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(Deuteronomy 16:18-20, NRSV / Deutéronome 16,18-20)


Academic year: 2022

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Justice, and only justice, you shall pursue Tu rechercheras la justice, rien que la justice

(Deuteronomy 16:18-20, NRSV / Deutéronome 16,18-20)

Christian Council of the Capital Area


Order of Worship: Week of Prayers for Christian Unity January 20, 2019

St. Basil’s Catholic Church, 940 Rex Ave, Ottawa, ON GATHERING

Welcome from St. Basil Catholic Church

Welcome from President of Christian Council of the Capital Area Invitation à la prière / Call to worship [John Wilker-Blakley]

Let us worship the Triune God.

God, our Father, you crown your creation with justice and mercy,

we come to worship you.

Jesus Christ, your cross brings new life and justice, we come to worship you.

Holy Spirit, you inspire our hearts to act justly, we come to worship you.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

And also with you.

Prions le Dieu Trinité.

Dieu, notre Père, tu couronnes ta création de justice et de miséricorde,

Nous venons te célébrer.

Jésus Christ, ta croix redonne vie et apporte la justice,

Nous venons te célébrer.

Esprit Saint, tu inspires à nos cœurs d’agir avec justice,

Nous venons te célébrer.

Que la grâce du Seigneur Jésus Christ, l’amour de Dieu le Père, et la communion du Saint-Esprit soient toujours avec vous.

Et avec vous aussi.

Hymne / Hymn We Are Called (ELW 720) Come! Live in the light!

Shine with the joy

and the love of the Lord!

We are called to be light for the kingdom, to live in the freedom of the city of God.


We are called to act with justice, we are called to love tenderly;

we are called to serve on another, to walk humbly with God.

Come! Open your heart!

Show your mercy to all those in fear!

We are called to be hope for the hopeless so hatred and blindness will be no more.


Sing! Sing a new song!

Sing of that great day when all will be one!

God will reign,

and we’ll walk with each other as sisters and brothers united in love.



Gloria St. Basil’s Choir Prière de repentance / Prayer of repentance

Sœurs et frères bien-aimés, reconnaissons devant le Seigneur que nous avons péché et implorons son pardon afin que notre prière soit agréable à Dieu.

Compassionate God, you have chosen us to shepherd your flock. Jesus, your Son, taught us to act justly. We are aware that in our ministry, we sometimes behave unjustly towards the people whom you have entrusted to us by:

prioritizing those who are close to us or those who have higher social status;

ignoring strangers, the poor and the least in society;

fearing to defend the oppressed;

misusing church resources.

These deeds have caused some people to turn away from your church.

Lord, have mercy. Seigneur, prends pitié. Lord, have mercy. Seigneur, prends pitié.

Dieu d’amour, tu nous as rassemblés comme membres de ton troupeau. Jésus, ton Fils, nous a prescrit de nous aimer les uns les autres pour montrer que nous sommes ses disciples.

Nous reconnaissons que nous avons négligé son commandement d’amour:

en considérant les membres d’autres Églises comme des rivaux;

en ayant une attitude hostile les uns envers les autres et en étant lents à pardonner;

en n’étant soucieux que de nos intérêts personnels;

en ignorant les besoins de nos sœurs et frères;

en excluant ceux qui ne partagent pas notre point de vue. Nos attitudes renforcent ainsi les murs de séparation qui existent entre nous.

Lord, have mercy. Seigneur, prends pitié. Lord, have mercy. Seigneur, prends pitié.

Gracious God, you have commissioned us to make our common home a place of justice for all. In your generous love, you send rain on the righteous and the unrighteous and, in Jesus, teach us to love without discrimination. We confess that we have failed to follow this teaching by:

disrespecting our neighbours;

spreading falsehoods through various social media; participating in the disruption of social harmony.

Our conduct risks making the world a barren field that no longer brings forth your justice for all of creation.

Lord, have mercy. Seigneur, prends pitié. Lord, have mercy. Seigneur, prends pitié.

Que Dieu Tout-Puissant nous fasse miséricorde, qu’il nous pardonne nos péchés et nous conduise à la vie éternelle. Amen.

