■■ ;:

countries; at "their'request, to :ens.ur.e the speedy realization of ■ this -<jo-al0 The possibility of the emergence of a..:number of

regional, projects in ■science and technology has been envisaged ■■

and the machinery for their execution was discussed at the first meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee of Experts„


17* In response to a revest by the Director for Science., and ■..■

Technology, at United Natjpnsf. New York, the ECA secretariat .put;

forward various proposaisj'whlich. it considered could;; serve to stimulate interest.,and activity, in the.implementation "of the

African'Regional Plan for the Application;of Science and Tehcnplagy to Development\#y.^r.^e{#er49d. 1975-l'98o. These proposals^','.. ,-,,";'- togetHerwithy.their 'fin;c^e.ial"implications. w,ere.-submitted to,"t]/i£' Djxector;" for, ^Science and;-technology a| United.,.Nations Headquarters, p^niT's'ec'fetarial: expects',to. receive" information from nun regarding

;! the possibility of securing specific funds .for. them,, The proposals must be'viewed, as '.a. minimum-bid" in relation "to" the task ECA Has ."'.

to undertake to promote the implementation of the..African Regional Plan during the p.eriod 1975-1980* For the sake of brevity? this paper does-not deal-with details of financial implications---relat ing'to the various proposals, ■■■ ■" '■■"" :'■■-■■-■■'■ '-'■

18. . The Committee,is '.invited to review these proposals "and; *."".1'.\7 suggest modifications 'or additions to them, .as appropriate'/1';' ;^V;

Establishment of ^national machineriesTfor. the... . - . ':.,■,.. ■

African Regional Plan and their operation; ■" ,■'■:. ■'.;.■,'■;■■ --;•■■ ■-•■;--.^;7-"-"

19. The establishment of national machineries and particularly.

National Commiiitees. for "the African Regional Plan was'.one of. the • recommendations contained;in. Commission, resolution. 248(Xl)o . The'

secretariat was'requested to'.assist member . States .in;,speeding up,.

the implementation ,of this ";goal and to maintain Regular/contacts ■ and .consultations with Governments' on .the operation of/these, I, _ ,, committees r, the composition and responsibilities; of which have ■ ...

been elaborated by the.-Intergovernmental Committee of Experts for1 Science and Technology .Development. .The,EGA secretariat is aware of the varying, decree of scientific "and technological, 'organization in member States and, while committees, would be/needed in many ..';

. .countries., in others-. w3aere there are already-.-strong, councils for.

science and/or technological research, existing 'organs might 'be; ' assigns! the "tasks'envisaged for the national committees^ ■ ■.:.- 20*-.. As ..tiae promotion of',the,African Regional Plan"-continues, to '".

assume/greater and greater prominence, iii.the. secretariat^. ; activities-.in-science; and technology, additional.hum,an .and.. . . financial resources.-.'ar.^. deemed essential in. order, for;,.the secre^..

tariat .to', cope effectively with 'this 'work., - - ■ ■ • ■ ■■

2lo EGA has accordingly proposed that-the Science and/.Technology Section should be strengthened by addition of one professional,: .:.

staff member and that additional "travel funds should-be made \ ■■■:- available over the period 1975-1980.to enable the secretariat maintain regular contacts and consultations with member .States'^"

in the- implementation of .the African Regional pi any . '"■".''.'


6 —

Selection Jjad preparation, of specific . pro j eats for, irrtp 1 ement ation. within. ,.tKe • frameworlo/Qvg'•• theT. African; Regional Elaii

22B ;-i After ■ the^coffiSrxes' ;4sijabii3n tHe' necessary

^tiefrtatx^ Regional PI an,

wq^id;;beetb;-'jseledt7-'elaborate. and implement f^p

^itni£J/the';framework' of the African Regional"piarit;Jf^^

^f^e^r'ee; of.:project- formulation1- is needed before "'a co'tiiitdry.";;

_can; approach passible .donors and,it is considered that5. thqsV" '^-.:

"coiintrie^ 'that '■'niight' find .it difficult :to . get over "the; -initial/;^' .problems should be provided'with:-expert advice in the taslcLof-:-:;';::

^ selection and preparation.'. "■■ ' ■ "; ■ ' '■■' :..■:'.. -;v^ ..-.:- 23..*.: ECA-has therefore proposed that special funds should, be

available to the secretariat to enable it to dispatch.missions;■

consisting of staff members from the specialized units of the secretariat or consultants 'from outside1 to 'assist member States

with project formulation* ;: ' ■■■..-. ... ... . -• ;..

