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Convex solutions of a functional equation arising in information theory


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Convex solutions of a functional equation arising in information theory

J.-B. Hiriart-Urruty


, J.-E. Martínez-Legaz


aLaboratoire MIP, UMR CNRS 5640, Institut de Mathématiques, Université Paul Sabatier, 118, route de Narbonne, 31062, Toulouse cedex 09, France

bDepartment d’Economia i d’Història Econòmica, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 08193 Bellaterra, Spain Received 3 March 2006

Available online 14 July 2006 Submitted by Steven G. Krantz


Given a convex functionf defined for positive real variables, the so-called Csiszárf-divergence is a functionIf defined for twon-dimensional probability vectorsp=(p1, . . . , pn)andq=(q1, . . . , qn) asIf(p, q):=n

i=1qif (pqi

i). For this generalized measure of entropy to have distance-like properties, especially symmetry, it is necessary forf to satisfy the following functional equation:f (x)=xf (1x)for allx >0. In the present paper we determine all the convex solutions of this functional equation by proposing a way of generating all of them. In doing so, existing usualf-divergences are recovered and new ones are proposed.

©2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords:Csiszár divergence; Convex functions; Information theory; Functional equations

* Corresponding author.

E-mail address:juanenrique.martinez@uab.es (J.-E. Martínez-Legaz).

1 The research of the second author was supported in part by the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, Project MTM2005-08572-C03-03. He also thanks the support of the Barcelona Economics Program of CREA.

0022-247X/$ – see front matter ©2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



1. Motivation

Given a convex functionf:R+→R∪ {+∞}, the so-calledCsiszár f-divergenceis a function If:Rn+×Rn+→R,

(p, q)If(p, q):=

n i=1

qif pi



(HereRn+stands for the positive orthant ofRn, that is{p=(p1, . . . , pn)|pi 0 for alli}, and the specific meaning ofqif (pqi

i) forqi =0 will be made precise further.) The functionIf is a generalized measure of entropy whose distance-like properties make it useful in information theory, stochastic optimization and several other applications. This general notion of divergence measures in a certain sense the “distance” between two probability distributions. The functionf is sometimes called thekernelof thef-divergenceIf. IndeedIf(p, q)enjoys certain properties of a distance betweenp=(p1, . . . , pn)andq=(q1, . . . , qn), but, without further assumptions on the kernel function f, it is not a metric. First of all, to have If(p, q)=0, it is necessary to imposef (1)=0, a normalizationwhich is always possible to get at, provided that a spe- cific affine function is added tof (see the first example in Section 2). Secondly, observe that If(q, p)=If(p, q), where f is another kernel function defined as follows: for all x >0, f(x)=xf (1x)(with anad hoclimiting value at 0, see below). Moreover, as known in convex analysis (cf. [1, vol. I, p. 5] for example),this involution f f preserves convexity:f is convex if and only iff is convex. So, for symmetry reasons onIf, it is highly desirable that the kernel functionf satisfyf=f. Thirdly, the convexity off ensures that ofIf (more will be said on that later on), whenceIf(p+r, q+s)If(p, q)+If(r, s). All these questions moti- vate the present work the aim of which is to answer the following question:what are the convex functionsf solving the functional equation

f=f? (1)

The sequel of the paper is organized into two sections. In Section 2, we list some examples of convex functions solving (1): some of them give rise to the best known divergence functions used in mathematical statistics, information theory and signal processing; some are new and are built up from the characterization theorem (of solutions of (1)) derived in Section 3. Section 3 contains the main result: a convex functionf satisfies (1) if and only if a certain closed convex setCf in the plane, associated one-to-one withf, is symmetric with respect to the first bisecting line. Thus, the “functional” equationf =fis translated in terms of the simplest “geometrical” involution in the plane: a symmetry with respect to a line. This allows us to generate systematically and easily all the convex solutions of (1).

2. Mathematical setting and first examples

We begin by setting the mathematical context of our presentation and the notations used. The reader is supposed to be familiar with basic concepts of convex analysis, for which we will adopt the standard terminology of [1,2].



We denote byΓ (R+)the set of functionsϕ:R→R∪ {+∞}satisfying the following prop- erties:

ϕ(x)= +∞for allx <0, ϕis finite at some pointx0>0;

ϕis convex and lower-semicontinuous onR (one also says that it is closed convex onR).