Geste de paix / Sharing the Peace


Hymne / Hymn Jesus, Remember Me (Taizé)

Jesus, remember me. When you come into your kingdom.

PROCLAMATION OF THE WORD / PROCLAMATION DE LA PAROLE DE DIEU Première lecture / First reading: (read in French)

Deuteronomy 16 : 11-20 / Deuteronomie 16, 11-20

Rejoice before the LORD your God—you and your sons and your daughters, your male and female slaves, the Levites resident in your towns, as well as the strangers, the orphans, and the widows who are among you—at the place that the LORD your God will choose as a dwelling for his name. Remember that you were a slave in Egypt, and diligently observe these statutes.

You shall keep the festival of booths[a] for seven days, when you have gathered in the produce from your threshing floor and your wine press. Rejoice during your festival, you and your sons and your daughters, your male and female slaves, as well as the Levites, the strangers, the orphans, and the widows resident in your towns. Seven days you shall keep the festival to the LORD your God at the place that the LORD will choose; for the LORD your God will bless you in all your produce and in all your undertakings, and you shall surely celebrate.

Three times a year all your males shall appear before the LORD your God at the place that he will choose: at the festival of unleavened bread, at the festival of weeks, and at the festival of booths.[b] They shall not appear before the LORD empty-handed; all shall give as they are able, according to the blessing of the LORD your God that he has given you.

You shall appoint judges and officials throughout your tribes, in all your towns that the LORD your God is giving you, and they shall render just decisions for the people. You must not distort justice;

you must not show partiality; and you must not accept bribes, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and subverts the cause of those who are in the right. Justice, and only justice, you shall pursue, so that you may live and occupy the land that the LORD your God is giving you.

Responsorial Psalm: 82:1-8 / Psaume responsorial : Ps 82,1-8 Rise up, O God, judge the earth.

Rise up, O God, judge the earth.

God has taken his place in the divine council; in the midst of the gods he holds judgement: “How long will you judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked?

Rise up, O God, judge the earth.

Lève-toi, Dieu ! Sois le juge de la terre.

Lève-toi, Dieu ! Sois le juge de la terre.

Dieu s’est dressé dans l’assemblée divine ; au milieu des dieux, il juge : « Jusqu’à quand jugerez-vous de travers en favorisant les coupables ? »

Lève-toi, Dieu ! Sois le juge de la terre.


Give justice to the weak and the orphan;

maintain the right of the lowly and the destitute. Rescue the weak and the needy;

deliver them from the hand of the wicked.”

Rise up, O God, judge the earth.

They have neither knowledge nor

understanding, they walk around in darkness;

all the foundations of the earth are shaken.

Rise up, O God, judge the earth.

I say, “You are gods, children of the Most High, all of you; nevertheless, you shall die like mortals, and fall like any prince.”

Rise up, O God, judge the earth;

for all the nations belong to you!

Rise up, O God, judge the earth.

Soyez des juges pour le faible et l’orphelin, rendez justice au malheureux et à l’indigent;

libérez le faible et le pauvre;

délivrez-les de la main des coupables.

Lève-toi, Dieu ! Sois le juge de la terre.

Mais ils ne savent pas, ils ne comprennent pas, ils se meuvent dans les ténèbres,

et toutes les assises de la terre sont ébranlées.

Lève-toi, Dieu ! Sois le juge de la terre.

Je le déclare, ‘Vous êtes des dieux, vous êtes tous des fils du Très-Haut ; pourtant vous mourrez comme les hommes, vous tomberez tout comme les princes. Lève-toi, Dieu ! Sois le juge de la terre, car c’est toi qui as toutes les nations pour patrimoine ! Lève-toi, Dieu ! Sois le juge de la terre.