Convening of sgninar-s:- on.•'ythe'-- :'->-':'--. •■'-■;.- ;—-■'■■' "■■ '-'-■'■'"■- ■".■■ ■■',-"■■-"■•■.. .■:;.' ^L'sl World and African Plans'-... .;:'.!. .'.:-"■■."".■'■ "■...:■.';■....:■::'■.■..■.■: -.■.-".■ ,'; .'■ ■■;". -::i:'-:-.'-..■

24I:""since"."the publicatibn of the.-¥orld giari 6£ Action1 and 'the-

ican Recrional PlanT ;ECA has;";:enaeavore<l to .majce tnese plans widely.'known amongst Governm-en't:s,' decisio'n:;ma]icers and scientific communities 'in: the region, in pursuance af': Economic' and Social-'1-"

CounciJ'resolutions 18-23(LV)-' and 1&99(LV1I:) and Commission A ■■■■■:

resolutions 248l(Xl) and. •2&${XIT) v■', One'of the "specific ■ activities referred' to1 in the ■Economic; and Social Council ■■'r^spiution's' "is '::v'':}

the .convening of seminars- or;;me;et'ings r'at^nationai .or regional■i-^'--- .level: for prompting better1 ;lcnowiedtfe and understanding of the;'-'. -

w6rl'4 ■ and' Regional - plans'. :"The; idea ■■has:'' alr;eady;-':b"leeix" welcomed-' ■-! .■' by both...the African Regidnai Group "■.of.ACAST an1^' the'IntergoVern^- mental .Committee, of Experts for. Scien'ce' '&&& "Technology. Development,

25. It is envisaged that.country ^.QTiinarsv.wp^d.b^.pr^^i^e^-.v^j:-

aacLfinanced by the countries themselves* As most of the partic ipants "'afc'such seminar's,would- come'.from; the couhtr'ies.,'-the!;"-ieost;; - of thei,r..part.icipatioh ^should :be:' ;J;egJ.igibie: for; t&:-cbuntri-e%;j;- organizing:"t£ie" seminar^'' /Hpw^v,4r^Should -the1 countries'■ re.quir"#- EGA" assistance" for' the br^.a^izatibn arid- ruiih'ing'of the seminars:, funds should be provided to enable''the secretariat :tb :respohd: ; effectively :to ■-s.uchr-.request5;»;-.- Up-, to the middle, of ,1975, no

country s:eminar .of.- this . type had- been-.held. although the.need- for them has been amply :demonstratetU- -.- ..;.;; ' '".- ... . ,, ■. . ;; . ..

26,. It is proposed .that: during' ther .period 1975-198O' ECA should ■'■■

promote the holding" of. such: ■'serriiiiars by sending one of its staff members conversant with the Work connected with the African ■

Regional Plan to attend and participate in any country seminars

that might be organized by member States*


•Workshops with editors of the. African press

27, The press plays an important role in disseminating information to the general public and as such could. serve as appropriate means for promoting the African Regional Plan, In 1974 the Centre for Economic and Social Information and the Office for Science and Technology at United Nations f New York, submitted a proposal to ECA regarding the holding of a one-day Workshop with editors of the African press. The timing for such a seminar was to have coincided with the ninth meeting of the African Regional Group of ACAST and the second meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee of Experts for Science and Technology Development. Unfortunately this opportunity was lost as ECA was unable to meet its share of

the cost of the" seminar which was approximately $US5,OOO,

28, The SCA secretariat has proposed the holding of a two-day Workshop with editors of the African press during December 1975

for the purpose of explaining the objectives of the African Regional Plan to the editors of selected newspapers and scientific journals

in the African Region. Included in the programmes would be an exposition of the World and African Plans and their significance to the African region and of how the African press could effectively promote these plans within the region and at individual country


Publication of the popular version

"of the African Regional Plan

29o Since the publication of the African Regional Plan, copies

of the document" have heen widely distributed to African Governments, United Nations agencies operating in Africa and selected organiza tions overseas, The_eigrhth Consultative Meeting of the African

^ the publication of a popular'

Regional Plan which would be less costly

b h

^Te^sioir^r^ne^African egio y

and therefore could be produced in large numbers to reach a much wider audience in the region.

30* It has been proposed that a consultant should be commissioned - during 1975 to prepare "the popular version of the African

Regional Plan, The contents of this version might be finalized by the Intergovernmental Committee of Experts, the African Regional Group of ACAST and;the ECA secretariat. After the final contents and layout are agreed on^ ECA secretariat should be provided with funds to publish and distribute the document,

Reprint of the African Regional Plan

31, As the implementation of the African Regional Plan gets under way in the various countries, the demand for the Plan document is

expected to increase,, Furthermore, the document would be widely distributed at the seminars, workshops and other meetings proposed

in this paper,

32, in order to meet this demand, ECA propose that the African Regional Plan should be reprinted in 3,000 English and 3,000 French copies early in 1976«.


Documents relatifs

in their Third Roport to ECOSOC, the ACAST proposod that the desire of the Unitod Nations to assist tho developing countries to apply scioncc and technology for tho promotion of

technology programme, it will be neoessary to a~range for batches of locally trained engineers, technicians and craftsmen to work for &#34;-ppropri,,,te periods in seleoted

The commodity composition of imports and exports also provide some indication of the S&amp;T inputs of a country. The ratio of imports to exports of high technology

Put more than that, your Conference adopted at its Rabat meeting the Development Strategy for the African Region for the Third United Nations Development Decade and even went further

The African Regional Meeting on the United Nations Conference on SCience 'and Technology for Development hereby adopts the following Programme of Action.. and calls on the


By bringing together policy and decision-makers to discuss policies, strategies and programmes, this regional Conference, which will be meeting every two years, should greatly

Nations Economic Corn~ission for Africa and the Centre [or Social Development and Humani- tarian Affairs. The main objectives of the meetir'e was to enable African countries