The properties ofϕΓ (R+)are classical and can be found in any book on convex analysis, see [1, Chapter I, vol. I] for example. We cast some of them:

• IfϕΓ (R+), the valueϕ(0)is determined by the values ofϕon(0, )for >0 as small as desired;

• IfϕΓ (R+), so isϕ. In particular,ϕ(0)is the “slope at infinity” ofϕ, that is ϕ= lim


ϕ(x0+t )ϕ(x0)

t ,

wherex0>0 is any point at whichϕis finite.


Let us denote byG(R+)the set offΓ (R+)such thatf =f. The next properties clearly come from the definitions themselves: iff ∈G(R+),

f (0)=f(equality inR∪ {+∞});

• Eitherf is finite on some(0, ), >0, in which case domf (the set on whichf is finite) is(0,+∞)orf takes the value+∞on some(0, ), in which case domf is a line-segment with end-pointsrand 1/rfor some 0< r <1;

f is always finite-valued atx0=1. The “extreme” case is whenf is the indicator function of the singleton{1}plus a constant (i.e., domf = {1}, that is:f (1)=c∈R, f (x)= +∞

otherwise). In the other cases, domf contains a line-segment[r,1/r]for some 0< r <1 (so that 1∈int(domf )).

If we start with ϕ inΓ (R+),T (ϕ):= 12+ϕ)clearly lies inG(R+), if domf contains a line-segment [r,1/r] for some 0< r 1. Evidently,T (f )=f if and only if f ∈G(R+).

Note also thatϕ is normalized (i.e.,ϕ(1)=0) wheneverϕ is; so isT (ϕ). We call T (ϕ)the symmetrized formof the kernel functionϕ.

The transform T (·)may serve to build up functions in G(R+); it however does not help much for parameterizingG(R+), for two reasons: firstly it is not one-to-one, secondly (and more important), it is difficult to devise the appropriateϕsuch thatT (ϕ)=f when specific properties onf are desired (like the behavior around a point).G(R+)is aconvex cone(ofΓ (R+)), closed for the topology of pointwise convergence. Note also the following properties:

• The only functionsf ∈G(R+)which are constant on their domain (with 1∈int(domf )) are indicator functions of line-segments[r,1/r]for some 0< r <1, plus the other “extreme”

case, the indicator function ofR+. Thus, iff ∈G(R+)and 1∈int(domf ),f +c /∈G(R+) wheneverc=0;

• G(R+)is stable by the max operation: iff1andf2are inG(R+), so is max(f1, f2).


2.3. Divergence functions

In dealing with theϕ-divergence function attached with the kernel functionϕΓ (R+), we have to make precise the meaning ofqiϕ(pqi

i)whenqi equals 0. This is done via the following key-result from convex analysis: the so-calledclosed perspective functionofϕdefined onR2as

(x, y)∈R×R→ϕ(x, y)=




yϕ(xy) ify >0,

ϕx ifx >0 andy=0, 0 ifx=0 andy=0,

+∞ ifx <0 andy=0, ory <0,


is aclosed convex function[1, vol. II, pp. 40–41], [2, p. 67]. So, 0ϕ(00)is interpreted as 0, while 0ϕ(x0)isϕxforx >0. The functionϕturns out to be convex as a function of bothxandy, it is actually the support function of a closed convex set inR2, a property which will be instrumental in deriving the main result in Section 3.

To have thef-divergence functionIf meaningful, it is necessary to haveIf(p, q)0 for all (p, q)∈Rn+×Rn+; this is indeed achieved whenf ∈G(R+)is normalized.

Proposition 1.Letf ∈G(R+)be normalized;thenf 0onR+, so thatIf 0onRn+×Rn+. Proof. If domf = {1}, the only possibility forf is to be the indicator function of{1}, which is positive.

The other possibility is to have 1 lying in int(domf )(cf. Section 2.2). Then consider a sub- derivativesoff at 1 [1, vol. I, p. 22]; we have

f (x)f (1)+s(x−1)=s(x−1) for allx0.

So, xf

1 x


1 x −1

=s(1x) for allx >0.

In sum, sincef (x)=xf (x1)for allx >0,

f (x)s(x−1) for allx >0, (3)

an inequality which extends toR+ (because fΓ (R+)). Thus, f 0 onR+ (and therefore onR).