Second reading: Romans 12 :1-13 / Deuxième lecture: Romains 12,1-13 (read in English) Je vous exhorte donc, frères, par les compassions de Dieu, à offrir vos corps comme un sacrifice vivant, saint, agréable à Dieu, ce qui sera de votre part un culte raisonnable. Ne vous conformez pas au siècle présent, mais soyez transformés par le renouvellement de l'intelligence, afin que vous discerniez quelle est la volonté de Dieu, ce qui est bon, agréable et parfait. Par la grâce qui m'a été donnée, je dis à chacun de vous de n'avoir pas de lui-même une trop haute opinion, mais de revêtir des sentiments modestes, selon la mesure de foi que Dieu a départie à chacun. Car, comme nous avons plusieurs membres dans un seul corps, et que tous les membres n'ont pas la même fonction, ainsi, nous qui sommes plusieurs, nous formons un seul corps en Christ, et nous sommes tous membres les uns des autres. Puisque nous avons des dons différents, selon la grâce qui nous a été accordée, que celui qui a le don de prophétie l'exerce selon l'analogie de la foi; que celui qui est appelé au ministère s'attache à son ministère; que celui qui enseigne s'attache à son enseignement, et celui qui exhorte à l'exhortation. Que celui qui donne le fasse avec libéralité; que celui qui préside le fasse avec zèle; que celui qui pratique la miséricorde le fasse avec joie. Que la charité soit sans hypocrisie. Ayez le mal en horreur; attachez-vous fortement au bien. Par amour fraternel, soyez pleins d'affection les uns pour les autres; par honneur, usez de prévenances réciproques. Ayez du zèle, et non de la paresse. Soyez fervents d'esprit. Servez le Seigneur.

Réjouissez-vous en espérance. Soyez patients dans l'affliction. Persévérez dans la prière.

Pourvoyez aux besoins des saints. Exercez l'hospitalité.


Alleluia Haleluya, Puji Tuhan, (Hallelujah, Praise God)

Gospel reading: Luke 4:14-21 / Lecture de l’Évangile : Luc 4,14-21 (read in Bahasa Indonesia)

Then Jesus, filled with the power of the Spirit, returned to Galilee, and a report about him spread through all the surrounding country. He began to teach in their

synagogues and was praised by everyone.

When he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, he went to the synagogue on the sabbath day, as was his custom. He stood up to read, and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him. He unrolled the scroll and found the place where it was written:

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

And he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant, and sat down. The eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on him. Then he began to say to them, “Today this

scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”

Jésus, revêtu de la puissance de l'Esprit, retourna en Galilée, et sa renommée se répandit dans tout le pays d'alentour.

Il enseignait dans les synagogues, et il était glorifié par tous.

Il se rendit à Nazareth, où il avait été élevé, et, selon sa coutume, il entra dans la

synagogue le jour du sabbat. Il se leva pour faire la lecture, et on lui remit le livre du prophète Ésaïe. L'ayant déroulé, il trouva l'endroit où il était écrit:

L'Esprit du Seigneur est sur moi, Parce qu'il m'a oint pour annoncer une bonne nouvelle aux pauvres; Il m'a envoyé pour guérir ceux qui ont le coeur brisé,

Pour proclamer aux captifs la délivrance, Et aux aveugles le recouvrement de la vue, Pour renvoyer libres les opprimés, Pour publier une année de grâce du Seigneur.

Ensuite, il roula le livre, le remit au serviteur, et s'assit. Tous ceux qui se trouvaient dans la synagogue avaient les regards fixés sur lui.

Alors il commença à leur dire: Aujourd'hui cette parole de l'Écriture, que vous venez d'entendre, est accomplie.

Alleluia Haleluya, Puji Tuhan, (Hallelujah, Praise God)

Message / Prédication Sevilla Leowinata


Hymne / Hymn Christ, Be Our Light Longing for light, we wait in darkness,

Longing for truth, we turn to you.

Make us your own, your holy people, light for the world to see.


Christ, be our light! Shine in our hearts.

Shine through the darkness. Christ, be our light! Shine in your church gathered today.

Longing for peace, our world is troubled.

Longing for hope, many despair.

Your word a lone has pow’r to save us.

Make us your living voice.

Longing for food, many are hungry.

Longing for water, many still thirst. Make us your bread, broken for others, shared until all are fed.

Longing for shelter, many are homeless.

Longing for warmth many are cold. Make us your building, sheltering others, walls made of living stone.