As an immediate consequence, f (x, y) =xy

xf 1


0 wheneverx >0 andy >0,

an inequality which extends to the whole ofR2(cf. the definitions in (2)). Whence the positivity ofIf onRn+×Rn+is proved. 2

There are shorter proofs of the positivity off under the normalization assumption; note how- ever that (3) provides anestimateof “how positivef is” in terms of the length of subderivatives off at the point 1.

Note that the positivity ofIϕ(p, q)was proved in [3, Corollary 3.1] under the sole assumption that the normalizedϕis inΓ (R+), but only for thosep, q∈Rn+satisfyingn




2.4. Examples

Here we list some examples off∈G(R+); in each case we note if the consideredf is defined as the symmetrized form of someϕΓ (R+), how to normalize it, and what divergence function it gives rise to (when the kernel function is named after someone, we recall it, borrowing from [3]

for that).

Example 2.1.Fora∈R, letf:x0→f (x):=a(x+1). This is one of the simplest functions inG(R+). Indeed iff ∈G(R+), then

x >0→f (x)f (1)

2 (x+1) (4)

is again inG(R+), but normalized now.

LetG0(R+)denote the set off ∈G(R+)which are normalized. Then, as forG(R+),G0(R+) is a closed convex cone and, according to what has just been explained,

G(R+)=G0(R+)+Rf1, (5) wheref1stands for the basic functionx >0→x+1.

Example 2.2(Kullback–Leibler).LetϕΓ (R+)be defined asx >0→ϕ(x):= −log(x). The symmetrized form ofϕis

x >0→1 2

xlog(x)−log(x) , which turns out to be normalized.

The correspondingf-divergence is (p, q)∈Rn+×Rn+If(p, q)=1

2 n i=1




+qilog qi



Example 2.3(Hellinger).Letf ∈G(R+)be defined as:f:x0→f (x):=(1−√

x )2. This function is normalized, and the correspondingf-divergence is

If(p, q)= n i=1



Example 2.4(Renyi).Forα >1, letϕΓ (R+)be defined asϕ(x):=xα. Then the symmetrized and normalized form ofϕ is

f:x >0→1 2

xα+x1α(x+1) . The correspondingf-divergence is

If(p, q)=1 2

n i=1

piαqi1α+pi1αqiα(pi+qi) .


Example 2.5(Theχ2-kernel).LetϕΓ (R+)be defined byϕ(x):=(x−1)2. The symmetrized and normalized form ofϕis

f:x >0→f (x)=1 2

x2x+1 x −1

. The associatedf-divergence is

If(p, q)=1 2

n i=1

pi2 qi +qi2


=1 2

n i=1


pi +(qipi)2 qi

(the so-calledsymmetrizedχ2-distancebetweenpandq).

Example 2.6.Fora >0, letf:x0→f (x):=a|x−1|. This is one of the most used kernel functions. Clearly,f ∈G0(R+), and the attachedf-divergence is

If(p, q)=a n i=1


(called thevariation distancebetweenpandq).

Example 2.7.Letf ∈G(R+)be defined byf (x):=√

x2+1. Its normalized version is f0:x >0→f0(x)=



2 (x+1).

Whence we get the associatedf0-divergence:

If0(p, q)= n i=1

p2i +qi2


2 (pi+qi)


Example 2.8.Letf ∈G(R+)be defined byf (x):= −√

x. When normalized, this kernel func- tion gives rise to

f0:x >0→f0(x)= −√ x+1


The correspondingf0-divergence has the following expression:

If0(p, q)= n i=1


2(pi+qi)−√ piqi

(summation of the gaps between the arithmetical means and the geometrical means of the (pi, qi)).

Example 2.9.Letf ∈G(R+)be defined as the following:

f (x):=1

x ifx1, x2 ifx >1.


After normalization we get at f0(x):=1

x −1

2(x+1) ifx1, x2−1

2(x+1) ifx >1.

This gives rise to the rather originalf0-divergence below:

If0(p, q)= n


[max(pi, qi)]2 min(pi, qi) −1



Example 2.10.We end our list with an example of kernel function taking the value +∞out of some interval of(0,+∞). For 0< r1, letfr ∈G0(R+)be defined as the indicator of the line-segment[r,1/r], that is:

fr(x):=0 ifrx1

r, +∞ otherwise.


Ifr(p, q)=

0 if all thepi andqi are strictly positive andrpqii 1r for alli;

+∞ otherwise.

3. The main result

As we began explaining in Section 2.3, with any ϕΓ (R+), it is possible to associate its closed perspective functionϕ (cf. (2)). This function is closed convex and positively homoge- neous (jointly in the real variablesxandy), it is therefore the support function of a closed convex set ofR2: we call such a set thegeneratorofϕ, and denote it byCϕ. Sinceϕ(x, y)= +∞for x <0 ory <0, the asymptotic (or recession) cone ofCϕ contains the negative orthantR2. An asymptotic cone ofCϕ strictly larger than R2 corresponds exactly to the case whereϕ takes the value+∞on somex >0 (this asymptotic cone cannot be the whole ofR2 since we have assumed by definition thatϕ is finite at somex0>0 (cf. beginning of Section 2.1). A little bit simpler but equivalent way of definingCϕ is:


(p, q)∈R2

px+qyyϕ x


for allx >0 andy >0

(6) (the support functionϕ ofCϕ is just the closure of the function which takes the valueyϕ(xy) wheneverx >0 andy >0, and+∞elsewhere).

The next result characterizes thosef which are inG(R+)in terms of a very simple geomet- rical involution: the symmetry with respect to a line. We alluded to this result in our earlier work on the Legendre–Fenchel conjugate of the reciprocal (or inverse) of a function [4, p. 548].

Theorem 2. f ∈G(R+)if and only if its generatorCf is symmetric with respect to the first bisecting line in the planeR2(of equationy=x).

Proof. We haveCf defined as in (6). The keypoint of the proof is the following: To havef ∈ G(R+), that is, satisfying

f (u)=uf 1


for allu >0,


is equivalent to having yf

x y

=xf y


for allx >0 andy >0. (7)

The geometrical interpretation of (7), via (6), is:Cf is invariant by the transformation(x, y)(y, x), i.e.,Cf is symmetric with respect to the first bisecting line in the planeR2. 2

LetC denote the collection of closed convex sets inR2, whose recession cones containR2 (but different fromR2), and symmetric with respect to the first bisecting line inR2. The back and forth relation between thef ∈G(R+)and theCinCis summarized below:

f ∈G(R+)CfCwhose support function isf(cf. (6))

CCfC:x >0→fC(x):=σC(x,1);

(8) aboveσCdesignates the support function ofC.

The second part of this correspondence is actually the process we used for designing the functionsf of G(R+)proposed in Examples 2.7–2.9, etc. Indeed, the geometrical properties ofC inCare translated into functional properties onfC: for example, a polyhedralCwill give rise to a polyhedralfC, the behavior of the boundary curve ofC(whenx→ −∞ory→ −∞for a boundary point(x, y)ofC) yields all the information on the behavior offCin the neighborhood of 0 or+∞. In short: given prescribed properties of the aimed functionf ∈G(R+), it is possible to deviseCCsuch thatfC=f.

Note that, in terms of the generatorCf, normalizingf amounts to translatingCf in an(a, a) vector direction. Whenf is normalized, the boundary curve ofCf passes through(0,0).

When considering the problem we have tackled, a natural question in the context of con- vex analysis we would raise is: what if the Legendre–Fenchel transformation enters into the picture? In fact, forϕΓ (R+), the Legendre–Fenchel conjugateϕof ϕ is the support func- tion of{(x,y)|(x, y)epif}([1, vol. II, Proposition 1.2.1], [2, Corollary 13.5.1]). Thus:

f ∈G(R+)if and only ifepif is symmetric with respect to the second bisecting line in the planeR2(of equationy= −x). So, to come back to ourCC, the generatorCf off ∈G(R+) is nothing else than the copy ofepifby the symmetry(x, y)(x,y)inR2.

We end by inviting the reader to put the scheme (8) into practice by drawing the generatorCf of thef in Examples 2.2–2.10, and by devising newf ∈G(R+)fromCC. Below we present some instances.