Many the gifts, many the people, many the hearts that yearn to belong. Let us be servants to one another signs of your kingdom come.

Engagement à la justice, la miséricorde et l’unité / Commitment to Justice, Mercy and Unity Jesus Christ prays for the unity of his

disciples. The gift of his life is justice for the world.

As members of the body of Christ, we are called to walk together in his path.

Let us hear his calling.

Holy Spirit, unite us in action.

As members of the body of Christ,

we are called to keep our lives free from the love of money, and be content with what we have. Let us break the cycle of greed and live in simplicity.

Holy Spirit, unite us in action.

As members of the body of Christ,

we are called to proclaim release to captives and victims of all forms of violence.

Let us help them to live in dignity.

Holy Spirit, unite us in action.

Jésus Christ prie pour l’unité de ses disciples. Le don de sa vie est justice pour le monde. Comme membres du corps du Christ, nous sommes appelés à marcher ensemble sur ses chemins. Écoutons son appel.

Esprit Saint, fais-nous agir ensemble.

Comme membres du corps du Christ, nous sommes appelés à demeurer libres par rapport à l’amour de l’argent, et à nous contenter de ce que nous avons.

Brisons le cercle de la cupidité et vivons dans la simplicité.

Esprit Saint, fais-nous agir ensemble.

Comme membres du corps du Christ, nous sommes appelés à annoncer leur libération aux captifs et aux victimes de toutes les formes de violence. Aidons-les à vivre dans la dignité.

Esprit Saint, fais-nous agir ensemble.


As members of the body of Christ, we are called to extend hospitality to strangers. Let us outdo one another in showing honour.

Holy Spirit, unite us in action.

As members of the body of Christ, we are called to proclaim the good news to the whole creation. Let us protect the life and beauty of God’s creation.

Holy Spirit, unite us in action.

Comme membres du corps du Christ, nous sommes appelés à étendre

l’hospitalité aux étrangers. Que nous nous surpassions les uns les autres pour leur faire honneur.

Esprit Saint, fais-nous agir ensemble.

Comme membres du corps du Christ, nous sommes appelés à proclamer la Bonne Nouvelle à toute la création.

Protégeons la vie et la beauté de la création de Dieu.

Esprit Saint, fais-nous agir ensemble.

Offering / Offrande St. Basil’s Choir

What does the Lord require of you but to dojustice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?

(Micah 6:8)

We commit ourselves to acts of justice.

Ce que le Seigneur exige de toi : rien d’autre que respecter le droit, aimer la fidélité, et t’appliquer à marcher avec ton Dieu. (Michée 6,8)

Nous nous engageons à poser des actes justes.

Offertory Prayer / Prière d’Offroire Gracious God, you have shown us your compassion and care for all creation.

Your love inspires us to offer these

commitments to act justly by loving others wholeheartedly regardless of their cultural, ethnic, and religious backgrounds.

Accept now our offerings and transform them into action for the unity of your Church.

We ask this through your Son Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit, who live with you as one God forever and ever.


Dieu de grâce, tu nous as montré ta compassion et ta sollicitude pour toute la création.

Ton amour nous inspire d’offrir ces

engagements : nous voulons agir avec justice en aimant les autres de tout notre cœur,sans tenir compte de leur origine culturelle ethnique ou religieuse.

Accepte nos offrandes et fais qu’elles se transforment en actes pour l’unité de ton Église. Nous te le demandons par ton fils Jésus Christ qui vit avec toi, dans la

puissance du Saint-Esprit, un seul Dieu pour les siècles des siècles. Amen.


Credo de Symbole de Nicée - Constantinople / The Nicene-Constantinople Creed

I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made.

Pour nous les hommes, et pour notre salut, il descendit du ciel ; par l’Esprit Saint, il a pris chair de la Vierge Marie, et s’est fait homme. Crucifié pour nous sous Ponce Pilate, il souffrit sa passion et fut mis au tombeau.

Il ressuscita le troisième jour, conformément aux Écritures, et il monta au ciel; il est assis à la droite du Père. Il reviendra dans la gloire, pour juger les vivants et les morts et son règne n’aura pas de fin.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets.