Fromf toCf. The generatorCf off ∈G(R+)can also be viewed as the subdifferential of the associated perspective functionfat(0,0). Consider for the sake of simplicity the case where f is finite on(0,+∞), so that the closure of domfisR2+and the asymptotic (or recession) cone ofCf =∂f (0, 0)isR2. According to [2, Theorem 2.5.6] or [1, vol. I, Section 6.3]:

Cf =cof (0, 0)+R2, (9)

wheref (0, 0)is the set of all limits of sequences{∇f (x n, yn)}such thatfis differentiable at (xn, yn)and(xn, yn)tends to(0,0)asn→ +∞. Here, the calculation in (9) is made easier due to the fact thatfis positively homogeneous, whence its gradient is constant along the half-rays directed by(x, y),x >0 andy >0. Indeed we have

f (x, y) =

f x


, f x


x yf

x y


Fig. 1.

whenever f is differentiable at y/x, so that a parameterization of the (essential part of the) boundary curve ofCf is provided by

f (s), f (s)sf (s)

, s >0. (10)

In the smooth case (i.e., whenf is differentiable on(0,+∞)), the closed convex hull operation is unnecessary in (9). In the nonsmooth case, we have to connect with line segments the pieces of curves obtained inf (0, 0).

Example 3.1. (Example 2.2 revisited.) According to the parameterization process described above, the boundary curve of the generatorCf attached with the Kullback–Leibler functionf is

1 2

1+log(s)−1 s




, s >0. (11)

Seef andCf in Fig. 1.

Example 3.2.(Example 2.9 revisited.) The essential part of the boundary curve ofCf is provided by two pieces of curves:

−1 s2−1

2,−2 s −1


, 0< s1;


2,s2−1 2

, s >1. (12)

We then connect them with a line segment, so that to obtainf (0, 0). Seef andCf in Fig. 2.

Example 3.3.(Example 2.7 revisited.) We have here:

f (0, 0)=


s2+1 −


2 , 1



2 s0

, (13)


Fig. 2.

Fig. 3.

a quarter of the unit circle centered at(22,22). We have to add two half-lines (the boundary ofR2) to get the whole boundary curve ofCf. Seef,f (0, 0)andCf in Fig. 3.

FromC tofC. The value at x >0 of the functionfC ∈G(R+)associated withCC is obtained by maximizing a linear form onC, namely:


px+q(p, q)C

. (14)


Fig. 4.

Example 3.4.Fora1, letCCbe drawn on the left part of Fig. 4. Then the corresponding fC∈G(R+)is defined as following:



1−ax if 0< x1/a, 0 if 1/a < xa, xa ifx > a.

We end by giving an analytical characterization of convex functions solving the functional equation (1). The following result deals with the simpler case of nonnegative functions satisfying the normalization conditionf (1)=0.

Proposition 3.Letf:[1,+∞)→R∪ {+∞}be a convex function satisfyingf (1)=0. Extend it to (0,1] by setting f (x)=xf (1x). Then the resulting function is convex(and satisfies the functional equation(1))if and only iff is nonnegative.

Proof. The “only if” statement follows from Proposition 1. Conversely, iff is nonnegative then, as its extension is also convex on(0,1],to deduce convexity on the whole of(0,+∞)it suffices to observe that 1 is a (global) minimum. 2

Theorem 4.Letf:[1,+∞)→R∪{+∞}be convex, and continuous at1 (from the right). Extend it to (0,1) by settingf (x)=xf (1x). Then the resulting function is convex(and satisfies the functional equation(1))if and only if

f (1)2f+(1).

Proof. By Proposition 3, the extension is convex if and only if its normalized form x >0→g(x)=f (x)f (1)

2 (x+1)

is nonnegative, which is in turn equivalent to the nonnegativity ofg+(1)=f+(1)f (1)2 . 2 The preceding characterization covers all convex solutions of (1) except the trivial ones (i.e., those consisting of the sum of the indicator function of the singleton{1}with a constant).

Proposition 3 and Theorem 4 admit obvious counterparts, which we omit, starting from a convex functionf:(0,1] →R∪ {+∞}.



[1] J.-B. Hiriart-Urruty, C. Lemarechal, Convex Analysis and Minimizations Algorithms I and II, Grundlehren Math.

Wiss., vols. 305 and 306, Springer, 1993. Second corrected printing, 1996.

[2] R.T. Rockafellar, Convex Analysis, second ed., Princeton Univ. Press, 1972.

[3] A. Ben-Tal, A. Ben-Israel, M. Teboulle, Certainty equivalents and information measures: Duality and extremal prin- ciples, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 157 (1991) 211–236.

[4] J.-B. Hiriart-Urruty, J.-E. Martínez-Legaz, New formulas for the Legendre–Fenchel transform, J. Math. Anal.

Appl. 288 (2003) 544–555.


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