Je crois en l’Église, une, sainte, catholique et apostolique. Je reconnais un seul baptême pour le pardon des péchés. J’attends la résurrection des morts, et la vie du monde à venir. Amen.


Prière d’intercession / Prayers of the people Let us raise to the Lord our common prayer for the Church and for the needs of all humanity.

From the islands and the oceans, we worship you, O God, the Creator of life. Throughout the mountains and the valleys, we praise you, O God, the Saviour of the world. With the tongues of all nations, we thank you, O God, the Comforter of bodies and souls. We come before you bearing our burdens and hopes.

Today we ask you:

O God, hear our prayer and grant us your love.

We pray for those who live in the midst of injustice. Encourage us to lift up their voices and strengthen their hope. We pray for those who continue to perpetuate injustice. May your kindness fill our hearts and make us agents of freedom and peace. We pray for every institution and person who stands for justice. Let us act justly according to your words. Today we ask you:

O God, hear our prayer and grant us your justice.

We pray for the visible unity of the Church.

Lead us to fulfil Jesus’ prayer that we may be one and work together to manifest your Kingdom. Today we ask you:

O God, hear our prayer and grant us passion for unity.

We thank you for the many colours, cultures, and customs that we share in this world. In our differences, unite us by your love. Enable us to act together to uphold life

and to make this world a just and peaceful household for all humanity. Today we ask you:

O God, hear our prayer and grant us your peace.

Faisons monter vers le Seigneur notre prière commune pour l’Église et pour les besoins de toute l’humanité.

Par les îles et les océans, nous t’adorons, ô Dieu, Créateur de la vie. Par toutes les

montagnes et toutes les vallées, nous te louons, ô Dieu, Sauveur du monde. Avec toutes les langues, celles de tous les pays, nous te rendons grâce, ô Dieu, consolateur des corps et des âmes. Nous venons à toi, en portant nos fardeaux et avec nos espérances.

Aujourd’hui, nous te le demandons :

Ô Dieu, entends notre prière et donne-nous ton amour.

Nous prions pour ceux qui vivent dans

l’injustice. Encourage-nous à leur faire élever la voix et à fortifier leur espérance. Nous prions pour ceux qui continuent de commettre

l’injustice. Que ta bonté emplisse nos cœurs et fasse de nous des artisans de liberté et de paix.

Nous prions pour toutes les institutions et personnes chargées de la justice. Fais-nous agir avec justice, selon ta parole. Aujourd’hui, nous te le demandons :

Ô Dieu, entends notre prière et donne-nous ta justice.

Nous prions pour l’unité visible de l’Église.

Fais que, selon la prière de Jésus, nous soyons un et que travaillions ensemble à manifester ton Royaume. Aujourd’hui, nous te le demandons : Ô Dieu, entends notre prière et donne-nous la passion de l’unité.

Nous te rendons grâces pour les multiples couleurs, cultures et coutumes qui sont les nôtres en ce monde. Dans nos diversités, rassemble-nous par ton amour. Rends-nous capables d’agir ensemble pour défendre la vie et faire que ce monde soit un foyer de justice et de paix pour toute l’humanité.

Aujourd’hui, nous te le demandons :

Ô Dieu, entends notre prière et donne-nous ta paix.


La prière du Seigneur (Notre Père) / The Lord's Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Donne-nous aujourd’hui notre pain de ce jour. Pardonne-nous nos offenses, comme nous pardonnons aussi à ceux qui nous ont offensés. Et ne nous soumets pas à la tentation, mais délivre-nous du mal.

For Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory for ever and ever. Amen.

Choir Anthem The Anglican Parish of March

[Congregation is invited to form a circle around the sanctuary.]

Blessing / Bénédiction May the Love of the Lord

May the love of the Lord rest upon your soul. May God’s love dwell in you each and every day. May God’s countenance shine upon you and be gracious to you. May God’s Spirit be upon you as you leave this place.

Hymne / Hymn Light Dawns on a Weary World

Light dawns on a weary world when eyes begin to see all people’s dignity. Light dawns on a weary world:

the promised day of justice comes.


The trees shall clap their hands;

the dry lands, gush with springs;

the hills and mountains

shall break forth with singing!

We shall go out in joy, and be led forth in peace,

as all the world in wonder echoes shalom.

Love grows in a weary world when hungry hearts find bread and children’s dreams are fed.

Love grows in a wear world:

the promised feast of plenty comes.


Hope blooms in a weary world when creatures, once forlorn, find wilderness reborn.

Hope blooms in a weary world:

the promised green of Eden comes.


Dismissal / Envoi


Our deepest thanks to:

• Our friends at St. Basil’s Catholic Church for your hospitality and support to host the Week of Prayers for Christian Unity at your parish

• Volunteers who served as readers, musical leaders, liturgy assistants, and those who prepared for our fellowship time.

• Seville Leowinata, our guest speaker, who shared generously with us the context of Indonesia and realities of the peoples from whom our liturgy originated.

• Choir members from St. Basil’ Catholic Church, the Anglican Parish of March, and the Mennoite Church of Ottawa

• Liturgy consultant, Joshua Zentner-Barrett, musical director at Kanata United Church

Christian Council of the Capital Area Members

Gordon Smith Greek Orthodox Church, Treasurer

Deacon François Lortie Archdiocese of Ottawa

Rev. Jim Pot Presbyterian Church of Canada Rev. JoAnne Lam Evangelical Lutheran Eastern Synod

Rev. Canon John Wilker-Blakley Anglican Diocese of Ottawa, Vice-President

Ute Gerbrandt Ottawa Mennonite Church

Ruby Elver Women’s Interchurch Council

Rev. David Sherwin United Church of Canada, President Rev. Jacques Kabangu Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Ottawa Suzanne Le Multi-faith Housing Initiative, Secretary Rob Campbell First Baptist Church of Ottawa

Copyright Information:

“May the Love of the Lord” © 2000 Maria Ling Poh and Swee Hong Lim, admin. by the General Board of Global Ministires t/a GBGMusik

“We Are Called.” Text and music by David Haas © 1988 GIA Publications, Inc.

“Haleluya, Puji Tuhan” (Alleluia, Praise the Lord). Source: Traditional Soahuku, Seram Island, Indonesia © Christian I. Tamaela.

“Chirst, Be Our Light.” Text and music © 1993 Bernadette Farrell. Published by OCP Publications. All rights reserved. Used by permission.


Celebrating 2019 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in Canada

Every year, Christians around the world are invited to celebrate a Week of Prayer for the unity of all Christians, to reflect on scripture together, to participate in jointly-organized ecumenical services, and to share fellowship.

The international resources for the 2019 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity have been prepared by colleagues in Indonesia. The 2019 theme, Justice and only justice you shall pursue (Deut 16:18-20), calls us to move from shared prayer to shared action. Drawing on the traditional values of Bhineka Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity) and gotong royong (living in solidarity and by collaboration), Indonesian Christians invite us to be a united witness, and an agent of Christ’s healing grace in a broken world, by making specific commitments to justice, equality, and unity.

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity was first proposed in 1908 as an observance within the Roman Catholic Church by Fr Paul Wattson, founder of the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement in Graymoor, New York. Since the founding of the World Council of Churches in 1948, many other Christian denominations around the world have come to celebrate the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

In Canada, the Canadian Council of Churches and its ecumenical partners, the Canadian Centre for Ecumenism and the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, work for ‘unity in diversity’ by

supporting the celebrations of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity across Canada. For over 40 years, our Canadian ecumenical writing team has adapted the Week of Prayer materials developed by the World Council of Churches and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity for the Canadian context. We also create additional English and French resources for the use of Canadian communities and share them, as well as information about the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity celebrations across Canada, on weekofprayer.ca / semainedepriere.ca, and via social media.

The Canadian Council of Churches and its ecumenical partners, the Canadian Centre for Ecumenism and the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, invite you to support and participate in our work. You can learn more at councilofchurches.ca, oikoumene.ca or pcecumenism.ca.


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